Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 1 Sep 1904, p. 4

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ask. -FM. T\r" ir^w < M- *< « -W *«\ •varrv-v -MS, ' c affect paid a compliment fro the rv--**. World'* Fair Coach KXCU'HIOVIK w Cei 12 JT2 n the ranytKjW<uil:ai>vk i .m You know the medicine that makes pure, rich blood-- Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Your mother, grandmother, all your folks* used it= They trusted Sarsaparilla it, T&eir doctors trusted it. Your doctor trusts it. Then trust it yourself. There is health and strength in it. " I unffered terribly from fndlgMtion mnd linn blond. 1 foiiuii' no relief until I took Ayera rnxpnn" ia. Four bottles perma­ nently cured pie." MKS. F. K. HART, Mt. Kl*co, N. Y. 4. c. ATKR ro.. I.nwell. Mass. Rich Blood Ay* Th er's Pills are ey greatly aid gently the Sai laxative. Sarsaparilla. » Tfie Mclienry Pldindealer ^ , PCRLIStmi BVEBY THt'KSBAy BY . THE MCHENRY puibfAiK (OMPAilr. i>,Jw F. K. GRANGES. \V; A. CKISTY-, J. B. I'KHRY, s- , 'i ijr- StiO. • . Trtiiiii. $ • CHAS. D. SCHOONVAKMR, Editor. ^ Office ill Bank Bulldins. Telephone. No. 272. i/ ' TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: *V "'Ooeyear H-50 I' Six months, 75cts. Three months. 40cts. Thursday, September i, 1904. BKI'IBLICA.N TICRKT. For President - THEODORE ROOSEVELT For Vice President-- 0 CHARLES W. FAIRBANKS :-'ff ©dvernor-- CHARLES S. DEXEEN. |t •' lieutenant Governor-- LAWRENCE Y. SHEKMAK. Secretary of State-- JAMBS A. Rosa. <-- Auditor of Public Accounts-- " JAMES A. M'CULLOBOH. State Treasurer-- LKK SMALL. , Attorney General-- WILLI A* H. 9T#iJ». Uiilversity Trustees- CHARI.KS I. 7* CHARLKS DAVIDSON, W. L. ABBOTT. HART E. BCSEY. an, 11th TMst.rict si- HOWARD M. SKAPP. Member State Board of Equalization-- GEO. \V. ELDHUDOE. State Senator- AI.BERT N. TLFFANT. Representatives, Hth District-- EDWARD D. SHCRTLEF*, IK Votes, FRANK R. COVEY, 1V> Votes. Circuit Clerk -- THEODORE HAMER. . State's Attorney -- i LORENZO 1>. LOWELL, JR. Coroner--, JOSEPH P. MA ION. .BatTOWT- - • * C'HAHI.KH H; TRTON. AriHTOli'S MKKTING, Notice is hereby given that the board of auditors of the town of McHenry, county of McHenry, and state of Illinois, will meet on the 6th d%y of Semptem ber, 1904, ia the town clerk's office in West McHenry, 111., at two o'clock p. m., to audit any and all bills against said town and to transact snch business that may come before the meeting. Bills against the town of McHenry may be left with the supervisor or with w, v . the undersigned. . f; Dated at McHenry f this 17th day of V August, 1904. CHAS. B. HAKMSKN, . - Town Clerk. ' AU- A LOSS TO DEMOCRATS. M saw the danger in trusts and the neces­ sity for curbing them, but, tuilike his party convention, he did not see the necessity or desire for new legislation, holding that the common law is suf­ ficient when honest and courageous pub­ lic servants invoke it against trusts and monopolies.' Judge Parker in" his speech said: "The growth of monopoly, of which complaint is justly made, cannot be iaiu at the doors of the courts of this coun­ try. The decisions of the supreme court of the United States, the court of ap­ peals of this state, and the courts of last resort in many other states, warrant the assertion that the common law as developed affords a complete legal rem­ edy against monopolies." It would appear from this that the I democratic candidate is opposed uot only to new legislation against trusts and monopolies, but also to the auti ust legislation of the last fifteen years -the laws under which the Northern Securities merger, the beef trust and a great many other monopolies have been successfully prosecuted in the federal courts, and dissolved. • - " If the common law wis ft sufficient remedy against monopolies, why did not those great Democratic lawyers, Olney and Harmon, when acting as at­ torney general, invoke that law to carry out the demand of the Democratic party that trusts and monopolies should be abolished ? They failed to find either in the common law or the Sherman act sufficient remedy against monopoly, and President Cleveland in his last message said that the remedy must be left tj the states. If Judge Parker finds that the only new remedy needed is courageous officials, he pays an unconscious and de­ served compliment to the present Re­ publican administration which Las to successfully prosecuted the trusts. But it must have been a surprise to the members of the supreme court to be told by Judge Parker that their deci­ sions against trusts had been on the common law and not on the anti-trust laws enacted by a Republican congress. In his opinion on the Northern Securities case. Justice Harlan reviewed the long list of decisions made pnder the Sher­ man act, and held that congress had the constitutional power to enact such law. Judge Parker may be consistent in his attitude on the trust question, for it is a notorious fact that the Democrats in Congress opposed the enactment of the Sherman law, as they opposed every Other subsequent effort of congress to strengthen that law and make it effect­ ive to reach and regulate monopolies. If the Democratic party bad been in power, there would have been no Sher­ man anti-trust law, and it is extremely doubtful if the common law would have dissolved the Northern Securities com­ pany, the beef trust and other monop­ olies that have been curbed by the fed­ eral courts. SPRING OKOVK. I Tl- » , - • O- 2 *-• •* - desiring to subscribe for The Plain deaf­ er may leave their order and money with Raymond Moss, onr correspond­ ent. The subscription price is $1.50 a year or 7f» .cents for six months. ED. ] J as. WesUake is spending the'weekin Chicago. Clate Mullein is running m stand at the Lihertyville fair. Mrs. Lizzie Neish of Fox Lake spent Monday afternoon here. Vance Stine and lady friends took tbe fair at Woodstock Thursday. --* Ray and Helen Moss were Belvider© visitors the latter part of last weelt. Mrs. John Coates of Ringwood is vis iting her daughter, Mrs. Ed. Hopper. Ed. Robbinsand son, Chas., of Rich­ mond were callers here the first of the week. M rs. Sarah Wi lson and Mrs.. Ox toby attended the Soldiers '^reunion at Grays- lake last Friday. The next meeting of the Cole Ceine- tery Aid society Will tie held Saturday everting, Sept. 3, at Silas Pierce's. , Several from here attended the funer­ al of Mrs. John Merrill, whose death occurrfd'last Friday. The .greatest sympathy is felt fbr the surviving, ones in their great trouble. Additional l.ocal*. ' Mr. and Mrs. Peter Buhr and children are vislting at the home of Andrew Mil­ ler. . V . Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Mink of ISTunda. Mrs. Ida Tilt of Chicago and Miss Ogle of Sharon, Wis., were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. Merriman Sunday last. Mrs. Geo. E. Sisley and son, Ray­ mond, of Chicago were guests from Sat­ urday until Wednesday at the home of thef former's brother, C. D. fechoon- maker. Mrs. Stacia J£nox of Elgin, daughter of Miehael Doherty of this village, has gone to Chicago where she will keep house for her brother-in-law, Mr. Burke. Mrs. Burke died this spring leaving,two children. . All nclvertixojiifiits inwrtrd umier till* luait tt the following rait s: Five lluex or 86 cent* for Brut •iiMiunn; ir< pouts for eai-h xubMuquent insertion. Mori-limn ttv <'lliu-K. 6 rents a line lor ttrxt Insertion, Mini X rrntK a line for aililitlnnal inse rtions. Tjfvon BALK |3!W; priu'ticaU-y Jie'w. Ined Vlt our home. ul It may be exam- JOHN EVANSON. 51-tf OH RENT-Front store; city water. flat over E^aitsoti's Inquire at store. 51 tf TjH)R 8 A I-E--Our home on the Hti1, oii liberal ~" Joss £f A««DOM« «*1 tf vrrOUK HORSES FOR SALE -The under- * * signed has a few substantial work hord­ es for sale, weighing frt>m 1100 to 1400 pounds.' Will be sold cheap and on reasonable terms 34-tf * F. K. GRANGER. T OTH FOR SALE-IN KelUr s subdivision of bhick 13, fronting Germau Catholic churrli. huiulie at Bunk of Meilei.ry, or of John Hueniann, agents. ts-tf HA IJE--The late tu&ieof .1. W. Cristy, dtveased, consisting of about nine acres of .land and good, comfortable buildjnus in g<»od repair. I'rice, $4,000. Apply at the premises in Ringwood, 111., or correspond with 3-tf J. E. CRISTY. Waupaca, Wis, ESTATE--1 have several desirable pieces of property for sale in the village of McHenry and on the river, including resi­ dence property and choice lots. If you con­ template making a purchase give me a "all. 11 may lie to your advantage. Jos. HKIMER, 3-If Mellenry, 111. RE^ •CM>RSALE--At Fox Lake, lots in beautiful •T . nnrf.jt of S grove, north of St. Paul depot. forS200. Address Box'IW, Grayslake, III 5^ ft front 8-3tT TpOR SALE OR BENT-The John Freund farm in Johnsbtlrgh, 1H4 ;<cres. New buildings. Dwelling house in good condition, line barn, pig sty. chicken house, etc. Call on N. J. Justeu, McHenry,"or Nick L. Freund on the premises. tt-tf TPOR SALE--Twenty acre farm in the town of Burton. Good house and barn on premises. Apply to Mi*s, Martin Adams. 9-4t "C^OR Rent--A 200 acre farm, situated 2H mileseastof Mcllehry bridge on Fox Lake road. Al)out 50 acres wood. 50 acres plow. 60 acres timothy hay and the balance pasture land. Will rent for rush or on shares and fur­ nish cows if necessary. Terms reasonable. JOHN A. SMITH. 9-tf Very Sau An ad in The Plaindealer "want' umn wffl bring results. col- Low Kxcurnlon Rates to Frauciso and LOT A neclet, Via the North-Western Line, will be in effect: from all stations August 15 to September 10, inclusive, with favorable return limit, on account of K. T. Con­ clave and meeting of I. O. O. F. Sov­ ereign Grand Lodge at San Francisco. Special trains, personally conducted, leave Chicago August 18 and 25 on itin­ eraries that provide stop-overs and inter­ esting side trips. Two solid fast trains through to California daily. "The Over­ land Limited" (electric lighted thruout) less than three days en route. Another fast daily train is "The California Ex­ press" with drawing room and tourist sleeping cars. For itineraries and full information apply to agents Chicago & Northwestern Railway. Sept. 10. Robinson tubular furnace for sale at a low price. Having remodeled my house I have no further-use for the fur­ nace. Call and lake it' away bow. Dr. C. H. Fegers. 3-tf . Read The Plaindealer "want" ads. "CMJR SALE OB BENT--My residence prop- erty just .west of the railroad tracks, consisting of six and one-half acres of land, house, barn, buggy shed and chicken house. Terms reasonable. Inquire of CHRIS KYRISS, 10-tf West McHenry. 111. Job work of all kinds this office. neatly don^at R. H. OWEN v Pianos for sale and rent. Tuning and repalr- ing at reasonable prices. First class Work only. McHENRY, ILLINOIS 60 YEARS* EXPERIENCE ATENTS * All Ton » «A"dln TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS AC. a ftfcetch and description may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an Invention is probably patentable. Communica­ tions strictly confidential, HANDBOOK on Patents sent free. Oldest agency for securtngypatenta. Patents taken IUKIUKU Munn A Co. receive tpecUU notice, without charge, In the Scientific American. A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest, cir­ culation of any scientific journal. Terms, 93 a rear: four months, $1. Sold by all newsdealers. MLINN & Co,f »>»-->• New York Branch Office, 625 F 8t« Washington, D. C. rates to St. Louis will be in effeot on ten dates, Sept. 1. 4, 8, 8, 18, 15, 20, 22, 27 and 29, tor coach excursions to St. Louis via thejChicago & North-Western R'y. Only#7.75 round trip from. Mc­ Henry, 111., retnrn limit sevea (7) days. A great opportunity to visit the World's Fair at a minimum of expense. Other favorable round trip rates are in effect daily, with liberal return limits, stop­ over privileges, etc. Full information as to train schedules, checking of Bag­ gage and other matters of interest to the intending traveler oft application to Ticket Agents of the Chicago & North- Western R'y. This Bank receives! J1 deposits, buys and sells Foreign and Do­ mestic Exchange,^and does a ^ * Cured of Lame Hack after 16 Tmh of ".rj": Suflferliitf. "I had been troubled with lame back for fifteen ye&rs and I found a complete recovery in the use of ^Chamberlain's Pain Balm," says John G. Bisber, Gil- man, Ind. This liniment is also with­ out an equal for sprains and bruisea, It ̂ 1^ First Class Companies. at the Low- is for sale by all druggists. - Don't forget the "waited"colmrint Illinois (entMl RailroddCo. NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS • Public notice is hereby given that the regular annual meeting of the Stock­ holders of the Illinois Central Railroad Company will be held at the Company's office in Chicago, Illinois, on Weduei*- day, October 19, 1904, at twelve o'clock noon. To permit personal attendance at said meeting/there willl be issued to each holder of one or more shares of the cap­ ital stock of the Illinois Central Rail­ road company as registered on the books of the company at the close of business on Tuesday, September 27, 1904, WHO IS OF FULL, AGE, a ticket enabling him, or her, to travel free over the Comjpany 's lines from the station on the Illinois Central Railroad nearest to his or her registered address to Chicago and re­ turn, such ticket to be good for the jour­ ney to Chicago only during the four days immediately preceding and the day of the meeting, and for the return journey from Chicago only on the day of the meeting, and the four days immediately following, when properly countersigned and stamped during the business hours --that is to say between 9.00 a. m. and 5 00 p. m.--in the office of the Assistant Secretary, Mr. W. G. Bruen, in Chica­ go. Such ticket may be obtained by any holder of stock, registered as above, on application, in writing, to the Presi­ dent of the^Company in Chicago. Each application must state che FULL NAME and ADDRESS of the Stockholder exactly as given inxhis or her Certificate of Stock, together with the NUMBER AND DATE OF SUCH CERTIFICATE No more than one person will be carried free in re­ spect to any one holding of stock as reg­ istered on the books of the Company. A. G. HACKSTAFF, Secretary. Oct 19. tf NERAl BARKING BUSINESS, r We endeavor to do all busi­ ness entrusted to our care in a manned and upon terms entire­ ly satisfactory to our custom­ ers and respectfully s^^it th^ public patronage. . Honey to Loarf on real estate and otker first class se­ curity. Spec­ ial attention . 4* given to collections INSURANCE fo»t rates. Yours Respectfully k PERRY & OWEN, Notify Public. Hankers FRESH, SALT & SMOKED MEATS Vegetables and Frultf in Season. It is my intention to give all customers the best service pos­ sible. 1 pay spot cash f:>r hides, poultry and stock of all kinds, thus paying the lowest prices, and will sell on the same basis. We also, buy Hogs for Kerber Packing Co. of Elgin, paying^ highest market prices. Drop us a card when ready to sell. A. C. MATTHEWS, WEST M'HENRY, ILL. iiinnimiiiinnimn Professional, Society V* a-nd B\ismesss Cards DAVID G. WEL'LH, M. D. t>HX«^IANASURSEON AND -K3ULIH* + Office and residence Corner Elm Greea streets. McHenry. • FEGEBS& FEGERS' ^ 1 pHYSICIAN B AND STTRGKONS- acRsa^ - fiti. Oaice at Residence, corner Court ani - Elm streets. Telephone.:^. F. C. RO^S. I>. D. S. Office over Petesch's Drug Store. ; ALIL WORK PERTAINING TO MODERN DIHTIGTI^L Office Telephone 284; Residence g(K. - Nitrous Ox id Gas for Ext.ra^tintf " t' > Hours 7:30 a. m. to 5:311 p. mT-' 8DN0AT WORK APPOINTMEHT r DR. R. G. CHAMUERLIN $fflce (Ml ResldcAcs Over Bestey's Drag Stem,, ;; Hours: 8:oo to 5:30. , •!.V .. WBSTMCHbnht.IIL, ' - ARTHUR BREMKEN, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON ' ( t O e w t u c t o e r A r r t . ) " Spring Qrttve, „ mr Geo. "Meyer|i General Teaming of. all kind^. Excavating and Grading. flcHENRY - - - - - ILL.I1 DIS. reiephqne, Maiu 1714. ' . Rjjf- LAriBERT Q. SENQ BUFFET Headquarters for McHenry and McHenry county visitors. Frsnk Keppler, John Scharres, 93 Hfth Ave.. Chicago.;. ^ Attendant* tllinolB :U iS Telephone No. 293. SIMON STOFFE^ Insurance Agent for all classes of property in the best Companies. WestiffcHenry, llllnoia IILIHOIS (EBTRAl R. R. BEST OR TRAIN SERVICE. with Dining, Buffet-Library, Sleeping and Reclining CtialrOars on through trains direct to the ,, , r:. WORLD'S FAIR fast, daily, vestibule trains between '0 & R. Hearst Congressman-editor Wm. is manner. With faint praise he is ridi- culing the Democracy. Mr. Hearst is ^ booming Tom Watson, the Populist can- •j*:-,'\didate for president, strongly. Should it so happen that the Populists polled 80,000 to 50,000 votes in New York state Judge Parker's fat would all be in the fire. Indeed, the Populists are to be reckoned with in this fight, because their votes may give to the Republicans some of the close and doubtful states of the lyeet. While they polled but 50,000 votes in the United States in 1900, they expect to poll 500,000 next November ^ And nearly every vote will be a loss to ; the Democrats. vf. A?" Jt'BOK PARKER ON TRUSTS. Judge Parker is not so much of a trust-buster as the average Democratic orator, judging by his speech of accept­ ance, says the State Journal. The judge took an unusual and rather remarkable position on the trust question and in 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Having recently purchased a large amount of goods mentioned below, we are going to offer same sft a price that means an actual saving of Dollars to those wishing to take advantage of this sale. We will sell you for ONE) WEEK $5.00 worth of strictly fresh goods in assortment ias follows for $2.50. Every ARTICLE GUARANTEED to be high grade and first class in every par­ ticular or money refunded: & Soft and crooked bones mean bad feeding. Call the disease rickets if you want to. The growing child must eat the right food for growth. Bones must have bone food, blood, must have blood food and so on through the list. Scott's Emulsion is the right treatment for- soft bones in children. Littledoses every day give the stiffness and shape that healthy bones should have. Bow legs become straighten- loose joints grow stronger and firmnes^=xomes to the soft heads. v Wrong food caused the trouble. Right food wili cureit. In thousands of cases Scott's Ertiulsion has proven to be the right food for soft bones in childhood. Send for free s I SCOTT & BOWNE. Chemists. 408-41 ff""Pearl street. New York. IK. aad $i.oa: all dnjajrista. -Two one-pound packages fancy Seeded Raisins.....^ ••........ .$ Two pounds best M. & J. Coffe£ 25c......(. 1 gallon fancy Table Syrup.... ...... ........., One one-pound can Chapman's Baking Powder. One cartoon* 2400. Matches. 10 pounds fancy Japan Rice, worth 10c, -per pound ... .. ... ....... l0 pounds Bulk Starch, Pope^s best 3 packages Corn Starch v. .... . . . . 2 pounds our best Japan Tea or 4 pounds fancy Peaberry Coffee...... 12 Bars U. S/ Mail Sogip.. .V >,....HT7.. 3. pounds freih baked Ginger Snaps or 3 pounds oaa v^racKers.. 3 packages ready-to-eat Breakfast Foods, (any kind in store).... ,.... . R^alar price 16c per packAger. • .25 .50 -35 •25 •15 •75 • 5° 1.00 .50 •25 .25 All for $2.5o» Terms cash. Goods to be taken away. $5.00 W1 WHY PAY MORE FOR THE BRANB, vGet a hag, ft ban-el df ouf Coroiia you $1.25 and makes better bread than lot of the heavy advertised brands that you are buying for more money* > F atrvcy leaving Chicago morning, noon, evening and shortly before midnight. Ample through and local service to St. Louis on Its numerous lines and branches in Illinois and Wisconsin. Tickets account of the Fair at greatly REDUCED RATES On certain days in June --E~-.: Coach Excursions to St. Louis at rates less than one fare for-tlie round trip. Tickets and particulars as to specific rates, limits and train time of yOur home ticket Hgent. . Dec. 1. A. H. HANSON, G. P. A., Chicago. McHENRY BOUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY. OFFICE With American National Rank Woodstock. 111. Abstracts of title and con­ veyancing Money to loan on real estate sums of |500 to 410,000, time and payaieuttr suit oorrower. . • p \ .liWrV' FRANK BUHR PRACTICAL PAINTER AND PAPER HANGER \ > ~ Graining, Calcimining and all Interid* ' ^ Decorating. • i Telephone No. 254. MC HE N R Y , . . . mm C. FREII Wholesale and dealer In KILLTHI COUCH MO CURE THE LUNCS WTH Or. Kings New Dsscairery FOR £ CONSUMPTION 0UGHS and »0,1.0 s Price 50c & $1.00 Free Tria!. Surest and Quickest Cuio for all THIiOAT and LUNG TROUB­ LES, or MONEY BACK. iiii Market, rlutton Poultry S*" Give me a call Smoked Meats, McHenry - Illinois Jos. H. Huemann Johnsburgh, Illinois. "sells Corn Shellers and Tread Powers, Duplex Grinding Mili^,: Rock Island Plows, Wagoul^®;' Carriages, Buggies, Wind Mills, .Well Supplies, Harness Oil, Paint Oil and j1 Machine Oil a Specialty. fnoklio Lightning Rod I am agent for. the above. We "put the Rods on your Build­ ings and should they be struck by lightniug we pay damages If no more than f500; Call and get full particulars. tieneril Biicksmithing : Prices ilwiys Redsouble v.. Every Tongtife** Keiitticky?8 Aiost famous and best; the world's most famous sad (M*t| the whiskey that has girdled the globe. - > • \ '"i. SOLD BY LEADING DEALERS; \ ' See Harper Whiskey Exhibit in Agricultural Building, World's Fair, St. Louis your family

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