Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 21 Jan 1904, p. 7

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* 7 ^ ' * • * - ^ ' v . : ' :;&.7;'i SECOND :*$' UIIIIAliT (UAMIK SAU | of Stoves and General Hardware at CUT PRICES j must be sold to make room for Spring Goods. Tin J S h o p w o r k o f A N Y K I N D a t l o w e s t p r i e s t . . . ; f $ OSHUN BROS., ricHENRY, 114- Oeneral Hardware, --Dry Qoods, Shoes-- Notions. I '•RMGWOOD DRUG STORE! i I ! t | Ringwood, Illinois. J. S. Brown & Son. J Everything in the drug line can be found her©. .. Our stock is clean and up to date and handle- nothing but the best of everything. Patent?- Medicines of all kinds can be found here. Pre­ scription* carefully, compounded. $ 'I' $ l|» $ «t» «$ $ $ $ 'I' $ *|' $ $ FURNITURE! We will this year carry a very complete and up- to-date stock of Furniture and promise our cus­ tomers better service than ever before. If there is anything in this line you are in need of call and get my prices before buying and com­ pare them with the flashy Chicago prices. UNDERTAKING AND EHBALHINQ My strictest attention is always given in Un­ dertaking and embalming. I make a specialty of this work and all calls are promptly attended to. Ja^cob J\isten. A A A A A A A A »•« A A ̂ «•» mmill 111 111 III W y,1ij,' y,1 l4»l l4>114*1 V V " «I» t4»l l4« "+1 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A ^ yyyTy* T^yryyT^yT^i* *yryTT|Tty tyty* New Pianos j which I can GUARANTEE for TEN YEARS ^ from $150 up. Good used Pianos from Y $75 to $150. Pianos to rent from S2.00 ^ to $4.00 a month. Six months rent allowed £. on purchase. I have a few Second hand & Organs, taken in exchange for Pianos, which I will sell at Bargains or rent for Y $1.00 a month. j? Sv PIANO TUNINQ AND REPAIRING v at reasonable prices. T 2 First Class Work jQnly. j ^ McHenry. ft. H. OWEN, j f S jT« A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A **1** *V lV lV %V lV lV *V XV XV %V lV lV lV V *V lV V lV 4» lV lV M1 lV l+J V When Ypu Build No matter whether it be a'mansion, cottage, barn or shed, let ae give you figures on (be material. Oar pri are as low as any and we handle everything needed the construction of Buildings. , '*'-1 Lumber, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Building Paper, Cement, Lime, Etc. Also large stock of Brick, Tile and Fence Wire. Hard and Soft Coal. FEED, GRAIN AND FLOUR / Can sell feed in any quantity to snit the purchaser at low­ est market prices. We also buy and sell all kinds of Grain. WHITE SWAN FLOUR is hard to beat. Try * sack and be convinced. We wish to thank the people tit this vicinity for the patronage of the past and hope by , fair dealing and honest prices to retain their patronage. ' WILBUR I.UflBHR CO. McHENRY, ILLINOIS, N E I G H B O R I N G N E W S Chronicled by our Able Corps of Correspondents SPRING GROVE. " [People of Spring Grove and vicinity desiring to subscribe for The Plaindeal- er may leave their order and money with Raymond Moss, our correspond­ ent. The subscription prio« is a year or 75 cents for six mouths. ED ] Peter Bower is filling hio ice house. Mies Edna Pierce is very ill with la grippe. Freddie Shotliff is among those on the sick list. Mrs. Fuller is entertaining tier moth­ er at present. James Pierce is able to be out after a week s illness. Clifford Wickham of Zenda visitei relatives here Sunday. Ena Richardson has been sick tie past few days with tonsilitis. Mr. and Mrs. E. Hopper attended tb® Allen sale at Ringwood last week. John Bowers bad the misfortune to cut his arm badly with an ice pick. Roy Thompson and Theodore Spoon- holtz were Geneva visitors Sunday. Andrew Naisbv has moved the bank and postoffice into Kis new building. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Peacock of Mound Prairie visited at James Neish's Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Burdick of Alden visited their daughter, Mrs. Churchill, last week. Mr and Mrs. Wm. Overton and daughter, Addie, called at J. Richard­ son 's the first of the week. Mrs. Gh^st Thompson, a former resi­ dent of this place and now at Zioi^, near Wankegan, is in very poor health. We were misinformed in regard to the sale of Selim Pierce's house, it not having been sold as stated in last we#k's issue. We are sorry to state that our genial station agent, Mr.- Meredith, will leave here soon, but glad to know that he has received a much more lucrative posi­ tion. Mr. and Mrs. James Turner of He­ bron and Mrs. Ren Johonnott of Anti- och were here the first of the week, be­ ing summoned on account of the serious illness of Mrs. Janette Turner. Mr. Truax will lead the Christian En­ deavour next Sunday evening, the sub­ ject being "What it Christ came to our Town." Let all turn out and discuss as weli as listen to discussions on this sub­ ject. Do we stop to think that this in­ fluence, this interest shown in our meet­ ings may be of greatest benefit to us and our families? We surely have many in­ fluences of an opposite nature confront­ ing us on every side. While soldering Monday morning J. J. Freund's soldering stove exploded, setting fire to his hardware store in the rear, and but for the timely aid lent by every one near, the building and likely several others would have been con­ sumed • s the fire burned fiercely from the start. The building was insured, but the stock was not Mrs. Freund sus­ tained such a nervous shock that she is very ill. Mr. Freund wishes to thank the many friends who so ably assisted him. SCHOOL. NOTES. Willie Huff is back to scbo >1 with us again. Bernie Neish has been absent for some days on acconnt of sickness. Several of the pupils attended the second evening of the Star course at Solon Saturday. Miss Sanoorn and Mr. Truax spent Saturday in the city, visiting the Field Columbian museum. Among the new scholars registering lately are Ralph Churchill, Leo Huff. Nick Scbaeffer, Antone and Mary Schu­ macher and Bernie May. Owing to the breaking up of the Ger­ man school south of town the attend­ ance in our school has been so greatly ncreased that the fourth grade has beeu placed in the grammar room, thus equalizing the enrolment in both rooms. Report of Spring Grove Public school for the fourth month of school ending January 11: Room 1. Number of days taught 18 Grand total days of attendance 656 Number of pupils enrolled 81 Average daily attendance 29 Number on roll of honor 14 Lillian Sanborn, Teacher. Room 2. Number of days taught 19 Grand total days attendance 4241 Number of pupils enrolled. 84 Average daily attendance 22 Number on roll of honor lft Allison E Trnax. Teacher. Saved From Terrible Death. The family of Mrs. M. L. Bobbitt of Barge rton, Tenn., saw her dying and were powerless to save her. The most skillful physicians and every remedy used, failed, while consumption was surely taking her life. In this terrible hour Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption turned despair into joy. The flirt bottle brought relief and its continued use completely cured her. It's the most certain cnre in the world for all throat and lung troubles. Guar­ anteed Bottles 50c and $1.00. Trial Bottles Free at Julia A Story's, Mc­ Henry, and G." W. Besley's, W. Mc­ Henry, Drug Stores. Job work of all kinds neatly done at this office. A Tnmllug Man's Experience* Mr. Albert Eldredge. representing the Edgar Priuting Co., Paris, 111., says: "I used Harts' Honey and Horehound during the winter of 1901 and 1902 for a bad cold and la grippe I found it an excellent medicine, which effected a cure in a short time." Our readers are invited to call on the druggist named below and secnfe a large sample bottle of this excell nt medicine free. 25c, 50c and $1.00 bottles. Sold by Qr, -W. ley, druggist, W. McHeurj. * V- f ) RINGWOOD. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Johonnott, Fri­ day, Jan. 15, a SOIL Miss Lelia Carr of Moreland is the gnest of relatives and friend* here. The W. C. T. U. will meet with Mrs, Francisco on Saturday, January 80. Tea will be served. Mrs. Frank Cheney and son, Norman, of Rockford were guests of Mr. aod Mrs C.^W. Webster last week. The little daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Hepburn, who has been seriously ill with the grippe, is much improved at this writing. The Ladies' Aid dinner on Friday was a success both socially and financi­ ally. A number of the McHenry ladies were in attendance. Geo. Stevens returned Tneeday from a three weeks' sojourn in Texas. He is much pleased with the conntry and invested in a tract of land while there. Nathan Stevens and wife returned last week from Terre Haute, Ind., where they had been the guests of their daugbter, Mrs. Johonnott, for several weeks. Carrol and Harry Cristy, Ray Dodge and Glinn'Francisco returned to their school duties at Valparaiso Tuesday, having spent several days with their respective parents. Rev. Miller will give a lecture under the auspices of the W. C. T. U. at M. W. A. hall on Wednesday evening, January 27. The evening's entertain­ ment will include several selections of mu*ic, a chorus by the L. T. L. chil­ dren and two solos and song by the W. C T. U. The lecture will be free, but a collection will be taken to defray expenses. A Very Close Call. • "I stuck to my engine, although ev­ ery joint ached and every nerve was racked with pain," says C. W. Bellamy, a locomotive fireman of Burlington, Iowa. "I was weak and pale, without any appetite and all run down. As I was about to give up, I got a bottle of Electric Bitters, and after taking it I felt as well as I ever did in my life." Weak, sickly, run down people always gain new life and vigor from their use. Try them. Satisfaction guaranteed by Julia A. Story, McHenry, and G. W. Besley, W. McHenry. Price 50c. SOLON [People of Solon and vicinity desiring to subscribe for The Plaindealer may leave their order with Miss Allie Turn­ er. The subscription price is $1.50 a year or 75 cents for six months. Ed.] Moving will soon be in order. Mrs. R. L. Turner was a victim of la grippe last week. Lloyd Mills and Mr. Case of Antioch were recent visitors. Mrs. Eva Thorn is visiting friends and relatives in Chicago. Paul Trow was the guest of his sister, Mrs. A. Men-ell, recently. Rnmor says there is soon to be an­ other wedding in this vicinity. * Mr. Smith of Madison, Wis., was a pleasant caller at Geo. Vogel's recently. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ay 1 ward oi Grayslake visited relatives here Satur­ day. Louie Turner ud aunt, Mre. C. L. Turner, were Spring Grove visitors re­ cently. The Christian Union meeting will le led by Mrs. Maud Merrell next Sunday evening. A large number from here attended the special sales at the 8pring Grove stores Tuesday. Ervin Overton, a wide awake young farmer of English Prairie, was a recent business caller. Mitw Anna James and mother, Mrs. W. James, were recent visitors mt Mrs. Will Campbell's. Mr. and Mrs H. J. Christian are vis iting their daughter, Mrs. Nellie Phil­ lips, in Chicago. Mrs. C. T. Botay went to the city to attend the funeral of an aunt, an Iroquois victim. Elmer Fuller and family of Spring Grove visited Chas. Worcester a couple of days last week. Our next entertainment will be held the 29th of this month. M. J. Fairfield, cartoonist, lectures. The Red Cross Lodge met with a full house Saturday evening. Special meet­ ing will be held Thursday. Will Davis and gentleman friend of Chicago visited the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Davis, recently. We rejoice to hear from California that Miss Marguerite Aylward is im­ proving, having gained several pounds. A surprise party was given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Elfers Tuesday evening last. All had a pleas­ ant time. Mrs. Mary Walker has returned to her home at Lake Geneva after a pleas­ ant visit with her sister, Mrs. Chas Halderinan. Harry Osmond *e family is at Antioch preparing to move there. We are sorry to lose them, but what is our loss will be Antioch's gain. Mrs. E. S. Johonott, Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Monear and Miss Maria Brown were callers at the home of the former's son, Wm. Johonett, principal of the Ring- wood school, who ft the smiling papa of a fine boy. An Editor's Recommendation. Mr. H. J. Keeler, publisher of the Press, Maiden Rock, Wis., writes, "Al­ low me to Bay that. I have recently used a bottle of Harts' Honey and Ho;ehound and found it a valuable remedy for a cold and congh. I have personally rec­ ommended it in several cases and hear a good word from all." When onr readers want a reliadle medicine for Colds. Coughs, Croup and Whooping Congh there is no other so satisfactory as Harts' Honey and Horehound. Large bottlee 25c, 50c and $1.00. Sold by GK W. Beeley, druggist, W. McHenry. Looking for Good Harness Want it at a reasonable Know where to get it? GUS CARLSON, - McHENRY, has the best Harness and Horse Goods to be found in this city. This is no idle boast. The fine style, superior workmanship, excellent material and finish of both the CARRIAGE AND WORK HARNESS and the moderate prices at which we sell, recom­ mended these GOODS to all classes of buyers. COMbett JOHNSIiUROH. George Wirfs was a Yolo visitor Mon­ day. Peter Niesen was at McHenry Thurs­ day. C. M. Adams was a Chicago passenger, Wednesday. John Jnsten of McHenry was a visitor here Friday. " John Oeffling of Yolo was a visitor here Sunday Mat Freund of Wauconda was a vis­ itor here Saturday. John P. Lay transacted business in Chicago Thnrsday. Mr. and Mrs. William Eattner were callers here Sunday. Misses Lizzie and Ella Schaefqr were Yolo visitors Sunday. John Bowers and lady friend were visitors here Sunday. Mrs. John Niesen of McHenry visited friends here Thursday. Joe Michels and Jake Miller drove to Spring Grove Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Molidor Bpent Monday with friends here. Geo. Meyers and family of McHenry drove through here Sunday. John Schaffer and John P. Day were Chicago passengers Monday. Mrs. Britz. returned home Friday from a visit to her daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Freund visited John P. Lay and family Friday. Quite a number of young people were out sleighing Sunday afternoon. Misses Maggie. Rosa and Katie Jnsten of McHenry visited friends here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Weber of Spring Grove spent Sunday with friends here. Miss Delia Niesen was the guest of Miss Carrie Niesen at McHenry Thurs­ day. Mrs. Peter Niesen and daughter, Delia, were MoHenry visitors Wednes­ day. Mi*, and Mrs. John Bugner left for the latter's home at Alvada, Ohio, Thursday Misses Mary and Susie Hoffbaner re­ turned to their home in Alvada, Ohio, Thursday. Wm. Holts and Peter Engeln of Mc­ Henry and Geo. Rosing of Volo were Sunday visitors. Misses Carrie Niesen and Carrie Roth- mel, Peter Jueten and Will Schreiner were callers here Sunday afternoon. Jos. H. Huemann has a set of bob sleighs which were shipped to him by mistake. Any one in need of them should call. There is a bargain for you. A double wedding will take place here next Wednesday, January 27, the bridal parties being Mat Freund to Lizzie Freund and Mike Freund to Mary Freund. Miss Lena Smith entertained a num­ ber of her friends Monday afternoon. Those present were as {pllows: Misses Lizzie May, Annie Jnsten, Margarite Adams, Susie Miller, Lena Michels, Susie Freund. Tina Pint, Maggie King, Maggie Tonion and Hellen Smith. A pleasant afternoon was enjoyed by all. An Kdltor Speak*. Editor Lynch of "Daily Post," Phil- ipsburg, N. J-, has tested the merits of Foley's Honey and Tar with this result: "I have used many patent remedies in my family for coughs and colds, and 1 an honestly say that your Honey and Tar is the best thing of the kind I have ever used and I canuot say too much in praise of it." Sold by G. W. Besley, W. McHenry. Don't forget the "want ad"oolumn! A Vest Pocket Dootor. Never in the way, easy to carry, easy to take, pleasant and never failing in results, areDeWitt's Little Early Ris­ ers. A vial of these little pills in the vest-pocket is a certain guarantee against headache, biliousness, torpid liver and all of the ills resulting from constipation. They tonic and strength­ en the liver. Sold by all druggists. Clearing Sale to Raii«e Money. To the People:-- The closing of the First National Bank of Dundee, together with the de­ mands for ready money made upon u^ by its re organization, force us to place on sale our entire stock of merchandise, at prices as follows; All Ladies' Jackets £ Retail Price, AH Underwear at. cost. ^All Gloves and Mittens at cost. All Shoes and Rubbers 10 per cent, above cost. All Ladies' Trimmed Hats, 25 percent below cost. All Men's Pants below cost. All other Men and Boys' Clothing at cost. All Ladies' Underskirts 10 per cent, above cost. All Men's Hats and Caps at cost O All Ladies' Tailor-made Suits 10 per cent, below cost. All Ribbons at cost All Hosiery at cost. All Shelf Goods at cost. v All Ladies' Walking Skirts below oos*. All Ladies' Silk and Dress Skirts bt- tow cost. Reductions on special lots too numer­ ous to mention. Customers are u~ged to come at once, as'this sale will continue ONLY until cash has been obtained to meet immed­ iate deinauds. Store will be open Monday, Wednes­ day and Saturday eveuings. All re­ funded car fare offers formerly made will hold good during this sale. Sincerely, C. F. HALL CO., Dnndee, 111. Wonderful Nerve Is displayed by many a man enduring pains of accidental Cuts, Wounds, Bruises, Scalds, Sore feet or stiff joints. But there's po ne~xl for it Bucklen's Arnica Salve will kill the pain and cure the trouble; It's the best Salve on earth for Piles, too. 25c at Julia A. Story's, McHenry, and G. W. Besley's, W. Mc­ Henry, Druggists. The Plaindealer is adding new names to its list every day. Is your name on the roll of iionorV Don't borrow. Children Poisoned. Many children are poisoned and made nervous and \\eak, if not killed out­ right, by moth rs giving them cough syrups containing opiates. Foley's Honey and Tar is a safe and certain remedy for coughs, croup and lung troubles, and is the only prominent cough medicine that contains no opi­ ates or other poisons. Sold by G. W. Besley, W. Mchenry. Mother J:}-:.-' S • • •Mm The Cause of Many Sudden Deaths. Thera is a disease prevailing in this country mo3t dangerous because so decep­ tive. Many sudden deaths are caused by ! it -- heart disease, pneumonia, heart failure or apoplexv are often the result of kidney disease. If kidney troubk is al­ lowed to advance the ^ kidney-poisoned -- blood will attack the Suk** vital organs or the kidney , themselves break down and waste away coll by eel!. Bladder troubles most always result from a derangement of the kidneys and a cure is obtained quickest by a proper treatment of the kidneys. If you are feeling badly you can make no mistake by taking Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney, liver and bladder remedy. It corrects inability to hold urine and scald­ ing pain in passing It, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to go often during the day, and to get up many times durii^ the night. The milcl and the extraordinary effect of Swamp-Ropt is soon realized. It stands, the highest for its won­ derful cures of the most distressing cases. Swamp-Root is pleasant to take and sold by all druggists in fifty-cent and one-dollar sized bottles. You may have a sample bottle of this wonderful new dis­ covery and a book that tells all about it, both HomeofSwara|vR»ot sent free by mail. Address Dr. Kilmer &. Co. Binghamton, N. Y. When v/jiting mention reading this generous offer In this papsr. "My mother was troubled with consumption for many years. At last she was given up to die. Then she tried Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, and was speedily cured." D. P. Jolly, Avoca, N. Y. No matter -how hard your cough or how long you have had it, Ayer's Cherry Pectoral is the best tning you can take. It's too risky to wait until you have consump­ tion. If you are coughing t o d a y , g e t a b o t t l e o r Cherry Pectoral at once. t Three itizes: 25enough for an ordinary co i l - hue., just ri^ht for bronchitis, hoarse­ ness. hunt colds, etc.; £1, most economical for chronic cases and to keep on hand. J. C. AYER CO., Lowell, Mo»». Important Decision Lower Insurance Rates to IHB Given to Persons who do j not Drink AlcohoBft 71 Liquors ' •>$ By i recent decision of one of ths targ^ Mt tnsnrenoe companies of the United Btates, lower rates are to be given those persons who do not indulge in the use of any Intoxicating liquors. This is jitst^ for statistics from all sources show that the use of alcoholic drinks always predis­ poses to kidney tronbles, and Bright^ Disease, Diabetes and all other fatal kid­ ney diseases are far more frequent among drinkers of beer and alcoholic beverages than among those who do not Indulge In them. In a recent address before the Senate of United States, Hon. J. H. Gallinger, nator from New Hampshire, gave the results of most thorough Investigations made to ascertain the effects of beer drink­ ing upon the health and life of Individ­ uals. He showed conclusively that almost all cases of Bright's Disease were caused by beer drinking and that other fatal kid­ ney troubles had the same origin as a rale. As probably a large majority of men drink beer It becomes a matter of great concern to know the best way Of overcom­ ing its effects upon the kidneys. There Is nothing that will so quickly make the kid­ neys right in these cases as FOLEY'S KID­ NEY CORE. If taken early it will cure every form of kidney trouble and even in hope- less cases it will give relief. It Is an hott­ est preparation and can be relied upon le do all that is claimed for It. G. W. BESLEY, West McHenly. •y ; LWAYS®Mto! INSIST UPON HAVING!'} THE GENUINE MURRAY a LANMANS FLORIDA WATER ; *i'fp-'f • X " V •? . H THE MOST REFRESHING AND DELIGHTFUL PERFUME FOR THE HANDSCERCHiFF.TOiLET AND BATH tTrnmTr:'p"i: TT m ^ CHARLES 4 FREIT Wholesale and rateU dealer in 'IV'i I an la the Mark* For Beef Veal Ifattoa Hogs and PoaKry aive m a call "A • Smoked Meats, Sausage MoHenry - Illinois | CLOSING OUT WINTER STOCK! | | AT THIRTY PER CENT. DISCOUNT. j From Saturday, December 26, to February 1,1904 Must be Closed Out Men's Felt Roots. Snax Proof Overs, liest quality, reg $3. spwlal Snan l'roof Rubber Boots, best qual­ ity. woi tit $3.50 Boston Rubber Boots, worth 53.00, spl. Boys Rubber Boots, 1 to 5, worth $2.50 special Ladies Alaska Rubbers, worth 11.00, special Ladies Storm Rubbers, regular 75c. special Childs Overshoes, S to 12H, regular $1.00, special Youth s Overshoes, 2 to 6, worth 11.25 Boys Shoes, 1 to5, reguiar S1.75, spcl.. Child's Leggings, black knit, worth 35c (ft • * • Fasefnutors, heavy, worth tlOc, spcl. . Ail wool Petticoats, reg |1 00, .spcl--. Men's Dress Kid Gloves, reg J1.S5, spcl Next quality, reg T.'c. spcl Ladies tiolf Gloves, reg 35c,spcl .. Misse-s black Mittens, worth 85c. spL. Men's Mittens, calf skill, worth BOc, @ Boys leather Mitts, worth 3.V, spcl.... Men's Canvas Mittens. 3 pair for...... Boys cloth Mittens, worth 1.x:. spcl. Men's woolen stocks, 3 colors, wortu 30c, special Ladies all woolcassloaere hose, worth 30c, special : ;; Ladies fleeced lined Hose worth 80c, special • • • •• Childs all wool Casslmere Hose, 5H to tt. regular 30c, @ - v v,' "i" * * Men s very best fleeced lined Under­ wear. regular 00c, special Ladles fleeced lbied^extra heavy Un­ derwear, regular 60c.' special....... .. .$1.98 S3.10 J2.4C ,$1.75 . .65c .45c ,49c . .79c 41.19 19c ,35c 60c .71)C . 4oc ..J»c ...»c ,.!Bc •ilc ..85c ...9C ..17c ..*te ..10c ..tie ..SSc .asc Next Quality, ladles, regular 3ft*. spel..J0c Child's Hewed liuevi l uderwear.Si to 34, regular 3<V\ suwial 8tc Ladies all w<k>1 I'uderwear, 3colors, gray, camel hair, lavender, best gar­ ment. worth Jl.l"). special .70c Child's best Underwear, camel hair, regular S5c, special ' .65c Grav all wool Child's Underwear, regular tiOc. special 87c Men's all wool Underwear, very best In 3colors, regular price 11.25, spcl.... 75c Childrens Hewed lined Underwear, lh to ".t). worth 25c, closing out at 9c Press Goods, big assortment, at 50c on the #1.00. Men's Corduroy Suits, worthfS. sncl..|i4B Men's Overcoats at 30c on the SMQ. $ir> Coats for 97.50 810 Coats for J5.00 Men's Dress Pants, worth 14 00 ® .*1.75 Men's >j.00 Pants (ft SL25 Men'.- S2.50 Pants (ft fl.75 Men's £2.00 Pants (ft. fl.SP Men's Corduroy Piuats worth 94.00®..-SS.18 Next qualitY worth ('?. Ten colors Flannelettes, regular prce 10c per yard, special 8c Tennis Flannel, regular price 13c per yard, special ?Hc Men's Duck Coats worth spcl....|115 Next quality, worth $1.50, special*. .StOc Boys Duck Coats® ...,...85c Best Bed Blankets at your own prices Washing Soap, the rery best, 10 bars for J5c Canvas Leggins, reg «Cc, special.., . ..99c Men's Caps, worth Sfo ud Mc, eholc«..35c Plns, per paper-- i. Sil K-Nlt 3 for 40c J. HURWITZ, - W. McHENRY

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