wrm-y^1"^ty1" iA»pj -Y^'A' ' i-ii'i '•}:•"-<\1- |?i^'>r.-' v" ,; ;* -.:v*'."""!: • /'^" •'.* '•' -v '• :' "•' • ? '} •^::-l.v ;--r s®stiiisfi Hm Whole Story. Old •entJeman--See here, ymmg- __ r, *» yoa know what happens when little boys stay away from school? Little Boy--Sore! a good time an' l̂pt;fVBpankin'. < f •ifc • kr :•!<*. "Yes." " $ ' v.* V * ~Wkat did you My** * "Nothiag;, of course. I've only been (lopping." ' , m^ii.i>V i,i[riif!: IIMI 11 yC^ ' A Woman* W ^ Been shopping Consistent. *^See here!" cried the dyspepife par tron, "this coffee is cold." "Sure!" replied the waiter. "DIs Is a quick lunch Joint. If de coffee wua hot you wouldn't have time ter drink it-;4:pa' , ^fW"~ •" .V •:•* ft* wonders «T MS*-* *• "These photographs of my friend are beautiful! Can you do some oL me just like them V "Madam, we do almost anything."-- Life. - *'v* 1 ^ - - '£;y^i% >r& u/mvz I*-.* " » / " *.-?%' . ' •t \ •'• ~M • •'•< •" 4• (N^'-v HMV^WNM r;/.rv?v &}%*••'• wrf 01>' 1 W ? l . |% • k sms;:. I Miss Agnes Miller, of Chicago, speaks to young women about dangers of the Menstrual Period--how to avoid pain ar^d suffering and remove the cause by using Lydia EL Pinkham's Vegetable Compound* "To Yo^no Women:--I suffered for six years with dysmenor rhea (painful periods), so much so that I dreaded every month, as I knew lfc meant three or four days of intense pain. The doctor said this was due to an inflamed condition <S* the by repeated and neglected colds. uterine appendages caused £ youn^ girls only realized how dangerous it is to take cold at this critical tune, much suffering would be spared them. Thank God for Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound, that was the only medicine which helped mo any. Within three weeks after I started to take it, I noticed a marked improvement in my general health, and at the time of my next monthly period the pain had diminished consider ably. I kept up the treatment; and was cured a month later. 1 am like another person since. I am in perfect health, my eyes are brighter, I havo added 12 pounds to my weight, my color is good, and I feel light and happy."---Miss Agnes Miller, 25 Potomac Ave., Chicago, I1L The monthly sickness reflects the condition of a woman's health. Anything unusual at that time should have prompt and proper attention. Fifty thousand letters from women prove that JLydia E. Pinkliam's Vegetable Compound regulates men* ftrnatiUni and makes those periods painless. READ WHAT MISS LIKDBEGK SATSt ' "Dbar Mrs. PnncHAK: -- Lydia E. Pink* ham's Vegetable Compound has greatly bene fitted me. I will tell you how I suffereu. My trouble was painful menstruation. I felt as eiicn. month went by that I was getting worse. I hud severe bearing-down pains in my bdek and abdo men. TT A friend advised me to try Mrs. Pink ,tnto medicine. I did so and am now free from all pain during my periods." -- Jessub C. LiNinutox. 1201 6th Street, Kockford, 111. FREE ADVICE TO WOUXOT. Remember, pvery woman is cordially invited to write to Mrs. Pinkham if there Is anything about her symptoms she does not understand. Mrs. Pinkhum's address is Lynn, Mass., her advice is free and cheerfully given to every ail ing woman who asks for it. Her advice has restored to health more than one hundred thousand wonpaci* Why don't yon try it, my sick sisters? FORFEIT H w* Muntot forthwith prodnee the original fatten tad atcnatnrM of abore MiUmnntaU, whioh will pro*e their absolute genuineness. Ljrdia K. Plnltluun Medicine Co* Iflnm. UNO All WISDOM SOAP (Granulated) Get a package to-day for cleaning your wood- GfOCCrS work, floors, pans and dishes. You'll like it. FACTS WORTH KNOWING Read This Letter--Then ask the 6rocer. Portland, Maine, January 5, 1903. HYGIENIC FOOD CO, Battle CrMk. Mich. Gentlemen:--Mapl-Flake takes first rank in oar home. A year's test proves it the best. I begin the day with it--I end the day with it. Wholesome, nour ishing, giving splendid satisfaction. People of sede&> tary habits will find Mapl-Flake a great blessing. | have gained ten pounds during the past year and I think Mapl-Flake did it. I am able to do more work with Mapl-Flake than without it. Sincerely, REV. C. WILLIAMS FISHER, No. 854 Congress Street. CAST FROM WHITE HOUSE. Delicious Healthful Economical **1# to yourself some strength you'd take. Just start the day with MAPL-FLAKE Send top cut from a package of Map1»F1ake for handslbme Color Barometer and Booklet. HYGIENIC FOOD CO. 3 BATT'X CREEK. MICH. Learn Hypnotism. I PANAMA CANAL _ * • , . . . . R e n d n n p d i m n f o r 10 eentn ill Rnd re Complete instructions In the development sad practice of hypnotic power: also valuable Intonnution in mind readme and kindred sub jects. Cloth bound; illustrated. Price $1.00 prepaid. Address * J. IV!. ROUTSON, FREELAND,! Baltimore Co., MARYLAND. BAD BLOOD TOLLS. m Free Advice on Ah Blood Diseases. D*. A. M. KABOH, Wv.wa.iniM SEND one DIMN (or 10 eentn !n Rnd re celve a nice WALL XAP of the Hew Republic of Fanama b>- mall, prcpa.d. Specially liilerooilug at lliln time and f.ir mauy years t.. runic. JAS. I-- FOOTE, - Slatington, Penn. Boat Cough Bymp. TMte. Oooo. uaa Q in time. Sold by druttliU. HI c C O N S U M P T I O N Several Chandeliers Are Rescued Be* caueo-of Their Associations. Having been cast aside by the exeeih tire, several chandeliers of historic significance to those familiar with the White House have been rescued and sent to Congressional committee rooms. It was when the White House was being overhauled that the old relics, dating from President Grant's term, were sent to an auctioneer to be sold. Superintendent Elliott Wood of the National Capitol heard aboat it and bad them withdrawn from the sale. The finest of the chandeliers was placed in the rooms of the Senate Committee on the District of Colum bia. It weighs 800 pounds and con tains 5,000 pieces of crystal. The original cost of this one, together with four others rescued, is said to have been $27,000. They were imported from England, and originally were de* signed for accommodating gas lights, but now they have been remodeled for use with electricity. Bride of 1880. This was the way wour grandmoth er was dressed as a bride. Pish Story of Interest fn the harbor of Sydney, N. S. W., thirty-four years ago a fisherman killed and towed ashore a shark, cut him up, and found a London newspaper inside of him. In the paper was the an nouncement of the war between France and Germany. The shark had outdistanced the steamer by which the mail was coming, and the discov erer had the news to himself. He gave his information to a wealthy wool dealer, who bought all the sea son's clip at eighteen cents a pound and sold at seventy-two cents a pound after the news of war had arrived by the ordinary channel. He cleared, it is said, $20,000,000 by the deal. The man who killed the shark and extract ed the news received a battered silk hat and a five-shilling piece for his information. Old 8mallpox Germs. A peculiar case recently came to light at the McKinley Wood ranch, southwest of Big Horn, in Wyoming. A member of the Matlock family, who reside at the Wood ranch, was strick en with smallpox. The ranch was quarantined and the patient recovered. For a time the physicians were at a loss to know where the patient con tracted the disease, for he had not been away from the ranch for many months. The fact finally came to light that McKinley Wood, former owner of the place, died of smallpox seven years ago. Evidently the germs were not completely eradicated, and after a lapse of seven years Infected the present sufferer. The doctors say this case is almost without a parallel in the history of this disease. To Cushion Elevator 8hafts. To safeguard against injury those who are unfortunate enough to fall down an elevator shaft, a St. Louis factory inspector has invented a de vice, consisting of a woven wire net covering the bottom of the shaft and supported by stout arms. Under the net is a pair of compression springs. The combined action of net and springs breaks the fall. While the net gives and sags, the arms close ap like o scissors and are resisted by the movement of the springs. Eels Sold "by the Grab." London possesses a curiosity In the Southwark eel markfet, which is said to have been held regularly for over 300 years. It is little known except in the neighborhood where it is held-- viz., near Blackfriars Bridge. Origin, ally the eels sold were caught off Blackfriars Bridge, but now they come mostly from Holland and Scotland. They are not sold by weight, as Is usual, but by the handful, the price being "4d. the grab." CITIES COLLECT THE DUST. German Municipalities Guard Against the 8pread of Certain Diseases. As is well known, many diseases are widely disseminated in cities by the dust that fills the air and perco lates into houses and vehicles of every sort. To minimize as far as possible the danger to. tne public health from this cause the municipal regulations of Berlin Insist that refuse, ashes and all that is generally though inaccu rately summarized by the term "dust" should be carried through the streets in airtight receptacles. This has set ingenuity to work in the invention of both dustbins and dustcarts, and by means of suitable arfangements in the latter it has beeh found possible to take away household refuse without defiling the streets with either the of fensive smells or the infectious dust from which we suffer here. More perfect than any dustcart is the "substitution system." By this plan each householder has two dust bins, of which, however, only one is in his actual possession at a time. This, when full, is carried away bodily in the dustcart, In which has been brought back the empty one for use until the cart calls again. " A Wonderful Discovery. • Btoadland, S. IX, March 28.--Quite a sensation has been created here by the publication of the story of G. W. Gray who, after a special treatment for three months was prostrate and helpless and given up to die with Bright's Disease. Bright's Disease has always been considered incurable, but evidently from the story told by Mr. Gray, there is a remedy which will cure it even tn the most advanced stages. This is what he 6ays: "I was helpless as a little babe. My wife and I searched everything and read everything we could find about Bright's Disease, hoping that I would be able to find a remedy. After many failures my wife Insisted that I should try Dodd's Kidney Pills. I praise God for the day when I decided to do so for this remedy met every phase of my case and in a short time I was able to get out of bed and after a few weeks' treatment I was a strong, well man. Dodd's Kidney Pills saved my life." A remedy that will cure Bright's Disease will cure any lesser Kidney Disease. Dodd's Kidney Pills are cer tainly the most wonderful discovery which modern medical research has given to the world. HO APPETITE-ENIACIAIED-KERVOUS: Many Women During the Spring Months Suffer From Extreme Lassitude, Loss of Appetite and Nervousness--What They Need Is • $3-- & ;^vw i- Pe-ru-na, the Great Tonic Miss Bertha M. Rush, 5435 Kincarde street, Pittsburg, Pa.. Superintendent Junior Society of Methodist Protestant Church and leading Soprano of the choir, writes: "Words cannot describe my thankfulness to you for Peruna. I was a sufferer from systemic catarrh for years and was in a very much run down condition. I was extremely ner vous and had the most foolish fears over' nothing. I was thin and ema ciated. "My physician advised me to leave this climate, but as It was not con venient to do so at this time, I took the advice of a friend to use a bottle of Peruna. I took it faithfully and when the first bottle was gone I felt so much better that I bought six more and took them faithfully, after which I looked like a new woman. "I gained in flesh, my appetite re turned and all my old symptoms had disappeared. I am more than thank ful to Peruna."-- Miss Bertha M. Rush. I AN TIRED. Britain Honors American Architect. Glenn Brown, tne well-known Wash ington architect, has been elected an honorary, corresponding member of the Royal Institute of British Archi tects. Only six other American arch itects have been honored in this way. Mr. Brown is already a corresponding member of the Societe Contrale des Architectes Francais, as well as the Belgian Society of Architects. Won From 8tage(to Church. Rev. Wilson S. Fritch, pastor of Pilgrim church, an independent con gregation in Attleboro, Mass., recent ly decided to abandon the ministry and go upon the stage. At the urgent solicitation of his flock he has recon sidered his determination and will re main in charge of the church, with which he has been connected for three years. Degrees for Hannis Taylor. The University of Edinburgh has conferred the degree of doctor of laws on Hannis Taylor, the former United States minister to Spain. The same honor was conferred some time ago by the University of Dublin. Mr. Taylor will receive the decree at Dublin the last of Jnne and at, Edinburg early in July. His textbooks are used in both universities. NEW RUGS FROM OLD CARPET. We make the best rug on the mar ket from old carpet. Want agents in every county seat The spring rush is now coming on, so don't wait, but write at once. Good for $600.00 easy, this spring. METROPOLITAN RUG WORKS, 159 So. Western Ave., Chicago. Trims Trees He Flant^jt >; George L. Newton Is trimming the trees in the state house grinds at Montpelier, Vt., some of which'he set out 43 years ago, at which time he charged the state $1 apiece for them. Som* ata Jnches in diame- Pii? ot*i& * Explorer Andree Legally Dead. The Stockholm court has pronounc ed the arctic explorer Andree to be dead In law, the legal term of disap-' pearance having just expired. An dree left Spitzbergen on July II, 1897, with two companions in a balloon with the object of reaching the north pole. Teoslnte sad Billion Dollar Grass. The two greatest fodder plants on earth, one good for 14 tons hay and the other 80 tons green fodder per acr*. Grows everywhere, so does Victoria Rape, yielding 60,000 lbs. sheep and swine food per acre. JUST SENS lOo IN STAMPS TO THB John A. Salzer Seed Co., La Crosse, Wis., and receive in return their big catalog and lots of farm seed samples. (W. N. U.) In the Right Place. "How's the new organist?" asked one of the parishioners. "Oh, he flirts beautifully," replied the soprano of the church quartet. Don't you know that Defiance Starch, besides being absolutely supe rior to any other, is put up 16 ounces in packages and sells at same price as 12-ounce packages of other kinds? Hungry Higgins--Aint it queer wot fool t'ings sum men'11 do fer money? Shiftless Saders--Dat's wot! W'y, I've knowed sum fellers t' git low ernuff t' work fer it. Wl00l«'SttClK LAVNOBT BK.VB Won't spill, break, freeze nor spot clothes. Costs 10 cents and cotialB 20 cents worth of any other bluing., If your grocer does not keep it send 10c for sample to The Laundry iiluc Co., 14 Michigan Street, Chicago. "Tankley is quite a star as an after- dinner speaker." "Star! He's more like the moon. The fuller he gets the more brilliant he is." Everybody is Tired -- Spring Weather Does It--Every One Should Be Cautious. Depression of the nervous system at the approach of spring is the cause. General lassitude, dull, heavy sensa tions, continual tired feeling, with ir regular appetite, and sometimes loss of sleep. Peruna meets every indica tion and proves itself to be perfectly adapted to all their varied peculiari ties. Peruna invigorates the system, rejuvenates the feelings, restores the normal appetite and produces regular sleep. * That tired feeling which Is the nat ural result of the depressing effect of warm weather immediately after the invigorating cold of winter, quietly disappears when Peruna is taken. Thousands are dauy testifying to its priceless benefit. Mrs. H. Kassatt, 1309 West 13th Street, Des Moines, la., writes: "I am happy to give my endorsement for your valuable medicine, Peruna, as I consider it a valuable medicine to take when the system is run down from overwork. About two years ago I felt that I must take a long rest as I bad been unable to work for over a month and could not regain my strength. I could not sleep at night and was in a very nervous, high strung, condition. I decided to try what Peruna would do to build up my strength, and am pleased to say that I began to improve very shortly, and in less than two months I was able to take up my work, and felt better than I have for years. I take it now twice a year and find that it keeps me in perfect health." Mrs. Kassatt was for over ten years the manager of a plant fur nishing ladies' wear and employing hundreds of women. i - ' v 'f A" <?> ^ MISS BERTHA M. RUSH-PITTSBURG. Miss Rush Suffered with Systemic Catarrh--Was Ner vous, Had No Appetite, Grew Thin and Emaciated. She Now Looks Like a New Woman After a Course of Po-ru-na. •'i : : l k, r-.'v '&<%' . mBm • ? •-ii; . ::i ' • * I •ejj-jrj Tired, Nervous Women. There are thousands of them every where. A few bottles of Peruna would do them untold benefit. As a tonic and nerve invigorator it has no equal. It builds up the nerves, it gives strength to the circulation and at once restores the appetite and diges tion. No feeble woman should be without Peruna. If you do ttot receive t rompt and* ratisfactory i emits from the ose of' Peruna, write at once to Dr. Hart'] man, givingafuU statement ofyomr case, and he will be pleasmd to glvm, you his valuable advice gratis Aduress Dr. Hartmau, PretJdemt of the Hurt man Sanitarium, Ce>< tumbus, Ohio, I When will talkerB refrain from evil- speaking? When listeners refrain from evil-hearing.--Hare. Stops the Cough and Worku Off the Cold Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. PriosSSc. The Hague peace court seems to be taking a long rest. Mrs. Wtn«low'« Soothing Sjrap. For children teething, softens the irutna, rodncM In-AasuntUtm, all»;a pain, cures wind colic. 25c » bottle. King Edward has got over his cold. How's Jones? D O Y O U COUCH OOWT DELAY K E M P S B A L S A M II Cure« CoMi, Concrhg. Sow Throat, Croup, Infln- ecza, Whooping Con?!), Bronnlntia and Arthma. A certain cnr« for Consumption in first *tace«, and a sure relief In advanced ulagfM. Use at onCc. You will ate the excellent effect after taking the flrat doe*. Sold t>y dealer* everjwbars. Laig* bottles M cent* and 60 cent* OLD PEOPLE are not In m physical condition to experiment* You can't at* ford It. Ttat to why we recom mend Dr. Caldwell's <UXA£lVE> Syrup Pepsin for old peoples It acts upon the kidneys, liver and bowels, and If you keep those three organs In good condition you are sure to feel anteed by you ftOo and 91.00. PEPSIN SYRUP CO., MentlcsHo, III. THE LIPMAN U The element of chance has been eliminated from this investment. For purposes of development, the Up- roan Mines and Tunnel Company offers 100,000 shares of stock (pur value (3.00) for 25 cents per share. Properties comprise 310 acres of rich mineral bear ing Kround in the lieurt of the famous Wood Hiver Mining District, Idaho, which has record of S'-JO.OOO.OOO pro duction. Trial shipment went 247 ounces of silver, 48 per cent leml and f<l.OO ^old per ton. Kcgular shipments will betriu in June. Stock should go to par by that time. OFFICERS! Hefeer K. Wslls Osvsrnorof Utah, ViMlltut, Fred J. Kissel, Wholesale Grooer, Vice-Pre». Wm. A. Itelden, Wholesale Druggist, Treas. Fisher Harris, Tress. Bait Lake City, Seo'y. K. Kilter Lipman, Mining Expert, Sanager. REFERENCES: Amy Banker sr Merch&ut in Utah sr Idaho. WERE WELCOMED TO 50,000 AMERICANS OMED TO Western Canada «u?. address Upnait Mines & Tunnel Company •AUT LAKE CITY, UTAH. NOSPSCTUS UK APPLICATION*. !»ISC El. T. A .V EO VS. IF YOU HAVE ANY OH Stock, Mining Stock, Good Patents «r aaxtMag rise t)int you would exchange for land and jrou art: » mint; t i p»y u rrasoiiahlenomtnt* slon for that kfml of tntde. lint vnur property wlib tun. No charge< unless I nndl you a trade. E. D . R I IVI e R IN/I A N , PARIS, MO. ®ET A SOUVENIR of the SUNNV SOUTH. Weleht M pouml, mulled to uuy address on rscetpl Of I It'ty <50 I tvnls. AkimiIi wanted. MEKFHlS X0V£lA'Y CO., 58 North 3rd 6t., Memphis. Tean. woHL It's guar* our druggist at Only $4 down and $4 per month; no interest. Any quantity at tJ per p.cre. 10, 100 and 1.000 acre tracis; 150,000 acres. The gr^at Sabinitl lurid grant on Kuevitas harbor, finest ill the work); land cuaranteed level; hardwood timber. The landing place of Christopher Columbus. Send for illustrated prospectus, ntW, etc.--FWEK. CARLSON INVESTMENT CO. SIS Nat'l Life Bids. CHICAGO. DURING LAST YEAR. Tbey are settled and settlinc on the Grata tad Grazing I.ands, and are prosperous and satisfied. Sir Wilifred Laurier recently said: "A Dew Star has risen on the horizon, and it is towaid H thai evsry immigrant who leuves tbe land of his i tors to come and seek a home for htnwB Ionia his ga^e"--Canada. There is Room for Millions. FKEE HoidcsUmuIs given amy. Hilt--1>. Churchr*. Hallways, Market*, tllsial^ everything to be desired. For a descriptive Atlas and other informatioa. apply to Superintendent hiunit ration. Ottawa. Can ada, or authorized Canadian Government Agent-- C. ). Broughton. No 430 Ouincy Building. Chicago Hi; T O Currie. Room 11 Callahan Building, waakee. Wis • M V Melones. No. 6 Atmw I ke ater Block, Detroit. Mich. W. L. DOUGLAS •3.§s &*3 SHOES m W. Lu Douglas shoes havel»y tueir excellent style, easy-fitting, and superior wearing qualities aoaioved tbe largest sale of any slim in the world. They are just as good an those that cost you $4 to $5 -- the only dillereuce is tUo price. Sold £mrywhere. Look for name and price on bottom. l>onirla« uses Cortum I. Cottskili, which Never* \vher*» i iiih-kU'iI li bsttee finest Patestt f.-V-Sbor :. r: j r. .: .;.ed. F-i3t Co'or Fytlets os< <j. SHOES !>> maii.-JI Vrite fer Catalog. W.LJtoaglas. Braektw.) 6RE4T OPPORTUNITY and offer for sale for the next ti uiOn(h»,i>n nceeuntof change !u biisliie.-.M. l 'i Irujirovvd Fisrmtt near Ty- ler.Mlnn. Will make pr'c.-nn l t-rtiiTleht. Send fur iiwrniptlTt imn-T ' • " LAUKlT&EJi,XyierlF Storekeepers report that the extra quantity, together with the superior quality of Defiance Starch makes it next to impossible to gsell any other 4>rand. ^ When a man gets to be sixty he is almost as quiet as a woman at forty. CITC peraanently cured. No fttaor nerroasiWM • 11 O first day's u«© of Dr. KUoe's Oi or FRKK mZ.OO trial be Send for ret day's um or Dr. KUoe's Great N'erre Ke«t<)i* for rREK S2.00 trial bottle and tinflna &. tt. JtUXE, LtcUttl Aicto I old-fash-Philosophers get so very toned after a few year§. taR „»•?«'.- FOR B u r n s and Scalds C u t s B r u i s e s Mil B8TATB. Choice Farms liuproved KarMSt uearuniro, W!!in-tM|f.> C.muty. Wisconsin. 10 u> ti i acres; clcse to rmrket; deep. rU'h *ol- • pieuty "i pore ' water; crop failure uukii 'wn: line a»vl ilafrv i country: kii>nI *iciciv. ctiurchfi aad stb ; e!ec- • trie lut'Turbau a preai c>>n\enleu<:e. KeaaonsVe prices au<l e»*y term*. <V»rrie Sii<i tfltee ' farm*. Vou * lil Bud wtm: run * ant. 1! y c<rtye. write 8. tfciwHTOW, Qniro^ p,_. I. BADDTNFL Bhaata County, KGRIJIIKJI COMt TO nCfluIRS, ciLimtail for HcnNj for< l)e*p land!) ami its nuileveIoi>ed rfSAurv-«- vl(er* verfutailou KiM ii the yt-dr r*iua<l; » tiers fruits, &er-rlei. grapes ki-vh- lu pr ifitsluu; wtirre cauie «T**e tbe rear round » nli"»U »liriter. A lan.t *"!th gv>ltlea ojip iiu;ulie* u>r iU« prutlent h07ae«eet:cr; villi matcliir"* opp.irtuntile* for tbe bi«lue>» rim anil illvtr, c.ipper mlu# \<» U>I- I»n1» u r OT>-l >ne». Mlnet for iale, lh>nil or le^se. I>>-cl x>e 1 r ; Heraiure. J0J.H WHITE > CO. 120-acre Farm for Sale--r.iHul S-rMni b<>e«ea new Om n : a<'n*» of ytiuu^; orchard.'» puiture ae4 tlmV••. f In luv and corn; cla* .s'dl; (*i>J m,H-liik': ' tie miie fr->ni tow u 1'rlco #75 nor »<•(«. S23 Aorcs t^r »alc; i houw.hArn atki ou'sbutlit* 1dk>; #,* kxJ laud -TIIn^:-- Pru;« $66 per atrt* Ter" « Uilser furtn* ^ »r »ale. tr® », JOSEPH OlDFIELD, A-eat, Vani.ilti, Tffiinii. FOR J.-iijU . .-.t'CW. l(u:.j . \ ,'i.-etaliie n't.i i..' , tie*. H 'lue ni.11 }wet« I'T«..! tai M. «nd ra.i<. a pr au-«'ta. J im** Iand4 are lu and tiuiiiediate'y aro'iud Ihv lllai-t llllla of txmth 1>ak<Ha. The It.a. k 1111!* are in Knowied^ed t.i be llie'r'ehe^t l-O «iu*re uulft.a eartli, »;i,l t 'iiave t!u ic.»t agreeable oi.uia'.e ;^ke '•il-ul In i lie I'tlit.-d Male*. SAMUEL SCOTT, Custer, South Dakota* CALIFORNIA LANDS. If you u ant a fci nio iu rullf ra!» " » rite »i. ! ir :l as wliat you «a:u. We hive had'-•>> years' e i !v: '.f iv • la t'aiifonil.i We h»*e Kru (. A ralfa, St ><'k sml ( lil -ken iUiiefien. Wo li ne Wed*a: t'SBlt inorii;at;e figure*, intprevrd ;>niUfc »r» (n> ties. Toil lu how i.i uvti \01 c. >i : i'> W- :» ta N. K. SPECT Sl CO.. Real E*t*te Broker®, IQIO Fourth Street, SACRAMENTO. C% -- W. N. U., CHICAGO, No. 14, 1904." ' :||f f--. }"'• (i: I-* fx f- :47*; When Answering Adv«rtiMm«nta Kindly Mention This Paper, tzJms