| 4?JUMflER HEAT A \ ;V < .'A' f _ is enough without suffering with heat from a wood or coal stove, f 0 '• Every well regulated ho^wshold should be supplied with ^reliable f J GASOLINE STOVE ' (.A -j.f ,* | A r We have them in aU sizes and at all prices. Gall Everything in Summer Hardware " , U|S OSHUK BROS., HpHENRY, ILL. --Dry Goods.-- General Hardware,- S hoes--------JN.otl^llSc TIN WORK OR ALL KINDS AT CLOSE PRICES FRUITS and VEGETABLES! town* mosi complete Stale. Everything Fresh* Nothing Telephone No. 301. Give us a Trial.- J O H N S T O F F E L • FIMNW WMUMHHMHH (Hits Wortl of Service for every dollar you invest • in Shoe Leather This is the guarantee that goes with every pair of Shoes we^ell. Why do.w© .twt Jb^stt&te to give this guarantee? Because we bow He Name Selz is on Every Pair These Shoes are made by Selz Schwab & Co. of Chicago, lar- | gest makers of gbod Shoes in the World. We carry a com- j plete line of these Celebrated Shoes. Fine Shoes, Work Shoes, j Walking Boots, Tennis Shoes, Strap Sandals, House Slippers, I Etc. We have them in Good Year Welt, Grain Leather, Calf, J Patent Colt and Vici for men, women and children, all sixes * and prices. It will pay you. to inspect our line. Ij-arjJk Sch\im.^chei> ^ Spring Grove, Illinois. Or O- * ••••••••••••• • • •••••••••••••••••••••••• »••••••••••••••• e It is an established fact that a GASOLINE STOVE in any kitchen is a blessing these warm days. Now to be doubly blessed you should purchase a Stove with a reputation for cleanliness, durability^ simplicity of operation"11^ u good lookei% ghat's The Quick Meal "The Klean, Kool, Kitchen Kind on the market twenty-three years and at the head the entire time. Quality and merit keeps them there, nothing else. I have been distributing them for thirteen years and have the first unsatisfactory Stove yet tc^ be reported out of an average annual sale of 25 Stoves. You run no risk in purchasing a QUick Meal Stove. We assume the risk and ' agree to keep your stove in perfect working order for the first-year: Call and see our line. It's to your advantage. We repair any and all kinds of Stoves and guarantee the work Respectfully Yours, West Side Hardware. f fct ** Time for good work f 4b repairing up to date at prices that will please yolfc | HERBES £' P H I L I P J A E G E R COHMISSION MERCHANT "I 5F ' !^-3&PEX3IAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE SALE OF I Dressed Beef, nutton, Hogs, Veal, Poultry, | \ tfidea, Etc., Butter and Egjgj^ ,! § This is the oldest house on the street. Tags and price tob fflniished oir • application. ^ -j, • ^ COLD STORAtiE FREE » J § 5,5 <j| . CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. | N. H. PETESCH DRUGGIST. ICE CREAM W-* AN¥ QtMNTITY. N E I G H B O R I N G N E W S Chronicled by our Able Corps of Correspondents „ kino WOOD. The Plaindealer will be^ aent to any address oc trial three month* for twetti, SVG cents, aud wiii be discontinued at the expiration of time unless other wise ordered. Try it. Chicag»*isitoi- KMKSAtDPARK. ^ Miss Loda Ay 1 ward spent Snnda .with home folks. „ H. Bacon of Chicago^visited friend s here over Sunday. ' '. ••_ Rev.< P. M. Q Neil *oaritl«4 ott friend Here last Thursday. Geo. Frisby of Elgin spent Sundav with his mother here, * v"Misses Margaret md Eleanor Keily of Chicago are visiting at R. .T. Sutton's, John Powers drove from Elgin Tnes day and spent a day at R. J. Sutton's. Tbos. F. Walsh returned from a few Weeks' visit in S. Dakota last Monday, J. A. Farrell and Ed. Walsh of Chica go spent Saturday, and Sunday at P. Walsh's. . Misses Nellie Frishy^and Margaret Sutton called «ii 5»rt%yflle friendslast Thursday. Mrs; fcicL KnoxaM Mrs. R. J. Sutton attended the midsummer fair; at Lake th# former^ parentsat Greenwood S^sh- ! G?heva li»st Friday. • Kathryn;Walsh went toChicago Wednesday, where she will visit rela tives for a, few days. ' , Messrs. W. K. Bnrp^ & 4 Cohan Threshing has begun. Walter Bradley was a recently. ^ -~ - Mr. and Mrs. M. Spaulding were Chi cago visitors recently Frank Fay of Ridgefield visited his mother, Mrs. Spaulding, Saturday. ' Miss Laliah Holmes of Chicago is vis iting her cousin, Mrs. James Ladd. Miss Myrtle Stevens returned Satur day from a t$o weeks' visit at Elgin. ; Mr. »nd Mrs. Ed. Savler of McHetiry were recent callers at Roy Harrison's. Mrs. halderman and son of Richmond visited at S. Kelly's one day lai(t week. Clarence Tuttle and Glynn Francisco spent Monday aad Tuesday at Marengo. Mr, and Mrs. B. McCannon visited day. Misses Emma Watson and Laura Dodge called at Richmond Friday after noon. ~ • Miss Birdie Small entertained Miss Ethgl Owen of McHenry part of last week. Misses Freddie Ladd and Agnes Big* low were McHenry shoppers last. Wed nesday. ' Mrs. Howard and MiRS Mildred Water man were McHenry callers Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Fay- started Tues day morning for their home at Grand ville. 111. Mesdajmes Dates, James Gonway and daughter, Flossie, were McHenry callers Saturday aftermwn. Mrs. H. O. Small returned Friday evening from a week's visit with rela tives at Lake Geneya. August Walters and Miss Mattie T)welly of Woodstock drove through oar village Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Chas. Tuttle ̂ returned Tuesday from a week's visit with relatives and friends at her old home, Marengo. Mesdames Grace McCannon, Laura Stephenson, Miss Myrtle Stevens were McHenry callers Monday evening. James Ladd returned last Thursday from his trip to S. Dakota He speaks very well of that country and sayB< th& land is better than he expected. The Woman's Christian Temperance Union will meet with Mrs. Christina Smith Saturday afternoon! July 30. Mothers' meeting. T'»pic: "Help for Mothers," Mrs. Laura Waterman, lead er. All onr mothers are invite^ to at tend. y • • HOIXONHVILLK. : • •' • I V 'i .• . • Misses Laura and Cora Mason are vis i ting at T. L-Flander's. Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Peck of Waucon- da spent Tuesday evening at Mrs. B. F. Peck's. Clyde Wingate and' Frank McMillan spent Sunday evening with the "latter's brother. ' Mrs. P. Flanders and. Mrs. Mary Mason called at G. Whiston's Sunday afternoon. Mrs Cadawalder and Mrs, Dufield of Ridgefield called on Mrs. A. P. Peck one day last week. Dave Rowson and Mrs. F. Dayoll vis- iied the latter's brother near Wanconda one day last week. ; Mr. and Mrs, Ben Peck, Mrs. A. P. Peck and son, Pearlie, visited ^relatives near Waueonda Sunday. Read The Plaindealer "want" ads. and D. W. Hill of Chicago W«re at their cottages here over Sunday. A load of yrtnug people fj&tn : this vi cinity attended the church social at Waueonda Saturday evening. Miss Mary Sutton and friend, Miss Maern Provost visited at t'he foriuers home over Saturday and Sunday. George Armstrong and friend, John Elischer of Chicago, are speuding a week s vacation at Paul Armstrong's cottage. Messrs. Panl aud John Armstrong re- turueil to the city Monday after a few daj% outing. Mesdauies Margaret Knox of Elgin, NjUtry Kearns of Chicago and F. J. Ward of 3|cHenry visited «t R. J. Sut ton's Wednesday. . 1 Miss Lillian aud William M. Burns returned to Chiciigo Sunday evening after spending two weeks" .vacation at their cottage here. Mrs. Kate Felzer and children re turned to Indianapolis Thursday after speuding several weeks with Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Walmsley. , Mr. and . Mite. F. P. Flannery and daught«i-, Eleanor, and Miss Cathr.vn E. Jancy of Chicago are guests of J. B. Heaney and family at Riviera cottage. Mi SSPS Margaret and Eleanor Kelley, Maem Provost, Mary and Margaret Suttdn and Nellie Rilej of Elgin speut a pleasant day at Lake Geneva last Sunday. Mr. Griffin and son, Gerald, of Whea- ton spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Armstrong. His daughter Gerald- ine returned with them after a several weeks' outing here. MAliUIACJK WCKNSES. J*l Luthef E. Allen Woodstock Cora Bessie Murphy..:,. -- . .Woodstock Alfred W. Simons, 31....... -- Marengo Ida E. Wieske, 19. ..Marengo Charles Keadel, 27 Woodstock Lizzie Vogt, 21 Woodstock Jay Hawver, 28..... Blaine, 111. Mabel A. Tucker, 18. . ....Harvard A Country of Ltnfnlit*. Almost every native of Iceland, even the peasants and fishermen, can speak at least one foreign language besides his local Danish dialeet. Some years ago it became a fad to study languages, and now a person speaking only one tongue Is looked- down upon as ex tremely Ignorant. English leads; then come German and French. Papers in these three languages are read exten sively In Iceland and may be found In all the village reading rooms. for AMATEUR at The f amous Poco, American JR. C A M E R A $1.60 With Double Plate Holder and -- American Cameras. G e n u i n e l y g o o d i n , every detail. Film or Plates as you choose. Absolutely new models. "SajStf: ?which cannot -Wf* t- ^ Our facilities enable us to furnish cameras of the highest grade at prices be met. Send for lftui^r^ed catalogue telling a 11 about our 27 styles and sires. Free. & In Your Hands the horses never can be under perfect control unless hitched by strong, well-made Harness. This kind we jean and do seU at moderate prices. The stock used in making our goods is of excellent quality and the work manship is of superior order. A full line of JLap Dust ers in Mamie, Linen, Whipcord4 and Green Cloth, plain an^;embroideredf from - -- 30c to $3.00. QUS. CARLSON, . McHENRY, ILL. ' ' 1 ^ ** ;ijf ' : 4x5 POCO AMERICAN CAMEKA MFG. CO. . 946 St. PL:u 1 St., Rochiester, N. Y. • v"- SOLON ' fPeoj^le of Solon and vicipity desiring to subscribe fof The Plaindealer may leave their order with Miss Allie Turn er. The subscription price is $1.50, a year or 75 i>ents for six nlonths. Ed. | Chet and Chas. Osborne have gone north to seek lan^.. . .. John^Murray \»»8 the g^est of hiA brother, Wm. j Davis la^t Friday. Miss Hattie West-lake has, returned from a visit with friends at Darieh, Wis. *;> -- v" ;v; Henry Hornby of Egan, t)akota, wis visiting relatives and friends in this vi cinity: ( ..* " ! Mr. Dalton1 is/having a" neat home built. Messrs. Dennis &"MUlis are doing the work. Robert Hesselgrave's brother-fn-law from South Dakota is visiting relatives and friends. Mrs. Berry .and children of Chicago are visiting Mrs. W. Davis and Mrs. Fred Thome. Mrs. E. T. Monear has retnrned from Waiikegan, where she was called on account of sickness. Mrs. Geo. CoitUss aud Miss Floy Hal-, derman have gone to St. Louis to spend a week at the world's fair. EM. Robbins came to this village Tuesday in an automobile, leaving it in exchange for Frank Westerniftn's horse and buggy. Mrs. E S. Johonnott has gone to Chi cago to meet her daughter, Mrs. Ruth Dilly, who is coming from Kansas to locate here. Geo. Vogel is shipping' a, lajjge num ber of carloads of cattle fro^v this place. Miss Helen Root isjrisititig her many friends here. , Mrs. J. Andvotia, who lias been help ing to take care of her uncle, James Overton, returned with her'children to their b^e$i EandaU, Wis., H«it Fri day.- ' "• '" ; •./ 5 Frankie Schessel, a Iwiy of twelve years who reside# on the Overton farm, fell from a load of hay and his body was pierced with the tines of a tork in three places. Dr. Dawson of McHenry was called and at this Vrritlttg he hi Improv ing nicely. RARRKVIIXE. Ed. Sayler was calling on friends here last week. - Mrs. Hunter called *t the farm one (lay last week. Thos. Thompson was in Nanda on business Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs D MagoOn were Sunday visitors at M. Henise's. Mrs. E. F. Matthews called on Mrs. H. J. Wilmington redfeiltly. Dr. Hull of Nunda made a professional call in this vicinity Saturday, Miss Bertha Wingate spent Thursday afternoon with Miss Edna Colby. Thomas Thompson spent Sunday with his sister, Mrs. Libbie Simpson,.at Ring wood. ."J Mjsb Liesie Gormer of McHenry spent n cwiple of days the past week with Miss Ada Merchant. Mesdames J. Hunter and J. B. Wheel er of McHenry were calling on friends here Friday afternopn. Ray Merchant spent Saturday night and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Whiting at 'Ringwoodr™^ " Miss Clara . Thompson l^ft Saturday moaning for a- couple of weeks' visit with friends in Chicago.' Mr. and Mrs F. L. Flanders and chil dren of Terra Cotta spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Colby. Misses Margaret Sfttrim and Nellie Frisby of Emerald Park cillJed on Miss Clara Thompson Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mr».-Ed. Hartw/ll of Green* wood. Mr. and Mrs. Mertitt Cmik»hank of Solon were visitors at I. Merchant's Sunday"." A ' ~ Mrs. Pettibone and daughter, Flor ence, Returned to Chicago Sunday after noon, after spending the week with her parents here. VOLO. Mtss'Amanda Haughtts'quite poorly again. _ W. Moore of SC* Louis is visiting his parents here, ' " ' --:1 Miss Laura Kaniberling of Chicago -is visiting Miss Helen Raymond. t, Mr. and Mrs. Will Dillon entertained friends from Chicago last week. Miss Susie Kretchmere of Gray slake visited relatives the latter part of the week. - t Mr. and Mrs. John Wilson and grand son. Paul, visited at C. G. Huson's Sat urday. ^ " ° ^ / Mrs. M. Torrance and son, George, of Woodstock visited relatives here Satur day and Sunday. Mrs. J. Austin aud son. Delbert, of Downer's Grove .were guests at John Walton's Sunday. , , air. and Mrs. Amos Oomptotr, dangh t;^r, Ruth, and Miss Anna Compton of Elgin are spending the week with rela tives here. •: / ' The bazaar which was held last Wed nesday aftern<M>n aid evening WSR quite largely attended. The Ladies' Aid so ciety cleartd |55.(H). _ . > ^ary had a little lad ^ ;• •. ;ty fr". ff": Whose face was fair to.iiiii; Because each night he bad! a drink Of Rocky Mountain Tea. G. W. ... - , -•" •. ... • JOHN8BURGH. The Plaindealer will t»e sent to any address on trial three months for twenty- fivecents, and will be discontinued'at the expiration of that time hnless other wise ordered. Try it. Jos. Huemann was a Chicago passen ger-Wednesday. • 1 - • " Miss Rose Freund dfed Mohjiay mom- ing after only a few dfiys' illness.. > Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Nell and children visited at Jos. Freund'a Wednesday . Misses Lulu and Katie Freund re turned to their home in Chicago Mon day. Mrs. Shram and -Mrs. Mertee of Chi cago visited alt the houie of John Mertes recently. ^ r Quite .% large crowd attended the dance at Stephen Schmitt's Tuesday evening. ^rs. Peter Freund entertained the following at a quilting party Monday afternoon: Mesdames Joe Huemann, John Mertes, Joe Michels, Martin Freund, John P. Lay, John F. Schmitt and Jacob Freund. J f Curious FacJ In Nntarnl Hlatory. An incident which will be interest ing to naturalists Is told in a recent number of the Scotsman. One of the foresters in the employ of the Marquis of Lothian was returning from his work when he noticed a wild duck fly ing from a larch tree. On close exami nation he observed a cOni moil brown owl looking down from what appeared to be a nest In the cleft of the tree about thirty feet from the ground and apparently near the place from which the duck had flown. Curiosity prompt ed him to climb to the place, which he did with great difficulty#^ The owl on his approach flew off, and to his sur prise he founds in the nest two eggs-- an owl's and a wild duck's. It is not uncommon for both owls and ducks to build their nests high up on trees, but it is unheard of for one nest to he ap- propriated by both birds. LOOKING AHEAD < • • *' 4 • Perrons In sh® Early Stage* of KM* ---'M'; . atey Diseases Should Waste - ' Tlm<s In Making their 'Kidney* Right "• v <km!i stop that pah» ta r some of these days yea are ezis^molf Y lisble to hare Bright*! Disease or soma ; v other form of kidney trouble. Yon arti sl> Just as much in danger if yon have dry* ^ •asss of the skin, headaches, resti--»nw% " unusual appetite snd great thirels er ftf you notice a sediment or cloudlnesi In thai urine or other urinary irregularities. . FOLEY'S EJSNXT CUKM mskei the kk|F neys right, snd whenever there are any , indications that these organs are ia tha least way disturbed, It should be takes promptly and regularly until all qnnp» - • ' • toma of kidney trouble have disappeared. This preparation is composed of the be#* 1 known remedies employed by kidney : \ specialists, and it cannot help but enra " "' every form of kidney trouble if takejjt early. Thousands have testified te thll " fact In even the most hopeless oases $ will always afford relief. • Dr. Geo. Ewing, of Smith's Grove, Ky^ ^ writes: "For years I have been greatly bothered with kidney and bladder trouble ' ' - and enlarged prostate gland. 1 use4 " > everything known to the profession with-1 out relief, until I was Induced to ns« ' f i FOLEY'S KIDSBT OOKB. After taking three bottles I was entirely relieved and > cured. I prescribe it now daily in my . , .S -practice and heartily recommend its use /' to all physicians for such troubles, for I can honestly state I have prescribed it It hundreds of cases with perfect sucoe--j* G. W. BESLEY. West McHenry. V r - • I ^ \ . f ; Ms 'M A Clever Minister. "To the town of Norrldgewock, In Maine,1' said a clergyman, " a strange minister once came to preach. He preached duly, and after the, sermon was over he mingled with the congre gation, expecting tlifft some one would Invite him to dinner. One by one, how ever, the congregation departed, offer ing the hungry minister no hospitality, and he began to feel aifxious. Where was he to eat? As the last deacon was leaving the church the minister rushed up to him -and shook him warmly by the hand. " 'I want you to conie home and dine with me,' the minister said. " 'Why, where do you live? said the deacon. '"About thirty tiijllps from here.' "The deacon reddened, 'Oh, you come and dine with me instead,' he said." blend * A Gjrpur Prophecy*. An English magazine relates a curl- bus instance of gypsy prophecy. The third Earl of Malrnesbury, as Lord Fitzharris, was riding to a yeomanry review near Christchurch, when his or derly, some distance in front, ordered .« K.vpsy woman to open h gate. The gypsy woman quietly waited till Lord Fitzharris and his staff rode up. when she addressed them, s:».vlug, "Oh, you think you are a lot of Hue fellows UOAV, but I can tell you that one day your bones will Whiten in that field." Lord Fitzharris laughed'- and asked her whether she thought they were going to have a battle, adding It was not very likely Izl that case they would choose such a spot. More than forty years later the field was turned into a ceme tery. Don't forget the "want ad"QolumnI Golden *... *aad.... FANCY PEABERRY at ffer 20C. Chicago & North-Westera; Effective Juno I,.1004. WKKK UAT THAJK8. Leave Chicago. 8.<u a rn rt.4.) u m„. l-.dO p m. J.4;> p tn •1.20 p ni.. 5.01 p m H.00 am., 9.10 am., 2.02'p m.. [.cave Sic Henry, •7.1" ;i m... '7-30 it m. S.32 a m.;V, .1.24 p m..v .17 p m;,% NORTHBOUND . Via Eluin •Via I)es l'l;iim» Via Elgin ... .. Via Des IMuinSS*.... Via Des Piuines.. . Via Des Plaines.... SUNDAY THAI >T8, ... Via De.s PlaintS8»,T.. , ..Via Des PlaitH®..... U... ViaEl«in........ ^IfKEK DAY TRAIH8.. ' ; SOUTHBOUND. .....Via l)es Plainest . Via Elgin. .....Via Des PI nines.... i . i... Via Elgin.. . Via Des IMainps..... •i Arrive McHenry 10.10 u 111 10.10 a m 2.4i» p n 1.45 p in d.00 p in . 0.40 p rn .. 9.37 a n ..11.14 a m 4.53 p ni A rrl re Chicago. .. K.:i) a in ..10.10 a m ii, ..,7.00 pm .. 7.55 p ui SUNDAY TRAINS. ,... Via Elgin.Tmi-...• 10 05a tn Via Des Plaine®....'.... -S.25 p m Via Elgin,. Wp «' 7.30 a m._. 7.08 p m 7.51 p . Via Elgin,........ • 'Saturdays Only, +M»ndays only. BO YEARS' EXPERIENCE pies free. We say, and you will agree with us after u^ing, ythat it Can noi be equaled for drink ing- qualities in McHenry Call and get Sarnie. I Gilbert i Bros. m* --i. i TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS AC. , <<ketch and description tuav hi- .ipmum frc><3 wbetlit*i «u patentable. C'otumunica- ti'otis atrictiy conttden'tUl- HANDBOOK on Patent* sent free. Oldest airei.cv for sfcunnfLpatenta. Patents taken tbniUKb Aluun A Co rpeelal ti.rfi«'f, without ciiiirte. m the Anyone *endlti« i fnventTiitf lis prohal.iy V'fiteiitahle.^ ro. recelTe - Scientific flmcrkan. A ha;»dsome|T Dhistrsted weekly. otr-^illation of any soientldo lournal. Tonus, a . four mom hit, |1. Sola by all newsdefcler*. _]0,361Bmdw.,.HjjlAT York TELEPHONE NO. 371 R. H. OWEN . ' • Piaaas tor sale and rent. T\iuint and tc&sSfr* IDK at reasonable prtew. r" FtrstolassWarkotily. • .wepppr,. IUJW>t» • M iiil