Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 21 Apr 1904, p. 4

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•ft:; Cf use of Many fKKi'ifi" Sudden Deaths. r There *Ts a disease prevailing in this country most dangerous because so decep- tive. Many sudden deaths are caused by it--heart disease, pneumonia, heart failure or apoplexy are often the result of kidney disease. If kidney troubk is al­ lowed to advance the kidney-poisoned blood will attack the • - -v- vital organs or the kidneys themselves break down and waste av/ay cell by cell. Bladder troubles most always result from a derangement of the kidneys and a cure is obtained quickest by a proper treatment of the kidneys. If you are feeling badly you can make no mistake by taking Dr. Kilmer s Swamp-Root, the great kidney, liver and bladder remedy. It corrects inability to hold urine and scald­ ing pain in passing it, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to go often during the day, and to get up many times during the night. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized. It stands the highest for its won­ derful cures of the most distressing cases. Swamp-Root is pleasant to take and sold by all druggists in fifty-cent and one-dollar sized bottles. You may . 'have a sample bottle of I' this wonderful new dis~ covery and a book that • tells all about it, both Home of fiwainp-Koot. sent free by mail. Address Dr. Kilmer & Co. Binghamton, N. Y. When writing mention reading this generous offer in this paper. Ihe NcHenry Pldindealer PUBLISHED EVEKY THURSDAY BY the Mchenry plaindtalk company. If. K. GRANGER. W. A. C'RISTT, J. B. PERBY. Pres. Sec. Treas. CHAS. D. SCHOONMAKER, Editor. Oflec in Bank Building. Telephone, No. 272. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: Oaeyear $1X0 Six months. 75 ets. Three months. 40cts Thursday, April ai, 1904. News From County Seat. M. Senger visited his brother in Har­ vard Suauay. Henry Anderson and Albert Ryan went to Elgin Saturday afternoon, re­ turning Sunday. A. Still was in Hebron Thursday. He took over a load of goods for his son. Edgar, who recently moved hut family there from W oodstock. Leon Hill went to Rockford, 111., Thursday eveniug, attending the re­ vival service held there by Rev. W. A. Snndav, and returned the next day. It is ramored that the only man on the board of supervisors who has dared advocate a new court house for the county has been displaced on the board on €hat account. The C «ifc N.-W. Railway Co paid to the county treasurer $26,764.64 Tues day, that beinp the amount of their taxes in McHenry county for the yea 1908 Last year that company paid the county f!l,24>0 40 less than this yejr Rev. I. T. Underwo«..d preached on the subject of "How Tommy Went to Hell from Woodstock" at the Baptist church Sunday night. A fair sized audience gathered to listen to him. the meeting having been well advertised by means of printed bills announcing Iris subject, which were scattered about town Saturday Another of those most enjoyable social gatherings, for which the Methodist young people are fast bepawing famous, took place in the parlors of the Metho­ dist Episcopal church Friday evening. The occasion was a reception given by Miss Orr, teacher of the young men's Baraca Bible class, to the Baracas, Phi- tatheas and Careful Gleaners, th ee or­ ganized classes of the Snuday school Miss Orr was assisted by Mrs. Ellery Harrison, Miss Mary Rushton and Miss Mildred Young. A part of the evening was given up to a sort of literary con­ test, James Northrop, Mrs. Guy E. Still and Miss Daisy Moore being the prize winners. Following the contest Miss Marguerite Smith and Miss Ethel Miller played a piano duet: Mrs. W. T. Wheeler and Miss Lelia Brooks sane solos, and Clarence Coonrad and Miss Thompson sang a duet. Miss Angnsta Vogel delighted the guests with a read ing which she rendered in a charmin? manner. Mis* Florence Polly presiding at the piano and Roy Coonrad plaviner the mandolin during the reading, which added muf-h to its enjovability. After the program refreshments were served in the Baraca rooms. The favors were the class colors Over one hundred g oes be were present. roLa . . The Plaindealer will be sent to any address on trial three months for twen­ ty-five cents, and will be discontinued at the expiration of time unless other­ wise ordered. Try it. ^ Mrs. Dryer is visiting relatives in Chi­ cago. Mrs. Gale of Elgin visited friends here Saturday and Sunday. Miss Helen Raymond visited relatives in Elgin a few days last week. Mrs. Efinger and children of Spring Grove are visiting relatives here. Jacob Stadtfeld and sister, Mrs. Efin­ ger, were in Waukegan Tue<day. Hairy Nichols and wife are v.siting their son. Alfred! in Chicago a few days this week. Mrs. J. Gainor of Wanctida spent Sunday and Monday with her parents in this village Mrs, Theo Wortz has been quite «S.*k the past week. Her daughter. Mrs. Will Montgomery, of Chicago is cui'.ig for lier. , A customer of ours who ht»«l been suffering from a seve e congh for s'x months bought tv • ' .ttles of t'lv .1 Iain's Congh Ren litmus «>.•< entirely cpred by < ..e and a l«': of it. It gives per e<-t j»alis.'ac n u h onr trade. Have* Parker <fc ' L lie vilie, Ala. For sale hv all 'iruj;;; -ts. KMKRAI.l) PARK. The Plaindeal^r will be sent to any address on trial three months for twen­ ty-five cents, and will be 'list-«nt:nned at the expiration of time unless ,'ther wise ordered. Try it. Phil Ay 1 ward of Of tend spent Sand ay j here. j H. Berkircher spent last Thursday in j Chicago. H. Fii-iieten his been suff-r'ng an at- fflcx of ^rip the f>ast wt-ek Mr. ami Mrs .io.iu li. Shj th n >ve to RouiM Lake Sundi v aat I.H«U. Misw Maigaret S. -a ai.f.ilto teach ers' meeting at C-rv In t Sat tir.'.iv. L. E. Waiuisley of M> F1PJ.\V » sited his parents h^re Sunday afiernf u Mrs. John Gibbs ->i' £»ai reville spent 1 Monday aftenn. >n vriii' Mi's. J. P. FrtsUy Rev P. M. O'Neill of M' He iry was a caller at J. B. Frlsbv'fe idon.lay after- noon. Mrs. C. W. Berkircher has Iteen qnite ill the past few days, auoiuer of the grip. Miss Ada Kane of TTSngwood was herg visiting ner annt. Mrs. Jobn Reltuan, a few days last week Mr and Mrs CLri. Bremer of Ch"-n^o spent a few days the past week at their cottage here, fixing np thc.rgrouu<<s for a long season tuis year. The many friends of Miss Nancy Frisbv. who lives west of "aere, wi't be grieve , t' hear shf has ueen very sick the past week with tvpholu fever. Mrs. C. W. Berkircher refcnrned fr«.«.i Fairbanks. Ia , last Ti.ursday, where she was called a few weeks ag.« ,n ac count of her father's sickness which re­ sulted in death a wee* after her arrival" at his houie. Want Column. All advertisement* Inserted umler thin head at the following rates: Kive lint's or lesn, 45 ceuts for first insertion; 15 cent* for each subsequent iMoertion. More than rive line*. 5 cents* line for Hint Insertion, and ,1 centt: a line fur additional intwrtlona. SALE--Four-year-old colt. K»od sire, " has l>oon drtvt'n some. Also a surrey. In jKood condition. Will be sold right, lntjulre of SAMUKI, MCIK»NAI.». W. McHenry 111. 40-tf WrORK H«)HSES FOK SALE-The under­signed has ii few substantial work hors­ es for sale. weighing from ll(*)tol400 pounds. Will be sold cheap and on reasonable t4>rnis. 34-tf F. K. (iKANtJBK. H~orSK Ft)R KENT At Stilon Mil IN ; 18 rot>n>s. suitable fordwelllngor hotel pur­ poses. New and in good location near depot. Inquire of Wm. Slmes. West McHenry. t>r Robert Sutton. So'on Mills." li'i-tf. \X7 ANTED Sptn-iii' Representative In this * * county and adjoining territories, to r»>p- reseni and advertise an old established busi­ ness house of solid flnaiu'lul standing. Sal­ ary $21 weekly, with expenses advanced each Monday 1>" check direct, from headquarters. Horse and bngg.v furnished when 'necessary: position permanent. Address Blew Bros. & Co.. Koom «10 Monon Bldg.. Chicago, WAR Si FOR SALE" Short distance from " McHenry on the north, consisting of 47 acres excellent laud, new house, barns, etc. 2 wells and cistern. There are ten acres of mouldingsand on the place, enough to pay for the place, :«nd for wliich there is always a market. Inouireof Jos Blake. 4l tf McHenry, III. FIVE ACHES FOR SALE -On north side of McHenry village. , :ood house, new barn ISxSN with basement, well an 1 cistern, shade Mnd f -lilt trees. An ideal home. Inquire of. 4) tf Jos. Blake. McHenry. ANTED--A man who understands ditch­ ing and tiling. Inquire of H. C. M$ad, 41 t.f West McHenry. pORltm C1 IE A V Abrlckstore.24 x 40, E with cel'ar full size and six nejit living ••oonis over head. For terms and other Infor­ ms t ion fddress R. L. TtTRNER. <t-t^ , So 'on Si ills. III. 'OR SAL?--A quantity of seed oats. Iiv F(.R SALE quire of (Hiire or W. E. Whiting. W. McHenry. 41t.f If-' * Tb« O.tjflnal. Foley & Co., t^bicago ated Honey and Tar as a thr^t and long remedy, and *.n acc.-^a f the great merit and ~<opnlarity of F..ley's H -nev and Tar ma..v imitati os are ..ffered for the ger.nine. Ask l >r FOLEY'S Honey and Tar and r<-f ..»e any substi tute offered, as n- ther prepar»ti,>n will give t^e same satisfaction. It is mildly laxative It contains no opiate* and is safest f<>r children and delicate persons. TJV)R SA LE-Leather top. one seat phaetxin. " in good condition Will be sold very cheap. Inquire of DR. H. T. BROWN. 42-tf Mc Henry. WA NTKD Several persons of good charac­ter and repntat'oii in each state (one in this county required to rep -es^.it and adver­ tise od established wer'tny business house of solid flnuncla' standing. Salary *21.00 weeklv \Cith expenses iidi 'tionnl. a'1 payable it. cashditeci each \Ved'.esdfy from head at­ tires. Horse and car^iaire furnished when necessary. References. Enclose self ad­ dressed envelope. A anufacturers and Whole salers. Dept. 2. third floor I)e:i • lx)>'n St_ *2-4t Chicago. FARM FOR SALE--320acres improved farm 1 milefmui Morris, Minnesota, at $35(10 per Rcre. beautifrj stream touching at cor­ ner; excellent soil; finest bargain. Write for pitrt'.culars. A G. kade;.-zel. Eimhui-st, III. 43-4t "p^OR SALE CHEAP--15 tiead of young stock, heifers and steers; also 5 cows, 2 with calvet by side, 3 coming in soon. Call iit. once. JOHN R. SMITA, 1H miles s^>uth of Mc­ Henry bridge on river road. * EXECUT E'S NOTICE. Estate of Oliver W. Owen, deceased. The undersigned, having been appointed executor of ;. .ie last Will and TVsiamen.. of Oliver W. Owen, deceased, late c.'f theOocnty of McHenry and State of II inois. hereby g'ves notice that >>e wl:1 at-p^a before tl>e Ooaitty Court of McHenry loan.;', at the Court House in Woodstj ek. iit the .Tune Term, on the first Monday in June next, .it which time all persons havi.ig claims against said estate are notiiied and requested, to at­ tend for the pu-pose of having thr- same a'i- j us ted A '1 persons indebted to said estn..e are requested to make immediate payr.ieni to the undersigned. Dai^d t.i'ls 21st. day of March, A. D. 1H14. 2 -3t RAYMOND H. OWEN, Executor. 1904 Rawest will depend largely u()on the kind of preparation you make for it. You cant ex­ pect to. do satisfactory work or secure bonntifnl crops if y«H try to get along with worn-out tools. Poor Tools Make Poor Work! It is true economy to discard > old things that are no longer fit for satisfac ory service and provide yourself with modern, labor-raving apparatus. ww. Bonsim, wist Miwr, mirois will show you a line of up-to date Farui Machinery and Implements of the very besfr makes, including the Famous John Deere Plows, Harrows and Planters' Superior grain Prills and Seeders, Yon are invited to call and inspect the finest and most, complete stock Nire have ever been able to show Wtrhave the goods to suit yon and will make the prices right. CALL AND SEE. MOURElLL * * * * * A * * * * tf * * * tf tf tf tf tf tf Telephone 522 HERBES, - - PLUMBING. s m I * $ s * s m m m m i * $ The "blues" most often result from indigestion, which is brought on by constipation or a torpid liv«r. Take Re-Go Tonic Laxative Syrnp after sup­ per and at bedtime. It will correct the disorders of the stomach and liver ar<l regulate the bowels. The cause being removed the mental depression <>r "blues" will disappear. 2r»c. )0c ard $1.00. Sold bv G. W. Besley, West McHenry, druggist. Watch Us! At this time of the year we all experience the same difficulty --that of finding something to eat that is really appetizing, and anxiously await the coming of fresh Vegetables. Keep your eye on us. We intend to have all the new delicacies as fast as they appear on the market at reasonable prices. Everything in the store is fresh and tempting. 1 § Telephone No. 301. Qive us • Trial. J O H N S T O F F E L . Read The PlnindeaWw "want" ads. RECORD BREAKER! We quote below prices that break all previous records in McHenry. We have a com­ plete stock of Spring and Summer Goods, all new, that we are going to sell if low prices will move them. This extraordinary sale begins Wednesday, April 20, Closes May 5 These prices can not be duplicated any place in the county. Come and see! the G-oods. r mi t: RIDGEFlKLll. *ibe Plaindealer will be sent to any address on trial three months for twen­ ty-five cents, and will be discontinued at the expiration of time, unless other­ wise ordered. Try it. Mrs. Shepard was a Chicago visitor Friday. Mrs. French was a Nunda visitor i nesday. J Bartc and son were in Chicago "Tnesday. F. W. Hartman visited at Woodstock Wednesday. Mrs. L. Pinnow was a Nnnda visitor' Wednesday. Chas. Ambler was a Woodstock vis­ itor Tuesday. Miv. Baldwin of Nunda was hereon business Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Dike ^ ere Har­ vard visitors Wednesday. Mrs J. B. Lynch and daughter, Lolo, were in Chicago Monday. Rev. W. R. Shelt and Jas. Cable were Nunda visitors Thursday. Jlrs. P. D Castle of Austin visited at J. B Button's Wednesday >f last week Mrs. Clara Lafore, Mrs. Olin Hall and and N. J. Garrison were Nunda visitors Friday. Mrs E. W. Merchsnt. and son of Woodstock are visiting the former's parents. P. L Gibson and Hatiebter and Mrs. Pose and daughter viwted friends in Woodstoek last, Thursday. C M. Keeler and sou. Marvin. L. Pin- , now, J Merchant. Mrs Rtepbensen and | daughter, Edna, ^ere in Nunda Satur I day. Died, at her home north of this village Friday, of paralysis, Mrs. ,T. C Button. I She had been sick bnt a short time when i the heavenly Father called her home to 1 her great reward. Men's everyday Shoes, worth $2.00, best Kangaroo Calf $1.24 Youth's Shoes, 1 to 5£, worth $1.75, special - $1.19 Little Gents Shoes, 8 to 13£, worth $1.25, special - 89c Miss Shoes, 1 to 2, best Calf Skin, worth $1.75, special $1.19 Miss Shoes, 8 to 13^, worth $1.25, special - - 89c Miss Shoes, 5 to 8, worth $1.00, special - - 63c Very best girls' Shoes, 4 to 8, worth $1.00, special - "59c Very best girls' Shoes, 3 to 5, nice finish, worth 75c, at 49c Infants Shoes, 1 to 5, special .... 35c Men's patent leather Shoes, worth $3.50, special - $2.48 Men's best $3.50 Shoe, special - - $2.29 Ladies Dress Shoes, worth $2.50, special - - ' 1.29 Ladies everyday Shoes, Kangaroo Calf, worth $2.00, at 1.19 Men's Rubber Boots, worth $3.00, special - - 2.48 Boys Rubber Boots, worth $2.50, special - - / 1.69 Men's Rubbers, very best, worth 75c, special - - 50c Ladies Rubbers, very best, worth 65c, special - - 43c Linings, worth 7c per yard, special - - - 5c Sateen, extra heavy, worth 25c per yard, at - - 15c Sil K Nit, worth 5c per spool, special - 3c Lawns, 18 colore, closing out at 50 cetvts on the $1.00 Makes a Clean Sweep. There's nothing like doing a Percales, worth 10c per yard, special Calicoes, 1^ colors, worth 8c per yard, special Toweling, all linen, 19 inches wide, worth 12c, at Turkish Towels, worth 25c per pair, special Extra heavy Toweling! worth 6c, special All linen Towels with fringe, worth 60c per pair, special Shirting, worth 14c perlyard, special Gingham, worth 7c per yard, special Table Cloth, red, fast colors, worth 50c per yard, at Very best German blue calico, worth 12c per yard Ladies Muslin Underskirts, worth 85c to $1.00, special Ladies Night Dresses, worth 85c to $1.00, special Men's everyday Shirts, worth 60c, special - . - B o y s S h i r t s , 1 2 t o 1 3 , s p e c i a l . . . . Ladies Corset Waists, worth 25c, at Ladies Corsets, worth 75c, special - - - Ladies Dress Skirts, worth $2V50 to $3.00, at Men's Dress Shirts, worth 75c, special Window Shades, worth 35c, special - '- White and^tolored Oil Cloth, worth 25c per yard, special^ 17c Floor Oil Cloth, extra wide, worth 45c. to 50c per yaid, at 25c E v e r y d a y H a t s , w o r t h 7 5 c , a t - . . . Sunday Hats, very stylish, scrft and stiff, worth $8.00, at Sunday Hats, worth 2.50, at Men's Jackets, worth 50c, special - Blue Overalls, worth 75c, special - - - Knee Pants, 3 colors, worth 35c, special thing thoroughly Of all the RalveH v.n ever- heard of Bucklen's Arnica Salve is the best. It sweeps away and cures Burns. Sores. Bruises, Cuts, Boils, Ulcers Skin Ernptions and Piles. It's only 2.r>c and guaranteed to giye satisfaction by Jnlia A Story, N. H. Petesch, McHen­ ry. Q. W. BMlejr, W. McHenry, drng- - tc 5*c 8*c 15c 4c 39c 8*c 5*c 33c 8*C 44c 44c 39c 23c 12c 39c $1.48 39c 21c 43c 1.48 1.25 24c 43c 19c Boys 3-piece Suits, worth 3.50, special - - $2.48 Boys 2-piece Suits, all wool, worth 2.25 - - $1.29 Cassimere Suits, 2 piece, worth 4. K). at - - 1.75 Young Men's Suits, 16 to 19, worth $6.00, at - - 3.98 Men's Suits, worth«7.5P, special - - - 5.48 Pine Cassimere Suits, worth 12.00, special - - 7.48 Dress Pants, worth 2.00, special - - - . - 1.24 Dress Pants, worth 4.00, special 2.48 Pants worth 3.50, at "*."•* " ' Ladies Hand Bags, worth 50c, special • 23c Finishing Braid, worth 5c, special - - - 3c Baby Ribbon, 7 yards for - - - - 5c Mending Cotton, white and black, worth 5c, at - 2c Pearl Buttons, worth 10c per card, special - 5c Pencils, worth 5c each, at lc Shoe Strings, worth 10c per bunch, special - - - 5c Shoe Polish, worth 10c, special 2 boxes for 5c Pins, per package - - - - - lc Scissors, worth 50c per pair, for - 25c Ladies Shirt Waist Sets, worth 25c, at - - - 9c Corset Steels, worth 10c, special 4c Bow Ties, worth 25c, special - - - •- 9c Pillow Case Lafce, worth 4c per yard, special - 2c Very best Envelopes, worth 5c per bunch, at, - - 3c Fancy Box Envelopes and Paper, worth 10c, at - - 5c Fancy Pencil Tablets, special 2 for lc Valises and Telescopes at very lowest prices. J. Hurwitz, West flcHenry This Bank receives deposits, buys and sells Foreign and Do­ mestic Exchange, and does a •' • •, K . •i&WZ ttllHUl MINMIK MSWfSS. - We endeavor to do all busi­ ness entrusted to our care in a manner and upon terms entire­ ly satisfactory to our custom­ ers and Tespectfnlly solicit the pnblic patronage floney to Loan MIMi on real estate n d o t h e r first class se­ curity. Spec- ! ial attention given to collections INSURANCE in First Class Companies, at the Low est rates. . Yours Respectft^Lly PERRY & OWEN, Notary Public. Hankers CHARLES G. MIT Wholesale and retail dealer in I an In the Market For Beef Ved rinttoa Hogi •nd Poultry Qlve me a call fresh mi Smoked Meats, Sausage McHenry - Illinois. FRANK BUHR PRACTICAL PAINTER AND PAPER HANGER Graining, Calcimining and all Interior Decorating. Telephone No. 254. MCHENRY. - - ILLINOIS. 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE PATENTS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &G. Anyone sending a sketch and description may qnlokly ascertain our opinion free whether an Invention is probably patentable. Communta* tlons strictly confidential. HANDBOOK on Patent# sent free. Oldest oBcncy for aecurln&patenta. Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive special notice, without charge, In the Scientific American. A handsomely illustrated weekly. I .unrest Cir­ culation of any sclentltle Journal. Terms, $3 a year ; four months, $L Sold by all newsdealers. MUNN 4 Co.36,B™«h"' New fort Branch Offloe, 626 F St* Washington, D. C. Professional, Society V etfid Busirtesss Cards *0 DAVID G. WELLS, M. D. PHYSICIAN, SURGEON AND vKJCLlilV ~ Office and residence corner El in and Green stilts. McHenry. C. H. FEGEKS, Si. D. PHYMCIAN AND SCKGEON. «McH„. CI J" at Residence, corner Cow* Mm streets. Telephone 333. •*« E\ C. ROSS, t>. D. S, Office over Petesch's Drug Store. ALL WORK PKKTAIMNG TO MODERN DBNTJFLTBT Ottce Telephone 284; Residence 302. ^ Nitrous Oxid Gas for Extracting. Hours 7:30 a. m. to 5:30 p. m. SUNDAY WORK BY APPOINTMENT ONLY THE HEW DENTIST ON THE WEST SIDE DR>E. 6. CHAMBERLIN Office over » Hours from Beslev's Drug store. 8:30*. m. to 5:30 p. ip ARTHUR BREMKBN, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURUEON (Deutecher Ant) Spring Grove, lllinoiiB. Geo. Meyers General Teaming of all kinds. Excavating: and Grading. ncHENRY - - - _ _ ILLINOIS. Telephone. Main 1714. LAflBERT Q. SENG BUFFET Headquarters for McHenry and McHenrj county visitors. Prank Keppler, John 5charres, 92 Mfth Ave.. Chicago. Attendants Telephone No. 393. SIMON STOFFEL Insurance Agent for all classes of property in the best Companies. West McHenry. Illinois McHENRY COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY. OFFICE with American National Bank Woodstock, 111. Abstracts of title and con­ veyancing. Money to loan on real estate In sums of $500 to $10,000, time and payment to suit borrower. CROUP Croup and Inflammation o? the taryns art tsafWty relieved and permanently cured by She UM of One Minute Cough Cure. This never falling Chicago & North-Western. Effective Nov. 13, 1903 WEKK DAY TKAINB. NORTHBOUND Leave MnRTHiMviTiiit Arrive Chicago. NORTHBOUND McHenry 9.00 am Via F.ltfin 10.0s a m 3.25 p m Via Des Flaines 4.52 p m 5.01 p m Via Des IMaines 6.40 p m SUNDAY TRAINS. 9.10 am Via Des P lai nes 11.14 a m 2.02pm Via Elgin '.. 5.00 pm WEEK DAY TRAINS. McHenry. SOUTHBOUND. CHSO. 7.32 a m .Via Elgin 10.10 a m 8.29 am Via Des 1'lalnes 8.55 a m 5.25 p m Via Des IMaines 7.00 p m SUNDAY TRAINS. 7.32 am Via Eluin 10.20 am 5.00 p m Via Des Plaines 7.00 p ni Sf an eminent physician was glv*a the nam* of ON MINUTE COUGH CURE because Instant reM kas ihrays followed Its uaa. It takes effect st th* asatsf the trouble and sets on the Inflamed mombnuiM ks- •tssd of pissinr wholly Inte the stomach and draggle m stupefy In 1 the system. Gives raMal Instantly. CURED It destroys the disease cerm. clears the pklm ai frmws out the Inflammation, thus removinf the OMUM md curin* permanently. One Minute Couch Cera it E' etly harmless, rood for children and they Hke Ni Prepared only by E. C. DeWItt & Co., Chicsaa sal remedy for children. Do aot fora ̂the MM ONE MINUTE For s ilc liyliil11 llnisrirK1 * f KILL THE COUCH ! *wp C U R E the L U N C S wi™ Dr. King's New Discovery FOR Q 0NSUMPTI0N Price OUGHSand 50c & $1.00 OLDS Free Trial. Surest and Quickest Cure for all THROAT and LUNG TROUB­ LES, or MONEY BACK. ^ I P H I L I P J A E G E R I | GENERAL COHMISSION MERCHANT | § SPECIAL ATTENTION QIVEN TO THE SALE OP g I Dressed Beef, Hutton, Hogs, Veal, Poultry, | ^ Hides, Etc., Butter and Eggs », | ^ This is the oldest house on the street. Tags and price lists furnished on ^ jit application. !& % COLD STORAUE FREE ^ | «SWAfiS?*- CHICAQO, ILLINOIS. | KiMKee^aaiiniBiic------ Jos. H. Huemann Johnsburgh, Illinois. sells Corn Shelters and Tread Powers, Duplex Grinding Mills, Rock Island Plows, Wagons, Carriages, Buggies, Wind Mills, Well Supplies, Harness Oil, Paint Oil and Machine Oil a Specialty. fHOkiifl I iflitnifij gQd WOTiLS! I am agent for the above. We - put the Kods on your Build­ ings and should they be struck by lightning we pay damages ' If no more than $S00L Oall and get full particulars."' Oeseril BldcRsmiiiiing Prices always RetuuMe Varicocele] CuPBii in B Oanl Hydrocele, Gunod in S Daym tSo Cutting or Pain. Quarantaed Cure mm Monejr Refunded. f . r M T U n d e r m y t r e a t m e n t t l i i . s l i i . s i < i i o < i » w" rapitlly disnppi ars. ttun ce.anes :ilino-1 1Q- atatitlv. Th" slagniuit blood is diivin fn>m thf dilated veins am! all KOjfiM'Mi vanl*hf»and swelling subsides. Every indication of Varicocele vanlKhr•: and in Its stead comes the pi- asura of perfect, health. 1 mint to stay cured, ContituUxis I'lixxl I'oison, Kitlney nnd Hlutltlcr Troubles, Nervous and allied trouliU*. My tnetlioc!" of treatment anil cure are orlRinat with nie and cannot be obtained elsewhere. 1 make no experiments. All cat-es I take I cure. want. I give a I.epAl to cure you or reluuU - ......c .u. ...lurs 1 can do for )uU. f"My rhiir^o tor a pormaiuMit cure will lie reasonable »"»«* no more tlittit ferred. I t'AI . J. TH.X.OTSON, M.I>. Certainty cf Cure O . >01"' "'OIK-V. fir What 1 hiv,. done lur o'.li.i Th, Master Specialist nf Cliicajto. CUTM Varioocele. K,tabiuh«<l 1H»0. n</ u,ore'Vht»n you will be willing |'o pay for beueflts cun- (CorrawHTsu.> ferred. I CAN CUKK VOU at lluine. Correspondence Confidential honest opinion of your ease. FltKE of Charge. My home treatment is successful. My book* and tootura* Dialled upon appliuaUoli. H.J. T1LL0TS0N, M. 5M IlllataMJteildlaf, S4 Dcartora Stmt, CHICAQO. If

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