jig?.;* We will tax you very light in the line of winter goods. We continue to close onr Winter Goods in Suits, overcoats, underwear, caps, Mittens, Felt Boots, Etc. Jos. W. Fr.eund W e * t M c H e n r y I l l i n o i s . J Completeness is essential in any Stock of Goods. It gives a customer a better chance to make a pleas ing selection. Our Hardware Stock is com plete in every detail. We handle no other Goods and consequently can give Hardware all our attention. Our Tinshop is also com plete. If we do not have what you w^nt^ our Tinner can make it, There is a. differ ence in repair work too. We do neat work. F. L. McOmber, WEST SIDE HARDWARE. / A bigger dollar's worth for your dollar here this week than Elsewhere! ̂̂ Its the irristable drawing power of bold, determined underselling of this sort that makes this the busiest store in town. Too many Goods that must be converted into cash quickly. A shower of dollars for Shoe buyers. Come and see. HIGH GRADE COFFEE Black Coffee 1 1 Sifter Dinner I Chase & Sanborn's High Qrade Coffee bring9 the climax of the sensation of having dined well. The clear color and delicate aroma are unequalled. This is from the care taken in selec tion and blending. W. C. EVANSON, WEST McHENRY, ILL. Itorr'aa' Chief Justice Story attended a pub lic dinner iu Boston at which Edward Everett was resent. Desiring to pay a delicate compliment to the latter, the learned judge proposed aa a volunteer toast: "Fame follows merit where Everett goes." The brilliant scholar arose and re sponded: A "To whatever heights Judlfetal learn ing may attain in this countryMt Wlll never get above one Story."--Success. KxerclM Par Both. "Does your wife go in for athletics?" "Um--yes, in a way. She went out yesterday U take exercise; said she was going to walk up a long hill." "And did she?" "No; she got Into the dry goods dis trict and ran up a long bill Instead. Yon can easily see that 1 am the one who was exercised." -- Kansas City Journal. ianrcrcd. I heard a good story the other day about a matrimonial agency. An elder ly man had three daughters who ruled him with a rod of iron. Weary of their tyranny, he advertised in a paper for a wife. Next day he received three re plies--one from each of the daughter!. --Exchamre. Don't forget the "want ad"eolnmn! ' - ' a a Wife. Ih. Uganda a man can buy a some wife for four bulls, a box of car tridges and six needles, and If he has the luck to go a-woolng when woman happens to be a drug on the market he can buy a suitable damsel for a pair of shoes. A Kaffir girl is worth, according to the rank of her family, from four to ten cows, and In Tartary no father will surrender his daughter unless he gets a good quantity of but ter in return, and in certain parts of India no girl can marry unless her fa ther has been pacified by a present of rice and a few rupees. > Water oa Battleship*. As nearly us possible 8.000 gallons of fresh water are used in a large battle ship daily. About two-thirds of this is taken up by the boilers, and the re mainder is used for drinking, washing, cooking, etc. When the store which she has taken out with her from port has been used up a vessel has to de pend upon her evaporators for furtner supplies. Every modern warship is fitted with evaporatHig machinery to distity the salt sea water. W-i W- U 3 ' •- -P % for Health 222 South Peoria 8L. CHICAGO, III., Oct 7,1902. Eight months ago I was «o ill that I was compelled to lie or sit down nearly all the time. My stomach was BO weak and upset that I could keep nothing on it and I vomited frequently. I could not urinate without great pain and I coughed so much that my throat ana lunge were raw and sore. The doctors pro nounced it Bright'? disease and others said it was consumption. It mattered little to me ^rhat they called it and-1 had so de sire to live. A sister visited me from St. Louis and asked me if I had ever tried Wine of Cardui. I told her I had not and she bought- a bottle- I believe that it caved my life. I believe many women could save mticb suffer ing if they but knew of its Tains. Don't you want freedom from pain? Take Wine of Cardui and make one supreme effort to be well. You do not need to be a weak, helpless sufferer. Too can have a woman's health and do a woman's work in life. Why not secure a bottle ot Wine ot Cardui from your druggist to day? WIN&CARDUI No Barm Don*. Foreman (explaining the accident to thr-owner of the building)--Barney was working on the roof, sir.'and he slip ped and fell the whole ftur stories, bringing the cornice do*^ with him, sir, find breaking both bis legs And half his ribs. Owner--Oh. well, never mind! I In tended that cornice to come down in any case. Charity Beitai at HOMW Wealthy Merchant (at An evening party*--Gentlemen, we will not allow this festive occasion to pass away with out remembering the poor. In one of my bouses there lives a poor clerk whom 1 shall bave ^o evict tomorrow unless be can pay bis arrears of rent by then. Frit*, band a plate around.-- Dorfbarbier. Trmnmfor nmmtiom. An English farmer had a number of guests to dinner and was about to help them to some rabbit when be discov ered that the dish was cold. Calling the servant be exclaimed, "Here, Mary, take this rabbit out and 'eat It and bring It back a little 'otter!" A Slander. The Lady--I gave you a piece of pie last week, and you've been sending your friends here ever since. The Tramp -- You're mistaken, lady. Them was my enemies.--Judge. Economical. "Doesn't it cost you a good deal to run this yacht old man?" "Yes. but my wife can't spend a cent when she's here." Mysterious Cirgunistance. One was pale and sallow and the o'her fresh and rosy. Whence the dif ference? She who is blushing with health uses Dr. King's New Life Pills to maintain it. By gently arousing the lazy organs they compel good digestion and head off constipation. Try them. Only 210. at Julia A. Story's, McHenry, •md G. W. Besley's, W. McHenry, Druggists. Spring and Summer Clothing! .Samples are now ready for your in spection. ; ^nost complete line ever shown in this city, and look them over. The Call You will surely leave your measure. We are making sotae very low prices in heavy Winter Goods, such as heavy Underwear, Overshoes, Felt Boots, Mittens, Duck Coats, Caps, Etc. Just the proper garments for this extreme cold weather. We purpose cleaning out all Win ter Goods during February and will make prices to move them. Our Grocery Departmervt is always complete with new. fresh Goods. Only the purest and best goods handled. Try a package of Dudley's high grade Coffee, none better. Seal > of Minnesota, Fancy and Mystic Flour. Yours truly, Do I Ivor*4 promptly. M. J. WALSH In the recent fire at my place there were sev eral things slightly damaged by water. For use they are as good as any, but will not sell at full value. As an inducement to get rid of these Goods we will offer them at Muni Cost and Below This is a good opportunity to get a Stove or Tinware at bottom prices. Note the quota tions below: Wash Boilers, No. <1*0 KA H, sold at $8, now.. *P ̂ $2.00 Wash Boilers, No. 8, sold at $2 50, now Wash boilers. No copper bottom,$1.50*P A. vV/ Coal Pails ,. 20c Gal. Coal Pails. -40c Gal. Slop Pails. • 35C Paint Pails, 23c Zinc wash boards 20c Glass wash brds. 30c 70c Small Lanterns..50c 75c $1.20 30c Cold Blast Lanterns Dashboard Boll Eye Lanterns Deacon Dashboard Lantern Qlass wire covered Oil Cans :... Bread Raisers.. .£>5C Milk Setters 40c Dish Pans, 35, 45 and 55c Milk Pails, AKn heavy tin Galv. Sprinklers. 50c Tin Sprinklers. . .35c Gal. pails. -15c, 25c Peninsular Oak Heater (tl •i Stoves, No. 18 *pl± Jewel Oak Stoves No. $10 Peninsular Oak Stoves, Q No. 16 80c Whips at -- 30c Have a big line of Peninsular 8toves and Ranges and a fall stock of Harness and Collars. Collars for $1.40 J. J. FREUND SPRING QROVE, UX. Nature through the active agency of the rains, winds and even the dust sometimes performs wonderful things in the strange fashioning of the ob durate stone Into forms resembling the human face. On the very summit of Mount Tamalpals, a lofty peak that stands about twelve miles from the city of San Francisco. Is a most re markable profile wrought in the solid stone. Just a few minutes' walk from the end of the railroad that leads up to the mountain's summit, on the trail that circles the crest of ±he peak, brings one to the Old Lady berself. This huge natural sphinx seems to guard the path where It narrows on a rocky ledge. The profile Is perfect The seams and creases made by the centuries of weather are like lines of care and age worn In the human face. No one. bow- ever aged in our worldly years, can re member when the Old Lady was young. However, wbeb one passes far ther along the path and looks back ward the outline of the wrinkled visage is lost and Instead the eye can dimly trace the features of a woman young and as beautiful aa an %yptias princess. . Tendttnejr of the YIIUM. The tendency of medical science is toward preventive measures. The bast thought of the world is being given to the subject. It is easier and better to prevent than to oure. It has been fully demonstrated thai pneumonia, one of the most dangerous diseases that medi cal men have to contend with, can be prevented by the use of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Pneumonia al ways re sults from a cold or an attack of infln enza(grip), and it has been observed that this remedy counteracts any ten dency of these diseases toward pneu monia. This has I een fully proven in many thousands of cases in which this remedy has been used during the great prevalence of oolds and grip in recent years, and oan be relied upon with im plioit confidence. Pneumonia often re sults from a slight cold when no danger is apprehended until it is suddenly dis- oove ed that there is fever and difficul ty in breathing and pains in the Jhest, then it is announced that the patient has pneumonia. Be on the safe side and take Ch • in ber Iain's Cough Remedy as soon as the cold is contracted. It al ways cures. For sale by all druggists He Had Alone? Before. Colonel Carr was traveling in New Mexico once, when he ran into a party consisting of Senator Tabor and his friends. It was only a few months aft er Tabor bad "struck It rich." Prior to that event be bad possessed scarcely enough to buy a postage stamp, but he was making up for lost time. Carr had lost his watcb key and be gan inquiring for one. Mr. Tabor thought this a great Joke. "The idea of a man wanting a watch key in the nineteenth century!" be said. After chuckling over It for some time be turned to Carr and asked an explana tion. "I want to understand It--a watcb key! And a man as up to date as yon?" "Well, the fact is." responded the colonel, "I had enough money to buy a watcb before stem winders came into fashion." It was a center shot and was greeted by a roar from the entire car. Tabor got off by buying champagne tor the crowd. A Thonund Dollnra Thrown Awaty. "My wife had lung troubles for over fifteen years," writes Mr. W. W. Baker of Plainview.^Netx "We tried a num« ber of doctors and spent over a thous and dollars without any relief. She was very low and I lost all hope, when a friend suggested trying Foley's Hon ey and Tar, which I did; and thanks be to this great remedy it saved her life. She is stronger and enjoys better health than she has known in ten years. We shall never be without Foley's Honev and Tar and would ask those afflicted to try it." The prevention of consump tion is entirely a question of commenc ing the proper treatment in tipae. Nothing is so well adapted to ward off fatal lung troubles as Foley's Honey and Tar. Sold by G. W. Beeley, West McHenry. Aa Intelligent Bird, A species of woodpecker inhabit*, the driest parts of Mexico, where during the droughts It must die of starvation unless it made a store. To prevent this it selects the hollow stem of a species of aloe, the bore of which Is just large enough to hold a nut. The woodpecker drills holes at Intervals in the stem and fills it from bottom to top with the nuts, the separate holes being apparent ly made for convenience of access to the column of nuts within. The Intelligence which not only con structs a special storehouse, but teaches the woodpecker to lay by only the nuts, which ><wlll keep, and not the Insects, which would decay, Is perhaps the highest form of bird reasoning which ha* yet been observed. Better than Got& "I was troubled for several years with chronic indigestion and q^rvous debil ity," writes F. J. Green, of Lancaster, N. H. "No remedy helped me until I began using Electric Bitters, which did me more good than all the medicines I ever used. They have also kept my wife in excellent health for years. She says Electric Bitters are just splendid for female troubles; that they are a grand tonic and invigorator for weak, ran down women. No other medicine can take its place in our family." Try them. Only 60c. Satisfaction guaran teed by Julia A. Story, McHenry, and G. W. Beeley, W. McHenry, Druggists. How Heavy • Brick Mar Be. Some yeurs ago one man bet another that he could not move an ordinary brick tied to tbe end of a cord two or three miles long. A straight and level road Just outside Chichester, N. Y., was selected for the trial. The brick was not moved, and the man lost his bet for a large amount It was stated by some one present that the brick, al though weighing only sevep pounds, would from a distance of two or three miles represent a dead weight of near- . ̂ » ton. Boblanders is the place to buy the best Goods at lowest prices. New Goods in Suitings, Waistings, Percales, Etc., coining in every day. « men's Pants to giose « $1.50 to $2.25 Pants for $1.00; $2.50 to $8.50 Pant* * ken sizes. I for $1.25. Broi for your Spring Suit. Let me take your measure Samples now*ready» t Try i Sick of Sleepy Eye floor. It is 7. fl. Boblander, Cclcohont 291. Wwt IHcRtwry. 111. I . 1 - WWWWWMWWM- S • WWWMWM WWW Order Now I have just received a nice line of Suitings and Pants Goods. Not small Samples to selecp from, bpt the whole piece. Yiu can see just what the Suit will look like when * finished. I bought these Goods at a bargain and will give you the benefit. DISCOUNT OF 15 PER CENT. FROM REGULAR PRICE. John D. Lodtz, Yes a warehouse full of Farm Machinery, Wagons and Buggies. FOR THE AFTER HARVEST TRADB we have an unusually well selected stock of time saving, labor saving, money saving Implements, which we fully guarantee. It is our aim to be up to date and ever ready to meet, even to anticipate the wants of our most progressive customers. Farmers who consult their best interests buy only the best of Goods. We sell the FAIRBANKS MORSE GASOMNE all sizes. ENGINgS FEED! - -FEED! - FEED! We have on hand a large stock of Bran, Middlings, Oil Meal, Salt, Etc., on which we will not be undersold, whether you want a bag full or a Car Load. Come and let us convince you. West McHenry, 111. WM. BONSLETT. At Actual Cost 1 AND BELOW. Our Sale is now in full progress and the Winter troods are moving. Come luid make a selection before the lines are all broken, you can't afford to diss this opportunity of stocking up at such low prices. We are doing just exactly sis we advertise, that is, We are sell- spg goods at exactly the same prices ; we paid for them. Come and b$ con vinced as to this statement. J. Hurwitz, West McHenry. 5555SK B̂BSBSBSSbI m* WJ.Wf J llf«