Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 15 Sep 1904, p. 7

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J AMHUNITION trill soon be in great demand by sportsmen and houters generally. / ̂ <~*3/here are uiiny brands of ^munition in shells, powder, shot and f. cartridges, but we handle the J 7^5$ BRANDS ONLY lading thefamous Winchester* attTcles. Oaf pritwa aroright r^OOt, * •• -J,- OSflUN BROS., ricHENRV, ILL. it t > General Hardware,- -Dry Goods, -Shoes-- -Motions. TIN WORK OR ALL KINDS AT CLOSEF RICES [ T H E C A N N I N G S E A S O N 1 J |i|s I M 'n is here and we are here with the godds. ^ housewife .ought to have feome of our Peaches * and Pears which we bought especially for can- hing purpp^esj fresh stock arriving hearty i&erjr ^ " - #:. $S . • d»y- ., , » \ . •A Complete Line of Groceries Always JOHN STOfftL f? I ri: s* We are receiving large shipments of Fall and Winter Goods every week, and have marked them at prices tlnit will move them. i i Men's All Wool BusinesscSuit... . , . . .$ 9.50 Men's All.Wool Worsted, in popular browns. 12.50 Men's Fancy Black Worsteds. . . T. . . . 9.00 Men's extra heavy Blue Serge -..... ........ 13.00 Also cheaper shits*froitu $4.00 up^ Men's ifancy Cravenette Coat, guaranteed not t@ wet through .."........ .*...... . ...... .-. 12. OO American Lady Corsets, any size...... 50c and 1.00 Ladies' Opera Shawls . 1 .V. 1.25 SCHOOL SUPPLIES OF ALL KINDS. < • ». Spring Orove, III. Frank Schumacher, IIMI>lt>IIOICMlllllllHmiM>i BIDGEFIEtlJ. 7 The Plaindealer will be sent to any address 011 trial thrfee months for twen ty-five cents, and will be discontinued at the expiration of time, unless other­ wise ordered. Try it. I. E. Mason was in Chicago Tuesday. Miss Nell Gibson was in Nunda Fri­ day, E. Cadmllader lfl_ CMcago Safe, urday. Mrs. D. L. Gibson was in Woodstock Friday. F. W. Hartuian was, in DeKalb the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Shelt were in Nunda Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Baker were in Chicago Tuesday L. J. Gibson of Chicago yfeited hatne -folks over Sunday, --- - ? - Miss Ida Wilson of Roebford is visit­ ing at F. French's. R. Kimball and family are visiting relatives at McHenry. D L. Gibson and J. G Hartman were in Woodstock Thursday. « Mr. and Mrs. F. Thayer and sons were in Chicago'Saturday. • Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Peck are spending the week at Madison, Wis. Misses Edith Hoba t ana Laura Thay- ^("^^^^.^^r er were in Nunda Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Weiland were in Green­ wood the latter part of last week. Mrs. M. Goodwin of Crystal Lake vis­ ited her sister bete last Thursday! MrSi R. L. D11 field and son, Roy, and Mrs. J. Bs Lynch were in Nunda Satur­ day Mrs. C. M. Keeler and son, Marvin, visited in^Chicago Saturday and Sun- day. ' col-An ad in The Plaindealer "Want* umn will brintr results. SOLOX [People of Solon and vicinity desiring to subscribe for The Plaindealer inay leave their order with Miss Allie Turn­ er. The subscription price is # 1.50-a year or 75 cents for six .month*. Eld. 1 Mr and Mrs. Fred Thorneare visiting at Rockefeller. Mr Snhrader and wife visited at Mil­ waukee this week. v John Coulman and wife visited at J. T. Hodge's Sunday. • , Solon vvas well represented at Rich­ mond last Saturday. Ren Johonnott of Antioch visited with Solon people Saturday. Mrs. Geo. Westlake is entertaining relatives from Darien, Wis. Geo: Vogel is attending the E^horn fair with his horses this week. Quite a number from here are attend­ ing the races at Elkborn this week. A number from here attended the fu­ neral of Johp Bell, Sr., at Riugwood Sunday. " - - Mr. Westerinan and family and a gentleman friend were-Greenwood visit­ ors Sunday. Robert. Sutton and family visited Mr?. Sritton's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sillies, and family at McHenry Sunday. - Edwin Johonnott and family have returned to their home in Terra Haute, after a six weeks' visit with relatives and friends hfrre. . ; Wedding invitations at this office. Vogt VOID. is visiting relatives in r Frank Chicago. ./ > Mr. Hiifkell and family spent Sunday in Mill burn. D. Smith of Oak Park Sundayetl at R. Paddock's. Some of our Vblo people'are attending the Elkhorn fair this week. ~ Miss Emma Molidor visited Miss Ma fie Freund at McHenry oyer Sunday. Mrs. John Richardson visited rela­ tives in DesPlaines the past few days. Mr. and Mrs H. Dye a d two daugh­ ters of Chicago are visiting at the home of Raught Bros. ^ Miss Wirfitr.ed Russell and friend, Mr. Sturges, oi Chicago visited at the home of Mrs. L. M. Hnson Sunday. * Services will be held at the home of C. Gi Hnson next Snn<lny afternoon at 2:30. Everybody is invited to attend. Miss Bessie Dunuill returned Satur* day from a two weeks' visit iq Chicago. Her uncle, Mr. Unsworth, accompanied her home. Thursday morning at nine o'clock in the Catholic church occurred the marriage of Miss Cecelia Rosing to Mr. Henry Thiele of Goshen, Ind. Rev. Theile of Fremont and Rev. Theile of go. brothers of the groom, performed the ceremony. After the oereumny a large reception was given at the home ot\,the bride's parents. Friday noon the nrwly wedded couple left tor Giwhen. Ind., where a home was fill neatly-furnished for them. May their life he one of happiness and pros- perity'isthe wish of their many friends. HOtCOillKVlLLt;. ^red Davoll waa a Chicago visitor Thursday M. F. Hoffman of Spring Grove spent Saturday here. ' * % Mr and Mrs. Chantry visited at Mr. Silver's Sunday. t Jftr. and Mrs. W. Gilbert visited rela- t ves in Chicago Sunday. Miss M»rv Dolierty visited at Jay Doherty's Thursday ni^ht Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Peck are spending this week at Madisuu, Wis. Mrs. M. Con"way ahd children visited at Jay Doherty's Thursday. Mrs. Hanrahan of-Chicago visited at W. Powers' one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Shales and Frank McMillan spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Heury McMillan. N E I G H B I N G N E W S Chronicled by our Able Corps of Correspondents 'red FalK Goods Arriving BABRKVILLE. Thos. Thompson was a Nunda caller Wednesday. John Flnnter was a caller at J. Flem­ ing's Sunday. - 'V*P.'"PavolT"of Holcombyille was a call­ er here Monday. , ' Sfci.iT" Brink and Miss Emma Mat thews of Mc Henry called on Miss Clara Thompsuu Sunday. Miss Irnia McCannon returned" to. her home in Greenwood. Knnday, after, a two weeks' visit with her sister here. . Miss Margaret Aylward of Emerald Park spe'nfc Wednesday afternoon of last w >ek with Mi*s Clara Thompson. Mrs. £ N. Merchant and son, Floyd, spent part of last week with the for­ mer's parents, Mr. and Mlf. L. Mc- Cannon at Greenwood. Kixiwooy. The Plaindealer will be sent to any address on trial three months for twen ty-five cent*, and will be discontinued at the expiration of time-unless other­ wise ordered. Try it. Chicken pie social, Sept. 39. Particu­ lars next week. Frankie La wson is the guest of friends here this weelf. f MTB. A. L. Franeiseo is number among the sick. Bert McCannon and wife were Wood­ stock visitors Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. I. Harsh returned home Tnesday from h visit at Waupaca. J. W. Lawson of Park Ridge attends ed the funeral of Johu Hell Sunday. Mr. aud Mrs. Murphy of Chicago were visitors at Will Beth's Sunday. Mrs. Ben Johonnott spent part of last week with,her sister, Mrs. J. Bennett, Mr. and Mrs. Spaulding visited Frank Fay and family at Ridgetield Saturday. Mr. Dilly and family of Kansas visit­ ed Wm. Johonnott and family last week. Mrs. F. D. Lowell <>t Nunda Is Visit­ ing her'sister, Mrs. Bertha Whiting this week. , Mrs. Simpson and daughter, Mrs. W. McCannon, were McHenry callers Thursday. M iss A<ta Carey of Wilniot -visited Misses Flossie and Anna Carey the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Tuttle attended the Sunday School convention at Rich­ mond Sunday. Mrs. Roberts of Hebron visited her daughter, Mrs. Charlie Carr, several days last week. Mrs. Halderman and' daughter, Beu- la, of Richmond called ailt S. Kelley's Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Allen returned Saturday from an extended visit with friends in the east. The W, C. T. IL will meet with Mrs. Grace McCannon Friday, Sept. 16, at 2:30 p. m. An invitation js'extended to all. Mr. and Mrs. Elwih Johonnott re­ turned to their home„ in Terra Haute, Ind., after several weeks"Visit at the home of N. D. Stevens. , The Ladies' Church Aid society will meet with Mrs. W. A. Dodge Thursday, Sept. 22. Bring your thimbles, as there will be sewing, A ten-cent tea will be served. ~ A .good -attendance .is desired. One <jf Mike Hoff's little boys had. the misfortune to be kicked on the head by a hor$e while playing. Sacral stitches ^were required to close the wound. -He is recovering very nicely under the care of Dr. Hepbnrn. Died'.'at his home. Thursday evening, September 8, John M- Bell, an aged and respected citizen, aged 79 years. The funeral was held from the home on Sun day, Sept. fl, at one o'elock, p. m., in the presence of a sympathetic gather­ ing. The remains were laid at rest in the family lot' in the Ringwood ceme­ tery, '• KMKRALi) PARK. J. Cohan was at the Park Wednes-E. . day. Miss Anna Fleming spent Sunday at J. B. Frisby's. Chas. Pbalin was a caller in this vi-_ cinity Sunday evening. Miss Irene Frisby spent l^st week with her sister, Mrs. Givens. Miss Margaret Sutton started! her school at Barreville Monday. Miss Nellie Frisby returned Saturday from a pleasant visit at Belvidere. Chris Bremer is back to his cottagfe after spending a few days in the city. • Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Givens of Mc Henry spent Sunday with Richard Giv­ ens. 5 L. O'Toole and son. Sylvester, visited at Walmsley's a couple of days last week. Mrs. Ed Knox and Mrs. UL Sutton spent Thursday with friends in Wan- conda.. Martin Knox entertained a few of his friends Sunday in honor of his birthday. Miss Emma Givetis and frien^, Mr. McGinnis, of Elgin spent Sunday at the former's hon^f. J. HugulfPtt. who has been visiting his sister. Mrs. L. HUck'i returned to Chicago Wednesday. Larry Bending of Chicago spent ,Sat- ufdav nijrht at the Riverside and Sun­ day with his parents here. J. B Heaney is spending a few days at the Park, Ashing. He caught a three-pound pickerel Wednesday.' * Mr. and Mrs. Geo Frisby and Mr. and Mrs. John Welch of McHenry visit­ ed at-J. B. Frisby's Sunday afternoon. , D. W. Hill and daughter, Laura, came from Chicago Saturday evening. The latter will stay with her mother for a couple of weeks. Mr. and Mrs. R. SchiesSle and dangh ters, Miss Clara and Mrs. P. H. Weber, and H. Bending spent Wednesday at the Bending cottage. What is Life? .. • fa the last analysis nobody .knows, but we do know that it is under strict law. Abuse that law even slightly, pain results. Irregular living means derange­ ment of tjie organs, resulting in Consti­ pation, Headache or Liver trouble. Dr. King's New Lite Pills quickly re adjusts this., Qnly 2QC at Julia A. Story's, N. H. Petesch's, McHenry, G. W, Bfsley's, W. McHenry, drug stores. Home Visitor*' K(cuml<in Ticket* to In. (iiftiiH and Ohio. Via the North: Western Line, will be sold (In fonr Tuesdays, September 18, 20 and 27 and Oct. 11, limited to return within 30 days of date of sale. For par­ ticulars as to territory to which excur­ sion tickets may be sold, etc., apply to agents Chicago & North-Western R'y. 12 alt Oct. 11 JOHSSBl'KOa The Plaindealer ^vill be sent to any address on trial three months for t wenty- five cents, and will be discontinued at • the\expiration of that time uuless otber- wisinordered., Try it. \ SEPTEMBER 8. Mrs. Henry Thelen is on the sick list Mike Rouen WHS a visitor here Satur­ day. I he dance at Greo. Nell's was well at­ tended. Mrs. Mat Neisen and children visited at Geo. Nell's last week. Mrs. Martin W. Freund visited her sister, Mrs. Martin Lay, Monday. Mrs. Matthieu, daughter of Theo. Meyer, and sister, Annie, are visiting here. '} ^ • , Mr. and Mrs. Joe Miehels and little son, Georgie, visited at Joe Rothermel's last week. The oase balll game last Sunday was Very Well attended, about 400 people being present. The Three King Court team won the game in an easy, defeat of the Johnsburgb aggregation. * SEPTEMBER 15. Miss Rose Lay was in Chicago Tues^ day. - Miss Barbara Pi taenia visiting home folks. ' _ Miss Gertrude Althoff went to Chica­ go Sunday. »; Miss Alargaret. Blake visited home folks Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Mat Smith went to Chi­ cago Wetluesday. J - ' John Schaefer transacted business in Chioago Tuesday. Vr. aud Mrs. Mat Ffeuud went to Chicagt> VVeduesday. Mrs. Rose Wichoff of Chicago i| vistt- ing at S. M. Schuiitt's. , •> ' Mrs. Henry Thelen is slowly recover­ ing from her recent illness. Miss May me Stilling spent Wednes­ day with Miss Dena Justen. . Mrs. M. N. Freund and Mrs. Brown­ ing were McHenry callers Monday. C. M. Adatns and Jacob A. Miller were Chicago passeuger* Thursday. Misses Dena, Katie and Lizzie May of Spring Grove were in town Monday. Mrs. John S. Freund and Mrs. Mico- els were McHenry visitors Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. F. Schmitt are vis­ iting the former's brother at Aurora. Rev. H. Mehring and Mat Schnmach- transacted-business in Chicago Monday. Mrs. John S. Freund is visiting rela­ tives and friends in Chicago this week. Miss Lizzie May is visiting with, her sister, Mrs. Joe, Rothermel, at McHen- r7- • ; John Shu^^r returned to Chicago Wednesday after spending his vacation here. % Will Myers Bpeut a few days with friends and ".relatives in Chioago last week. r Mr. and Mrs. Niek Freund and* fami­ ly of Spring Grove were callers here Sunday. John Miller and family went to Chi­ cago Wednesday to attend the wedding of Joe Brick. Miss Maggie King returned, home Sunday.kfter a week's visjt with rela­ tives in Chicago: 1" M rs. Willi,e Oeffling and daughter, Ann|e, and Eva Huemann visited Volo friends Wednesday. Mrs. Mat Bowers and Miss AnnieBritz of Chicago are visiting their mother, Mrs. Britz, for a few days. The children of Mrs. John F. Schmitt pleasantly surprised her Sunday even­ ing, the event being her nameday. When aud Where to Catch TVF>ut. (Wm. C. Harris in September Outing.) In many states the open season for trout ends on September 1; the excep: tions are: Nevada, November t; Colo­ rado, November 1; Virginia, Sept. 15; Washington, November 1; North Caro­ lina, October 16; Nebraska, October 31; Oregon, November 1; North Dakota, January 1; Idaho, November 1; Ohio, September 15; Iowa, November 1; Vir­ ginia, September 15; Maine, October 1; California, November 1; Wyoming, £>c- tober l. In the BritisliYProvinces the open season closes on SeptWfTin Ontario and the Northwest Territories, and on October 1 in Manitoba. Nova Scotia, Prince ..Edward's Island and Quebec. In . Newfoundland the closed season commences on Sept. 16. The open sea­ son for the Ouaqaniche in the waters of Quebec has been changed from Septem­ ber 15 to September 30. " Aid* Chamberlain's K«uiedy Cough , Nature. Medicines that aid nature are always most effectual. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy acts on this plan. It allays the cough, relievei the- lungs, aids expec­ toration, opens the secretions and aids nature in restoring the system to a healthy condition. It is famous for its cures over a large part of the civilized world. Thousands have testified to its superiof excellence. It counteracts any tendency of a cold tq result in pneu­ monia. For sale by all druggists. Cltainberluin'w Coujfli Remedy. This is a remedy of great worth and merit. Try it when you have a cough or cold and you are certain to be pleased with the quick relief which it affords. It is pleasant to take and can always be depended upon. For sale by all drug­ gists. - Very Low Kate* to Kt. lfa«rl-MlniieapoH», Via the North-Western Line. Excur­ sion tickets will be sold at one fare plus 50 cents on Sept. 28, 29 and 30, with fa­ vorable return limits, on account of Gid­ eons' . Convention. Apply _ to agents Chicago &• North-Western R'y. " -- Sept. 30.^ Nellie Fuller, Denver--"My face was flill of pimples and blackheads. Hollis- ter's.Rocky Mountain Tea has driven them away. People hardly know me. I'm looking line." 35 cents. Tea or tablets. G. W. Beeley. fl Bridle Crip can't T>e made in this Store. In fapt, "trips" of am; kind are impossible. Kvery article in this stock of Harness and Horse Goods A' '•<v Y *' *• , -4* is of the quality that precludes the possibility of mak­ ing an Unsatisfactory purchase. Prices are ^adjusted one can complain that wre do not givje excellent value. GUS. CARLSON. \ McHENRY with the utmost care. PROSPECT ENCOURAGING Continued from 1st pa«p. cepted) shall authorize the Village Board of the said Village McHenry to repeal this Ordinance and to declare all rights, privileges and easements herein and hereby granted unto the said S. Reynolds, D. C. Doe and W. D. Ball, their heirs, successors, assigns 01; lessees or either of them,,terminated, and to re­ quire them or either of them'to remove all such wires, poles, lamps, standards, masts, or other appliances or appurte­ nances from the st reets, alleys or ways of said Village, and upon a failure by them to so remove them within sixty days after notice in writing from the Presi­ dent and a majority of the Board of Trustees of said Village, the same may be removed under the direction of the said Presideut and Village Board of the Village of McHenry. Sec. IX. The said S. Reynolds. D. C. Doe, W. D. Ball, their heirs, successors, assigns or lessees shall as soon as pos­ sible after the erection of said plant, and after the ^anie is in good working order on demand furnish electricity for li*ht ing residences stores an<l other public or private buildings for heating or other $>ower, aud such other purposes a< in*y be requir d, at ressoi>f"'» rates which shall be the same to all n"-sons, com­ panies or corporatuns provi inir ti at the cost of wirintr buiWliii,. . nxture" and lamps for the sime shall be paid for 01. provided by the parties to whom electricity is to lie m. supplied but the cost of conducting such electtirit*' to such buildings shall be bonrne by 1 he said S. Reynolds. D. C. Doe and W. D. Bill, their heirs, successors, assigns or lessees and in case any persons, companies or corporations, shall fail, neglect or refuse to pay on demand any sum that may be justly due on account of any electricity so furnished the same may immediately be withdrawn or shut off from the one or ones so refusing to pay their just bill on demand until stich bill or demand is paid, and the said S. Reynolds, D. C. Doe and W. D. Ball, their heirs, succes­ sors, assigns or lessees shall have the righfctp make all reasonabls rules and regulations in regard to furnishing such electricity that is not contrary to law or inconsistent with the terms and provis­ ions of this ordinance but any such rules or regulations shall be equal to all per­ sons, companies or corporations; provid­ ed, that authority is hereby given the said S. Reynolds, D. C. Doe and W. D. Ball, their heirs, successors, assigns or lessees aud to any person in their em­ ploy and connected with said electric light plant or its operation to go upon or into any and all piemises in said Vil­ lage of McHenry at reasonable and proper times to look after, adjust, Bhut off or do any other thing necessary or proper in Connection with the furnishing of said electricity or the running^-of said plant. Sec. X. In case the said 8. Reyn­ olds, D. C. Doe and W. D. Ball, their heirs, successors, assigns or lessees shall not have such electric plant, masts, poles, " st ndards, wires, and appurtc nances thereto aud the twenty arc lights hereinbefore mentioned aud all the nec­ essary appliances to operate the same and the same in good working order to furnish such twenty lights for the streets of said Village as aforesaid within four months from the passage and taking ef feet of this Ordinance then all the rights and privileges herein n»nd heieby grant­ ed may be forfeited and absolutely ter­ minated by resolution or Ordinance of the President and Board of Trustees of said Village. • • Sec. XL The said 8. Reynolds, D. C. Doe and W. D. Ball, their heirs, succes­ sors, assigns or lessees shall within fifteen days after the passage and publication of this Ordinance, file with the Clerk of the Village of McHenry an acceptance in writing, signed by them, accepting of the terms, conditions, provisions and privileges of this Ordinance, and in ad­ dition an agreement on their part that in consideration of the passage of such Ordinance by the Board of Trustees of the Village of McHenry, they will erect, construct, maintain and keep in proper repair and good working condition such electric light building and the lamps provided for in this Ordinance for the period mentioned herein, and to in all things comply with the terms, condi­ tions, provisions and privileges granted by this Ordinance, and they shall also in addition within the said fifteen days, file with the Village Clerk of McHeury, after its approval by the President of the Board of Trustees of the said Village a bond in the penal sum of Six thousand dollars with at least two good and suf­ ficient sureties, which bond shall be conditioned for the carrying out of all the terms, conditions and provisions granted by this Ordinauce to the said S. Reynolds, D C. Doe and W. D. Ball, their heirs, successors, assigns or lessees and the fulfillment at all times on their pt»rt of the privileges '* herein granted and the conditions and provisions of tnis ordinance, and the said S. Reynolds, P.C. Doe, W.D. Ball, their heirs, succes­ sors, assigns or lessees shall within thirty days after the publication and takin'gef- fectof this Ordinance and before t he com­ mencement of the erection of said build­ ing or of any poles, masts, standards or any other work in or about the erection of said building, or the construction of, the Working apparatus of the Same, or the laying or stringing of any wires to be used in connection therewith, file with the Village Clerk of the Village of McHenry, after its approval oy the Pres ideni Of the Board of Trustees of the said Village, an additional bond in the penal sum of Six thousand dollars -with at least two good and sufficient sureties, conditioned that the said S. Reynolds, D. C. Doe and W. D. Ball, their heirs, successors, assigns or lessees shall idern- nify, save aud keep harmless from any loss or damage by judgment or judg­ ments. decree or decrees or otherwise, the said Village of McHenry by reason of any suit or suits, claim or claims of any kind or character "for any damage bv reason of the acts of the said S. Reyn­ olds. D. C. Doe and W. D. Ball, their heirs, successors, assigus or lessees in 'he construction or erection of the elec- tri<* plant, or the erection or construc­ tion ol any poles, masts," standards or Mtber appurtenances thereto, or the -triutfing. laying, construction or con­ structions of. any wire or wires, lamp or amps or anything appurtenant thereto, or the operation or runuiug of the same or either of them during the twenty V(, provided in the terms of this Or­ dinance, and if the *aid S. Reynolds, D. (\ Doe and W D Ball, their heirs, suc- c^Hsors. a*si;z:iis or lessees shall not file( such acceptance of this Ordinance and the agreement and bonds as above men­ tioned, within the time or times here­ in specified, and renew the same from time to time wheu ordered by said Board of Trustees in case the same are deemed to be insufficient and privileges herein and hereby granted shall abso­ lutely cease and determine at the expir­ ation of the time or times hereinbefore mentioned. Sec. XII. That the terms, provisions and conditions of this Ordinance shall be binding upon the heirs, successors, assigns and lessees of the said S. Reyn­ olds, D. C. Doe and W. D. Ball and any person or persons, company or com­ panies, corporation or corporations that may at any time ' become the assignee or lessees of the said S. Reyn­ olds, D. C. Doe and W. D. Ball shall be held and bound to the faithful and full performance of all the terms, provisions, and conditions of this Ordinance and in the same way and manner as the said S. Reynolds, D. C. Doe and W. D. Ball are bound and held by its acceptance. Passed September 12, 1904. JOHN I. STORY President of Village Board of McHenry. Published in McHenry Plaindealer September 15, A. D. 1904. Attest: JOHN STOHVEL,Village Clerk. Job work of a)l kinds neatly done at this office. " Westward the orb of glory takes its way, • Wisconsin is the state, you hear everybody say, It's made itself famous by one great stride; ; *' Rocky Mountain Tea has made its name world wide. G. W. Besley. Don't forget the %twant ad "column! TAKE W I N & o r CARDUI AT HOME Are you a sufferer? Has your doctor been nnauc* cessful? Wouldn't you prefer to treat yourself--AT HOME? Nearly 1,500,000 women have bought Wine of Cardui from their druggists and have cured themselves at home, of such troubles as periodical, bearing down and ovarian pains, leueor- rhoea, barrenness, nervousness, dizziness, nausea and despond­ ency, caused by female weakness. These are not easy cases. Wine of Cardui cures when the doctor can't. , . Wine of Cardui does not irri­ tate the organs. "There is no pain in the treatment. It is a soothing tonic of healing herbs, free from strong and drastic drugs. If is successful because, it cures 111 a natural way. , , Wine of Cardui can be bought from your druggist at $1.00 .1 bottle "and you can begin this treatment today. WillXoutrs it.' IB cases requiring Nl«*-iai. direotioi^. address, tfivius symptom*., Uie Unas AdTlsorf Ihp Chattanooga Medic-toe Co., Chattanooga, Teun. Danger to Travelers I Trainmen and People who Travel •-i • A dreat geal Liable to Greater Dangers than from '"V'jj Accidents • •• ; ' " \ \ , , 1 1 „V- Th&tsatffa ttore die every lira diseases incurred by riding on the ears than from accidents. Life Itself is often the price that must be paid by sucL pels sons as railroad conductors, engineers, brakemen, commercial travelers and others who spend the greater part of their lives on the cars. Their fata is kidney trouble of some kind. Constant motion jars the kidneys that are kept in place In the body by del­ icate attachments and causes Diabetes, Albuminuria, Bright's Disease, Train­ men's Disease and all other kidney troubles. During recent years traveling men fcavo ' been Informing one another of the bene- fits they can secure Iby using Fom'i KIDNKT CURB. It Is a compound of the best agents known to kidney specialists and as a cure for all kidney troubles II has never been equaled. Reports have been received of remarkable cures effect* , • ed by it, and even the worst and mosflk r hopeless cases have been greatly relievedpT^- by its use/ - - * Q EO. Hi -fiAOSAN,' of Lima, Ohio, write# . Jp a s f o l l o w s : " I a m a l o c o m o t i v e e a g f n m p ' f j " on the L. E. & W. R. R. Constant vlbr»«* tion of the engine caused me a great dealL of trouble with my kidneys, and I got no relief until I used FOLEY'S KIDITXT Ccaa, and I gladly recommend It to trainmea who are generally afflicted as 1 waa." G. W. BESLEY, West McHenry. •V Cut Rates to " Southwest and / • California 33chicago to California, one way, daily, Sept. 15 to Oct. 15. Good in Tourist sleep- ens, berth rate extra. >20 *25' Chicago to Oklahoma, Indian Ter. and Texas; round-trip Aug. 23, Sept. 13 and 27,first-cla ss, three weeks return limit. Chicago to Pecos Valley of New Mexico. Same dates as the Oklahoma rate. For further information, ask J. M. CONNELL, Agent A. T. & S! F. Ry.. Chicago , Santa Fe *1 W Chicago & North-Western. Leave Chicago, a m vl."> It 111.. . 1^.0 p 111. !.<"» p ni... m.. Effective June 1. 1904. WEEK DAY TRAINS. . NORTHBOCNn Via Eljr'tn...... . ..Via IVs Plaiues Via Elgin. ....Via Hes Plaiues Via lies I'Uiim's 5.0i p ...Via Des Plaiues-- "SCNOAY TRAINS. Via INjs Plaint's ^ lOa m..' Via IK»s Plaines 2>J-p m ....Via Etjfla.. WKKK DAY TRAIKS. 8QCTHBOUND. Via lies Ptaines Via Elgin .......Via IK's Plaines... Leave M.* Henry.. '7.12 a m r.;v a in. s.-z: a m. p m. i r p in. MUD.. r.i>s p 91 " . . * > 1 p m . . Via Elgin.. ....Via l>es Plaines.... SVKDAY TRAINS. ..Via Elgin ...Via l>es Plaines...,. .Via Elgin... •Saturdaysonly. ^Mondays only. Arrive McHenry ..W.10 a m ..l®.10a IU &4."> p m P IU .. ».(*> p m m *.37 a 111 ..ItH a m .. i93 p m ,1 Arrive Cfciottgo. . .. a ui . .M.10 a oi . '.1.35 a m p m ... 1.X> p m ...MLOo a m --p oi . . .a*0 p ot "S HOLLISTCR'S ^ocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Busy Misliuiu« for fiasy Peopl*. triage Golden Health and Beaew Vigor, x^eifle t"v>r CI>ustiprttioii..liiilijiS5>tion, Ltw v. luoy I'roulues, Hmples. Eoieiini, Einpuiw i. Bud Breath. Slu;j>rish Howi l>. H«?adach<» • iaolatohe. It's Rivty Mountain TVi* In t<*o• - ,.rm, 8S cents a K>i. Gfuuiiw nuwte by ,,;.isTia l)#iit COMPANY, Madison. Wis. ADEN U\mm FOR SALLOW PiOKt

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