^f: lf: Easter Clothing! Save 25 per cent on your Suits by buying Ready made Warranted Clothing; Cloth, Style and Workmanship equal to any tailor made garments. Hats! Hats! New and up-to-date styles for Men and Boys, in prices ranging from 50c to $3.00 in Black and Colors. Guaranteed Rubber Boots Try a pair,4lnd if not satis factory, get a new pair for tlie old boots. Selz Royal Blue Shoes In Patent Leather, Velour Calf, Box Calf, Vici Kid. The best Shoe for the mon ey. We defy competipn in this line. ' Sanesville Warranted Pants, Overalls, Jackets, Shirts, at a lower price than you will pay for same quality elsewhere. Jos. W. Freund W e s t M c H e n r y , I l l i n o i s Our New Spring line of Dress Goods is now ready for yonr inspection, including all the new Spring Shades in Brilliantines, Fancirs, Whip Cords, Poplins, Baritheas, Granites & Cheviots New Silks for Waists, Skirts and Trimmings in all shades Pean-de-Soie, Taffetas, Chinas, Habatais and Fancy Weaves New Trimmings to match in Blacks. Whites and Champaign Colors. An elegant line of Muslin Underwear to select from. Shoes, Rubbers, Mackintoshes, Umbrellas. Onr men's Clothing Samples are the finest ever shown in this vivinity. We guaran tee a perfect fit and oar prices are correct Groceries, Flour, Etc. at lowest prices raomcsts. M I \\^AI CHf Goods D*Uvw«vd promptly. IT A.* U • If /l L44J1 1 • This Petticoat is Popular It represents one of the best values in the entire collection of "Elites." This underskirt is made by the Jackson Skirt Novelty Co. who are of fering $205 in .prizes for the best articles on dress i n g w i t h i n a l i m i t e d amount. Have you en tered the contest? Let us start you. Ask for booklet. New styles in Waist Goods Shoes Dress Skirts and all kinds of General merchandise are here. Cash buyers are especial - are invited w. c. EVANSON IIOMMrt** Nt(ie«l Mmorr, Mozart bad a wonderful memory of musical sounds. When only fourteen years of ajje he went to Rome to as sist in the solemnities of holy week. Immediately after his arrival.he went to the Sistlne chapel to hear the fa mous "Miserere" of Allegr!. Being aware that it was forbidden to take or give a copy of this renowned piece of music, Mozart placed himself in a cor ner and gave the strictest attention to the music and on leaving the church noted down the entire piece. A few days afterward he heard it .a second time and, following the musk* with his own copy in his hand, satisfied himself of the fidelity of his memory. The next day he sang the "Miserere" at a concert, accompanying himself on the hurpsichord, and the performance pro duced such a sensation In Rome that Pope Clement XIV. requested that this musical prodigy should AM presented to him at once. \ Cold* Cnune Pnffntfinntn One of the mo»t remarkable cases of a <\>ld, deep seated on the lings, cans- ing puenmonia, is that of Mrs. Gertrnde E $6uner, Marion, Ind , who was en tirely cured by the use of One Minnte Cough Cure. She says: "The congh- in;; and straining so weakened me that I ran down in weight from 144 to 93 pounds. I tried a number of remedies j Companion. t$,no avail until I tried One Minnte Cough Care. Four bottles of this won- dertul remedy cured me entirely of the cough, strengthened my lungs and re stored me to my normal weight, health and strength." Sold by all druggists. After L«at IIImm. "The plates on the table looked strange to me, though I have used them forty years. The pictures on the wails seemed to hang In new places. The very carpets had a novel coloring, as If they had been at some magic cleansing and dyeing establishment." Dear Aunt Mary was telling her favor ite niece her "queer" feelings after long illness. She was unconscious that she was repeating the story that has been told by convalescents from the time of Haslitt till the present day. Familiar things take on a disguise to the recovering eye. Even the face of a friend bears a new depth of meaning. "Did she use to look at me with such Intensity of gaze? Did she clasp my hand so warmly? Was her voice so gentle and her word so full of hope and courage before I was sick?" To the human creature Just returning to life after lingering fbr days at the gates of death the, whole world as sumes a new aspect. Even inanimate objects seem to say: "You came near leaving us forever. No wonder you for got our shapes and colors." And the warm, conscious, loving friend bends over us and with eye and voice says, "See. I love you more truly than before I knew how I should miss you!" So •fter long sickness, as after a hard, oold winter, the world breaks into a new and blossoming spring.--Youth's A Story of WHiatler. One day Whistler entered the atelier of his class in Paris and found that a red background had been arranged be hind the model. At once he directed something of a duller tone to be substi tuted, and he scraped the red paint oft the canVas of one of the pupils, putting in its place another background. But the red would show through. He scrap ed, studied and worked laboriously to get something that pleased him. The rest of the class surrounded the easel and eagerly watched the master. He looked up finally and said, "I suppose you know what I am trying to do?" "Oh, yes, sir!" they all chorused. "Well, It's more than I do," be replied grimly and left the place. Trial Subscription*. The Plaindealer will l>e sent to any aldress for three months for twenty five cents as a "trial trip." Try it, and if we hear nothing from yon at the end of the time paid for, the paper will be discontinued. If you wish it to contin ue hand in $1.50 and we will enter your name on our regular list for a year. We propose to make The Plaindealer bet ter next year than ever before. A three months' trial will convince you. Onr correspondents are authorized to take these subscriptions Remember, thi paper will be stopped at the end of th< three months if you are not satisfied, ti or Iut«r«nt to H«reiit<. In buying a cough medicine to be ad ministered to children and pentorifc o a delicate constitution, parents should avoid baying those bad tasting syruys that nauseate the stomach and disturb the digestion. Many of such medicines contain opinm and other stupefyiug drugs, which are dangerous as well as unpleasant. There is one medicine, sold by G. W. Besley, W. McHenry, which is free from all such objections. It is Harts' Honey aud Horehound and it may always be relied upon to speedi ly cure Coughs, Colds, Croup, La Grippe ahd all Throat and Lung affections. Large bottles 25c, and $1.00. I>o You WHIIS MTMIITBF If yon want to increase your strength you mhst add to and not take from the physical. In other words, the food that you eat must be digested, assimilated and appropriated by the nerves, blood and tissues before being expelled from the intestines. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure adds to the physical. It gives strength to and builds up strength in the human system. It is pleasant to the taste and palatable, and the only combination of dige*tants that will digest the food and enable the system to appropriate all of its health and strength-giving qualities. Sold by all druggists What Pnuled Blm. A well known clubman entered a po lice station and said to the sergeant, "I would like to have an Interview with that burglar you arrested for breaking into my house last night" Sergeant-- I don't know that I can allow you un less you first tell me what you want to see him about. Mr. Clubman--Oh, there's nothing secret about It I Just wanted to find out how he got into my house so easily; it's more than I can do at night--Kansas City Independent Name Wlteh BNMI. The name Witch Hazel is much abused. E. C. DeWitt & Co., Chicago, are the inventors of the original and only genuine Witeh- Hazel Salve. A certain cuie for Cuts, Burns. Bruises, Eczema, Tetter, Piles, etc. There are many counterfeits of this salve, some of which are dangerous, while th*y are all worthless. In buying Witch Hazel Salye be sure the name E. C. DeWitt & Co., Chicago, is on the box, and a core is certain. Sold by all drusrgists. Legal Eloquence. A young lawyer concluded his argu ment in a case with the following sub lime burst of eloquence: "If, gentle- meh of the jury, the defendant's bogs are permitted to roam at large over the fair fields of my client with im punity, then--yes, then, indeed, have our forefathers fought and bled w»ui died in vain!" It Saved H is Leg. P. A. Danforth of LaGrange, Ga , suf fered for six months with a frightful running sore on his leg; but writes that Bucklen'B Arnica Salve wholly cured it in five days. For Ulcers, Wounds. Piles, t's the best salve in the world. Cnre guaranteed. Only 25 cts Sold by Julia A Story, G. W. Besley and N. H. Pet esch, druggists HEALTH MI dont think we could keep house without Thedford's Black- Draught. We have uied it In the family for over two years with the beat of results. I have not had m doctor in the house (or that length of time. It is a doctor in itself and always ready to make a person well and happy."--JAMES HALL, Jssk-1 aonville, 111. ______ Because this great medicine relieves stomach pains, frees the constipated bowels and invigor* atea the torpid lifer and weak* ened kidneys Ho DOCTOR is necessary in the home when Thedford's _ Black-Draught it kept. Families living in % country, miles from any physi cian, have been kept in nealth for years with this medicine as only doctor. Thedford's Black - Draught cures biliu--1 ness, dyspepsia, colds, chills and fever, bad blood, headaches, diarrhoea, constipation, colio and almost every other ailment because the stomach, bowels liver and kidneys so nearly trol the health. THEDFORD'5 BLACK- DRAUGHT RAW or Inflamed Lnugn Yield rapidly to the wonderful cura tive and healing qualities of Foley's Honey and Tar. It prevents pneumo nia and consumption from a hard cold settled on the lungs. "My daughter had a terrible cough which settled on the lungs," says N. Jackson of Danville, III. "We tried a great many remedies without relief, nntil we gave her Foley's Honey and Tar, which cured her." Sold by G W. Besley, W. McHenry. Cheerful and Hopeful. The men whom 1 have seen succeed best in life, says Charles Kingsley, have always been cheerful and hope ful men, who went about their business with a smile on their faces and took the changes and chances of their nor mal life, like men, facing rough and smooth alike as it came, and so found the truth of the old proverb that "good times and bad times and all times pass over." More Riots. Disturbances of strikers are not near ly as grave as an individual disorder of t ie system. Overwork, loss of sleep, nervoos tension will be followed by ut ter collapse, unless a reliable remedy is immediately employed. There's noth ing so efficient to cure disorders of the Liver and Kidneys as Electric Bitters. It's a wonderfu tonic and effective nerv ine and the greatest all around medicine for run down systems. It dispels Nerv ousness, Bheumatisni and Nenralgia and expels Malaria germs. Only 50c, and satisfaction guaranteed-by Julia A. Story, Geo W. Besley and N. H. Pet- esch, druggists. Management. "I don't see, Ella, bow you manage with your housekeeping money. If I give, you a lot you spend a lot but it I don't give you so much you seem to get along with it" "Why, that's perfectly simple, Ru dolph. When you give me a lot I use it to pay the debts I get lhto when you don't give me so much." otolith* TOniA, 1 The Kind You Haw Always Bough ins una tou hkw swap Loss of Flesh When you can't eat break- fast, take Scott's Emulsion. /hen you can't eat bread nd butter, take Scott's :rnulsion. When you have >een living on a milk diet and /ant something a little more nourishing, take Scott's :mulsion. To get fat you must eat 'it Scott's Emulsion is a ^reat fattener, a great strength giver. Those who have lost flesh want to increase all body tissues, not only fat Scott's Emulsion increases them all, bone, flesh, blood and nerve. For invalids, for con valescents, for consumptives, for weak children, for all who need flesh, Scotfs Emulsion is a rich and com fortable food, and a natural tonic. Scott's Emulsion for bone, flesh, blood and nerve. you We will send a free sample. B« sure that this picture In the form of a label is on the wrapper of every bottle of Emulsion you buy. scon & BOWNE, CHEMISTS. 409 Pearl St. N.Y. 50c and $11 all druggists. FRANK BUHR PAINTER . Carriage painting will close April 1st. nt which time I will be prepared for house painting and interior decorating. Bring in your carriage now. Phone 254 UMMMM Special (or week teijiniiiini fell. 29 \:k?y fl.M Men's Wool Underweiff $1.00 Men's Wool Underwear.^*. .75c 76o Men's Wool Underwear.....^ ^ 60c Men's Fleeced Underwefur, .W. . 89c 85o Boy's Fleeced Underwear ^.4 . 2Sc 80c. Misses Golf Glovds,.:. 'V.....> i:«>. . „,;j».... ,8Uc BLACK CAT HOSIERY Af CUT PRIC(^ 25e Fleeced Stockings at..........80c 16o Fleeced Stockings at > . . ; s . . , V . V. • ., 0c ; • x Boy's 25c Caps at .IBe i"/v GROCERY SNAPS! 12 bars good So&p:..... ; .25c Toilet Soap. v.............;.... .3c Tar Soap ,,4o Washing. Powder. .40 FOR UP TO DATE, HONEST, SOLID SHOES AT LOWEST PRICES WE ARE HEADQUARTERS F. A. BOHLANDER • WWHMWtff & i & St I Order Now I 1 :*• ft § I i « ml % I have just received a ui'ce line of Suitings and Pants Goods. Not small Samples to selecp from, but the whole piece. You can see just what the Suit will look like when finished/ I bought these Goods at a bargain and will give you the benefit. > DISCOUNT OF 15 PER CENT. FROM REGULAR PRICE. i if: #: John D. Lodtz, A of Yes a warehouse full of Farm Machinery, Wagons and Buggies. FOR THE AFTER HARVEST TRADE we have an unusually well selected stock of time saving, labor saving, money saving Implements, which we fully guarantee. It is our aim to he up to date and ever ready to meet, even to anticipate the wants of our most progressive customers. Farmers who consult their best interests buy only the best of Goods. We sell the I FAIRBANKS MORSE GASO INE ENGINES all sizes. FEED! - FEED! - FEED! We have on hand a large stock of Bran, Middlings, Oil Meal, Salt, Etc., on which we will not be undersold, whether you want a bag full or a Car Load. Come and let us convince you. West McHenry, 111. WM. BONSLETT. | GROCERIES TIMELY HINTS | FOR MEN { JUneeda Biscuit, 5c per pkg or six for.25c 1 lb pkg seeded Raisins, special bargain. 10c 1 can of extra fine juicy peas, 9c or 3 for. 25c An extra fine large prune, special while they last, t>nly 06c Choice Alaska Salmon, per can only.... 10c First quality Oil Sardines, per box 05c Fancy Red Pawnee Salmon, pet* can.... 14c Fancy Sauk City Sugar Corn, per can.. 10c 5 lb pail Jelly, only 23c Extra fine Silver Drip Table Syrup, gal. pail only .. .. ..30c Extra large bottle Aurora Tomato Cat sup, only ^Oc Qt bottle sugar bush Maple Syrup, only. 25c Oat meal per pound 4^c 21 pounds Sugar 00 Try a s^ck of Oold fledal Flour! It has no equal Suitings and Waistings 19c All tColors in China Silks, per yard, .. 39c See our Fancy Madras for Waistings We have the latest shades>aiid patterns in Spring Suitings and Waistings, only. 19c These goods will have to be seen to be appreciated. Stop in and see them. We will be pleased to show them whether you .buy or not. Large size Pit finish Pillow Tops, 25c, Cords to matchr 23c. Extra large Bed Spread, handsome patterns, 98» 1.25 BLOCK & BETHKE Men's Ilockford Socks, 5c, 6c, and 8c --the better grade, 10c or 3 pr for 25c Men's fancy Striped Hose*, per pr. 10c{ Children's fine Ribbed Hose, such as 7 you pay 25c for, only......., - ̂ *10c S _ j: Buy our bad boy Hose, it is a laster, for 19c Men's fine Patent Colt Shoes, at.... $3.49 ¥ Men's fine Velour Calf Shoes, at $2.98 r All Men's $1.00 Shirts, at :69c J; All Men's Neckties, formerly sold at 25c jT and 50c, now 19c and 3$c 2 All Men's Suspenders, formerly sold at ' • 35c and 50c, now : 25c r