Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 14 Apr 1904, p. 4

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mmma timm $k Women as Well as Men Are Made Miserable by pi Kidney Trouble. ,." Kidney trouble preys upon the mind, dis­ courages and lessens ambition; beauty, vigor and cheerfulness soon disappear when the kid­ neys are out of order or diseased. Kidney trouble has become so prevalent that it is not uncommon for a child to be born ' afflicted with weak kid­ neys. If the child urin- ates too often, if the urine scalds the flesh or if, when the child 'reaches an age when it should be able to control the passage, it is yet afflicted with bed-wetting, depend upon it. the cause of the difficulty is kidney trouble, and the first step should be towards the treatment of the^e important organs. This unpleasant trouble is due to a diseased condition of the kidneys and bladder and not to % habit as most people suppose. Women as well as men are made mis­ erable with kidney and bladder trouble, :and both need the same great remedy. The mild and the immediate effect of Swamp-Root Usoon realized. It is sold by druggists, in fifty- cent and one dollar sizes. You may have a sample bottle by mail free, also pamphlet tell- Horn.' of sw,imp Root, ing all about it. including many of the thousands of testimonial letters received from sufferers c.yred. In writing Dr. Kilmer & Co.. Binghamton, N. Y., be sure and mention this paper. The McHenry Plaindealer PUBLISHED EVEKY THl'KSDAY BY the nchenry plaindealer company. F. K. Qranorr. W. A f 'RiaTY. J. B. PERRY. Pres. Sec. Treas. Chas. D. Schoonmakbr. Editor. Office In Bank Building. Telephone, No. 272. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: One year • •• . H.50 8lx months, 75 cts. Three months. 40cts. Thursday, April 14, 1904. VILLAGE ELECTION. Notice is hereby given that on Tnes day, the 19th day of April next, at the city hall in the village of McHenry, in the connty of McHenry and state of Illinois, an election will be held for the following village offices, viz: Three village trustees and one village clerk. Polls will be opened at seven o'clock in tmrnim* an 1 will continue open an- til five o'clock of the same day. Given under my hand at McHenry, fit, this 12th day of April, A. D. 1904. "John Stoffel, Village Clerk. SCHOOL CAUCUS. The legal voters of McHenry, qualified to vote at school elections in district No. 15, McHenry, 111., are requested to meet at the village hall on Friday. April 15. at 4 o'clock p place in nomination one president of the board of education, to serve one year; two members of the botrd of education, to serve three years;- one member to fill vacancy, to serve one year. Per order. tr The Chicago Journal has changed vi hands. It is to be hoped that the * change will do it good. It has been in , : a class all by itself--not of the high class, either. President Roosevelt has fixed the salaries of the Isthmian canal commit- sioners at #12,000 a year, and in addi­ tion thereto $15 a day while they are on the isthmus That's a better job than being path master. Rl IKi KF1K1.1). The Plaindealer will be sent to any address on trial three months for twen­ ty-five cents, and will be discontinued at the expiration of time, unless other­ wise ordered. Try it. W. Yanke spent Saturday in Chicago W. Dike spent Wednesday at Crystal Lake. Mrs. C. M. Keeler was in Chicago Tuesday. Mm A. Pose was a Woodstock visitor Thursday. R L. Du field was a Woodstock visitor Wednesday. Miss Sadie Wood of Nnnda was here on business Wednesday. Mrs. E. B Smith visited Elgin friends the >at.ter part of last week. W. Wilantl and F. W. Haftman were visito s >»t Woodstock F riday. Me-idaiues L. Thayer hij<1 R. L Dufield were Nunda callers M >nday. K. E. Thayer of <irpenw«H>d visited at Mrs. E. B. Smith's Wednesday. E. Cadwallader returned from his visit in Iowa Tuesday evening Miss Cora Ward of Woodstock was the guest of Mrs. Goddard this week. Mrs. M W. Ward and daughter Nora of Greenwood visited here Thursday. Rev. W. K. Shelt s|>ent part of the past week with friends at Anstin, Minn. Mesdames French and R. Goddaad spent Tuesday with friends at Wood­ stock. Mr. and Mrs E. W. Merchant and. son visited at J. B. Lynch's Tuesday ind Wednesday; Mtf and Mrs. Olin Ha'l, Miss Hobart., F. W Hartm in and E Auners were Nnnda visitors Saturday. Miss Cavford of California gave a \rery interesting lecture at the chnrch Monday evening, her subject being 'Six different classes of Girls." Those who heard her address were more than deliehted and it ended ill too soon. Miss Cay ford is a very talented speaker and those who failed to hear her missed a rare treat. Want Cojumn. All »dTfrtl.*meBt« Inwrted under thin head >t the following rates: Five lines or leas, sit cent* fur tint insertion; 16 cents for each subsequent inmsrtlon. Mure than f ive ltnew. B oeuta a line (or tlrut Insertion, aiul K rents a line tor additional inxertions. •CV)R SAXK Four-yt-ar-old colt.. g<x>d slw\ *- lias Imm'ii driven some. Also :i surrey. ii» good condition. Will tw sold right. hu|iitrr of SamitkIj McDonai-ik \V. McHenry III. 40-tf TTTORK HOUSES FOR SAI.E--The under- ** signed litis a few sulmtantial work hors­ es for sale, weighing from ltOO to 1400 pounds. Will be sold cheap and on reasonable terms. 34-tf F. K. G HA NO KB. TJOUSE FOK RENT-At Solon Mills; 13 "• rooms, suitable for dwellinffor hotel pur­ poses. New and in jjyod i<vation near depot. Itinuire of Win. Simes. West MdHenry, or Robert Sutton, Solon Mills. ;t">-tf. \X7 ANTED--Special representative <in tliis "* county and adjoining territories, to rep­ resent and advertise tin old established busi­ ness house of solid tiuauciul standing. Sal­ ary f21 weekly, with expenses advanced each Monday by check direct from headquarters. Horse and buggy furnished when necessary: position permanent. Address Hlew Hros. & CV»., Room filO Monon Itldg., Chicago. 111. tj^OK SALE I have for sale some full blood S. C. Brown Leghorns. Also eggs for hatching. Inquire of A. S. I'arks. 41-2t* ' West McHenry, III. C^ARM FOR SALE--Short dista^tv from McHenry on the north, consisting of 47 acres excellent land, new house, barns, etc, 2 wells and cistern. There are ton acres of mouldingsapd on the place, enough to pay for the place, :<nd for which there is always a market. Inquire of Jos. Blake. 41 tf McHenry. III. "CMYK ACRES FOR SALE--On north side of -*• McHenry village. <'ood house, new barn 18x2S with basement, well an 1 cistern, shade and fruit trees. An ideal home. Inquire of 41 tf >, Jos. Blake, McHenry. who understands ditch Inquire of H. (.'. Mead, ^yANTEl/--A ma/ 41 tf ing-and til It 5 > i PROBATE NEWS f I s REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Albert L. Howe & w to Stephen H Freund. land in sees 23& 25, McHenry{|0300 00 Albert Etten & w to Gerhard Wegener, a In neH lie1* sec 32, McHenry, (Range 9) 800 00 Simeon H Covell & w to Albert Etten, sw'4 & pt swH seH. 40 & part v!< nwii section 31, (Range 0) Paul Brown & w to Benjamin Stilling, Its 2 & 3 in blk 19. McHeury.(west side Fox river 800 C1 Henry Stilling & w et al to Joseph Stil­ ling. part It 21. Pistakee cottage grds 500 00 Joseph Stilling & w et al to Ben Stilling It 21. Pistakee cottage grounds 500 00 Benjamin Stilling & w to Joseph Died- lot3. blk 19, McHenry, (west side of Fox river 37500 Mary H. Mehring et al to Gustsiv J Koop et al. undivided 2-3 Interest In lot 3, Nicholas Snyder's sub-division of part nH sec 25, McHenry, also right of way 163H Joseph W. Mehring, per guardian to same, undivided 4 same om 00 Same tf) Joseph Heimer, undivided H interest in Its 4. 5. 0. 7, H, 9, 10, same subdivision also right of way 400 01' MARRIAGE LICENSES. Albert J. Mavis. 88 Woodstock Minnie Rehbeck, 38 Woodstock Gra L. Peck, 27 Nunda Charlotte Do well, 28 Wancond* August Toda, 82 Chemnng Mattie Freese, 24 Harvard Mathias Nett, 34 Johnsburgh Margaret Thiel, 28 Johnsburgh C. Lucius Passinore. 31 Huntley M. Pearl Prickett, 24 Nunda Ben J. Adams, 24 McHerry Susie Schsefer, 28 McHerry West McHenry. "CVJR RENT/CHEAP--A brick store, 24x40. with dellAr full size aud six neat living rt>oms over lye ad. For terms and other infor­ mation ado/ess R. L. Turnkr, 41 -tf Solon MiIK_I 1 TjV)R SALE--A quantity of seed oats. In - quire of W. E. Whiting. \V. McHenry. 41tf "CVJR SALE-- Leather top. onejseat phaeton -1- in good condition. Will be sold very cheap. Inqulru of Db. H. T. Brown, 42-tf Me H e nry. "C^OR RENT--At most reasonable terms, a -*• new modern cottage in village of Johns­ burgh, III. Inquire of Thko. Meyeks, Prop., Johnsburgh, III. WANTED--Several persons of good charac­ter and reputation in each state (one in this county required) to represent and adver­ tise old established wealthy business house of solid financial standing. Salary $31.00 week I v with expenses additional, all payable in cash direct each Wednesday from head of­ fices. Horse and carriage furnished when necessary. References. Enclose self ad­ dressed envelope. Manufacturers and Whole salers. Dept. 2, third floor, 334 Dearborn St., 42-4t. Chicago. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Estate of Oliver W. Owen, deceased. The undersigned, having been appointed executor of the last Will and Testament of Oliver W. Owen, deceased, late of the County of McHenry and State of Illinois, hereby gives notice that he will appear before the County Court of Vie Henry County, at the Court House in Woodstock, at the June Term, on the first Monday in Juno next, at which time all persons having claims ai:ainst said estate are notified and requested to at­ tend for the purpose of having the same ad­ justed. AH persons Indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned. Dated this 21st day of March, A. IV1904. 42-3t Raymond H. Owen, Executor. How to Ward off an Attack of Rheuma­ tism. "For years when spring time came on and I went into gardening, I was snre to have an attack of rheumatism, and every attack was more severe than the preceding one." says Josie McDonald, of Man, Logan connty, W. Va. "I tried everything with no relief what­ ever nntil I procure I a bottle of Qham- berlain's Pain Balm, and the first appli­ cation gave me ease and before the first bottle was used I Mt like a different person. Now I feel that I am cored, iiut I always keep a ln-ittle of Chamber­ lain's Pain Balm in the house, and when I feel anv symptoms of a return I soon drive it away with one oi two applica­ tions of this liniment." For sale by all lrnggista. mssm UYKIII Cash Given Away to Us@rs of IAOU We are going to be more liberal than ever in 1904 to users o f Li'm Coffee. Not only will the Lion-Heads, cut from the packages, be £oo«L1. as heretofore, for the valuable premiums we have always given our customers, but the same Lion-Beads will entitle vou to estimates i make some of our patrons rich men aud wou^u. Vou asslarFriaPrsmiums ur 3.50,000.00 Grand Prize Contest*, which will seed :a ma. y c-'t.mates as desired. There will be TWO GREAT CONTESTS i/1 # ^*2,* contest will be on the July 4tn attendance at the »9?. World'ss Fair; the second relates to Total Vote For President to Recast Nov. 8, 1904. - \c,i; 'oe distributed in each of these contests, making 940,000.00 on the two, and, to make it st..l rnc<re inte;estiuij, i:i riddition to this amount, we will give a T* ^ to one who is nearest correct on both vp5 b O con tests, Mid thus your estimates have two opportunities of winning a big cash prize. m,' Grand^JFIrst^JPrize of F i v e L i o n - H e a d s cut from Lion Coffee Packages and a a cent stamp entitle you (in addition to the reg­ ular free premiums) to one vote in e i t h e r c o n t e s t : WORLD'S FAIR CONTEST What Mrfll be the total 4th attendance at (he St. T,onls World'* Fair? At Chicago. Juiy 4.1S93. the utrendancc was For nearest correct estimates received in A'oolson Spico Com­ pany's office, Toledo, Ohio, on or before Jtme 30ih. I"*1-!, va v I '. liive first prize for the nearest correct estimate, Mcood prize to f ::e UGxt Dearest, etc., etc., aft follows: X First Prize S3 600 00 1 Second Prize i OOI/OO 2 Prizes -SSOO.OO each ' 1,000.00 1 ooo oo 1 000.00 1.000.00 2.500.00 TOTAt., #"50,000.00 >mM, '•£* r 'W, ̂ * 6 Prizes - 200.00 lO Prizes - lOO.OO 20 Prizes - 60.00 oO PrlieB -- 20.00 260 Prizes -- 10.00 1800 Prizes-- 6.00 2139 PKIZEa, Printed blanks to vote on found in every Lion Coffee Pack­ age. The 2 cent stamp covers the expense of our acknowledgment to you that your es- timate is recorded. PRES!DE*i7iAL VOTE CONTEST What w".l be tho totnl Vote cait for President {vote* for :ii!c: nt-ivj.iU'S combined i at sh« election Novembers, 1904? In dec ii/ti. Ki.'.'SJ.Oi.i reop'.e vAtmi for President. For nearest cor­ rect p^ti'iiii-.c* rtu-K-'vcii in V. oo!son Spice Co.'s, office, Toledo. O., f", i 0rf\ or j w> Tvi;i X'tve first prize for the nearest cor­ rect i • .i::a:c, srcoud prize to tee next nea'eftt, etc.. etc.. as follows: 1 rirstP-T® $2,500.00 1 C«ccr._ -i--« 1,000.00 i^i.oxo oacb 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 2,600.00 9.000.00 TOTAt, 120,000.00 C F -'ir- 10 Prl-c--- 20 Pri-c^-- GO Prizes-- 250 rnzoa-- 1UOO Prize#-- 2 * no P?.I?:ES, OO CO lOO.CO eo.oo 20.00 lO oo 6.00 4 2 7 9 -- P R I Z E S -- 4 2 7 9 Ditlribnkd to Ihi Public--aeeregating; S$5,000.00-ln addition to whloh w* shall glvo {S,00« to Hfooort Cl»rk» (sea particulars In LIOW COFFEE cates) making a grand tolal of $50,000.00. COMPLETE DETAILED PARTICULARS IN EVERY PACKAGE OF LION COFFEE O JiSbH 8PICE CO., (CONTEST DEP'T.) >- •• • A'-. • k&w;-; TOLEDO, OHIO. M'* VV •••••••• 'i J.1 i-'i'. 1^04 harvest M0UINEILL. will depend largely upon the kind of preparation you make for it. Yon cant ex­ pect to do HAtisfactory work or Recnre boanfitul crops if yon try to along with worn-oat tools. Peof Tools Mdke Pwr Work! It is trne economy to discard old things that are no longer fit for Hatisfat: ory service and provide vonrself with modern, labor saving HiipHiHtnM. m. Boisim, wist meiirt. Illinois will show yoo a line of up-to date Farm Machinery and Implements of the very best makes, includinK the famous John Deere Plows, Harrows and Planters Superior Brain Prills and Seeders* ' You are invited to call and inspect the finest and most complete stock we have ever been able to show, Wji have the goods to suit you and will make the prices right. CALL AND SEE. This Bank receives deposits, buys and Sells Foreign and Do- 'Spring t i * i i } t t * * t i i i * * i t Goods We have the finest and best stock of Spring and Sum­ mer Merchandise that has ever been seen in this store, and the beauty of it is, we are making prices that will make the Goods go. Compare our prices with others and note the difference. Clothing for Men and Boys Furnishings for All Men's Everyday Shoes, worth $2.00, @ $1.84 Youth's Shoe, 1 to 5£, worth $1.75, (d $1.19 Ladies Shoes, worth $2.00 and $2.50, . $1.29 Men's Dress Shoes, worth $3.50, @ $1.48 Infant's Shoes, worth 50c, (<i 35c Ladies Corsets, stylish, all sizes, worth 50c to 75c .. 39c Ladies summer Dress Skirts, worth $2.50 to $3... $2.48 Boys Suits, two piece, 5 to 15, worth $2 to $2.50.. $1.29 Baby Ribbon, all colors, 6 yards for £>C Men's Jackets, worth 50c, @ 25c Window Shades, worth 35c each, % . . . 2 2 c Envelopes, worth 5 cents, (ft 3c Men's Dress Shirts, worth 50c to 75c, latest style, @39c Ginghams, worth 7c, (it 5/4c Percales, worth 10c per yard, @ 7Kc Linings, worth 6c per yard, @ .,5c Qalicoes, worth 8c per yard, @ » -6c Turkish Towels, worth 25c per pair. %. . . . 15c Ladies Night Dresses, worth 75c to $1.00, @ ..48c Muslin Underskirts, worth 75c to $1.00, (ft, 48c J* Ladies Hand Bags, worth 50c, @ 24c r 5c * t t t t t Shoe Polish, worth 10c box, 2 for. shoe Strings, per bunch Pencils, per dozen Shirt Waist Sets, per set • 5c ..8c 10c ; t t t t t * | J. Hurwitz.J Boys ,Knee Pants, worth 35c, at. . . . .i9c r White Linen Waistings, worth 35c, at i7c r Telephone 522 HERBES, - - PLUMBING. m » % * s ; m m * * I m m m m s "Watch Us! I ft g :V, ft .T w n f: At this time of the year we all experience the same difficulty » --that of finding something to eat, that is really appetizing, a and anxiously await the coming of fresh Vegetables. Keep *• your eye on us. We intend to have all the new delicacies as jg fast as they appear on the market at reasonable prices, p Everything in the store is fresh and tempting. t« JOHN STOFFEL. Telephone No. 301. fcg Give us • Trial. GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. We endeavor to do all busi­ ness entrusted to our care in a manner and upon terins entire­ ly satisfactory to our 'Custom­ ers and respectfully solicit the public patronage Honey to Loan y on real estate and other first class se­ curity. Spec­ ial attention given to collections. INSURANCE in First Class Companies, at the Ixnfr est rates. Yours Respectfully PERRY & OWEN, Notary Public. Banker* (HARLfS G. FREI1 W bolesale and retail dealer in I am in the Market For^ Beet Veal rtutton Hogs and Poultry Qlve me • call Smoked Meats, Sausage McHenry Illinois FRANK BUHR PRACTICAL PAINTER AND PAPER HANGER Gcainkig, Calcimining and all Enterior Decorating. Telephone No. 254. McHenry, - - - Illinois. BO YEARS' EXPERIENCE Patents I RAUL BY I ArtfN O Designs Copyrights &c. Anyone sending a sketch and description may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an invention ia probably patentable. Communica­ tions strictly cniiHdentlul. HANDBOOK onPatenU sent free. Oldest agency for aecurinfcpatentn. Patents taken throuuh Munn & Co. receive tpecial notice, without charge, In the Scientific American. A handsomely illustrated weekly. I,nreest cir­ culation of any soientltic Journal. Terms, a year; four months, 91. Sold by all newsdealers. NUINN & Co.36,B«"a""' Naw York branch Office, <B6 F 8t^ Washlngtan, D. C. Professional, Society ̂ a.nd Bvisinesss Cards J DAVID G. WELLS, M. I>. PIIo«™1anasltk-^kon AND ^ULI«k *: WmcH and residence corner Elm aJw Green streets. McHenry. *** O. H. FEGERS, M.*D. AND BURGEON. MelW. ci L t^®c® ResJdence, corner <0ourtiMid Elm streets. Telephone 333. F. c. ROSS, 1). J), s. Office over I'etesch's Drug Store. ALL WORK PEKTA1NINO TO MODERN DKNTI8TBT Office Telephone 284; Residence 202. Nitrons Oxid Gas for Extiwtinir. Hours 7;a0 a. id. to 5;iH) p. m. SO If DAY WORK BY * APPOINTMENT ONLY The new Dentist on the West Side DR. R. G. OHAMBERLIN Office 0tar Ht>urs from Beslev's Drug Store. H:,«) a. ru. to 5:30 p. m ARTHUR BREMKEN, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURUEON (Deutsche!^ Arzt.) Spring drove, Illinois. G^o. Meyers General Teaming of all kinds. Excavating and Orading. ncHENRY ----- ILLINOIS. Teleplione, Main 1714. LAHBERT Q. SENQ BUFFET Headquarters for McHenry and McHenry county visitors.. Prank Keppler, John Scharres, 92 Hfth Ave.. Chicago. Attendant* Telephone No. 393. SIMON STOFFEL Insurance Agtnt for all classes of property in the best Companies. Weat McHenry, Illinois McHENRY COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY. OFFICE with American National Bank Woodstock, 111. Abstracts of title and con­ veyancing. Money to loan on real estate in sums of $.500 to 110,000, time and payment to suit oorrower. Chicago & North-Western. Effective Nov. 13, i903 WKBK DAY TRAINS. otSS. -Oi.TH.OUND M u m V i a E l x i n 1 0 . 0 H a m ;t.25 p m Via Des Plalnes 4.52 p m 5.01 p m Via Des IMaines 6.40 p m S U N D A Y T R A I N S . 9.10 a m Via Des I'laines 11.14 a m 2.02 pm Via Elgin 5.00 pm week day trains. SOUTHBOUND. Leave McHenry 7.H2 am Via Eltfin -- H.2l»a ni Via I)(is IMaines 5.25 p m Via Des IMaines.. Arrive Chicago. ..10.10a m .9.55 a in ... 7.00 p m SUNDAY TRAINS. 7.32 am VIh Fljtin .10.20 am 5.00 pm Via Des Plaines 7.00 pm CROUP Croup and Inflammation of the larynx ara inatantlf •wllered and permanently cured by the gw of Oaa Minute Cough Cure. This never falllnf preacrtptl«a if an eminent physician was given the name of ONE IIINUTE COUGH CURE because Instant relief hM ihvays followed Its use. It takes effect at the aeatof Hie trouble and acts on the Inflamed membrane* l». Mead of passing wholly Into the stomach and drugeiOS ir stupefylni tha ayatem. Clvea relief InaUntly CURED t t destroys the disease germ, clours the phlepn aatf Inaws ou* tha inflammation, thus removing the causa •id curing permanently. One Minute Couch Cur* It perfectly harmless, good for children and they like Us Cato. Prepared only by E. C. DeWltt & Co., Chlcat* Waal remedy tor children. Do not fortet tha aaaa* ONE MINUTE I1 liylall Druj;ni>ts. K I L L THEOOUCH CURE THE LUNC8 AND with Or. King's giiw Discovery FOR 0! ONSUMPTION Prici 0UGHS and 50c & $1.00 OS Free Trial. Surest and Quickest Cure for all THROAT and LUNG TROUB­ LES, or MONEY BACK. . IS 5 6 P H I L I P J A E G E R QENERAL COHMISSION MERCHANT SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE SALE OF Dressed Beef, riutton, Hogs, Veal, Poultry, Hides, Etc., Butter and Eggs {? This is the oldest honse on the street. Tags and price lists furnished on | aPPlitatl0n' COLD STORAOE FREE I SStfiAHK'st- CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. 5 5* V: 1 '& y? § V: § 6 Jos. H. Huemann ** w,lfki! Johnsburgh, Illinois. sells Corn Shellers and Tread Powers, Duplex Grinding Mills, Rock Island Plows, Wagons, Carriages, Bnggies, W ind Mills, Well Supplies, Harness Oil, Paint Oil and Machine Oil a Specialty. I am attent for the above.. We put the liods on your Build­ ings aud should they be struck by llghtnluK we pay damages if no more thuu $500. Call and get full particulars. ' General BUdcsmitHin^ Prkes ilwtys Reasonable ----*li--•••••• --T -- TT1T1 VaM*teoeelo Hyt/rocoio, Days. No Cutthtg or Pain. Guaranteed Cam or Monoy r*Pff%0%£%rM P Vnder my treatment tliis ..s If/I Flr.\;-iuly disay.jM ars. Pain ceases almost in- Th«' fiajMisiut blood is diivon fioin the (lUait^i a- 'i • mviH'sH vanifiit^ ami swvi.iiijf Subsides. Kvery indication ol' Vartcocrlv ^ iui<l in lib f-t • ui coiner tho pi'-a^nre (.f pt rfts t hcaJtii. ^ I euro to *tay cured, Contusions rv>otl Poison. Kidney ami Troublrs, Norvi u<» i>vbi ..yf-and allied iroiibli. . 5ly ni«-Uiovi« of treaLvnenc and eur o ar*« oiigiasl wuh mcand cannot obtained here. 1 mike no nt*. All case* I t:\kr 1 curc. what yon want. I ranieo to cure you or leiund . . for *.» i- » is 1 cai» do I »r >*•' • Th« Majt«r Specialist°< Chir4»<o, v rliHrjix' ft»r pt'rnmnent cure will !>€• rrusoiinble Jiittl Cures V&riooc«le. K« WHO. more tlnnijon will he Ulinu1 to pay foi' bcuetits con (CorvmuHticu > i. rreti. I CAN ( CKK VOU at lIom«. Correspondence Confidential r.V.J honetit opinion of your caw, FUKK of CUa.rjfc« My home treatment in cuocessfol. M? book# *nd I#eture8mailed FHKK uponapplieatioa. H. J. TILL0TS0N, M. 500 Ttllotun Balldiat, 84 Dearborn Street, CHICAGO. . J.TILLOTSON, M.D. " ,X i '•Mk--

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