Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 21 Apr 1904, p. 8

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'< ' '-' . « - ,'-'4 V\ ' v - ' U . . j-r:? < * " t c 4 1 ' * - - « i ^ . i -I 3 SPRINu Men's fancy stripe Cassimer Snits, a fine dregs suit for $8>00 Glen's fancy stripe all wool Cassimer Suits, a swell dress Suit for : $IO.OO Men's fancy stripe all wool Worsted Suits, you certainly would pay 35 per cent uiorte for same made to order, only .$12.OO Boys' fancy stripe Suits from $2*00 to $8.00 ^ |_| fv pQI For dress or work purpose, CHnPC) ^ 1 1 \/ Ur^i it^A non cova vnu mnnPV on 4^1 • " * we can save you money on |_| ai.c| Spe the new style Hats for ^ springand summer wear, from*5'-'^,' See our line of fancy Dress Shirts and new style of Neck "Ties. Call for a sample of our special line of Coffee at 20c, 25c, 30c and 35c per pound. JOS- W. FREUND. HOUSE (LEANING is at hand and you will need new Win.low Shades, Lace Curtains, Portiere or a few nice Rugs. We are prepared to show yon the finest line in town in neat new patterns and colon at prices to suit your purse. Are you going to make a new Press or Shirt Waist Suit this Spring. We $re showing the finest line of Dress Goods and Snit- ings|in town from 12$c to $1.40 per yard. : :: :: SILKS for Coats, Waists or Skirts. We can save yon about 15 per cent, on anything in this line as they were bought before the Jap Russian war broke out. : Our new spring line pf Hats and Caps comprise new shapes and colors, ranging in price from 25c to $3.00. A BEAUTIFUL HAT BRUSH FREE. Ask for it :: :: SHOES! SHOES! SHOES! *?• We can f it the most exacting in style, quality and price from the finest dress Shoe to the heaviest work Shoes. New Shirts, Collars, Ties and Gloves. Leave your order for a new Snit Over 1000 samples to select from. YOUES TRULY, PHONE 363. Goods Delivered promptly. M. J. WALSH fe- wr Mr-f «»* Spring Time suggests a new CARPET, or new CURTAINS, or new WALL PAPER. Let us show you our large assortment of new samples. In this way yon can save money as well as securing latest styles. So with a SUIT or pair of TROUSERS. Let us show them to you. Shoes that we sell are the kind that wear. If. costs yon nothing to look them over. We give you SPECIAL DISCOUNTS because we are overstocked. The new Skirts, Petticoats and Shirt Waists should stimulate quick buying if you are looking for up- to-date Merchandise. We sell the American Lady Corset. They are sold under the guarantee of the maker. West McRenry. W. C. EVANSON This Beat* Now that Ann's age has been discov­ ered, the mathematicians are calling upon the newspapers for something else v.p>n which they can try their wits. Ihe Henry Republican, in response to the demand, offers this: • Five men. A, B. <J, D aud E, meet, each of whom owed the other $5. They only had $ 1 each. r "A, who was a 'Napoleon of Finance,' after some thought, said he could fix it all right, so he told each of the other fonr to give him his dollar. He put them in with the one he had, and hand- M the $5 to B and took his receipt can cellnsfthe debt- _~,B paid C, and took In receipt. "wtoCffihen paid D, and D paid ~ who then handed the $5 to A, taking his receipt. "Does it not. appear that each man is $4 ahead in the gau.e, except A. who has not only paid his debt with #1. but has the $5 in cash? Who. if any one, is the l->ser in this transac-iou?" Nothing Like Kxp*i-i«n«e. "One trnth learned by actual exper­ ience does more good than ten one hears Hbont." Tell a man that Chamberlain's C-olic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy will cnre cholera morbus, and he will most likely forget it before the end of the day. Let him hav* a st-vere attack of that disease, feel that h« is about to die, use this remedy, and learn from his own experience how quickly it gives relief, and he will remember it all his life. For sale by all druggists. Wall Map of t-h® World. A beautiful map. valuable for refer pn'-e. printed on heavy paper, 42x64 inches, mounted on rollers, edges bound in cloth, showing our new possessions, The Trans-Siberian Railway, Pacific Ocean ^.-ablp. railway lines and Other features of Japan, China. Manchuria, Korea and|the Far East. Sent prepaid on receipt of 25 cents in stamp" by W. B Knislcern. P T. M., Chicago & North-Western R\v. Chicaaro, 111. How to Ward off mm Attack or Khenma- tiniu. "For years when spring time came on and I went into gardening, I was sure to have an attack of rheumatism, and every attack was more severe than the preceding one, " says Josie McDonald, of Man, Logan county, W. Va. "I tried everything with no relief what­ ever until I procured a bottle of Cham­ berlain's Paiu Balm, and the first appli­ cation gave me ease and before the first, bottle was used I fult like a different person. Now I feel that I am cured, but, I always keep a bottle of Chamber­ lain s Pain Balm in the house, and when I feel any symptoms of a return I soon drive it away with one or two applica­ tions of this liniment." For sale by^all druggists. ' Hoy Shot at Antloeh. A distressing accident occurred at Antioch Satordav afternoon, the result of two boys playing with a shit gun which was accidentally discharged in the hands of Freddie Larsen, the load striking his brother in the small of the hack, death resulting a few hours later. Lawrence was fourteen yearo old. A Down Timet* a Night. "I have had kidney and bladder trouble for years, and it became so bad that I was obliged to get up at least a dozen times a night," says Mr. Owen unn of Benton Ferry, W. Va. "I never received any permanent benefit from any medicine until I took Foley'h Kidney Cure. After using two bottles. I was cured." As a preventive and cnre for Bright's disease and Diabetes Foley 's Kidney Cure is uneqnaled. It qnickbv cures all kidney and bladder troubles. Sold by G. W. Besley, West Mc Henry. Trial SubHcrlptlons. The Plaindealer will be sent to any address for three months for twenty- five cents as a "trial trip." Try it, and ,if we hear nothing from you at the end of the time paid for, the paper will be discontinued. If you wish it to contin­ ue hand in $1 50 .and we will enter your name on onr regular list for a year. We propose to make The Plaindealer bet­ ter next year than ever before. A three months' trial will convince you. Our correspondents are authorized to take these subscriptions Remember, the paper will'be stopped at the end of the three months if yon are not satisfied, tf Are You a Dyspeptic? If you are a dyspeptic you owe it to yourself and your friends to get well Dyspepsia annoys the dyspeptic's friends because his disease sours his disposition as well as his stomach. Kodol Dyspep­ sia Cure not only cures dyspepsia, in digestion and «our stomach, but this palatable, reconstructive tonic digestnnt strengthens the whole digestive appa­ ratus and sweetens the life as well as j the stomach. When you take Kodo1 j Dyspepsia Cure *be food von eat is en- j joyed. It is digested, assimilated, and ! it« nutrient properties appropriated by j the blood and tissues. Health if the result. Sold by all druggists. Very I,ow Excumlnii Rwten to San Fran- CiHCO an<l I^oh (ngelr* Via the North Western Line will be in effect from all stations April 28 to May 1. inclusive, on account of Natioual Retail Grocers' Convention and M. E. General Conference. Two solid fast trains through to California daily. "The Overland Limited" (electric lighted throughout,) lens than three days en route. Another fast train is "The Cali­ fornia Express" with drawing room and | tourist deeping cars. Applv to Agents Chicago & North-Western R'y. Apr 30 IRISH PRAIRIE). Hurry up, Walter, aud husk the corn. Phil Sutton is on the" sick list this week. Misa Nancy Frisby is quite sick at her home. Listen for the sonn<| of wedding bells in this vicinity. The farmers arenow bdsy getting ready to sow oats. Walter Bolger is now sowing his oats on the Mosgrove farm. Mis£ Katie Walsh is assisting her aunt, 'Jklrtt. Ellen Frisby. Johnson spent Sunday evening with M. Conway and family. Miss Adah Kane called ,at the heme of her father Friday afternoon. It is reported that we will soon have new tenants on the Ed. Knox place. Miss Adah Kane is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. John Relihan, this week. Adam Mosgrove is dangerously ill at this writing. Beefsteak was the cause. Mr$. D. A. Whiting spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Phil Sutton. Mike Oonway is doing a rushing busi­ ness this spring, raising chickens and cabbage plants. j Vera and Thomas Bolger speny their vacation with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Phalin. S Mr. and Mrs. John Relihan and niece, Miss Adah Kaue. spent Sunday evening with John Powers and family. Mrs. D. Rosencrans of Woodstock spent a couple of days with her mother and other relatives in this vicinity. John Relihan and his able assistant, John Johnson, are doing a rushing busi­ ness, putting in oats on the new farm. Robbed the Qrave. A startling incident is narrated by John Oliver of Philadelphia, as follows: "I was in an awful condition. Vy skin was almost yellow, eyes sunken, tongue coated, pain continually in my back and sides, no appetite, growing weaker day by day. Three physicians had giv­ en me up. Then I was advised to use Electric Bitters. To my great joy, the first, bottle made a decided improve­ ment. I continued their use for three weeks and am now a well man. I know they robbed the grave of another vic­ tim." No one should fail to try them Only fifty cents, guaranteed, at Julia A. Story's, N. H. Petesch's. McHenry, G. W. Besley's, W. McHenry, drug stores. RnnKla-JapMn Atlas, Ten Cent*. A Russo-Japanese Atlas has been is­ sued by the Chicago & North-Western R'y. Three fine colored maps, each 14x20, bound in convenient form for reference. The eastern situation shown in detail, with tables showing relative military and naval strength and finan­ cial resources of Russia and Japan. Copv mailed to any address on receipt of ten (10) cents in postage by W. B Kniskern, P. T. M., Chicago. Apr 30 tiood for Children. The pleasant to take and harmless One Minute Cough Cure gives immedi­ ate relief in Conghs. Croup and La- Gr ppe because it does not pass imme­ diately into the stomach, but takes ef­ fect right at the seat, of trouble. It drawf out the inflammation, heals and soothes and cures permanently by en­ abling the In rigs to contribute pure life- giving and life sustaining oxygen to the blood and tissues One Minute Cough Cnre is pleasant to take and it is good alike for young and old. Sold by all druggists. Try the "Want ad" column. THE BLACK. HILLS. iJ^Y' . * ' The BlshMt Hundred MIIm Iqawc In World; The Black Hills, in the southwestern part of the state of South Dakota, pro­ duces one-third of the gold found in the United States, and are said to be the richest one hundred miles square in the world. A new booklet on the Black Hills has been issued by the North­ western Line, with a fine detailed map of this wonderful region. Send four cents in stamps for copy of the booklet to W. B Kniskern. P. T. M. Chicago A North-Western R'y, ChlcagOr 111. 4-28 A Thoughtful Man. | M. M. Austin of Winchester, Ind., knew what to do in the hour of need. His wife had such an unusual case of stomach and liver trouble, physicians could not help her. He thought of and tried Dr. King's New Life Pills and she got relief at once and WHS finally cured. Only 25c, at Julia A. Story's, N. H. Petesch's, McHenry, Cr W; Besley's, W. McHenry, drtig storm. *' Half Rate« to Annual State (Cnrampinent G. A. R., Sprlnirfl«l<l. III., Via thp North Western Line. Excursion tickets will be sold at one fare for round trip, April 25, 26 and 27, limited to re­ turn until April 29, inclusive. Apply to agents Chicago & North-Western R'y. Apr 21 Him Immediate Relief. J. Odgers of Frostbnrg, Md., writes: "I had a very bad attack of kidney complaint and tried Foley's Kidney Cnre, which gave me immediate relief, and I was perfectly enred after taking two bottles." It never fails to give comfort and relief even in the worst cases. Sold by G. W. Besley, W est McHenry. r the latest styles in t)ress Ooods^Si ^, aistings and Trimmings. Just re-^*"if ' ceived a new line of Ladies'* £>resa 1 ̂ v Skirts and Muslin Underwear. • _ .. Men's and Boys' Hats and Caps! j SHOES THAT ARE SHOES [ • - : # / SHOES that are made of LEATHER, that is the kind we sell. NEW STOCK of WALL PAPER JUST ARRIVED F. A. Bohlander, - ' - West flcHenry, III. SOFTCORE Like the ioinning brook, the red blood that flows through the veins has to come from somewhere. The springs of r^d blood are found in the soft 6ore of the bones called the marrow and some say red blood also comes from the spleen. Healthy bone marrow and healthy spleen are full of fat. Scott's Emulsion makes new blood by feeding the bone marrow and the spleen with the richest of all fats, the pure cod liver oil. For pale school girls and invalids and for all whose blood is thin and pale, Scott's Emulsion is a pleasant and rich blood food. It not only feeds the blood-making organs but gives them strength to do their proper work. Send for free sample. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, Pearl Street. New York. 50c. and# 1.00; all dtugghti. I Phone 291. $ •* <9 ••t & ? $ ft 9 & I •. & 5 "i: ft *.* ft § •V; I i Cleaning' and Repairing Many times Men's and Ladies' Snits are cast aside as unfit for further wear when a thorough cleaning is all that is needed. If you have a suit, either ladies' or gentleman's that needs cleaning and repairing, leave it with us and you will be agreeably surprised at the change we tint make in it. f IT WILL LOOK LIKE NEW If you have no suit that needs repairing, we can make yon a new one at the right price. John D. Lodtz. J CENTERV1LLE j VARIETY STORE 0 Everything imaginable in Notions, including 1 GLASSWARE, CHINA, HANDKERCHIEFS, STOCKS, TOWELS, t STOCKINGS, GRANITE WARE, TINWARE, t STATIONERY, TOILET SOAPS, ETC., ETC. Hundreds of things that sell themselves if yon see them. Call and look over the goods. At Your Finger Tips b th« Instant control of your business II yoa Install a Chicago Telephone IT EVERYWHERE 0 ft cents a day wlB pay far It CHICAQO TELEPHONE COMPANY A A J>. At m A >T« A «T« iTi A «T» jJPW. «Tt trt >Tt aj* ill «T» Vta A A tTTTTT^?T1X* TTi* tJ.1 lx>TP 1 (MM WS! I V I have just received and now have on exhibition ^ Y the finest line of Carpets and Rugs ever sent out Y by the Richardson Company. If a Carpet is ^ made by Richardson it is a guarantee of quality, a $If you contemplate purchasing a new Carpet, in & Ingrain, Brussels, or any other style, this spring, Sit will pay you to call and see my samples. I ^ S will guarantee to meet all Chicago prices and in Y most cases save you money. ' i I Jacob Justen. | *ti iX» if »|» ft 't' 1$ 'I1 'I1 $ $ ft (ft $ $ $ *1* 'I' & Special Bargains for Hen and Boys. One lot Men's Hats to close out at 49c One. lot Boys Hats to close out at 25c You will find in this lot Hats that sold at 50c, 60c, 75c, $1.25 $1.50. Special to close out Hat Stock bought of Mr. Chapell: Any $2.50 Hat for $1.50 Any 1.75 Hat for $1.25 Any 1.50 Hat for ....$1.00 Any 60c and 75c Hat for 38c Men's and Boys Spring Caps in all shades, at 25c and 49c Men's fancy Negligee S tirts, small figure latest style and fast color at........ 98c Men's Patent Colt Shoes with dull kid top at $2.98 Men's fine Patent Colt Shoes, butcher style, patent eyes and hook, very nobby, only .....$3.49 Underskirt Values! Fancy Shepard Check Underskirt, made of spun glasss goods, with flounce, neatly 49c tucked and ruffled only Ladies black Underskirt, made of Mercerized Sateen, two ruffled flounce with three 98c rows of stitching, only Ladies black Underskirt, made of Mercerized Sateen, with a three ruffled flounce,^ each ruffle having 3 rows rows of Cable Cord, making it double strong, attractive Latest styles and shapes in Children's and Misses Spring Caps only • • • *49^ Ladies Embroidery and lace-edge Turnover Collars at 5^ Ladies Fancy Belts, 10c. Ladies fast color SHIRT WAISTS made of fancy Madras Cloth, latest styl esl with large sleeve, so much desired, jat.... 98c BLOCK & CASH DEPARTMENT STORE, McHENRY, ILLINOIS. 'PHONE, 314 Men's woven stripe Shirt Waist, only a limited supply, don't miss this, while' we have them at. onirt waist, 25c

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