Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 28 Apr 1904, p. 4

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DO YOU GET OP if- £ WITH A LAME BACK? Kidney Trouble,Makes You Miserable. Almost everybody who reads the news­ papers is sure to know of the wonderful cures made by Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney, liver I and bladder remedy. It is the great medi- ^ cai triumph^>f thsjiwie- teenth century: dis­ covered after years of scientific research by Dr. Kilmer, tne emi­ nent kidney and blad­ der specialist, and is wonderfully successful in promptly curing lame back, kidney, bladder, uric acid trou­ bles and Bright s Disease, which is the worst form of kidney trouble. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root is not rec­ ommended for everything but if you have kid­ ney, liver or bladder trouble it will be found Just the remedy you need. 11 his been tested In so many ways, in hospital work, in private practice, among the helpless too poor to pur­ chase relief and has proved so successful ifi every case that a special arrangement has been made by which all readers of this paper who have not already tried it, may have a sample bottle sent free by mail, also a book telling more about Swamp-Root and how to find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. When writing mention reading this generous offer In this paper and send your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bing- hamton, N. Y. The regular fifty cent and dollar sizes are sold by FIome of, ill good druggists. The Mdlenry Plaimlealer PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BY THE MCHENRY PLAINDEALER COMPANY. F. KR GRANGER. W. A. ("RI8TY, J . B. PKRRT, Pres. Sec. Treas. W CBAS. D. SCHOONMAKER, Editor. Office lo Bank Building. Telephone, No. 273. TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION: One year tl-W Six months, 75cts. Three months. 40 cts. Thursday, April 38, 1904. THE NEW TILLAGE BOARD. The first regular meeting .of the new village board will be held at the village hall Monday evening. May 2. The members will be confronted with sev­ eral perplexing questions this year and their actions will be watched with keen interest by the people of the village. If any member has the impression that he can condnct himself in such a man­ ner as to escape criticism he will find to his dismay that he is not resting on a bed of roses. No matter what action is taken on any question or proposition there will be criticism from one faction or another and perhaps even bitter feel­ ing will be the result. This is inevita­ ble now, always has been and always will be. If the new board endeavors to enforce all the ordinances it will find itself in the vortex of a veritable whirlpool of protests, derisions, lamentations and, perhaps, threats. On the other hand, if the ordinances are not enforced an­ other faction will denounce the admin­ istration for not doing its sworn duty. In this matter the board can not strike a happy medium. A part of the popu­ lace can be pleased by ignoring the code of ordinances, while others will not be satisfied until every ordinance is enforced. Which? ALBERT E. EBERT. Ph. D., of Chicago is a Pepublican candidate for member of board of Trustees of Illinois Univer sity. He han been endorsed by the * Veteran^ Druggists' association, Chi­ cago Retail Druggists' association, Alumni association, School of Pharma­ cy of the University. A better man for the position could not be selected at this time. There are important mat­ ters in connection with the Chicago Col'ege of Pharmacy (connected with the state University) that demand im­ mediate attention and Mr. Ebert is the man needed to push the business to a head. News From County S*4t. A girl WHS born to Mr. and Mm, John Bolger Friday. Bob Lempke and Andy JohtlMin fin ited in Belvidere Sunday. Theo. Grot and (-Jus Carlson drove over from McHenry Monday night. Tracy Foreman entertained his friend, Geo. Ifredriokson, of Chicago Sunday. McHe ry county will sue the town of McHenry to obtain the amount due ou pauper bills. Geo. B. Richards has purchased the fixtures of Hotel Waverly and will take possession May 1, Al. Hey wood has been haying nn ex- |ierience with the Odd Fellows' goat. He s»vs it is all right. Ike C.mnon has moved his family to Harvard He has secured employment in one of the factories there. Gns Pierson. who has been visiting his sister, Mrs. L. H. Dibbler, for the past month, returned to Chicago Tues­ day. Mrs. E. S. Stewart of Chicago, state auditor of the W. C T. U , addressed a large audience at the Congregational church Sutidav evening. Mrs. Chas. H lun/.inger returned to her home at Toledo, O., Saturday after visiting here several weeks with her patents. Mr and Mrs. S. Horr. Park Bunker was down from Beloit to spend Sunday with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Bunker Park is plav- ing 3rd base on the college base ball team. A company of yontjg people surprised Mr, and Mrs. Ned Roderick Thursday evening. About forty guests were pres ent and the evening was spent in play- ine games E J. Torry. editor and publisher of the Huntley Chronicle, died at his home in Huntley Thursday. The funeral took place Sunday at one o'clock Mr. Torry was about 46 vears of age A young son of J C. Roser had the misfortune one day last week to get one of his little fingers caught in a bicycle, crushing it so badly that amputation was necessary. Dr. C. L. McNett per­ formed the operation. At the board of supervisors' meeting held last week it was decided to blow in some more money patching at the court house. We fear it will be like sewing new cloth in an old garment. The countv needs a new court house The Odd Fellows of Guardian lodge No 60, who attended the funeral of E. J. Torry at Huntley Sunday were Ed. Heimerdinerer, Henry Schneider, Theo. Hamer. Ried Pratt, C A Lemmers, Louis Menne, Geo W. Carpenter and F. L Lewis. Jas Wetherell was the 100th member initiated into the mysteries of the Odd Fellowship in Guardian lodge. No 60. Monday evening. Tuesday evening the event was celebrated bv a public enter­ tainment in the city ball. Hon. E S Conway was the speaker and the music was by Sylvester's orchestra. A Doirn Times H Night. "I have had kidney and bladder trouble for years, and it became HO bad that I was obliged to get up at least a dozen times a night." says Mr. Owen 1 unn of Benton Ferry, W. Va. "I never received any permanent benefit from any medicine until I took Foley 's Kidney Cure. After using two bottle?, I was cured." As a preventive and cure for Bright's disease and Diabetes Foley 's Kidney Cure is unequaled. It qnickby cures all kidney and bladder troubles. Sold by G. W. Besley, West McHenry. Read The Plaindealer advertisements. They are interesting. Want Column. ,'i| nlvndiwiiii'iit" l^iwi thin HmmI *1 1 hr fiillu*- five llm x ur m . ."'iln hir Hrnl liiMTllitiii Ik ><MI* fur HU'lt aultmHiUt'iti Mimirtli.n Motvtlmti Mtv fti'cntNa line fur flint iktnrtion, ami It im'IiIK M line for additional Itmprtlimti. WO UK IIOUSK# KOH MAI.K Tim uiulvi • N IKIIIMI It LIS n few MI I>M mil I11I WORK IIHI*. os for HiiUt. weighing from 1100 in Htm IMMIIM IH . XVIII lie sold clu'Hp itml on miwiimblo tvrniN, 34-tf l'\ K. (illANtIKH H~0USE "Kbit RENT At Solon Mil IN; lit rooms, suitable for dwolllng or hotel pur­ poses. New iinrl In good locution near depot. Inquire of Wm. Slmcs. West McHenry, or RoliertSutton. Solon Mills. _ _ _ .lft-tf. WANTED Special representative In this county itnd adjoining territories, to rep­ resent and advertise an old e-stattllshed busi­ ness house of solid financial standing. Sal­ ary £?1 weekly, with expenses advanced each Monday by check direct from headquarters. Ilorsi? i'mri buggy furnished when necessary; position permanent. Address Blew Bros. & IVi.. Room tilO Monon Rldg.. ('hlciigo, III. 3SMtt ARM KOli SAIiR Short distance from McHenry 011 the north, consisting of 47 acres excellent land, new house, barns, etc. 2 wells and cistern. Then? are ten acres of moulding sand on the place, enough to pay for the place. :<nd for which there is always a market. Inquire of Jos. Blake. 41 tf McHenry, 111. mm F' PIVE ACRES KOH SALE--O11 north side of-Mcllenry village. <:<xxl house, new barn 18x2S with basement, well an 1 cistern. shades and fruit trees. An Ideal home. Inquire of 41 tf Jos. Blake. McHenry. WANTED--A man who understands ditch­ing and tiling. Inquire of H. C. Mead, 41 tf West McHenry. XJVJR RENT CHEAP--A brick store. 24x40, •E with cellar full size and six neat living rooms over head. For terms and other Infor­ mation address It. L. TURNER. il-tf Solon Mills, 111. "CH)R SALE -Leather top. one seat phaeton, F in good condition Will be sold very heap. Inquire of OR. H. T. BROWN. <2-tf McHenry. WANTED-- Several persons nf good charac­ter and reputation In each state (one in this county required) to represent and adver­ tise old established wealthy business house of solid financial standing. Salary $21.00 week I® willi expenses additional. aH payable in cash direct each Wednesday from head of­ fices. Horse and carriage furnished when necessary. References. Enclose self ad­ dressed envelope. Manufacturers and Whole saters. Dept. 2. third floor, 334 Deart>orn St., 42-4t Chicago. FARM FOR PAI.E--330acres Improved farm 1 mile from Morris. Minnesota, at $35 00 per acre, beautiful stream touching at cor­ ner; excellent soil; finest bargain. Write for particulars. A G. kadenzei, Elmhurst, III. 43-4t "CV)R SALE--I have a quantity of oak floor- lnc, good quality, which I have traded for and which 1 will sell at a very reasonable price; will also be pleased to receive your orders for seed, as 1 am going to ship some excellent 90-day corn. S. REYNOLDS.. 44-tf McHenry Mills "BH)R SALE--I offer for sale my farm, known as the John Thurlwell place. 1% miles east of McHenry, with entire live stock and farm machinery. Inquire of B J. WEGENER, 44-tf McHenry, 111. 1904 Fjarvest will depend largely upon the kind of preparation you make for it. You cant ex­ pect to do satisfactory work or secure bountiful crops if yon try to get along with worn-out tools. Poor Tools Make Poor Work! It is true economy to discardi old things that are no longer fit for satisfac ory service and provide yourself with modern, labor-saving apparatus. ' WM. MM]], WEST MCHENRY, IUINOIS will sho£ yon a line of up-to date Farm Machinery and Implements of the very best makes, including the famous John Deere Plows. Harrows and Planters Superior Grain Drills and Seeders, Yon are invited to call and inspect the finest and most complete stock we have ever been able to show , We have the goods to suit you and will make the prices right. CALL AND SEE. stock a and =1 EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Estate of Oliver W. Owen, deceased. The undersigned, having been appointed executor of the last Will and Testament of Oliver W. Owen, deceased, late of the County of McHenry and State of Illinois, hereby gives notice that be will appear before the County Court of McHenry County, at the Court House in Woodsttx'k, at the June Term, on the first Monday in .Tune next, at which time all persons having claims against said estate are not ifled and requested to at­ tend for the pu -pose of having the same ad­ justed. A'l persons indebted to said estnte are requested to make Immediate payment to the undersigned. Dated this 21st. day of March, A. I). 11104. 24-3t RAYMOND H. OWEN, Executor. Telephone 522 HERBES, - - PLUMBING. { The Original. Foley & Co., Chicago, originated Honey and Tar as a throat and lung remedy, and on acconnt of the great merit and popularity of Foley's Honev and Tar many imitations are offered for the genuine Ask for FOLEY'S Honey and Tar and refuse any substi­ tute offered, as no other preparation will give the same satisfaction. It is mildly laxative. It contains no opiates and is safest for children and delicate persons. Watch Us! At thte time of the year we all experience the same difficulty --that of finding something to eat that is really appetizing, and anxiously await the coming of fresh Vegetables. Keep your eye on us. We intend to have all the new delicacies as fast as they appear on the market at reasonable prices. Everything in the store is flesh and tempting. Telephone No. 301. Give us a Trial. J O H N S T O F F E L . 1 i 6; s $ s § ft RECORD RREAKER! We quote below prices that break all previous records in McHenry. We have a com­ plete stock of Spring and Summer G-oods, all new, that we are going to sell if low prices will move them. This extraordinary Sale begins Wednesday, April 20, Closes May 5 ;:S So some of our senators and repre­ sentatives think that President Roose velt is undermining the dignity of con gress? Too bad tLat Teddy has a few ideas of his own and is not backward in letting 'em out, regardless of the political enemies'he mi^ht make. We need a few like him in congress, per­ haps. THE fate of the car barn bandits should be an awful warning to boys and young men who are looking for knowledge between the covers of "Dia­ mond Dick" and "Rattlesnake P«*te" novels. WHEN Bryan, Hearst, Cleveland and «, Hill pull together 1 When? BAKKEVILLE. Mr. Shnlz was an Elgin "visitor the first of the week. ilr. Sewell spent Saturday and Sun­ day at Mr. Heuise s. .Mrs. Henry McMillan was calling on friends here Wednesday. J. W. Wingate is able to be oat again after an illness of two weeks. John Hunter and Robt. Matthews of McHenry were Sunday callers here. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Wingate of Nunda spent Thursday with their sons here. Will Gilbert of Holooiubville was a business caller in this vicinity Monday Mi ss Mary Gibbs visited recently with her friend. Miss Anna Frisby, at Emer­ ald Park Miss Edna Hunter of McHenrv spent part of la-t week with Miss Clara Thompson. Mr. and Mrs Chas. Knaack and family attended the wedding of a friend at Cherry Valley Snnday. Miss Isa Matthews spent the past week with her brother, C T. Matthews and family at Prairie Grnv*. Misses Kathryn WaUh, Edna Hunter and Clara Thompson were calling on Nanda friends Saturday afternoon. The township examination for the eighth grade pupils of Nnnda township will bn held at the Barreville school honse April 38 and 29. Uncle Henry Wilcox of Greenwood accompanied by his daughters, Mrs. Mansfield, of Rockford and Mrs. Mc- Cannou spent a couple of days last week *rith Mr. and Mrs. I. N. Merchant. Jtasd The Plaindealer "want" ads. These prices can not be duplicated any place in the county. Men's everyday Shoes, worth $2.00, best Kangaroo Calf Youth's Shoes, 1 to O£, worth $1.75, special Little Gents Shoes, 8 to 13£, worth $1.25, special Miss Shoes, 1 to 2, best Calf Skin, worth $1.75, special Miss Shoes, 8 to 13£, worth $1.25, special Miss Shoes, 5 to 8, worth $1.00, special Very best girls' Shoes, 4 to 8, worth $1.00, special Very best girls' Shoes, 3 to 5, nice finish, worth 75c, at Infants Shoes, 1 to 5, special - - Men's patent leather Shoes, worth $3.50, special Come and see the G-oods. 11.24 Men's best $3.50 Shoe, special $2.29 $1.19 Ladies Dress Shoes, worth $2.50, special - ' 1.29 89c Ladies everyday Shoes, Kangaroo Calf, worth $ 2.00, at 1.19 $1.19 Men's Rubber Boots, worth $£.00, special - 2.48 89c Boys Rubber Boots, worth $2.50, special 1.69 63c Men's Rubbers, very best, worth 75c, special 50c 59c Ladies Rubbers, very best, worth 65c, special 43c 49c Linings, worth 7c per yard, special 5c 35c Sateen, extra heavy, worth 25c per yard, at 15c $2.48 Sil K Nit, worth 5c per spool, special 3c Lawns, 18 colors, closing1 out at 50 cents on the $1.00 PERCALES, WORTH 10C PER YARD, SPECIAL - - - 7C CALICOES, 12 COLORS, WORTH 8C PER YARD, SPECIAL - - 5^C TOWELING, ALL LINEN, 19 INCHES WIDE, WORTH 12C, AT - 8^C TURKISH TOWELS, WOITH 25C PER PAIR, SPECIAL - - 15C EXTRA HEAVY TOWELING, WORTH 6C, SPECIAL - - 4C ALL LINEN TOWELS WITH FRINGE, WORTH 60C PER PAIR, SPECIAL 39C SHIRTING, WORTH 14C PER YARD, SPECIAL - - 8£C GINGHAM, WORTH 7C PER YARD, SPECIAL - - - 5$C TABLE CLOTH; RED, FAST COLORS, WORTH 50C PER YARD, AT - 33C VERY BEST GERMAN BLUE CALICO, WORTH 12C PER YARD - 8£C LADIES MUSLIN UNDERSKIRTS, WORTH 85C TO $1.00, SPECIAL 44C LADIES NIGHT DRESSES, WORTH 85C TO $1.00, SPECIAL - 44C MEN'S EVERYDAY SHIRTS, WORTH 60C, SPECIAL - - 39C BOYS SHIRTS, 12 TO 13, SPECIAL - - . 23C LADIES CORSET WAISTS, WORTH 25C, AT 12C LADIES CORSETS, WORTH 75C, SPECIAL - - - 39C LADIES DRESS SKIRTS, WORTH $2.50 TO $3.00, AT - $^.48 MEN'S DRESS SHIRTS, WORTH 75C, SPECIAL - - 39C WINDOW SHADES, WORTH 35C, SPECIAL - - - 21C WHITE AND COLORED OIL CLOTH, WORTH 25C PER YARD, SPECIAL 17C FLOOR OIL CLOTH, EXTRA WIDE, WORTH 45C TO 50C PER YAID, AT 25C EVERYDAY HATS, WORTH 75C, AT - - - .. 43C SUNDAY HATS, VERY STYLISH, SOFT AND STIFF, WORTH $3.00, AT 1.48 SUNDAY HATS, WORTH 2.50, AT - - - - 1.25 MEN'S JACKETS, WORTH 50C, SPECIAL - - - 24C BLUE OVERALLS, WORTH 75C, SPECIAL - - - 43C KNEE PANTS, 3 COLORS, WORTH 35C, SPECIAL - - 19C Boys 3-piece Suits, worth 3.50, special - - $2.48 Boys 2-piece Suits, all wool, worth 2.25 - - $1.29 Cassimere Suits, 2 piece, worth 4.'H). at - - 1.75 Young Men's Suits, 16 to 19, worth $6.00, at - - 3.98 Men's Suits, worth 7.50, special - - - 5.48 Pine Cassimere Suits, worth 12.00, special - - - 7.48 Dress Pants, worth 2.00, special - - . - 1.24 Dress Pants, worth 4.00, special - - - 2.48 PANTS WORTH 3.50, AT - - - - 1.98 LADIES HAND BAGS, WORTH 50C, SPECIAL - - 23C FINISHING BRAID, WORTH 5C, SPECIAL 3C BABY RIBBON, 7 YARDS FOR . . . . 5 C MENDING COTTON, WHITE AND BLACK, WORTH 5C, AT - 2C PEARL BUTTONS, WORTH 10C PER CARD, SPECIAL - - 5C PENCILS, WORTH 5C EACH, AT LC SHOE STRINGS, WORTH 10C PER BUNCH, SPECIAL - - - 5C SHOE POLISH, WORTH 10C, SPECIAL 2 BOXES FOR - - 5C PINS, PER PACKAGE - - - - - LC SCISSORS, WORTH 50C PER PAIR, FOR - - - 25C LADIES SHIRT WAIST SETS, WORTH 25C, AT 9C CORSET STEELS, WORTH 10C, SPECIAL 4C BOW TIES, WORTH 25C, SPECIAL - - - - 9C PILLOW CASE LACE, WORTH 4C PER YARD, SPECIAL - - 2C VERY BEST ENVELOPES, WORTH 5C PER BUNC H. AT - 3C Fancy Box Envelopes and Paper, worth 10c, at - - 5c Fancy Pencil Tablets, special 2 for - - - - §c Valises and Telescopes at very lowest prices. J. Hurwitz, West flcHenry This Bank receives deposits, buys and sells Foreign and Do­ mestic Exchange, and does if;: GENERAL BAIIKIIK BOSIFFISS. We endeavor to do all busi­ ness entrusted to our care in a manner and npon terms entire­ ly satisfactory to our CUB tim­ ers and respectfully solicit the public patronage Money to Loan on real estate and other firot class se­ curity. Spec­ ial attention given to collections INSURANCE in First Class Companies, at the Low eat rates. Yours Respectfully PERRY & OWEN, Notary Public. Banker* THE NEW DSNTIST ON THB WEST 8IT>A * DR. R. G. QHAMBERLIN " OIHce over Hours from • -Beslev's Drug Store. 8:30 a. m. to 6:30 p. m CHARLES 0. fRETT Wholesale and retail dealer to I am In the Market For Beef Veal riutton Hogl and Poultry Olve me a call »d Smoked Meats, Snusnge McHenry - Illinois FRANK BUHR PRACTICAL PAINTER AND PAPER HANGER Graining, Calcimining and all Interior Decorating. Telephone No.' 254. MCHENRY, - - - ILLINOIS. 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE PATENTS I HADE. IVIANNS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &C. Anyone sending a sketch and description may qnlekly ascertain our opinion free whether an Invention is probably patentable. Communica­ tions utrictlyconlldentlal. HANDBOOK on Patent* •ent free. Oldest a«ency for securnifcpatent#. Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive tpecial notice, without chimro. ill the Scientific American. Professional, Society V a.nd Businesss Cards j DAVID G. WELLS, M. D. plIYBICMN SHRGBON AND vKJULI**. *- Office and residence corner Elui aij Green streets. McHenry. ™ 0.1^ FEGERS, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. McHeatv III. Office at Residence, corner CourtaS Elm streets. Telephone 338. F. c. ROSS. D. R>. S. Office over i*etescta's Drug Store. ALL WORK PEHTAINING TO MODERN DENTISTRY Office Telephone 284; Residence 802. Nitrous Oxid Gas for Extracting. Hours 7:30 a. m. to 5:30 p. m. SUNDAY WORK BT APPOINTMENT ONOT ARTHUR BREMKEN, M. D. AKE^, N'D SI PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON (Deutoctaer Arxt.) Spring drove, Illinois. Geo. Meyers General Teaming of all k(nds. Excavating and Qrading. flcHENRY - - - - - ILLINOIS. Telephoue, Main 1714. LAHBERT Q. SENG BUFFET Headquarters for McHenry and McHenry county visitors. Prank Keppler, John Scharres, 02 I lfth Ave.. Chicago. Attendants Telephone No. 393. SIMON STOFFEL Innurance Agent for all classes of property in the best Companies. West McHenry, Illinois McHENRY COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY. OFFICE with American National Bank Woodstock, III. Abstracts of title and con­ veyancing. Money to loan on real estate in sums of $500 to $10,000, time and payment to suit oorrower. A hnndsomely Il lustrated weekly. I.nreest olr- Ternm, 33 a culatlon of any scientific Journal. year :_four months, 8old by all pewadealeT*. •« & Co. 361 Broadway, ^ ch Office, Sl6 F SC Washington, D. < Chicago & North-Western. Effective Nov. 13, 1903 WEEK DAY TRAINS* O&O. NORTHBOUND . Mt?[enry a m V i a Eljfin 10.08 a m .'1.25 p IN Via lies lMaiues 4.52 p m 5.01PM Via lies IMaines 0.40 PM SUNDAY TRAINS. 9.10a M Via Des IMaines 11,14 a m 2.02 PM Via Elgin 5.00 pm WEEK DAY TRAINS. McHenry. BOUTHBOUND. 7.32 AM Via E l g i n* 8.29 AM Via Des Plalnes.. 5.25 p m Via Des I'laines... Arrive Chicago. .10.10 a m . 9.5.1 a m ..7.00 p m 7.32 a m. 5.00 p m SUNDAY TRAIN8. Via F.lgtn... . Via Des i'laines. . . 10.20 a m 7.00 p m CROUP Croup and Inflammation of the larynx are laati relieved and permanently cured bv the aae of Minute Cough Cure. This never falling preacri 3t an eminent physician waa tlvea the aaine of I MINUTE COUCH CURE becauae Instant rede ilways followed Its use. It takes effect at the seal tf the trouble and acts on the Inflamed membranes •*> Mead of passing wholly tnto the stomach aad dratftat v stupefying the system. Gives relief hilsrtli. CURED It destroys the disease germ, desrs the phls«a ai (raws out the Inflammatioa, thus removing the CSM tnd curlny permanently. One Minute Cough CvaJ| perfectly harmless, good for children and they tta M Efts. Prepared only by E. C. DeWItt & Co-bUeM Aa Heal remedy for children. Do lot forgalthaasfi ONE MINUTE !• or salt' liySalliDrnpgists. f K I L L T H E COUCH UN D C U R E T H E LUNGS WITH Dr. King's New Discovery Ci -0NSUMPTI0N Price OUGHSand SOc & $1.00 OLDS Fre® Trial. Surest and Quickest Cure for all THROAT and LUNG TROUB­ LES, or MONEY BACK. -i 1 imiuuaHHHKSSn: i> PHILIP JAEGER GENERAL COHMISSION MERCHANT SPKCIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE SALE OP $ •»: Dressed Beef, riutton, Hogs, Veal, Poultry, Hides, Etc., Butter atid Eggs This is the oldest house on the street. Tags and price lists famished on ii*: application. COLD STORAGE FREE p SR2WWSS?*- CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. Jos. H. Huemann Johnsburgh, Illinois. sells Corn Shellers and Tread Powers, Duplex Grinding Mills, Rock Island Plows, Wagons, Carriages, Buggies, Wind Mills, Well Supplies, Harness Oil, Paint Oil and Machine Oil a Specialty. iiiniiiiiiiiiin»i»i fraoklifl Lightoiig M Wufc! I am agent for the above. We put the Hods on your Build­ ings and should they be struck by lightning we pay damages If no more than $500. Call and get full particulars. aeneril BlKkunitdiig Prices always teisoufcle Cured in 8 Days Mydroceie Days No Cutting or Pain, Guaranteed Curio a* Money Refunded. - _ . ft CM F Uqder my treatment this insidious dNrane VVCaX ra|ii,:iy digappt-ain. l'aln ce-u>e8 almost i etai't'r. The ftatM'iu1* blood is dilvi-u fn.m the dilated veins a»d Mirvm'ss vanishes and swelling subsided. Every indication of Varicocele vauiuhes rtml in its stead comes the plvasuro of perfect health. I cure to stay cured, Contagious l'.lnod l'oiaon. Kidney and is llladder Troubles, N*»rv»u» and allied troubles. m e t " t t r e a t m e n t a m i c u r e a r e o r i g i n a l w i t h m e a n d c a n n o t b e •&-' -fr obtained elsewhere. 1 make no uxperiintnts. All cases I take I cure. what you want. I give a L«»gt\l (iuiti aiitee to cure you or refund oiliers I can do for you. and no more titan yo't will lie willing to pay for Deuenn con (COPTHGHTIU ) t«?rr«'d. J CAN CUKE YOU at Home. Correspondence Confidential receive lif plain envelope a eclentiflo and honest opinion or your ease, FliKK of Charge. My home treatment is ouooeeefuL My books and lectures mailed KHKK upon application. H. J. TILL0TS0N, M. D„ 5M TlllotsM Balldiif, S4 Dearton Street, CHICAOO. i. J. TllXOTSOSi. M.D. t' Th« Master Specialut of Chicago. » ho.\f y eliai'V for a permanent cure will be reasonable ar Cnrss Varioorele. Ei;thlish«i insu. jJO 111<)re t lian y on wi 11 lie willing to pay for benefit# coi Llfcc.* v.

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