% < * * - * ^ * ; w i • • - >,--_ s, *..•-• $.(•"• MAKE YOUR FEET GLAD AT OUIf f* "' •'. K h - ' - • ' . - • ' ' consenting of i well aelected stock for men, women and children. Extra low prices on all Felts, Bobbers and Lined Shoes for Winter wear--to otoeed#! "":^v ••'. ••'•' OSffUN BROS., HcHENRY, ILL. Qeneral Hardware, Dry Goods, Shoe? Notions. TIY WORK OF ALL KINDS AT CLOSE PRJCES. -RINGWOOD DRUG STORE' Everything in the drug line can be found here. Our stock is clean and up to date and handle nothing tut the best of everything. Patent Medicines of all kinds can be found here. Pre scriptions carefully compounded.. Ringwood, Illinois. J. S. Brown & Son. ! Completeness is essential in any Stock of Goods. It gives a customer a better chance to make a pleas ing selection. Our Hardware Stock is com plete in every detail. We handle no other Goods and consequently can give Hardware all our attention. Our Tinshop is also com plete. If we do not have what you want our Tinner can make it, There is a differ ence in repair work too. We do neat work. F. L. McOmber, WEST SIDE HARDWARE. A »•« «•« •***• »•« •*!*» A »•. A A l i i uf ̂ ̂ ̂ if/ tx* ̂ y i^i iti FURNITURE! We will this year carry a very complete and up- to-date stock of Furniture and promise our cus tomers better service than ever before. If there is anything in this line you are in need of call and get my prices before buying and com pare them with the flashy Chicago prices. UNDERTAKING AND EHBALniNQ My strictest attention is always given in Un dertaking and embalming. I make a specialty of this work and all calls are promptly attended to. JdLCob J\ister\. A A A «*K .t. tti ttt A 1̂ 1 IJI *JJ,I Y,» 'J,' *X' W ,4»L 4» 'J.1 ̂ 'I1 L4.J *X I L4»L L4»L IJI 'J* HP A »*K A A ITT «TI »T» IT> A. «T> BAA «TI A AT A A A A A JIV ̂i1 i1 *•' 'X' ,*T 'v 'X1 v ̂y,' New Pianos which I can GUARANTEE for TEN YEARS from $150 up. Good used Pianos from $75 to $150. Pianos to rent from $a.oo to $4.00 a month. Six months rent allowed on purchase. I have a few second hand Organs, taken in exchange for Pianos, which I will sell at Bargains or rent for $1.00 a month. PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRING at reasonable prices. First Class Work Only. McHenry. R. H. OWEN. NEIGHBORING NEWS Chronicled by our Able Corps of Correspondents RINGWOOl). Mn. L. Peet is on the sick list at pre sent. - Mrs. Small was a McHenry visitor on Saturday. The little daughter of Dr. Hepburn continues quite ill. Irvin .VlerchHut is confined to his home with an abscess on his neck. Geo. Stevens left on Tuesday morn ing for Texas with a party of laud seek ers. Mr. Isaac Harsh does not improve aw rapidly as his inauy friends would wish for. Mrs. Julia Bishop who has been very sick with the grippe is much better at this writing. Mr. Luke Mead and family leave this week for Wapaca Wis., to make their future home. 4 Remember the silver medal contest at the M. E. church on Friday evening of this week. Mr. Tuttle of Coral IU.,hfM taken pos session of the feed elevator which he has" rented of J. E. CriBfcy, Warren FOBS will move his family to this place during this week. They will occupy the rooms over the store recent ly vacated by Mr. Mead. J. £. Cristy is loading his household goods, preparatory to moving to Wapa ca, Where he is soon to o|»en a large de partment store. The family will be greatly missed here where they have lived so many years, and the best wishes of a large circle ol friends will go with them to their new home. Escaped an Awful Fate. Mr. H. Haggins of Melbourne, Fla., writes, "My doctor told me I had Con sumption and nothing could be done for me. I was given up to die. The offer of a free trial bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption induced me to try it. Results were Btartling. I am now on the road to recovery and owe all to Dr. King's New Discovery. It surely saved my life." This (treat cure is guaranteed for all throat an<l lung diseases by Julia A. Story, Mc Henry, and G W. Besley, W. McHenry, Druggists. Prioe 50c and $1.00. Trial bottles free. SOLON [People of Solon and vicinity desiring to subscribe for The Plaindealer may leave their order with Miss Allie Turn er. The subscription price is fl.ftO a year or 75 cents for six mouths. Ed.} Mr. Skillicoru has been quite sick, bnt at this writing is better. Mr. and Mrs. C. Moss of Spring Grove were pleasant callers Tuesday. The majority of <mr people are hav ing a hard tussle with la grippe. Jesse B Richardson of Spring Grove was calling on friends here Tuesday. Mrs. Ed. Cropley has so far recovered from her illness as to be able to ride to Richmond. Mrs. R. B. Gardner bad the misfor tune to fall on the ioe, which caused a fractured arm. Will Merchant gave a very pleasant party to a large number from Keystone and Solon Tuesday nigbt. Willis Gardner and Mrs. E. Brown were pleasantly entertained at the Coi- lumpian hotel Monday nigbt. Oh, those horrid valentines! The sender can have them back by asking for them. Don't be back ward.' Mrs. Fred Herrling is here to sell bur personal property, to vacate her home for our new depot agent. Mr. Carpenter. Mr. and Mrs. Chet Reed were Key stone visitors the latter part of last week, the former to attend the funeral of a relative in Chicago. Our mail carrier had quite a load of oouiic valentines one night last week to be distributed among some of the peo pie. Of course some of them were slur^ and not fit to be se«n or read \ y any human beinit. Now. who would send such through the mails? Do we know if you were shown tbem. in yuur mind you would say, "I have seen those be-. foreT" CALLED TO HER REWARD Mrs. Jeanette Turner died at the home of her daughter. Mrs. Jesse p. Richardson, at the good old age of bo years, 4 months and 24 days. She had been te member of the M. E. church nearly all her life. A large number from afar atteuded the funeral. Sunday, Feb. 14. Mrs. Chamberlain and daugh ter of Humboldt Park, Mrs. Sarah Rob- bias of Elgin. Mrs. Day of Chicago and Robert Wallace of Racine were present The floral offerings were grand. The Rev. Mr. Aiken of the M. E. church of Antioch, her former pastor, preached * very appropriate sermon--all were pleased with it. A Nlifht Alttriu. Worse than an alarm of fire at night is the brassy cough of croup, which sounds like the children's death knell and it means death unless something is doue quickly. Foley's Honey and Tar never fails to give instant relief and quickly cures the worst forms, of croup. Mrs. P. L. Cordier. of Msnmngton, Ky.. says: "My three year old girl had a severe case of croup; the doctor said she could not live I got a bottle of Foley 's Honey and Tar, the tirst dose gave quick relief and saved her life." Sold by G. W. Besley, W. McHenry. Job work of all kinds neatly done at this office. S. W. Kerr, a prominent business man of Hurricane, Wis., says, "Your cough medicine. Harts' Honey and Horehound, is a good seller and seems to give excellent satisfaction." Harts' Honey and Horehound contains no opium or other stupefying drugs and is the best medicine in existence today for Croup and Whooping Cough and the only safe one to give to small children. 26c, 50c and fl.00 bottles. Sold by O. W. Besley, W. McHenry,1 druggist, SPRING GROVK. [People of Spring Grove and vicinity desiring to subscribe for The Pla'ndeai er may leave their order and money with Raymond Moss, our correspond ent . 1 he subscript ion price is $1.50 a year or 75 cents for six months. E11. | Mrs. Wm. James has been very sick. E A. Truax visited Chicago Saturday. James McLean visited his family at Lake Villa Sunday. John Sanborn has been tinder the weather for several days. Several from here attended the dance at Solon Tuesday night,. Miss Rose Coate? of Ringwood is vis iting with Mrs. Ed. Hopper. Miss Lizzie Lay of Johnsburgh visited here Sunday. Horace Reading has been quite sick for several days. J. J. Fremiti is building a warehouse east of his store. Mrs. Jauette Turner died at the home of her daughter, Mrs J. B. Richardson. Friday morning, Feb. 12, at 10 o'clok, after an illness of about three weeks. She was boru in Glascow, Scotland, in 1828, coming to this country at five years of age. She has lived in this vicinity for very many years, with the exception of a short time speut at Antioch. For many years she has made her home with her daughter, Mrs Richardson, and re ceived eve:y possible care and attention. She leaves of her immediate relatives, two sisters and four children, James Turner of Hebron, Mrs. Clara Johonnott of Antioch, Mrs. Cora Richardson and Ed. Turner, aud three step-daugnters, Mrs. Dau Lichty, and Mrs. Sarah Rob- bins aud Mrs. Libbie Smith of Elgin. The funeral WHS held Sunday, the burial being nAtde at Solon. It will be u pleasant surprise to per sons who are subject to attacks of bil iousness and sick headache to learn that prompt relief and a certain cure may be had by taking Re Go Tonic Laxative Svrup In many c&ses the attack may be wholly prevented by taking two doses of Re-Go as soon as the first symp toms of the trouble appear. Re-Go is a pleasant liquid medicine, sold in 25c, 50c aud $1.00 bottles, and is an ideal tonic and laxative for delicate women and children. Sold by G. W. Besley, W. McHenry, druggist. KMKKALI) PARK. Harry Bacon of Chicago spent Sun day with friends here. Miss Annie Powers of Griswold Lake visited at J. B. Frisby's Sunday. Jno. Aylward of Algonquin is spend ing a few days at his home this week. Atty. H. Haase and lady friend of Nuuda called at H. Fel meter's Sunday afternoon. Quite a number from here attended the masquerade dance at Wanconda last Friday night. Miss Mamie Smith has been absent from school a few days the past week on account of sickness. Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Smith and son Josie, spent Sunday with Joe Aerns and family north of McHenry. Bernard Frisby is able to be around again after an attack of the grippe. He was a Barreville caller Sunday. Mrs. Henry Felmeten and daughter Cora, returned Thursday from a three weeks visit with relatives in Chicago, A number of Miss Kathryn Walsh's friends spent a very pleasant evening at her home here last Sunday evening. The following were preseut: Misses Edyth Whiting, Mae and Nellie Noo- nau of Ringwood, Margaret Aylward, Mary Gibbs and Margaret Snttou. Me^prtK. ^hos Rtfrie and Lewis Whit- iqfg ofyBing^ AyTward anrt Ed xl, Leo Wamsley, Sntton. T Phil A Cure for KceriiiH. Mv baby had Eczema so bad that its head was a solid mass of scabs, aud its hair till came out I tried many reme dies, but none seemed to do any pern a- nent good until I used DeWitt's Wi'ch Hazel Salve. The Eczema is cured, the scabs are gone and tli** little one's scalp is perfectly clean aud healthy and its hair is growing beautifully attain I cannot give too much praise to DeWitt's Witch Haznl Stive --Frank Farmer, Bluff City. Ky. In buying Witch Hazel Salve ltw>k out for counterfeit*. De Witt's is the o iginal afid the only one containing pnre Witch Hazel. The name of E C DeWitt & Co. is on every box Sold by all druggists. Have You Bridled your expenditures and put a check line on extrava- genceV Here you can collar HARNESS AND HORSE GOODS of the highest quality at prices which bear the traces of having been cut down to the lowest figure consistent with fair dealing. We handle the lines that drive a bargain right to your door. G U S C A R L S O N Mon- JOHMSBUKGH. John Nett was iu spring Grove day. Casper Bicfcler of McHenry wa9 here Monday. Miss Rosa Justen of McHenry was here Tuesday: J. J Schaeier was a Chicago passen ger Tuesday. Joe Nett retnri.el from Chicago Sat urday evening. Anton Theleu went to Chicago Wed nesday morning. C. M. Adams transacted business in Chicago Thursday. Nick Freund of Spring Grove was a caller here Monday. Miss Lena Michels was a McHenry caller Sui'day evening Angnst Hoff of Spring Grove visited relatives here Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. J. Freund of Riug- wood were visitors here Tuesday. Miss Delia Niesen visited friends at McHenry last Thursday afternoon. Willie Britz and Hulbert Weber of Volo called on relatives here Tuesday. Mrs. Mike Freund is visiting her sis 'ter, Mrs. Nick Freund, for a few days Willie Meyers hss returned from Ra cine, Wis., where he visited for two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. F. Schmitt enter tained a number of friends Tuesday ev ening. Mr, and Mrs. Peter Freund and Mrs Susan Freund visited at Jos. Freund's Tuesday. Mr and Mrs. John King and Mrs. Jos J. Freund visited Mrs. Anna Bhgner Tuesday. Frank Masqnelet of Chicago attended the Schaefer-Weingarter weddiug last Thursday. Mrs. Anna Bugner and daughter, Em ma, and Mrs. John King visited John H. Miller Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Freund were the vctiins of a surprise Tuesday evening when a number of friends unexpectedly dropped in on "them. A goodly sized crowd attended the masquerade ball at. Smith's hall Mon day night.. It is one of the best Malls in the county and Stephen knows how to make it pleasant for his guests. A Thousand Dollar* Thrown Away. "My wife had lung troubles for over fifteen years," writes Mr. W. W. Baker of Plain view, Neb. "We tried a num ber 6f doctors and spent over a thous and dollars without any relief. She was very low and I lost all hope, when a friend suggested trying Foley's Hon ey and Tar, which I did; and thanks be to this great remedy it saved her life. She is stronger and enjoys better health than she has known iu ten years. We shall never be without Foley's Honev and Tar and would ask those afflicted to try it." The prevention of consump tion is entirely a question of commenc ing the proper treatment in time. Nothing is so well adapted to ward off fatal lung troubles as Foley's Hoi ey * n d T « u . t i o t J G . W . i k a l t s > , Y » 1 McHenry. Kxcitralon Tickets to State Farmers, In stitute at Decatur, 111., Via the North-Western Line, will be -told at reduced rates from stations in Illin ris Feb. 22 and 28. limited to re run; until Feb. 26, inclusive. Apply to \ge:its Chicago & North-Western R'y. Mysterious Circumstance. Oi e was pale and sallow and the >ther fresh and rosy. Whence the dif ference T She who is blushing with health uses Dr. King's New Life Pills to maintain it. By gently arousing the lazy organs they compel good digestion and liead off constipation. Try them. Only 25c, at Julia A. Story's, McHenry, and G. W. Besley*s, W. McHenry, Drm; gists. DRPRICE'S Crjsm Baking Powder TMM! Taxes! The undersigned, collector of taxes for the town of Nunda will be at Jos. W. Freund'8 store, W. McHenry, Tues days of each week, commencing Febru ary 16, for the purpose of receiving the taxes for the said town„ 33 tf AUG. PETERSEN, Collector, Have You Indigestion? If you have Indigestion, Kodol Dys pepsia Cure will cipe you. It has cured every your- thonsauds. It is cifring people day--every hour. You owe it to self to give it a trial. You will ue to suffer until you do try it. is no other combination of digestants t hat digest and rebuild at the same time. Kodol does both. Kodol cures, , ., strengthens and rebuilds. Sold - by all» ^ druggists Danger to Children Kidney and Bladder Trouble®.'0 often Blight their UVM. HOW TO CURE BED WETT1N(| There are thousands of children scarcely know what it !s to awaken in tte morning without a sense of mortification. These children are not responsible for the diseases of the bladder or kidneys that make their lives miserable. It is a moral con tin-' crime to scold or whip a child who has loat There control over the muscles of the legs and cannot walk properly and it is cruelty to punish a child wk has loat control ow Kx<-ur*l«»iiK to tlie North west, Wi-»l himI Southw<*Nt, and Colonist I„ow Rates Went, Via the North-Western Line. Excur sion tickets at greatly reduced lates are nn sale to the territory indicated above. Standard and tourist sleeping cars, free reclining chair cars and "the best of everything." For dates of sale and full particulars apply to agents Chicago & North-Western R'v. March 5. Fancy Grocers. Good Health depends upon the food you eat Adds to the healthfulness of all risen flour-foods, while it makes the food lighter, sweeter, finer- flavored, more delicious. Exercise care in purchasing baking powder to see that you get Dr. Price's, which makes the food more wholesome and at the same time more palatable. M fish! M \ Fancy Irish Mackerel, per pound 12 1-2 Ex. fancy large White Fish, per pound.. 12Kc Holland Herring, im ported, per pound.7^2C Large pickled Norway Herring, per lb--7Kc Holland Herring, all milkers, yery best put up, per keg $1.00 Codfish, genuine,, per pourid 12 Kc Fancy Brick Codfish, per pound 10c Fancy Hamburg Herr ing, spiced, per pail- 85c Imported Sardines, pr can 10c Norwegian Smoked Sardines, per can.. 15c Kippered Herring, large cans, percan.JLOc CHEESE! Fancy N. Y. Cream Cheese, per pound.. 16c Fancy Brick Cheese per pound ; 15c Try Our Coffee! Finest Golden Rio Coffee in town, " per pound 20c SAMPLES FREE. McHENRY, ILLINOIS. MtiiimimiiMiHiiM Train the child to empty th« bladdMT Just before going to bed and in two hovi afterward take the child out of bed to again empty the bladder. This is easier than changing bed clothes every day, and encourages the little one. Give frequent baths, and allow plenty of outdoor exeit cise. Avoid scolding, and prohibit tea, coffee and highly seasoned food. Glvt FOLEY'S KIDNEY CUBS; allow only a light supper and no fluid* within two hours bedtime. J. W. SHOUT, of McEeeeport, Pa, says* "FOLEY'S KIDNEY Crraa eured my littte boy of urinary trouble; I tried several physicians with no success. Fourato KIDNEY CUBS was recommended, and before one bottle was used he was cured and now he can sleep all night without any trouble." FOLEY'S KIDNEY CUBS will prersat fatal kidney and bladder troubles and will always cure them if taken early. la even the worst cases it will give gr«a| relief ,; > Q. W. BESLEY. West McHenry. , M IDeats! FRESH. SALT & SMOKED MEATS Vegetables and Fruit in Season. It, ts my Intention to give all customers the best service pos sible. 1 pay spot cash f;>t- bides, poultry and stock of all kinds, thus paying the lowest prices, and will sell on the same basis. We also buy Hogs for Kerber i'ackiiiK Co. of Elgin, payiqg highest market prices. Drop OS a curd when ready to sell. A. C. MATTHEWS, WEST M HENRY, ILL. iiiiMMiiimtimtim BO YEARS' EXPERIENCE PATENTS I RADE mAK918 . DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS A c . Anrmif sending a nketrh and description maj quickly aacertuin our opinion free whether Invention 18 probably pmenuiblo. Coiumunira* tlona strictly confidential. HANDBOOK ou Patent® gent free. Oldest utenry for ceourintipatents. Patents taken through Muuu Jt Co. recel«S% tptcial notice, without cliaree, in the Scientific American. A handsomelv illustrated weekly. Largest ci^ dilation of any urtontitie Journal. Terms, to A, venr : four months, fL Sold by all newsdealer!, MUNNiCo.3618"^ N^Yofl Branch Office, fitt V 8L. Washington. D- C. Chicago & Norths-Western. Leave . Chicago. 9.00 a m 3.25 p m.. 5.01 p m.. 9.10 a m 2.02 p m.. Effective Nov. 13. 1903 WEEK DAY TRAINS. NORTHBOUND Via Elgin Arrive Mcileury .. 10.08 l«' Via Des 1'iaines 4J3pia Via I>es Plalnes/. 8.40pw, SUNDAY TRAILS. . . Via l>es Flaiues Via Elgin WEEK DAT TRAINS. SOUTHBOUND. . . . . .Via Elgin Phillies . 5.w Arrtw# Chicago. .10 .10 H UB . y..V> a i ! Leave ! Mcllenry. ! 7.32 a m i a in v'a l>es 1 5.36 pm Via IH>s l'laines. V.tfc)pat SUNDAY TRAINS. 7.32 a m Via Elgin . 10JO »Hk .".00 [) m V i a IVs Pl.iines.. Best for Residence •AKIMQ eOWOBH OO. „ OMIOAOO. NOT*.--There are many mixtures, made la imitation of baking powder, which tnd prudent will avoid. They afe lower in £rice than cr©am of tartar powers, but they are made from *1"™: Are is> use in food Best for Business 6ic a day It's the pcrftct service that reaches tvtrywktrt -- tha why it's the grtaUsi service --the best for you. GHICA60 TELEPHONE COMPANY