Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 Feb 1904, p. 5

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* MAKE YOUR FEET GLAD AT OtJB ' ^ I ^ FebrxiaJry Sale of Footwear j i # ~j£. ronsiHtinR of a well selected gtock for men, women and children. Extra \ ; * I low price* on all Felte,' Robbers and Lined Shoes for . Winter wear--to \ close QI OSHUN BROS., flchENRY, lUL General Hardware, Dry Ooods,--~^-y-^hoeg ' Notions. TIN WORJC OF ALL KINDS AT CLOSE PRICES RInGWOOD'DRUGSTORE I * * i I ; t | Ringwood, Illinois. J. S. |5rown & Son, Everything in the drug line can be found here. Our stock is clean and up to date and handle nothing but the best of everything.. Patent •Medicines of all kinds can be found hei^ Pre­ scriptions carefully compounded. Completeness is essential in any Stock of Goods. It gives a customer a better chance to make a pleas­ ing selection. Our Hardware Stock is com­ plete in every detail. We handle no other Goods and consequently can give Hardware all our attention. Our Tinshop is also com­ plete. If we do not have what you want our Tinner can make it, There is a differ­ ence in repair work too. We do neat work. F. L. McOmber, WEST SIDE HARDWARE. l|l «I» l%i l|» I$> $ $ tft ifr l|l >$• »$» t$» ! «is & i •-- ? i i 1 V I have just received and now have on exhibition Sthe finest line of Carpets and Rugs ever sent out S by the Richardson Company. If a Carpet is made by Richardson it is a guarantee of quality. Slf you contemplate purchasing a new Carpet, in Ingrain, Brussels, or any other style, this spring, Sit will pay you to call and see my samples. I will guarantee to meet all Chicago prices and in T most cases save you money. ^ | Jacob Justen. | .'t»> A .*•*» .T. A »•« A A «•« >•« AA tH iw i^i ix1 w 'J1 ^ V lX A1 KV 4» '4.1I«J.1 ^ ^ #'K A «•* A A >T» A »T» »Ti tTt A A A A. «T» «j» »T> »T» A A A A rj j U9 III III i^i >XJ V • V > • > *V li® v' New Pianos which I can GUARANTEE for TEN YEARS from $150 up. Good used Pianos from $75 to $150. Pianos to rent from $a.oo to $4.00 a month. Six months rent allowed son purchase. I have a few second hand Organs, taken in exchange for Pianos, which I will sell at Bargains "or rent for $1.00 a month. PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRING at reasonable prices. First Class Work Only. McHenry. R. H. OWEN. N E I G H B O R I N G N E W S Chronicled by our Able Corps of Correspondents JOHNSBUBGH. J<>e Nettv went to Chicago Tuesday. " Archie Hergott was seen in town Sat­ urday. John Manch of Ringwood called here Snndav. - Eli Munore ms a business caller here Satnniay. Frank Frennd waa a Ringwood caller Saturday. John Oeffling of Volo called on friends here Mouday. J. J. Sfhanfer was a Chicaito pasaen- Ster Wednesday. Mrs Peter Frennd visited Mrs. Sosan Frennd Friday. C. M. A«lani8 transited busineM In Chicago Tuesday. Miw Annie Pitzen of Volo vw t cal ler here Sunday. Jacob Freund of Spring Wreve was a visitor here Sunday. Jacob Ennels of Spring Grove was a caller here Monday. Mike Hoff and wife of Ringwood were visitors here Snuday. Mi*» Lizzie May WAS a Mclenrjr cal­ ler Thursday evening, Q, Mr. and Mrs. Mat fcteffes were Mc­ Henry callers Mouday. John P. Lay transacted business in Chicago Thursday last. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Thelen of Long Lake visited here Sunday. Pefcer Niesen, the tax collector, was a McHenry caller Monday. Mat Steff<* visited relatives at Spring Grov Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Peter M >y and children visited Peter Britz Tuesday. John Nitnttgern of Spring Grove vis­ ited Martin Jungen Tuesday. Peter Britz and Stephen H. Schmitt visited at McHenry Monday. Jos. May and Jim Con ay of Ring- wood were callers here Sunday. Mr, and^ Mrs. John P. Lay Visited Mr. and Mrs. Peter Freuud Monday. John H. Freuud and Jos. J. Michel* were McHenry visitors Monday. Misses Maggie and I ena Blake vieised home folks Saturday and Sunday. Emma Bugner visited her sister, Mrs. Joe J, Frennd of Ringwood Friday. Mr*. S. H. Schmitt visited Mrs. Jacob Rothermel last Saturday afternoon. Win. Althoff aud Henry Hetterman drove to Wanconda Monday morning. J. i, Schaefer has returned from Ken­ osha, where be visited friends a few days. Mr. and Mm. Jos. F. Schmitt and daughter. Beatrice, were Spring Grove visitors Sunday. Martin Schmitt, Will Adams and Os car Allice of Pistakee Bay were callers heie Saturday. Miss Rose Hueuiann of McHenry vis ited the Misses Margarita and Hellen Adams Tuesday Mrs. John King spent the latter part of last u eek with Mr. aud Mrs. John Miller at McHenry. Miss Katie Lauers of McHenry spent Saturday and Sunday with the Misses Lena and Katie Schmitt. Misses Barbara. Katie and George Schreiner of McHenry were pleacant callers here Sunday afternoon. Misses Gertie and Katie Althoff, who have been visiting friends in Wisconsin for a short time, returned home Friday, evening. Misses "Carrie Niesen and Carrie Roth- ermel, Peter Justen and William Schrei­ ner of McHenry enjoyed a sleigh ride through this village Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Jos- Heimer, Mr. and Mrs. Nick Barbian, Mr. and--Mrs. Mat and Peter Weber of McHenry and Cal Curtis of Woodstock were callers here Saturday evening. Better than Gold. '"I waa troubled for several years with chronic indigestion and nervous debil­ ity," writes F. J. Green, of Lancaste N. H. "No remedy helped me until 1 began using Electric Bitters, vMiich did me more good than all the medicines I ever used. They have also kept my wife in excellent health for years. S e says Electric Bitters are jnst splendid for female troubles; that they are a grand tonic and invigorator for weak, run down women. Ni> 01 her medicine can take its place in onr family." Try them. (July 5(H:. Satisfaction guaran­ teed by Julia A. Story, McHeurv, and G. W. Beslev, W. McHenry, Drnggiats. VOL% George Kuebler of Palatine was in Volo Saturday. Ray Paddock transacted business in Chicago Tuesday. , # Will Rosing bought merchandise in the city Thursday, Rev. G. Tbiele was (Milled to Goshen, Ind., last week by the sudden illness of a brother. Miss Kuby Cook of Wanconda spent Saturday and Sunday with her cousin, Miss Helen Raymond. Mrs. Nellie Wood of Oak Park visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pad­ dock, a few days last week. Mr. Uurler of DeKalb was here Tues­ day looking after the interests of his creamery, returning home the following day. Will Huson has moved bis barbershop to the ea-tt part of theCompton building and will be ready to accomodate his customers the first of March. Grandma Rosing died at the home of her son, John, in this village last Thurs­ day morning at the age of eighty-eight years. The funeral was held from the catholic church Saturday morning. CASTOR IA For Infanta aqd Children. Tin Kind Yra Have Always Bought king wood. Elder Nichols, a former resident is the guesc of friends here. Mrs. Henry Stevens is confined to her home with tonsilites. The W. C. T. U. will meet Saturday with Mrs. Grace McCannon. J. E. Cristy and son, Caro', left Sun­ day evening for Waupaca, Wig. Mrs. Spaulding was the guest of her son, Frank Fay, at Ridgefield Saturday The Ladies Aid meet Thursday with Mrs. Francis Hall. Tea will be served. Mrs. Jonep of Ohio is, at this writing, the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Hep­ burn. Mm. H. O. Small spent Saturday and Sunday with her patents at Geneva Lake. Torn Walkmgton is moving into the residence recently, purchased of J. F. Cristy. A ten pound boy arrived, Saturday to gladden the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Carlson. Mr. and Mrs. David Hall have as guests a daughter aud her two children of Manitowoc, Wis. Gliun Fraucisco, who is attending school at Valpariso, Ind., spent a few days at home last week. Josephine Hepbnrn, who has been very seriously ill with pneumonia, is a trifle better at this writing. The Silver Medal Contest was well attended, the medal being awarded to Miss Sadie Hobert of Ostend. Nearly Forfeits His Life. A runaway almost ending fatally, started a horrible ulcer on the leg of J. B Orner, Franklin Groye, 111. For four years it defied all doctors ana all remedies. Bnt Bucklen's Arnica Salve had no trouble to cure him Equally good for Burns, Bruise*. Skin Eruptions and Piles. 25c at Julia A. Story's. Mc­ Henry, and G. W. Besley's, W. McHen­ ry, Drug Stores. » SOLON [People of Solon and vicinity desiring to subscribe for The Plaindealer may leave their order with Miss Allie Turn­ er. The subscription price is $1.50 a year or 75 cents for six months. Ed. ] Moving is in order every day. Miss Bird Hodge is taking a vacation. Ed. Turner was a pleasant caller in town Monday. Mrs. Herling returned to Iowa Wed­ nesday evening. Walter Cropley and sister have given up house keeping. Harry Osmond moved his family to Antioch Tuesday. Will Heck and sister of Richmond were callers here Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Wat,tors are at Liberty- vilie visiting their daughter. Miss Allie Siuies of McHenry visited her sister. Mrs. R. Sutton, Saturday. Mrs. Kinrade has returned home after a month's stay with Mrs. Wm. Johon- nott, at Ringwood. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Cropley, Mesdamee George Vogel and Maude Merrell at­ tended the A. Qanna furniture sale. Two sleigh loads of young Solonites attended the Woodman dance at Rich­ mond. We hear everyone had a good time. Albert Wright, onr tax collector, was collecting taxes here Tuesday. Come again when you don't have to collect taxes. At this writing James Cbrkill and sis- ter, Mrs. John Skillicorb, are very ill apd little hope is anticipated-for their recovery. The people of this place, especially the young men, were very mnch surprised to hear of the death of Will Yerkes of Algonquin last Thursday. He was a promising young man and well liked by ail who knew him Mrs John Sutton and sons. Albert and George, attended the funeral last Sunday S. W. Kerr, a prominent business mtn of Hurricane, Wis . says, "Your cough medicine. Harts' Honey and Horehound, is a good seller and seems to give excellent satisfaction." Harts' Houev and Horehound contains no opium or other stupefying drugs and is the best medicine in existence today for Croup and Whooping Cough and the only safe one to «ive to small children. 2 >o. 50c and bottles Sold by G W. Be^ley. W McHenry, druggist. Have You Bridled youi expenditures and put a check line on extrava- gence? Here you can collar HARNESS AND HORSE GOODS of the highest quality at prices which bear the traces of having been cut down to the lowest figure consistent with fair dealing. We handle the lines that drive a bargain right to your dpor. -iv; 1 ffi G U S C A R L S O N a • i ' - - v ; •Sl'tilNti lillOVK. [People of Spring <>rove and vicinity desiring to sul»seril»e for The Plaindeal­ er may leave their order and money with Raymond Moss, our correspond­ ent. 1 he subscription price is $1.50 a year or 75 cents for six months. Eb. ] Linn Neish has been having a siege of tonsillitis. Mrs. Nick Freund has been ^rery sick with pneumonia. The sale at Wm. Rudolph's last week WAS well attended. Chas. Frank is v$ry sick at the home of Ned Hess"lf*rave. Mrs. Cora Richardson has been num­ bered aiuoug the sick. Dr. Fegers of McHenry was a caller here the first of the week. Walter Sykes is preparing to bnild an addition tojiis dwelling house. Robert Stanley is very ill at the home of his daughter, Mrs Henry Jackson. Amos Rudolph is now able to be out, after two very severe spells of sickness this winter. Work has been started on the new bridge across Fox river, a few miles north of here. Miss Gracie Hopper spent last Sunday with her friend, Miss Eleanor Hawley, at Ringwood. Mrs Fred Smith of Antioch is spend ing several weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jackson. Fred Hatch, W. C Moss and Frank Orvis went as delegates from here to the county convention. The Royal Neighbors of Nippereink camp No. 458 will give a cinch partv and social at their hall over Darby's drug store Wednesday afternoon and evening. Mar. 2. Refreshments will be served from four until seven o'clock, and a royal good time is promised for all who attend, Come one and all and enjoy yourselves. Admission only ten cents. #The Washingtonian society of the Spring Grove school will give a patriot­ ic entertainment, consisting of songs, recitations, dialogues and tableaux, at the Royal Neighbor hall, Spring Grove, Saturday, Feb. 27. Admission ten cents. Proceeds to go toward buying song books for the school. Everybody turn out and help the good cause. TERBA COTTA. Mrs. J. H. Marsh spent Monday at McHenry. John Kimball, ex-postmaster of West McHenry, was in town Tuesday. Mrs. Estella Bergman and son of Nunda spent Monday at L. B. Leisner's. Misses Leda Barnes and Ella Grant of Dundee spent Sunday with the former's' parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Buck. J. H.- Q-racy, T. W. Ames, Thos. Thompson, A. T. Wingate and A. T. McMillan attended county convention at Woodstock Wednesday. Fritz Albert of Los Angeles, Cal., ar­ rived here Tuesday and began work in the molding room of the Ain. Terra Cotta & Cer. Co. factory. At the caucus held in the first pre­ cinct (JciarreviUe) is una* u>wiu>uip day Afternoon, J. H. Gracy received a luaj >rity of 41 votes over L, D. Lowell and selected the 5 delegates to which their precinct is entitled, such delegates bein (instructed for J, EL Gracy for rep­ resentative. Mysterious Circumstance. One was pale and sallow and the other fresh and rosy. Whence the dif­ fers ice? She who is blushing with hea. h uses Dr. King's New Life Pills to maintain it. By gently arousing the laz\ organs they compel good digestion and head off constipation. Try them. Only 25c, at Julia A. Story's, McHenry, and G. W. Besley's, W. McHenry, Dm gists. UOUOUBVILLE. Mr. and Mrs. George Zenk called at Will Zenk's Tuesday. Mrs. Mary Mason returned to her • home at Richmond Saturday. ' Miss Iva Hoffman of Spring Grove is visitiOg relatives here this week. Dr. H. H. Bay of Nunda was a fre­ quent caller in this vicinity last week. John Powers of Emerald Park spent ' Sunday afternoon wit^his father aud I family. '• • I Mr. and Mrs. A. T. McMillan spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Henry McMiLan. Mr. and Mrs. P F. Hunt and niece, Miss Josephine Hunt, spent Sunday at H. Magoon's at Terra Cotta Httve You In<tl|re*tlon ? IF yon have Indigestion, Kodol Dys­ pepsia Cure will cure you. It has cured thousands. It is curing people tvery day--every hour. You owe it to your­ self to give ic a trial. You will contin­ ue to suffer until you do try it. There is 110 other combination of digestants that digest and rebuild at the same time. Kodol does both. Kodol cures, strengthens and rebuilds. Sold by all druggists. DR ST* PRICES CREAM Baiting Powder FOREMOST ̂BAKING POWDER. IN THE WORLD Fancy Grocers. fish! M Fish! Fancy Irish Mackerel, per pound 12 1-2 Ex. fancy large White Fish, per pound.. 12 1Ag Holland Herring, im­ ported, per pound.7Kc Large pickled Norway Herring, per lb . ...7^C Holland Herring, all milkers, yery best put up, per keg $1.00 Codfish, genuine, per pound 12^(f| Fancy Brick Codfish, per pound 10c Fancy Hamburg Herr­ ing, spiced, per pail 85c Inlported Sardines, pr can 10c Norwegian Smoked Sardines, per can.. 15c Kippered H e r r i n large cans, per can. ̂ Oc CHEESE! F&ncy N. Y. Cream Cheese, per pound.. 16c Fancy Brick Cheese per pound 15c Try Our Coffee! Finest Golden Eio Coffee in town, per pound 20c SAMPLES FREE. McHENRY, ILLINOIS. Danger to Travelers Hi Trainmen and People who Travel , : A dreat geal Liable to Greater - -u v.r Dangers than from Accidents ' Thousand! more die every year Brag Z:'1-) diseases incurred by riding on the can than from accidents. Life Itself ie often the price that must be paid by such per* ^ •ons as railroad conductor*, englneeri, brakemen, commercial travelers and others who spend the greater put ef their lives on the cars. Their fate is kidney trouble of BOIM kind. Constant motion jars the kidneys that are kept In place In the body by del* lcate attachments and causes Diabetes, Albuminuria, Bright's Disease, Train­ men's Disease and all other kidney troubles. During recent yean traveling men have been Informing one another of the ben*. fits they can secure by using FoLzrt KIDNEY CUBE. It Is a compound of the best agents known to kidney specialists and as a cure for all kidney troubles it has never been equaled. Reports have been received of remarkable cures effect­ ed by it, and even - the worst and mask hopeless cases have been greatly relieved by its use. GBO. H. HAOTUH, of Lima, Ohio, writes as follows: * I am a locomotive engineer on the L. E. & W. R. R. Constant vibra­ tion of the engine caused me a great deal r of trouble with my kidneys, and I got no relief until I used FOLEY'S KIDNEY CUBB ̂ ̂ and I gladly recommend it to trainmea who are generally afflicted as I was,* G. W. BESLEY. West McHen#; \f,T " £ ; sil i ! 1* meats! 1 - ^ rUSD. SALT & SMOKED NUTS £ MM Vegetables and Frfrt^y In Seasoat. V It is my intention to give all customers the best service pos­ sible. I' pny spot eusli for hides, poultry and stock of nil kinds, thus paying the lowest prices, and will sell on the same basis. We also buy Hogs for Kerber Packing Co. of Elgin, paying highest market prices. Drop us a card when ready to sell. A. C. MATTHEWS, WEST M'HENRY, ILL. aeseasaaasisaaaasaetsass 50 YEARS* EXPERIENCE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS AC. Anyone sending a sketch and description nay qnli'kly ascertain our opinion free whether sn Inventi'in is probably pnteiitable. Communica­ tions strictly contklential. HANDBOOK on Patent* sent free. Oldest ajreney for Becurin^ipatenti. Patents taken through Munn ft Co. recabn., apeeial notice, without charge. In the ••-wsv. Scientific tfmericait, A handsomely illustrated weekly, l.artest. «i|k culfttior: of any xcientitlc Journal. Terms, 93 a year: four niontha, tl. Sold byull newsdealers. MUNN & Co. 3 6 , 8™ d" '> NewYort Bianch Offloe, 624 F St, Wuhlngtfcn. D. C. Chicago & North-Western. 't % '1 i ^r: ;'4s j* > < Leave Chicago. S.«0 u m 3.25 p m . 5.01 p m.. 0.10a m... 8.02 p ra... Leave McH enry. 7.32 am... S.a» a m... 5.2S p m... 7.38a m... Vm p -- Effective Nov. 13, 1903 WBKK DAY TRAINS. NOKl'H BOUND Via Eljfin ...Via IK's Plaines..... ...Via IK'S l'lalnes..... SCNDAY TKAIN8. ..Via I>fs IMaines Via Elgin WEEK DAY TRAINS. SOUTH BOCND. ... .Via Rlsrin Via IK's i'luines. Via IK'S I'laines.. SUNDAY TRAINS. Via Elgin V«» !V< I'laifww.. m Arrive McHenry .. 10.08 a m ..tSipm .>•.40 pa .11.14 am .. &Mpm Arrive Chicago. .. 10.10 a m .9.55 am . 7.00 p m .MJftaaa 7.00 pa At Your Finger Tips * is the instant control of your business if yoa Install Chicago Telephona ' IT REACHES EVERYWHERE 6 ̂OMIU a Oay wR pay far ft •;I|S , 'H'* Bears the • Of CHICAGO TELEPHONE COMPANY • J'l' •'iiTjBitiiit'iVtf-ii' MM

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