Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 1 Sep 1904, p. 5

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I AMHl'M ILON s 1 t I ... will soon be in great demand by fcportamen and hunters generally. ; Tbere are many brands of ami cartridges, bnt we handle the > mnitimi in ntialla nnnrHar alint s K ' \ - • BEST BRANDS ONLY including the famous Winchester articles. Ottjr prices are right t o o . . . . OSHUN BROS., rtcHENRY, ILL, General Hardware,-----Dry-Goods, SI TIN WOUK OF ALL KINDS AT CLOSE PRICES NEIGHBORING NEWS CKronicled by oyr Able Corps of Correspondents I FRUITS and VEGETABLES - *:& town. most complete Everything Nothing Fresh, JOHN STOFFEL ,if!t Tcicpiiorie No. 301. ^ us A Trial. •awtiiwM i »ii>Wiwihi«> • >H I • ll 11 Fall line of boys and. Tlfe best money can buy. Suits; just receiyedv for men, youths. Latest- styles, "new- weaves and pa-tteriiai; at prices to. suit your purse. Call and convince/^durself by Inspecting bur line. FaJMstyles in Men's Hats just arrived. Frank Sch\irr\ archer, Spring Grove, Illinois, s ; p ^ -* twtt-- •••••••• < BINGWOOD. ... The Plaindealer will be sent to any address on trial three month* for twen- i j-uVc Cciitflf niiu win be discontinued at the expiration of time unless other­ wise ordered. Try «u J. C. Ladd waa a McHenry caller S it n r d a y . * » * ' • . Mr. and Mrs. Warren Foes were Elgin visitors Sunday. Elmer Franeisco^sp^nt two days in Chicago last week. Thomas Thompson of Barreville spent Sunday with friends here. ASunday school picnic is being held at McCollmn's Lake today. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Whiting called at L. A. Waterman's Saturday. Master Carlton Fay of Harvard is vis­ iting his grandma, Mrs. Nancy Coate§. -• Mesdames Grace M6Cannon and Lnella Stephenson were McHenry shoppers Sat-, nrday. Thomas Newman, Jr., of Chicago is the guest of his unele. Ned Newman, this week. Miss Pearl Claxton of McHenry spent Saturday and Sunday with Miss Mildred Waterman. , * Mesdames Edith McOannon and W. A Dodge were McHenry callers Satur­ day afternoon. . . Mesdames Richardson and Loveina Thomas of , Ostend were callers here Monday afternoon. Miss Julia Hannahan returned Friday to her home in Chicago after an ex­ tended visit at the home of John Carey. The Woman's Christian Union will meet with Mrs. Wm. Beck Saturday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. A cordial in­ vitation is extended to all. The Ladies' Church Aid society will meet with Mrs. R. L. Peet Friday after­ noon, September 2?l A ten-cent tea will be Served. A cordial invitation is ex­ tended to geutlemen as well as ladies. • It is a little early to set up your heating stoves, but none to early to prepare them for the setting up. If you know your Stoves to be needing repairs send us word we will get what you require, do the V necessary work on the stove and have it ready for the first cold spell. Don't put it off until you are in need of the stove. Y^u have tried that before and know how it goes. If you fire in need of a new STOVE TALK! Stove x'emember that our store is the place fey you to gemk to make your purchase. WE HAVE ALL KINDS BUT THE POOR KIND West Side Hardware. and having bought them fight will sell them accor­ dingly. Now it is up, to you to save dollars on a STOVE D£AL. Time for good work ~ We do repairing up to'date at prices - ^jSat will please ybu. Ring 52Z herbes, - - plumbin4 i) § I ! P H I L I P J A E G E R ' GENERAL COflMISSION MERCHANT | yfiPF.CTAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE SALE OF | Dressed Beef, Hutton, Hogs, Veal, Poultry, }• '•} Hides, Etc., Butter and Eggs | . V V , ,:pr ! TMs is the oide#|.lM>aae on the street. Tags and price Hats fnrpirtwft ai | application. - ' * | COLD STORAGE FREE f y v. | SSSiSi^SErs\ CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. PETESCH DRUGGIST. I C E Q U A L I T Y . Bucklen's Arnica 5aive. Has world-wide fame for marvelous cures. It surpasses any other salve, l< - tipn, ointment or balm for Cuts, Corns, Horns, Boils, Soret>, Felons, Ulcers, Tet­ ter, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Chapped Hands, Skin Eruptions: infallible for Piles. Cnre guaranteed. Oulv 25c at Julia A. Story's^ ,N. H. Petesuh's. Mc­ Henry, 6k W. Besley's, W. McHenry, druggists. _____ HO LOONHV1LLK. J, H. ftracy passed thru our streets Tuesday. Miss Iva Hoffman* drove 'to Spring Grove Tuesday. ~ Mr. and Mrs. Cgrkill attended a fu­ neral at Cary Sunday. Boy an Rowson of Cary is visiting relatives here this week. Thomas Ames of Terra Cotta passed thru thit> vicinity Monday. A. Jones apd family of Wanconda were pleasant callers here Thursday. Mrs. W. Bonslett and daughter of McHenry were callers here Wednesday. Mrs. T. L. Flanders and children spent Friday afternoon at Terra Cotta. R. J. Wingate of Nunda was a busi­ ness caller in this neighborhood Tues­ day. Miney Peck and, Miss Edith Brand of Wanconda spent Sunday witfc relatives here. Mrs. F. M. Peck and daughter. Ruby, of Chicago spent Sunday at B. F. i 'eck's. The Misses Hanna Weidner and'Iva Hoffman called on May Welch at Grie wold Lake Monday. work, KMKKALD PARK. E. J. Cohan of Chicago called at his cottage Sunday. -- „ . Miss Mary Sutton of Chicago spent Sumlay with home folks. Messrs. W. K. and W. M. Barns Of Chicago were out over Sunday. R. J. Sutton visited relatives in Elgin a few days the first of this week. Mrs. Jas. Wall and Mrs. R. J. Sutton visited Mrs. J. B. Frisby last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Trotter of Chicago are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. Burns. Miss Lillian Burns of Chicago is en joying a week's vacation with her mother here. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Phalin and son of McHenry visited at R. J. Button's Sun­ day afternoon. , T Mr. and Mrs. Kelso of Chicago were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Walms- ley over Sunday. Mrs. H. Bending returned to' h*r home here Saturday, after1 a few- days spent in Chicago, Mrs. Gannon and daughters of Chica go are the guests of H. Felmeten and family this week, M essrs. R.ol>ert Sutton and Richard Aylwaril were Sp! in^ Grov^ and Ring wood c: 'lew Sunday.. * Misst. Alice and Margaret Sntton and Katbryn Walsh called on Barreville friends Monday afternoon. Mrs. Wm Van Natta and sons, Rob­ ert and Floyd Thompson, were callers at Geo. Walmsley's Tuesday. Bernard J. Frisby, who has been working in Chicago the past few weeks, spent Sunday with home folks. Miss Mary Peterson of Chicago visit­ ed her i t'other, George, at J. B, Frisby's a few days the first of the week. Missrf Kathryn Walsh and Margaret Sutton viuited Mrs. Ed. Whiting at Ringwo.;d Wednesday afternoon. John Armstrong closed his cottage Wednesday and rethrued with his fami­ ly to their houid in River Forest, over land. Mrs. ('has, Berkircher went to Chica­ go Tuesday witu her friend, Miss Em­ ma Weber, and will visit friends a few days. , - Miss Mat tie Hough and Thos. Bongh of Chicago and Miss Maggie Ward of McHenry visited Miss Margaret Ayl- ward Sunday.1 Mr. and Mrs. Paul Armstrong closed their cottage for thd season Tuesday and returned with their children to their home in Itiver Forest. Miss M. Man- seau returned with them. Mr. aud Mrs. Jas. B. Heanery and son, Wm., and Miss Anna Moore went to Chicago Thursday last, having closed their summer cottage for the season. H Bridle can't be made in this Store. In fact, kind are impossiole. Every article in hfarness aria Horse 'trips" of any this stock of Goods Leave your orders for dye Anything from a feather to an overcoat. < Opposite Riverside. 45-tf E. Lawlus. Westward the orb of glory takes its way, Wisconsin is the state, yon hear everybody say, ~ It's made itself famous by one great stride; Rocky Mountain Tea has made its name world wide. G. W. Besley. V> Cider Mill Ruiiniiiff. The cider mill, located on the Rich­ mond and Greenwood road, north of McHenry, will run on Wednesday and Saturday of each week. » 4t* T. W. WINKEL. Nellie Fuller, Denver--"My face was full of pimples and blackheads. Hollis- tef'a IU>cky Mouutalu Tea has diiveu them away. People hardly know uie. I'm looking fine." 8A cents. Tea or tablets. G. W. Besley. Try the "Want ad" column. Photography for the AMATEUR at Half its Former Cost American JR. C A M E R A $1.60 With Double Plate Holder The famous Poco, BucK-Eye and American Cameras. G e n u i n e l y g o o d i n every detail. Film or Plates as you choose. Absolutely new models. Our facilities enable us to furnish cameras of the highest grade at prices which cannot be met. Send for illustrated c a t a l o g u e t e l l i n g a l l about our 27 styles and sizes. Free, 4x5POCO AMERICAN CAMERA MFG. CO. 946 St. Paul St., Rochester, N. Y. iihbf the quality that precludes the possibility of mak­ ing an unsatisfactory purchase. Prices are adjusted with the utmost care; No one can complain that we do not give excellent value. GUS. CARLSON, ? McHENRY SOLOK. [People of Solon and vicinity desiring to subscribe for The Plaindealer may leave their order with Miss Allie Turn­ er. The subscription price is $1.50 a year or 75 cents for six months. Ed.] Clair Merrell attended the funeral of his aunt last Saturday, L ' , ' Mrs. Frank Coates'a< (sailer ih Spring Grove Monday, Ralph Kinread of Antioch is vfeiting his uncle, Wm. Cornish. Will Dilly was in the big pity a few days recently on business. Harry Osmond and children vier% over from Antioch Tuesday. A great many from this vicinity are Tit fending the Liltertyville fair this week. Everett Orvis and wife of Grayslake were visitors at Mrs. Frank Coates' Sun­ day. \ Dr. Bremken of Spring Grove is seen quite often in his automobile on our streets. Mrs. Richard Overton visited her son, Ervin, on English Prairie a couple of days recently. Mrs. Fred Thorne entertained J. Ber­ ry and niece, MIBS May Berry, of Chica­ go over Sunday. We are sorry to hear that Mrs. Will Hodge is very sick at Antiooh. We hope for the best. Mrs. Lou Nulk and Miss Harris of Spring Grove were Visitors at Mrs. R. L. Turner's Sunday. Mrs. Neel and Mrs. Hamilton of Rich­ mond were visiting with Mrs. Will Campbell a couple of days last week. Miss Ethel Alters and her visitors, the Misses Greggers, of Chicago were, entertained by Miss Iva Coates recently. Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Sniffin of Wilmot attended the fnneral of Mrs. John Mer­ rell. Mrs. Sniffin is a sister Of the de­ ceased. Mrs. W. D. Phillips and children of Chicago have returned to their home in the city after spending nearly a month at the home of H. J. Christian. Mr. and Mrs. Murvin Moody of Chi­ cago and owner of the Solon Mill prop­ erty were out here Friday and Saturday visiting relatives, who gladly welcomed them home again. Mrs. John Merrell died last Friday after an illness of three weeks, although she has not been in good health for near ly five years. Doctors aud friends did all that skill and loving care could do to prolong her life, but it was of no avail. She was a patient sufferer in her illness and will be missed in our community as a kind neighbor and friend in need. She leaves a husband, one daughter, Mrs. Bern Bell, and stepson, Arthur Merrell, who, if he had been her own sonf could not have cared more tenderly for her comfort. The funeral was held Saturday, Ang. 27. <!!!Kb N»ture, Medlcinfes that aid nature are always most effectual. Chamberlain's * Cough Remedy action this plan. It allays the cough, relieves the ^iDrtigs, aids expec toration, /Opens the secretions and aids nature in restoring the system to a healthy condition. It is famous for it* cures over a large part of the civilized world. Thousands haye testified to its superior excellence. It counteracts any tendency of a cold to result in pneu­ monia. For sale by all drnagists. KIIHiEl'IKLlJ. The Plaindealer will be sent to any address on trial three months for twen­ ty-five cents, and will be discontinued at the expiration of time, unless Other­ wise ordered. Try it. W. F. French was in Nunda Tuesday. Mrs. Weiland and children were" in Nunda Tuesday. Roy Skinnei was In Nunda on busi­ ness Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Westlake" spent Sunday at Lake Geneva. - Mrs. W. R. Sbelt was in Woodstock the latter part of the week. Ray Still of Beloit spent a few days with his parents and sisters recently. Geo. Furney of Chicago visited Sat­ urday and Sunday with his aunt, Miss Lizsie Furney. Mr. Hubbard of California visited his Wife's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Monroe, over Sunday. Mrs. French returned to her home in MoHenry Saturday after a short visit with her sons and daughter here. Miss H Thompson returned to her home in Chicago Sunday after a two weeks' visit with Miss I* Furney. S. R. Smith and family returned to Anstin Tuesday after an extended visit with Mrs. Smith's father, J. C. Button. Miss Minnie Moore, who has been spending a part of her summer vacation at the home of Miss L. J. Furney, re­ turned to her home in Chicago Wednes­ day. ' • If you are looking for a good^toiii- fortable home the sale of the late home of J. W. Cristy, deceased, will be of in­ terest to you. Apply at the premises in Ringwood, III., or write to J. E Cristy, Wanpaca, Wis. 8-tf Mary--Sponge the pi ingles with warm water. You need a blood tonic, would advise you to take Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. It drivee away all erup­ tions. Tea or'tablet form. Q. W. Bes­ ley. 1 BAKBEVIUE. Thos. Thompson was a Nunda caller Tuesday.- •: '. . ; * ' Mr Magoon called on his daughter, Mrs. Henise, Sunday. F. Davoll of HolconibvHle was a busi­ ness caller here Monday., ; Mr. aud Mrs. Will W innate were Sun­ day callers at C. W. Colby's. Miss Lizzie. Lenibke visited relatives in Chicago part of last week. Elmer Wilmington spent Sunday after­ noon with his parents at Nunda. Mr. .and Mrs. Mor't. . Ritt of Nunda wer« recent visitors at Win. Van Natta's Our school will Itegin Monday Sept. 5, with Miss Margaret Sntton as teacher. Bruce Starritt and Miss Clara Thomp­ son were Spring Grove callers Sunday. Miss Edna Colby returned home last week after a visit with friends in Chica­ go. • Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fleming of Fow­ ler, Ind., ca i led at J. Fleming's Satur­ day. Mrs. Elizabeth Hunter and daughter, Edna, of McHenry spent Monday at the farm. > Thos, Thompson spent Sunday with his sister, Mrs. Libbie Simpson, &t Ring- wood. L. McCannon and daughter, Irnirtj, of Greenwood spent Sunday »t I. N. Mer­ chant's. Mrs. Will Dodge and daughter, Lora, and son spent Sunday at 'L N. Mer­ chant's. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Van Natta ot Lake Zurich were callers at Thos. Thompson's Saturday afternoon. ^ Mrs. Wm. Van Natta and sone, Floyd and Robert, ol Lake Zurich were calling on relatives here Tuesday. Misses Alice and Margaret Sutton and Kathryn Walsh of Emerald Park were making numerous ealls in this...jfpjpity Monday afternoon. What is Life? ' 5 In the last analysis nobody knows, bnt we do know that it is under strict law. Abuse that law even slightly, |Niiu results. Irregular living means derange­ ment of the organs, resulting in Consti­ pation, Headache or Liver trouble. Dr. King's New Liie Pills quickly re-adjusts this. Only 25c at Julia A. Story's, N. H. Petesch's, McHenry, G.W. Besley's, W. McHenry, drug stores. JOHNSBL ROH. The Plaindealer will be sent to any address on trial three months for twenty- five cents, and will be discontinued at the expiration of that time unless other­ wise ordered. Try it. Geo. Nell drove to Spring Grove Wed­ nesday. Henry Althoff of Elgin is visiting here for a few weeks. Maggie and Ella Huemann visited Katie Pi tzen Tuesday. Mrs. Mat Nieseii of McHenry Visited at Jos. Huemann's Thursday. Mrs. John V. Freund of Spring Grove visited Mrs. M&rtin Freund Tuesday. Messrs. John Miller and Theo. Grot and families drove through here Wed­ nesday. ' The sisters of the Previous Blood convent of O'Fallon, Mo., have re turned. _ • Chailtberlaln'a Cough Remedy. This is atreinedy of great worth and merit. Try it wh@u you have a coijgh or cold and you are certain to be pleased with the quick relief which it affords, it is pleasant to take and can always be depended upon. For sale by all drug- gists. " SHOWN BY THE FACE Kidney Trouble* Often Easily Raoag' nixed by Peculiarities of the Countenance -I * A, Have yon ever noticed the fullness SOOM ', ^ persons hsve under the eyes? Such per* ions are suffering from kldn«y disease of" Some kind. In the early stages there ms*,f , , be no other symptoms and the victim may , | ^ have no thought that anything in Jtpmyt ^ J although, perhaps, not feeling as well at nsual. In the later stages of Md®©# ? '* " ^ troubles the face usually becomes ver#* " '.J pale, and friends usually remark te on# • ^ soother that something must be going v-; ' Wrong on account of "that deathly look.* ' /'J Besides paleness, kidney diseases usnali* ly cause an anxious expression of thseoon* tenance, brought about by restlessness ' and irritability; and there may be a dry*" '* . ^ nessof the skin that looks almost leath« • •. ery. Such persons have peculiarities ef ji v| the appetite and great thirst. Headach# ' and backache also give a worn out looli ; J '• Vl to sufferers from kidney troubles. Don't waste any time when there art " " indications that your kidneys sre not • ~ '* '.4 warking properly, make them right by " -1* 'ip using FOLEY'S KIDNET CCRK, It KA4 saved the lives of many thousands of per* ' v SODS. ^ *T>J< Mr. G. Ai 'SrfUMAHi a merchant af1 Tamplco, 111., writes: wFOLBT*S KIDITSV * ^ CURB is meeting with wonderful succesf here. It has cured some cases that phy. scians pronounced incurable. I, myself^ ^ ^ Aj am able to testify to its merits. My face .'- J to day is a living picture of health, and , FOLKY'S KIDNET CURB has made It 4 " ' || such," If taken early it will oure every " r form of kidney and bladder trouble and •'% S even hopeless cases are relieved by it" (' ; G. W. BESLEY. West McHenry. J ...^ to Southwest and California »33 Chicago to California, one way, daily, Sept. 15 to Oct, 15. Good in Touriat sleep­ ers, berth rate extra. Chicago to Oklahoma, Indian Ter. and ' v Texas; round-trip Au$. 23^ Sept, 13 and 27, first-clas s, three Weeks return limit. $ ̂ Chicago to Peco# k Valley of New Mexico. Same dates as the Oklahoma rate. For further information, ask J. 1*1. CON1NELL, Agmt A.T.SS. P. Ry„ Chicago Santa Fe Wine of Cardui Cured Her. 213 South Prior Street, ATLANTA, GA., March 21,1903. I suffered for four months with extreme nervousness and lassitu lt I had a sinking feeling in m stomach which no ihedicine seem.', to relieve, and losing my app- * :f I became weak and lost my f i i a i ity. In three weeks I lost foul* < i pounds of flesh and felt that I i , find speedy relief to regain m; health. Having heard Wiw Cardui praised by several of ray I friends, I sent for a bottle and was } certainly very pleased with the results . Within three days m y appetite returned and my stomach j troubled me no more. I could digest my food without difficulty and the nervousness gradually diminished. Nature performed her functions without difficulty and I am once more a happy and well woman. " OLIVE JOSEPH, - ftwi Atlanta Friday Night Cluh. Secure a Dollar Bottle of Wine of Cardui Today. Oct, 7, '01. vX ^ Chicago & North-Western. Leave 1'hlCaRO a m 0 p HI. I -Op «u. Effective .lune 1. 1904. W£KK DAY TKA1NS. BOKTHBOCSU Arrive IcHeury •. Via Eight 1®.10 a tu iVIa l>es I'lnines JD.10 a m Via E!ui»i p tn .Via l»es Puiiues 4.t,i p m ,. Viji Pes 1*1 aiues.. .... ItOO p ;n .01 p^rn y.Vli 1 Vs I'laiiJifS--..S,40p m SnKI>AY THA1NS. •Via IH»S I'laines........ fyt? i '.i.u'am -- 2.02 pm. i.eave M- Henry. ::: um.. r. Via lH>s IMnines.. 11,14 a nt . ....Vi;i KlKiu/.^........ pm .. Arr WKBS DAY TRAINS. BOl'TH BOCRi>. ...VI* DoslMiilues... a m . . . V i a E l i i h i 1..."tttT.Vlu 1V> Plitiues... krriv© Who. 35 u m -19.10 in c.' a m. . Yin Pes I'lalues...... .S.a5 » ui -1 p m .... ....Via Kltriu... p m t».iT p n»......... Via l>es I'liUaes....... p net SUSUAY THAIKS. :,30asiu...,...«...-vlH EIrIu ^...Jftosam p m .....Vm ivs flames ...sJSpm p m . Via Kiyiu, ..*.40pm •SaturdaysOl|)y. v+Monduys only. . : i".: ;i:"' : ' fe - -"vc • HOLLISTCR'S locky Mountain Tea Ncggtls A Busy Mwiiaias for Busy People, brings O.'id^n Health and Bene*«i VtjdK. f.»r C«>U8ii|iHti'>n, LiTe * .\. iuev I'nnpiesi. impure '. Kad Breath. ^lu>r«tsh Ko«vi>, UetMtat'h • . ' iaekactio. It's lU'i'ky M-'imtaiti Tea in • t, .nil, 85 wills a li. x tit'llu :;i' madfJTbjr •v.;«T«a Dhvo Company, Wis, ' XOEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE ^ f

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