Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 15 Sep 1904, p. 5

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t-W: - 'fy, • fr 'fe v NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS Public notice is hereby, given that the rrrt-Regular anunal meeting of the Stock- y- liolderK of the Ultnoih CenWil Railroad -.-•TCJouipany will he held at the .Company's ^•"•^®ftii;e in Chicago, Illinois, on Wednes- October 19, 1«J04, at twelve o'clock " J.'. " S? :• : t To permit perermal attendHneeafcsaid ' . Uaeetiug there willi be issued to each J " . bolder of one or more shares of the cap- >* r ftai stock, of the Illinois- Central K|Ul- r. :i;:*r$(»Hd company as registered on the books "'! v^f the company at the dose of business ;,dn Tuesday. September 27, 1904. WiHO is * f.u^F fr'ULL.AC;E» a; tiiiket enabling hiju. or her, to travel free over the Company s lines from the station ou the Illinois Central Railroad nearest to tils or her registered address lo Chicago aud re­ turn, such ticker to be good for the jour­ ney to Chicago *miy during the four UHJH immediately "preceding aud the day of the meeting, an»l for the return journey from Chicago only on the day of the meeting, and the four days immediately following, when properly countersigned aud stamped during the business hours --that is to say between 9.00 a. m. and 6 00 p. m.--in the office of the Assistant --Secretary, Mr. W. (i. Bruen, in Chica­ go. Such ticket may be obtained by any holder of stock, registered as above, j on application, in writing, to the Presi­ dent of the Company in Chicago. Each application must state the FULL NAME and ADDRESS of the Stockholder exactly as given in his or her Certificate of Stock, -together with the NUMBER AND DATE - <DF SUCH CERTIFICATE. No more than • one person will be carried free in re- 1 gpect to any one holding of stock as reg- tetered on the books of the Company. A. G. H ACKSTAFF. Secretary. Oct 19. for the ™ i | u *i Cost SO YEARS* EXPERIENCE PATENTS I HADE MARK* DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS AC. quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an invention is probably patentable. OnmimMira­ tions Btrictly confidential. HANDBOOK on Patents sent free. Oldest agency for seen ri life patents. Patents taken through Munu & Co. receive special notice, without charge, In thu Scientific American. A handsomelv illustrated weekly. I.arcest cir­ culation of aiiy scientlflo journal. Terms, f3 a' year: four months, (1. Sold by all newsdealers. ^361 Broadway, New York >ch Offloe, 636 F 8t_ Washington. D. C. Ameri C A M With Double Plate Holder / s Our facilities enable us to furnish cameras of the highest grade at prices which cannot be met. Send for illustrated c a t a l o g u e t e l l i n g a l l about dur 27 styles and sizes. Free* The famous Poco, SR. and American Cameras. G e n u i n e l y g o o d i n every detail. Film or Plates as you choose. Absolutely new models. mm 1 •H 4x5 FOCO AMERICAN CAMERA MFG, CO. 946 Si. Paul Si., Rochester, N. Y. Neatly printed at this office. CASH GIVEN AWAY to Users of LION ion io the Oegiilar Free Premiums, Touuxh ft WoOLiSOIW SPiCEJ Co# fJLio.v ConnsEji Wo You I SE£°y? NtnOKAL HANK, ~SPJEFco. TOl EDOi OHIO. - - cx Check iil W« Hava Iwardad $20,1 Cash to Lion Coffee users in our Great World's Fair Conitest- 2130 p»opie get checks, 2139 more will get „them in ^the_ PRESIDSI!!̂ ! VI Five Lion - Heads cut from Lion Coffee Packages and a 3-cent stamp entitle you (in addition to the regular free premiums) to one vote. The a-cent stamp cov­ er® our acknowledgment to you that your estimate is recorded. Vou can send as many esti mates as desired. Brand First Prize 6f $5,000.08 will be awarded to the one wlio is neareft correct on both our World's Pair mMi PBMB* dentlal Vote Contests* We alio offer $5,000.00 Special Cash Prize* to Oroc®**' Clarke. (Partlculatt in each case of Lion Cottca.) '.i£ ••• tv.i • : What will be the total popular vote cast for President (votes for all can* dldates combined) at the election November 8, 1904 ? In 1900 election, 13,959,653 people voted for President. For nearest correct esti­ mates received in Wool son Spice Com­ pany's office, Toledo, O., on or before November 5, 1904, we will give first prize for the nearest coirect^, estimate, second prize to the next nearest, etc., etc., as follows: ' Ftrsi Price Second X-rize ; , Irlres - S500.00 each .82 .. 1 . .1 . . . 1 . . . 1 • . 1 .'.fi ©00 ,000 .000 ,coo ,000 .000 , 000. ,600 ,000 00 00 .00 :8» .00 00 2139 PRIZES, TOTAL, *20,000.00 How Would Your Name t ook on One of Those Checks ? Everybody uses coffee. If you will use L/OV loner en >uj;b to fret acquainted with it. v«ui wil; be suited and convinced' there i>: n.» other such vaiue f.'f ««"vuf). Tr:en vu .v,il take no otht-r and thai s wb> ';rt'sv. And we are using our advcriis*ii:g money so that but n • » us--yonas wcu as v.e--will ge. ;t benefit. Hence tor >1 i.r a,ton M Mifg WE GIVE BOTH FR££ AND CASH PRIZES Complete Detailed Particulars in ry w~ o *4 ex ^^ of WOOLSOW SPtCE CO., (CONTEST Tbin Cat Buthen. . Time was when 1 1«U that the cat was an annual which civilisation had no power to wfrnptr"The iiag. I knew, does his b< to l>o iiuiu:.ii, but the ciit has always seemed to ine.above any such sluiilow j>reit>iise. I, thonght I could count on the cat, but now J find that even Uio ciit c;i;t be perverted and hum a uizetl. I wetit to. see a friend of mine tlie other day who has recently adopted a plain, valueless alley cat of no particular- breed. She told me she WJ'.S about to give tlie ifninial its daily bath. • ..., • I felt isorry for .the ^reatyre," beeafise I b ad seen ciits iva tlied before,. The bathtub w;»s half lull of warm water. The oat was lifteii Jn its unstress' arms. The inU'ingent" animal gave a iuew, <Jf dellgfit audi flopped dowu ixjto the water. It swani two or three times around the tub with 'every indication of enjoyment, and then ls>ok<Hl up and I mewed to be taken out. The perverted creature KeenuHl to enjoy even the rub­ bing which followed. After that. I have n6'faith'in anything. I have no doubt that hens enjoy a daily plunge, and as for the gentleman who has always beer, represented as disliking holy wa­ ter. 1 haven't the slightest doubt in the world that he drinks it iced three times a 4ay.--Washington Tost, The Paatiion For Giving. p "Giving becomes a disease in time," remarked Ja West .Philadelphia woman who had had some experience in very practical forms, of charitable work. "It is delightful to most of us to be as­ sured that some deed of otirs has given great pleasure or done much good. Indeed, it gives more satisfac­ tion than many deeds acted out from the most purely seltish motives and will appeal io us-after these rnore self­ ish pleasures cease t.o please. It takes a terrific hold on many people. Women who have beeu able to give liberally have continued after they hits! nothing of value, sending silly, wornout finery that could not pomsiuly be of use to anybody. But they have tasted the joy of conferring benefits, of receiving gratitude, and they simply can't tleny themselves. Why, people have stolen that they might not have to give up the pleasure of bestowing gifts! Noth­ ing can ixceed tl*e lengths to which this passion for giving will carry its victims."--Philadelphia Record. • MOM xYo ? - The Kobtii tand the Rat, One day while a gentieuuiu of Port- hallow, St. Jveverue, was wuikitlg past a farm in the neighborhootl he wus at­ tracted by a robin, which flew'about him, ilapped Its wings in his face some two or three times, and appeared great­ ly excited and distressed. He watched the robin for soma time, and followed it toward a hedge a, short distance away. There he found a rat which had got Into the bird's nest and was devouring one of the young birds. At the sight of the gentleman the rat Jumped out and was promptly knocked senseless. When the robin saw the rat lying on the road sLie flew at~bim and _ pecked him viciously. There were four young birds in the nest; one was killed, but the other three were unhurt-rSt. James' Gaaette. -- The Work of the Heart. Whether it be trae or not that the Egyptians 4,000 years B. C. discovered tlie true functions of the heart and thus anticipated Harvey, it certainly is true that Michael Servitus, whom John Calvin burned to death at Geneva !in looo, in his treatise, "De Trinitatis Erroribus," published in 1533, first maintaiiied the iiuperviousness of the septum and the "transition of blood frour .the right ventricle by the pul­ monary artery to the lungs, thence by the pulmonary vein and left auricle "and venti'khvand the aorta to all parts of the body." More than eighty years later Harvey, taking up the work of that great physi- olbgistfT'ompleted it, and in his work, "Exercitatis de Motu' Cordis et San- guinis" (1G2S),; promulgated to the world his discovery of the true func­ tions' of the heart and of the regular aud periodic circulation of the blood, and it in nowise derogates from his fame or the merit of his discovery to say that it was Michael Servitus who pointed the way to this discovery for him.--New. York Times. Har«eflen1i iinrt Beef. "Here are some means of distinguish- ing between- horsetlesh and beef." said a meat inspector. "llaw horseflesh lb a brownish red In color, whereas in raw beef there is no brown. Haw horsetlesh is soft and tenacious. Touch it, and the. finger sinks in, while as you withdraw the finger the tissues rise with it and cling to it, as though intermixed with glue. But raw beef is not soft nor tenacious In this way. liaw horsetlesh, further­ more, has an odd, metallic smell. "Cooked horseflesh is denser than beef. It is„us dense as a lump of iheese." In taste it is sweet--a sweet- ftess sickening, to my mind. "The best test for horseflesh Is to take a piece of the fat and melt It Horse fat will melt to a clear oil at so low a temperature as 70 degrees P., but beef fat won't melt to a clear oil under a temperature of 112 degrees."-- New York Telegram. Tlie Gallery God«' Applause. Lawrence Barrett once told of a conversation lie had with Edwin Booth. The latter had been congratulated up­ on an ovation given hiin by a crowded house on the.opening night of an en­ gagement "The sweetest music to my .ears," said the great tragedian, "is the shouting of the boys in the gallery. I know they are not applauding because I have a reputation or because they wish to make a display. They simply give vent to their natural enthusiasm. When they shout I know thajkl am giving a good performance. As for the parquet, it may clap its hands out of politeness. A dramatic critic who had certain notions as to how a line should be read will applaud if I read it his way; otherwise he will remain quiet. I can never analyze the applause of the front rows, but the gallery is sin­ cere in its likes or dislikes." Testing; a ltator. The economical young man took bis razor to ohe of the best barbers In town to be honed. Returning to get it, he found it ready for him. "I'll warrant that edge," said the barber. "It does look pretty sharp," said the man, and he began to feel of the edge with his thumb. "But I won't warrant it if you do that," declared the barber^ "It's the worst thing you could possibly do. You might better cut your nails with It than run your finger across the e<Jge once, or shave with it for a month. There's nothing like knowing a thing or two," the barber added.--Exchange. » Memory of Sleepwalker!. The memory of sleepwalkers is •*- traordinary, not to say phenomenal, especially when under the peculiar im­ pulse of the disease which prompts their movements. Moritz gives an In­ stance of a poor basket maker who was unable td either read or write, yet, strange as it may appear, when in one of his somnambulistic vigils he would preach fluent sermons, some of which were recognized as having formed parts of discourses which he was ac­ customed to hear when he was a child attending his parish church forty years befoE&._ • -----v Coflee a Dialnfeetaat, "Drink plenty of coffee if there is sickness around you," said a physi­ cian. "Coffee Js a good preventive of typhoid fever and cholera. This has been proven. Cholera germs aud ty­ phoid germs have beeu thrown into Disraeli's Gorweo'tas Costume. coffee and the aromatic drink has not 'WJhen Disraeli was a young nfan he i once failed to kill the germs within ouce went oh a vacation trip to Cor£u in this extraordinary costume: "A blood red shirt with silver buttons as big as shillings, an immense scarf for girdle, full of pistols and daggers, red cap, red (flippers, broad blue striped jacket aud trousers. His servant, en­ gaged for the occasion, wore a Mame­ luke dress of crimson and gold, vi ith a white turban thirty yartls long a saber glittering like a raiitttpw.' an hour. Hence, amid contagious con­ ditions do flot neglect, among your oth­ er precaution^, to drink three cups Of strong coffee at each meal." It is a little early to set up your heating stoves, but none too early to prepare them for the setting up. If you know your Stoves to be needing repairs send us word we will get what you requnrey neeessary work on thfe stove and have it ready for the first cold ipelL Pon't put it off until y ou are in need of file store* You have tried that before and know how tt goes.. If you are in need of a new Stove remember that cur store is the place for you to come to make your purchase. * ( "* 1 WE HAVE ALL KINDS' BUT THE POOR KIND and having bought them right will sell them aocor- Now it is up to save dollars on a r West Side Hardware. dingly. • © . you to STOVE DEAL. . A A «•« »ti »*K tfi T » A » T « .T> »T« »Ti A »*K A «Jk m A A miA.' Ul f*^l 1^1 1^1 1^1 1^1 Ijpi 1^1 IJ^I l^i ^ Stands Ko Chance. Fond Mother--I am not surprised, Edith, that young. Mr. Highmus pre­ fers your society to that of Kate Gar- n|d; fe r^irghorti. She may be more dashing I and coquettish, but she is far from be- i ing your equal in the enduring quali- Anefent Preservation of the De«d. | ties of 'intellect and culture. Miss Herodotus gives a good desci'^ptitm of : Edith--Yes, that's where I've got the the manner in which the early Ethiopi- j bulge on poor little Kit.--Chicago Trib- of all kinds for business and private purposes» Awnings nicely lettered if you wish. We also have a nice and com* plete line of Window Screens % and Screen Doors which* w© put up on short notice. Jacob Justen * * Ik ii Timefor good work f We dQ repairing up to date at prices that will please you.- Ring 522. HERBES, - - RL-UMBIIMG. ans preserved their dead. Having thor­ oughly dried the corpse, they plastered it over with a paste made of gypsum and then painted thl face aud exposed parts so as to make them look as nat­ ural as possible. Dead bodies served in this manner remained intact for hundreds of years, i unp. man Sauce. •"The impudence of that youn£ broth-, or of mine!" e.vclaiined Mrs. NaggdMt "He just tofd me I^i'as no chickeiit when I married you." "Well," replied her unsympathetic husband, "that's true enough. You weren't a chicken, wore you V" "No, I was a goose."--Philadelphia | I "real. '. • ' • ' ' . Numerous. Investigator--1 understand the rela­ tives are disputing over the will. What is the principal bone of contention? I'tiend of the Family--Bone? Great Scott, mister! lie left 200,OOP of 'em." Obicago Tribune. ^ 1 - A Serlons Matter. "f She--Are your intentions toward the widow serious? He--Oh, very. I am tiolng, if possible, to get oyt of marry­ ing her.--Illustrated Bits. _ V Peace la rarely denied to llwptiefr fuL--Schiller. ^^ ' Too Tame. 1 "Do you think that a yogng ought to go into politics?" "No," answered Broncho Bob. j "There's nothing in it. I went to a j political convention once. All they did I was to holler and wave their hands. There wasn't a, shot fired."--Washing­ ton Star. A Lesson In -Arithmetic. Teacher--Tommy, If you gave your little brother nine sticks of candy and then took away seven, what would that make? Tommy--It would make him yell. • : JjaMnltlnf to ProBt. first Doctor.--Then we decide not to operate. Second Doctor--Yes. What do you think we ought to change him for deciding- not to operate?--Brooklyn Life. •/. Dtilu't Aslt tie tmpossffik. Her Father--My daughter can n^ver ^9 yours. Her I^over--That is obviooSr and I do not ask it I want ber to be my wife. The wealth of a man is the number of things ^hich be loves and blesses which he ia tefwd WaMWd Qulyli, -- " *i- PHILIP JAEGER GENERAL COHMISSION MERCHANT . SPECIAL ATTENTION GWEN"TO THE SALE OF Dressed Beef, Hutton, Hogsr Veal, Poultry, Hides, Etc., Butter and Eggs ^ This is the oldest house on the street. Tags and price lists fnrnished on application. .1 'fci Stall 1 & 3, Fulton St. Wholesale Market. COLD STORAGE FREE CHICAGO, ILLINOIS I S T H E P L A C E ! H E R E More new Granites, China and Queensware at THE .-i •*».» • DRUGGIST. ICE CREAM IN

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