Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 12 May 1904, p. 5

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Contractors and You will find our pencil sharp and ready to figure very close on all BUILDERS' Hardware. Tin and gutter work PUT UP RIGHT Lead, Paints, Oils, Brushes, Etc. of well-known make-- for the painter OR .YOU. Call for figures at OSHUN BROS., flcHENRY, ILL. Qeneral Hardware, Dry Goods, Shoes Notions. TIN WORK OF ALL KINDS AT CLOSE PRICES Paints Do you intend to do any PAINTING this springy If so, call on us and let us give you a few pointers on our PAINT and how to use it with the best re­ sults. We have a largX supply of Paints constantly on han<jl and guarantee it to bevjust its we represent it to you. We also carry an elegant line of OILS, VARNISHES and JsRUSEES. If you are i°n need" of anything in this line, /lon't forget the place where you always get the right goods (at /the right prices. 0 Ring wood, Illinois. J. S. Brown & Son. ^ •••H »#><•»• ••••*••• M««MM MttMM Ready-made Clothing!!! Our spring and summer line of Men's and Boys' Suits is uow ready tor your inspection. LATEST FASHIONS NEWEST WEAVES QUALITY HIGH EST PRICES LOWEST I carry a full line of John <i. Miller & Co's. PERF1XT F1 i'TlNii CLOTHING. Tlie Miller label is a KUHrantce that the garment, to which it is attached is t he hest in fabric and make tiiat can be put together at the price. A thorough inspection of our line will substantiate all that we have said. Call on us when in need of a suit. You will be more than pleased M ILLER'S EANS ERIT FRANK SdHIMAffi, | Spring Grove, Illinois. 3 e PAINT POINTERS Why do you paint your house? Not only to beautify it, but to protect it, don't you? Why then buy an inferior Paint just because it costs a few cents per gallon less than a well known first-class brand? That is folly, for a cheap paint is made of pooY material and seldom lasts more than a year or two, whereas A g<k>d one t-hould wear for five years at least. Our .Crown Cottage Colors will not chalk peel or scale and in covering capacity and durability is superior to the majority of Paints made including White Lead and Oil. Considering these facts, why not buy the best and save money. I carry Enamel Colors, Varnish Stains, Porch and Step Paint, Floor Paint, Wagon and Buggy Paint, Fillers, Ynrnishes, Shellacs, Colors in Oils, White Lead, Dry Colors, Glue, Putty, Etc. F. L. McOMBEH, WEST SIDE HAR.DWAR.E. »•« »^* A .*t*. •*•*, 1̂ 1 iji lo,J 'J,' 1̂ 1 'J' til ill 1̂ 1 111 I • J • • N E I G H B O R I N G N E W S Chronicled by our Able Corps of Correspondents R. H. OWEN PIANOS for Sale and Rent. Tun­ ing and Repairing a t r e a s o n a b l e prices. First class work only. flcHenry, 111. KINGWOOD. The Plaindealer will be sent to any address on trial three month" for twen­ ty five cents, and will be discontinued at the expiration of time unless other­ wise ordered. Try it. S. W. Lawson of Park Ridge WHS in town Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Bert McCannomwere Woodstock visitor1- recently. Dr Page and Theo. Hanier of Wood­ stock were callers here Friday. ' Mr. and Mrs. Abe Lawrence «pent Sunday with Richmond friends. •Toe Miller spent a con pit? of days at Park Ridge the first of the week. Miss Agnes Carey,attending school at Elgin, spent Sunday at home. Drama at M. W. A. Hall Friday even­ ing. May 18. Admission It) and 15cents. George Stevens of Elgin was looking after his farm interests here last week. Mrs. Alva Hovune of Greenwood was a caller at Win. McCannon's Weduesday last. J. V. Bucklatid shipped a large order of trees to Park Ridye the first of the week. A Mr. and "Mrs. B. McCannon visited I. N. Merchant and family at Barreville Sunday. Miss Emma Matthews visited the last of the week with her sister, Mrs. Edith McCannon. Sir. and Mrs Chas. Bacon visited their daughter, Mrs. Nora Barthalt, of Key­ stone recently. Mr and Mrs. R. H. Sherburne and daughter were recent visitors at Win. Harrison's in this village. Decoration day will be observed in Ringwood under the auspices of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union. C. W- Webster shipped his household goods to Chicago Saturday where he has secured a position as pharmacist in the drug store connected with the west side hospital. Salvation army is coming. Eusign Allcook and her brigade will hold meet- inns for 8 or 10 days at the M. E. church beginning Wednesday evening. May 18. All are invited to come. Read The Plaindealer advertisements. They are interesting. TfcKKA fOTTA The Plaindealer will be sent to any address on trial three months for twenty- five cents, and will be discontinued at the expiration of that, time unless other­ wise ordered. Try it. Francis Boer of Chicago Sundaved at Emil Steffln's. John Marsh made a business trip to Chicago Monday. Mrs Fred Schumann visited in Chi­ cago the first of the week. Mrs. E. A. Flanders is visiting rela­ tives at Richmond this week. Miss Josephine Hunt is the guest of P. F. Hunt and family this week. J. N. Marshall, book-keeper at the factory, was a Chicago visitor Monday. Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Arps of Palatine were Monday visitors at P. F. Hunt's. Mrs. John Marshall and children of Nunda spent Sunday at J. H. Gracy's. Mies Laura Mason of Richmond spent part of last week visiting at T. L. Flan­ ders'. Miss Leda Barnes was up from Dun­ dee and spent Saturday and Sunday with her parents. Edw. Steffin and wife of Chicago spent the first of the week with the for­ mer's father and family. They re­ turned to the city Tuesday evening. List of letters remaining uncalled for at the Terra Cotta post office for week ending May 12: Mrs. Louise McDonald, (foreign) G. B. Culthrow, H. G. John­ son, A. Rossman, The Carpet Weaver. "Grandma" McMillan died Tuesday, May 3, at the home of her son, E. T.„ McMillan. The funeral was held Thurs­ day afternoon, interment being in the Terra Cotta cemetery. Several rela­ tives from Chicago, Palatine and else­ where attended the funeral. The A. T. C. & C. Co. has arranged to close the factory at noon on Satur­ days, thus giving the men a half day to devote to their own work. The man­ agement has been quite liberal in its policy toward the workmen, who will appreciate this move. Married men do not live longer than single men, it only seems longer, and if either are troubled with Dyspepsia, Bil- ousness or Coustipation the only safe aud reasonable thing to do is to buy a bottle of Re-Go Tonic Laxative Syrup, the certain cure for Constipation, and live to die an old age. Sold in 25c. 50c ami $1.00 bottles by G. W. Besley, drug­ gist, W. McHenry, An ad in The Plaindealer "want" col­ umn will bring results. SPRING GROVE. [People of Spring Grove and vicinity desiring to subscribe for The Plaindeal- er. piay leave their order and money with Raymond Moss, our correspond- ent. 1 he subscription price is $1.50 a year or 75 cents for six months. ED ] Burton Stevens is busy assessing now. Rev. Lumsden of Richmond called here last week. Mr. Searles was a Fox Lake caller Tuesday evening. Wni. Lichty of Woodstock spent the first of the week here. Frank Pierce of Belvidere was calling on old friends here last wet<k. Nick Weber and Frank Schumacher were Chicago visitors Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Hesse have moved into their new house on Bliven stieet. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hunter of Antioch spent Sunday with Mrs. Sarah Wilson Mesdaines Jennie Oxtoby and Lizzie Neish were Richmond callers Monday. Sunday school will hereafter be held at half past one instead of half past ten o'clock. ^ Miss 4™na Miller went to Chicago last week to replenish her stock of mil­ linery goods. Robt. Westlake was able to be here last week on a two days' visit, being again able to walk. The members of the Cole Cemetery Aid association are requested to meet at the cemetery Saturday afternoon, Vay 14. Bring tools and implements for work. KHKKALDHARK. The Plaindealer will be sont to any address on trial three months for twen­ ty five cents, and will be discontinued at the expiration of time unless other wise ordered. Try it. J. A. Farrell of Chicago spent Sunday with relatives here. Mrs. H. Feluieten and children are visiting in Chicago this week. M isses Mary Gibbs and Katie Walsh called in this vicinity Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Mike Conway of Terra Cotta visited at ft J. Sutton's Saturday after­ noon. MISH Alice Smith spent Monday even­ ing with Miss Maggie Ward in Mc­ Henry. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Frisby spent Thurs­ day evening with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Walmsley. Frank Prout of Chicago spent Thurs­ day and Friday with his family at Geo Walmsley's. Mr. aud Mrs. Geo. Schaid of Gris- wold Lake called at C. Bremer's Mon­ day afternoon. M<r. and Mrs. C. Bremer drove from Chicago Monday and will spend a week in their cottage. Messrs. R. J. Sutton and L. Huck were business callers in Ringwood last week Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Hill and daugh­ ter. Miss Laura, of Chicago were at their cottage over Sunday. Master Joseph Sutton is the champion fisherman of the season at the Park. Wednesday he landed a six-pound red horse (or pickerel?) . Mrs. 6. Dake of Chicago, who has been the guest of W. J. Welch of Gris- wold Lake the past week, visited, at J. B. Frisby s Saturday. Half ItHtex to Allium) Meeting German ItaptiHt Brethren, Cxi'thatfe, Mo., Via the North-Western Line. Excur­ sion tickets will be sold at one fare for round trip May 18 to 24 inclusive, lim­ ited to return until June 30, inclusive. Apply to agents Chicago & North-Weet- ern R'y. THE BEST JUDGE w at a Collar or other piece of Harness would be the horse. As he is act competent the owner must exercise great care in its selection. No possibility* of a mistake if the HARNESS is purchased here. Each line of goods made in the most approved manner. The material used is high grade. Will last and prove worthy until the end. No! Prices are not high. Collars, Kersey faced, each. $1.00 Collars, light team, each- $2.00 Collars, heavy team, each.. $2.50 Collars, Am. Case, each* $4.00 Collars, heavy Norman, each $3.00 HcHENRY, ILL. G\is. Carlson J OHN'SBI ROH. The Plaindealer will be sent to any address on trial three months for twenty- tive cents, and will be discontinued at the expiration of that time unless other­ wise ordered. Try it. Frank Wagner was & caller hereWed- nesday. Mrs. Anna Kehr is quite ill at this writing. Mrs. Jacob Meyers was a McHenry caller Saturday. * Martin May and family visited at John Smith's Sunday. Peter Lay of Spring Grove was a vis­ itor here Wednesday. Miss Delia Niesen was a visitor in Chicago for a few days. Willie Freund ani family visited at Anton Meyers' Sunday. Miss Maggie Adams was a business caller in Chicago Tuesday. Peter B. Freund of McHenry was a Johnsburgh caller Friday. Mrs. John Pitzen of Volo visited her sister, Mrs. Willie Oeffling, recently. Quite a large number attended the May party given by Stephen H. Smith. Eighty seven tickets were sold aud ev­ eryone enjoyed it. The farmer boys of Johnsburgh are starting a base ball club. The follow ing are members: J ha Miller, Peter Freund, Willie Smith, John Niesen John Freund and Martin Smith. John Smith is the leader of tne team. BAKRKHLLK. Mrs. P. MaCabe was a Sunday caller at J. Fleming's. Dr. Dawson of McHenry was seen on our streets Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Henise entertained rel atives one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Fitzsimmons were seen on our streets Sunday. Fred W ilmington and Andrew Hen derson of Nunda were Sunday callers here. Miss Rose Coates of Greenwood was the guest of Mrs. I. N. Merchant a few days last week. Mrs. J. Hunter and daughter, Eliza­ beth, of McHenry called at the farm last week Wednesday. Thos. Thompson spent Saturday night and Sunday with his sister, Mrs. Libbie Simpson, at Ringwood. Mr. and Mrs. Bert McCannon and lit­ tle daughter, Flossie, of Ringwood were Sunday visitors at L N. Merchant's. Mrs. Mary Rodgers and Miss May Ames of Terra Cotta were callers at Thos. Thompson 8 Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jayne and chil dren of Maplewood spent Sunday with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Van Natta. Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Flanders and children of Holcombville were Sunday visitors at the home of the latter s par ents, Mr and Mrs. Clarence Colby. Try the "Want ad" column. Dr.PRICE'S CREAM BAKING POWDER helps housekeepers mote than any other article in the household* Its use protects the health of the children. SOLON [People of Solon and vicinity desiring to subscribe for The Plaindealer may leave their order with Miss Allie Turn­ er. The subscription price is $1.50 a year or 75 centu for six months. Ed.] Mrs. Thomas Hodge visited friends here Sunday. Mr. Buss of McHenry was on our streets Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Hoag visited at F. L. Westerman's Sunday. Mr. aud Mrs. L. B. Covill of Belden were Solon visitors Sunday. . Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hodge moved into their house here from Antioch. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Wright of Wil- mot. Wis., spent Sunday with friends here. C. L. Turner, who has been <tmder the doctor's care the past three or four days, is now on the gain. Mr and Mrs. Walter Ay 1 ward of In- gleside called on friends here a couple of days the past week. Mrs. Jordan Andrews of Wisconsin, made a short visit with her uncle, James Overton, who is very ui John Hickman caught the largest German carp the first of the week that has been pulled out of these waters for a long time. Traveling U Dangerous. Coustant motion jars the kidneys, which are kept in place in the body by delicate attachments. This is the rea­ son that travelers, trainmen, street car men, teamsters and all who drive very much suffer from kidney disease in some form. Foley's Kidney Cure strengthens the kidneys and cures all forms of kidney and bladder disease. Geo. H. Hansen, locomotive engineer, Lima, O., writes: "Constant vibration of the engine caused me a great deal of trouble with my kidneys, and I got no reilef until I used Foley's Kidney Cure." Sold by G. W. Besley, W. McHenry. Trial Subscription*. The Plaindealer will be sent to any address for three months for twenty- five cents as a "trial trip. " Try it, and if we hear nothing from you at the end of the time paid for, the paper will be discontinued. If you wish it to contin­ ue hand in $1.50 and we will enter your name on our regular list for a year. We propose to make The Plaindealer bet­ ter next year than ever before. A three months' trial will convince you. Our correspondents are authorized to take these subscriptions. Remember, the paper will be stopped at the end of the three months if you are not satisfied, tf Important Decision Lower Insurance Rates to be Given to Persons who de not Drink Alcohollo Liquors By a recent decision of one of fea 1 est inauranoe oompanlaa of the United States, lower rates are to be given those persons who do not Indulge In the use of any intoxicating liquors. This Is just, for statistics from all sources show that the use of alcohollo drinks always predis­ poses to kidney troubles, and Bright^ Disease, Diabetes and all other fatal kid- ney diseases are far more frequent among drinkers of beer and alcoholic beverages than among those who do sol Indulge In them. In a recent address befor® the Senate of the United States^ Hon. J. Ho Gallinger, Senator from New Hampshire, gave the results of most thorough Investigations made to ascertain the effects of beer drink­ ing upon the health and life of individ­ uals. He showed conclusively that almost all cases of Brlght's Disease were caused by beer drinking and that other fatal kid­ ney troubles had the same origin as a rula. As probably a large majority of men drink beer it becomes a matter of great concern to know the best way of overcom­ ing its effects upon the kidneys. There Is nothing that will so quickly make the kid* neya right In these cases as FOLKY'S Kn>» NBTCUBB. If taken early it will cure tmrj form of kidney trouble and even In hop* less cases It will give relief. It is an hon­ est preparation and can be relied upon ta do all that Is claimed for It* G. W. BESLEY, West McHenry. 1904 Crop j 160c a Bushe/l CASH | WITH | EVERY LOAD PICKLES I •1' contract at once as we wfM take J only u limited number of acres. Make! your contracts wltli. and get your seed { from Frank Ward or at the following! pi net's: Hank of McHenry. Block & Bettike, | McHenry: Simon Htoffel, M. .1. Walsh, Jos. | W. Freund, West McHenry; Bradley &| FOKK, Ktngwood; John 1'. Lay,l". M. Adams, | Johnsburgh. 1 West McHenry. fill fi l b ~ TV'iBir'~lYt1i h m'rfTiYiMhtlTiIiirTiiiBMhil W\, tip.# M b mm&H A'. •• p- ' A v v ' r c 1 BY THE NEW DEERE N°9 PLANTER The following- report of Mr. M. Holland, Chebanae, III., shows what we mean by raal accuracy. Ho planted h:3 corn, wich the New Deere No. 9, and says: "Four hundred counted hills showed three hundred and ninety-eigiit hills with THREE throwing- stalks in each, and the remaining- two four stalks in each." This result was obtained in tha ordinary way in which a farmer puts in his crop, with no thought of counting until after the corn was up. Mr. Hol­ land says that he a imply Quit counting because he could not find anything but " THREES." If you are interested in improved oorn growing- write Cor our booklet. It contains some interesting- facts. >»^»lttltllt>ltntll|ll|llll|||l|l^»^l^n||^|||n|l^lj|1|ll|,l|l Why fly Trusts and still help the trusts along by buying "trust made" Twine at a high price when we will sell you "The Plymouth," a better Twine and not made by any Trust, for only 11 cents a pound, cash on delivery. Stop in and leave your order now as we can only sell at this price while present stock lasts. Wm. Bonslett. t tt t t t t t t t t meats! FRESH, SALT & SMOKED MEMS Vegetables and Fruit in Season. It is my intention to give all customers the best service pos­ sible. 1 pay spot cash fur hides, poultry and stock of all kinds, thus paying the lowest prices, and will sell on the same basis. We also buy HOKS for Kerber Packing Co. of Elgiu. paying highest market prices. Drop us a card when ready to sell. A. C. MATTHEWS, WEST M'HENRY, ILL. Gilbert Bros. Fancy Grocers. s Most complete line of new garden seeds to be found in town. We have in stock Seeds of every des­ cription, compris­ ing the choicest kinds of Vegetable Fruit Herbs and Flower Seeds. If you are having any difficulty in getting the varieties you desire, kindly call and examine our large stock of guar­ anteed Seeds; you are sure to find the k i n d y o u w a n t Lawn Grass Seed, mixed, per pound, 30c. Sweet Corn and Green Peas in bulk. McHenry, III. MMMMMNMNMMMMj N. H. PETESCH Pure, Fresh Drugs and Medicines /

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