'**V- Ham TUM wf tiMN frAMPOLD k CO. America's mo Pr©fressl>* Cleihea Makers. if ;you bity a Hot Weafchei SUIT A Negligee Shirt, FINE STRAW HAT LOW SHOES We have the largest line in town to select from, at prices lower than if you or^er your goods njado to order JOS. W. FREUND. QUARTER OF A CENTURY. 'Mm* €Ilpp*<i from The W July •», 1879. Fourth of July Specials! An elegant line of Men's Neckwear, all f.he latest novelties; new Hats, straw and felt; Negligee Shirts, Tan Shoes, Gauze Underwear, Umbrellas; Men's Clothing made to your measure. Ladies. Goods! L^ce and fancy Hosiery, lace Collars and Berthas, Shirt Waists in silk, cotton and linen, light-weight Skirts in Voile and Brilliantine, tan and black Ox fords and Shoes; Belts, Fans, Parasols, Ribbons, Laces, Gloves, all new up-to-date Goods. Coeds delivered prompt, ly. TelepKorve No. 363. M. J. WALSH Shirt lUaisfs Principally white of finest material, newest styles, bargains if you come quick. Some of these Waists cost up to $3,00 and more. OUR PRICE $1.25, $1.50, $1.75 New arrivals--fine straw Hats, Men's fancy Shirts and ^eckwear, latest de signs in Laws and Demities and all * needed warm weather goods are here and await your coming. C. Evanson. Th« farmffiB in this vicinity will# be- :-,rin haying next week. Notwitbstamf* i ur the very dry spriuK, buy is ywportwd n » very fair crop. - It t<cke8 twenty yards of dry goods to nmke a fashionable yonng lady's drens now H ilays--six to wear on ber peram : nd fourteen to carry in her right haiM <>r under her elbow. Oar wool bnyers are bnsy and quite a qnantiiy of wool is seen on our streets nily. The buyers here are, F. K. Granger, O. B. Cnrtia, Stevens & - chuorr and P. D. Smith. We learn that Jos. Palmes, the Johns burgh shoemaker aud banker, who some tiuie ago removed to Volo, has decided to return to JohnsburKh, where lie will open business again. Lucky Johns burgh! Unfortunate Volo! ^.t the close of the public school two sih^p medals were presented to those who hffljybeen perfect and punctual in attendance during the past year. Fred Colby took one and William Bonslett the other. They v are something the boys may well feel proud of. To Wlinm It»Mny C«ntKn4, This is to notify tha public that on April 3d. 1903, W. J. Stinsou, a leading druggist, of Macomb, 111., in a letter to the manufacturers of Harts' Honey and Horehound and Re-Go Tonic Laxative Syrup, states: "I have handled Harts' Honey and Harehound and Re-Go Lax ative Syrup for one year and have found them the best sellers I have ever had. My sales average two dozen a week of each. Please duplicate my ot- der for two gross, one of Re-Go and'one of Harts' Honey and Horehound." When in need of a medicine for Coughs, Colds, Croup or La Gi ippe, our readers will do well to buy Harts' Honey and Horehound, as it is a medicine of unus ual merit. Re-Go Tonic Laxative Syrup is an unfailing cure«for Constipation, Indigestion, Biliousness, Sick Headache and Dyspepsia. I arge bottles 25c, 50c and $1 00. Sold by G. W. Besley, drug gist, W. McHenry. I P Nehraiikn - ' Seven million acres of lnfed in central and western Nebraska are to be given away in homesteads of 640 acres each on Jane 28, when the Kinkead law, named after its author. Congressman Kinkead of Nebraska, will become effective. Un der it the size of a homestead in any county of the fifth and sixth congres sional districts of Nebraska will be in creased from 160 to 040 acres. Wheth er the land will go the settlers or be tnrned over to the great cattle raisers who for many years have grazed their herds on it and even fenced it off, is the interesting question out in Nebraska. Three years ago it was discovered that the big cattlemen bad fenced in areas as large as some states in these particular lands. When the effort was first made to drive them out they defied all opposi tion, but in the end, under stress of in dictments and menace of the federal penitentiary, they surrendered. The Only Perfect. Laxative In the World Mr. Thomas Hicky, for many years a prominent citizen of Lincoln, 111., and one who has tried a great many liquid laxatives, pills, tablets and almost ev erything advertised for constipation, says: "After using them all, Re-Go Tonic Laxative Syrup has done me more good in a month than anytLing I have ever tried, and it is so pleasant to take that I really like it. I believe it is the only perfect laxative in the world." There is no griping or nauseating effect following the use of this medicine. It is pleasant and certain, stimulates the secretions, and aids nature in digesting and assimilating the food, and sb a tonic is never failing. Sold in 25c, 50c and $1.00 bottles by G. W. Besley, druggist, W. McHenry. DIG DRAINAGE DITCH ̂ Levied by Highway C»taiWlft\ •loner* In Drainage District, / A drainage district has been estab lished in Nunda township, the object being to carry off the surplus water from the land lying along a strip run- ning from Gene Matthews' place to the river. The property owners in the drainage district will pay the expense of the construction of the drain. The high way commissioners of Nunda township met Wednesday fend fixed the levy against the property in the district, the rate being determined by the estimated value to the property assessed. About twenty or thirty land owners will be directly benefitted. The ditch will run a distance of one and a half miles, from 'Gene Matthews' place to the river, will be 12 feet wide and from 2J to 6 fee* iu depth. Bids for the con struction of the ditoh will be advertised for soon. /LAKE GENEVA FIRE- forty TfeowMMt** Dollar Lou-What Was Destroyed. On Tuesday morning Lake Geneva sustained a $40,000 fire loss. Two stores on Main street. Northwestern freight house, half a dozen freight cars, a mar ble shop, the Standard Oil company's house, a dwelling house/ half a vacant ice house, and a palace horse car, the property of J. H. Moore, were con sumed. There is practically no insur ance. The fire was plainly the work of an incendiary. ^ Worst of All Experiences. Can anything be worse than to feci that every minute will be your last? Such was the ex|>erience of Mrs. S. H. Newson, Decatur, Ala. "For three years," she writes, "I endured insuffer able pain from indigestion, stomach and bowel trouble. Death seemed inevita ble when doctors and all remedies failed. At length I was induced to try Electric bitters and the result was mi- raeuloue. I improved at once and am now completely recovered." For Liver, Kidney, Stomach and Bowel troubles Electric Bitters is the only medicine. Only 50c. It's guaranteed by Julia A. Story, N. H. Petesch, McHenry, and G. W. Besley, W. McHenry, Druggists. SundHy School Workers. The McHenry (bounty S. S. associa tion held its annual meeting in the Bap tist church in Marengo Tuesday and Wednesday of last week. Nearly 200 delegates were in attendance. The ses- sions'were well attended and very prof itable. The following were elected of ficers for the ensuing year: President, Dr. C. C. Miller, Marengo. Vice president, E. C. Fisher, Mc Henry. Secretary and treasurer, Mrs. C. E. Tuttle, ttingwood. Normal work, A. H. Lind, Nunda. Primary work, Mrs. Steadier, Wood stock. Home class, Miss Emma Wilson, Ma rengo. Mission work, Mrs. Dollie Cronk, Woodstock. GETS FEDERAL APPOINTMENT. Hoi, K. G. Haw ley of Dundee to be O* Uncle Sam's I'ay KpiU f Dundee Hawkeye: Hon. E. O/ Haw- ley has received a federal appointment and will take up his duties about, the first of next month. He has been ap pointed Deputy Naval Officer of the Customs, port of Chicago, a position of responsibility and honor. Mr. Hawley is at present registrar in the grain office in Chicago, a position he has held ful some time. During the recent state convention, after faithfully supportijpg Gov. Yates for over sixty ballots, he re fused to be "delivered" to Deneen and received a polite (?) request from the gov ernor for his resignation. This was ten dered, but has not as yet been accepted, although it is stated in the daily papeis that Game Warden L^vejoy of Roscoe is slated for the pl^ce. Mr. Hawley was an enthusiastic Yates man, both before and during the convention, and his friends felt that bis removal was, to say the least, "small politics." All his acquaintances will be glad to learn that he has secured this new position. Startling Evidence. Fresh testimony in great quantity is constantly coming in, declaring Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds to be unequalecf. A recent expression frem T. J. McP'arland, Bentorville, Va., serves as example. He writes: "I had Bronchitis for three years and doctored all the time without being benefited. Then I began taking Dr. King's New Discovery and a few bottles wholly cured me." Equally ef fective in curing all Lung and Throat troubles, Consumption, Pneumonia and Grip. Guaranteed by Julia A. Story, N. H. Petesch, McHenry, and G. W. Besley, W. McHenry, Druggists. Trial bottles free, regular sizes 50c and ft.00. 1 Read The Plaindealer advertisements. They are interesting. Read The Plaindealer "want" ads. Hen's Fashionable Clothing! K & as § i jw § i i « St •ft- ft i The swell dresser who adopts attractive Cloth ing, the cultured dresser who appreciates genteel stylishness, the business man who favors the most practical sort, are sure to find the clothes of their choice at our establish ment. Prices right, too. Our Clothing Attracts Attention D. LODTZ. ******** Trial Subscriptions. The Plaindealer will be sent to any address for three months for twenty- five cents as a "trial trip.Try it, and if we bear nothing from yon at the end of the time paid for, the paper will be discontinued. If yon wish it to contin ue hand in $1.50 aud we will enter you% name on our regular lint for a year. We propose to make The Plaindealer bet ter next year than ever before. A three months' trial will convince you. Our correspondents are authorized to take these subscriptions. Remember, the paper will be stopped at the end of the three months if you are not satisfied, tf Harper Rye % "On Every Tongue." It reaches the spot and covers the case as no other whiskey can; pure, delicate, rich and invigorating;. SOLD BY LEADING DEALERS. See harper Whiskey Exhibit in Agricultural Building, World's Pair, St. Louis. Hello! Where have you been? At the "Variety Store" where the Goods are the cheapest a n d b e s t . : : : : : : : : _ Are you prepared for the hot, sultry^ ^i . ; - days that are coming? Have you necessary Clothing? If not. call § s|S§-llSfl SADIES WAISTS AND SKIRTS V # "" " Also Waistings and Trimmings to match , Positively the most complete line in McHenry. .All u; good* Shoes arid Oxfor "" We can please men, women and child-j^ ij| ren in siae,' style and picfe. See the l| Goods. > ' * if Sleepy Eye Flour is the best. Try It. | | F. A. BOHLANDER. | LUMBER! The building season is here and so are we with everything neccessary in building a house. Let us figure with you when you get ready to build, it "will certainly pay you to do so. We carry a com plete stock of Lumbei, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Build ing Paper, Cement, Lime, Brick, Etc. FEED DEPARTMENT! Our Feed Department is also complete in every * detail, having been in the business so long as to know the exact wants of the people. White Swan Flour is the kind we handle and .the nam& fl>ppaks for itself. * * WILBUR LUHBER CO. McHENRY, ILLINOIS. | IIAIIAIIi •IMIIT. ANTMIAIIMT, miiaii IIIIMII ••IIINT Hijinj I lilllill lUliHl >imiHiHliiai Mufr FHPnHHPfv fTTTnm' Hf 11NTrrIV VV V V f \ HRHV1%MY V V w 111• V H A A »*t*a A t't't A »•« a*t*« .j1. 111 I AT IT,! If I tjjl l,f-l l¥rJ I.Tr* ItJ If.* IAJ It* IW W ^ IT* ITi IJ,1 lX* I FancvFurniture 1 i We are showing a fine line of-fancy Fur-1 niture and would be pleased to have you call and look over our large line and get our prices, which are mostly responsible for our large and increasing trade. All orders left with us receive prompt atten tion and are always filled at the earliest possible date. We furnish the entire home, from the kitchen to the parler, with goods that you need not feel ashamed of, and they carryour guarantee with them. JACOB JUSTEN. .*>. A .f. A ,ti A ifi iti iti i'1'i iti «•» iti iti ill i*l*t 1*1*1 ifi f^» ifi it| rtl itl 'X '1"J.1 lX' r4* '+1 'X' 'J.*'X '* X l|r 'f*. 4 r' ' £ w. SAVE YOUR (OIIPONS! NEW GOODS! DRESS SKIRTS, MUSLIN UNDERSKIRTS. HOOT VAlUfS! Winning number of first set of dishes was No. 629, won by Mrs. Peter Schreiner. NEW GOODS! DRESS SKIRTS, MUSLIN UNDERSKIRTS. HOOT VAlUfS! Winning number of first set of dishes was No. 629, won by Mrs. Peter Schreiner. NEW GOODS! DRESS SKIRTS, MUSLIN UNDERSKIRTS. Men's Silk-finished half Hose, blk and colored, per pair 10c Winning number of second set of dishes was No. 87, won by Hrs. Jacob Bonslett. 1 • " > * We have just receive^a lot of Leslies Mohair Dress Skirts, that were bought at <450" CENTS ON THE DOL LAR and have placed^Vhem on sale accor4ingly. They are BIGGER BARGAINS than we have ever had be fore. A LOOK WILL PfcOVE THIS. Ladies' plain blue, grey, black Mohair Skirt, nobby styles, full cut, tf 0 JQ Ladies' muslin Skirts with deeptf [ 0Q plaited and stitched. These Skirts are cfieap at $5.00, our price..*r£«• •* laced and embroidery flodnce, at.^'*^'" Ladies' fast color, silk finished hose black only, per *pair ... -10c Winning number of third set of dishes was number 677, won Jpy -Mrs. John Buch. 1 • " > * We have just receive^a lot of Leslies Mohair Dress Skirts, that were bought at <450" CENTS ON THE DOL LAR and have placed^Vhem on sale accor4ingly. They are BIGGER BARGAINS than we have ever had be fore. A LOOK WILL PfcOVE THIS. Ladies' plain blue, grey, black Mohair Skirt, nobby styles, full cut, tf 0 JQ Ladies' muslin Skirts with deeptf [ 0Q plaited and stitched. These Skirts are cfieap at $5.00, our price..*r£«• •* laced and embroidery flodnce, at.^'*^'" Boys' heavy ribbed BICYCLE anc| BAD BOY Hose, the kind you have always paid 25c for. We have them at 15c or 2 for.. .g£>c Winning number of third set of dishes was number 677, won Jpy -Mrs. John Buch. BLOCK & BETHKE CASH DEPARTMENT STORE, McHENRY, ft-UlN015? »PHON^%4 Boys' heavy ribbed BICYCLE anc| BAD BOY Hose, the kind you have always paid 25c for. We have them at 15c or 2 for.. .g£>c Winning number of fourth^et of dishes was No. 1151, won by^\ Mrs. Theodore Winkel. BLOCK & BETHKE CASH DEPARTMENT STORE, McHENRY, ft-UlN015? »PHON^%4 Boys' heavy ribbed BICYCLE anc| BAD BOY Hose, the kind you have always paid 25c for. We have them at 15c or 2 for.. .g£>c Winning number of fourth^et of dishes was No. 1151, won by^\ Mrs. Theodore Winkel. BLOCK & BETHKE CASH DEPARTMENT STORE, McHENRY, ft-UlN015? »PHON^%4 When you think of^lour, think of GOLD MEDAL/ w: : , * . ' 1 , h-- • '-iu jk^