1 . <^«V'*: •" ' ' •• ••.+'>> 'Y*r• " 'wff ::̂ '£ 'ii !i-> i-.c;- 'lii' Ml- £". * 'K - ^y-V ; ' ••*•*# .vAN, ,'c - ,-i - .. a- r*>-* 5 y\> . ^ '< _ - r»4 ..*• 1, • X-J^~ ' • • 'i1 _* :/> . ,J j SUMHER J { enongh without suffering with beat from a wood or ooal stove. ',' Every well regulated household shonld be supplied with a reliable "*••'•*""• y pif»l> " |;»|PC ;,e«msMf •;< '«;"WJS;"; .:«i"5p ^ GASOLINE STOVER • X"'*, ' We have them in all sizes and at all prices. Everything in Summer Hardware \ OSHUN BROS., HcHENRY, ILL. titeritfal Hardware, Dry Goods, Shoes--^ NottortS. TIM WO ILK OF ALL MINDS AT CLOSE PRJCCS " FRUITS and VEGETABLES 1 The most complete line in town. Everything Fresh, Nothing Stale. 8 Î w.r JOHN STOFFEL | TIMWMTWI>MHHIHHIIIMIIM»MI»»»M"»» »»•••••• •••••••• •••••••• MMMH•••••••• ••••!•• 1 MS WORTH IT FORTE for every Dollar you invest in Shoe Leather This is the guarantee that goes with every pair of Shoes we sell. Why do we not hes itate to give this guarantee? Becausewe know Tlie Name Selz is on Every Pair. These Shoes are made by Selz Schwab & Co. of Chicago, lar- j gest makers of good Shoes in the World. We carry a com- g plete line of these Celebrated Shoes. Fine Shoes, Work Shoes, j Walking Boots, Tennis Shoes, Strap Sandals, House Slippers, .1 Etc. We have them in Good Year Welt, Grain Leather, Calf, j Patent Colt and Vici for men, women and children, all sizes 1 and prices. It will pay you to inspect our line. j Frank Schvim^cKer, | Spring Grove, Illinois. j It is an established fact that a GASOLINE STOVE in any kitchen is a blessing these warm days. Now to be doubly blessed, you should purchase a Stove with a reputation for cleanliness, durability, simplicity of operation and a good looker. That's . v The Quick Meal "The Klean, Kool, Kitchen Kind »» on the market twenty-three years and at the head the entire time. Quality and merit kpeps them there, nothing else. I have been distributing them for thirteen years and have the first unsatisfactory Stove yet to be reported out of an average annual sale of 25 Stoves. You run no risk in purchasing a Quick Meal Stove. We assume the risk and agree to keep your stove in perfect working order for the lirst year. Call and see our line. It's to your advantage. We repair any and all kinds of Stoves and guarantee the work Respectfully Yours, F. L. McOmber, West Side Hardware. Time for good work We do repairing up to date at prices that will please you. Ring 522. HERBES, - - PLUMBING. I PHILIP J A E G E R } | GENERAL COHMISSION MERCHANT | 5 SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE SALE OP 6 % I Dressed Beef, Hutton, Hogs, Veal, Poultry, £ | Hides, Etc. 1 Butter and Eggs |£ |l This is the oldest house on the street Tags and price lists furnished on £ I application. % | COLQ STORAGE FREE £ | Sfi^AfiSS?"- CHICAGO. ILLINOIS., | N. H. PETESCH DRUGGIST. E CREAM IN ANY QUANTITY. N E I G H B O R I N G N E W S Chronicled by our Able Corps of Correspondents RING WOOD. The Plaindealer will be sent to any address on trial three month* for twen ty-five cents, and will be discontinued at the expiration of time unless other wise ordered. Try it. H. L Stephenson spent Sunday at fiome. George Bacon is^t home for a short vacation. / Miss May Tucker of Harvard is visit ing friends here. V Eld. Walsh of Chicago spent Sunday at D. A. Whiting's. Angnst Walters of Woodstock was a caller here Monday. Warren Fo^ was a Chicago passen ger one day last week. Mrs Longhridge of Greenwood was a Ririgwood caller Friday. James McCannon of Greenwood visit ed relatives here Snnday. Miss Myrtle Stevens is spending a few davs with Elgin friends. Mr. and Mrs. A. L Francisco visited relatives at Ostend Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. TO ill McCannon visited friends at Greenwood Sunday. Mrs. Bacon and daughter, Melissa, called on friends at Keystone Monday. Mr. and? Mrs. Mike Hoff were busi ness callers at Woodstock one day last week Mrs. H. O. Small is spending the week with her son, George, and; family at Lake Geneva. Mesdames Bradley and Holmes are entertaining a sister and children from Montreal. Canada. Mrs. Knight of Woodstock is spend ing this week with her sister. Mrs. J. W. Cristv. Misses Mildred Waterman «nd Acnes Dodge were McHenry callers Saturday afternoon. Misses Nettie Whiting and Lora Dodge spent Saturday and Sunday at I. N". Merchant's at Barreville. The Ladies' Chnrch Aid society will meet with Mrs. Warren Foss Thursday afternoon. Tea will be served. A cor dial invitation is extended to all. •Mrs. J. E. Cristy and children re turned to their home in Waupaca, Wis , Saturday, after quite an extended visit with her parents. Miss Agnes Dodge accompanied them home, Mrs. Spanlding has had a cement walk laid in her yard, which adds very much to the appearance of her place. Abe Lawrence did the work and it is a fine job. May the good work continue. The,Wouian'8 Christian Temperance Union will hold its annual picnic at Mc- Collumn's lake on Mrs. Pfanenstill's grounds Saturday. July 16. All ar<jr in vited to bring theft dftmer and enjoy the day with us. The lectnre on Saturday evening and sermon on Sunday evening by Rev. Mecca Varney, state superintendent of franchise of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union, were thoroughly enjoyed by all present. Too much can not be said in h«r praise and a great many truths were told. HOLCOM B VILLK Miss Mary Zenk returned to her home at Marengo Monday. Mrs. Fitch and son of Janesville, Wis., are visiting Mrs. Peck. John Powers of Emerald Park called on relatives here Sunday. A. .Tones of Wauconda was aTctfUe this vicinity Thurs lay. Mrs. Wm. Welch and daughteKspent Wednesday at Thos Powers'. Mr. and Mrs. M. Conley of Chicago .spent Sunday at Wm. Gilbert's. Will Zenk and Geo. Weidner were El gin visitors the first of the week. Mr* and Mrs. John Zenk of Marengo vinited at Geo. Weidner's Sunday. Mrs. M. Miller of Nunda called on Mrs. B. F. Peck Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Mink of Nunda were Sunday callers at Mrs. B. F. Peck's Mr and Mrs. A P. Peck, Mrs. Ben Peek and Mrs. Fitch spent Sunday at Volo. Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Peck of Wauconda spent Friday and Saturday with Jbla tives here. LIVER TROUBLES "IflndThedford's Black-Draught a Rood medicine for liver disease. It cured my son after he had apent 1100 with doctors. It is all the med icine I take."--MBS. OAROLINB MARTIN, Parkers bur^, W. Va. If your liver does not act reg ularly go to your dnunfrist and secure a package of Tnedford's Black-Draught and take a doss tonight. This great family medicine freeB the constipated bowels, stirs up the torpid livtr and causes a healthy secretioa of bile. Thedford's Black - Draught will cleanse the bowels of im parities and strengthen the kid- nevs. A torpid liver invites colds, biliousness, chills fever and all manner of sick ness and contagion. Weak kid neys result in Bright's disease which claims as many victims as consumption. A 25-cent package of Thedford's Biaek- Draught should always be kept is the house. "I need Thedford's Black- Draught for liver and kidney COM* plaints and found nothing to 67'-WILLI AM OOFFMXN, Iter, blehoad, IIL ' THEDFORD'S BUOT- WTAUCITT KMKKAI.I) PARK. Mrs. Ed Knox entertained a few of her lady friends last Thursday. Miss Mamie Knox and John Aylward visited friends at Algonquin la t Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. B. Heaney are spending a few days this week in Chi- cago. Miss Rnth Thiers of Elgin, is spend ing a few weeks with Miss Nancy Frisby. Atty. H. Haase and mother of Nunda spent Tuesday afternoon with J. B. Frisby. E. J. Cohan and daughters were out from Chicago at Green cottage over Snnday. Miss Whiting and the Misses Noonon of Ringwood were callers here Saturday evening. Miss Marguerite Knox spent m few days the last of the week with Miss Lncy Sutton. / W. Bolger^ook a load oi city friends to Pistakee Bay Tuesday, where a pleas ant day was spent. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Lester of Elgin spent a few days the last of the week at Mrs. Ellen Frisby's. M, Kelter of Chicago spent a few days the first of the week with relatives there and at Auburn Pftrk, Miss Nancy Frisby and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lester visited at R. J. Sutton's last Friday afternoon. Mrs. Schade returned to her home in Johnsburgh Monday after spending a week with her daughter. Messrs. C. Unison and Chas. Bremer of Chicago, are enjoying a week's vaca tion at C. Bremer's cottage. s Misses Kathryu Walsh, Kathryn Bolger and Anna Burns called on friends at the Park Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. John Demling and daughter, Mary, of Chicago are visiting relatives in this vicinity this week. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Arinstroug and children of Rivet* Forest opened up their cottage Saturday for the remainder of the season. j W. K. Burns and^ion, Wm., and daughter, Miss Lillian/ of Chicago are enjoying a few weeks' vacation at their cottage here. Misses Katie Bolger and Anna Burns of Chicago and Miss Alice McCarthy of Elgiu are the guests of P. Walsh and family this week. Mr. and Mrs. Bid. Knox and children, Mr. and Mrs. John Walsh and children of McHenry yisited at R. J. Sutton's Snnday afternoon. Mrs. Kate Felser and two children of Indianapolis, Ind., are the gnests of Mr. and Mrs. Gteo. Walmsley. Mrs. Felser is a sister to Mrs. Walmsley. Chas. Berkircher returned Saturday from a week's visit with his parents in Ohio. He reports most of Ohio crops very poor compared with Illinois. Mrs. John Walsh and children of Fox Lake visited at J. B. Frisby's Saturday and Snnday. Master Ray Walsh will remain for the summer with his grand parents. Mr. and Mrs. C. Bremer entertained Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Schneider and family of McHenry and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Schade and family of Griswold Lake at Oak Villa cottage over Sunday. JOHNSBURGH. The Plaindealer will be sent to any address on trial three months for twenty five cents, and will be discontinued at the expiration of that time unless other wise ordered. Try it. Miss Eva Hnemann visited Miss Anna Oeffling Tuesday. Miss Mary Kerst of Iowa is visiting Miss Lena Smith. Arthur Dngner of Chicago is visiting at John P. Lay 's. Miss Anna Oeffling visited Miss Eva Hnemann Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Harmsen of Mc Henry visited here Tuesday. Mat aud Miss Maggie Schumacher of Iowa are visiting friends here. Mrs. John Pitzen and son of Volo via. ited at Wm. Offling s Friday. Rev. Fr. Smith and sister and husband of Aurora are visiting their mother, Mrs. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Mat May of Spring Grove visited Mrs. Maggie Freund Wed nesday. Tony Thelen and Frank Niesen at tended the horse sale at Woodstock Wednesday. Miss Lulu and Alex Freund of «JJ»fca go and Miss Rose Hnemann visfted at Jos. Huemann's recently. Quite a imjiitferof'peeffle'from here attended t)»e funeral of Mrs. John Karls at Spring Grove Saturday. E. J. Bonner of Marengo and two sis ters of Alabama camped at Columbia Park the first of the week. In Your Hands the horses never can be under perfect control unless hitched by strong, well-made Harness. This kind we can and do sell at moderate prices. The stock used in making our goods is of excellent quality and the work manship is of superior order. A full line of Lap Dust ers in Mamie, Linen, Whipcord and Green Cloth, plain and embroidered, from ' 50c to $3.00. QUS, CARLSON, - McHENRY, ILL. VOLO. Mrs. Alfred Nickols of Chicago was a guest of H. Nickols the past week. Henry Thiele of Goshen, Ind., visited with John Rosing^and family Thursday and Friday last. Miss Bessie Clough of Wauconda vis ited her Cousin, Miss Hellen Raymond, a few days last week. J. D. Gift entertained his sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. C. Fay of Grand- ville. 111., a few days this week. Mrs. A. Miller and daughter, Anna, left for Minnesota the first of the week where they will visit relatives. The Ladies Aid society will have a bazaar and ice cream social on the lawn of A. J. Raymond, July 20, afternoon and evening. A large tent will be erected for ^he entertainment of the people. Everybody welcome. Small waists are no longer in style, it's the round plump waists that come by taking Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea; that's all the go. 85 cents. Tea or tablet form. G. W. Besfoy. Try the "Want ad" column. ?L. SPRING GROVE. [People of Spring Grove and vicinity desiring to subscribe for The Plaindeal er may leave their order and money with Raymond Moss, our correspond ent. The subscription price is fl. 50 a year or 75 cents for six months: ED. ] [Too late for July 7.] Mr. Sykes is spending a few days in the city. Mrs. Fred Wilson has been numbreed among the sick. Ada West lake is visiting her brother, John, in Chicago. The oldpst son of Mr. and Mrs. Jake Wasniski is very ill. Mrs. Geo. Westlake of Solon spent Tuesday with relatives here. Wm. Johonnott of Ringwood was greeting friends here Monday. Dan Shales and daughter of Wilmot were visitors here Saturday night. Maggie Saunders came down from Wisconsin to celebrate the Fourth. Mr. Bryant and wife of Elgin spent several days recently with the latter s brother, Edward Hopper. ** Henry Jackson of Lotus Point has been doing a thriving business in the transportation and hotel business. Some of onr oldest settlers say that Monday saw the largest crowd here since the flag raising at the beginning of the Civil war. Among the many who entertained relatives and friends from a distance the first of the week were Hon. Fred L. Hatch, Walter Sykes, Mrs. Mary Carey Jas. Westlake and Andrew Huffs. Edward French has installed a print ing press in one of Frank Schumacher's rear rooms and is contemplating start ing a weekly paper. Here's to the snc- cess of the first Spring Grove editorial movement. The Misees Maggie, Zella and Laura Lichty were all home to spend the Fourth, Miss Laura having closed her fourth year teaching in the same dis trict near Nunda. She has been en gaged as teacher in the Washington district for the coming school year. It is a painfhl duty to also reoord the de ith of another, Mrs. John Karls, who died Weduesiay noon, leaving three lit tle children, one a tiny daughter four days old, her huBband, her aged parents and-many relatives and friends Her health has been very poor for a long time, consumption having set in, and she has suffered greatly. Since our last communication was sent in Mr. Kretchmere died, his death occurring Wednesday morning, after an illness of less than two weeks' dura tion. He had been spending a few days with his niece, Mrs. Jos. Kauttner, when he was taken ill, bnt he returned a few days before hie death to the home of his daughter, Mrs. Andrew Huff, where be bad resided several months past. The funeral took place at the Catholic churh here, interment being made in this cemetery. Mr. Kretch mere was one of the sturdy German set tlers and was well known to all. Despite the heavy rain Sunday night and the threatening weather Monday morning, the program for the Fourth was carried out with the exception of the arrival of the expected base ball players, who were evidently looking for a rainy day. The parade furnished much amusement, Nick Freund receiv ing the prize for the best representative float, aud Andrew Stevens and Dennis Kirmuth for the most comical. Ampng those having floats were Frank Schu macher, John V. Freund, Anton Schaf- fer, Jake Freund and the Royal Neigh bors, each representing some features oi each business well. Jake Freund's was conceded one of the best and caused much amusement. Several typical movers were in line and "Happy Hooli gans" were numerous. The addresses by Hon. F. L. Hatch and E. V. Orvis wetfe well received and greatly applaud ed A The flag drill by sixteen young ladies was given and races run, the home people capturing most of the priz- The crowd was l.irge and one of the most orderly!* well behaved ever seen at such a gathering. Mayor Schaf- fer and the other members of the com mittee proved to be the right ones in the right places and deserve grsat credit for toe success of the day. Many from Ringwood. Solon, Greenwood. Johns burgh, Richmond, Wilmot, Fox Lake and Lotns Point were present. JULY 14 Mr. and Mrs. HoracB Reading were callers at Zion recently. Ada Westlake returned from a week's visit in Chicago Tuesday. Mies Gracie Hopper is spending the week with her grandmother at Ring- wood. Mrs. Cora Johnson and sop, Harold, of Harvard spent Snnday and Monday with her parents here. Mrs. Jennie Oxtoby, Mrs. Jennie Moss and sons. Miss Anna Miller were Chicago visitors Monday. Mrs. Frank Lawson, a former resi. dent, and Mrs. Fanny Gibbs of Rich mond were callers here last week. The little son of Mr. and Mrs Bernard Bell was severely ent on his head last week byyfalling on a sharp piece of wood. rd Oxtoby entertained a oung people Saturday even- •'4& : * ing, the company being former friends and school mates of Sarah and John Ox toby in whose honor the party was given as they were to leave for their home at Mitchell, Iowa, Monday, after a six weeks' visit here and vicinity. The iron work on the new bridge across Fox river is being placed in posi tion and the work will oe carried out as originally planned. Attempts have been made to compell the commissioners to raise the bridge, also to change the po sition of one of the butments, bnt the dissatisfied ones were not successful. The infant daughter of John Karls died Friday night surviving its mother but two days. The grave of Mrs. Karls was opened Sunday and the little one placed to rest in its mother's arms, it beiug her wish in case of its death. Mrs Milker, a sister of Mrs. Karls, has taken the two older children with her to* .lohut>bnrgh. Women's Kidneys A Common Mlitakt which Causoo Mueh Suffering Women are Just as likely to have kM> ney or bladder trouble as men; la faeS, they IN more so; bnt very often the/ attribute Indications ef disorders to com plaints peculiar te their sex, while tho real cause of their trouble is seme dis> treselng kidney or bladder disease. Nervousness, headache, puffy or dark circles nnder the eyes, pain in the back* profuse or scanty supply of urine wttfctf strong odor and a frequent desire te pas# It, with scalding or burning eenutloa, sediment after standing la a bottle twen* ty four hours, are all signs «f kidney erf bladder trouble, whleh eooai wear oat th^ *$4 If you have any of these symptom* v v u •*>. Vmimr O*rmm will MM VMI >nA most robust. Working Night and Day. The busiest and mightiest little thing that ever wasTnade is Dr. King's New Life Pills. These pills change weakness into strength, listlessness into energy, brain-fag into mental povPer. They're wonderful in building up the health. Only 25c per box. Sold by Julia A. Story, N. H. Petesch, McHenry, G. W. Besley, West McHenry. SOLON. [People of Solon and vicinity desiring to subscribe for The Plaindealer may leave their order with Miss Allie Turn er. The subscription price is $1.50 a year or 75 cents for six months. Ed.l Chas. Westlake went to Chicago Mon day on business. Fred Tborne was home from Rocke feller over Sunday. D. W. Lichty and daughter were on onr str ets Monday. Alex Tweed of Grayslake visited with friends here last week. Mrs. Fred Herling is spending a few days with friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Gould moved^From here to Spring Grove last week. Elmer Westerman of Greenwood vis ited his brother, Frank, Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Merritt Cruikshank vis ited relatives at Greenwood Sunday. > E. T. Mohear drove over to Woodstock with Mr. and Mrs. Dal ton last week. Merritt Cruikshank's brother rode over from Greenwood in his'automobile Monday. The Red Cross ice cream social was well attended, nearly eight dollars being realized. Jonathan Imeson, who is one of the oldest settlers of McHenry connty, hav ing passed his 96th birthday, was in our village reeently. Mary hiul a little lad Whofeqjgace was fair to aee, Because each night he had a drink Of Rocky Mountain Tea. G. W. Besley. Np«clal|I>ally Train Service via the North Wen tern Line to the Koaobud Henry it- tlon Opening. Three trains per day leave Norfolk Junction, Neb., at 4:45 a. m., 12:55 p. 111. and 8:15 p. m. (starting from Omaha) for Bonesteel, the point for final entry, situated directly on the reservation bor der, during the period of registration, affording ample and conveniently ar ranged train service with direct connec tions at Norfolk Junction from all points in the west and northwest. Special excursion rates in effect from all points daily via the North-Western Line, July 1 to 22, inclusive. Apply to nearest ticket agent of the Chicago & North-Western R'y for Roeebnd folder, New Homes in the West." Jul 22 FOLEY'S KIDNST COM will ears you sn4; ^ restore your health. ; • <^4 ^ < •.. • ^ We know there are thousands ef wwaeqh , ^ who are never well and who have almost lost hope of ever being well again, wh$ * would be speedily changed to bright, hap*' py women, glowing with health, by taking FOLBT'S KIDNET Corns; thus removing, the real cause of their misery Instead el doctoring for "female troubles." ; f ;V. Mrs. FRANCES L. SALES, of Mtaaooft. Valley, la., writes: "I have been afflicted ^ with kidney trouble five years; had sever# ", pains In my back and a frequent desire tdk * \ ̂ urinate; when riding I experienced mucllV, ; | pain over the region of the kidneys, §£•; tried five physicians without benefit an<|;| then ooncluded to try FOLBT'S KIDHB<, Ctma. After taking three $1JOO bottiaa was completely oured.* | j j G. W. BESLEY. West McHenry. MNNNNNNNNMNN Have you tried that special blend of •.t'i ;y * vr ?•. if' Wedding invitations at this office. Chicago & North-Western. Effective June 1, 1004. WBKK OAT TRAINS. NORTHBOUND C&. «0.,H»0»D UcHlVry 06»m Via Elgin 10.10am +5 a in. Via IK'S IMaiues 10.10 a m 2.30 |) :u Via. El^in 2.4S p M .45 p in Via i'lalues 4.45 p in 1.20 p m.'. Via Des l'hunes ii.00 p ui .01pm Via Des Flalues 6.40pm SUNDAY THAI*8. .00 a m Via Des Plulues V.37 a in 10a m Via Des Plalues ..11.14 a in Otpm --Via Elgin 4.63 pm WEEK DAT TRAIBS. Leave «nrTH«nimn Arrive McHenry. SOUTHBOUND. Chicago .lU'iim.... Via Des IMaiues N.35 a tn ill# K; .30 a IU .Via Elgin.... 10.10 a ii .9.35 a in . 7.00 p ui 7.55 p ni Igli .32 a ni Via Des IMaine 5.24 p m Via Elgin-- 135 p m Via Des i'iulnes SUNDAY TRAINS. 30am Via Elgin 10.06am .08 pm Via Des Flalues 8.i5pm .51 p in .Via Elgin 9.40pui •Saturdays fl^ly. tMondays only. 80 YEARS* EXPERIENCE Mrs. Ricf number of PATENTS bcSIGNS CorvmoHTS Ac. Anyone sending a sketch and description may auteklY ascertain onr opinion free whether an invention is probably patentable. Conimunlea. ttonsstrictly etui fldentlal. HANOBOOK on Patent* sent free. OMont atrenoy for secnrtnajMtenU. Patents taken through Munn S Co. re< tpecuil nnlue, » H bout charge. In the receive Scientific America*. A handeomelr Ulo«tntfed weekly. Ljmatctr. dilation of may edentiflo Journal. Terms, •» « rear • four month#, »L 8okl by all newedealerm. Golden Rio and FANCY PEABERRY at per pound 20C. at Gilbert Bros. Sam ples free. We say, and you will agree with us after usin^, that it can not be equaled for drink ing qualities in McHenry Call and get Sample. •->U "J ̂ TELEPHONE NO. 271 , . ; * tt. OWEN Ftapoa sale and rent. Tuniug and <| Ing at reasonable prices. MeHISir. $ '• •• fia.Vv ' ' -iv'--. • v*>'