Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 15 Sep 1904, p. 4

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IT-- - q<"KW| Eigw ~} • - \^"'W tfi,?>? "-" » «?'if | , r|- ; -,-|.r. *'yr ^j£3>, _ *-* -^r • ? ^Tff r *v ,V" '** ^ y v*>C^ ft V, t '•"" y-K^." :*» ! e *, A / ,*> ',-! •',»*« , -y^ «.* : Sometimes the hair is not pi upcrly uourisii eu. itsuffeis. for food, starves. Then it falls out, turns prematurely gray. Ayer's Hair Vigor is a hair food. It feeds, nourishes. The hair stops falling, grows long and heavy, and all dan­ druff; disappears • Ci-K. . - •' '* \ .V'V I:. milium out terrlbty. l*M muli it. Itnt Ayer's Hair • ^!>r j'i >nijillv sUtpiM-rt the Tailing,. And *lso I'stnicil Hu' niiliiitr,'rolfin" Mtt's. K. «4.-K « AUD. I.R"<ii!>K. N.J. 00 :i • " .1. C. AVKRCO.. ,"'welK Masa- enry KVKliV Till I'UHlvIM! I he MCHENRY PLAINDEAUR COMPANY. 'of 'V-K.OHA'SFLB^ W. A. CBISTY. •' . tw ' v ; ' .SeCtr:'- • J* •• % 1\ G, PctfftpiNKtt, Editor J. H. i'KKKY, Tmis. Ct&ce lo Bunk Huiiding. TeUn>lw»K«. No. 272. TEAMS OF SUBSCRIPTION^ One year St* months, Ticts. S1.S(! Three months. 40cts. Thursday, September 15. 1904. BGPI'BIICAN TICKET. for President 'resident - *• THEODORE^ROC 'ice President--' OOSEVELT For Vie. CHARLES W- FAIRBANKS Governor CHAHT.ES T*. DENEES. iLteutenant 6ov«rnor-?-. ? . LAWRENCE Y. Menus. Secretary of State - " ' JAMES A. Ro3B. Auditor of Public Account s-- " • JAMKS A. M'CITI.UJOGH. . i State Treasurer-- £ (.EN SMAT.LJ. Attorney General - R WILLIAM H. STEAD. University 'Trustees-- V,': CHAKI.KS DAVIDSON. --^-R •. VP*. L. ABBOTT. .. MARY E. Bisky. ~ Congressman. litl» District - llowAitn M. SNAPP. • Member State Hoard of Equalization - tlKO. \V. Kl.l»KKlMiH. State Senator AI-BKRT N. TIFFAUY" ' Representatives. sth»l>isirl«t-- EltWAKD D. SHPRTW.KF. l$i Votes. FKANK K. COVEY, 1H Votes. " Circuit Clerk-- ? THEODORE II AM EH. , 8tatfe's Attorney 1 J LOKKN/.O D. LOWELL. JR. Coroner-- v JOSEPH S. MAXON. \ CHARLES H. TUYON. ; and a magnetic leader. Hd stirred nf> t he political dogs of w^r, and tliey wres­ tled and fought in a determined spirit, lie was an active campaigner, speaking ,-arly and often in various parts- of the •onntry. His opponents were not al- 1 >w • d to rest. Thus far tbere-tfas been i difference this year. .Indgjfv Parker-is sy. fc!Eg-V<a V is passiveness itself. - The prevailing apathy was seen in the Vermont campaign. As the cool weath­ er comes on and the campaign progress­ es the Republicans must., wake up or i hey will not have the easy victory they are likely to expect. - Ex. __ H«ir KMU>S to Stale Fair at Sjjriiigfl«M«L. HI., Via the North-Western Lin& Excur­ sion tickets*viil be sold for one fare for | the rotrtd trip, Sept. 2h Jo Oct 7, inclus­ ive. Apply to agents Chicago & North­ western R'y. ""Somif Superatltloiaa. To break a mirror to many persons indicates the death of the person who last looked into the mirror or some se­ rious injury to that person. *ihe sav- age? tribes of nearly every touutfy be­ lieved that.striking either the image or the shadow of any person meant an in­ jury to that person. They believed i>i iu\}~' anauu vv j ejjte- serited the spirit of a person, and many are the tales told of magicians who in­ flicted the injuries on persons they in­ dicted on their iuiugi s. To drop a stone into water where the image of a per­ son wns reflected meant de^th op-some dire disaster. Oct. The ryaindealer will- he sent to any address on trial three im>tiths fdr twen- tv-'five cents, and" will be difcontinned :it( the expiration of time; unless othe-r- wise ordered. Trylit. ^ I.ttadeil; Pair Them. "Eddie, do you know" what happens to bad little boys/" * "Yes'in; the bail's eat 'em- tip.". "Then why * don't you try to be goixl "Huh! S'pose taw nfraid of bears? Say, I got a toy pistol!"--Erie Dis­ patch; - • ' • -• Starting a Row. Nell (pining for pleasant words)--Oh, Georgt\ I cannot understand it. Why do you lavish this wealth of love on Cue wlien there are so many girls more beautiful and more worthy than 1 ami George-- I'm sure I don't know. ( A «|neer Remedy. Francis (iiostv whose work on the popular superstitions of the day was compiled in the,year ltST, says: "The peasants of Suffolk have a simple and *nevor failing cure for ague. It |s this: Write the word 'Abacadabara' in form as shown below, place-ft in"a*'nutshell and wear the same about the neck." The form is hero giVen: . ' A B A C A T I A B A R A B A C A 4 A B A R A C A E( A B A > I C A D A ® ' ' , A D A • TJ" ' ' "• : Opening the Door. '^he--Faint heart never won fair lady, you know. He--True. I fear I shall never muster up courage to pro­ pose. .She--But then ladies are not all fair. I'm a decided brunette. Knowing Itself. The chronicles of crime in the news­ papers do not show that the world is growing worse, but that it is just learning how bad it is.--Philadelphia Inquirer. ~ A metal roof Is said to be positive protection against the building it cov­ ers being struck by lightning. ^ , Conscientious. Weary Walker--No, ma'am; ! ain't dirty from choice. I'm bound by hon­ or. I wrote a testimonial ft$r a soap- maker once and promised 'to use no other.' Mrs, Housekeep--Well, why do you not use that V Weary Walker--Be­ cause, ma'am, that tii'in failed about five years ago. , -- • SurvejOT-- REMINDKK TO MR. WILLIAMS. sretary Taft has neatly punctured '<?' I John Sharp Williams'rhetorical rigma­ role about the Declaration . of Indepen­ dence and the Filipinos. In his speech at Montpelier, the former governor of the Philippines made this" home thrust at Mr. Williams, "It is remarkable that Mr. Williams should be so sensitive that the Filipinos are not gicen complete aglf-governnjent at once, and yet should be willing to represent the Yazoo "Vlis- trict in Congress, elected^ther-etpv by a vote of l,4t>3 pern)ns out of~a^ptrpnlation of 190,<$0." - ' How is a Democratic orator to indulge in irony and sarcasm it he is tbns to be reminded of tacts? Independence for the Filipino may be a connecial subject, for men who do more talking than think­ ing, but constitutional rights for tile ne- grq in Mississippi--that, of course, is a very different thinjj^not at all suitable to oratory of the Williams type.--New York Tribune. He Didn't Wa]nt to Arbitrate. "The reason I can't get along with my wife is that she wants to submit all our differences to arbitration." "To arbitration?" "Yes. She always wants to refer dis­ putes to her mother.'*. Get your Auction Bills at this office. Work done neatly and promptly , The Difference. At one timt- there were two members of the house of commons named Mon- tagli Matthew aftd Mattlie^v Montagu-- tiie former a tail, handsome man jirid the latter a little man. During ji ses­ sion of parliament, the speaker h-avini addressed the bVttt r as the former. Montagu Matthew bi: served that it was strange he should make such a mis­ take, as there was as great a difrer- ence between them as between a horse chestnut and a chestnut horse. Willing to J^gfe. "I .may as weil toil you. y^u said >liss Spooner's fatb.ei ways dose up the house and all lights by 10 o'clock," "Don't bother tonight, sir. Jack Nervy. "I'll at^-nd'to you."--Philadelphia I'ress, Matinee Aeoefcsoriea. " George--Did you have a good time? Gertie;--Oh, lovely, lovely! .George- Was the play good? Gertie--No. but I had on my new liat and had^u box; of delicious caramels with me.--Cincin­ nati Commercial Tribune. Her Endurance, ^ "IIow can you scold all ^the time?" was asked of the woman with five step­ children and an indolent husband. I "I can't just explain it, but I know that I'm blessed with'wonderful pow­ ers of endurance." . Poets' Opinion* of Eacli Other. A good^story about Browning and Tennyson Is to be found in the diary of the Right Hon. Sir Monutstnart Grant Duff. Browning referred readily to the charge of obscurity in his poetry. "He once told me," says Sir Mount- styart Grant Duff, "after repeating a • - T T " ' • * . . v. I i. i 1 it-i iiiiiw. tratlug.hla own strange want of huuytr and wit,, that Wordsworth, after all, was unjust to himself, for that on hear­ ing 01' Browning's engagement to Miss Barrett he had said. "Well, I suppose they understand each other, although nobody understands them!"* Tennyson's opinion of Browning (and, -incidentally, of himself) is shown in liis remark that "Browning is devoted to music and kiTows a great deal about it, but there is jgg, music In his verse. I know nothing about music and don't care for It in the least, but my verse Is full of music." In reading Milton's I.yeidas aloud, says Sir M<l)untstuart Clrant Duff* Ten­ nyson would stop at the line, Aijti, oh. ye dolphins, waft the fenplesjs youth. ' •; * / • with the comment tliat this was "the only bhd line Milton ever wrote."--Har­ per's Weekly. . .:'5 Tlie' Inland of Jersey. The police court of St. ;H«J.iiSr; the principal town of the island of Jersey, Is remarkable .ih several respects. First, the proceedings ai'e always opened with prayer; second* it frequently happens that sifter prayer there hf no more business, and . every * one goes home. There is' ho little crime committed in the island that the police force (twenty strong) is kept up only for visitors. .The beantiful carving in oak which forms the rostrum of this court is the work of :: lt.vly named Coxedye, si resident of the island. The dock is remarkable for its spaciousness and comfort. The authorities are very lenient w^th their prisoners, who are kept here, for court and station arp under one roof. In the words of the genial old turnkey, "When we gets 'em brought ^n drunk during the day. if they behave well we lets 'em out at night." Every "bobby" is obliged to know the Psalms. It's all he has to do. Want Column. All atdvvrtiat'iuentK inserted under tliit hond «.< the roltowinjrratt*:. Klve lines or !er s. ST> cenl. tor a rat iiiKt'itioii; 15 rciiis fur each ^ubNtquciii iimernmi. MIIIT TLUM IL» I'lin«*S. 5 CCIUK a line FOR itreit inst-r Lton. ami .'i cciitf a line lur adilitiunal itixei tu>its. 8ALR fa"»0; j)i iu MII-CI at ouHioine. The best. $T>00 uiimo in town lur ! •tk aily new., It may be esrfnt- f JOHN >.VANstfK, r>t-tf 1 This Bank receives deposits, buys and sells Foreign and Do­ mestic Exchange, and does a mtm BANKifiO BUSINESS. Professional. Society V. a.nd B\isinssss Cards DAVID (i. WELLS, M. 1». Both Sntislied. "I'm satistied." said the angry tailor, "that you don't intend to pay me this money." "All right," chuckled the happy debt­ or. "If you're satisfied, I am." --Sponge the pimplejt with wijtrm You ueed a blo<Wtonic, would Mary- water. advise you to take Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. It drives away all erup­ tions." Tea or tahlet form. ft. W. Bes- ley. Res^d The Plaindealer "want" ads. Billiard Balls. Billijvrd balls are made of Zanzibar i\ ory, the other ivory, known as the Bombsiy ivory, being too liable to crack oi- chip. The Zanzibar ivory is soft and therefore lasts better. The regu­ lation ball is two and three-eighths inches in diameter, and a set of four costs about $nu. They are rough- turn­ ed--that is, turned a little larger than the balls are to be when finished--and are stored away in open crsites for from sixteen to twenty-two months to season -the"ivory after being turned and to allow any shrinkage to take place before the balls are finished. If the balls were not seasoned in. this way they would be liable to shrink after they were finished, and, as they only shrink in the direction of the grain, they would become oval instead of remaining round, as they should be, and it would be necessary to have them turned again. Qnite a number of our yonnjt -people attended a bam dancj- that was held at Ben Wagner's farm Tuesday evening. TpOK .RENT- Front store; city water. flat over Evansou's r Inq uire at store, .'iltf . TJM>K SAI K--Our home on the hill, on liberal A term*. JtJHN Eva^kon. ftf-tf x*TOTtK HOltHEH .FOR SALE-The unilcr- ¥ " signed has a few.subistantial work hors­ es for sale, -weighing from 1100 to 14W pounds. Will )j©.st)id cheap and on reasonable terrhsr- 34-t.f - F. lv. GRANOEH. u r GKJlt SALE--Tlie late home of J. W..Cristy, deceased,consisting of atxint' itiae uc.i'cs of land, and good, comfortable build til jfs In good repair. Price, $4.<HO. Apply at Hie premises In RiiigwiHTd. 1M.. or correspond witii •i-tf /J: E. CHI-STY. Wsiupaca, M'is. L ESTATE I have several desirhbie pieces of property forsiile in the vilbiiye of Mclienry .irid on the l iver. iticlUdiug resi­ dence property and choice lots. If you con- pl:i.-ntaking it purcimse give me a .c.-iil. It ritay l»o to your advantage. Jos. HKIMKK. i-tf ' Mclieni v. II!. Freurni tf^OK SALE OK KENT The .Toiwi I ftiru. In Jolinsburgti. (si :>cues. New buildings. Dw.ef.ling house In good condition, Hne barn, f>Ig«ty.-'Chicki*n house, eteV <"al f on N: J; Just-en, NcHenry,,or Nick L. Frennd on the pieniise,*, ^ - - ° !S-£f -AI,F. Twenty acre farm in .the town ef l5urton. Good hoirse and Itarn (irt preinises> Ap^ly to Mrs. Martin Adnius. rf-4t MALE OH RENT-- My residence prop­ erty just west, of 'the- railfoit" tracJiS. i?ons'IstJhg of six an(Lorie-h;iIf iict'es of Utiifi. !ionse, barn, boggy sM>d 'mid cliicken hoiise. Terms reasonable. Inquire of Ciims KYICSS. Ifl-tf West Mcllenrv. 111'. pOOD lil'SINF.SS Ol'I'OKTl .N ITV t'los- Utgout-st<x;*i aiui fixtures, togetln-r or price. Must be sold quick .t once^. Corifii; on's iH'Jf' separately, Vddresv p Goods swl Ladies^failoring, 18 Spi'inn St.. FJgin. III. ry ANTED Y* and -cure of children . No wnshing. 0I< Voung (iirl for light housework "idren. No wnshing. Oloi d home.' lii(|uire Airs.'Campbell. Care of Mr. E. Lawlus' store. « IS^tf Try the *'Want. ad" column. ^ PHOTOGRAPHERS WEST McHENRY. ILL. nesir the standpipe. makes, everything known in the business from a tiny locket to a life-size crayon. , None but first- class work allowed to leave studio Portraits and Out-dt>or Work, Copying, Enlarging and Pram? ing. Developing and Finishing feir Amatuers. Photo Buttons & Jewelry of Every Description. Some attractive novelty presented A with every dozen photos. Visitors \ welcome. R . H . O W E N Pianos for sale and rent. Tuning and repair­ ing sit reasonable prices^ - - -- First class Work only. - McHENRY, ILLINOIS •'yn e endeavor to do all busi­ ness entx-tisted to our care in a marnner and upon terms entire­ ly satisfactory-to our custom­ ers and respectfully solicit the public |»atronage..„»... floriev to Loan on real estate and other first class se­ curity. Spec­ ial attention ^'iven to collections • ' I N S U R A N C E in First Class Clompanies, at the' Low est rates. : Yonrs Respectfully „ PERRY & OWEN, f Mo'titry Public. Bankers •-pHYSlCl AX, SUUGEOX AND vK'ULIl^ i FEGEUS & EEOER8 pHY«|rciAN» AND SFRGEOV8 ttcH® . 111. Office at Residence.coi'tier Jour*! Eini streets. Teleplioue4{33, . raises » i I?, o. fJQSS, D. T>. OfHce over Petesch's Drug Store. AF.L WOHK FEKXAIN1S.O TO 9JODEKN DENTIST#^ * <>»t-e Telephone 284; Itesidence 202. { Nitrons OxKi GJIS ff>r ExtracUng. - Hours T::J0 a. HI. to 5:3() p. M. . StTXDAy WORK BY APPOINTMKNT ONLY DR. R. G, CHAMBERLlJf . 1IKNTI8T. Office and Residence over Kesley'g Uhrtig Hours: 8:09 to 5:30. ;; W KST MCIIIKNRY. Ii.r„ fm\l SALT & SMCKfD MEATS Vegetables in Season. Prnit ARTHOR BREMKEN/ M. ^ PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON . (Dctttscher Arzt.) Spring Cifove, Illinois*' ft- is my intertion to give all • customers the best service po<5- . slide. 1 p»iy spot casii f ir hides, poultry and stock of nil kinds, thus psiying.-the lowest prices, and will sell on the same basis. We also buy Hogs for Kerber Packing Co. of Elgin,, paying highest market prices. Drop us a card' when ready to sell. 1 A. C. MATTHEWS, WEST M'HENRY, ILL. R / R . BEST OF TRAIN SERVICE. and with Dining, Buffet-Library, Sleeping iieclining Chair Cars on through tralus direct to the WORLD'S FAIR fast, daily, vestil)ule trains between. Chicago & St. Louis leaving Chicago morning, noon, bvening and shortly before - midnight.. Ample through and local service to St Louis on its numerous Hues and branches in Illinois and Wisconsin. Tickets account.of the Fair at greatly REDUCED RATES On certain days in June Coach Excursions to St. Louis BEWARE OF OVKKCONFIDENCE. From time to time during a presiden­ tial campaign it is well for Republicans to remember that it is not wise to be too confident. The campaign is progressing favorably for them, but the election is more than two months away. There is plenty of time for changes to take place which may help or hurt. "* Thus far. the campaign has been tame on both Bides. The summer has just ended, and politics are apt to be sleepy in the warm days of "the heated term. Then againv the Democrats are not en thusing over Judge Parker, and it is hard for the Republicans to get up much enthusiasm without, a lively foe. With all his wetikness, Bryab^was an active COFFEE! COFFEE! at rates less than one fare for the round trip. Tickets and particulars as to specific rates, limits and train time of your home ticket agent. Dec. 1. A. H. HANSON. G. P. A.. Chicago. Geo. M eyers General Teaming of all kinds. Excavating and Grading. flcHENRY - - - - - ILLINOIS. [ . Pelephone, Main 1714. LAJ1BERT Q, SENQ BUFFET Headquarters for McHerry and McIIenry county visitors. Frank Ktppler, John Scharres, 92 Mfth Ave.. Chicago. Attendants Telephone No. 393. SIMON STOFFEL . Insurance Agent for all classes of property in 4he best Companies. West McHenry, Illinois McHENRY COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY. OFFICE with American National Rank Woodstock, III. Abstracts of title and con­ veyancing. Money to ioan on real estate in sums of $500 to JiU,000»-time and payment tc suit oorrower. • . . - FRANK BUHR PRACTICAL PAINTER AND PAPER HANGER Graining, Calcimining and all Interior Decorating.. , TelepbonefNo,.354. MCHENRY, - - - ILLINOIS (HARIfS G. FRETI Wholesale and retail dealer In ^ i!v" i' u. LL th« ooycH CUPE THS 1.UNGS WITH p:v ' mg n f •0rB Me s 4 i. ft#? /^ONSUIB J-OR S 0'JfiHS. I W0L°s I am in the rlutton Poultry : Give me call PTI0N and Prie 50c &$ 1.00 Free Trial. Like the running brook, the red blood that flows through the veins has to come from -.•Somewhere. " , The springs of red blood are found in the soft core of the bones, called the marrow and some say red blood also comes from the spleen. Healthy bone marrow and healthy spleen are full of fat. * Scott's Emulsion makes new blood by feeding the, bone • marrow and the spleen with the richest of all fats, the pure cod liver oil. | For pale school girls and invalids and for all whose blood is thin and pale, Scott's Emulsion is a pleasant and rich blood food. It not only feeds the blood-making organs but gives them strength to do tjieir proper work.. Seud for free sample'. * ' SCOTT & BOWp, Chemists, irl Street, NcwYtwk. ; all * *J i t * t * I i Try a pound of our Celebrated Breakfast / Coffee, a fancy Peaberry and Old Santos, mixed, at 20c per pound drinking Coffee in town. A trial will bear us out/ Call ap4 get FREE SAMPLE. * . . . « • / ^ ** WE ARE HEADQUARTERS ON CHEESE! Fancy N. Y. Full Cream, per pound. * .......... . -15c Young Americas, per ftL".. . . • 12/2C Weighs about l(Mbs. each Fey Brick Cheese, per lt>... .1£>C Fey Limburger, per lt>..15o Golden Manna Breakfast Food to introduce will sell at 5p per package. Regular price 15c. „ Call and get sample --^ PICKLING SPICES We have all varieties^ including Curry Powder, Mace Seed, Mustard Seed, Cel­ ery Caraway; white, black and red Peppers; Herbs of all kinds. If you're hav­ ing any trouble in getting pure spices, we invite you to inspect our stock. S iejt and Quickest Cure for all THROAT and LUNG TROUB­ LES. or MONEY BACK. s«ff r¥T-3Jfvjr --~*r: SmoKed Meats, Sausage McH enry - Illinois Jos. H. Huemann Johnsburgh, Illinois. sells Corn Shellers and Tread Powers, Duplex Grinding Mills, Bock Island Plows, Wagons, Carriages, Buggies, Wind Mills, Well Supplies, Harness Oil, Paint Oil and Machine Oil a Specialty. franklin lightning Rod Works! I am agent for the above. We put the Rods on your Build­ ings and should they be struck by lightning we pay damages if no more than 8500. Call aud . get. full particulars. Oeneril Blacksmitdii!. Prices alwavs Reasonable g .-s Rye uOn Every Tongue*' The early settler that has made Kentucky whiskey famous cellence the world over. for-ax* SOLD BY LEADING DEALERS^ x See Harper Whiskey Exhibit In Agricultural Building, World's Fair, St. Louis Jfc FOR PICKLING! Pure Cider Vinegar, guaranteed, per gallatlr... Extra Strength Wine White Vinegar, per gallop. P u r e M a l t V i n e g a r , p e r g a l l o n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A 20c 35C F a t h c y Bros: Co Best for Business 61c a day Best for Residence It*# th« ptrftct service that why it's the greatest service- reaches everywhere -the best for you. CHICAGO TELEPHONE COMPANY a V Vt.

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