Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 11 Aug 1904, p. 5

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UuMriBH KtiAf VP . . 0 is enough without suffering with heat from a wood or coal store. ~i v Every well regulated household should be supplied with a reliable •GASOLINE STOVE --fit rtf;?*; We have them in all sizes and at all prices. Cafl and inspect them. Everything in Summer Hardware j , OSriUN BROS., HcHENRY, IISU Qeneivl Hardware,- Dry Goods,-- Shoes---^--Nottoiis. TIN WORK or ALL KINDS AT CLOSE PPJCCS I < f r»; . n FRUITS and VEGETABLES .w »"* *"* t; >:W^7' ' V - town. 7v E l O H B O m N G N E W S Chronicled by o\ir Able Corps of Correspondents 5;: J '. r-' Everything Fresh, Nothing <Sttal£, WSW- V iia Telephone N0.301. j/j tiive us • Trial. \k' ' -y-^M I 11 W • >mi^ I I 4iohn stoffel. 1 Clearing Sale1 To clear our tables for a big fall stock, we have put our entire Summer Stock of Oxfords, Sliirt Waists, Muslin and Gau/.o Under.wear, Dress Goods, Etc., on our Bargain Counter and it will be sold at COST- H you are looking for bargains, here they are: • • •' .. . , •' •18Jc VcileS, at per yard..v ...l&tc 17c Voiles, at per yard....... .12ic 15c Voiles, at per yard . 10|c 15c Piqaes, at per yftrd. --9G 15c Dimities, at per yard. lOJc 7c Calicoes, at per yard........ 5c Ladies' $1.00 Shirt Waist* at.... .49c Ladies' |2.50 VIA............ $1.49 Ladies' f 1 75 Viol ......fl.39 Ladies' $1.25 Vici .79c Children's $100 pat leather sandals sizes 7 to 12 .79ci; Children's $1.25 pat leather sandals - sizes 12 to'2. .... 99c! Large assortment of men's 50c negli­ gee and'working Shirts..... .89c Ladies' 50c Shirt Waists at. , . . .19c Highest market price always paid for eggs. Broken lines of ftne Suits, odd Coats and Vests wiil be sold 50 cents on the dollar. Here is a chance for you to"get a good suit for less than actual cost. Sale begins August 4 arid- ends August 13. Come early and get first choice. Frank Spring Grove, Illinois. It is an established fact that a GASOLINE STOVE in any kitchen is a blessing these warm days. Now to be doubly blessed you,should purchase a Stove with a reputation for cleanliness, durability, simplicity of operation and a^OOd looker. That's > The Quick Meal "The Klean, Kool, kitchen Kind" on the market twenty-three years and at the head the entire time. Quality and merit keeps them there, nothing else. I have been distributing them for thirteen years an# have the first unsatisfactory Stove yet to be reported out of an average annual sale of 25 Stores- You run no risk in purchasing a Quick Meal Stove. We assume the risk and agree to keep your stove in perfect working order for tlie^ first year. Call and see our lirite; It's to your, advantage.7 We repair any and all kinds of Stoves and guarantee the work / Respectfully Yours, I E.:JL. McOmber, West Side Hardware. J * s s * i I 1 * t * Time for good work | We do repairing up Jp date at prices that will please you. Ring 523. - § HERBES, - - PLUMBINGS. P H I L I P J A E G E R GENERAL COriMlSSlON MERCHANT , . . ^SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE SALE OF Dressed Beef, riutton, Hogs. Veal, Poultry, - Hides, Etc., Butter and Eggs This Is the oldest hoiug cm the street Tags and price Uaftt A|niUMl,li application. x^-3! COLD STORAGE FREE CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. m&fk i) Stall I & 3, Fulton Si Wholesale Market. T-- RINGV(KU). . The Plaindealer will be address on trial three months for tweri ty-D»e vciUo, auu **iU discontinued at the expiration of time nnless Other­ wise order i. Try it. Miss Zilla Stevens is visiting friends here. • ' '• - • . Tom Walsh of McHenry called here "Monday. / T V . . . •, Win, Coa tes was a Woodstock caller last wepk. '*? August Walters of'Woodstock' called here Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Lough ridge called hero one day last week. Abe Lawrence was a business caller at Spring Grove Tuesday. Mesdames Pint, M i 1 ler and To&yon were Volo visitors Thursday. •, George Steveris of Elgin is up looking after his farming interests here. Mrs. Nancy Coates entertained her son. Frank, and family \>t Solon Monday. Master Gordon Larson of Richmond is visiting his aunt, Mrs. Myrtle Shales. Misses Lora Dodge and Leone Kelley were McHenry callers last Wednesday. Miss Emma Matthews spent part of last week with her sister, Mrs. McCan- non; Miss lUllian Drake of Chicago has been the guest of Miss Birdie Small the past week. . Mrs. Joe May and children visited Mat May and family at Spring GrOve last Thursday. _ Mr. and Mrs. Jan. Conway and little Flossie spent Sunday with the former's nn'the! at Elgin. Misses Anna and Mildred Waterman and Mae Oristy were McHenry callers Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wilcox of ROck- ford, [11., spent Sunday with Bdrt Mc- Cannon and family. The social given in the M. W. A. hall was well attended, and the neat sain of $81.60. was taken in. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Thompson and daughter. Ella, of Greenwood were call­ ers here Wednesday. Mrs. Luella Stevenson and children returned last Wednesday from a two weeks' visit with friends at Elgin. Mesdames Simpson; Buckland and Grace McCannon spent Tuesday after­ noon with Mrs. F. W. Miller at McHen­ ry. Jay Bennett and family returned Tuesday from a three weeds' visit with relative* in Chicago, low* and Wiscon- s i n . " ; The brakeman who was reported dead in last week'8 issue is still alive, but is not doing as well as his friends would wish. Miss Ella Spaulding of Waupaca, Wis., and cousin, Miss Blanche Spauld­ ing, of Mont pelier, Vt., were the guests >f M. V. Spaulding one day last week. . The Ladies' Church Aid Society will Hold an evening social at Mrs. Wm. Coates' Thursday, August 11, ,Ice cream and cake will be served. All are cordially invited. The new cement sidewalk being laid by Abe Lawrence is almost completed and the society which has it in charge has every reason to be proud of the fine work being done by Mr. Lawrence. The yeomen's Christian Union will hold its annual meeting at Mrs. Abhie Martin's, Saturday, August 1§, at 2:30 o'clock. Election of officers, report of treasurer and superintendent Five o'clock tea will be served. A good at­ tendance iidiesired. ;v" I EMERALD PARK. sent to any! Mrs. II. Jjending went to Chicago Wednesday. RichH rrtliivetirt »«<} mother «pent Sn»- Mrs. Larry Buck is* in the city £pj";i few weeks' visit. day at Algonqnin.^ Lew Bending of Chicago spent with his foiks here. E. X Cobau spent Sunday and Mon­ day with his family. -J D. W. Hill of Chicago spent Sunday with his wife and daughters. Mrs.. John Gibbs of Barreville spent Tu« sday with Mrs. J. B, Frisby., Miss Katie Wsish ha«f returned from her visit with relatives in Chicagp. Walter Haney of Chicago spent Sun­ day with his friefld,,Wro« Heaney. John fCelter of Chicago spent Sunday with his brother at Auburn Park Bernie .1, Frisby is spending a* cojiple of weeks with friends in Chicago. F. Kiesgen returned home Sunday after spending a week at "Oak Villa. " ; E. J. and J. A. Farrell of Chicago vis­ ited relatives and friends here oyer Siin- day.' . • -"';i & , >. .}-• \ Misses Annie,Lillian and Etnily Cohan are enjoying a mointh's vacation at the park. 4 . Miss Nellie Frisby, Mrs P. Reger and Mrs. F. Pront were callers at Fox Lake last Thursday. W. K. Bnrns, son, Wm., daughter, Lillian.n&f Chicago spent Stand ay at their cottage here. Mr. and Mrs. Brooks.retnmed to Chi­ cago Monday after enjoying a month's outing at Lake Defiance. Misses Anna Cahill and KathJ"eeti Holcouih of Chicago are visiting Miss Mae Welch at, Griswold Lake: Miss Nellie Frisby left Tuesday for Belvidere where she will visit her sister, Mrs. A. Hitchcox, for a few weeks. i , • * Mr. and Mrs. Felmeton are entertain- Mrs. Keller and grand children, Mr. and Mrs. Peterson of Chicago this week. Mrs. Ed. Bremer and son, Earl, Mrs. J. A. Stark and Miss Juneau of Chicago are visitiug at C. Bremer's this week. Miss Margaret SuttoA left Sunday evening for a trip to St. Louis. She was aceompauied as far as Elgin by Mrs. John Powers, who has been visit­ ing relatives in this vicinity for the past two weeks. You need clean, healthy bowels just as much as pure, wholesome food; with­ out either yoii cannot keep well. Hol- listet's Rocky Mountain Tea eliminates all impurities. Tea or tablets. 35 cents. V,;G. W. Besley. v Foriitnr M« Hei»ry«lrl WM)«, At the home of the bride at .808 N. Rockwell St., in Chicago, on Wednes­ day, July 27, at eight o'clock, occurred the marriage of Miss Gertrude Beruer to Mr. Horace Passmore, The bride, who has mauy friends in McHenry, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Julius Berner, and formerly resided here, mov­ ing to the city with her parents abont two years ago. Her many friends join with the Plaindealer in extending con­ gratulations. 'Tis said a bottle and a glass Will make a person mellow; But Rocky Mountain Tea's the drink. That livens up, a fellow. f G. W. Besley. In Your Hands the horses never can be under perfect control unless hitched by strong, well-made Harness. This kind we cait and do sell at moderate prices. The stock used in making our goods if? of excellent quality and the T^ork manship is of superior order. full line of Lap Dust' ers in Mamie, Linen, Whipcord and Green Cloth, plain an# from' 30c CARLSON, ; • \ 00. McHENRY, ILL. 5',; is McHenry vs. Woodstock Reds at ball park next Saturday aftt noon. pwiiwm n-w»»r HB8B DUIIIT MT KOUND L.MKE. , A dance will be held at Amann's hall at Round Lake, 111., on the evening of August 17 for the benefit of the parson­ ageof St. Peter s church of Volo. Chris Hapke's orchestra will furnish the music and a good time is assured. Dance tickets, 75 cents. SOLOS [People of Solon and vicinity desiring to subscribe for The Plaindealer may leave their order witl^ Miss Allie Turn­ er. The subscription price is f 1.50 a year or 75 cents for six months, Ed.] ? Mr. and Mrs. John Wilcox Were pleas­ ant callers Sunday. Mrs. Will Hodge entertained h«riiittter from Alitipcli receutly. ; ; Chas. Osborne has returned froim a month's visit up North. =1, Mrs. Fred Thome is entertaining three cousins of Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Hoppings of Chicagp are guests at Jas. Hodge's. Miss Mae Jeater of Libertyville is a guest of Miss Hatt\g Westlake. Mrs, Peggy Hodge and grand-daugh­ ter visited relatives here Tuesday. Mrs. Richard Overton was a visitor of her sons at English Prairie last week; Orin Stephens, son, and daughter's family visited at James Hodge's Tues­ day. ?, Mrs. Duck of Chicago came ont Sat­ urday for a vifit with 'Mrs. Win. Cor­ nish. Mr. and Mrs. Mittamore and children were visitors at E. T. .Monear's last week. • Miss Bird Hodge is enjoying a three weeks' vacation. She has a class of about 30 pupUg^n music here. A number of our town people were at the depot Sunday morning awaiting the arrival of the bod^ of Mrs. William Peadock. ^ Miss Hellen Spaulding of Maine spent three days with Her aunt, Mrs. Wm. Davis, the past week. Miss Spaulding was on her way to the St. Louis fair. • it Miss Iva Coates lias returned jfroni a two months' visit at Laker' Geneva. Grandma Sinith letnrned a two weeks' visit, with her danghter, Mrs. Frank Coates. Mesdames Geo. Coates, Geo. West- lake, Frank Coates, Will Campbell and Mrs. M. Smith of Lake Geneva, who is visiting her daughter, Mrs. F. Coates, attended the funeral of Mrs. Win. Pea­ cock at Richmond Monday Miss Lillie Stewart of Qhicago 4s Yis* iting at the Hunter cottage. # Mrs. P. Wilson of,Windsor, Mo., is visiting at the home of Prof. E. C- Fisher. - » Misses Millie Heman and Kate Ryan of Chicago and Mayme Muldoon of Robey, Ind., are the guests of Miss Maggie Walsh this week. M rs. M. A. Searles will open a line of fall millinery August 15: KU»UEF1KLII. - The Plaindealer will be sent to any address on trial three months for twen­ ty-five cents, and will be discontinued at the expirsttipn of tiuifj unless other- ' w i s e o r d e r e d . T r y i t . X - " ' f ' W. J Garrison was ia Woodstock Monday.,' '• , The W. C. T. U. meets with Mra. W II Shelt Tuesday I Myerett Terwinager^ Woodstock is visiting at Mrs! Pose's. ' Y Mi«s Emma Eichk off is spending a week,at Buffalo, N. Y. E. E. Ku lans and family spent Sat urday at Crystal Lake. . Orson Wood of Nunda is visiting friends here this week. HZ -r- Mra. H. Reed and daughter, Grace, were in Nunda Saturday. *, • Misses Lulu and Bessie Sti« •iSited relatives at Nunda Sunday. * D. - Dufield of Elgin visited his father, R. L. Dnfield Sunday. » Mrs. C. M. Kccler and son, Marvin, visited her mother at Nunda Saturday. Mrs. J. B. Lynch and daughter, Mad- aleqe, visited with friends Ht Chemung .Wednesday and. Thursday. Miss Lola Lynch and brother, Ray, returned Saturday'from a week's yisit with their sister at Richmond. Miss Mildred Morse of Virginia who has been vibiting relatives and friends for the past two weeks has gong to visit her mother at DesPlaines, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Dufield and Roy and Arthur Skinner attended the wed­ ding of Mr. Delmar Dn field and Miss Elsie Kiltz at Cary, Wednesday. Mrs. W. H. Monroe is visiting rela­ tives in Chicago. While there sh a niece were out walking and by carelessness were run into by an auto­ mobile, breaking a number of ribs for Mrs. Monroe. The niece escaped with but a few briuses. Read The Plaindealer "want" ads. DRINKING HARD WATER Photography for the AMATEUR at Half i t s Form er Cost mrr* American Jr. C A M E R A $1.60 With Double Plate Holder The famous Poco, Buck- and American Cameras. Genuinely good in every detail. Film or Plates as you choose. Absolutely new models. N. H. PETESCH Our facilities enable us to furnish cameras of the highest grade at prices which cannot, be met... Send for illustrated c a t a l o g u e t e l l i n g a l l about our 27 sj and size*. Free, DRUGGIST. 1CE CREAM1N ANY QUANTITY AMERICAN CAMERA MFG. CO. : 946 St. Paul St., Rochester, N. Y. Hair flaiainK. > Just wiien the mutilation of the dead by tearing the skin from the head be­ gan will never be known, for the origin is lost in the midst of ages, tli^ record extending buck beyond even the myth­ ical period of man's existence. In the book of Maccabees it is recoi'di'd that at the termination of one of the battles of which that bloody history is so full the victorious soldiers tore the skin from the heads of their vanquished foes. This would be evidence that the custom of scalp tuklug was one of the indulgences even of those people of whom we1l(rinerm«isai(f"tT»«r^ Be It as it may, it is an established fact that the custom is a universal one, so far as savage man is concerned. Whether ethnologists can build a the­ ory of a common origin of man from this or not, or whether this can lie taken as an evidence that the Indians are the descendants of the lost Israelite tribes because of their habit of securing mementos of hair from their fallen en­ emies, is something time alone will de­ velop. Be that as it may, it is a fact that all Indian tribes, to a.certain ex­ tent, scalp their enemies who have fall­ en in battle.--Loudon tilobe. The Head aad Feet. The connection between the head and feet is well known. A hot head is or­ dinarily relieved by a hot footbath. So. cold feet tend to cougest the brain and other internal organs. Sometimes cold feet are caused by tight lacing or tight fitting shoes. Rut it is as much a suicidal act to hasten death by com­ pressing the lungs or the feet as by compressing the neck with a rfflpe,.' TO AVOID Persons who drink hard liable to have grave! or the kidneys or bladder and excruciating agony. As nearly a?! owflU nary drinking water contains lime kl some form and la consequently what l> termed "hard," the danger to persons vitii weak kidneys, !s readily realized. Keep the kidneys right and they wift completely strain out all the mineral mat I ter from the water which passes throng* them. The best way to do this la la strengthen those organs by the use etf FOLEY'S KIDNEY CUIIB. It not only pre­ vents the formation of gravel and when already foamed and save the and expense of surgical operations. A. H. THURNESS, manager of Wll|> Creek Coal Co., of Buffalo, O., writes:*1 have been afflicted with kidney and blad­ der trouble for years, passing gravel «r stones with excruciating pains. Other medicines only gave relief. After taking FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE the result was sur» prising. • few doses started the brick . dust like fine stones, eta, and now I ha\xe no pain across my kidneys and I feel life* a new man. FOLEY'S KIDNEY CUBS HAT * done me f1000 worth of good." FOLEY'S KIDNEY Cim* Is aa honest preparation and if taken early can be rt» lied upon to cure every form of kidney at ' bladder trouble; It prevents the develop, of fatal diseases and will give - 1 Miss. Agnes Westley 816 Wells Street. Marinette.Wis. L 816 Wells Street, M A-RINETTE, WlB., Sept. 25,1968. T was all run down from nervous­ ness and overwork and had to resign my position and take a rest. I found that I was not gaining my strength and health as fast as I could wish, and as your Wine of Cardui was recommended as such a good medicine for the ills of our sex, I bought a bottle and began using it. I was satisfied with the results from the use of the firnt bottle, and took three more and tlmn found I was restored to good health and strength and able to take up my work with renewed vigor. I consider it a fine tonic and excellent for worn-out, nervous condition, and am plteased to endorse it. AGNES WESTLEY, * Sac'x, North Wiaconaln Holland Bootaty. Secure a $1.00 bottle of Wine of Cardui and a 25c. r package of Thedford's Black-Draught K>day. WINE OF CARDUI Chicago & North-Western. A Serloaii Decision. ' - fteetrtr (aged six, after remaining tn deep thought for quite two minutes, ad­ dressing her mother, who has been choosing frocks for her)-- Mummy, dear, before you buy the frocks, I've thought lt'f.11 over, artd I think I'd rath­ er be a boy.~London Tit-Iflts;^ : Cenaned to HLA ROOMBV^ . Benefactor - How is your husband now, my dear woman? Poor Woman-- I aui sorry to say. sir, he is confined to his room. Benefactor--Could I see him? Poor Woman--Possibly, sir, If you applied at the county jail. NOTHING BAT Praise. , "Mr. Riehley had nothing but praise for your work for him before the citi­ zens' committee," said the friend. "Yes," replied the lobbyist gloomily, '.'nothing but praise," --. Philadelphia Press. : 'M Perf^etlo*. , T * Hu^ntf-H'm--er-- what's Shat­ ter with this cake? ' Wife--There csn't be anything the matter. The cookery •book says it is the most delictus cake that can be made. "t ' " . I . ' J:: Effective Julie 1, 1004. WEEK DAY TRAINS. NORTHBOUND ; Leave Chicago. S.05 a UV, , S.<IT> a mi.. p iii|. f.45 p nr... *1.30 p ra.. 5.01 p m..... t iH r ' JSUNDAY TRAINS. K.00 a u,,^ Via IHss l'luiues..... 9.10am,,,.-. ,;Vla I)es IMalnes..:.. 8.02 p tt»«.*-- Via Elgin........ " *TKK DAY TRAINS. . SOUTH BOUND.. „i,Vla Des ri.i'mts..., ;... .Via' ...VIH IH>!> l'luiues.... Via Elgin tieave Mctleuqr. +7.12 i< ia;.., 7.;«i si nt.... •t.USa ia.... i.24 p H.17 p m.v.t Arrive McHenry .... Via Elgin..........10.10 u in MVIH I)es I'laines 10.10 a in Via Elgin.;... L VIa Des I'laities. . Via Dvs IMaiiies. {Via Des IMaineSi. J Via l>es IMaines. 7.65 p ni . . . SUNDAY TRAINS. + J.30a m».,. Via Elgin..........10.03a m t.OS p m ....>Vla lieis i'hiitn*........ S.Z5 p nj J">1 p ni.......... .Via Elgin .9.40pm •Saturdays +Mondays> only. CO YEARS' EXPERIENCE PATENTS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS AC. Anyone sending a sketch and^lescrtptlon mar is probably pAtentablt?. CouimunU's- !lon»»trictly oonflileiitlnl. HANDBOOK on Psteati sent free, oiliest iu't'i't v for aecuriuttpatent*. Patents taken tbrouvli Muisn A To. rocetva tptrinl notice, without clianje. su the Scientific Jliiierican. A handsome!* illustrated weekl*. I^arvest cir­ culation of anv soieut idc journal, lerms. to a, your: four mojiths. fl. Sold by all newsdealers. 0 361 Broadway, New j, K St., WajdUfigtM, D. BESLEY, Have yotr tried that Uiad .ol • ! T F ' - ^ 7 Golden mo FANCY PEABERRY at Gilbert Bros. Sam­ ples free. We say. and you ^iii agree with after tising, that it can not b? equaled for drink­ ing qualities in McHerir\ Call and sret Sa . .2.4) p tr: f . 4.45 p ni 4.00 p u .0.40 p ni 9.3. a ii .11.14 a p m Arri Chicago S.ii5 a in 19.IO a in UUU! .7.00 p ni TELEPHONE NO. 371 MWIHMiWWmi H. OWEN Ptaaos tor sale and rent. Tuniwf aad lug at peaMHtable prices, VUst class Work tmiy. * XJLU?i01» McHKNKY, •' - v •; *: ... rV. ^

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