Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 4 Aug 1904, p. 5

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(SUMHER MEAT i is enough without suffering with heat from a wood or coal stove. Every well reflated household shiinld be supplied With a reliable j GASOLINE STOVE ! " { We have them in all sizes and^t all prices. Cairand inspect thfeta. • ••> • " . - : -• h. V ' 'vv-"« •• Everything lit' Summer Hardware.. ~':'r __i «~©SriUN BROS., flcHENRY, ILL. ^ General Hardware, --Dry Goods,- Shoes --Notions. TIN WORK OF ALL KINDS AT CLOSE PRICES V NEIGHBORING NEWS Chronicled by our Able Corps of Correspondents $ 8-t FRUITS and VEGETABLES "f-.'viiaC.f The rqost complete line lii towjte Everything Fresh, Nothing Stale. t "K *i\ ' 11' jH Telephone No. jto». ft Olve «« a Trial. ' J O H N - S T O F F E L ... Clearing Sale I To clear our tables for a big fall stock, we have put our entire j i Summer Stock of Oxfords, Shirt \Vaists, Muslin antjl Gauze 1 | Underwear, Dress Goods, Etc.) on our Bargain Counter and it | f-.wi.rt be sold f$ COST. If yoti are loofcing^lor ^argams, bei-e j | they are: " ^ j •18^c V« ilea, at per yard.-.'....... .18Jc 17c Voiles, at per yard. *.s.... .12$e 15c Voiles, at per yard...... lO^c 13c Piques, at per yard......... .9e ir>c Dimities, at per i ard lO^c 7c Calicoes, at per yard,,,. .... 5c Ladies' |1 00 Shirt Waist«fi.lil. -ifto OXFORDS^s Ladies' $2.50 Vici. . . . .|1.49 Ladies' $1.75 Vici. . . .. ..... $1.29 Ladies' $1 25 Vici. .79c Children's $1 .00 pat leather sandals sizes 7 to 12 79c Children's $1 25 pat leather sandals sizes 12 to'2.^,^... 99c Large assortment of men's 50c uegli gee and working Shirts 89c Ladies' 5tkj Shirt Waists at 18c i ^ Highest market price always paid for eggs. Broken lines of tine Suits, odd Coats and Vests will be sold 50 cents on the dollar. Here is a chance for yoUf to get a good suit for less than actual cost. Sale begins August 4 Attdl ends August 13. Come early and get first choice. !1 Frank Schumstcher, ? Spring Grove, Illinois, KINGWOOD. The Plaindealer will be sent to any address on trial three months for twen- ty-five cents, and will be ^discontinued at the expiration of time unless other­ wise ordered. Try it; . Mrs. French of McHenry called on on friends Monday. ' ' ^ v -.- Mr. and Mrs. Adams of Greenwood, were callers here Saturday; Georee Ooates "has purchased the Frank Miller house and lot. Mr. Murphy of Woodstock, i business caller tyere Monday. _ ' ^ Mrs. Frank Peet and daughter were callers at L. Peet's Saturday. Miss Katie Lawrence of Chicago, is visiting relatives in this yifeinity. • ' Miss Mae Cristy of Waupaca, Wis., is visiting relatives and friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Buthford are entertain­ ing their son and family from Kansas. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Foss and Mis^gs Einuua and Dora Coates were recent vis­ itors at Lincoln park. Mr, and Mrs. Will Whiting and fami ly of McHenry, were recent visitors at Howard Waterman's. Miss Agnes Dodge returned from a three weeks' visit at Waupaca, Wis., with Miss Mae Cristy. Rev. Wm. Nickle of Chicago, spent the latter part of last week visiting rel­ atives and friends here. i, Mr. Clyde Harrison and daughter, Rose, of Oak Park spent Saturday and Sunday with relatives here. Mr. Floyd Carr and Miss Blanchq Peaat of Greenwood, were recent "visit­ ors at Mrs. Libbie Simpson's. Chas. Bacon has bought of Jas. Green the home place. The exchange will take place the first of next March. Mesdauies Laura Waterman, Lue Francisco and Nellie Dodge were Mc­ Henry callers the latter part of fast week. „ Misses Edith Tntfcle and Melissa Ra con left Saturday for a two weeks' visit with friends at Elgin, Marengo and Coral. - , • L^wis McCannon of Greenwood was over Monday and set out a strawberry bed for Will McCannon. Now we ex­ pect Will to furnish .the market with berries next year. The Ladies' Aid Society will hold an evening social at the home of,Mrs. Wm. Coates, Thursdayr AiVgOst IT Icecream a nd cake will be served. A program is buiug prepared, i* good attendance is desired. The Sidewalk""Improvement Society will give an ice cream social, with mus­ ical program, at M. W. A. hall, Satur- ^y evening, Augugt 6. Your presence is earnestly desired, to help in the com­ pletion of this work. It is an established f&c.t that a GASOLINE fcJTuVE in any kitchen is a blessing these warm days. Now to be doubly blessed you should purchase a Stove with a reputation for cleanliness, durability, simplicity of operation and a good looker. ThtTfsr The Quick Meal "The Klean, Kool, kitchen Kind" on tHe niitrket twenty-lhw® years at the head th© entire time. Quality and merit keeps them there, nothing else. X have been distributing them for thirteen years and l^ave the first unsatisfactory Stove yet to be reported out of an average annual sale of 25 Stoves. You run no risk in. purchasing a Quick Meal Stove. We assume the risk and agree to keep your stove in perfect working order for the first year. Call and see our line, It's to your advantage. We repair any and ail kinds of Stoves and guarantee the work •;r.f: Eespectfully Yours, Hardware. West Side m m m m m m m s I # m i. m s HERBES, - - PLUMBING. | Time for good work We do repairing up to date at prices that will please. jo«u Ring P H I L I P J A E G E R v GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT - SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVKN TO THR 8ALR OF \ ' " " ' * ' 1 . - --v - " - • . ^ J _ fltry, „ pressed Beef, nutton, Hogs, Veal* Ptti : flidea, Etc., Butter and Eggs . . j < This is the oldest house on the street. Ta^s and price M&ts fnrnished' on application^ GOLD STORAGE FREE Stall i & 3. Wholesale Market. H. A--"- DRUOOIST. ICE CREAM IN ANY QUANTITY. Foley's. Kidney Care Will cure Bright's Disease. Will cure Diabetes. ' Will cure Stone in Bladder. Will cure Kidney and Bladder Diseases. Foley's Kidney Cure will cure all dis­ eases arising from disordered kidneys or bladder. Sold by G. W. Besley, W. McHenry. • . BARUEVILLK. Thomas Thompson was at Greenwood Sunday. Work was begun on the drainage ditch last week. . Joe McCannon called on his sister Sun­ day evening. Thomas Thompson took in the excur­ sion to Clinton, Iowa, Thursday. Miss Sadie Marble of Greenwood is, spending the week with I. Merchant. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Merchant and little granddangter of Woodstock spent Wednesday at Irvin Merch .nt s. SOLON {People of Solon and vicinity desiring to subscribe for The Plaindealer may leave their order with Miss Allie, Turn­ er. Tin* Hnh«criptian price is $1.50 ft year or 75 cents for six months. Ed.l Mrs, Will Hodge is on the sick list. The thistle commissioner is on the warpath. J. Smith and family were on'-'ocr streets Sunday. M. Cruikshank entertained 'a little girl friend all last week. - Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cirns entertained S lady friend last week. Mrs. pdwin Brown has gone to camp meeting for a couple of weeks. 3 * Master Willie Kelley of Chicago Was A recent gnest of Will Cornish. , ^ Mrs. Sykes of Chicago vhas come to stay with Mrs. Jas. Overton, Sr. Wm, Overton is entertaining quite a number of friends from Chicago. Mrs. Fred Thorne is entertaining her consius, Fretl and John Lenz of Chicago. Misses Lora *nd Maggie Lichty were callers at Mrs. C. L. Ttfrner's Sunday. Mrs. Ed. Coulman of Wilmot called on her many friends here last Saturday. Arthur Merrill is giviug his house a coat of paint. Willis Gardner is the .artist. - " «, * Mr. and Mrs. Will Hodge had for company Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Gorsoe of Antioch. E. T. Monear and wife entertained T. H. Fellows of Genoa Junction and other friends Sunday. Mr, Carpenter's son is here on a visit from Roundout where he has a position as telegraph operator. We are not entertaining FresSi Air fitoildreii, as was expected, but this town is full of visitors. Will Dilly and wife have moved here from Kansas. Mr. Dilly is a son-in- law of E S. Johonnott. Miss Bird Hodge attended a musieale at Lake Geneva, whicn w»m a gr»»at pleasure to her, as welt as benefit. Chas. Wesimont. three of his chil­ dren and » number of others from here attended Barnura's show at Elgin. E. S. Johonott entertained all his sons and daughters, with the exception of Ben and wife, who could not be present. Will Campb^Jl has gone out ne;.tr Woodstock to run a threshing machine engine -the kind of work he is* well' ac­ quainted with. ijnlcli Keller for ANIIIIIVM Sufferer*. • Foley's Honey and Tar afford^ iuirac- diate relief to asthma sufferers in the '.vorst stages and if taken in time will effect a cure. Sold by Q. I?. Beslejr» West McHenry. ' "C ' VOLO. ---Jake Sexton is visiting relatives in Elgin. ^ Miss Cecilia Rbsing was in Chicago Monday. „ The foundation is being laid for the XJathofic parsonage. Mrs. L. M. Huson and Miss Elsie Smith are visiting relatives in Mendota Mrs. Amos Compton and daughter, Ruth returned to their home in Elgin Monday after a seveifal weeks' visit here. N. Frost, wife and little son, returned to their home in Kenosha, Wis., Satur day. Miss Katie Frost accompanied them and will visit them for a few weeks. C. G. Huson and family entertained C. Munsell and "family of West Hart- fort, Vt , and cousin, Warren Allen of San Jose, Cal.. a few days last week. Mrs. C. G. Huson and son, Lee, ac eoinpanied them to Chicago Monday morning. In Your Hands the horses never can be under perfect control unless hitched by strong; well-made Harness. This kind we can and do sell at moderate prices. The stock used in making our goods is of.excellent quality and the work­ manship is of superior order. A full line of Lap fibst­ ers in Mamie, Linen, Whipoord and Green Cloth, plain and embroidered, from . ^ * ' 30c -to $3.00. 7 QUS. CARLSON, - ; McHRNRY, ILL. ?•>,. % 2< ,4f:~ •W":" A * * mm Photography AMATEUR at Half its Former American JR. C A M E R A $1.60 With Double Plate Holder The famous Poco, BucK-Eye a n d * • ' : American Cameras. G e n u i n e l y g o o d i n every detail. Film or Plates as you choose. Absolutely new models. Our facilities enable us to furnish cameras of the highest grade at prices which cannot be met. "Send for Illustrated c a t a l o g u e t e l l i n g a l l about our 27 styles and sizes. Fret^ - 4x5 POCO AMERICAN CAMEKA MFG. CO. 946 St. Paul St., Rochester, N. Y. • SI'RINti GROVE. . [People of Spring Grove and vicinity desiring to subscril)« for The Plaindealr er may leave their order and money with Raymond Moss, our correspond­ ent. 'The subscription price is $1.50 a year or 7§ cents for Six months. EDtj [Too late for July 28.] Gus Reipke is on the sick list, ' Mrs. Bremken la entertaining lela-: tiveB. • ... / Miss Alice Chnrchill is visiting at Z^nda. v" • ^. • .. " - .. Helen Moss spent Saturday at Fox Lake With relatives. Robt Spears is doing finely since the removal of his limb. The "Fox river bridge is finished and about half the grading done. Emma Gotbed of Elgin spent Sunday and Monday with friends here. Miss Eleanor Wheeler of Richmond is at Jessie Richardson's at present. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Oxtoby are staying with Jas. Oxtoby at present Dr. W ells of McHenry was in town Saturday and assisted Dr. Bremken in an operation. Mrs. Lizzie Heathcote of Elgin and Mrs. Libbie Bell of Ringwood were call­ ers here Wednesday. Silas Pierce is remodeling his house thoroughly, papering and oiling the in­ terior and shingling the outside. A letter received from Frank Colity from Madelia, Minn., states wheat ready to harvest there and crops looking well. Jas. Dennison of Chicago, Mrs. B. Gptbed of Elgin, Miss Kittie Dennison, Alice and Oakley Heathcote and Rnssel Faihwrhan of Elgin have spent the last week at the Nippersink Hotel. Mrs. James Oxtoby 'has gone to Iowa to attend the funeral of a oonsin, Miss Bessie Hai aess, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. <}eo. Harness, who died sud­ denly white, on a visit to her sister in Colorada. AUGUST 4. Dr. Bremken is entertaining his moth- er. Ora Leaman spent Monday at Wm. James'. Mrs. Mary Cary is entertaining friends. Robt. Spears i« not1 quite as well at .present. ~~ "' '• Glenn Esh is now helping in the. fac­ tory here. Ada and Ina James were Chicago vis­ itors Sunday. , •' Mr. and Mrs. Seiim Pierfeeentertained friends Sunday. Bernard Bell has been quite sick, but is now on the gain. Miss Maggie Lichty of Elgin is visit­ ing her parents here. Amy Blfrchardson is ill. Dr. Foster Qt of'Richmond is in attendance. v The concrete workers arrived Monday morning and sidewalks are being laid. Miss Alice Churchill returned Monday night after a three weeks' visit at Zen- da. ' Miss Gracie Harrison of Ringwood spent several days recently With Miss Gracie Hopper. Andrew Neish has sold his residence to Frank Schumacher and will give possession September 1. Jas. Bell and Andrew Rauen will run the Pierce threshing outfit this year. Jas. Pierce and Michael Rauen complete their force. A business deal is being talked of Jiy which .Mr. Weber will become sole owner of the Karls & Weber stock of merchandise. , JOHN8BURGM. The Plaindealer will be sent to any address on trial three months for twenty- five cents, and will be discontinued at the expiration of that time unless other­ wise ordered. Try it. Nick Huemann was a caller, here Sun­ day.' • T . Two sisters of Dr. Nye are visiting h e r e . • • . • - . - • Henry Heimer spent a lew days with George arid John Nell. Miss Rosa Lay was a business caller in Chicago Wednesday. Mr and Mrs. John Nye visited with Dr. $ye a short time. John Schaefer was a business trans­ actor in Chicago Wednesday. Mrs. Jos. Huemann and children visit­ ed at Jac. Huemann's Thursday. Miss Carrie Neisen of McHenry visited Delia Neisen a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Jos W; Freund and family visited at Martin W. Freund's Sunday. Mrs. N. J. Nye and Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Bugner, who wer^attending a broth­ er's funeral, came home Saturday. A number of friends of Miss Susie Michels very pleasantly surprised her last Tuesday evening, the event being in honor of her ninth birthday, 411 re­ port a very enjoyable eWhingy ^ < Sunday Schuol Picnic. The M. E. Sunday school will hold if annual picnic at McCollunTs lake next Weduesday, Aug. 10. Everyone is cor­ dially invited to attend. Conveyance* will start from the M. E. .church and the East side postoffice at 10 o'clock The ten-days'old son of Mr. and Mrt». Wm. Fisher died yesterday afternoon. The funeral will take place hroni St. Mary's church Friday. „ • •'"/ " X: EMKHALD PARK. Harry Bacon of Chicago visited friends here over Sunday. • ' Richard Aylward was. a Bingwood caller Sunday evening. , : "Chas. Phalin of McHehr^ was a caller in this vicinity Tuesday evening. B. J. Frisby went to Chicago Tuesday where he Will spend a few weeks. MiSs Maem Ayiward of Elgin spent last Saturday and Sunday at her^home here. Albert Walsh of Wanconda visited friends in this vicinity Sunday after­ noon. Thos. Kane and Miss Mae Noonan of Ringwood called on the Aliases Aylward Sunday. Mrs. M. M. McLeod of Chicago is spending a few weeks at D. W. Hill's cottage. Mrs. R. J. Sutton and Mrs. John Powers spent Wednesday visiting Mc­ Henry friends. Misses An.Ha Frisby and Margaret Sutton visited Miss Mary Gibbs at Bar- reville Wednesday. Miss Lola Aylward of Elgin spent a few days vacation with home folks here the first of the week. Misses Lizzie Turner. Mary and Alice Knox of McHenry called at R. J. Sut­ ton's Wednesday evening. Mr. ahd Mrs. J. B. Heaney went to Chicago Tuesday where they will spend a few weeks with relatives. Misses Mary Gibbs, Auna Frisby, Lola and Margaret Aylward visited ft iss Mae Welsh at Griswoid Lake Tuesday. Mrs. John Walsh and children of Fox Lake visited the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Frisby, here Wednesday. Mrs. John Huck and children came out from Chicago Monday ai d will spend a few weeks at L. Huck'scottage Miss Florence Kiesgen and Li.uis Juneau of Chicago are guests of C. Bremer at Oak Villa cottage this week. Misses Eleanor and Margaret Kelly re­ turned to their home in Chicago, Mon­ day, after a few days' visit at &. J. Sut­ ton's. Miss Kathryn Knox returned home Saturday after spending six weeks at DeKalb, attending the summer school there. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. White and daughters, Gertrude and Rae, of Chica­ go are spending a few weeks at J, U Smith's. Messrs. John and Paul Armstrong, E. J Cohan, D. W. flill and W. K Burns of Chicago spent Sunday with their families here. John Armstrong drove out from Chi­ cago last Friday. He has purchased a swell new surry and fine driving horse for his family. Miss Emma Brooks of Chicago spentl a few days last week with her sister, Mrs. Ed. Kelter, at Lake Defiance^and at J, B. Frisby's. A load of young people from this vi­ cinity attended the leap year dance at Wanconda last Saturday evening. All report a fine time. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Armstrong returned to their home in Chicago last week, aft­ er a several weeks' sojourn at H. J. Armstrong's cottage. Mrs. Geo. Scrivner and children re­ turned to their home in Chicago Mon­ day after spending several weeks with Mr. and Mrs. L. Buck at their summer home. Miss Mary Courtney of Wauconda and Mrs. Jas. Powers of Elgin visited at R. J. Sutton's Friday. Mrs. Powers has spent the week with her brother and family and among old friends. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Block of Dundee are ^ visiting McHenry relatives this Mrs. Robert Howard and son, Lloyd, of Elgin are visiting at the home of C. C Colby. Fred McOmber of Sioux Falls, S. ,t>.. is visiting relatives and old friends Here this week. Mrs. M. Haldeman and Miss Sarah Haldeman of Richmond were visiting their sister, Mrs. Chandler T. Smith, yesterday. The Epworth league service next Sun­ day evening will be led by Miss Carrie Beckel. Topic: "God'e Guiding Hand in Our Lives." Everyone is cordially welcome. Service at 7 o'clock. ' GUILTY OF GROSS ̂ EGUGENCE :jV DID NOT HEED WARNINGS * ^ _ This It the verdict that tlsouli tm dered la so many cases of &mih from kick" "7 ney diseases. A slight dl«ord«rf wWc*';, , could have been easily cured, Is negle&eit ' v and terminates In Brightfs IMeeaee aft? Diabetes. Most of these victims could kin bee# •aved by taking VoutY'A KIDBSY Com% is it positively will cure any ease «f kidP ney or bladder disease If taken la fen# but It cannot make new kidneys for ywS So don't risk life and health by delay bq| take FOLEY'S KIDNXT CCKB at once* Diseased kidney! injure- all of the «i| gans as they then fall to eliminate polsooir from the blood which accounts far ttut many different symptoms of this FOLEY'S KIDNET CU&JI MNKFF the neyts right and the attendant Ills disappear. Watch your kidneys, as you may hi drifting toward's Bright's Disease; an<£ remember, that the work of destraetioft goes on constantly, and If you have rM»,' sons to believe your kidneys or bladdot are affected, you should take FOUT^I KIDNET CURK at once and remove aS; possibility of fatal results. SETMOTJR WEBB, of Molra, N.Y, writeit MI had been troubled with my kldneyp for twenty-five years and had tried seve# al physicians but received no relief untfl, -» I bought a bottle of FOLEY'S KIDHK*:-: CURE. After using two bottles I wet ^ absolutely cured. learnestly recommenA FOLEY'S KIDNKY Cuaa." - - G. W. BESLEY, West McHenry* ve you tried tb^t special blend of Golden Rio . .;. . &fid... . * r F A N C Y P f i A B E f t f t Y r per Chicago & North-Western. Leave - OiiiuHKO. 9 . 0 T > a m . . 8.4.i a ni,w, 12.cK» p m. . 3.4.i p m»..i *1.20 p lO., , 5.01 p EU.... 8.00 a m«... 9.10 a 2.02 p m.... Effective June 1, 1904. W«X DAT TRAINS. NORTHBOCNO Via Elgin.. Arrive McHenry ..........10.10 a m .,..VIa Des IMaines*.....10.10 a m , -- Via Elgin 2.45 p n( .Via Des PI allies 4.45 p in .Via Des Plalnes.. 3.00 p in Via Des Plaiues..... ..0.40 pui 8UNDAY THAI218. .Via Des Plaiues..""....... 9.37 a in ..-Via Des Plainer 11.14 a in ,.t --Via Elgin, i TTWBKK DAY TRAMS' SOUTHBOUND. ' Leave : McHentjf* +7.12 a r«. Via Des Plaiues... 7.3Uam,.,,,i.,.. .Via Elgin. a nu........ Via Des Plaiues.. 5.24 p ci........ Via Elgin.;;..., 6.17 pa;.'.t;^UYla Des Piaineft... "" " SUNDAY THAISS. 7.30 a ... Via Elgin 7.08 p m-f .t,... via Des Plain«M,.. 7.51 p m.1.': Via Elgin •Saturdays only. +M<)tidttysonly. 4.53 p in Arrive Chicago .,.. ,K.a.> a in ... .10.10 a m .. .9.35 am 7.00 p m • v. 7.55 p m i at Gilbert Bros. Sam­ ples free. We say, and you will, agree with us after using, that it can not be Equaled for drink­ ing qualities in McHenry Call and get Sample. 10, BO YEARS' EXPERIENCE PATENTS i DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS AC. sent free. oWal for Pitesti taken tbronkK Hunn s Co, r«c«l**L» tpecial notice, without charge, in the v Scientific American. A handsomeiy HluMrmte.1 weeklr. culatlou of aivv geieatitlc ^uUrual. year; f uur ha, $1, So.*i by all r mm TELEPHONE NO. 371 ifc H. OWEPf 361 Broadway, r 8U W) Termt, t3 % , :v"; " - V' • .. ./w .1^ Plaoaslbr sale aud rvut. Tuniu* aad't^atr*,^/ ' - - h»g at «fas<»nabK» prices. ^ -•..•.--First class Work only. 4 s ibusNitri, '• - • • * .-A-"

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