Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 4 Feb 1904, p. 5

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tUm M 'M* U 0-: •w i 1 5 i 4 t a MAKE YOTTR FEET OL.AD AT OTJH February Sale of Footwear! ronRiBtinf of » veil «etfct«d gtock for men, vomeo ajtd children. Extra \ low prices onall Felts, Rnbbersand Lined Shoes for Winter weir-lo • Closjjynt. • • • • >„ • <v. • j ' S OSnUN BROS., TIcHENRY, ILL. # Qeneral Hardware-----Dry Goods,----Shoe5^~-Notions. J TIN WORJC or ALL KINDS AT CLOSE PRICES. i ! RINGWOOD DRUG STORE ¥ • t c Everything in the drug line can be found here. Our stock is clean and up to date and handle nothing tut the best of everything. Patent Medicines of all kinds can be found here. Pre­ scriptions carefully compounded. I • ; -- = : Ringwood, Illinois. J. S. Brown & Son. { LET ME BE YOUR DRUGGIST When any'item, of Drag Store Goods is wanted yon will save time and money % coming to us for it. Onr aim is to provide everything that a ny>dern Drug Store shonld supply and to furnish the right . quality at the right price. WE WANT TO BE YOUR DRUGG-IST., . N. H. PETESCH, McHENRY. ANNOINCEMEKTS! ILLINOIS CENTRALR. R. Direct to'Havana Via Illinois Central R. K. to New Orleans and the weekly Southern Pacific S. S. "Louisiana" to Havana. Ceave Chicago and Cincinnati Fridav morning, leave Sti Louis and Louis­ ville l'Viria.v noon, arrive New Orleans Satur­ day 10.00 a.m.. leave Saturday 2.00 p. m.\ ar­ riving at Havana Monday morning. Round- trip ami one-way through tickets at unusually low rates. Free Illinois Central tt. R Illus­ trated KoUler on Cuba, givfiig till particulars on application. OCEAN STEAMSHIPS FROM NEW ORLEANS Ocean steamship sailings frofm New Orleans for Me.xico. Panama, Central and South Amer­ ica. West Indies and Em-ope concisely sot spec" Central R. k. Send for a copy ,-IV forth In a special folder issued by the Illinois J*! CJ yifO Tour of all Mexico via Illinois 4 lUAlwv Central U. R., onder escort of CAI IPOONIA ReauC>imi)bell,0en- VnUirVMlIrt eral Manager tlie American Tourist Association, Quinev Build­ ing, 1KI Adams St., Chicago, leaves Chicago January 2»i. Select clientele. Limited. All exclusive privileges, independent travel. Special Pullman Vestibule Train, Drawing Rooms, with the largest Dining'Car lt» the world, and the famous Open Top observation Car, Ciilliliti. Special Baggage Car. Tickets include all expenses everywhere. ; Special Tours of Mexico and CxlHbfpla-"via the Illinois ( entral and New Orlekns unilt?r the auspices of Raymond & Wiiitcornb, will leave Chicago, Friday, Feb. 12. and St. Louis," Kieturday, Feb. 1H, 1MG4, for Mexico and Call fornia via New Orleans, including a stop-over for the Mardi Gras; also from Chicago Friday Mu -ch 4th, and St. Louis Saturday Mareh 5th for California, via the Illinois Central and New Orleans. Entire trips made in special private vestibule trains of finest Pullmans. With dining cnr service. Fascinating trips, complete in every detail. '•Illinois Central Weekly Excursions to Cali­ fornia. Excursion Cars through to Los Ange­ les and San Francisco as follows: Via New Orleans ami the Southern Route every Wed­ nesday from Chicago; ever® Tuesday from Cincinnati. Via Omaha and the Scenic Route every Wednesday from Chicago. M ADhl This occurs at New l"i.r\r\LM VJK.r\C5 Orleans on Feb. l(i, 1904. For it excursion rates will be in effect to New Orleans on special dates which your local ticket agent will be able to advise you. NEW ORLEANS ^SSSS?l& the tourist to visit. Winter tourist rates now In effect. Double daily service and fast steam- heated vestibule trains with through sleeping caTs. buffet-library-smoking car service and all meals enroute in dining cars. Ask for an Illustrated l>ook on New Orleans. G U L F P O R T , M I S S , The Great Southern Hotel, at Gulfport, Miss., on the Mexican Gulf Coast, has 2iV' rooms sin- tie or en suite, with or without bath. Steam ig water, and telephone in every room. Renched Seat, electric light, hot. and cola running •la Memphis and the Illinois Central's fast .morning trains, carrying sleeping and buffet- 'library cars, with a single change, on same train en route at Memphis, into through Bleeping car to Gulfport. Send for illustrated folder describing Gulfport and the hotel, PI ODIDA Through "Dixie Flyer" • r-* ^ Sleeping Car Lines St. Louis to Jacksonville and Chicago to Nash­ ville, the latter connecting en route with through Jacksonville car from 8t. Louts. Route via Nashville, Chattanooga and Atlan­ ta. Hot Springs, Ark, Through Sleeping Car between Chicago «nd Hot Springs, carried on the Central's fast Pullman vestibule •'Limited" train. S^nd for book describing this most interesting of healt h and pleasure resorts. Fllll Diirtiriltarc concerning all of the above IUII milllUIOI* 0:tu b.> hud of agents of the Illinois Central, or'by addressing the nearest of the undersigned representatives of th "Central." April 1 A. H. HANSON,F. P A.. Chicago. 111. T, F. MERRY, A. G. .P. A., Dubuque, Iowa. BO YEARS* EXPERIENCE PATENTS I HAUL mnnn» DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS AC. Anyone sending a sketch and description may qatokly ascertain our opinion free whether an invention is probably pntentnMe. ( oinuiuniort- tlona strictly confidential. HANDBOOK on Patent# sent free. Oldest tineney tor securliifcpatenti. Patents tiiKen tlirouyh Mumi Jt Co. recelv® tpecial notice, without charge, in the Scientific Hmericati. A handsomely illustrated weekly. I-ore est ctr- culatlon of anv soienuflc Journal. Terms, 93 a year; four months, tl. Bold byall newsdealers. C0 36«Bro.d«.r, f(pw York Ice. £& 1>' £U C. Officii, ^IWAYsli INSIST Uc0N HAVING THE GENUINE JFJLOKIBA WATER THE MOST REFRESHING AND DELIGHTFUL PERFUME FOR THE HANDKERCHIEF.TOiLET AND BATH. 'i ',v •«! - \(M Bros.„ | Fancy Grocers, j I m Rill! Fish! Fancy Irish Mackerel, per pound ... 12 1-2 IDx. fancy large White Fish, per pound.. 12XAC Holland Herring, im­ ported, per pound.7Kc \ Large picklecfNorway Herring, per lb. ...*7^0 Holland Herring, all milkers, yery best put up, per keg. $1.00 ..Codfish, genuine, per pound ;.. .. 12/^0 Fancy Brick Codfish, per pound 10c Fancy Hamburg Herr­ ing, spiced, per pail 85c Imported Sardines, pr can. 10c Norwegian Smoked Sardines, per can.. 15c Kippered Herring, large cans, per can. 20c CHEESE! Fancy N. Y. . Cream Che&se, per pound.. 16c Fancy Brick Cheese per pound 15c Try Our Coffee! Finest Golden Rio Coffee in town, per* pound^ 20C SAMPLES KREE. McHENRY, ILLINOIS. IHeats! NEIGHBORING NEWS Chronicled by our Able Corps of Correspondents ~ %i FRESH, SALT & SMOKED MEATS Vegetables ud Fruit In Season. It Is my intention to give all _ Customers the best service pos­ sible. *1 P*y spot casbf:trhides, poultry and stock of all kinds, thus paying the lowest prices, and will sell on the same basis. We also 6uy Hogs for Kerber Packing Co. of Elgin, paying highest market prices. Drop us a card when ready to sell. A. C. MATTHEWS, 1 WEST M 'HENRY, ILL. RINGWOOD. Mrs. Will Dodge and daughter, Ag­ nes, were On tend visitors Sunday. . H. Small attended the poultry show til Chicago several days last week. Mrs. Buckland was a Chicago visitor Wednesday. Miss A. Heck of Richmond spent Tuesday in town. Isaac Harsh continues quite ill with the grippe and hewrt trouble. Mrs. A. Holiues in again able to be ont aft^r several da>V illuew. The Misses Olive and Agnes Stevens 8pent several days in Elgin last week. Rev. F. W. Miller will give a temper­ ance lecture in M. W. A hall on Febru­ ary 24. Mrs. J. E. Oristy. who has been sick With the grip for several days, is much improve!. A silver medal contest will be )»eld by the W. c. T. U. in the M. E. church on Friday evening, Feb 19. Mr. Tnttle of Coral was in towri Fri­ day. The gentleman has decided to move his family here if he can find a house in which to ..reside. The Ladies' Aid will hold a valentine social on Thursday evening, Feb. 11, at the home of Rev. Cormack. Light re­ freshments will be served and valentines famished for all present. Kail Scribner and bride returned from Vermont last Thursday. The many friends of Mr. Scribner called ou him Friday evening, and to say he was surprised is pitting it mild, indeed. A very pleasant evening was enjoyed by all. No one should fail to see the minstrel phow and comedy drama at Stoffel's hall, McHenry, on F iday and Saturday evenings, Feb. 12 and 18. It will be given for the benefit of the Univensalist church and promises to be something good. See article on first page. Nearly Forfeits His Life. A runaway almost ending fatally, started a horrible ulcer on th« leg of J. B. Orner, Franklin Groye, 111. For four years it defied all doctors ana all remedies. But Bncklen's. Arnica Salve had no trouble to cure him Equally good for Burns, Bruises. Skin Eruptions and Piles. 25c at Julia A. Story's. Mc­ Henry, and G. W. Besley's, W. McHen­ ry, Drug Stores. KMKRALl) FABK. Harry Bacon ot Chicago spent Sunday at J. B. Frisby 's. Miss Nellie Briggs of Chicago visited at P. Walsh s Saturday.. Miss Nellie Frisby and friend visited Miss Nancy Frisby Sunday afternoou. Frank J. Walsh of Harvard spent Sunday at the home of his parents here. Mr. and Mrs. Einii Pfeffer of Terra Cotta visited John Smith and family Sunday. Chas. W. Gibbs of Chicago visited relatives in this vicinity a few days last week. Miss Margaret Aylward and John R. Knox of McHenry called at John Gibbs' Sunday evening. Miss Mande Brown of Chicago was the guest of Miss May me Knox Satnr- urd»y and Sunday. Mrs. Tho.4. F. Hayes and daughter, Grace, of Harvard, visited the former's parents here Sunday. In spite of the very cold weather and drifted roads quite a large crowd at­ tended the basket social which was held at our school houxe last evening. The baskets sold well and the proceeds will be used in getting new library hooka A Night Alarm. Worse than an alarm of fire at night is the brassy cough of croup, which sounds like the children's death kuell and it means death unless something is done quickly. Foley's Honey and Tar never fails to give iustant relief and quickly cures the worst forms of croup. Mrs. P. L Cordier, of Msnnington, Ky.. ^ays: "My three year old giri had a severe case of croup; the doctor said she could not live I got a bottle of Foley's Honey and Tar, the first dose gave quick relief and saved her life." Sold by G. W. Besley, W. McHenry. SOLON [People of Solon and vicinity desiring to subscribe for The Plaindealer may leave their order with Miss Allie Turn­ er. The subscription price is $1.50 a year or 75 cents for six months. Ed.] Cropley's ice house is well filled. Mr. Carpenter of Kenosha is to be our new depot ageut. Willis Gardner has been on the sick list the past few days. Bert Fredendall of Hebron was a pleaeant caller here Monday. The Ladie*' aid society will meet with Mrs. Will. Turner Friday. February 5. Mrs. Chas. Cornish has been the guest of her daughter, Mrs. J. Fillwebfeer, at. Antioch since New Years. Miss Anna Smith has returned to her home in Geneva after a visit of a month with her sister, Mrs. Frank Coates. The relatives and friends of John Toynton of this place were sorry to hear of the sad accident that befell Mm. Dr. C. H. Fegers of McHenry was called to see Mrs E. S. Johonott last Friday and at this writing the patient is better. The play at Cropley *s opera house will be "The devil and the Turk in his own country." Of course that does not mean Solon. The question now before the boys is: What is C. L. Turner going to do with that small shirt he had on • xhibition in the barber shopt Mesdames R. B. Gardner and R. L. Turner were callers at J. B. Richard­ son's to see Mrs. Jeanttette Turner, who is on the sick list W. D. Monear and family and Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Monear attended Mr*. Theodore Fellows' funeral at Genoa Junction. Wis, Saturday. Now as there appears to be no kickers for having your names in the Solon bus iness directory, and if you are not al­ ready a reader, give your name as a sub­ scriber to The Plaindealer. A Car* f«»r Kvsrlnw. My baby had Eczema so bad that its head was a solid mass of scabs, and its hair all came out I tried many reme­ dies, but none seemed to do any perma­ nent good until I used DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. The Eczema is cured, the scabs are gone and the little one's scalp is perfectly clean and healthy and its hair is growing beautifully again' I cannot give too mnch praise to DeWitt's Witch Basel Salve.--Frank Farmer, Bluff City, Ky. In buying Witch Hazel Salve look ont for counterfeits. De- Witt'B is the-oiiginal and the only one containing pure Witch Hazel. The name of E. C. DeWitt & Co. is on every box. Sold by all druggists. BABBKMLK John R. Hunter spent Saturday with friends at Slocnm's Lake. Robt. Matthews of McHenry called on his parents here Sunday. V. C. Goodwin of Elgin spent a few days last week at Mrs. E. Hunter's. Floyd and Robt. Thompson called on their mother at Slocum's Lake Satur­ day Minstrelsy and comedy at Stoffel's hall, McHenry, February 12 and 18. See article on first page. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Van Nstta of Slocum's Lake spent last week Wednes­ day with Mrs. E. Hunter and family. Miss Clara Thompson attended a can cert given by the Teco band at Colby's opera house, Nunda, Saturday evening. Bellof la Om Minute. One Minute Cough Cure gives relief in one minute, because it kills the mi­ crobe that tickles the mucous membrane, causing the cough, and at the same time draws out the inflammation and heais and soothes the affected parts. One Vinute Cough Cure strengthens the lungs, wards off pneumonia and is a harmless aud never failing cure iu all curable cases of Coughs, Colds and Croup. One Minute Cough Cure is pleasant to take, harmless and good alike for young and old. Sold by all druggists. • The Plaindealer is adding new names to its list every day. Is your name on the roll of honor? Don't borrow. Fifty Years the Standard Looking for Good Harness Want it at a reasonable price? Know where to get it? GUS CARLSON, - McHENRY, has the best Harness and Horse Goods to be found in this city. This is no idle boast. <The fine style, superior workmanshijfr^estcellent material and finish of both the CARRIAGE AND WORK HARNESS and the moderate prices at which we sell, recom­ mended these GOODS to all classes of buyers. (WJilGtt M, Improves the flavor and adds It ike heaitfafulness of the food. 9WI0S SAJCJMQ POWDER 00, YOLO. Will Rosing has gone to-"Kenoeha to attend the wedding of a cousin. Miss Isabelle Rink of Fremont was the guest of Miss Cecelia Rosing Friday and Saturday^ Minstrelsy and comedy at Stoffel's hall, McHenry, February 12 and 18. See article ou first page. John Richardson and wife have com­ menced housekeeping in their newly furnished rooms over the store. Miss Hellen Raymond has returned to school at McHenry after a two weeks' absence on account of sickness. Frank Hironimus and Miss Harriet Nichols were married in Chicago last Saturday at the home of the bride's uncle Mr. and Mrs. Will N<chols and Miss Sarah Nichols accompanied them. Congratulations. Simon Weingart died at his home last Wednesday noon, at the age of sixty- eight years. He had been a great suf­ ferer for several months with cancer of the stomach. Fe was an honest and upright man, a kind, loving husband and father, and will be greatly missed in the community. The family have the sympathy of their many friends. The funeral was held from the Volo Catholic church Saturday morning. Escaped an Awful Fate. Mr. H. Haggins of Melbourne, Fla., writes, "My doctor told me I had Con sumption and nothing could be done for me. I was given up to die. The offer of a free trial bottle of Dr. Kfng's New Discovery for Consumption induced me to try it. Results were startling. I am now on the road to reoovery and oVe all to Dr. King's New Discovery. It surely saved my life." This great cure is guaranteed for all throat and lung diseases by Julia A. 8tory, Mc­ Henry, and G W. Besley. W. McHenry, Druggists. Prioe 50c and $1.00. Trial bottles free. »- ' TERRA COTTA. John Haskin's daughter is quite E. D. Gates- was ont from the city Tuesday, Miss Hazel Bryant has been visiting at McHenry. Mrs. John Marsh was a Chicago visit­ or the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. A. T. McMillan were Chicago visitors Saturday. Henry McMillan was on the sick list last week but is able to be ont again. Francis Baer of Chicago spent the first of the week with Emil Stefflin and family. Miss Alice Knox of McHenry was the guest of her brother, Mike, and family Saturday. Fred Berche) and family were recent visitors at Mrs. Berchey's parents at Ringwood. Mrs. Clarence Earle of DesPlaines ac­ companied by Mrs. Newton, spent the first of the week with J. H. Gtacy and family. Mr. and Mrs. Berney Farenworth of Des Plaines and Mrs. Etfnice Lewis of Oshkosh, Wis., spent Saturday at J. H. Gracy's. A. G. Jenkins expects to leave the employ of the A. T. C. & C. Co. in a few days. His place as oook-keeper at the factory will be filled by Joe Marshall. About 12 weeks of good old-fashioned winter weather, with record breaking spells of cold waves and an occasions' blizzard, has made those who are taking their milk to McHenry from this vicin­ ity, wish for "the good old Bummer time." . • It will be a pleasant surprise to per­ sons who are subject to attacks of bil iousness and sick headache to learn that prompt relief and a certain cure may be had by taking Redo Tonic Laxative Svrup In many cases the attack may be wholly prevented by taking two doses of Re-Go as soon as the first symp­ toms of the trouble appear. Re-Go is a pleasant liquid medicine, sold in 25c, 50c and fl.00 bottles, and is an ideal tonic and laxative for delicate women and children. Sold by G. W. Besley, W. McHenry, druggist HOLCOHBV1LLK. Will Zenk drove to Elgin Thursday. Mrs. G. Weidner called on Mrs. Will Zenk Thursday. Earl Peck of Batavia spent 8unday with his parents. A. P. Peck, was a business caller at Batayia Saturday. John Powers of Emerald Park called at his father's Friday- Miss Maybelle Doherty spent Monday afternoon with Mrs. Henry McMillan M. F. Hoffman of Spring Grove spent Tuesday evening at Mrs. B. F. Peck's Misses Mary and Bridget Doherty of _ -McHenry spent Saturday in this vicinity. Thos. Row sou and son, Ray, from near Cary, visited at Fred X>ayoll's one day last week. The scratch of a pin may cause the loss of a limb or even death when blood poisoning results from fhe injury^ AJ^ danger of this may be avoided, however, by promptly applying Chamberlain's Pain Balm. It is an antiseptic and un­ equalled as a quick healing liniment for cuts, bruises and burns. For sale fry all dmyyiofr * JOHNSIUIKCH. Peter Niesen was at Woodstock last Friday. Jos. Huemann was at Spring Grove Saturday. Jack Walsh of McHenry drove thru here Friday. John Rosing of Volo was a vifrttor here Sunday. Willie Meyert is visiting relatives at Racine, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Anton May were callers here Monday. C. M. Adams transacted business in Chicago Thursday. John V. Freund of Spring Grove was a caller here Monday. Miss Emma Bngner was a McHtary visitor last. Thursday. Chas. Heiuier of McHenry drove through here Saturday. Martin Freund of Spring Grove vis­ ited friends here Monday. Viffie Hergott was a Spring Grove caller Wednesday morniu{£. Mr. and Mrs. Mat Steffes were Volo callers Saturdav and Sunday. Miss Lena Michels was a Ringwood caller Wednesday of last week. Chas. Eldiedge aud Ben Lauers of McHenry were visitors here Sunday. Miss Emma Weber of McHenry at­ tended the wedding here Wednesday. Don't forget the dance at Stephen H. Smith's Monday evening, February 15. J. J. Schaefer and J. P. Lay trans­ acted business in Chicago Wednesday. Mr. aud Mrs. Wolff and children of Chicago visited friends here Wednesday. Jos. Brick of Chicago visited friends here Wednesday and Thursday of last week. Quite a large crowd attended the wedding dance here last Wednesday evening. Mrs. Wiedeman of Chicago is here for a few days' visit with friends and relatives. Miss Delia Niesen spent last Friday wUh her cousin, Miss Carrie Nieeon, at cHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Freund of Spring Grove visited the former's mother lasli week Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Weber. Mat Weber and daughter, Mary, of Volo vis­ ited friends here Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Jake F. Schmitt enter­ tained a number of their relatives and friends Wednesday of last week. Mrs. Helen Lay died Friday afternoon of last week of pneumonia and was bur­ ied Monday. The following from a dis­ tance attended the funeral: Henry, John, Barbara and Emma Thelen and Miss Rosa Adams of McHenry; Peter Freund and Martin May of Spring Grove. I have need Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for a number of years and have no hesitancy in saying that it is the best remedy for coughs, colds and croup 1 have ever used in my family. I have not words to express my confidence in this remedy.--Mrs. J. A. Moore, North Star, Mich. For sale by all druggists. m DR. COOK ON /.'M BLADDER TROUBLES ^C, Bladder troubles make life those who suffer from them, acd unless they are promptly overcome they are os*® tain to cause serloui conditions. Inflsm- mstlon of the bladder Is becoming more and more common and when neglected It develops ulceration snd thin may be fol­ lowed by perforation and death. The lrrf» table condition that demands frequent evacuation during the night as well as day time, la a source of great mortification aai dlscomcomfort to old and young. Dr. Cook, of Chicago, an authority 09 kidney and bladder troubles, sayat "It is Impossible to find a single ageofl that is a specific for this class of troubles, because there are BO many different Btruo* tores involved In the organs. However, we are able to combine the best knows remedies and obtain most excellent ra> suits. The preparation knowp as FOLBY'S KIDITXT CUBS is an Ideal combination. I use It exenslvely in my practice and find it ean be employed successfully in ithj form of kidney and bladder trouble." FOLEY'S KIDHKY CTJBX IS an honesl preparation. It is not a decootion of some hitherto unknown root or herb claimed to be a cure-all. Common sense tells ns that such preparations have but little If any value. FOLEY'S KIDNEY COBB con­ tains all the best known agents used by kidney and bladder specialists combined in a manner that renders them most effeo- tive and pleasant to take. In even the most hopeless cases its use gives relief and -• when taken In time cannot help but curs every form of kidney or bladder troubl* ^ G. W. BESLEY, We»l McHenry. (HARLES (L fRETT Wholesale --a retail : dealer tn • , '-y,;v£ * '.'V 1, I •« la tlM Market Per BMf VMI rtatton Hoc* and Poultry Oive a a call Smoked Meats, Saustie *>v* Illinois McHenry If .so you ought to appreciate anything that will help you save it. t Your The best way to save time b to have a v. Cost baft CHICAGO TELEPHONE Fast through trains daily over the Chicago, Union Pacific & North-Western Line. Direct route and excellent train service. Two trains a day to San Francisco, Los Angeles, Portland Through service of Pullman compartment, drawing-room *nd tourist sleeping cars. Dining cars, library and observation cars, buffet Ing and free reclining chair cars. OaUy and Personalty Conducted Eirarci«u Fot tickets and iiitoimation apply to agenta oI North-Western Line addrei* S. KNISKCRN. P.T.M & c. a N. w. RV CHICAGO

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