Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 7 Jul 1904, p. 4

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;JP YOU GET UP WITH A LAME BACK? Kidney Trouble Makes Yo« Miserable. Almost everybody who reads the news- is sure to know of the wonderful cures made by Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney, liver L and bladder remedy. It is the great medf- . cal triumph of the nine­ teenth century; dis­ covered after years of scientific research by Dr. Kilmer, the,, emi­ nent kidney and blad­ der specialist, and is wonderfully successful in promptly curing ; , lame back, kidney, bladdew^uric acid trou- t . bles and Briglu VDisMse.^vftich is the worst form of kidney trouble. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root is not rec- . ommended for everything but if you have kid- N-' nay, liver or bladder trouble it will be found >'•:>! Just the remedy you need. It has been tested * in so many ways, in hospital work, in private V, practice, among the helpless too poor to pur- chase relief and has proved so successful in every case that a special arrangement has •V been made by which all readers of/this paper k, who have not already tried it, m4y have a - ' sample bottle sent free by maijv also a book . telling more about Swamp-Rd|t and how to v find out if you have kidney oivbladder trouble. When writing mention reading this generous , 1 offer in this paper and > fc.) send flfour address to Perspi^oJ Property, NOI8, i__ 'f ** STATE OF ILLINOIS, • i M (Hi T ' "aklrtlaunw t V\ itmbiu f W* v. WAITE ANO HENDRICKS. KsiSi Dr. Xilmer& Co.,Bin^- 8TATE OP ILLINOIS, I MCHBNRT OOHNTT, f Public notice is lt<ut?by Riven, tltaj, the fol­ lowing is a fx" complete list, of .the chan­ ges stiico MB in Assessments of IJSUKIS in the town of McHenry, McHenry ( ountv, Illinois, for t lie year A. 0. 1004, as appears from the Assessment Books of said Year. Town 45, r H and HE. E. O. IKWKTT, Supervisor of Assessment. Ass'd Val. John Freun<l Est, wM amH. sec 18. tp45, r K, SO acres $1020 00 Katharine Smith It 12, sec 13, tp 43, r. 8. .7" acre ,. 40000 Jolin Nottn 13 rdsdf e 78 elks It 17 A n n rtis. sub It X of It 18, sec 13, tp 45, -r 8 ,"i<) acre WO 00 John llucnmnn. co elks plat. It 7, R, KMb III. see 24. tp 4n, r N. 143.54 tie res , 1150 00 Peter .1 Freund. co elks plat. It 87, sH, sec 3B. t p 4S, r S, .40 acre 600 00 Wm Savler. 100 a next s of n 100 a nH, s<r :t2. tp 4S, r 8, 100 acres 1400 00 Wm lionslett, seJi seX. sec 34, tp 45. r H, 40 acres W0 00 F, Pike. Pistakee Cottage Gnds it |f». sec 17. tp 45: r 9. .50 acre 340 00 Marquette <5un <Mub. co elks plat It 7fl Seliaefer's suit div It T, sec 18, tp 45, r i>. ,4« acre 140 00 F Cook, eo elks plat It 4 & Schaefer's sub div It 4, sec 18, tp 45, r fl, .41 a ... 180 00 (Jen Nell, co elks plat pt It 1ft. sec 18, tp 45. r tt, 11.05 acres •'•••. W0 0( (Serhard \Ve(tner.,8Wk se5« sec 38, tp 45. r Si. 42.75 acres SiOOO STATE OF ILLINOIS. .... ilcHnniT OOITMTV, F- . Public not ice Is hereby (liven "that the fol­ lowing Is a full itntl complete list of ebiiUKes since HWIi in the Assessment of Its and blocks iu the village of McHenry, Mcllenry County. Iliiiois, for the year A. I). WW, as appears from the Assessment Books of sakl Year. E. O. JKWETT, Supervisor of Assessment. Mc Henry, West Hide Fo/f HI ver. Assd Val. .Nicholas Bohr, It 8. blk 10 * . $500 00 Thomas Phalln, sH e UA .ft 9 and It 18, blk 11 7. 82000 tfllsha Hubbard, sub It 1 of It 9 Mid subm­ it I, It 12, blk XI 22000 West McHenry. . *»nrah Dermnnt, iU4 It 11. blk*2.300 00 Henry Buchert, It 8. Itlk 5 ... 20000 i'iUiina Glvens, sub It 2, It l, blk IS 8000 E M Owen EKtate Addition. . N J Justen. Its 8 & 9 WW STATE OF ILLINOIS, i MCHENRY COUNTY, t Public Notice is hereby given that the foll­ owing is a full and commt-te list, of the As­ sessed Value of Personal Property in the town of Mcllenry. County of .MeH'iiry and Stuteof Illinois, for the year A. I>. 11104 as taken1 from the Assessment Books of said year. E. C. JKWKTT, Supervisor of Assessment. Assessed value being one-fifth of ful^value. Both Are After *Mie Place of Maxtor la Cbaacorjr of Mc Henry County, Assd Val. Allen. H W f 40 Adams, Jafob H 185 Adains. Mathias B JB Adams. Castor-- <43 reguter fifty cent and noiut.^-iujot. dollarsfzes are sold by all good druggists. The NcHenry Plaindealer PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BY THE MCHENRY PLAWDEALK COMPANY. W. K. GRANGER. W K. GRANGER. W. A. CRIST*. Pres. Sec. GHAS. D. SCHOONMAKER, Editor. J. B. PERRY, Treas. Qfllce In Bank Building. Telephone, No. 272. |"; TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION: vnfcyear ..H.S0 Six months, 75 cts. Three months. 40cts. Thursday, July 1904. ,s- r BEPCBUCAN TICKKT. 'For President-- THEODORE ROOSEVELT HfrYlce President - CHARLES W. FAIRBANKS Governor-- OBARI.G8 8. Detrain. Lieutenant Governor-- LAWIIENCG 7. SHERMAH. Secretary of State - JAMKS A. ROSE. Auditor of Public Accounts-- Jambs A. M'CDLLIOOOH. State Treasurer-- LKR SMALL. Attorney General-- WLUJAM H. STKAD. University Trustees - CHAKLKX DATIDSOH, W. L. ABBOTT. MARY E. BITSEY. Uunicssman. 11th District-- HOWARD M. SNAPP. Member State Board of Equalization-- Geo. W. ELDRKDOK. State Senator ALBERT N. TiFrAmr. Bi^resentatives. sth District-- EDWARD I>. 1H Votes, FRANK H. COVKY, 1% Votes. Circuit Clerk-- THEODORE IIAMKR. State's Attorney LORENZO D. LOWELL, JR. Coroner-- JOSEPHS. MAXOS. •Surveyor-- CHAKI.ES H. TRYON. fioifE Ml to driver will be broasrht np short one of these days when scorching thru the streets of McHenry. Common sense Is necessary in running a '/deyil' wagon, bnt souie drivers seem to lack it. WITH its last issue the Nnnda Herald entered upon its 29th volatile. The-Bei - aid has made some jxrouderfnl stride* daring the last year, and Editor Beatty is nndel* no obligations to take off his hat to any contemporary. The Herald is in every way a credit to Nanda and the publisher. WE have before us a copy of the Wal­ worth School Advertiser, printed at the office of the Harvard Herald. It is by long odds the finest piece of work of tbe kind ever issned from a country .print shop, and would do credit to any metro politan printery. The press work and composition are practically fanltlesa ••ry Low Kat«n to Cincinnati, Ohio, Via the North Western Line. Excur­ sion tickets will be sofd July 15, 16 and 17, with favorable return limits, on ac­ count of International Convention B and P. Order of Elks. Apply to dg^nts Chicago & North-Western R'y. Jul Leaves and Colors. Bright colors assumed by maples, •nmscfc and ainpelopsis during tbe an tumn months are tbe result of the oxl dlzing of the color compounds, or color generators, of the leaf cells. Long pro tracted cool weather is most favorable to the production of autumn tints, and •light frosts that are not severe euough to kill the cells hasten the display of beauty by producing an enzyme that brings forth the bright purples, oranges and reds. Leaves containing much tannic acid never give bright autumn tints, while those containing sugar gl£e tha. very prettiest. '0: •, The Ihwgen of Fox Haatlnx. Wi Crowds "go hunting," but few ride to hounds, so statistics are absolutely useless. Of the thrusters, the ones who come to grief least, are the sportsmen who keep their eye on tbe leading hound and try to land on his tail every time The golden rule is: Throw your heart over first, and then you and your horae and the leading dog and the fox are certain to be in the same field. It Is level money which of you gets killed 0rst--London MaiL , / • We like best to call SCOn S EMULSION a food because it stands so em­ phatically for perfect nutrition. And yet in the matter of restor­ ing appetite, of giving new strength to the tissues, especially to the nerves, its action is that of a medicine. Send tor free sample. SCOTT & BOWNE, Choabto, #>9-4*S Pearl Street, New York. .oo; all druggist*. Aylw.iifl, Marjrret Adams, Maria K Abbott, T A Anderson. Jolin Anderson. OA Arens. Joseph Adams. IVJ .. Adams. Jacob. ;••• Adams. CM Blake, I'eter ... UariK'rd, E & Son.. •••. Bower. Michael Hassett. W B Blake, John Blake, Mathias Itenson. I'ede Honsl^tt. Jacob ItlHilH'. 11 F lluss. J B Boldander. FA Itesley. « W Ii:irl)i;in Mross Berner, CG. Buss. Bernard Estate.. Boley. Gottlieb Estate.. Beck. A K Bell. Bert Klomjrren, Richard Bell. Fred Burth. M \V Beck with, Geo Brefold. Henry Brown, AM Buss. Geo Bennett. J B Blake, Joseph Betlike. Theo Block. Louis Banks. Edward Bishop. Mrs. J Bacon. N\m Block, Fred C Bnlir, Frank Bacon, ( has S Bonslett, Wm Blake, Chris Britz, Peter Bell, John B Bishop, Julia E Beck. Wm Burner. Anna Bucklin. J V Boyle. John Bradley. W B X.­ Bradley & Foss Brown. J S Bishop. AG Beatty. Samuel H Brefeld. Benjamin Borden Ootid Milk Oo... Brown. 11 T Bishop. John J Bucii. John J Buch. Catherine Barbian, N E Brefeld. B J Blake.John M Bohr, Nick Bohr. Ijena Block & Bethke Brink, E B B* mslctt, Margrot Brand,J F. Bronus, John K Ourey. John Ooates, Klijah Colby. N F Champion & Foreman... Oolby. A P Carlson. Gustas Cleary, P J Claxton, J F Cleary. Margaret Colby, i'age Colby, G W, J M Couuellette, James Carr, F W Cristy. J W Cristy. J E Chapell. 8 8 'arr, Jane, Eli hamberlin, RG Cristy. W A Conway. James L Coates. Wm C arles. Mathias-- Carr. Thomas & Boh. . Colby. <) C , ormack, Joseph Cristy, Eleanor Cobb, Clarence Deidrich. I'eter l)<Klf;e. .Mary A hamtcard. John II Deidrich. Jacob M Ikiherty, James IKilierty. I'eter 8 Dodge. Wm )welly, Mxttle Davis. VVm Depen, Henry Deidrich, Joseph Dermoiit. tjaran....7T. . Duffy. John. .. v-»kelson, C KriKtslu, Anton tU'n. AIN;rt iszner, John vanson, W C Kvanson, Ella Kichler, GO npeln. E Kklredpe. C T Kby. Nelson 1'os.s, Warren M reiuxl. John II reund, Mart in H Freund. Math N lisher. EC Freund, Martin W epers. C 11 rett. Charles G rancisco. Warren •'risbv. (ieo B reund. Michael '-riders. F. 1* Freund, Anna j t /. I-red c ixsimmon. James l iViuid, Math tsK^r. L It Kreu^. Mathias Kraii(*isWH-A L,r 'reund. John S Freund.Jacob N reund. Stephen J.. .. Freund. John F Freund, John 1' Freund. Nick L I'rett. John M Freund, Nick K Freund, I'eter B l-'risby John Freund. Mat hiait 8.. ... Freund, Joseph J., Freund.John J Freund, I'eter Jr Freund, I'eter J Freid, Anna ". ...... l"reeman. Mr* John Felt/.. Wm Kri'und, S H Freund, Michael Felt/.. Fred Freund. A M Felt/.. August Freund, Joseph W Grimoldby. MraC eist. bred Green. James tirot. Theo L <>reifory, Mrs H 8. ... 'ierdiiiK, l'aul Glosson. John < -rasser. John • allaher. W F • ranker. F K (iarristiu. Wm Grasser. Joseph oo<liuan. KM tiermati Insurance Co. (illlH-rt Bros Gates. LC Sunther. et, al • lot A; DaniKard iranner, DC iillK'tt. B Ilettorman, 11 J ft Hon lepburn, Wm latren, Geo II larrison. Ora... •Isirrifoii. C VIf Ilolierst^ln. Qeo Mall. EE i:» 275 65 19 1M 17# 708 1033 m au 315 100 343 aw 346 37 44 673 301 1403 28 533 437 55 * 17 141 42 20 44 39 1» 44 184 38 34 K3 21 36 -a* 3ft") 308 70 26 438 115 230 86 400 177 42 1500 1338 80 410 79 18fi6 26 34 226 400 168 23 927 47 212 1100 18 380 140 91 2361 262 319 . 15 18 186 50 362 87 MS 73 233 54 283 494 100 44 1617 1211 . 41 . 128 . 87 1257 35 b31 243 44 . 126 16 . 377 222 . 25 I . 242 • 2® 122 255 117 85 178 1221 97 15 13 87 3K3 8 907 42 20 190 40 22 28 239 150 246 55 174 550 647 264 16N 64 575 88 1841 101 47 153 62 223 132 386 499 66 235 75 257 165 19 25 369 240 181 . 06 17 22 . 20 . 249 183 . a 60 16 . 619 . 160 15 4M 58 32 20 . 457 . 180 . 34 . 134 . 32 . 155 . 836 . 300 . 191 . 276 25 432 15 19 64 3D .. SO .. 313 . 1190 . 178 21 Hoff. Michael 485 Herlies, F J Att Hedges. James 48 Holtz. IVmP 499 lloepe. llenry 15 Harrison. Bernard 694 Hertz. Henry L 84 Howard, HA 60 Hutson. Frank ' 6 Heimer. Joseph 117 Heimer Bros 79 Hannseti, ('has 21 Hutson, BenJ .... 24 Hunter. Mrs J J 37 Holarbush. Jacob 333 Hutson, Win 198 Hutson. Win 30 Harrison. Guy 293 Hobert, II C 274 Hueraann, John 17 Hueniann.FW 179 Hanly. I) F 92 Hutson Bros 105 Howard. C S 17 Harrison. W H 317 Hollstroni, Martin . 168 Hall. CI) 271 Harrison, Clayton 267 Harrison, Phil S 116 Heimer. John 174 Harrison, Elon F 30 HolljfN I) 30 Huemann. N A 41!) Harsh, Isaac 1419 Harrison. Geo H 734 Hess. Nicholas llu Howell. Martin A 479 Hoff, John 194 Huemann, Jacob 107 Huemann, Jos H 146 Hetterman. Henry J 49 Howe, E W 82 Hurwitz, J 360 Hanly Bros 1282 Ibsh. Adolph 255 Jack, I) F 15 Jaeger, Phillpp 25 Jacobson. Jacob 28 Justen, John 46 Justen. J acoh 424 Justen, Michael 182 Justen, Joseph H 518 Joslyn, E 0 84 Justen, Jacob 231 Johonnott, W B 128 Jiisten, N J 889 J usten. Jacob F 247 Justen, Joseph 630 Jecks, C E 280 Jungen. Mathias 126 Kamliolz. Fred 17 Kennebeck. John H 119 Kennebeck, John H 2243 Klein. John H. Kyriss. Chris Kaniholz. Herman .... Kennebeck, Henry... Kaiser. Frank Knox. John Kimball. Frank Kopsell, W H Klapperick, Hubert... Knox, Mary Kattner, William Keeftt. John Kane. Anastasia Klapperich, 0 J; Karls, Hubert King. John • Kimball. John Kimball, BerniCe Lorimer. Wm Lay. Martin Lefckem, Jacob.. .. .. Lawrence. A L Leickem, I'eter Lay, John P.. Laures, Benj Lee. James W... Lodtz, JP Lauiphere, Mrs Ella/... Lind. H I<awlus. E Lash, Emil Laughlin, Mary Long. Ed Lado. James C. Larsen, August 190 28 18 639 380 59 lOt 136 220 46 305 104 32 193 25 268 17 41 300 158 27 21 21 794 Lainnhere. C I,add, Miss Frederica... Mc'Heury i'laindeaierCo Mjiller, U and Edward. MWjarry, Patrick Mire, Fred Mct'aunon, Bert Mehring, Henry Meyer. Theodore May. Anton May, Catharine Michels. Herbert May. Nick Miller, Mathias Miller. John M May, John May, Jacob Merrimati, MM McDonald. Samuel Miller. Joseph A Merchant. E J Meyers, Anton Miller, Jacob A Miller. Frank Mann Bros Miller, John J Miller, John J Martin, I'eter Miller, P F Miller, lfenry Matthews, AC McOml»er, FL Miller. Peter, J Mueller, John McAnsli. Andrew Miller. Frank W Murray, Otis Miller, Andrew Meyers, George Murray, Jades l< Mead, II C Mead. H C Miller. Peter Mertes, Joseph J Mertes, John Miller. Joseph N Miller. John H Mover, ("has D Melander, Mary Martin, Frank Mellin. S J Michels, Joseph Moore, (1 L . . McCannon, Will May. Jose Ph McCannon Hill cint> McHenry Pleasure Club Mcllenry Creamery Co. Noonan. Kdmond Norlander, Jll Nelss. John Nell. Gtnirge . Nlesen. I'eter Nye. N J Nett. Math Nett. John Nlesen. Jithn , Nlesen. M M Noonan. Del . . Nord(|iiest. B Newman, Mabie A Owen. O vV: Owen. Lvtlla Owen. ON Oeftiiug. VVm Oeftiing. John OIHCII. Chan Osweld. FA O'Neill. P M ., Osniun Bros O'Brien. Geo Olse.n. F Oltoff, Wm Parks, V H Pint, John ...: Page, C 1 Peterson. HA Pitzen. Math J Pltzen. John J Pitzen. Nick Perry. James B Perry, Agnes Perry Si Owen Perkins, Edwin PerkiiiN. E B Parks. A 8. Petit. L U Powers. Thomas PfunenstUI, J W Parks. J C Phalin, Wm Parker. Mr»W Petesch. N H. . • 53- •^•37 17 24 17 17 18 SA4U 132 26 1045 280 30 154 235 299 682 45 168 78 26 130 247 287 26 177 1047 35 63 155 3086 245 114 284 829 130 293 235 29 325 556 62 311 90 29 22 13 110 4«7 101 17 17 1441 25 104 420 lit 40 130 52 55 327 114 40 38 40U 131 502 2c 67 161 i:« 206 29 PhaMn, Thomas......... 820 Parks, I'H 26 Peters. CW is Peet Edward .... ... .. 233 Pike, ('has .. 25 Pike. Noah A... 45 Patrick. M E .. 20 P a l m e s . J o s e p h . ; . . 9 7 Peterson. Emil.,.T...... 22 l'alnier. E B .. . as PIstakee Yacht Club. .. 340 Quinu, Mary 14 QUIIIII. Wm 200 ltotherniel. Jacob 177 Kothermel. Peter ....... 200 Hotliermel. P P. 18 Huenz, Peter.... 33 Kossniuii, Albert 82 Kothermel. Geo 32 Keser. J J 80 Reynolds, Stephen 145 Hosenburger. Geo 90 Itohinson, Samuel 103 Koss. Ft: 67 Kosen. C P 20 Kut liford. I A 14 Kalston. Mrs JobQ. 1000 Kalston. Joiin.. . ........ 1246 Kichardsou, Kobt... 358 Roberg, OB S Himes. Mrs M 34. Smitli. Mrs. H C..., ..... 290 Stephenson, C H 79 purges. Kate .. 340 :i<twl(, Theo<lore.....',.. 76 Smitli, John A . 245 8herinan, B G 54 Schoewer. Peter J 02 Sherburne,^ H 28 Stolfel. John 112 Spurliug, A V 77 Schreiner, Mrs Geo 26 S to (Tel. Wm 23 Schnorr, Fred 21 Stroner, John. -- . 90 Story, Julia A»|; 207 58 26 168 65 60 29 334 37 77 25 1743 17 143 140 513 57 460 260 35 305 45 34 40 131 30 147 211 321 66 146 37 304 » 230 410 407 20 26 340 Sfnce the resignation as master in chancery of Geo. W. Field of Woodstock who accepted a clerkship at Washington, McHenry connty has had no master, the business being done by special masters appointed by Jndge Donnelly. The job is too good to go begging, and two of the bright yonng lawyers of the county are now after it. "Judge" E. H. Waite of Woodstock was in Nunda Friday, in company with Sheriff . W. Lake of Harvard, asking his friends to sign a petition t«> Judge Donnelly, asking for his appointment to the position. He is making a CHiivass of the county, secnr ing the names of as many prominent voters as possible. •> Meanwhile the friends of Attorney C. J. Hendricks of Harvard are yanking off their coats and working to obtain Mr. Hendricks' ap­ pointment. Both of the aspirants have many friends in the^ county, and if either is appointed the offlbe will be well tilled.--Nunda Herald. Don't forget the "want ad"ooIumnt 17 17 16 OH 37 228 mi 24s 830 277 16 6K 650 197 17 21)1 90 866 421 19 138 465 21 1313 200 1660 278 4N 56 56 70 116 16 2» 42 158 Searles. Mrs MA.. Stebblns, Mrs C L Shernian. B G Smith. J P Stafford & Goldsmith... Story, John I fT. Standard Oil Co Strawser, W H Schreiner. Win...- Schmitt, Joseph Spaulding, Mrs Jennie.. Stevenson, Henry Schiessle, Kobt Schneider, Jacob Spaulding, J M Smitli, Stephen Stilling, Henry.,. , ... Schaefer. Catherine ScliiiIn. Adam M Stilling, Ben Steffes. Matt .. Schoonmaker, C D .... Schneider, Joseph Schneider, A St Ma y's Parish Stoffel. Simon. Schaefer. Mary K... ... Stilling, Jos Stretz. Eva Say lor, DE...i Kayier, James R Sayler. VV A Schumacher, Jacob Schmitt. Jacob Smith, AW •Smith. 8 W Schaefer, Joseph M Schaefer, Margaret ha.. ShcTnitt, John M Schalrs. C'H ^,176 Schaefer, John P .315 Hchmitt, Stephen M Stock. Jacob TScnrtiltt, Jolin J... .'*T. . . Kchun.acher. Nicholas.. Snutli, J 1) & W E Smiths WE .. ..v*.... Shernian. C Et. Simpson. Donald. 1. Smit h. Peter ." Stevens; N I> Sinies. Wm ; Small. HO Stevens, G A Smit h. Matt J Schumacher, Jacob Smitli. Martin F Schaefer. Matt 8, Schmitt, Stephen Schmitt, Nicholas F... Schaefer, Peter Schaefer. Jos P Smit h, Frank Schaefer. Michael Smith. 1) N Schaefer. Joseph Stevens. W P Smith, E A Smii ii, liarbia Snyder, Bros Schneider. Fred Schafer, Matt B Snut h. < 'arrie E Sayers, CJeo J Stilling. John J Schmitt, Marrian F Sch.-n fer Bros Schaefer. Margaret Turner, M & E Thlel. Michael M Thomas. i.eoC Thou as Bros Tonion. llenry Theleu, Mary E Tabor, Oscar A Tonion. Bernard Js E Thelen. Joseph Tlielen, llenry Thelen. AnnMary Tosel tl Brewing Co. .s . Thon>[is<in. E If. Tntt le. ('has EH Tliurlwell. Wm West ( 'go Fishing Club.. Watt les, Frank Wat 1 les. Frank Walsh, M J Wheeler. RS Waile. Koliin WighLtiian, II E Wood I IU 111, It I) Welx-r, Ml) Week ler, A .1 Wegm»r. (ierhard Wattles. Homer Watson. 11 J Wlrfs, Casper Whlttnif. 1) A Whiting, Pi-eomnn W i l b u r L u n i l i e r C o Walsh, Jolin Wells. David G Wegner, B (i Walsh. T J Weber. Nick Wegner, Hen rich Wegner, Bernard Walsh, Jolin M Wright. Robert... ...... Wheeler. .1 li. Walklngton. Titos Weber. Peter Wheeler. () Waterman, Anna A Worts, Michael L Wrede. Lewis Waterqfctn, Levi A. • alkhigiou. TIkw Warn, l<Vank Williams, Martin Wlrfs, Peter. Winkles, T W Wentworth, W l> Wilson, C ik 0 Walker, W E" Waterman, II L Whiting, EE W'olkos. O (> Whiting. A B. Ware. Chas E Wel>er, Mathias Ward. Frank W'hlting. AO Young. John B . 341 Young, Martin 34, Zimmerman, H Zenk, John i;, ! Valvistine (Jll Co 11V, Chicago Telephone Co.. lflfni American Tel & TelgCo 2K' s t:jtlzens Telephone (X».. 4ii. Western ITnlon Telg Co in C A N W K B C o . . . . ! < » > Two Bottles Cured Him. "I was troubled with kidney com­ plaint for about two years," writes A. H. Davis of Mt. Sterling, la., "but two bottles of Foley's Kidney Cure effected a permanent cure." Sound kidneys are safeguards of life; Make tbe kidueys healthy with Foley's Kidney Cure. Sold by G. W. Besley, W. McHenfy. JSxc»*H»lon Tickets to Milwaukee, Wis., Via the North-Western Line, will be sold at reduced rates July 16 and 17, limited to return nntil July IB inclusive on account Annual State Picnic Social Democratic party. Apply to agents Chicago & North-Western R'y. Jnl 16 The Plaindealer will be sent to any address on trial three months for twen- ty-five cents, and will be discontinued at tbe expiration of time unless other­ wise ordered. Try it. Special Reduced Kxcurslon Kates Will be in effect from all points on (he Chicago & North-Western Railway for the occasions named below: Atlantic City, N. J.,, July 18-15. Nobles of th^Jdystic Shrine. San Francisco, i^ept. 5th to 9th, Triennial Conclave Knights Templar. San Francisco, Sept. 19th to 25th, ^jovereign Grand Lodge I. O. O. For information as to rates, dates of sale, etc , of these or other occasions, call upon tbe ticket agent of the North- Western Line. Read The Plaindealer advertisements. They are interesting. Very Low Rates to St, Paul, Minn., Via the North-Western Line. Excur­ sion tickets will be sold at one fare plus 50 cents for the round trip on July 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18, with favorable return limits, on account of Triennial Conven­ tion L. C. B. A. Apply to agents Chi­ cago A North-Wet tern R'y. Jnl 18 Job work of all kinds neatly done at •I , Trial Subscriptions. The Plaindealer will be sent to any address for three months for twenty- five cents as a "trial trip." Try it, and if we bear nothing from you at the end of the time paid for, the paper will be discontinued. If yon wish it to contin­ ue hand in $1.50 and we will enter your name on our regular list for a year. We propose to make The Plaindealer bet­ ter next year than ever before. A three months' trial will convince yon. Onr correspondents are authorized to take these suliscriptions. Remember, the paper will be stopped at theend of the three months if you are not satisfied, tf No Pity Shown.' 'or years fate was after *u»e contin­ uously," writes F. A. Gulledge, Verbe­ na, Alaf "I had a terrible case of Piles causing 94 tumors. When all failed Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured ma" Equally good for Burns and all aches and pains. Only 25c at Julia A. Story's N. H. Petesch's, McHenry, G. W. Bes­ ley, W. McHenry. drug stores, T--- Special Dally Train Service via th« North Western Line to the Rosebud Reserva­ tion Opening. Three trains per day leave Norfolk Junction, Neb., at 4:45 a. m , 12:55 p. m. and 8:15 p. m. (starting from Omaha) for Bonesteel, the point for final entry, situated directly on the reservation bor­ der, during the period of registration, affording ample and conveniently ar­ ranged train service with direct connec tions at Norfolk Junction from all points in the west and northwest. Special, excursion rates in effect from all points daily via the North-Western Line, July 1 to 22, inclusive. Apply to nearest ticket agent of the Chicago & North-Western R'y for Rosebnd folder, "New Homes in the West." Jul 22 This Bank receives deposits, buys and sells Foreign and Do­ mestic Exchange^ and d o * His Rest Disturbed, A. R Bass, Morgantown, Ind., had to get up ten or twelve times in the night, and had severe backaches and pains iti the kidneys. Was cured by Foley's Kidney Cure. It strengthens the uri­ nary organs and stops irregularities. Sold by G. W. Besley, West McHenry. Special Bates to Colorado, Utah and tlie Black Hills, Via the North-Western Line, Begin ning June 1st excursion tickets will be sold to Denver, Colorado Springs, Pueb­ lo, Salt Lake City, Hot Springs, Dead- wood, Lead and Custer, S. D., etc., good to return until October 81. A splendid opportunity is offered for an enjoyable vacation trip. Several fine trains via the North-Western Line daily. Apply to agents Chicago & North-Western R'y. 50 alt Aug IB Constipation, • headache, backache, feel mean, no appetite, all rnn down. Hollister's Rocky mountain Tea v ill make you well and keep you well. Money back if it fails. 85 cents. Tea or tablet form. G. W- Besley. The Plaindealer will be sent to any address on trial three months for twen­ ty-five cents, and will be discontinued at the expiration of time unless other­ wise ordered. Try it. - (MRU BANKING ftOSllWSS. We endeavor to do all busi­ ness entrusted to our care in a manner and upon terms entire­ ly satisfactory to our custom­ ers and respectfully solicit the public patronage Honey Loan on real estate and o ther first class se­ curity. Spec- ^1 atteiltlOU given to collections INSURANCE in First Class Companies, at the Low- eat rates. Yours Respectfully PERRY & OWEN, Notary Public. Banker* meats! fRESH, SALT & SMOKED MEATS Vegetables in Season. and Fruit It Is my Intention to give all customers the best service pos­ sible. 1 pay spot cash f:>r hides, poultry and stock of all kinds, thus puylnff the lowest prices, and will sell on the same basis. We also buy Hoffs for Kerbor Packing Oo. of Elgin, paying highest market prices. Drop us a card wfien ready to sell. A. C. MATTHEWS, WEST M'HENRY, ILL. AND \00 W4 I mi "In the Good Old Summer Time Thla la the nutchlnn that will eiw thn hard work thetimeof huy-iiutltIII euethn hard work »II !. . ly-iiiitk11iu 'IMioNKW DKKKK II A V I'll miriii'HN fully limiilli'N iinyllitiiM frnin lint Tbe cajmelty mlluatiiiniiU inn very UIMH lightest swath to the heaviest windrow. ai>i and entirely automatic in action. The gathering ry Under, Willi tlotlhltt niiMnfft, follow* tho »urUi'ti of i||t< M run ml Is floated on adjustable springs, so that it always whether the wheels ure on ridges or in dead furrows. The benefits of this feature are: Gentlest handling of tint liu non trash gathering; no digging in the ground; smoothi'M longest life. No other loader lias this construction, henci' noolln i lm lng good points. A trial will prove our claims. llluNtrutoil riimilHru i ultmiii'Kl i WM. BONSLETT. ILLINOIS CENTRAL R. R. BEST OP TRAIN SERVICE. with Dining, Buffet-Library, Sleeping and Reclining Chair Cars on through trains direct to the WORLD S FAIR 4 fast, daily, vestibule trains between Chicago & St. Louis leaving Chicago morning, iKHin, evening and shortly before midnight. Ample through and local service to St. Louis on its numerous lines and branches-in Illinois and Wisconsin. Tickets account of the Fair at greatly REEUCED RATES On certain days in Jijae,v ̂ Coach Excursions to St. Lmi1& at rates less than one fare' for the round trip. Tickets and particulars as to specific rates, limits and train time of your nome ticket agent. Dec. 1. A. II. HANSON. G. P. A.. Chicago. f kill ™coydfP C U R E T H E L U N C S w,th Or. King's Mm Discovery ™c '0NSUWPTI0N 0UGHS and •'OLDS Price 50c &$ 1.00 Free Trial. Surest und Quickest Cure for all THROAT and LUNG TROUB­ LES, or MONEY BACK. Professional, Society and Bvisinesss Cards DAVID G. WELLS, M. D. PHYSICIAN. SURGEON AND OOHLIHt • „ Office and residence corner Elm ariL; Green streets, McHenry. " O. H. FEGERS, M. D. , : PHYMCIAN'AND SURGEON.0BLET*ENRI^ ,,, 11'• Office at Itesideuce, corner Court »n& Elm streets. --* Telephone 333. B\ a ROSS. I). I X 8. Office over Petesch's Drug Store. c;; ALL WORK PKKTAININU TO MODERN DENTISTRY Office Telephone 2*4; Residence 203. Nitrous Oxid Ga^for Extracting. Hours 7:30 a.'ta. to 5:30 p. m. SUNDAY WORK BY APPOINTMENT OHLY TH* N*W DKNTJBT OH TH« WM 8II>E DR. R. G. CHAMBERLTN . Office over Beslev's Druit Store. Hours from &:30 a. tn. to 5::» pf m ARTHUR BREMKEN, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURQEON (DentsclMr Ant.) Spring Qrove, Illinois. Geo. M eyers (Jeneral Teaming of all klndfr. Excavating and Orading. HcHENRY ----- ILLINOIS. Telephone, Main 1714. LAHBERT Q. SENG BUFFET Headquarters for Mcllenry and McHenry County visitors. Prank Keppler, John Scharres, (12 Hfth Ave.. Chicago. Attendant* Telephone No. 393. SIMON STOFFEL Insurance Agent for all classes of property in the best Companies. Weat McHenry, Illinois McHENRY COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY. OFFICE with American National Rank Woodstock, III. Abstracts of title and con­ veyancing. Money to loan on real estate lu sums of $500 to fl0,000, time and payment tc suit oorrower. FRANK BUHR PRACTICAL PAINTER AND PAPER HANGER Graining, Calciuiining and all Interior Decorating. Telephone No. 254. MCHENRY, - - - ILLINOIS. CHARLES G. FRfTI Wholesale and retail dealer In I am hrthe Market .For Beef Veal flutton Hoga and Poultry aiv* a call Smoked Meats, Snusafe McHenry^ - Illinois f 1 PHILIP JAEGERS aENERAL COHMISSION MERCHANT | SPECIAL ATTKNTION GIVEN TO THE BALE OF I)reused Beef, Hutton, Hogs, Veal, Poultry, Hldea, Etc., Butter and Eggs Tags and price Mats furnished on COLO STORACiE FREE K C a M f l A u u i ! 1 C H I C A G O , I L L I N O I S . ThU I* Miw oldest house on the street (•|i|I!U'HUOO. inimmniiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiH----•> Bargains in every­ thing: in the Store. J HURWITZ Jos. H. Huemann Johnsburgh, Illinois. sells Corn Shellers and Tread Powers, Duplex Grinding Mills, Rock Island Plows, Wagons, Carriages, Buggies, Wind Mills, Well Supplies, Harness Oil, Paint Oil and Machine Oil a Specialty. FNIklM Igttttf M WMKSI I am agent for the above. We put the Hods on your Build­ ings and should tliey be struck by lightning we pav damages If no more than IW Oall and get full particulars. General Blicksmitftng Prkes always RMsoifalile N. H. PETESCH DRUOQIST. ICE CREAM. IN ANY QUANTITY. Vr^.'y' • n<. A •;W >si Varicocele Gufod tn S Daw Hydrocele *ys Mo Cutting of* Paft? Guaranteed Curs or Money Refunded. MT Under my trentment tliia insidious <IUnuui wm%nlWI/UCIX rapidly disapp. ai-». Pain coasts in _ The ttitf-'iuiiit blood is driven from tho dilated vein* anil al! • \aiiislu s uiivl swcllinpr aulisidt-s. Kvery indication of Variuoceh vtsblM and in iu t>U-<ul c6men the pleasure of perfect health. 1 cure to Cl,re<1> Contagious Itlood POIHOII, Kidney and ' ltladiifr Troiiblcn, Nervous ll«'biiity, ami allied troubles. My method* of treatment and cure an; original with me and raimot be obtained elsewhere, I make no t'xmi ;,is. Ail case# I take 1 cure. nf Is vliat you want. I give a I.egal «• J. TILLOTSON, H.D. <; uh ran tee to cure you or rt luiul Th« HaiiarRn^i.ij.t . your iiioiuy. I ¥T \\ I have done fur others 1 can do for you. My ,or a P«*"»ai)ent cure will be reasonable and rw »an« r,t»hi„hed 1880. t l,.ul y,,,, Wll, wil,in„ lo pay for benefits cou ) ferred. 1 < AN* CIIRK YOU at Thome. OoPFosnontfomse Confidential Wrltf me your con<11Uon and y°n »»" w m V0|#uiV|f«rnu*3 receive In plain envelop© m. sclentlflo and nonest opinion of your case, FltKK of Charge* My home treatment In successful. My books and lecturt Hmailed K^iKK K K K K o f C h a r g e , i application. H. J. TILLOTSON, M. D., 500 TiUotaoo Baildiaf, 84 Dearborn Street, CHICA00. h JS, x&tfjkL

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