Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 30 Jun 1904, p. 5

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: 'it * $ SUMNER HEAT| r v / Jfi enough without suffering with heat from a wood or^cual ntove w Every well regulated household should be supplied with, ^ ^ mm. Call ana inspect them. QASOLINE STOVE We have them in all sizes and at all prices. Everything in Summer Hardware OSHUN BROS., ricHENRY, ILL. jcoi ija reliable General Hardware,- -Dry Goods,- -Shoes Notions. TIN WORK OR ALL KINDS AT CLOSE PRJCES 'S DELKACIES! i •£: N E I G H B O R I N G N E W S Chronicled by our Able Corps of Correspondents can be found here in abundance. Such as fresh Vege­ tables, including Peas, String Beans, Radishes, Let­ tuce, Carrots, Spinach, Asparagus, Etc. Also a full line of Fruits, as the season advances. Strawberries, Bananas, Oranges and Lemons. IN STAPLE GROCERIES , You can find here nothing but the\b^st, well-known brands, at lowest prices. Everythiii^ fresh. J O H N ST9FFEL Telephone No. 301. dive M • Trial. kW • ivv'vr;-. ' • 100 Cents Worth of ScfYicc for every Dollar you Invest in Shoe Leather This is the guarantee that goes with every pair of Shoes we sell. Why do we not hes­ itate to give this guarantee ? Becausewe know The Name Selz is on Every Pair. These Shoes are made by Selz Schwab & Co. of Chicago, lar­ gest makers of good Shoes in the World. carry a com­ plete line of these Celebrated Shoes. Fine Shoes,' Work Shoes, Walking Boots, Tennis Shoes, Strap Sandals, House Slippers, Etc. We have them in G\>od Year Welt, Grain Leather, Calf, Patent Colt and Vici for men, women and children, all sizes and prices. It will pay you to inspect our line. •. Frank Schumacher, Spring Grove, Illinois. >M»iMiimiHM»nn»MiiimmiiinmiiMHn JOHNSBl'KOa The Plaindealer will be sent to any address ou trial three months for twenty- five cents, and will be discontinued at the expiration of that tiihe unless other­ wise ordered. Try it. tteorge Nell was a McHenry visit* r Tuesday. -- Miss Katie Thelen of Chicago is visit­ ing her mother. Miss Mary Freund visited at Spring Grove last week. John P. Lay was a business visitor in Chicago Wednesday. Miss Annie Keck of Chicago is work­ ing out here for a time. The Johnsbnrgh base ball leaui will play Ringwood Sunday. Mrs. Meurer and daughter, Katie, vis ited at McHenry oue day last week, Stephen Schinitt and Jos. Michels were visitors in McHenry Wednesday. Mrs.' Henry Stilling, nous Ben and John And daughter, Annie, attended the Sohans-Lices wedding at New Munster, Wis.. Tuesday of this week. Miss Mary Freund entertained a num­ ber of her young friends at her home Monday afternoon, the occasion being her eleventh birthday. The afternoon was pleasantly spent by the little folks in playiug games and everything that goes to make a merry time for the little oues. Before leaving for their homes the company partook of a dainty supper. The foll<)$ving were present: Misses Anna Meurer, Katie and Marv Frett. Lena Lay. Maggie and Ella Huemann, Rosa Schmitt, Eva Huemann, Tillie Schaefer, Katie and Dora Schumacher, Lizzie, Katie and Josephine Lay. VOX.O. Miss Briggs of Iowa is visiting bet uncle, GuHsie Towusend and family. Will Kosing was in Chicago on hnsi- ness Thursday. The ladies of Volo are planning to have a bazaar and ice cream social some time in July. Mrs. Graham and grandson, Harry, of Chicago visited Mrs. Kate Waite test week. The Grant Cemetery society will meet Friday, July 8, at the Fort Hill church. Everybody welcome. Mrs. Dryer and Miss Bessie Dunnill left Tuesday for Michigan, where they will visit relatives. Mrs. Dunnill ac­ companied them as far as Chicago. Constipation causes two-thirds of all the sickness in the world. Why suffer when Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea will make you well and keep you well t 80 cents. Tea or tablet form. G. W. Besley. ' .' C a l l i n g C a r d s The very latest Styles of Type and Stock at The Plaindealer print shop $50,000.00 Cash Given Away to Users of LION We are going; to be more liberal than ever in 1904 to users of Ltion Coffee. Not only will the Lion-Heads, cut from the packages, be good, as heretofore, for the valuable premiums we have always given our customers, but In Addition to the Regular free Premiums the same Lion-Heads will entitle you to estimates in our $50,000.00 Grand Prise Contest*, which will Stake some of our patrons rich men and women. You can send in as many estimates as desired. There will be TWO CREAT CONTESTS Th« first contest will be on the July 4th attendance at the St. h<niJ'S World's Fair; the second relates to Total Vote For President to be cast Nov. 8, 1904. $20,ooo.ou will be distributed in each of the?e contests, making to make it still more inte:esti:ig, ia addition to this amount, we will give a to the one who is nearest correct on both contests, and thus your estimates have two opp<frtutoitiesof winning a big cash prize. to $40,000.00 on the two, and, BranJ First Prize of $5,000.00 Five Lion-Heads gtf cut from Lion Coffee Packages and a a cent stamp entitle you (in addition to the reg­ ular free premiums) to one vote in either contest: M WORLD'S FAIR CONTEST What wilt be the total July 4th attendance at the St. Lonla World'* Fair? At Chicago, July 4,1893. the attendance was 283.273. For nearest correct estimates received in Woolsoti Spice Com­ pany's office. Toledo, Ohio, on or before June 30th. 1904. we will *lve first prize for the nearest correct estimate, second priae to the next nearest, etc., etc., as follows: | rtrat prise 1 Second Prise 2 *600.00 each Prl*®»-- 200.00 m i i lb Prlses- 30 Prlasa-- 60 PrliM-- &0O Prises-- 1800 Prises-- 100.00 60.00 20.00 10.00 e.oo .S2.600.00 l.OOO.OO l.OOO.OO oo.oo OO.OO OO.OO OOO.OO 2,500.00 9,000.00 2138 nuns. TOTAL. S20.000.00 9H Printed blanks vote on found in every Lion Coffee Pack­ age. The a cent stamp covers the expense of nut acknowledgment to you that your es- §K& timate is recorded. PRESIDENTIAL VOTE CONTEST * What will !~e the tota", Popular Vote cast for President (votes for all candidates c • M:.hined I a! thr election November 8. 1904? In isOOclection. 13.<<59.6S^people voted for President. For nearest cor­ rect estimates received in Woolson Spice Co.'s, office, Toledo, O., on or hefore Nov. 5.1904. we will give first prize for the nearest cor­ rect estimate, second prize to the next nearest, etc.. etc.. as follows: §2,500.00 l.OOO.OO 1,000.00 l.OOO.OO 1,000.00 1.000.00 l.OOO.OO 2,500.00 ©.ooo.oo TOTAL, S20,000.00 1 First Prlie 1 Second Prlre 2 Prizes-- JoOO.OO each 200.00 " 1 OO.OO " 6 Prizes-- 10 Prizes-- 20 Prizes-- 60 Prises-- 250 Prizes-- 1800 Prizes-- 2139 PSIZES, 60.00 20.00 10.00 6.00 4279--PRIZES--4279 Distributed to the Public--aggregating S45,000.00--in addition to which we shall givo $5,000 to Orooort' Clerks (seo particular! in LIOH COFFEE cases) making a grand total of $50,000.00. COMPLETE DETAILED PARTICULARS IN EVERY PACKAGE OF L I O N C O F F E E WOOLSON SPICE CO., (CONTEST DEPT.) TOLEDO, OHIO. SPRING GltOVK. [People of Spring Grove and vicinity desiring to subscribe for The Plaindeal­ er may leave their order and money with Raymond Moss, our correspond­ ent. 1 he subscription price ia $l.r>0 a year or 75 cents for six months. ED. ] John Karls was in Chicago Thursday. * James Westlake visited the city Mon­ day. Dr. Bremken was a Solon visitor Sun­ day. Ft L. Hatch was a Chicago visitor Sat­ urday. Lester Bell of Ringwood was in town j Sunday. Will Cornish of Solon was in town Sunday. Charles Earnest was over from Hebron Sunday. Frank Orvis was a Chicago visitor Monday. v E. V. Orvis of Wankegan visited here Sunday. Win. Watts was a Johnsbnrgh visitor Thursday. Ed. Turner has been having a siege of the measles. Mrs. Bern Bell was a So on giaitor Thursday last. John Wagner is entertaining relatives from Chicago. Lyle Pierce was a Barnards Mills vis­ itor Tuesday. Henry Johonnott of Fox Lake was in town Saturday. James Westlake was a Johnsbnrgh visitor Sunday. Ed. Hartwell of Greenwood was a Sunday caller. Frank Alyward of Solon was in town Thursday night. Paul Hoffman of Richmond is visiting at Hoffman Bros, James Rainey was over from Ring- wood Wednesday. J. B. Richardsou was a Richmond vis­ itor Friday evening. Nick Becker is doing some paper banging at Fox Lake. John Karls and family were Johns- burgh visitors Sunday. Jake Freund and family were Johns- burgh callers Tuesday. Ray Moss and Paul Neish were Mc­ Henry visitors Monday. News has been received of the death of J as. Overton of Solon. Wilbur and Earl Hunter of Antioch were callers here Sunday* James Neish has moved his family and furniture to Fox Lake. Mr. and Mrs. John Bell were over from Ringwood Wednesday. Miss Maggie Safnders of Genoa vis­ ited at Peter Olson's Snnday. Howard Westlake and Herman Welch were Wilmot visitors Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Selini Pierce entertained relatives the first of the week. John Stoffel of McHenry attended to business here Thursday evening. Mr. -and Mrs. Nick Kretchmere of Chicago are visiting relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Monor of Genoa Junction visited Peter Olson Friday. Mi's. Belle Coleman of Wilmot visited her 6isiter, Mrs. Jtimes Westlake, Sun­ day. E. Hawley of Ringwood and cousin of Elgin were callers here the first of the week. Jessie~«nd Levi Wallace of Racine, Wis,, are visiting their uncle, J. Rich­ ardson. The mason work on the Rauen build­ ing is being done by John Munch of Ringwood. Mr. Willison has moved his family from Lewis Hatch's house to German Prairie. The work of grading np the turn pike south of the postoftice has been finished in a very satisfactory manner. John and Sarah Oxtoby of Mitchell, Iowa, and Mrs. James Harness of Solon visited Mr. and Mrs. James Oxtoby Sun­ day. A load of young people attended a party at John Bell's near Ringwood on Friday evening. It's needless to say th-*t they enjoyed themselves to the ut­ most. Linn H. Young, a former teacher of the creek school about twenty years ago is now connected with the Grigg Bnsi- »s College, being secretary of the In Your Hands the horses never can be umler perfect control unless hitched by strong, well-made Harness. This kind we can and do sell at moderate prices.' The stock used in making our goods is of excellent quality and the work­ manship is of superior order. A full line of Lap Dust­ ers in Mamie, Linen, Whipcord and Green Cloth, plain and embroidered, from 30c to $3.00. GUS. CARLSON, - McHENRY, ILL. tieal Legal topeis in the commercial law department When a teacher here, a brilliant future was predicted for Mr. Young by his frieuds and pupils and as he is now a member of the Chicago Bar, a former member of the Illin^s Legisla­ ture and at prea^ti^/'a member of the the city council of Chicago the of his friends has been well verified. ^ Mr. Kretchmere, father of Mrs. An­ drew Huff, lies at the point of death at the home of Mrs. Huff. His sons are with him and the end is expected at any moment Spring Grove will celebrate the fourth and preparations are being made to en­ tertain a large crowd. A parade led by the Johusburgh band will open the ex­ ercises for the day. Hon. Fred Hatch and E.«V. Orvis will upeak. A flag drill will be given, patriotic songs sang and •next, but not least, an old fashioned pic­ nic dinner will be eujoyed. After din­ ner various races, a ball ga^ne and danc ing at pavilion will furnish amusement to all. Music by Schaffer 's orchestra of Johnsbnrgh including trap drummer and trombone player of Lyon & Healy's of Chicago, Come everybody. Good purses for all races. Refreshments of all kinds served. same and also delivers lectures on Prac- The Original. Foley & Co., Chicago, originated Honey and Tar as a throat and lung remedy, and on account of the great merit and popularity of Foley's Honey and Tar many imitations are offered for the genuine. Ask for FOLEY'S Honey and Tar and refuse any substi­ tute offered, as no other preparation will give the same satisfaction. It is mildly laxative. It contains no opiates and is safest for children and delicate persona. RIIHifiFlKLU. The Plaindealer will be sent to any address on trial three months for twen­ ty-five cents, and will be discontinued at the expiration of time, unless other­ wise ordered. Try it. Mrs. R. Goddard was in Nnnda Fri­ day. Miss Nell Gibson visited in Wood- stock last week. Chas. Ambler was in McHenry Satur­ day and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Wester man were in Woodstock Friday. Mrs W. H. Munroe visited her daugh­ ter in Woodstock Thursday and Friday. H. Thayer, wife and daughter of Chi­ cago visited at F. Thayer's over Sunday. Mrs. Stephenson and daughters, Ar line and Edna, were in Nunda Friday. Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Garrison and daughter, Hazel, were in Woodstock Monday. Miss Addie Day returned to her home in Capron Thursday after a four weeks' visit at the home of J. B. Lynch. Mrs. Keeler and daughter, who are some of Ridgefield's early settlers, are visiting with Miss L. J. Furney. Miss Edith Jenks returned to her home in Elgin Wednesday after an ex­ tended visit with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Merchant of Rich­ mond visited Saturday and Sunday at the home of the former's parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Lynch returned home Monday from a week's visit with relatives in Ripon and Green Lake, Wis , also Chicago and Richmond. That Throbbing Hea'dache Would quicKly leave yon if you used Dr. King's New Life Pills. Thousands of sufferers have proved their matchless merit for Sick and Nervous Headaches. They make pure blood and build up your health. Only 25 cents, money back if not cuerd. Sold by Julia A. Story N. H. Petesch, McHenry, and G. W. Besley, W. McHenry, Druggists. 80L0M. [People of Solon and vicinity desiring to subscribe for The Plaindealer may leave their order with Miss Allie Turn­ er. The subscription price is $1.5(1 a year or 75 cents for six months. Ed. 1 William Johonott and family were callers in town Sunday. Geo. Yogel shipped two\cars of stock from Richmond Monday. Mr. Wester man and family were Greenwood visitors Snnday. Mrs. Wm. Hodge was a visitor at An­ tioch a couple of days last week. Mervin Moody came out from Chicago Monday and visited relatives and friends, j,' Thomas Ox toby's daughter and son of Iowa are visiting their uncle, James Harness. P. K. Wright and J. C. Dahl of Rich­ mond were doing business in our town Saturday. Mrs. Frank Coates and daughter, Lil­ lian, were visitors at Court Hastings' Thursday. Walter Reading has been very sick the past, few days. Dr. Bremken ia at­ tending him. Absolom Martin's two daughters and husbands of Chicago were visitors here last Saturday. Mr. Dalton has purchased two lots of Robert Hesselgrove and will build a house on them. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Thompson of Richmond wers visitors at James Hodge's Tuesday. Mrs. Ada Brown and son of Iowa haye been visiting the former's mother, Mrs. John Sutton for a week. Mesdames Jee Fill webber and Savage visited Grandma Cornish and Mrs. C. T. Botey near Grass Lake recently. James Overton, Sr., one of onr oldest and well respected settlers, died at his home Snnday morning at two o'clock. The Royal Neighbors and Woodmen of Spring Grove and Solon will have a picnic 4th of Jnly at James Westlake's grove. , Mrs. Louis Ernst, Eransvllle, Ind. Hollister's Rocky ^fountain Tea is splendid. Cured me after others fail­ ed." Tea or tablet form. 6. W. Bes­ ley. It is an established fact that a GASOLINE STOVE in any kitchen is a blessing these warm days. Now to be doubly blessed you should purchase a Stove with a reputation for cleanliness, durability, simplicity of operation and a good looker. That's The Quick Meal "The Klean, Kool, Kitchen Kind" on the market twenty "three years and at the head the entire time. Quality and merit keeps them there, nothing else. I have been distributing them for thirteen years and have the lirst unsatisfactory Stove yet to be reported out of an average annual sale of 25 Stoves. You run no risk in purchasing a <^uick Meal Stove. We assume the risk and agree to keep your stove in perfect working order for the first year. Call and see our line. It's to your advantage. We repair any and all kinds of Stoves and guarantee the work Respectfully Yours, F. L. McOmber, ' „ West Side Hardware. Di Your Fyes Pdln? Are you I rouble! witb HeriKfee? IP SO, CONSULT DR. 0. MUELLER Expert Optician. Free Examination of will be made at the... eyes Watch jli« Kidneys WHIN THKY ARK AFFECTED LIFE 18 IN DANQEN A WORD OP WARNUM Dr. ABKunrrar, the great SngllBh physician and surgeon, well known to all physicians, sounded words of warning to the medical profession and to all mankind when he uttered the words: " Watch tk* kidneys; wktn th*y art affected l\fe is i* danger.** It Is the duty of these organs to keep onr blood strained of poisonous Impurities that are capable of causing the most fatal forma of disease. When they do not per­ form their work properly, then trouble In some form Is sure to follow sooner or later, and if neglected, death will follow. Some of the most Important symptoms aire, aching in the back or hips, swollen ankles, puffiness under the eyes, u.-y or furred tongue, unnatural appetite and great thirst, weakness and loss of weight, sediment or cloudiness In the urine, dry­ ness of the skin or strong perspiration, disorders of the stomach and liver. All the above symptoms do not appear In any one case, and all kidney disorder* wi\l not present ths same symptoms. There Is nothing that so quickly and ' surely makes the kidneys right as Four's KIDHXT CUKB. It Is a preparation of the best known remedies used by the world*sF most celebrated kidney specialists. It isf: endorsed by physicians and used by thou­ sands. It has saved miay llvss, and whilst, ; It cannot cure hopeless cases, it will pre--, vent fatal kidney troubles and give relief; In even the last stages of kidney disease* G. W. BESLEY. West McHenry. ' Riverside Hotel, McHenry, III: e Fridays and Saturdays, all | day, of each weekx.. . ! • All Work Ouardnteed! i Chicago & North-Western. Lou ve ChioaKo. :i tn a ni... I2.:tu i> in. Effective June 1, 1004. WEEK OAT TRAINS. NORTHBOUND ... Via Elgin :. ..Via Des I'liilnes .... Via Elgin 3.4f> p in Via Des I'lainus 1.20 p ni Via Des IMitlues.. .. 5.01 p m Via Des L'lalnos SUNDAY TKAINS. K.00 a m Via I>es Fliilnes.-. 9.10a m. Via De» Plalues 2.02 p m ...Via Elgin WEEK DAY TRAINS. McHenry. SOUTHBOUND. (7.12 a ill Via Des I'liilmjg 7.30 am Via Elgin H.'SJ a rn Via I>es Plaiues.... .">.24 p in Via Elgin ti.35 p m Via Des Plalnes SUNDAY TRAINS. 7.30 am Via Elgin ;.0Npm Via Dea l'laines 7.51 p m Via Elgin 'Saturdays only. ^Mondays only. Arrive McHenry ... 10.10 a in ...10.10 a in 2.4ft p in 4.45 p in ,.. 3.00 p in . .0.40 p in ... 9.37 a in ..11.14 am ... 4.53 p in Arrive Chicago. .. .8.33 a in ...10.10a in ,. a iu ,...7.00 p in .. 7.66 p in ..10.05a m 8.25 p m . .. 0.40 p in BO YEARS' EXPERIENCE PATENTS I IWVi m«ww DEBIONS COPYRIGHTS AC. AnTOiie ftendliiif a sketc h and description may aulckly ascertain our opinion fr«e wnciner mi invention in probably PH'ciitabjgjtJomniunlcii. tlons strictly contliloiitlal. HANDBOOK on Patent* sent free. Oldest afenov for euCTirlnj^tents. Patents tiken through Maun ft Cxx receive tpecial notice, without chanre. In the Scientific American. A handsomely Illustrated weekly. I^riiest elr- MUNN£Co.3tlB^> New York "YIM" Office. 635 K 8L, WaabiuatSu. D. C. The biggest line of Fireworks ever seen in McHenry,.includ­ ing Roman Candles R o c k e t s , F l o w e r Pots, Pin Wheels, Set Pieces, Cannon Crackers, S m a 11 Crackefs, P i s t o Is and Caps. Every­ thing that ^roes to make up a b .goes '•\ . \ noisy filth of July Also a nice line of Flags. Remember that w<ir are now h e a d q u a r t e r s f o r Fruit, Vegetables and fancy groceries. Our stock is com­ plete at all times. Gilbert Bros. Co. I V' . TELEPHONE NO. 371 ;-f -3" m w: N. H. PETESCH . DRUGGIST. Ai ICE CREAM IN ANY QUANTITY.

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