Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 7 Jul 1904, p. 5

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SUMNER is enough without suffering with heat from a wood or coal stove. -?i Every well regulated household should be supplied with a reliable GASOLINE STOVlf^ ' We have them in all sizes and at all prices. Call and inspect them. ^ Everything in Summer Hardware - ̂ SnUN BROS., HcHENRY, iLlffe' General Hardware, --Dry Goods, Shoes --Notionsi TIN WORK or ALL KINDS AT CLOSE PRJCES * fe 1 THE SEASON'S DELICACIES! can be found here in abundance. Such as fresh Vege- ^ tables, including Peas, String Beans, Radishes, Let- £ tuce, Carrots, Spinach, Asparagus, Etc. Also a full g * line of Fruits, as the season advances. Strawberries, Bananas, Oranges and Lemons. £ IN STAPLE GROCERIES § You can find here nothing but the best, well-known* brands, at lowest prices. Everything fr£sh. £ JOHN STOFFEL. § Telephone No. 301 Olve n« a Trial. 100 Cents Worti 'of Service for every Dollar you invest in Shoe Leather This is the guarantee that goes with every : pair of Shoes we sell. Why do we not hes- j itate to give this guarantee? Becausewe know j The km Selz is on Every Pair. | These Shoes are made by Selz Schwab & Co. of Chicago, lar­ gest makers of good^hoes in the World. We carry a com­ plete line of these Celebrated Shoes. Fine Shoes, Work Shoes, Walking Boots, Tennis Shoes, Strap Sandals, House Slippers, Etc. We have,them in Good Year Welt, Grain Leather, Calf, Patent Colt and Vici for men, women and children, all sizes and prices. It will pay you to inspect our line. Frank Schumacher, Spring Grove, Illinois. I t i s an es tab l i shed fac t tha t a CASOLINF. STOVE in any kitchen is a blessing these warm days. Now to be doubly blessed you should purchase a Stove with a reputation for cleanliness, durability, simplicity of operation and a good looker. That's The Quick Meal "The Kiean, Kool, Kitchen Kind" on the market twenty-three years and at the head the entire time. Quality and merit keeps them there, nothing else. I have been distributing them for thirteen years and have the first unsatisfactory Stove yet to be.reported out of an average annual sale of 25 Stoves. You run no risk in purchasing a Quick Meal Stove. We assume the risk and agree to keep your stove in perfect working order for the first year. Call and see our line. It'a to your advantage. We repair any and all kinds of Stoves and guarantee the work Respectfully Yours, F. L. McOmber, West Side Hardware. Time for good work ;V'We- do repairing up to date at prices ' , ^4hat will please you. Ring 522. HERBES, - - PLUMBING. * m * * * m * * $ m m m * m m m * m m J Is Your If so you ought to appreciate anything that will help you save it. The best way to save time to to have • I Time Chicago Telephone Money -- _aa_ Ceat but oMb a day CHICAGO TELEPHONE COMPANY N E I G H B O R I N G N E W S Chronicled by our Able Corps of Correspondents KMKRALI) PARK. H»rry Bacon of Chicago, spent the Fourth at J. B. Frisby'a. Thoa. Hough of Chicago visited at Miss Ay 1 ward's Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Cohan went to Chicago Tuesday for a few days. Jno Armstrong spent Wednesday with his brother, James and family. H. Bending retained from Chicago Wednesday after a week spent there. Ed. Farrell of Chicago spent Sunday aud Monday with the Misses Aylward. Messrs. L. aud Lew Bending of Chica­ go, spent the holidays with their mother. M. H. Sutton spent a few days with relatives at Elgin the first of the week. Mrs. Schade of Johnsburgh, is visiting her danghter, Mrs. C. Bremer, this weeK. Miss Emma Givens of Elgin, spent a few days %he first of the week wftp her mother. ~ Thos. F. Walsh left last Thursday f5^ a few weeks1 visit with relatives in S. Dakota. Misses Mame and Lola Aylward of Elgin visited home folks here during the holidays. Ed. Fleming of Cary and Miss Kath- ryn Walsh were callers here Sunday afternoon. Fred Cummings of Chicago is spend-' ing a week's vacation with J. B Frisby HU<1 family. Mr. aud Mrs. Chas. Givens and child­ ren of McHenry, spent Sunday at Rich­ ard Given's. Chas. Birkircher left last Friday for Ohio, where he will visit a few weeks with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. D. W, Hill and daugh­ ter, Laura, of Chicago, spent a few days at their cottage. Misses Emily, Lillian and Anna Cohan spent the holidays at Green cottage, with their parents. Nathaniel Nelson from near Chicago was the guest of Ed. Knox and family a few days this week. Mrs. Geo. Schade and children of Griswold l ake, spent last Thursday at C. Bremer's cottage. Mesdanies R. J. Sutton and Jno. Gibbs visited Mrs. Geo. Frisby at Mc­ Henry last Thursday. Miss Kathryn Knox, who is attending summer school at DeKalb, spent the holidays at her home her«, John Edwards and brother-in-law of Chicago, spent the first of the week at the John Armstrong cottage. Mrs. Ellen Alley and cousin, John Dople of Chicago are the uestp of J. B. Fiisby and family thiB week. Messrs. W. K. and Win. Burns and Miss Lililan Burns of Chicago, enjoyed a few days' outing at their cottage this week. Messrs. Cassias McManaman and Fred Phee of Chicago, were the guests of R. J. Sutton and family over Sunday and Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Armstrong of Chi­ cago, and little niece, Geraldine Griffin of Wheaton, are sojourning at the H. J. Armstrong cottage. Miss Mary Sutton of Chicago, and Misses Alice Sutton amfrNSalia Powers of Elgin, were visitors at R.J. Sutton's oyer Sunday and the Fourth. A number of the young people of this vicinity spent a very pleasant eveuing last Thursday with Misses Edyth aud Nettie their home near Ringwood. Edward R. Sutton left Wednesday morning for South Dakota where he will spend a few weeks with relatives. If he likes the country he may stay and grow up with it. John Kelter returne 1 to the city Wednesday after spending a few days camping at Auburn Park, Lake Defi ance. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Kelter and Mr. and Mrs. Brooks of Chicago, who were cauipiug with him will remain for some time longer. The Crescents left last Sunday even­ ing for Elgin, after a two weeks' outing here. The boys are a gentlemanly crowd and made many friends in Mc­ Henry aud vicinity while here. Mr. Smith and friend of Elgin, are camping this week on the site of the Crescents' camp. MBS. CECELIA STOWE, Orator, Kntre NODS Club. 176 Warren Avenue, CHICAGO, III., Oct. 22, 1902. For nearly four years I suffered from ovarian troubles. The doc­ tor insisted on an operation as the only way to get wen. I, however,' strongly objected to an operation. My husband felt disheartened as well as I, for home with a sick woman is a disconsolate place at best. A friendly druggist advised him to get a bottle of Wine of Cardui for me to try, and he did so. I began to improve in a few days and my recovery was very rapid. With­ in eighteen weeks I was another being. Mrs. Stowe's letter shows every woman how a home is saddened by female weaknes and how completely Wine of Cardui cures that sick­ ness and brings health and happi­ ness again. Do not go on sut inc. Go to your druggist today ana tee ure a $1.00 bottle of Wine of Cardui. WlNErCAimill JOHNSBURGH. The Plaindealer will be sent to any address on trial three months for twenty - five cents, and will be discontinued jit the expiration of that time unless other wise ordered. Try it. Don't forget the dance at Geo. NellV Saturday night. Miss Lizzie Miller visited Miss Oeffling Wednesday. John, Tony and Florence M Chicago, spent the Fourth here The Johnsburgh base ball teanfde- feated the Ringwood team Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Neiman of Chicago, visited at Geo. Nell's over the Fourth. Carrie Keil and Mr. and Mrs. Neu- man of Chicago are visiting friends here. Misses Rena and Susie Michels are visiting McHenry friend* for a few days. / Mr. and Mrs. Joe Rotherinel and two children of McHenry, celebrated the Fourth here. Mr, and Mrs. Wolff and Joe Brick and lady friend of Chicago, spent the Fourth here. Susy Simmons and brother John, and lady friend of Chicago, visited Lena Michels over the Fourth. Rudolph Knhnert and Frank Meiler and lady friends of Chicago, visited Geo. Nell over the Fourth. Mr. aud Mrs. Dave Ross and daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Clarey of Chicago, spent a few days at Jos. Michel's. Miss Tillie Frennd, who has been working at Kenosha, Wis., came out to visit friends and to celebrate the Fonrth. RIOUEFIKLL*. The Plaindealer will be sent to any address on trial three months for twen­ ty-five cents, and will be discontinned at the expiration of time, unless other­ wise ordered. Try it. Mrs Goddard was in Woodstock Sat­ urday and Sunday. < Mrs. J. B. Lynch and son, Ray, ware at Nunda Saturday. Mesdames A. Cadwallader and R. L. Dufield were at Nunda Saturday. Mr. aud Mrs. I. Jayne and daughter, Irene, art^ visiting at W. H. Munroe's. Mrs. Dean and daughter, Inez, are visiting F. Reed aud family this week. Miss Cora Ward of Woodstock visited Mrs. R. Goddard Friday and Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. A. Westerman anfl May, visited their son and brother Sat­ urday. Wilbur Cadwallader of Omaha, Neb , visited his mother, Mrs. A. Cadwallader here recently. Mr. Davis and daughter, Lora, Mr. and Mrs. P. D. Castle aud children are here for the summer. Mr. and Mrs. J. Hill and children of Chicago visited with friends and rela­ tives here the past week. Miss Hobart left Monday to spend the remaining weeks of her vacation with her parents at Richmond. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Merchant and son of Richmond visited their parents here Monday and Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Conerty of Chicago visited Saturday and Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Lynch. Mrs. James and grand-daughter, Miss Pearl Dufield, returned Saturday to their home in Elgin after an extended visit with relatives and friends. Mildred French had the misfortune to fall into the cistern Tuesday. There being but. little water in the cistern she escaped with only a few bruises. VOLO. John Frost and A. J. Raymond were in Elgin Tuesday. Rosing Bros, entertained twenty-five boarders the first of the week. Harry Nickols and family entertained relatives and friends from Chicago Sun day .and Monday. Rev. Tnttle of Barrington will preach in the Volo school house next Sunday, July 10, at 2:80 p. m. Hubert Paddock of Charlevoix, Mich., is visiting his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Paddock. Mr. and Mrs. John Richardson enter­ tained George Kuebler and Miss Clark df Palatine Sunday and Monday. Will Montgomery and family of Chi­ cago, Misses Lola Sexton and Lucy Phelps of Elgin visited relatives here the 4th. t- Miss Elsie Smith was in Chicago Fri­ day. Her grandmother, Mrs. L. M. Hnson, returned with her after several weeks' visit with her daughter, Mrs. S. B. Russell. On Wednesday afternoon, July 18, Mesdames Albert and Ambrose Raught will give a ten cent tea for the benefit of the Ladies' Aid society. All the ladies far and near are invited to come. Gen- | tlemen are welcome. BABREULLE. j Thos. Thompson was io Woodstock j on business Tuesday. j Miss Frances Fleming spent Friday with Miss Clara Thompson. I Will Stewart of Chicago, was calling | at, his farm here Saturday afternoon. | Miss Lizzie Ames called on Miss j Clara Thompson Saturday afternoon. ! Mr. and Mrs E. F. Matthews spent ; the Fourth with relatives at Liberty- ! ville. * Mrs. Edd Whiting and MissEdythe i Whiting called at I. N. Merchant's Fri­ day eveuing. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Lowell of Nunda, .spent the Fourth with Mr. and Mrs. ; I. N. Merchant. j Mrs. Adelbert Whiting and Mrs. Edd ' Whiting of Ringwood, called on Mrs. I. 1 N. Merchant Monday afternoon. Kxcnrftftoii to Mi»noi»* Lnkc Akmiu* bly *t MHCI I MUII, Wl»., . Via the North-Western Line. Excnr- ' sion tickets will be sold a^ednced ratee |,luly 18 and 19 limited to i^turp until 1 August 1, inclusive. Other datefe. of j sale on certificate plan. Apply to agents I Chicago & North-Western R'y. Jul lt> In Your Hands the horses never can be under perfect control unless hitched by strong, well-made Harness. This kind we can and do sgll at moderate prices. «The stock used in making our goods is of excellent quality and the work­ manship is of superior order. A full line of Lap Dust­ ers in Mamie, Linen, Whipcord and Green Cloth, plain and embroidered, from 50c to $3.00. / OUS. CARLSON, - McHENfcfY, ILL. An Ordinance Controlling the Speed, Operating and of Automo­ bile* and Other Similar Vehicles and Providing f«»i" Liglitii on Automobile*. Sec. 1. Beit ordained by the Presi­ dent and Board of Trustees of the Vil­ lage of McHenry. in the County of Mc­ Henry aud State of Illinois, that on and after the passage and taking effect of this Ordinance it shall be unlawful for any person or persons to drive, run, con­ duct or propel any automobile, or any other conveyance of a similar kind used for pleasure or for the purpose of trans­ porting or convey iiif; passengers, or freight, or for any other purpose whatever, where said automobile or con­ veyance or other such vehicle is pro­ pelled by steam, gasoline, electricity or other mechanical power along or npon any street, alley or public highways within the corporate limits of the Vil­ lage of McHenry at a rate of speed in excess of eight miles per hour. Sec. II. Be it further ordained by the President and Board .if the said Village of McHenry that whenever it shall ap pear that any horse being driven or ridden by any person or persons npon any of the said streets, roads, alleys or highways within the limits of said Vil­ lage of McHenry is about «to become frightened by the approach of any such automobile or similar vehicle it shall be the dnty of the person or persons driv­ ing, operating or conducting such auto­ mobile or similar vehicle to at once turn as far as possible, with safety, to the right of the beaten or t ravelled track of such highway, and cause the said auto mobile or similar vehicle lo come to a full stop until such horse or horses have passed such automobile or similar ve­ hicle. Sec. IIL Be it further ordained by the President of Trustees of said Village of McHenry that when any such auto­ mobile or other conveyance of a similar type or kind is driven, run, conducted or propelled along or upon any of the streets, roads, alleys or highways with­ in the corporate limits of the said Vil­ lage of McHenry after day light and when it is dark or dusky there shall De one or more lights on or near the front end of suph automobile or such other similar vehicle, in a conspicuous place where the same can be seen by anyone approaching from the direction which said automobile or other similar vehicle is going; and the same shall each at all times be kept lighted while such auto­ mobile or other similar vehicle is mov­ ing. Sec. IV. Any person or person* vio­ lating any provision of the foregoing Sections I, II, or III or failing to com­ ply with the same, shall upon conviction thereof be adjudged to pay a fine of not less than Five Dollars nor more than Fifty Dollars for each and every such violation or failure to comply with any such provision, with costs of suit. Sec. V. ' All offenses for any viola­ tion of any of the terms or provisions of this Ordinance, or for a failure to ob­ serve any such provision or provisions, may be prosecuted before the Police Magistrate of said Village or Justice of the Peace of said County, by warrant or summons as authorised by the State Law, and tne Marshal or any policeman of said Village is hereby authorized to arrest any person seen violating any of the provisions of this Ordinance or fail­ ing to comply with its provisions, in the same way and manner that they are authorized to make arrests for the vio­ lation of other ordinances of said Vil­ lage. Sec. VI. Be it further ordained by the President and Board of Trustees of said Village of McHenry that this Or­ dinance shall take effect and be in full force ten days after its publication, as provided by State law. Passed this First day of July, A. D. 1904. Approved 4his First day of July, A. D. 1904. Published this Seventh day of July, A. D. 1904., * JOHN I. STORY. Attest: JoiiN STOFFKL.. President. Village Clerk. College Graduate* lo Demand. Secretary Wilson forsees an extended demand for graduates of the agricultur­ al colleges of the country as teachers ia public and district schools. If the sec­ retary is successful in his propaganda for the teaching of elementary princi­ ples of agriculture in all the schools, a sort of advanced nature study, as now seems probable, there will necessarily arise an extensive demand for teachers competent to teach such a study. At present the normal schools of the coun­ try deal with this subject in a most per­ functory manner as compared with the thoroughness with which the secretary of the agriculture thinks it should be taught, and when the elementary agri­ culture becomes an important part of every school curriculum, specially trained teachers will be demanded. Then, in the opinion of the secretary, school boards aud deans will natnrally turn to the agricultural colleges, from the ranks of the graduates of which the teachers in this branch will of course be recruited. This is but »n incident of the far-reaching policy which the secre­ tary has mapped out, but it is an inter­ esting one, and one that may prove sig­ nificant to those young people who are choosing a college with a view to fitting themselves as teachers.--Exchange. Working Night and Day. The busiest and mightiest little thing that ever was made is Dr. King's New Life Pills. These pills change weakness into strength, listlessness into energy, brain-fag into mental power. They're wonderfnl in building up the health. Only 36c per box. Sold by Jnlia A. Story, N. H. Petesch, McHenry, G. W. Besley, West McHenry. Exflaralon Tickets to Rmw, Aurora, 111., Via the Norfch-Western Line. Excur­ sion tickets wiil be sold Jnly 19 to inclusive, limited to retnrn until Jnly 88, inclusive. Apply to agents Chicago & North-Western R'y. Jul 22 The Origin*!. Foley & Co., Chicago, originated Honey and Tar as a throat and lnng remedy, and on account of ,the great merit and popularity of Foley's Honey ami Tar many imitations are offered for the genuine. Ask for FOLEY'S Honey and Tar and refuse any snbsti- tute offered, as no other preparation will give the same satisfaction. It is mildly laxative. It contains no opiates and is safest for children and delicate persons. Ayer s You can depend on Ayer's Hair Vigor to restore color to your gray hair, every time. Follow directions and it never fails to do this work. It stops Hair Vigor fallingofthe hair,also. There's great satisfaction in knowing you are not going to be disap­ pointed. Isn't that so? "Mr hair faded until It *u about whita. It took just one buttle of Aver'n Hair Vigor to restore it to its former dark, rich color. Your Hair Vigor certainly docs what you claim for it." --A. M. IIOUUAN, Rockingham, N. C. E<1.00 a bottle. All 'Ironists. for J. C. ATEB CO.. Lowell. Maaa. Fading Hair Do YOST Eyes Pita? Are you TrutMeO wttft HeoiideP . . . I F S O , C O N S U L T PR. 0. Expert Optician. SERIOUS TRIFLES Nagleet of Simple Complalntn Oflafl$A Causes Great Suffering aai - - Serious Result*. |! Doss your back ache? If so, whataakas' ^;. It ache and wh&t doe* it mean? Thmkl reason for everything, and If joe isni *. backache, there mu>t be a caue for tt» The chances are your kidneyi are fll fault. If they are not right, the quicker yon attend to them the better it will for a neglected kidney trouble cannot gal well of Itself. When these organs onoa commence to break down the work of d#> •traction continues unless death is averted by the prompt use of proper means. EDWARD HUCIM, a prominent busineai nan of Salisbury, Mo., suffered frlght»' fully from backaohe and in a recent laCMli.Vs he tells how he managed ts stop it. He says: "I had been a sufferer ftjrlf long time from lumbago, and, of coarse^ tried almost everything I heard of that offered relief; but all the so-called renfe^, edles I took did ma no good until a frienit Induced me to try Four's KXDHBT Cor*.is I used three bottles of It and was entire^ oured." zi Thousands of ethers have mat with tla*- ume success In using this remedy Id# .; kidney and bladder troubles. FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURB IS a preparation that can be depended upon to do all thai ; Is claimed for it. Physicians of the hlgfe~ , est standing employ it in their practlct^ for it is a combination of the most val% able kidney and bladder remedlea ea» dorsed by specialists In the diseases of those organs. If taken early It will cura every form of kidney and bladder troublt and will quickly relleva tbm wont oastl^ even in the last stagea Q. W. BESLEY, West McHenry. s J Have you tried that special blend of Coffee m:--' Free Examination of will be made at the... eyee I Riverside Hotel, McHenry, III.; Fridays and Satnrdays, all day. of each week (All Work dudrDnteed! i Chicago & North-Western. Effective June 1, 1004. WILL DAT THAI ITS. NORTHBOUND OTKL NORTHBOUND McHeiiry S.Ofi K M Vl» Elgin 10.10 a ID S.4."> a ru ..Via FK's i'lnines .......10.10 ;i m 12.30 pm Vlu Eluiu ....2.45 p m 3.45 p in Via Des Phtines...)--4.45 p in *1.20 p m.. Via Des IMnlnee... 3.00 p in 9.01 p m........ Via Des l'litines 8.40 p in SUNDAY TRAINS. 8.00 am Via I)es PI nines S.37 a 111 9.10am .. Via Des Plaiues 11.14 u in 2.02 pm Via Elgin 4.53 p in WUK DAY TRAILS. SOUTHBOUND. ChfcuKO. ,.. Via Des IMuines 8.35 a m .Via Eltfiii 10.10 a m ...Via I)es Plalnes V.35u in Leave McHenry. + 7 . 1 2 a m . . 7 . 3 0 a m . . . 8 . 3 2 a m . . 5.24 p m VIA Elciu 7.00 p m 6.35 p m Via Des Haines 7.86 p m SUNDAY TRAINS. 7.90 am Via Elgin :10.05m in 7.08 pm Via Des Plaiues 8.tS p in 7.51 p m Via Eiglu !'• m 'Saturdays only. +Moudays only. BO YEARS' EXPERIENCE PATENTS DESIGNS , W , . - COPYRIGHTS AC. Anyone sending a sketch and description m»y aaloklr ascertain our opinion free whether an tnvantkm is nrobablv imteiitnble. Commnnlc». U0M»trl"tlyconflae.itlal. HANDBOOK on Patents sent froo. Oldest aaeuey for setMrtiutpatentB. Patents taken through Munn A Co. receive tpecial uotiiL', without charge, in the Scientific flimrkan. A handsomely Illustrated weekly. Laiwt ejr. eolation of any scientific Journal. Term a, $3 a Tenr: four months. »L Sold by all newadeyJefj. Golden Rto -f... and FANCY PEABERRY at per pound 20c. at Gilbert Bros. Sam­ ples free. We say, and you will agree with us after using, that it can not be equaled for drink­ ing qualities in McHenry Call and get Sample. Gilbert Bros. Co. TELEPHONE NO. 371 R. H. OWEN \fA: . * * r ^ i*T. «< - *

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