Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 5 May 1904, p. 4

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TfcoosaiiAa Have Kidney ttfOtafeli Mid Don't Know it. How To Find Oat. 1W! * bottle or common glass wlftt yew Water and let it stand twenty-four hours; a sediment or set­ tling indicates an , unhealthy condi­ tion of the kid­ neys; if it stains your linen it is evidence of kid­ ney trouble; too frequent desire to pass it or pain in the back is also | convincing proof that the kidneys and blad­ der are out of order. What to X>o. There is comfort in the knowledge so Often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp- Root, the great kidney remedy fulfills every wish in curing rheumatism, pain in the back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part of the urinary passage. It corrects Inability to hold water and scalding pain in passing It, or bad effects .following use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to go often during the day, and to get up many times during the night. The mild and the extra­ ordinary effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized. It stands the highest for its won­ derful cures of the piost distressing cases. If you need a medicine you should have the best. Sold by druggists in 50c. and$l. sizes. You may have a sample bottle of this wonderful discover)' and a book that tells more about it. both sent absolutely free by maif. Address Dr. Kilmer & Rom? of Sw*mp-Root. Co.. Binghamton. N. Y. When writing men­ tion reading this generous offer in this paper. The McHenry Piiealer PUBLISHED EVELiV Till'iitDAV BY Tilt McltfNRY PLAIRMALER (OMPAItr. P. K. GRANGER. W. A. CRISTY. J. B. PERRY, Pres. Sec. Treas. CHA8. 1). SCHOONMAKKR, Editor. Office ID Bank Building. Telephone, No. 272. TERMS OF 8UBSCRIPTIQN: One year Six months, 75 cts. 11.50 Three months. 40 cts. Thursday, May 5, 1904. TO SUPPRESS GAMBLING. At the last meeting of the city conn- motion was made to the effect that ordinance pertaining to gambling should be enforced. The motion had the support of every member on the board, except one, and that member is as anxious as any one to suppress the evil. He desired that the motion be more sweeping in its resolution*. Read the minutes of the meeting, on page one, and yon will learn where this man •tands. The motion was not necessary, how­ ever, 4* the ordinances are supposed to be euforced by «the village board, or repealed. But it may have the desired effect. It shows that some of the members are determined to have certain ordinances enforced, the one in question being Mnong them. It is the prayer of a large majority of the popnlace that the board will not forget the action it has t iken la the matter. If it were only a few old hard heads $hat get together and gamble, giving up the money that shonld go to their fami­ lies, tbje law abiding citizens might stand the pressure, as they have in the years past, bnt when young men and •ven boys are allowed to participate in the games it is time that the people should rise op in their indignation and demand that the laws be euforced. The question of gambling in McHenry is no secret. Yon know of it, we know of it, and, to the shame of the village, . tire outside world knows of it. Let ns hope that the qnestion is now settled in McHenry for all time. Job work of all kinds this office. neatly done at s <• Watch Us! At this time of the year we all experience the same difficulty P --that of finding something to eat that is really appetizing, K and anxiously await the coming of fresh Vegetables. Keep V: your eye on us. We intend to have all the new delicacies as | fast as they appear on the market at reasonable prices. Everything in the store is fresh and tempting. J O H N S T O F F E L „ Telephone No. 301. Qlve us a Trial. When You Build No matter whether it be a mansion, cottage. Uarn or «hed, let as give you figures on the material. Our prices are as low as any and we handle everything needed in the construction of Bnildings. Lumber, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Building Paper, Cement, Lime, Etc. Also large stock of Brick, Tile and Fence Wire, hard and Soft Coal. FEED, QRAIN AND FLOUR Can sell feed in any quantity to suit the purchaser at low- r mark**£nce8- also buy and sell all kinds of a v SWAN FLOUR is hard to beat. Try a •at* and be convinced. We wish to thank the people of f i* TlC,.n,t'r *ar t^le Pfttr°nage of the past and hope by 4 a r dealing and honest prices to retain their patronage. WILBUR LUHBER CO. McHENRY, ILLINOIS. mnrimOTumum^ KMERALD PARK. The Plain dealer will be sent to any address on trial three months for twen- ty-five cents, and will be discontinued at the expiration of ^ time aniens other­ wise ordered. Try it. D. W. Hill of Chicago was at the Park over Sunday. R. J. Sutton purchased a swell robber tired bnggy this week. Mrs. R. J. Sutton visited with Mc­ Henry relatives Wednesday. Ed. Sutton began working with Peter Doherty in McHenry this week. Mrs. P. McCabe and don of Barrevill* visited at J. B. Frisby's Sunday. B. J. Prisby has been doing carpenter work for Ed. Knox the past week. Mi«s Mamie Aylward of Elgin spent Snnday and Monday at her home here. Wm. E Heaney of Chicago spent a few days last week at the Park visiting frien -s. Miss Anna Fleninti and brother, Rich­ ard, of Barreville were callers here Sun­ day evening. W. K. Burns and family returned to Chicago Sunday, after a week's vaca­ tion spent here. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Knox and daughter, Mamie, were callers in this vicinity Sunday afternoon. ) E. J. Farreil and friend, MHB Mar­ garet Bnrke of Chicago were theSftt«^ta_ o the Misses Aylward Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Huck opened np their cottage Tuesday and are fixing np the place and gronnds-for the season Mr. and Mrs. John R. Smith enter­ tained the former'8 parents, Mr. and Mrs. John A. Smith, and Joe. Arena and family Sunday. Misses Lola Aylward and Kittie Snt- ton of Elgin spent a few days the la t of the week at the former's home here and attended the leap year dance Fri­ day evening. Miss Eleanor Farreil went to Chicago Monday after a week's visit here. She will spend a few days with relatives in Chicago before returning to her home in Dubuque, Iowa. Mr. C Anton Gehre, assistant eijiU,r< N of the Volkfcblatt-Rnndschan, Lincoln, 111., whose writings are greatly admired by all readersNpf German newspapers, says: "I haye nsed Re-Go Tonic Laxa­ tive Syrup and can recommend it as a splendid remedy to all sufferers from chronic constipation. It is pleasant and agreeable to take and wonderfully satis­ factory in its results." Re-Go is a pleasant liquid medicine for the cure of Constipation, Biliousness, Indigestion and Dyspepsia 25c, 50c and $1.1)0. Sold by G. W. Besley, druggist, West McHenry. Made Young Again. "One of Dr. King's New Life Piilp each night for two weeks has pnt me iD my 'teens' agaiu," writes D. H. Turner of Dempseytown, Pa. They're the best in the world for Liver, Stomach and Bowels. Purely vegetable. Never gripe. Only 25c at Julia A. Story's, N. H Petesch's, McHenry, and G. W. Btsley's W. McHenry, drug stores. Sarcastic. They had been discussing the baby's ears, eyes and nose. "And 1 think it's got its father's hair," said the joyful young mother. "Oh, is that who's got It? I noticed it was missing." And as the tall girl with the suave manner said this the mother looked dubiously at her.-- Judge. Quick Arrest. J. A. Galledge of Verbena, Ala., waK twice in the hospital from a severe ca^e of piles causing 24 tumors. After doc­ tors and all remedies failed, Bucklen's Arnica Salve quickly arrested further inflammation and cured him. It con­ quers aches and kills pain. 25c at Julia A Story's. N. H. Petesch's, McHenry, and G. W, Besley's, W. McHenry, drug- MgWIH A d«m Fiilb The salmon seems to be gifted with much intelligence, or "hereditary fore> sight," as it is occasionally .called, which is more particularly acute when danger signals are abroad, says Wil­ liam G. Harris in Field and Stream. They have been known, when congre­ gated In the upper pools, to become frightened by poachers approaching them with net or spear and to imme­ diately dash down stream to a distance of thirty miles In one night, not stop* ping until they had reached pools so deep that tliey could not be taken with the appliances of the poacher. They seemed to know that if they went high­ er up the stream their doom was sealed. When coming from the sea in schools and on entering the estuary they have been seen with an old leader at tbe head of the school, the rest forming a triangle about two and a half feet be­ low the surface of the water, and on calm days, guided by the old patriarch, they would swim around the fisher­ men's nets, never approaching them nearer than ten or twelve yards. Want Column.. • under thin head at the nieitioi? » 11 le"?f 46 '"ON'" for flr*t llisettion, 16 COtlttf for eacll BUhfMMIItnnt innnni Inn M.HVUIM 5 O*„t„ a llneTor nSt taSrti™' mid 3 wilts a lino lor additional inHortloiui. ' vyoHK HOUSES FOR HALE--The 'undrfr- » signed has u few substantial work hors- Vvm » 8H,e; from 1100 to 1400 pouuds. V\ ill be sold cheap and on reasonable terms. F. K. UKANUKH. JTOUSE FOR KENT At Solon Mills; 18 rooms, suitable fordwelling or hotel pur­ poses, New and in good location near depot. Inquire of Wm. Simes. West McHenry, or Robert Mitton, Solon Mills. ar>-tf Tbe Original. $ Foley & Co., Chicago, originated Honey and Tar as a throat and lung remedy, and on account of the great merit and popularity of Foley's Honey and Tar many imitations are offered for the genuine. Ask for FOLEY'S Honey and Tar and refuse any substi­ tute offered, as no other preparation will give the same satisfaction. It is mildly laxative. It contains no opiates and is safest for children and delicate persons. F K u HALE--Short distance from McHenry on the north, consist)ng of 47 acres excellent land, new house, barns, etc, w il?,H"d cistern. There are ten acres of moulding sand on the place, enough to pay for the place, suid for which there is always a market. Inquire of Jos. Blake. 41 McHenry, III. FOR HALE--On north side of in ot> t . v"lage. Hood house, new barn « basement, well au 1 cistern, shade '.\n5vruit trees. An Ideal homo. Inquire of 41 tf Jos. Blake, McHenry. \\7ANTEI)-A man who understands ditch- '* ing and tiling. Inquire of II. C. Mead, " " West McHenry. I offer for sale my farm, known as the John Tbdrlwell place, 1H miles TpOIt MALE as the .loiin Tf>i east of entire' live stock and farm machinery. 44-tf Inquire of H J. W'KOKNKR. McHenry, III. -CVJK RENT CHEAP--A brick store. 84x40, A with cellar full size and six neat living rooms over head. Jfor terms and ot her infor­ mation address K. L. TURNKR. 4,'tf Solon Mills. Ill._ Leather top, one seat phaeton, good condition. Will be sold very ' Inquire of DR. H. T. BROWN, McHenry. JpOH SALE cheap. 42- tf WANTED- Several persons of good charac­ter and reputation in each state (one in this county required) to represent and adver­ tise old established wealthy business house of solid financial standing. Salary 821.(Mi weeklv with expenses additional, all payable in cash direct each Wednesday from head of­ fices. Horse and carriage furnished when necessary. . References. Enclose self ad­ dressed envelope. Manufacturers and Whole salers, Dept. 2, third floor, 334 Dearborn St., 42-4t Chicago. This Bank reoeives deposits, bnys and sells Foreign and Do­ mestic Exchange, and does a TpARM FOR 8ALE- 1 mile from 320 acres improved farm Morris. Minnesota, at $%Y00 per acre, beautiful stream touching at cor­ ner; excellent soil; finest bargain. Write for particulars. A. G. ltadenzel, Elmhurst, III. 43-4t pOR SALE--F have a quantity i ing, good quality, which I for and which I will sell at a veri of oak floor ... . have traded for and which 1 will sell at a very reasonable price; will also be pleased to receive your orders for seed, as I aoi going to ship some excellent 00-day corn. S. &KYNOI„OM,. 44-tf MrHenrv Mills •pM_)R SALE--A steel range, ap Kood as new *- Will be sold cheap If taken at once. In quire of Mrs. Fairweather, next door to bank FOR SALE bred Scotch ( 4T>-2t A very line litter of thorough lie pups. T. L. CAKPKNTKH, Solon Mills, III. I HEALTH "I don't think vre eoaM house -without Thedford'o Black- Draught. We have UGed 16 in the family for over two yeoro xrith the best of results. I havo not had a doctor in the house for that length of time. It is a doctor in itself an<l el ways ready to make a person well end happy."--JAMBS HT AT.T., •onrllle, 111. Because this great medicine relieves stomach pains, frees the constipated bowels and invigor­ ates the torpid liver and weak* ened kidneys Ho DOCTOR is necessary in the home where Thedford's Black-Draught is kept. Families living m the country, miles from any physi­ cian, have been kept in nealth for years with this medicine as their only doctor. Thedford's Black - Draught cures bilious* ness, dyspepsia, colds, chills and fever, bad blood, headaches, diarrhcea, constipation, colic and almost every other ailment because the stomach, bowels liver and kidneys so nearlv om< txol the health. * THEDFORD'S DUCIt- MAUGHT Telephone 522 H E R B E S , - - P L U M B I N G . HI A FEW HINTS! Here sre a few prices that should attract the attention of careful buyers. These prices are honest and the goods are the best that can be offered for the money. Call earl£ and get the best selection. Everything in the store will be sold at tbe same low rates. CALL NOW Children's Hose, 5$ to 9$c, worth 15c, @ • • Men's Hose, easily worth 10c, Children's Shoes, 8| to 13}. worth $1.25, (3> Boys' 8hoes, $1.75 valne, for. ' 5C 89c $1.19 Men's Patent Leatherd* _ . o Shoes, $8 50 valne for.^2»^.0 Ladies' M. K. G. & Co. Shoes, fine kid, patent leathery worth $8 00, for.. Ladies' Underwear, 20c value for 9C $2.10 Men'kUuderwear*2.1 c^ntn_ _ valne, for 20C- Garden Seeds, very best, 5c ^ ~ valne, per package *5^ Fine Lace, worth 8c _ _ _ _ per yard, for • I*2v Laundry Soap, worth Fc _ _ -- per cake, 11 for Window Shades, wortL 85c for 2IC Little Gents' Overalls, wrth^, _ _ Mc. for 3IC Men's light Jackets, worthy-- . 50c, for 24-^ Young Men's Caps, very, latest, worth 40c, (<l. 23c J. Hvirwitz, West McHervry. ---TT 0.00 Cash Given Away to Usars of LIO& We are going to be more liberal than ever in 1004 to users of Ivioti Coffee. Not only will the £oo..I. as heretofore, for the valuable premiums we Lion-Heads, cut from the packages, be have always given our customers, but In Addition the same Lion-Heads will entitle you to make some of our patrons rich men and woni«n. T W O C R E & 86 Premiums estimates in our #50,000.00 Grand Priae Contest*, which will Yuu c.m .send iu as many estimates as desired. There will be C O N T E S T S The first contest will be on the July 4th attendance at the St. T,nui.<? World's Fair; the second relates to Total Vote For President to bt c&st Nov. 8, 1904. \v»il be distributed iu each of these contests, rnaking $40,000.00 on the two, and, to make it st;ii more interesting, in addition to this amount, we will give a fir A Nil Pc'ITA V-i r to. the one who is nearest correct on both Hlflllll rlt^il I I l£ v III f UOi <J vj C OULeM.8, and thus your estimate? have two ------P--a--a--a-- 1 • i-LC-->c..£4UAt opportunities of winning a big cash prize. F i v e L i o n - H e a d s pgg cut from Lion Coffee Packages and a a cent stamp entitle you (in addition to the reg­ ular free premiums) to one vote in either contest: {SC WORLD'S 1 FA!R CONTE9T ™ ™?at,,wRbe ,he total J"ly 4th attendance at .the St. Louis World t Fair? At Chicago, July 4, the attendance was 283 For nearest correct estimates received in Woolson Spice Com- pany » office. Toledo, Ohio, on or before June 30th, we will tfve flr«t prize for the nearest correct estimate, sccond priio to the next nearest, etc., etc., as follows: 1 First Prize to xnn on 1 Second Prlzo 1 OOO OO 3 Prlsses --$600.00 tacit .... l'oonoo 0 Prizes - 200.00 " i OOOOO lO Prizes-- lOO OO " . '1 OOO OO 30 Prlres -- 50.00 •• l OOO OO OO Prizes-- 20 00 " 1 OOO OO 260 Prizes- 10.00 •• ... 2 SOOOO 1800 Prizes- 6.00 » e.oooioo 2139 rXIZEl, TOTAL. f20.000.00 Printed blanks to vote on found in every Lion Coffee Pack­ age. The 2 cent stamp covers the expense of .our acknowledgment to you that your e$- J^m ti mate is recorded. PRESIDENTIAL VOTE CONTEST What will be th" total Popular Vote cast for President (votes for nil candidates combined) at the election November 8, 1904? IWOclcction. 13.959.65Jpeople voted for President. For nearest c rect estimates received In Woolson Spice Co.'s, office, Toledo. O., IWOclcction. 13.959.65Jpeople voted for President. For nearest cor- :d In Woolson Spii on or liiforo Nov. 5.1904. we will g-ivc first prire for the nearest cor­ rect estimate, second prize to the next nearest, etc.. etc., as follows: %1 First Prl29 $2,600.00 1 Sccond Tri^e l.OOO.OO 2 Prizes--S500.00 each 6 Prizes-- 200.00 " lO PrlzeB-- 100.00 " 20 Prizes-- 60.00 " OO Prizes-- 20.00 " 260 Prizes-- 10.00 " 1800 Prizes--- 6.00 ** '2139 PRIZES, .l.OOO.OO . l.OOO.OO . l.OOO.OO .. 1,000.00 .1,000.00 .2,600.00 TOTAL, t20.000.00 ButrlbuUd to th§ Publio--tggrtgafliig S45,000.00--in addition to which w« shall glvo $6,000 to Hrootrt' Cltrkt (»tt particulars In LION COFFEE oatos) making a grand total of $50,000.00. COMPLETE PARTICULARS EVERY PACKAGE OF LION WOOLSON u SPICE CO., (CONTEST DEP'T.) TOLEDO, OHIO. GENERAL BANKING We endeavor to do alt" busi­ ness entrusted to oar care in a manner and upon terms entire­ ly satisfactory to oar custom­ ers and respectfully solicit the public patronage Honey to Loan on real estate and o the r first class se­ curity. Spec­ ial attention given to collections. INSURANCE in First Class Companies, at the Low­ est rates. Yours Respectfully PERRY & OWEN, Notary Public. Banker* CHARLES (L fRETT Pf^fsssionsli Society v a.nd Busirvesss Cards I DAVID G. WELLS. M. D. Pn,Y£ICIAN. SURGEON AND ocm IUT 0 and residence corner Oreeu streets. McHenry. .*lM O. H. FEGER8, M. D. P ni AND SURGEON. McHenr* WmilLS ce Rettldenoe,corowteita^l Elm street*. Telephone 388! F. S. C. ROSS. D. D. Ufflce over Petescb's Drug Store. AI>L WOBK PSRTAINIHQ TO MODERN DENTISTBT Offlee Telephone 284; Residence 208. Gtts for ExtractiiiK- Hours 7:<tt a. m. to 5:30 p. m. BUWDAY WORK BT TH^ MW DBHTIBT OK APPOINTMENT ONLT THE WEST SIDE R. G. CHAMBERLIN Office 6TOT Beslev's Drttjg f Store. Hours from 8:30 a. m. to 5:30 p. m ARTHUR BREMKEN, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURQEON (Dentachcr Ant) Spring drove, ItllnoHs. W holesale and retail dealer In I am In th« Market Por Beef Veal rintton flogs and Poultry Qlve me a call Smoked Meats, Sausage McHenry - Illinois FRANK BVHR PRACTICAL PAINTER AND PAPER HANGER Graining, Calciininin^ and all Interior Decorating. Telephone No. 254. MCHENRY, - - - ILLINOIS. G©o. Meyers (ieneral Teaming of all kinds. Excavating and Grading. flcHENRY - _ _ _ _ ILLINOIS. Telephone, Main 1714. LAHBERT Q. SENO BUFFET Headquarters for McHenry and McHenry county visitors. Prank Keppier, John Scbarres, 8B Mfth Ave.. Chicaffo. Attendants Talephone No. 393. SIMON STOFFEL Insurance Agent for all classes of property in the best Companies. ^ West McHanry, Illinois McHENRY COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY. OFFICE with American National Bank Woodstock, 111. Abstracts of title and con­ veyancing. Money to loan on real estate In sum's of §500 to 110,000, time and payment to suit oorrower. BO YEARS' EXPERIENCE PATENTS I RADC MARK! DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS AC. Anyone sending • sketch and description may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether au Invention la probably patentable. Communion- CROUP CRMP sad Inflammation of tke farm are testMfl* iMaved and permanently cured hm the oaa af Oaa Mtauta Couch Cure. This aever lalttaf praserl H aa eminent physician was givea the name of 4 MINUTE COUCH CURE because tntfaat reKa always followed Its use. It takes effect at the M lha trouble and acts oa the Inflamed nMmbraaes Maad of passlnt wholly Into the stomach aad ilnmlsa « atupe/yiac the ̂ >#sia. Clvaa rsllaf Mu%. CURED It destroys the disease cerra. dears the phlsm and tlons strictly confidential. ! on Patents nt free. Oldest aitency for aecnringLpatents. Patents taken through Munn 4 Co. reoeivs tpecial notice, without charge, in the Scientific American. A handsomely Illustrated weekly. I.nnzest cir­ culation of any scientlUc journal. Terms, 93 a year: four months, $L Sold by all newsdealers. MINN & Co,f New York Branch Office, SB V St. Washington, D. C. Chicago & North-Western. Effective Nov. 13, 1903 WSEK DAT TRAINS. , NORTHBOUND Arrive McHenry 10.08 a m Leave Chicago. 0.00 a m 3.25 p m Via Des 5.01pm Via Des l'lalnes SUNDAY TRAINS. 9.10a m Via Des Plalues 11.14 am 2.02 pm Via Elgin 5.00 pm Via Elgin.. 'es Flalnes 1.52 p m .8.40 pm Leave McHenry. WKBK DAT TRAINS. BODTHBODND. Arrive Chicago. . . . . 1 (1.10 II 111 .32 a nr. Via Elgin .29 a m Via Des Plaines U.5.r> a m .25 p m. .'v. f in i'ca I litlilrB a III . A Via Des Plalnes 7.00 p m 8UBDAT THAIN8. .32am Via Elgin ,10.20 am .00 pm Via Des Plalnes 7.00 pm fraws out the toflsmmatloa. thus md curlnf permaasntlf. One MtmiU Coath Qvatt serfecthrharmlaas.caodforchlldrea and thavMhaM Issto. Prepared only by B-C. DeWitt h Ca., Chlfagt Ideal rsiasity for chtldrsa. Deaot forvsKSaaassa ONE MINUTE For sale by^allt Druggists. K I L L T H E COUGH AND CURE THE LUNC8 w,TH Dr. King's New Discovery FOH C 0NSUMPTI0N Price OUGHSand 60c 1.00 OLDS Free Trial. Surest and Quickest Cure for all THROAT aad LUNG TROUB­ LES, or MONEY BACK. & I* P H I L I P J A E G E R GENERAL COHMISSION MERCHANT SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE SALE OF Dressed Beef, rtutton. Hogs, Veal, Poultry, Hides, Etc., Butter and Eggs This is the oldest house on the street Tags and price lists furnished on application. Stall i ft 3, Fnlton St. Wholesale Market. COLD STORAGE FREE CHICAGO, ILLINOIS, g liiiiiiimimiimiMiH--y------------>----m Friiklin Uptaiag Rod Wsrks! I am agent for the above. We put the Bods on your Build­ ings and should they be struck by lightning we pay damages if no more than $900. Call and get full particulars. ' (ieieril BlKksoiltftiM Prices always RusouMe Jos. H. Huemann Johnsburgh, Illinois. sells Corn Shellers and Tread Powers, Duplex Grinding Mills, Rock Island Plows, Wagons, Carriages, Buggies, Wind Mills, Well Supplies, Harness Oil, Paint Oil and Machine Oil a Specialty. VaricoceleI Curod in 3 Day* \ Hydroceleg y* Cutting ar Pmtn. irmntmmd Cu*m w> ooey Rmfundmd. II4 Of/flAI9rl r ̂n(ier treatment tills Insidious dis«*8e Wm m rapiUly disapp. ai^s. P&ln ceased almost In- The stagnant blood is driven from the dilated veins and *11 MIIV hosh vunlnheaand Nwt*liin^ 8nb^idef^. Ev^ry Indication of Varicuc®l« and in It* btead cornea the pleasure of perfect health. I cure to stay cured, Contagious R.)oo«l Poison, Kidney and Bladder Trouble, Nervous L>ehi: ;>•, and uilied trouble*. My method* of treatment and euro arc original with me and cannot bo obtained etnewhcre. I make no experiments. All ca»o« 1 take 1 cure. •' 48 WH*T you want. I a I-ERUL h« J.T1LLOTSON M.D. VW ««*!#•/ U» V Ouu R»NTE<* to cure you or relund <rv.ia a « tL-A . your money. Or w litt 1 have done fur oth« ra I can do for yon. Car« VartcISTbT^^ ch»rR« ,or a Permanent cur© will lie r«»8onabl© and (Corn rn.l.h.heU 1M0. luilTBU, ) no more than you will be willing to pay for benefit* con-Ivrred. I CAN CUKK IfOlI at H ome. Oorrospondonoo Confidential honest opinion of your oa»e, KHKE c lMture« mailed KHKK upon application. H. J. TILL0TS0N, M. D.. MO Tiliotaoa Buildiat, 84 Dearborn Street, CHICAOO. Writ« ME your condition fully and you will RECEIVE in plain envelope a scientific and honest opinion of your oit»e, FKKE of CBARG^E* My home treatment is successful. My books and KHKKup

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