Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 17 Dec 1903, p. 7

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Silver Ware, Table and Pocket Cutlery, Carving Sets, Shears, Razors and Shaving Snpplies, Stoves and Stove Furniture, Bats, Caps, Gloves, Mitts, Shoes, Clothing, Dress Goods and Notions in large assortment and at prices equal to any Chica­ go House. OSriUN BRO$., ricHENRY, ILL. General Hardware,--= Dry Goods, Shoes Notions. ^general Hardware,-- Dry G< Xmas j Joys j Christinas joy is always found in making others happy. A little gift, no matter what the cbst will brighten a persons life for a time, whether q$d or young. When looking for something for the father, mother, brothers' sisters or sweet hearts, do not fail to call and see our stock. Beautiful line of NOTIONS AND TOYS Books, Toilet Articles, Per­ fumes and all kinds of Toys. Call and see what we have, prised. Prices are low, too. You will be snr- Ringwood, Illinois. J. S. Brown & Son. A mtttmimin Fancy Grocers i Fine Confectionary in boxes. We are head­ quarters for everything in HOLIDAY CANDIES Broken Christmas candy per pound TLOc Fancy Peanut Candy, per pound 12 V*C Fancy Peanut Taffy, per pound 15C Molasses, Strawberry and Vanilla Taffy, per pound. 20c Coconut Bon Bons ass d flavors, per ft 20c Chocolate and Maple Fudge, per ft> 25c Choice Mixed Candy in 1 lt>. boxes 25c Fancy Bon Bons and Chocolates in 1 ft. boxes 40c Fancy Bon Bons and Chocolates in 2 pound ooxes. 75c Fancy Bon Bons and Chocolates in 3 pound boxes • .$1.00 Fancy Chocolates and Bon Bons in y* pound boxes 25c Celebrated Allegretta Chocolates per lb. -65c ExcarnloD Rates for the Holldayn. Via the North-Western Line. Excur­ sion tickets will be sold at reduced rates to points on the North-Western System and Union Pacific Railroad within 200 miles of selling station December 34, 25, 81, and Jannary 1, 1904. Apply to agents of Chicago & North-Western R'y. Dec. 31 Read The Plaindealer advertisements. They are interesting. JSANTA | SCLAUSf S % V ;• has surely made our Store his head- ^ '3 quarters this year. He has left ?! here everything imnginable in the way of novelties and $j McHenry, Illinois MHIIItltl"' Toys! Tin Toys, Iron Toys, Wood Toys. Horses, Carts, Wagons, Sleds, •& Dolls, Wheel barrows. Games and f% all the little Trinkets that make *»": the Children happy. .«£ We have many useful articles in ife the 10c department, too. that make nice gifts. Call and see the things | Nr. and Mrs. Emit Snyder. Ostrander Block, West McH enry. j lDeats! FRESH. SALT & SMOKED MEATS Vegetables and Fruit in Season. It is my Intention to Rive all customers the best service pos­ sible. 1 pay spot cash far hides, poultry and stock of all kinds, thus paying the lowest prices, and will sell on the same basis. We also buy Hogs for Kerber Packing Co. of Elgin, paying highest market prices. Drop us a card when ready to sell. A. C. MATTHEWS, WEST M'HENRY, ILL,. ; SIHIHMMIHIH--TTTWL TONY SCHNEIDER'S pl&ce is headquarters for Christinas CANDY and NUTS. The cleanest and freshest stock that money can buy. Call and be convinced. Candy in bulk at all prices. Better Grades in one pound Boxes. BANANAS AND ORANGES and all the delicacies that Santa Claus uses in filling the Stockings of the little ones. ^ NEAR "RIVER BRIDGE - - flcHENRY. Chronicled by our Able Corps of Correspondents BINOWOOD. Mrs. Hepburn was a Chicago visitor Tuesday. Miss Dora Coatee Was a Richmond vis­ itor Sunday. A. M. Garrison of Marengo was in town Friday. Norman Cheney of Rockford is the guest of his aunt, Mrs. C. Webster. The W. C. T. U. will meet. Saturday at the home of Mrs. H. W. Waterman. A Yeoman lodge with about thirty members was organized here Tuesday evening. Mrs. Allen Dixon of Uurnee, 111., was the guest of her brother, J. B. Bennett, and family several days last week. The Mystic Workers will meet Wed­ nesday evening and the annual election of officers will be held at that time. Remember the Novelty social to be held at the home of Mrs. W. H. Dodge New Year eve by the ladies of the Aid society. Refreshments will be served. Everybody invited. J (IHN8BUKGH. Hubert Klapperich was out hunting Monday. Clara Lay visited Christina Meyer Tuesday. Geo. Nell and wife visited Nick Pit- ren Thursday. Rosa Lay transacted business in Chi­ cago Wednesday. Jos. J. Freund will move on the farm of Geo. Stevens. « Casper Adams transacted business in Chicago Wednesday. Stephen H. Freund and wife visited in McHenry Tuesday. Lily Niesen of McHenry called on her grandmother Tuesday. Mamie Weber of Volo visited Katie and Lizzie Lay Sunday. Carrie Niesen made a pleapant call on her grandmother Sunday. Nick Weber and wife of Spring Grove visited Martin Freund Sunday Maggie King and Lena Michels callert on Mrs. Anna Burner Monday. John Miller and wife of Iowa are vis­ iting friends ht're for a couple of week?. Joe Michels and Stephen Schmitt were out hunting Thursday and shot quite a few rabbits. Mat Freund, Win. Miller and John Klapperich of Staceyville, I»wa, are visiting frien^p here. The Loiie8t«r!iUt«. Down in Texas at Yoakum is a big dry goods firm, of which Mr. J. M. Haller is the head. Mr. Haller, on one of his trips east to buy goods, said to a friend who w n with him in the palace car, "Here, take one of these Little Early Risers a«d you will be up early in the morning feeling good." For the "dark brown" t te, headache, and that logy feeling DeWi t's Little Early Ris­ ers are the best pills to use. Sold by all druggists. KMKRALD PAKK. Miss Mary Doherty of McHenry spent Monday evening with the Misses Frisby. Mr. and Mrs.Chas. Berkircher spent Monday and Tuesday with friends, in Chicago. Misses Mary Gibbs and-Mae Welch visited Miss Margaret Aylward Sund.n afternoon. Miss Lizzie Gorman of McHenry and Miss Irene Frisby vi.-ited Miss Luc> Sutton Sunday. Misses Kathryn Walsh and Margaret Sutton spent Saturday and Sunday with relatives in Chicago. Robert Aylward spent Wednesday evening with his schoolmate, Floyd Thompson, at Barreville. Miss Minnie Knox and pupils will give a basket social at the Prairie school house on Friday evening of this week All cordially invited to attend. Ladies bring baskets. All the tinsel and little trinkets used in decorating a Christmas tree can be found at Julia A. Story's Don't forget the "want ad "column! Long Hair "About a year ago my hair was coming out very fast, so I bought a bottle of Ayer's Hair Vigor. It stopped the falling and made my hair grow very rapidly, until now it is 45 inches in length." -- Mrs. A. Boydston, Atchison, Kans. There's another hung&r than that of the stomach. Hair hunger, for instance. Hungry hairneeds food, needs hair vigor--Ayer s. This is why we say that Ayer's Hair Vigor always restores color, and makes the hair grow long and heavy, N CO • MM. AH JRAGZISU. It your dru^'-'t tv. tinot snjiply you, 8t'inl us one dollar and we will «'X]>ress you a bottle. Bo sure and pive the name ot your nearest express ott»e. Address, J. C. AVKH <'<)., i/owell. Mass. INSIST UPON HAVING! THt GENUINE MURRAY & UNMAN S FLORIDA WATER THE MOST REFRESHING AND DELIGHTFUL PERFUME FOR THE HANDKERCHIEF. TOILET AND BATH. SOLON [People of Solon and virinity desiring to subscribe for The Plaindealer may leave their order with Miss Allie Turn­ er. The subscription price is $1.50 a year or 75 cents for six months. Ed.] Overton & Strickland fold cows at fair prices last week. * Quite a number from here attended Mrs. Tefft's sale Monday „ The Devil and the Turk at Cropley'p opera house. Come and MW them. Remember January 2 at Cropley's hall and govern yourselves accordingly. Thomas Andrews and family were callers at Mrs Emily Hawthorne's re- • cently. Mrs. Joe Etton is very sick and Mrs. John Merrell is improving some. Dr. Breniken iA the attending physician. Fred Healing, our depot agent, was taken suddenly ill and he. with his fam­ ily, has gone to their parents' homes in Iowa for a mnch needed rest. Plenty of accommodations for those attending the five concerts iriven at Cropley's opera bouse. Come and be convinced--you will be well pleased. Quite a number of the Royal Neigh- bore of Spring Grove and this place gave Harry Osmond and wife a surprise Mon­ day evening, and after being served with oysters and enjoying a pleasant entertainment all returned to their homes, with an» invitation to come again. The following named persons were chosen by the M. E. conference to fill the offices of the F-olon Mills M. E church: Trustees, John Skillicorn, Mrs. R B. Gardner, Mrs. E Brown; stew­ ards, Mrs. Geo Coates, Mrs E. Brown. C. Halderman; Sunday school commit­ tee, Mrs. Geo. Coates, Miss Bird Hodge, Miss F'oy Halderman. The band boys' supper last Friday evening was a success, and the boys ex­ tend their hea'rty thanks to those who brought such an abnndauce of hot "hicken pies, cakes, and the many other •jood things to eat, and to those who so willingly helped them during the even­ ing. Nearly seventy people came to partake of the good things, which goes to show that the boys have the good will of the community. By the united efforts of some of our enterprising young people a course of five entertainments will be given in our village this winter by attractions from the Glazier Lyceum bureau. The first attraction is the Chicago Ladies' Con­ cert Company, which comes highly recommended, after which comes W. J. Fairfield, cartoonist and lecturer. His subject is "The Value of a Line." "The Devil and the Turk in Their Own Country" will be presented in a splen­ did lecture by the distinguished travel­ er, Dr. J. R. Reitzel. Following this comes Wm. Sterling Batts, the king of impersonators. The last entertainment of the course will be given by the Glazier's Carolinians, six colored people who will sing some if the old favorites of slavery days. The season tickets will be on sale at F. L. Westerman's -tore, Saturday, Dec. 19. Come early and get just the reserved seat that yon want. The season tickets have been olacedf at the low sum of $1.00 for the entire course and fifty cents for cbil- Iren. The first entertainment will be ^iven Saturday evening, Jan. 2, in the Solon opera house. OSTKND. . Winter is surely here. The gronnd is covered with snow and sleigh bells are jingling. Cora Lincoln of Harvard has been vis­ iting for the past two weeks with rela­ tives and friends. E. Bassett threshed corn for Chas. Florida last week, taking his machine home in a snow storm. The Thomas boys have broken their hnsker and are having a delightful rest this nice cold weather. Your correspondent has been confined to the house the past week with a sprained knee and rheumatism. Sam Lincoln, who hauled his yearly load of buckwheat to McHenry for grinding, has returned to his home at Harvard. There will be a Christmas tree for the children at the Ostend school house with exercises by the Sunday school. There will also be exercises at the pub­ lic school. The farmers «re kept busy caring for their stock and delivering milk these (litys. but we have enough to eat and fuel to keep us warm. Pity the poor. Think of »hem. you who have plenty to spare. Give them a kind word. HOLCMM HVII.MC. A. P. Peck went to Batavia Tuesday. A. P Peck spent last week at Grand Rapids, Mich. Wm. £enk and Eddie Carrol drove to Elgin Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Hunt were Nunda visitors Tuesday. Mesdames T. L. and E. Flanders were McHenry visitors Tuesday. Chas Schroeder of Nunda was acallei at F Schroeder's Tuesday. Wm. P« wers and family are enter­ taining company this week. Misses SopLa and Dora Willey and cousin from Kansas spent, Monday at F. Willey's. MiBS Grace Doherty spent Wednesday ovening with her grandmother, Mrs. Langhlin, at McHenry. A Frightened horse, Running like mad down the street, dumping the occupants, or a hundred >ther accidents, are everyday occur­ rences. It behooyes everybody to have a reliable Salve handy and there's none as good as Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Burns, Cuts, Sores. Eczema and Piles disappear quickly under its soothing effect. 25c, at Julia A- Story's, McHen­ ry, and G. W. Besley *8, West McHenry, drug stores. & Up to Christmas we will keep our stock well supplied with eyerything in the line of HARNESS AND HORSE GOODS that one would be likely to want for their own use or for presentation to friends. There's a fine line of Lap Robes, Whips, Etc , from which pleasing gifts can be selected. Besides these we have a charming variety of ' SLEIGH BELLS Body Straps from $1.35 to $3.35 Shaft Chime Bells from 45c to $3.00 ^ Swedish Bells on Straps $3.35 and $2.50 GUS CARLSON '»ife : 'MM SPRING GROVE ITEMS [Peopjer of Spring Grove and vicinity desiring to subscribe for The Plaindeal­ er may leave their order and money I with Mrs. R. A. Oxtoby, our correspond- j ent. 1'he subscription price is $1.50 a year or 75 cents for six months. ED. 1 Mabel Shotliff is on the sick list. Colby Moss was a Burlington visitor Thursday. Elmer Orvis was a business caller here Monday. Frank Rudolph of Wilinot was a call­ er here'Monday. Theodore Spoonholtz was a Richmond visitor Friday. Jas. Westlake has gone to Lake Villa to remain during the ice season. Alexander Anderson had his hand badly lacerated by a corn shelter Mon­ day. A number from here attended the farewell party at Harry Osmond's Mon day evening. At the election of officers for the M. E church Mrs Anna Bower and Mrs G. Westlake were chosen trustees. A Christmas program and entertain­ ment will be given at the M. E church December 24 under the'auspices of the Sunday school. All are cordially in­ vited. The following officers were elected in Spring Grove Camp M. W. A.: War­ ren C. Moss, Venerable Consul; James Pierce. Worthy Adviser; James Neish, Cl»*rk; Andrew Stevens. Sentry. Several of the friends of Mrs. Tefft uiet at her home last Friday evening to spend a few hours with her before her removal to Vail, Iowa, where she will make her home with her daughter, Mrs. Clark White. CHRISTMAS BARGAINS- C. F. Hall Co.'a Bargain Sales. Fight Will be Bitter. iose who will persist in closing their ears against the continaul recommenda­ tion of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption will have a long and bit­ ter fight with their troubles, ifnoteuded earlier by fatal termination. Read what T. R. Beall of Beall. Miss., has to say: "Last fall my wife had every symp­ tom of consumption. She took Dr. King's New Discovery after everything else had failed. Improvement came at once and four bottles entirely cured her." Guaranteed by Julia A. Story, McHenry, and G. W. Besley, W. Mc­ Henry, druggists. Price 50c and $1.00. Trial bottles free. VOLO. John Oeflling is sick with typhoid fever. Geo. Kuebler of Palatine was in town Friday. A. J. Raymond was in Chicago Wed­ nesday. John Richardson transacted business in Chicago Wednesday. Rosing Bros, entertained relatives from Kenosha last week. We all wonder when the wedding bells are going to ring. Miss Maud Walton. Sarah Nichols and Will Hironimus are sick with meas­ les. Mrs. Dorfler of Ivanhoe visited her daughter, Mrs. G Rosing, last Wednes­ day. Mrs. Dryer and son, George, are mov­ ing back to their old home in our little village. ift\e Marion Huson has been qnite ai<<k with measles and bronchitis, but is improving at this writing. Miss Elsie Smi'h's school at Fort Hill closed last Friday until January 1. Nearly all the pupih are sick with meas­ les. Will Huson has rented the living rooms in the cream»rv, moving there last Monday Mr. Gift, the butter maker, w ill board there. BIIIOUH Colic Prevented. Take a double dose of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy as soon as the first indication of the dis­ ease appears and a threatened attack may be warded off. Hundreds of peo pie who are subject to attacks of bilious colic use the remedy in this way with perfect success. For sale by all drug­ gists. Fifty YMK HIS Studaril & jrov«s tht flavor and adds t# it haalthfulnass of tho food. MIOI BAKING rowoia 00. CHIOAOO Full sise Fascinators 15c; _ Fancy Mixed Candies 6c lb.; 36x72"'in. All Wool Reversible Rugs, fast colors. $1.98; 50-in. Electric Seal Boas 69c, Collarettes 98c and $1.19; Good sized 4-wheeled Wagons 25c, 2-wheeled. 10c; Men's Silk Mufflers, with Quilted Backs, 25c; 20- piece Toy dinner Sets 25c; Large Iron Toys 25c; Full size Sleds 25 and 49c; 12-in. Fancy Dressed Dolls 25c; Special Lamp Purchase, 3 Styles, beautifully decorated Globes, 69, 98, $1.49; Fancy Decorated Plates 10c; Men's All Silk Neckties 5 and 10c; Sample Hdkf. Sale-- all of Marshall Field & Co.'s Sample Hdkfs.--Men's and Ladies'--5, 8, 10 and 15c, worth up to 25c; Canvas Leggings, 50 and 60c goods, 89c; Beet Roasted Peanuts 10c lb.; Ladies' Fox Scarf Boas $3.93; Men's Silk and Wool Mufflers, lined, 19c; Full size Fringed Towels 15c; 6 Knives, 6 Forks, heavily plated, packed in fancy box, $1.89; Men's Can­ vas Coats with fur collar, $1.89, actual­ ly cost $2.25 to make. Men's 50c Satin Nevkties 25c. Bring your children down to see the Toys and Christmas goods. Yon are welcome. To customers coming from Mciienry, trading $10.00 and showing round trip R. R. Ticket, we refund full car-fare both ways. C. F. HALL CO., Dundee, 111. Revolution Imminent. A sure sign of approaching revolt and serious trouble in your system is ner­ vousness, sleeplessness or stomach up­ sets. Electric Bitters will quickly dis­ member the troublesome causes. It never fails to tone the stomach, regu­ late the Kidneys and Bowels, stimulate the Liyer and clarify the blood. Run down systems benefit particularly and all the usual attending aches vanish un­ der its searching and thorough effective­ ness. Electric Bitters is only 50c, and that is returned if it doesn't give per­ fect satisfaction. Guaranteed by Julia A. Story, McHenry, and G. W. Besley, W. McHenry, druggists. Books of every description at Julia A. Story's. Fiction, History, Romance. Gift books and beautifully bound books. Nothing nicer as a present BLACK - DRAU6HT STOCK »«<l POULTRY MEDICINE Stock and poultry have few troubles which are not bewel and liver irregularities. Black- Draught Stock and Poultry Medi­ cine is a bowel and liver remedy for stock. It puts the organs of digestion in a perfect sondition. Prominent American breeders and farmers keep their herds and flocln healthy by giving them an occa­ sional dose of Black-Draught Stock and Poultry Medicine in their food. Any stock raiser may buy a 25-cent half-pound air-tight can of this medicine from kis dealer and keep his stock in vigorous health for weeks. Dealers gener­ ally keep Black-Draught Stock and Poultry Medicine. If yours does not, send 25 cents for a sample can to the manufactvae. The Chattanooga Medicine Qa., Chi tanooga, Tenn. loonua, QA., Jan. SO, MM. Black-Draught Stock and Poultry Medicine is the beat I erer tried. Our stock was looking bad when yon cent m. thg m*dicin* and now thoy m C«ttin( so fine. They ar« looking 10 Mr oant. better. 8. P. BROOKINQTOIF. Report from the Reform School. J. G. Gluck, Superintendent, Prnnty- town, W. Va.. writes: "After trying all other advertised cough medicine* we have decided to use Foley's Honey and Tar exclusively, in the West Virgin*- ia Reform School. I find it the most effective and absolutely harmless." Sold by G. W. Besley, W. McHenry. Ay - CHANGE OF LIFE |*tw«en the Ages of Forty and Fifty to • Critical Time of Lifa for feat* MEN AND WOMEN KWnsy Diseases Cause Man^ Dwllw During thla Perilous ParlOd J. rl It la not generally known that the bodle# ^ of men as well as women usually undergo ^ great changes between the sges of forty ?.' f and fifty. With some the period com* •, V;. mences earlier and with others It Is ex*'. tended later. With all It Is marked by th< •" » overloading of the blood with Impurltleff. ^ '/• •rising from the marked changes that ar# taking place. The kidneys that filter th# |v;^: -..a blood often become weak during thlt ^ f period, and the poisons they should hav* V ^ '%'j, '•>' eliminated are carried everywhere wlU| Or ^ 1 Av,'J! the blood, causing a train of symptom! ^ ^ v| that indicate certain death nnless thel£: cause Is removed. V'•>! •1 "" Here are some of the Indications thaP' * the kidneys are overburdened and breakM^v ing down: flashes of heat over the face off- body, backache, headache, tired feelings^ indigestion, nervousness, heaviness an#i pains in the feet and legs, swelling of tht' ' feet and ankles, chilly sensations, loss o|*:/. weight, Irregular flow of urine, whld|" may be cloudy or give a sediment om ; standing, hot and dry skin, coated When any of the above symptoms ar» . noticed, then look out for the kidney* V We know of nothing so certain to act aff v ; the right thing in the right place aft*; FOLEY'S KIDNBT CURB. It is compose# of the best known agents recommended by the highest authorities on kidney troubles. It Is an honest preparation anf^ one that is thoroughly reliable in all caiajr G. W. BESLEY. West McHenry. > -b* ft • • CHARLES 0. fRfll Wholesale and retail dealer In & m Smoked Heats, Sau^e McHenry - Illinois , •: ,-i BO YEARS* EXPERIENCE PATENTS I RADE NIARni DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS «JLC- : ng a oketoh and description tn*y iV' in our opinion freo whether auR mvenuou is \n patentable. ConimuiUra* /;;.*• tions strictly confidential. HANDBOOK on ^ sent free. Oldest agency for atK-urun^n*Mnt*. s iff',, • a.'.: An yon quickly invpntti •ial notice* without charge, in th* t CI\. recelT fjt l 11** IWlHCi « «' «- Scientific American. \ handsomely illustrated w«ekh I invest on eulution of any s.-U'iitiOo Journal. Terms. *3 year; four months, $L Sold by all newad«al«rw MjJNN & Co.'6""0*"""' New York BMuach Office, 636 F 3t_ WashingrSo. DwC. *5^ California Oregon Washington Fast through trains daily over the Chicago, Uuion Pacific & North-Western Line. Direct route and excellent train service. Two trains a day to San Francisco, Los Angeles, Portland Through service of Pullman compartment drawins-room an J tourist sleeping cars. Dining cars, library anj ob*er. jtton cai>. b-itfet ing and free reclining chair cars. DaSy and PtrsMtliy Conducted Eicursta i 'wm-'- .lii • For ticket* ind information apply to igcnti of The North-wester* Liae or addrett W. B. KNISKCRN. P.T.M- C. A N. V. CHlCAo t>3 - .j mm mm Jii

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