Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 28 Apr 1904, p. 5

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Contractors and You j will find our pencil sharp and ready to figure very close on f all BUILDERS' Hardware. Tin and gutter work • PUT UP RIGHT } Lead, Paints, Oils, Brushes, Etc. of well-known make-- £ for tl e painter OR YOU. Call for figures at J OSHUN BROS., richENRY, ILL. ) -Dry Goods, Shoes----Notions. ^ * Qeneral Hardware,- TIN WOR.K OF ALL KINDS AT CLOSE PRICES : RINGWOOD DRUG STORE! Everything in the drug line can be found here. Our stock is clean and up to date and handle nothing but the best of everything. Patent Medicines of all kinds can be found here. Pre­ scriptions carefully compounded. i t i ! t = t | Riflgwood, Illinois. J. S. Brown & Son. J Our Spring and Summer line of Men's and Boys' Suite is now ready for your inspection LATEST FASHIONS NEWEST WEAVES QUALITY HIGHEST PRICES LOWEST I carry a fall line of John G. Miller & Co's. PERFECT FITTING CLOTHING. The Mil­ ler label is a guarantee that the garment to which it is attached is the best in fabric and make that can be pnt together at the price. A thorough inspection of our line will sub­ stantiate all that we have said. Call on u when in need of a suit. Yon will be more than pleased. ILLER'S EANS ERIT M! Spring Grove, Illinois. FRANK SCHUMACHER. >»M<» i •••«»••• I PAINT POINTERS Why do you paint your house? Not only to beautify it, but to protect it, don't yon? Why then buy an inferior Paint just^ecause it costs a few cents per gallon less than a well known first-class brand? That is folly, for a cheap paint is made of poor material and seldom lasts more than a year or two, whereas a good one should wear for five years at least. Our Crown. Cottage Colors will not chalk peel or scale and in covering capacity and durability is superior to the majority of Paints made iuclnding White Lead and Oil. Considering these facts, why not buy the best and save money. I carry Enapial Colors, Varnish Stains, Porch and Step Paint, Floor Paint, Wagon and Buggy Paint, Fillers, Varnishes, Shellacs, Colors in Oils, White Lead, Dry Colors, Glne, Putty, Etc. F. L. McOMBER, WEST SIDE HAHDWAKE. •'ft1* -***' A »•* »•« »•» A A Ill |tl 111 I A* ^ ^ ij,i MI rp HEW PIANOS! i TtH liiri lYll'l i ll HIM CM* which I can GUARANTEE for TEN YEARS from $150 up. Good used Pianos from $75 to $150. Pianos to rent from Sa.oo to $4.00 a month. Six months rent allowed on purchase. I have a few second hand Organs, token in exchange for Pianos, which I will sell at Bargains or rent for 9 $1.00 a month. PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRING at reasonable prices. First Class Work Only. McHenry. R. H. OWEN. N E I G H B O R I N G N E W S Chronicled by our Able Corps of Correspondents w JOHN8BCBSH. " The Plaindealer will be sent to any address ou trial three months for twenty- five cents, and will be discontinued at the expiration of that time uuless other­ wise ordered. Try it Mrs. Eva Nienen is quite ill at this writing. Jos. Hueuianu was a McHenry caller Wednesday. J as Conway of Riugwood was a caller here Wednesday. Miss Carrie Niesen of McHenry was a visitor here Sunday. John P. Lay was a business visitor in Chicago Wednesday. Mrs. Wolff of Chicago visited her rel­ atives here a few days the past week. Jos. Frett and children visited friends here a few dhys the first of t he week. Mrs. Gus Trappe of Chicago visited her sister, Mrs Peter Niesen, Suuday Miss Lizzie Miller otf- McHenry spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. Jos. Mer tes. Mrs. Mat Adams died at her home near this place, Sunday morning, after a few weeks' illness. Mr. and Mrs. John Pitzen and John Oeffling of Volo visited at the home ol Will Oeffling Sanday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Heimer and chil­ dren of McHenry visited at the home oJ John Mertes Sunday. 'Mr. and Mrs. Mat Niesen and John Niesen of McHenry called on the latter V mother, who is very ill. Rev. John Smith, pastor of St Joseph church at Aurora, is visiting relatives and friends here for a few days. The Archbishop of Chicago confirmed about 70 children here Monday. H«- was assisted in the ceremonies by about fifteen priests. The following children made theii first holy communion at the 8 o'clock mass here Sunday morning: Jake Thiel, Joe Freund, Stephen Koenig, Frank Schaefer, John Nell, Willie Justen, Mat Rince, Nick Justen, Johu Smith, Tonj Freund, Nick Freund, Geo. Stilling, Peter Freund, Stephen May, Frank Blake, Peter Freund. Nick Freund, Fred Frownd", Henry Freund, Ben Tonian, Stephen Smith, Joe Tonian, Willie Klapperich, Ed. Smith, Willie Miller, .(os. Stilling. Anna Oeffling, Eva Hue mann, Annie Adams. Clara Lay, Martha Niesen, Annie Frennd, Katie Freund, Lena Hetteiman, Rosa Althoff, Martha Mertes, Lizzie Nitiier, Lena Pitzen. Maggie Blake, Emma Freund, Lena Miller and Euima Bugner. K1KKKALD PARK. The Plaindealer will be sent to any address on trial three months for twen- ty-five cents, and will be discontinued at the expiration of time unless other­ wise ordered. Try it. Harry Bacon of Chicago called here Sunday evening. J. ii. Farreii of Chicago visited rela­ tives here Suuday. Misses Margaret and Mamie Aylward spent Monday in Chicago. Richard Aylward called on Barreviile friends Tuesday afternoon. Miss Mamie Aylward of Elgin visited at her home here over Sunday. Miss Nellie Frisby is spending this week with her sister at McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. D W. Hill of Chicago were at their cottage over Sunday. Miss Margaret Suttou spent Saturday and Sunday with relatives in Chicago. J. J. Aylward of Algonquin spent a few days the last of the week at his home here. W. K. Burns and family of Chicago are spending a week's vacation at their cottage here Thos. Kane and Miss Mae Noonan of Ringwood called on the Misses Aylward Suuday evening. Miss Eleanor Farrell of Dubuque, la., is spending a week with her many rela­ tives and friends here. Rev. H. M Fegers of Sterling and Dr. C. H. Fegers of McHenry were callers at the park Tuesday afternoon. Mr and Mr*. Paul Reiger and little daughter of Griswold Lake visited Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Walmsley here Sunday. HOI.COMKV1LLE. The Plaindealer will be sent to any address ou trial three months for twenty- five cents, and will be discontinued at the expiration of that time unless other­ wise ordered. Try it. Miss Altce Knox visited at Jay Doher- ty's Thursday. Mrs Henry MoMillan visited at Wau- <onda Thursday. Wo;. Gilbert spent the first of the week in Chicago. Mike Weidner visited with his uncle in Elgin last w eek. Mrs. Clarence Colby aud daughter, Edna, visited at T. L. Flanders' Suuday. Misses Bridget and Mary Doherty of McHenry called on relatives here Sun­ day afternoon. Mrs. Thomas Powers and Miss Hattie Welch visited the latter's parents at Griswold Lake Thursday. Robbed the Grave. A startling incident is narrated by John Oliver of Philadelphia, as foliows: I was in an awful condition. Vy skin was almost yellow, eyes sunken, tongue coated, pain continually in my back and sides, no appetite, growing weaker day by day. Three physicians had giv­ en me up. Then I was advised to use Electric Bitters. To my great joy, the first bottle made a decided improve­ ment. I continued their use for three weeks and am now a well man. I know they robbed the grave of another vic­ tim." No one should fail to try them Only fifty cents, guaranteed, at Jnlia A. Story's, N. H. Petesch's. McHenry, G. Besley's, W. McHenry, drug stores. 1904 Crop 60c a Bushel CASH WITH EVERY LOAD PICKlESi Please contract at once as we will take | only a limited number of acres. Make! your contracts with, and get your seed* from Frank Ward or at the following! places: Bank of McHenry. Block & BetliWe, j McHenry; Simon Stoffel, M. J. Walsh, Jos. | W. Freund, West McHenry; Bradley &| Foss, King wood; John P. Lay, C. M. Adams, j Johnsburgh. | StdHord 8tGoldsmitti(o.i West McHenry. j SPRING GROVE. [People of Spring Grove and vicinity deairiug to subscribe for The Plaiudeal- er may leave their order and money with Raymond Moss, our correspond­ ent. 1 he subscription price is $1 5o a year or 75 cents for six months! Ed. | Elmer Orvis was in to u Saturday. Allison Truax spent Sunday at Nnnda. John Westlake spent Sunday with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. A. Neish were Ring wood visitors Snnday. The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. An . drew Huff is very ill. James Westlake and son, Earl, were Lake Villa visitors Sunday. ^ Mrs. Jennie Moss and son, Jesse, were Chicago visitors Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Adams of Ring- wood attended the funeral of Adams here Tuesday. HIDGEFIKLU. The Plaindealer will be sent to any address on trial thrde months for twen­ ty-five cents, and will be discontinued at the expiration of time, unless other­ wise ordered. Try it. W. French was in Nunda Friday. C. M. Keeler was in Nunda Monday. Vf\ R. Shelt was in Nunda Saturday. J. Merchant was in Nunda Saturday. E. Cadwallader was in Nunda Friday Mrs. Fay was in N unda Wednesday. Mrs. French was in Ringwood Thurs- lay. Mrs. French was in Woodstock Sat­ urday. F. W. Hartman was in Chicago Sat arday. Geo. Wheeler was in Chicago Wed­ nesday. Mrs. A. S. Wakefield was in Nnnda Monday. Miss Grace Reed was in Nnnda Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. F. Thayer visited in Elgin Tuesday. Mrs. C. E. Conerty of Chicago visited her parents Tuesday. Miss Mabel Skinner visited in Elgin Thursday and Friday. Miss Edith Hobard visited relatives in Woodstock Saturday. Mrs. J. Still and daughters, Lnln and Ada, were in Nnnda Thursday. Mrs. W. J. Garrison and daughter were in Woodstock Wednesday. Mrs. W. J. Garrison aud daughter, Hazel, were in Chicago Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Fay visited the latter's sister in Ringwood Saturday. Miss Madalene Lynch is visiting her sister, Mrs. Blanche Conerty, in Chicago. Mrs. E. E. Knillans and Mrs. R. L. Dufield were in Nnnda one day last week. Mrs.C. M. Keeler and son, Marvin, are visiting her mother, Mrs. Rice, at Nunda. .• Mrs. J. B. Lynch visited her daugh­ ter, Mrs. C. E. Conerty, in Chicago Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. O. Hall and Mrs. La- fore have gone to Elgin to make their future home. A customer of ours who had been suffering from a severe cough for six months bought two bottles of Chamber­ lain's Cough Remedy from us and was entirely cured by one and a half bottles of it. It gives perfect satisfaction with our trade. Hayes-Parker & Co., Line- ville, Ala. For sale by all druggists. THE BEST JUDGE of a Collar or other, piece of Harness would be the bone. As be is not competent the owner must exercise great care in its selection. ' No possibility of a mistake if, the HARNESS is purchased here. Each line of goods is made in the most approved manner. The material used is high grade. Will last and prove worthy until the end. No! Prices are not high. Collars, Kersey faced, each. $1.00 Collars, light team, each* $2.00 (hilars, heavy team, each.. $2.50 Collars, Am. Case, each* $4.00 Collars,' heavy Norman, eaclf.. ...$3.00 HcHENRY, ILL. G\is. Carlson v.y . v.- w -At" f I : / 4 IRISH I'KAIKIK. Harold Whitiug is working for John Powers. Mr. and Mrs. Will Whalin visited at Walter Bolger's Sunday. M. B. Pursell was the guest of Adam Mosgrove Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. John Bolger ar^ the proud parents of a baby girl. News items this week are like hens' teeth few and far between. Harold Whiting visited his grand­ parents a few days last week. John Johnson called on his lady friend Tuesday evening of this week. Peter Nelson was calling oil friends on our street one day this week. Mrs. E. Knox was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. John Relihan Sunday. What's the matter with the weather man? Will we ever have spring! M iss Ada Kane is the guest of her aunt. Mrs. John Bolg«.r, this week. E. Knox and daughter, Mamie, called on Walter Bolger and family Sunday. Mrs. FiWl Powers and Miss Etta Powers visited at John Relihan s Sun day. Miss Katie Schreiner of McHenry is nssisting Mrs. M. Conway with her work. John Johnson has been doing a rush­ ing business the past week, selling calves. Mrs. Thos. Hayes of Harvard spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Phil Sutton. Miss Nettie Whiting and friend, Miss Merchant, called on Miss Ada Kane one day last week. Miss Minnie Lehman and brother, Richard, attended the wedding at John Krause's Sunday. Miss Nancy Frisby, we are glad to say. isslowly improving. Miss Willar- of Elgin is taking care of her. Strayed, lost or stolen, a spring hat. Finder will return to Mosgrove Broth ers, N®. 4, Prairie Ave., and receive reward. William Mosgrove called at the home of John Relihan one evening this week, renewing old acquaintances. John had to see him home. Nothing Like Experience. "One truth learned by actual exper­ ience does more good than ten one hears about." Tell a man that Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy will cure cholera morbus, and he will most likely forget it before the end of the day. Let hiui have a severe attack of that disease, feel that he is about to die. use this remedy, and learn from his own experience how quickly it gives relief, and he will remember it all his life. For sale by all druggists. DR.PRICFS cl?m Baking Powder SOLON [People of Solon and vicinity desiring to subscribe for The Plaindealer may leave their order with Miss Aliie Turn­ er. The subscription price is $1.50 a year or 75 cents for six months. Ed-1 H. Christian was in Chicago recently. Mr. Pester of Liberty ville was a caller here recently. Miss Bertha Myers of Spring Grove was a caller here Tuesday. Mrs. Cruikshank entertained company from Greenwood lasi Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Will Hodge of Antioeh were visitors in town recently. Mesdames Bote}' and Wm. Cornish are visiting in Chicago this week. Mrs. Nellie Philipp of Chicago is vis­ iting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chris­ tian. Mr. and Mrs L. B. Covell of Belden visited the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs Wm Moore, recently. Mrs. Buckland of Ringwood gave a very fine talk to the people Sunday eve­ ning, on the subject "Union Meetings. " The andience was interested and would be pleased to hear her again. The Glazier Carolinians and Jubilee Singers will give an entertainment at the opera house Wednesday evening, May 4. They sing songs that relate to their race tradition in a pleasing man­ ner.- Do not fail to h£ar them, if you do you will miss a treat. A Cur«* for llrailHrhe. Any man, woman or child suffering from headache, biliousness, or a dull, drowsy feeling slmuld take one or two of DeWitt's Lkfle Early Risers night and morning. These famous little pills are famous because they are a tonic as well as a pill. While they cleanse the system they strengthen and rebuild it by their tonic effect upon the liver and bowels. Sold by all druggists. Try the "Want ad" column. The "blues" most often result from indigestion, which is brought on by constipation or a torpid liver. Take Re-Go Tonic Laxative Syrup after: sup- Ser and at bedtime. It will correct the isorders of the stomach and liver and regulate the bowels. The cause being removed the mental depression or "blues" will disappear. 25c, 50c and $1.00. Sold by G. W. Besley, West McHenry, druggist. FEMALE WEAKNESS 542 1- 2 Congress St. Pobtland, Mains, Oct. 17,1901. I consider Wine of Cardui superior to any doctor's medicine I ever used and I know whereof I apeak. I auf* fered for nine months with suppressed menstruation which completely pros­ trated me. Pains would shoot toroa|h my back and sides and I would have blinding headaches. Mv limbs would swell up and I would reel so weak I oould not stand up. I naturally felt discouraged for I seemed to be beyond the help of physicians, but Wine of Oardui oamo as a God-send to me. I felt a change for the better within a week. After nineteen days treatment I menstruated without suffering the agonies I usually did and soon beoame regular and without pain. Wine of Cardui is simply wonderful and I wish that all suffering woman knew at Its good qualities. Important Decision Lower Insurance Rates to bo Given to Persons who do not Drink Alcohoilo Liquors By a recent decision of on* of hgf est insurance companies of the United States, lower rates are to be given thoee persons who do not indulge in the use of any Intoxicating liquors. This is just, far statistics from all sources show that the use of alcohoilo drinks always predis­ poses to kidney troubles, and Bright^ Disease, Diabetes and all other fatal kid­ ney diseases are far more frequent drinkers of beer and alcohoilo beverages than among those who do not Indulge in them. In a recent address before the Senate of the United 8tates, Hon. J. H. Gallinger, Senator from New Hampshire, gave the results of most thorough Investigations made to ascertain the effects of beer drink­ ing upon the health and life of individ­ uals. lie showed conclusively that alnxMl all cases of Brlght's Disease were caused by beer drinking and that other fatal kid­ ney troubles had the same origin as a rule.. As probably a large majority of mea drink beer It becomes a matter of great concern to know the best way of overcom­ ing its effects upon the kidneys. There !• nothing that will so quickly make the kid­ neys right in these cases as Foley's Kip- n*y Cube. If taken early it will cure every form of kidney trouble and even In hope­ less cases It will give relief. It is an hott­ est preparation and can be relied npoa le do all that is claimed for it. G. W. BESLEY, West McHenry. * ^ -vJl § ' '& f ssseeeessessssanieiasi Gilbert Bros. Fancy Grocers. Good Health depends upon the food you eat Adds to the healthfulness of aH risen flour-foods, while it makes the food lighter, sweeter, finer- flavored, more delicious* Exercise care in purchasing baking powder to see that you get Dr. Price's, which makes the food more wholesome and at the same time more palatable. HOB BAKING FOWDIS OO. OHIOAOO. NOTE --There are many mixtures, made is imitation of baking powder, which the prudent will avoid. They are lower in price than cream of tartar pow­ der*, but they are made from alum, end are dangerous to u*e in food j i jyyywwywyyyyiwwii^^ When You Build! No matter whether it be a mansion, cottage, barn or shed, let us give yon figures on the material. Our prices are as low as any and we handle everything needed in the oonstrnction of Buildings. Lumber, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Building Paper, Cement, Lime, Etc. Also large stock of Brick, Tile and Fence Wire. Hard and Soft Coal. FEED, GRAIN AND FLOUR Treasurer, Portland Eoonomio League Periodical headaches tell of fe­ male weakness. Wine of Cardui cures permanently nineteen out of every twenty cases of irregular menses, bearing down pains or any female weakness. If you are discouraged and doctors have failed, that is the best reason in the world you should try Wine of Cardui now. Remember that headaches mean female weakness. Secure a (1.00 bottle of Wine of Cardui today. WINE" CARPUI IDeats! Can sell feed in any quantity to suit the purchaser at low­ est market prices. We also buy and sell all kinds of Grain. WHITE SWAN FLOUR is hard to beat. Try a sack and be convinced. We wish to thank the people of this vicinity for the patronage of the past and hope by fair dealing and honest prices to retain their patronage. WILBUR LUHBER CO. McHENRY, ILLINOIS. FRESH. SALT & SMOKED NUTS Vegetables and Fruit In Season. It is my Intention to all customers the best service pos­ sible. 1 pay spot cash f;>r hides, poultry and stock of all kinds, thus payinK the lowest prices, and will sell on the same basis. y?e also buy I loirs for Kerl>er Packing Co. of Eltrln. paying highest market prices. Drop us a card when ready to sell. A. C. MATTHEWS, WEST M'HENRY, ILL. Most complete line of new garden seeds to be fonnd in town. We have in stock Seeds" of every des­ cription, compris­ ing the choicest kinds of Vegetable Fruit Herbs and Flower Seeds. If you are having any difficulty in getting the varieties you desire, kindly call and examine our large stock of guar­ anteed Seeds; you are sure to find the k i n d y o u w a n t Lawn Grass Seed, mixed, per pound, 30c. Sweet Corn and Green Peas in bulk. [MMMMNNMNMNNM f'ii •i'- . « M fS •; -'1^^ MM & yiit N. H. PETESCH Pure, Fresh Drugs: and Medicines

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