Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 28 Jan 1904, p. 5

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join SECOND JANUARr"cLEJVRIN6~SAlf! I i of Stoves and General Hardware at CUT PRICKS J must be sold to make room for Spring Goods. w Tin Shop work of ANY kisb at lowest price*. J OSflUN BROS., flcHENRY, ILL. J General Hardware,* -Dry Goods,- .Shoes Notions. \ RINGWOOD DRUG STORE\ I Ringwood, Illinois. > J ! i =#= =' J. S. Brown & Son. J Everything in the drug line can be found here. Jur stock is clean and up to date and handle nothing but the best of everything. Patent Medicines of all kinds can be found, here. Pre­ scriptions Carefully compounded. • $ t t i F U R . N I T U R E ! We will this year carry a very complete and up- to-date stock of Furniture and promise our cus­ tomers better service than ever before. If there is anything in this line you are in need of call and get my prices before buying and com­ pare them with the flashy Chicago prices. UNDERTAKING AND EHBALHINQ My strictest attention is always given in Un­ dertaking and embalming. I make a specialty of this work and all calls are promptly attended to. JdLCob Jvisten. New Pianos which I can GUARANTEE1 for TEN YEARS from $150 up. Good used Pianos from $75 to $150. Pianos to rent from $3.00 to $4 .00 a month. Six months rent allowed on purchase. I have a few second hand Organs, taken in exchange for Pianos, which I will sell at Bargains or rent for $1.00 ft month. PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRING at reasonable prices. First Class Work Only. R. H. OWEN. McHenry. N E I G H B O R I N G N E W S Chronicled by o\ir Able Corps of Correspondents ' RIMOWUOD. Mim Birdie Small spent Sunday with her parenbt. 1 J. E. Cristy and son, Oup, upent Friday in Chicago. Angnftt Walters of Woodstock spent Sunday with friends* here. The Ladies' Aid will meet with Mrs. C. W. Webster on Thursday of this weefe Remember the W. C. T. U. Saturday home of Mrs. Francisco. Tea will be served. The little daughter of Elam Harrison is again quite ill. Dr. Wells is attend­ ing her. Among those on the sick liwt are A. Lawrence, Mrs. A. Holmes *nl Jmuea Conway. Isaac Harsh, who has been quite sick for several days, is idthth improved at this writing. Presiding Elder Sarngy delivered a vefry interesting sermon here Sonday at the M. E. church. Geo. TBacoc. who is very seriously af­ flicted with inflammatory rheumatism, is much better at. this writing. The dinner served by the Willing Workers last Thursday was a decided success in spite of the unpleasant weather. Miss Lelia Carr returned to her home at Moreland Saturday, after having spent several weeks with relaitves and friends here. voLa Henry Stadtfeld is on the siclj list. Wedding bells will soon ring again. Mitm Sarah Nichols was in Chicago this week. Will Dillon and wife were in the city Wednesday. Will Montgomery, vife nnd son, Roy, returned to Chicago Tuesday. Charles Parker has been quite sick, but is improving at pres»ut writing. Mrs. G. Eatinger and little Lanra have been sick. Dr. Hull of Nunda was in attendance. John Richardson went to Des Plaines Wednesday. His wife accompanied him home the following day.' The young people from here gave Hol­ land Townsend a pleasaut surprise last Friday evening and an enjoyable time was had. Card party at Stoffeira hall Feb. 5. When You Build No matter whether it be a mansion, cottage, barn or shed, let us give you figures on the material. Our prices are as low as any and we handle everything needed in the construction of Buildings. Lumber, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Building Paper, Cement, Lime, Etc. Also large stock of Brick, | Tile and Fence Wire. Hard and Soft Coal. | FEED, GRAIN AND FLOUR * -1 Can sell feed i* any quantity to suit the purchaser at low­ est market prices. We also buy and sell all kinds of Grain. WHITE SWAN FLOUR is hard to beat. Try* a sack and be convinced. We wish to thank the people of this vicinity for the patronage of the past and hope by (air dealing and tnmaafc prices to retain their patronage. WILBUR LIMBER CO. McHENRY, ILLINOIS. WEEDS Consumption is a human weed flourishing best in weak lungs. Like other weeds it's easily destroyed while young; when old, sometimes im­ possible. Strengthen the lungs as you would weak land and the weeds will disappear. The best lung fertilizer is Scott's Emulsion. Salt pork is good too, but it is very hard to digest. The time to treat consump­ tion is when you begin trying to hide it from yourself. Others see it, you won't Don't wait until you can't deceive yourself any\ longer. Begin with the first thought to take Scott's Emulsion. If it isn't really consumption so much the better; you will soon forget it and be better for the treatment. If it is consump­ tion you can't expect to be cured at once, but if you will begin in time and will be rigidly regular in your treat­ ment you will win. 1 Scott's Emulsion, fresh air, rest all you can, eat all you can, that's the treatment and that's the best treatment We will send you a little of the Emul­ sion free. Be tore that thfc pfctur* ia the form of a label t» on the wrapper o< every bottle of Emulsion you buy. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, 409 Pearl St., N. Y. ^oc. and ft: all druggists. meats! FRESH, SALT & SMOKED MEATS Vegetables Mid Fruit ttt Season. It Is my intention to give all customers the best service poo- slhle. 1 pny spot cash f ir hides, poultry and stock of all kinds, thus paying the lowest prices, and will sell on the same basis. We also buy Hogs for Kerber rPacking Co. of Elgin, paying highest market prices. Drop w a card when ready to sdtl. A. C. MATTHEWS, WEST M HENRY, ILL. mmwiiiniiii«imM») SPRING GROVE. [People of Spring Grove and vicinity deairing to subscribe for The Plaindeal- er may leave their order and money vith Raymond MORS, oar correspond­ ent. 1 he subscription price is $1.50 a year or 75 cent* for six months. ED ] Mr. Harniah is visiting his daughter. Everett Orvis visited Richmond Sat­ urday. W. C. Mom was a Waukegan visitor Friday. Mis* Ulara Andrews has been on the sick list. ' Andrew Neista was a Richmond visit­ or Saturday. Mrs. Ed. French Was a Chicago visit­ or last week. Mis» Maggie Raneu has been very sick with lrt grippe. Dr. Bremken was called to Ringwood the tirst of the week Fred Hatch attended to business at Champaign this week. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Hopper were Mc­ Henry visitors Saturday. Mrs. Lydin " Wagpi was numbered among the sick last week Mrs. Fremiti is not improving as fast at> her friends would wish. John Baker is spending a few days with Robert Esh and family. Robert Esh came home from Lake Villa Sunday to visit his family. Mr French has been entertaining his mother and little niece from Ringwood The members of the Red Cross soci­ ety were entertained at an oyster sup­ per at W. C. Morse's Monday evening. Win. Watts had seyenteen shot taken from his arm recently that had been there for over thirty years, he having received the wound whqu a youth. He is suffering greatly with his arm at present Word received from Mr and Mrs Chas. And-ews states that they are with Mr. and Mrs. Folinsbee, former residents of this place and now in the southern part of Kansas. Mrs. An- IrewB has improved greatly in health and they have rented a farm there. The installation of officers in Nipper- *ink camp R. N. A. occurred Tuesday afternoon. The following were elected: Mrs. Carrie Vogel, Oracle. Mrs Martha Campbell, Vice Oracle. Mrs. Ida Westlake, Recorder. Mrs Adelaide Coatee, Receiver. Mrs. Cora Richardson, Chancellor. Mrs. C. Westlake, Sentinel. Mrs Lizzie Ntish, Manager. Frank Or vis attended the Red Cross convention at Waukegan Saturday. The following Supreme officers were elected: W. N. Gates. Sup. Pres. Mr Hake, Sup. Vice Pres. C J. Wightman, Sap. Seo. A. Hendee, Snp. Treas. Carrie Vogel, Sup. Prelate. Ida Westlake. Sup. Guide. P. H. Saner, Sup. Inner Sentinel. C. H. Harvey. Sup. Onter Sentinel. Hake, F. B. Or vis, Eld wards, Fenlon, Directors. A Very Close Call. "I stuck to my engine, although ev *ry joint ached and every nerve was racked with pain/' says C. W. Bellamy, a locomotive fireman of Burlington, Iowa. "I was weak and pale, without *ny appetite and all run down. As 1 was about to give up, I got a bottle of electric Bitters, and after taking it I t'el t as well as I ever did in my life." Weak, sickly, run down people always rain new life and vigor from their use. Try them. Satisfaction guaranteed by fulia A. Htorv, McHenry. and G. W. Besley, W. McHenry. Price 50c. JOHN8BCBGB. L E Traver of McHenry was a caller here Saturday. James Murray of McHenry was a call­ er here Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Freund visited Tony May Sunday. Jacob Freund of Spring Grove visited his mother Monday. Hubert Klapperich spent the past week in the windy city. John Pitzen of Volo visited Michael Schaefer lasr Thursday. I eter Schmitt of Iowa visited relatives here a few days this week. Mrs. Joe Freund of Ringwood visited h ir motl er last Thursday. Mrs. Nick Weber of McHenry visited Johnsbnrgh friends Saturdaj. Revs. Mehring, Beck and Schmitt vis ited Anton Meyers Weduesday. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Schmitt cele­ brated their silver wedding Thursday last. Miss Mary and Henry Krift of Wis consin are visiting friends and relatives here. Miss Martha Niesen visited Miss Reus Niesen at McHenry a few days this week. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schumacher of Spring Grove visited relatives here Wednesday. Rev. Fr. Schmitt of Aurora visited relatives and friends here a few days this week. Mesdames Joe Kattner and Frank Wngener visited their ^mother, Mrs. Thelen, Saturday. William Kerkmann of New Munster, Wis., visited William Althoff and family a few days this week. John Thelen of McHenry drove through here with a sleigh load of Joe Heimer's boarders Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dugner of Chica­ go visited friends here Sunday. The former returned the same evening while his wife remained for a longer visit Children I»ol»oued. Many children are poisoned and made nervous and weak, if not killed out­ right, by moth rs giving them cough syrups containing opiates. Foley's Honey and Tar is a safe and certain remedy for coughs, croup and lung troubles, and is the only prominent cough medicine that contains no opi* ates or other poisons. Sold by G. W. Besley, W. McHenry. Looking for Good Harness Want it at at reasonable price? Know where to get it? GUS CARLSON, - AlcHENRY, 1 has the best. Harness and Horse Goods to be found in this city. This is no idle boast. The fine Style, superior workmanship, excellent material and finish of both the CARRIAGE AND WORK HARNESS and the moderate prices at which we sell, recom­ mended these GOODS to all classes of buyers. 5 • • fcJP'" . 1 . . . • -01 • - •',? < SOLOK [People of Solon and vicinity desiring to subscribe for The Plaindealer may leave their order with Miss Ailie Turn­ er. The subscription price is $1.50 a year or 75 cents for six months. £d. 1 Lou Nulk of Spring Grove was a re­ cent business caller. The Bon Bon social was a pleasure to all who were able to attend, Frank Caerns lost two valuable cows anil a horse within a month. Will Hodge of Antioch called on his parents here a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs J. L Waters are visit­ ing at the home of Thos. Andrus in Wisconsin. Clark White of Vail, Iowa, was visit ing his aunt, Mrs. Wm. Turner, two days last week. Messrs. Westlake and Vogel have gone to V^aukegan to represent the Red Cross society. Ed. Coulman of Wilmot and Willis Gardner are doing ^some artistic work for Reuben burner. Mr. and Mrs. Chet Osborne are the happy parents of a son, who came to their home last Monday. John Merrell and brother, Ebenezer, went to Elgin last Sunday to attend the funeral of their brother. Henry. Josh Diamond of Belvidere ^ind Geo. Trow of Tryon's Grove were calling on old comrades of the 95th regiment this week. Mrs. Jeanette Turner has been under the doctor's care at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Jessie Richardson, but at this writing is on the gain Mr. Carpenter, from near Kenosha, Wis., a brother-in-law of C. T. Eld- redge, ate dinner with R. L. Turner Monday. He expects to be depot agent at this place. The Royal Neighbors of Nippersink camp installed their officers on Tuesday afternoon of this week. Solon Royal Neighbors turned out in a body aud all present had a g« od time. BUSINESS DIRECTORY OF SOLON. F. L. Westerman, general merchant. Merritt Cruikshank, blacksmith. Merrell & Son, carpenters. C. L. Turner, mule driyer. Lee Hodge, barber and tobaoco mer­ chant. E. T. Monear and R. L. Turner, 'con­ cert troupe. Geo. Vogel. auctioneer. James Corkhill, mayor. Bert Sutton, constable. H. J. Christian, justice of the peace. Walter Cropley, liveryman. Sutton Bros., dealers in live stock. Geo. Westlake, mason. v Frank Coates. nutter maker. J as. T. Hodge, postmaster. W. D. Monear, cook. Walter Watts, horse dealer . Overton & Vosburgh, lumber and feed. GONE TO REST. Fred Herling, who has been em­ ployed as depot agent of this place ever since the road was built, went to the home of his parents at Wadena, Iowa, about five weeks ago ou account of sickness, and on Tuesday, the 19th, word was received here from his grief stricken wife that her husband had gone to rest. Not only were the foiul parents robbed, but a gentle and loving wife of a few short years and a son of less than six years saw the strong arn.e that were their protection and strength folded aeross the breast that had bei n stilled forever. His uprightness and manly character had made him a geu eral favorite with all his acquaintances The loss is felt by this community at large as well as by*his loving wife and the son ho has not come to the age to know a father's love. The community in general wolnd be pleased to have Mrs. Herling come back to her home and be one in their midst. MARRIAGE LICENSES. John F. McLaughlin, 38 Hebron JuMa A. Noble. 26 Richmond Jacob Weingar', 25 .... Volo Josephine Schaeier, 22 Johnsbnrgh Carl Wolter, 27 Sharon, Wis. Anna Schrenbeck, 24.. .Reedsburg, Wis. Bert A. Rhoads, 24 Walworth, Wis* Ada Robinson, 22 Walworth Fred Robinson. 81. ...Walworth Etuuia E. Borden. 22.... ...... Walworth George Goodyear, 25 Woodstock Minnie Dodge. 22 Hartland DO YOU GET UP WITH A LAME BACK ? Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable. Almost everybody who reads the news­ papers is sure to know of the wonderful cures made by Dr. « J li Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney, liver and bladder remedy. It is the great medi­ cal triumph of the nine­ teenth century; dis­ covered after years of scientific research by Dr. Kilmer, the emi­ nent kidney and blad­ der specialist, and is wonderfully successful in promptly curing lame back, kidney, bladder, uric acid trou­ bles and Bright's Disease, which is the worst form of kidney trouble. Dr. KHmer's Swamp-Root is not rec­ ommended for everything but if you have kid­ ney, liver or bladder trouble It will be found Just the remedy you need. It has been tested In so many ways, in hospital work, in privatf practice, among the helpless too poor to pur­ chase relief and has proved so successful in every case that a special arrangement has been made by which all readers of this paper who have not already tried it, may have a sample bottle sent free by mail, also a book telling more about Swamp-Root and how to find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. When writing mention reading this generous offer in this paper and send your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co.,Bing- hamton, N. Y. The regular fifty cent and •one of Swtiup-RoaC. dollar sizes are sold by all good druggists. a;* Mrs. Johanna SoderfiShn ot Fergus Falls, Minn., fell and dislocated her shoulder. She had a Burgeon get it back in place as soon, as possible, but it was quite sore and pained her very much. Her son mentioned that he had seen Chamberlain's Pain Bain adver­ tised for sprains and soreness, and she asked him to buy her a bottle of it, which he did It quickly relieved her and enabled her to sleep, which she had uot done for several days. The son was so mnch pleased with the relief it gave his mother that he has since recom­ mended it to many others. For sale by all druggists. K1MKRALD PARK. Phil Aylward of Ostend spent Sunday at home. Bernie Frishy visited friends at Bar* reville last Sunday. John J. Aylward of Algonquin visited home folks Sunday. Jerry Farrell of Chicago visited rela­ tives and friends here Sunday. Miss Anna Fleming of ttarrnville and J. B. Frisby visited at John Gibbs' Sun­ day evening. Miss Margaret Sntton and pupils of the Emerald Park school will give a social Friday evening, Feb. 5, to which all are cordialiy invited. Ladiep please bring baskets as usual Wonderful Nerve Is displayed by many a man enduring pains of accidental Cuts, Wounds, Bruises, Scalds, Sore feet or stiff joints. But there's no neod for it. Bucklen'e Arnica Salve will kill the pain and cure the trouble. It's the beet Salve on earth for Piles, too 25c at Julia A. Story's, McHenry, and G. W. Besley's, W. Mc­ Henry, Druggists. Waited Effort.- ® Some people spend a good deal of time figuring on what they would do If they had an immense amount of mon­ ey. That is the reason they have not got an immense amount pt money.-- Atchison Globe. DANGER C0HIIN6 dsns that Point to Bright*• Dto» •aao or other Fatal Form* ... of Kidney Trouble. There arc thousands of persons who ari ' unconsciously in danger of the fate that has lately befallen so many of our most prominent men and women who havedMI from kidney trouble. These disease* art alarmingly on the increase, and they come ou so insidiously that few realize their condition till life la actually in danger.. In the early stages of kidney disease there may be headache, backache, no- natural appetite, bad taste in the month, dry or furred tongue, thirst, dry skin ar strong perspiration, sediment in the urlna^ or unnatural feelings in various parts of the body. Don't expect all these sigaa to show themselves. As soon as yoa notice any of them, commence at onoe the use of FOLEY'S KIDNEY CUBS. THOKAS MAPLE, Blrbeck, 111., writes l MI had a very bad case of kidney trouble and my back pained me so I could nol straighten up. The doctor's treatment did me no good. I saw FOLEY'S Kroim CURB advertised and took one bottle which cured me and I have not been affected since. I gladly recommend this remedy." It Is a simple thing to make your Idd* neys right when they are not badly affect- ed; but It is not so easy after destruction has set in. FOLEY'S KIDKST CURB will cure every form of kidney and bladder trouble if taken early and it will give re* lief even in the most hopeless cases, ft Is an honest preparation and will da that Is claimed for it. G. W. BESLEY, West McHenry :,.s .;• * . \ f \ ' #1 ' V*'J Hair Splits "I have used Ayer's Hair Vigor fo r t h i r t y y e a r s . I t i s e l e g a n t f o r a hsir dressing and for keeping the hair from splitting at the ends."-= J. A. Gruenenfelder, Granefork, 111. Hair-splitting splits friendships. If the hair­ splitting is done on your own head, it loses friends for you, for every hair of your head is a friend. Ayer's Hair Vigor in advance will prevent the splitting. If the splitting has begun, it will stop it. SI.M • Mil*. All tfrofftoa. If your dru«t1f»t cannot supply you, Mnd us one dolliir ami »e will express you a bottle. He Mire niidfjive t lie name of your nearest exwroxs office. Address, J. C. AYER CO., Lowell, Mass. Si£l9AL¥AYS ^INSIST UPON HAVING! JHE GENUINE MURRAY & LANftANS FL0R5DA WATER; TiiE MOST REFRESHING AND DELIGHTFUL PERFUME FOR THE HANDKERCHIEF.TOILET AND BATH. * ' - J 'V v CHARLES t flffl - t Wholesale a dealer In % I ••§ In tb» Marita* For Beef Veal riuttoa Hog* and Poattry Olve a a call vV* Smoked Meats, McHenry - Illinois Completeness is essential in any Stock of Goods. It gives a customer a better chance to make a pleas­ ing selection, (^r Hardware Stocl^-is com­ plete in every detail. WeJ^ajidle no other Goods and consequently can give Hardware all our attention. Our Tinshopis also com­ plete. If we do not have what you want our Tinner can make it,/ There is a differ- ence in repair work tc^g * We do neat work, F. L. McOmber WEST SIDE HARDWARE. „ ^ -A.--.-vJ . -fJ

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