Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 29 Sep 1904, p. 4

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For coughs, colds, bronchitis, asthma, weak throats, weak lungs, consumption, take Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. v n ^ i a y Always keep a bottle of it in the house. We have been sayitig this for 60 years, and so have the doctors. " I have used Aver's Oliefrrv Pectoral In itty family for 40 years. It is Jthe best medicine in ihe world. I know, for all throat and lung troiifcls:-." MKS. -T. K. NORCROSS, Waltharo. Mass. •2.,FC.,SOR.,fr OO. J.<1. ATKROO.. A'!jS^ni for The Lungs Daily action of the bowels ssneces sary. Aid nature with Ayer's Pills. M Mdlenry Pfaindeaier ! I'UBLISHEi} tVKRV Tlil K^DAY BY THE McHENRY PLAIN DEALER COMPANY. TW* K. GRANDER. .. Pres. \V. A. CRISTY, Sec. J. B. PERRY, Treas. F. G. SCHREiNEm, Editor. Office !tr Bank Building. Telephone. No. 272. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: fl.50 Three months. 40 cts. 'One year.. .Six months, 75 cts. Thursday, September 39, 1004. REPUBLICAN TICKET. For President-- THEODORE ROOSEVELT For Vice President-- CHARLES W- FAIRBANKS Governor -- , « CHARI.ES S. DENEKK. Lieutenant Governor-- . LAWRKNCK Y. SHERMAN. Secretary of Stat e- 1 ' ^ JAMBS A. UOSK. Auditor of Public Accounts-- JAUKS A. M'CIH,MHTGH. State Treasurer-- 1.KN SMALL. Attorutey General- WlMilAM H. STEAD. University Trustees - CHAHLES DAVIDSON, W. I.. ABBOTT, MARY F-. BITSEY. Congressman, lit li District-- HOWARD M. SNAPP. Member State Board of Equalization-- GEO. W. ELDREDOK. State Senator- ! - 4 • ALBERT N. Timmr. Bepresentatives, 8th District-- EDWARD D. SHCRTI.EF*, 1H Votes, FRANK K. COVEY, 1% Votes. Circuit Clerk-- ' THEODORE UAMER. State's Attorney-- EORENZO D. LOWEULTJB. ' Coroner-- ; JOSEPH S. MAXOK. Surveyor-- CHARLES H. TRTOH. THE story of the struggle on -the edge of the arid belts is a record of heart­ breaking disappointments and of failure for causes utterly beyond Ifidividaul control. Under national irrigation these will happily occur no more. WHAT does it mean to the nation to hav«miilions of people gradually past from the servitude of the town to the sovereignty of the country? It tneanf the enlistment of a new army for the defenjlfftf the republic in every "hour of need; This will come, under the work ings of the national irrigation act. IT should be remembered that under < irrigation agriculture, becomes almost an exact science. Twelve inches of water, intelligently distributed at the / proper time, is sufficient to insure on the arid land* an abundant yield of the ordinary farm crops of that latitude. AT one stroke of his pen Abraham Lincoln freed 4,000,000 black men With one stroke of bin pen Roosevelt has made it poesib.e to reclaim rnort than 100,000,000 ucres of land to agri culture, adding millions of American farm homes with their vast volume of agricultural products which will flow from this rich area of land redeemed from the desert. which he said: 'This department does not discriminate between native bom and naturalized citizens in according them protection while abroad, equality of treatiitriit being mjiiired by the laws of the United States,' * "These orders to our agents abroad have,' bwn repeated again and a^aln, and are treated as the fundamental rule of conduct laid down for them, proceed ing upon the theory 'that all naturalized citizen! of the United States while in foreign countries are entitled to and shall receive from the yo.veruinent tb< same protection of i*er*>onH and property which is accorded to native bom citi zeus.'" . He further declares that in issuing passports the state department never discriminates or alludes to any man's religion, and that "in granting to every American citizen, native or naturalized. Christian or Jew, the same passport, so far as it has power it insists that all for elgh governments shall accept the pass- port as prima facie proof that the pet- son therein described is a citizen. of the United States and entitled to protection .t»-Hach. It is a standing order to every American diplomatic and consular of­ ficer to protect every American ciristet}. of whatever faifh,: from unjust molesta­ tion; ami yur officers abroad have been stringently required to comply with this order." • ;• -. •) : ' • ; This enunciation Of a qottt*e of ttction is backed by the cause of justice. The- rec ption recently given the American idea of religious liberty in certain quar­ ters on the continent of Europe attach­ es additional pertinence to the criticism with which Roosevelt closed that sec? tion of his letter which he devoted fir the discussion of the theme. "It is a strikiiiir evidence," he says, "of onr op­ ponents' insincerity in this matter that with their demand for radical action by the state department they couple a de­ mand 'for a reduction in our small mil­ itary establishment. Yet they must kno^ that the heed paid to our protests against ilMreatinent of otir citizens will be exactly proportionate to the belief in, our ability to make these protests effect,- Want Column. ' ! advotitsvinoHr* insrrtod umlci* this bend at the foihnvinfr rat«»n Five ltni'M or loss, 25 tor flivt >Hioiii! U it'ins tor furl! insertion. .»rhan ilv«> linen, 5 cvnts a Iliw tor first insertion, i ( a liitv for tMhiiuoiuri ive should the need arise. ADMINlSTRATOUS NOTICE OF FILING FINjtL SETTLEMENT. C. P. Barne«„ Attorney. STATE OF ILLINOIS,» Mcllenry County. i Kslate o'f Charles II. Granger, deeeasod. To all whom it may concern:--You aw here by notified 'that on Monday, the third day of October. 1!>04, 1. as the Administrator of said Estate will present to the County Court ofc. Mcllenry County, at the Court House in Woodstock. Illinois, my liual report of my acts and doings as such Administrator, and ask the Court to be discharged from any aiid all further duties and responsibilities cou­ nted with, said Estate and my administra­ tion thereof, at which time and place you may lie present aud resist such application, if you choose so to do. 132 . FLAVEL K. GKANUFR. Administrator. BABBETIIXE. : John Knox of McHenrji was a Sun­ day caller here. Ed. Van $atta of Chicago was a re- »?ent visitor here. Mfs. Henise and children spent part of last week in Elgin. ( H. C. Werden of Slocum'a Lake was a caller here Tuesday. Miss Edna Colby called on her sister, Mrs. Lockwood, Saturday, / Miss Clara Thompson was a Nnnda caller Thursday afternoon. s , Mr. atfd Mrs. M. J. Coghlan were re­ cent callers at J. Fleming's.' Robert Matthews and John Hunter of McHenry were Sunday callers. Mrs. I. If. Merchant spent Tuesday of last week with friends at Ringwood. Martin Knox And Robert Aylward of Emerald Park were Sunday callers here. Delbert Dassow and James McCannon of Greenwood spent Sunday at I. N Merchant's. Miss Carrie Harrington aud friend of Liberty ville were Sunday visitors at E. F. Matthews'. Mrs. Lee Lockwood and children of Terra Cotta spent Sunday afternoon with her parents here. Mrs. Merchant and daughter, Ada ind Miss Margaret Sutton called at J Fleming's Thursday evening. Thos. Thompson returned Saturday from a very pleasant trip through vari­ ous places in North Dakota, and Minn*- ipolis, St. Paul and several other places in Minnesota. , "CV>K SALE The l»est SflOO lit 1 *i">0; practically new. It may bo exam­ ined at our bonie. - JOHH EVANSOK. 51-t.f FOli liENT-Kroat store; city water. flat over Evan son's Inquire at store. 51tf TpoR SAIJE--Our home on the bill, on Mheml -- terms, .IOHN KVAMSON. 51'tf TJTvAL ESTATE--I have several desirable " pitM-es of property for sale In the villHjre of Mcllenry arid on t in- river, including resi- d< ce piopcity arid chiiice lots. If you con- U'uiplatemaking a puivhase give me a call t' iay be to your advantage. 'os, IIEIMKR. 3-tf Mcllenry. III. t * i + Of Hi ' * * <iih il* ' * ' m * I Time for g^ood work "V < 4 repairing up to date at will please yonJ Ring 522. HERBES, l|3iif=»l_U:IVIBI'MG. This Bank receives deposits, bays . and sells Foreign and Do­ mestic Exchange, and a KALE OR RROT-The John Freund farin in .lohnshurgli, 1st :>cres. Nev buildings. Dwelling house in good condition flue barn, pigsty, chicken house, etc. Call 01 N. I. Justfii. Mcllenry. or Nick L. Freunfl 01 the premises. - 9-tt w ANTED--Men and women In thlsvcount\ and in t he adjoining territories, to rep re-ent. and advertise an old established hous of solid tinaiiclaI standing. Salary to inen,f2I WeeWly. to women $15 t,o$lS. weekTv with Ex penses advanced eacli .Moixlai by clwk di­ rect from lieaflqnart 'j-s. Horse 'and buggy furnished when n'ecessaiy; position |:ernia- nTiii. Adfiress ltlew Kros. iV. Co.. - Dept. A. Motion Bldg., Chicago, 111., " : - . l»Mit IT'OK KENT A four roon> iiottse. * Inquire o! F ; JOHS IMIINEH,;MCHENRY. Til« He DLDFLT WANT \O Arbltrnte. "The reason I can't get along with By wife is that she wants?' to submit all our differences to arbitration." \ "To arbitration?" "Yes. SVe nlwrys wants t$ refer dUt putes to her mother." , A ~~ I L L I N O I S C E N T R A I UNUSUALLY LOW AUCTION BILLS! RATES OCT. TO THE SOUTH SOUTHEAST, 11 and NOV. AND! 15. On the atKwe dates the Illinois Contra! will sell Round-Trip Tickets from all points in the N«ii"th and Northwest to New Qrleans, La. Hammond, Uh ' Jackson, Miss. Jackson, Tenn. Winona, Miss. Holly Springs, Miss ttnd other points on the Illinois Central in the states of Ijouisiatia. Mississippi. Tennes- see and Kentucky.JHiid to (ireenville, Jliss. Vicksburg, Jliss. Helena, Ark Natchez, Miss. Yazoo City, Miss. Clarksdaie, Miss. tnd other points on the Yazoo & Mississippi Valley Railroad in the states of Louisiana md Mississippi; also to ail points in Alabama, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, (L-orgia and Florida, except Key West,. Flu,. RETURN LIMIT TWENTY-ONE DAYS EIGHTY PER CENT OF THE ONE-WAY RATE from starting point to destination-. - Tickets and full information of ager.tsof the Illinois Central and connecting lines'. A. H. HANJ&V, G. P. A„ Chicago. Nov lii R. H. OWEN Piauosfopsah; and rent. Tuning and repair ­ ing at reasonable prices. First Class Work only. MeHEIiRY. TLT.INOTfi bgr&phy Half its Former Cost American Jr. O A M E R A $1.60 With Double Plate Holder Thefamous Poco, BucK-Eye f and American Genuine ly good in every detail. Film or Plates as you choose. Absolutely new models. Our facilities enable us to furnish cameras of the highest grade at prices which cannot be met. Send for Hlustrated ca ta logue te l l ing a l l 5 about our 27 styles and sizes. Free. 4x5POCO AMERICAN CAMERA MFG. CO. 946 St. Paul St., Rochester, N. Y. WHEN we increase our population wt increase onr national revenues in p^ portion. Unless we reduce the rate ol t taxation We would double our national ? revenoes if we doubled our "population As Preeinent Roosevelt said in his mes sage: "The western half of tne United - x States would sustain a population great a er than that of our whole country toda> if the waters that now run . to - waste saved and used for irrigation." B • ' ' PROTKCTION OF CITIZENS. p. ? Dispatches from St. Petersburg rep- r resent the Russian press as e-otninent- ihg in a dazed manner upon the efforts of tb® United States government to pro- ( ' tect its Jewiah citizens in foreign conn lli tries. The Journal de St. Petersburg ,t editorially characterizes as "stupefying' ;* au article in a French paper which pro- ^ * fossed to explain President Roosevelt's j desire to gain more liberal treatment for Russian Jews nattiralized in the United States and revisiting Russia with passjiorts as American citizens. | ' In his letter of acceptance President |, u ; Roosevelt, gave an authoritative account , / of the ground taken by his own admin f-A^. ^ istration and that of President McKin K ,fty ,w reSar(l8 the protection of "Amer ^.y ican citizens of foreign birth, or of par- tirtilar creed, who desire to travel J abioad;" the phrase is quo ed from the letter of acceptance, ft is alone a» au i, example ot condensed and accurate bt , meaning, instructive. Continuing ^1,'7 President Roosevelt says: "Russia, for instance, refuses tdf ad uX" anfi protect Jews. Turkey rJruse^ p'_ to admit, and protect 'certain setts of Christians. This government h$, con- sistently demanded equal prJt^ction abroad for all American citizen^ wheth er native or naturaized. On March 27 1899, Secretary Hay sent a lener of in structiona to all the diplomatic, and /VWfln|ftjr nfflnflM nf tha tTnjijut i_ W"r * A-. - - Mary--Sponge the pimples with war.: water. You need a blood tonic, would idvise yon to take Hollister's Rockv Viountain Tea. It drives awjjy all erup­ tions. Tea or Cablet form, R. W. Be - ey. •: ' ' HOLCOMKVJI.LIC. A. P. feck spent Tuesday at Batavia. R. Matthews of McHenry was a Sun lay caller here; Philip Hoffman of Spring Grove call). m relatives here Sunday. A number from here attended the ball game at Barreville Sunday. Mr aud Mrs. F. L. Carr of Waucon- ia were callers in this vicinity Sdndav. Carpenters commeuced work o.n the new barn at Will $chroeder's Monday. Mrs. ,L Phalen and Mrs.Thos. Powers •alledron friends at Ridgefield Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Pevik and daugh- er, Ruby, of Chicago spent Sunday with the former's mother. Mrs. Wm. James and daughter,. Ada, >f Spring Grove visited Mr. and Mrs. Henry McMillan Sunday. Mrs. Henry McMillan and children tnd Mrs. B-F. Peck and Iva Hoffman called on Mrs. A. P. Peck Monday. Mrs. James Overton and little son *nd the Misses Edna Pierce and Lncy Carey of Spring Grove spent Saturday >ith Mrs. Hendry MoVlil'a:i. Nellie Fuller, Denver -- "My face.was lull of tuples and blackheads Hollis- te" s Rwky Mountain Tea has driven them away. People hardly know me. I'm looking fine." 3o cents. Tea or tablets. Or. w. Besley. Conscientious. We&ry Walker--No" mn'arn; I ain't dirty from choice. I'm -bound by 4ion- or. I wrote a testimonial for a soap- maker once and promised 'to use - no other.' Mrs. Housekeep--Well, why do you not use that? Weary Walker--Be­ cause, ma'am, that firm failed about five years ago. • •' * ' , innW $50,000.00 CASH GIVEN AWAY to Users of LION in Addition to the Regular Free Premiums How Would Yoa like a Check Lik« This? Ill* Uaua lui«»ilail AHA AH Cash to Lion Coffee users In our Great World'« Fair Coatest--- AWaillill #£U|UyUiUU 2139 people get checks, 2139 more will in tb« PresideoticJ Vote Contest v Co. % TlArt/ ^4. TIO/VAl* BANK OHIO m wtujomtui?irtwt*m What will be the total lor President (votes tor all didates combined) at the election November 8* 1904 ? la 1900 election, 13,959,653 people voted for President. For nearest correct esti- mates received in Woolson Spice Com- any's office, Toledo, O., on or before 1904, we will give first nearest correct estimate, the next nearest, etc.. Pa November 5, prize for the second prize to as follows: Five Lion - Heads cut from I Coffee Packages aqd a a = cent stamp entitle you (in addition to the regular free premiums) to one vote. The a-cent stamp cov­ ers our acknowledgment to you that your estimate is recorded. You can send as many est! mates as desired. Brand First Prize ot $5,000, will be awarded to the one who Is nearest correct on both our World's Fair and Presi­ dential Vote Contests. . We also offer 15,000.00 SpedU CMh Prlswrto GroepS' Clerks. (Particulars in each case of Lion CoffcC.) ' How Would Your Name (,ook on One of These Checks? Everybody uses coffee. If you will use LIOX lonjj enough to get acquainted with it. vou will be suited and convinced there is no other such value for the n; me . Then you will take no other--and that's why we advertise. And we are using our advertising money so that both of us--you as well as we--will get a benefit. Hence for your JUow Jfe«4s WE GIVE BOTH FREJE PREmiUMS AND CASH PRIZES Complete Detailed Particulars in Every Package of TOLEDO, OHIO. 1 First Prise . 1 Second Prise 2 Prliea--$600. 6 Prizes-- 200. 1 O Prizes-- I.O Prizes-- 50 Prizes-- 250 Prizes-- 1800 Prizes-- 2139 PRIZES, IOO. SO. no­ lo, 6 OO OO OO OO Of «2^OOJ 1.000 j I ... , at ,000.' '..."t; ............ 1 ,GOO.< ,1,000.( : 1,000.1 ...l.oooi rvrr. .2,500l w,. 0,000.' *OTAt, taO.OOO^ WOOLSON SPICE CO., (CONTEST DEP'T.) . -V.v? aCHERAL BANKING BUSINfSS. We endeavor to do alk buai- en trusted to our care in a and apon terms entire­ ly Baiiafwciory to onr custom' ers and respectfully solicit the public patronage............... Honey to Loan Professional. Society ^ and Bvisirvesss Cards DAVID G. WELLS, M. U. *»»•> to collections.., on real ttnd5 other first class se­ curity. Spec­ ial attention INSURANCE in First Class Cempanies, at the est rates. YOnrs Respectfully PERRY & OWEN, Bankers == fRfSH, SALT & SMOKED MEATS & G etables and Frutt In Season. "A It Is my intertlon to give all customers the best service pos­ sible. 1 pay spot cash f >r hides, 'poultry and stock of all kinds, thus paying the lowest prices, and w|ll sell on the same basis. We also buy Hogs for Kerber Packing Co. of Elgin, paying highest market prices. Drop us a card when ready to sell. A. C. MATTHEWS, WEST M'HENRY, ILL. ILLINOIS CENTRAL R. R. BEST OP TRAIN SERVICE. with Dining, Buffet-Library, Sleeping and Reclining Cnalr Cars on through trains direct to the WORLD'S FAIR A fast, daily, vestibule trains between , ' Chicago & St. Louis" leaving Chicafro morning, noon, evening and shortly before midnight. Ample through and local service to St. Louis on its numerous lines and branches in.Illinois aud Wisconsin. Tickets account o'f the Fair at greatly REDUCED RATES On certain days In June Coach Excursions to St. Louis at rates less thaii one fare for the round trip. Tickets and particulars as to specific rates, limits and train time of your home ticket agent. Dec. 1. A. H. HAN«ON. G. P. A., Chicago. , ~ PEG EltS & FEGERS Telephone 333. fstructing. 5:d0 p. m. F. c. ROSS, J>. Office, over Pejpiseh's Drug StoH*. T ALL WORK PERTAINING TO MOpKhiS DKNTIST^LF V; r <M|ce Telephone 2H4; Residence! Nitrons Ox id Gas for .Hours 7:80 a/ m. to ! SPNDAY WOHK JRY APPOINTMENT ON^* DR. R. G. CHAMBEKLl^ ' DENT! S'L\ ARTHUR BREMKEN, PHYSICIAN AND (DeiitscKer ArzU) Spring Grove, Geo. General of all kinds. Excavating and Grading. ricHENRY - - _ _ - ILLINOIS. reiephone. Main 1714. LAflBERT Q. SENO BUFFET ilead<inarters for McHenry and McHenry county visitors. Frank Keppler, John Scharres, 93 Hfth Ave.. Chicago. " ' Attendants Telephone No. 393. SIMON STOFFEL Insurance Agent for all classes of property in the best Companies. u , • . tj. West McHenry, Illinois 51= McHENftY COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY. * OFFICE with American National Bank Woodstock, III. Abstracts of title and con­ veyancing. Money to loan on real estate in sums of $500 to 810,000, time and payment tc suit uorrower: • \ . "- . FRANK BUHR PRACTICAL PAINTER AND PAPER HANGER , Graining, Calciinmins: and all Interior • Decorating. ; Telephone No. 254. MCHENRY, - - - tLLiNors CHARLES i FRETT Wholesale and setall dealer in f/m K I L L t h e COUCH *ND CURE THE LUNCS WTH Dr. King's NewDlseovery FOR C CONSUMPTION 0UGHS and MLOS Price 50c &$1.00 Free Trial. Surest and Quickest Cure for all THBOAT and LUNG TROUB­ LES, or MONEY BACK. ••••BIKAWMEBMHNESM') l am in the Market For Beef Veal riatton Hop and Poultry dive me a call ind Smoked Meats, McHenry Illinois mmnBimnHHiiiiiiiiiMmMiUMnnwnii* Jos. H. Huemann Johnshurgh, Illinois. sells Corn Shellers and Tread Powers, Duplex Grinding Mills, ^ Book Island Plows, Wagou%s Carriages, Buggies; Wind Milfi^ Well Supplies, Harness Oft-;" Paint Oil and _ ^ Machine Oil a Specialty. franklin Lightning Rod Works!" am. agent tor th® above. We put the Rods au your Bulld- • '.ings find should they 1m> struck • by lightning we p^y damages • < If no more /than STUH): Call and "• 'fcet full'ilartlculnrs. <t£Dcrdf Blacksniit&iol ' • Prices always Redsoai&lejj <40n Every Tongue." Pure. Old, Rich, riellow; the acme of excellence In Whiskey produc­ tion* • Best as a beverage, safest and most satisfactory for all uses. . : BOLD BY LEADING DEALERS . See Harper Whiskey Exhibit In Avricultural Balldlny, Wortd's Fair, St. Louis $ a»l««« HI94999 -S-i-9 ^# Is your family worth 5c a day to you ijt ^ A protector that will protect your fanfily night and day is the CHICAGO TELEPHONE Cost but 5 cents per day T J : CHICAGO -Telephone compamt •m. •V-t- ri

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