U 1 * *5* - ; * - - . . < • , mmunition S.V-, I#: is now in &«inand daily by sportsmen and hnnters generally.;," ' ; „ There are many brands of ammunition in shells, powder and,; * ••• - cartridges, V>nt we carry the - B E S T B R A N D S O N L Y , ^ v " including $he famous Winchester goods. Prices rif?ht, tooi w •* OSHUN BROS., HcHENRY, 1 7 Hardware,- Dry Goods,- --Shoes --Notions. TIN WORK OF ALL KINDS AT CLOSE PRICES AT Yon will fiiiA iaH .^^dV^^tirtis; alsofency hrid plain CJjitta, Glassware, Jardiniers, all kinds of Qtieensware. Jelly Glasses only 25 cents per dozen- Granite p,nd Tinware. Prices lowest here for good goods, " ! P H I L I P S J A E G E R I GENERAL COHMISSION MERCHANT SPECIAL ATTENTION'GltEtf TO THE SALEOF Dressed TBeef, Huttori, Hogs, Veal, Poultry, Hides, Etc., Butter and Eggs i* & s § $ *:• r* sfc W • H This is theoldesthouse on the street: Tags and pride lists furnished on •j*: application. 8 « StaH 1 & 3, Fulton St. W hates ate Market. COLD STORAUE FREE CHICAGO; ILLINOIS. _ _ _ _ _ _ & « GROCERI The fill} flavor, the delicious qual ity, the absolute purity of our* r Groceries distinguish them, from * a}l others: A trial will convince you that yte are* right. iV: $1 $ •m' I JOHN SIOFFEL West McHenry. | $ >IIIIMIHIIII»HIIIIM«IIMHIIIHmH»IHMMII>l i Fall Goods Arriving We are receiving large shipment* of Fall jumI Winter Goods every week, and li&V# WMl'ktnl them at price# that will move thorn". Men's All Wool Business#Suit. . f V.flO Men's All Wool Worsted, in popular , 1.00 Men's Fancy Black Worsteds.............. , 9.00 Men's extra heavy Blue Serge 13.00 Also cheaper suits from................ $4.00 up. Men's Fancy Cravenette Coat, guaranteed not to wet %through ..1.03 Aragfican Lady Corsets^ any size .... ..50c and 1.00 Lacltes' Opera Shawls • • ......... 1.50 SCHOOL SUPPLIES OF ALL KINDS. Spring Grove, III. Frflllk SchlllTIHChcr. t VW& vl^V< V J i'UPxSrw «fw^VwwwW If it's a Stove you are after, let's trade. I have jbhe stoves, large and small, for any and all kinds of fu§l, for heating or cooking purposes, and I am positive I can please you in quality, finish and price. ' If you haven't the money per haps your looks will get .the stove for you, , Remember, I am selling Hardware, Paints and ^Oils, Sporting (foods, Cutlery, etc., and am anx ious to supply you with 'your requirements in ^bese lines. Our stock is clean and up-to-date, our prices are ^ight and the latch string is out. * "Respectfully yours, . L. WEST SIDE HARDWARE. N. H. S^v r"1' ' ' "" N E I G H B O R I N G N E W S Chronicled by our Able Corps of Correspondents fil'KIKG GROVE. TPeople of Spring Grove and vicinity desiring to subscribe for The Plaindeal- er may leave their order and money with Raymond Moss, our correspond ent. The subscription price is $1.50 a year or 75 cents for six months. EDI ] Don't forget the dance Friday night. Win. James was a JJeloit visitor last- week. ;• Lester Bell was over from Ringwood Sunday. Lewie Somby was a Richmond visitor Sunday. W . Q M o w a R i n g w o o d y i s i t o r Saturday. Hazel Turner is the proud pOSsessor of a pony. , - ™ Ota LeedoizLxif Sunday nfght. ' ' . ( : Elmer Orvia of Waukegan visited here Saturday. Burton Stevens i« building ;i*Ml*rge- barn on his farm. > Peter Rothermel of Johnsburgh was jn town Saturday. • J Mrs. Wm. Kattner left for loWa Wednesday night. * > Frank OrviB has moved his law office into the drug store. - A number of our young people were at Foic Lake Sunday. Mrs. Mary Volhrecht of Wiliftot vis ited here Thursday night. Mrs. Robert ^estlake of Lake Villa was a visitor herp Friday. » J. B. Richardson received * ear load of tile the last of the week. Several from here attended the horse sale at Richmond Saturday. Frank Schumacher moved into his new home Tuesday of last week. Earl and Sarah Shales of Wilmot took in the party Thursday night. J. B. Richardson and family visited James Turner in Hebron Sunday Mrs. Lizzie Neish of Fox Lake at tended the supper here Thursday night, Mr. Harnisb and daughter, Belle, of Woodstock visited relatives here Son- day. Mrs. Anna Bowerrund Thomas Bow ers of Richmond were in town Satur day. The English Prairie Cemetery Aid society gave a supper here Thursday night. David Smiley and sister, Sybil Hend ricks, of Woodstock were in town Sat urday. : • Wm. Jackson and. friend, Miss Edythe Ward, visited the former's sister \and family Sunday. Ed. French and Wm. Watts were (frayslake visitors ^ Saturday. The walking was good coining back. KMKltiLlt PARK. D. W; Hill was out over Sunday. L. Luck spent a couple of days last week in Chicago. Mrs. ICd Knox visited at R. J. Sutton's Hominy at'lei'iimm. M|HH IJOIA Ay I ward of Elgin visited at Iniiiit* over Handay. MIM Katie Knox , spent Fridaj with Ml»« Margaret Aylward. K h ^ d T h o m p s o n o f B a r r e v i l l e s p e n t .ay evening with Robert Ayl ward. Minn Margaret Sutton and Robt. button villi ted relatives in Elgin Miuday. Miits Lena Weber and friends of Chi cago were the guests of Chas. Berkir- cher Sunday. J J. R. Smith is having his house en larged and repaired. Bernard Frisby is loing the work. Miss Lucy Sutton returned'Tuesday evening after a short visit with friends and relatives in Elgin. Messrs. Jos. Hamrn and Theo. Schies- sle of- Chicago spent Saturday and . San- daj with Mr. and Mrs. L. Huck. Miss Celia Frisby, who has been in S. Dakota for several months, visited with friends and relatives here recently. RINGWOOD. Miss Ellen Hall was a recent Chicago visitor. ; ; •. _ -y Ray Dodge was a caller in (Jreenwoo Tuesday. ' i •' Mr. and Mrs. Foes *ere RichmoiKi callers Monday. ^ Born. to.Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Peet, -Sep- teml»er 22, a.Haby girl, Mr. and Mrs. Waterman were McHenry callers Saturday. Mrs. W A. Cristy »{>ent Sunday with ; Mr. and Mrs, Lonnie Bishop. Mrs, Richard Lawsou of Elgin is the guest of Mrs Elizabeth Simpson. !Sayler Smith started for his home at Portland, Oregon, Monday morping. Green tag -sale at Bradley & Foss Stt.re next week, commencing October . 4 , / • . • ' v . ' ^ • Chas, Tj^le and family t^fe enter- tatuihg the former'*sister from Maren go. • {-^ 7- Mrs. Aj L Franciscx) and "Miss Anna Waterman were McHenry callers Mon day. Messrs.. J, E. Cristy and H. W. Allen were callers At the county seat last ;week. ' *-• The Rev. James Gorton will preach in the M W. A. hall Sunday, Oct. 2. at 2:80 o rlock. Mr. and Mrs. Bert McCannon spent Sunday with. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Mat thews at Mcflenry. Mr. antl Mix. E, A. Smith and danarh- ter, Clara, and Mrs. W. E. Smith wene Chicago visitors Monday. The W. C. T U. will meet with Mrs. Kit Harrison at McHenry Saturday. Oc tober 1, at 2:80 o'clock. A special inv - tation is extended to all.' H. W. Allen has purchased the home of the late j. W. Cristy and will move into it at once. Mr. Allen will make Ringwood his home instead of sanny Cuba. * The chicken pie social that was to have been held at Mrs. J. Bennett's Sep tember 2ft, has been postponed until Thursday evening. Oct. 6. Supper will be Served from five o'clock until aULare served. Price, 15 and 25 cents. m B Bridle Crip] can't be made in this Store. In fact, /'trips" of any • kind are impossiole. Every article in this stock of Harne ss arid Horse Goods is of the quality that precludes the possibility of mak ing an unsatisfactory purchase. Prices are adjusted one can complain that we do not give excellent value. GUS. CARLSON, ? McHENRY ' with the titmost'cCt^ m mm Miss. Agnes Westley 816 Wells Street Marinette.Wis ' JOHNsmritGH. Rev. Father Mehring was a Chicago caller Tuesday. Celia Nell visited at the home of An nie Pitzen Sunday. Nick Martin of Chicago is visiting at the home of Geo. Nell. . Miss Anni§ Pitzen of Volo was a Johnsbnrgh caller Sunday. Mrs. Henry Heimer visited her sister, Mrs. John Mertes, Tuesday. John Bartlett and Mr. Jackson of Ba- tavia were JohnsVjnrgh callers Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Martin Thelen of Round Lake were .Tohnsburgn callers Sunday. Mrs. Maggie Freund is visiting her sister, Mrs. Mike Rauen, at Spring Grove. Mr. and Mrs. John Niesen and chil dren visited the former's sister, Mrs.- Peter Britz. Sunday. Misses Reua Michels and Martha Mer tea visited Katie and Lena Pitsen at Pistakee Bay Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Kessler of Milwaukee are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Martin Williams for a ft-w weeks. Mrs. Henry Thelen, who has been sick for quite a while, has recovered s< that she is able to be out again. Mrs. Peter Freund. who has been vis itiug her daughter, Mrs. Wolff, in Chi cago returned to her home Tuesday. Mrs. Wm. Freund and Mrs. Frank Schumacher of Spring Grove visited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Anton My ers, .recently. * There will be a .ball game between the Three King court of Chicago..and the Spring Grove and Wilmot boys on Sunday, Oct. 2, at.Geo^^klls "place. Everybody invited to ^Kend. The following were Chicago passen gers Tuesdav: Misses Maggie Adams, Lena Michels, Mrs. Joseph J. Freund M rs. Simon Michels. Anton Thelen, John Freund and Willie Smith. 810 Wells Street, MARINETTE, WIS., Sept. 25, 1908. I was all run down from nervous ness and overwork and had to resign my position and take a rest. I found that I was not gaining my strength and health as fast as I could wish, and as your Wine of Cardui was recommended as such a good medicine for the ills of our •>ix, I bought a bottle and began using it. 1 was satisfied with the results from the use of the first bottle, and took three more and then found 1 was restored to good health and strength and able to take up nif wo;-k with renewed vigor. I consider it a fine tonic and excellent for worn-out, nervous condition, and am pleased to endorse it; AGNES WESTLEY, 8ee*jr, North Wisconsin Holland 8 octal jr. Secure a $LQol£>tUe of Wine of Cardui and a 2.5c. package of Thedford's Black-Draught today. WINE"OFTARDUI Cream DRUGGIST. ICE CREAM IN ANY QUANTITY: Used in Millions of HomeSi 40 Years the -Standard. A Pure Cream of Tartar Pow- iler. Superior to every other known. Makes finest cake imd pastry, light, flaky bis cuit, delicious griddle cakes --palatable and wholesome. PRICE BAKINO POWDER CO* CHICAGO. • "NOTE.--Avoid baling powders made from alum. They look "tike pure powders, and may raise the cake, but alum is a poison and 110 one can eat food «prr^ with it without injury to healtfch RIIKiEFlKLli, The Plalndealer will be sent to «ny 'address on trial three months for twi n- ty-five cents, and will be discontinued at the expiration of time, unless other wise ordered. Try it. A. P. Peck was in Elgin Tuesday. W. J. Garrison was in Chicago Thurs day. * " F. Thayer and wife were in Nunda Friday. Mrs. R. Goddard was in Woodstock Sunday. Miss Etta Goddard was in Woodstock Saturday. W. H. Munroe wis in Woodstock Saturday. F. Reed of Chicago y isi ted relatives here Sunday. T. Capr of Ringwood visited at F. E. Fay's Snnday. D. Kline and family were in Wood stock Sunday. Mrs. R. L. Dufiekl and sons were in Nunda Sunday. . ' F. P. Kreuger and family were in^ Nunda Saturday. Misses Lulu and Bessie Still were in Nunda .Saturday. F. and H. Wille were in Arlington Heights Tuesday. +<-. • Mr. and Mrs.'Jj-A. Westernlan were in Nunda Saturday. Mrs. J. B Lynch and son, Ray, were in Chicago Thursday. M. W. Ward of Greenwood was in this vicinity Saturday. B. H. Terwillager of Crystal Lake was in this vicinity Monday. -- Mrs. F. French and son visited rela tives at McHenry Friday. W. Merchant and wife of Solon visit ed his parents here Sunday. H. Reed attended the wedding of his son, Frank, at El^in Tuesday; Mrs. Camerdb of Nunda visited friends uesday and Wednesday. F. E. Thayer of Hebron visited at.Mrs. E, Smith's Saturday and Sunday. Miss Jnl'a Fleming is assisting Mrs. Keeler with her household duties. ,Mr. and Mrs. S. Simmons and daugh ter, Ellen," were in Nunda Sunday. • Messrs. Geo. Baker and J. Wester-, man and wives visited in Elgin Sunday. Rev. W. R. Shelt filled the pulpit in the Presbytefiaii church at Harvard Sunday. Mrs. E. W. Merchant and son of Rich mond are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Lynch.- Mrs. C. Jayneand daughter, Irene, of Woodstock spent Saturday and Sunday at H. W. Munroe's. • Mrs. R. Drury of Waukegan andMrs. Clara Skinner of Nnnda visited at B. L Dufield's Tuesday. Mies Lolo Lynch and sister, Madalene, returned FViday from a week's visit with relatives in Richmond. The C. Fi' .club met with Miss Flor ence Simmons last Friday evening. A jolly good time was reported. Miss Vernie Church returned to her home in Huntley Monday, afier an ex tended *isit^withJriends in I4ii« *teini- ty- Mrs. F. E. Fay passed from this lif« of care and sorrow to the higher an«' greater reward on Wednesday morninp at three o'clock. Mr. Wm. Morey shipped three yen: fine thoroughbred dogs Tuesday; one went to Pekin, 111., one to Clay City. 111., and one to iuia.' After iriont^ preparation, we place be fore the public what w^e be lieve to be an unsurpassed selection of new Fall and Winter styles in Men's and Ladies' ' ~ SUITS 8t OVEfKOATS We invite an early inspec tion of these goods while the assortment is entirely complete. The lavish ex hibits iin our windows will give an adequate-idea of the variety and individual $1 characte^ of the styles. Cleaning, Scouring and Re pairing for ladies and gen tlemen. 1 John D. Lodtz. | FANCY GROCERS In order to reduce our large stock we are offering you this week the following goods at prices way below the market. Would advise you to come early and take away goods that will save yon one- half or more if bought here now. Extra Fancy Table Syrup, in gallon cans, will- keep for months; we guarantee it. Lay in a winter supply. Per can . *3C Rolled Oats, 5-pound package with premium; fresh, and the very best packed. Per package 19c Best Laundry Starch, pound...... Best Corn Starch, lib package 3c Ex Fey Seeded Raisins, 1 lb package 6}C (These are new 4-Crown stock.) New Currants, 1 U> pkg, best stock.. 6$c Baking Soda or Saleratus, pkg...... ic Breakfast Food, regular 15c article, fresh and good, take all you want Jc Fancy Japan Rice, whole berry 5c £jQod Cracked Rice, per pound 3*c Soaps! SoapsI Fels NapthA, per bar. : 3ic Kirk's American Family, per b^r.. 3|c U. S. Mail Soap, per bar 3C Brag Soap, per bar 3ic Santa Claus Soap, per bar 3 Washing Soda, per pound ic CRACKERS CRACKERS National Biscuit Co. 's Select Soda Crackers, Butter Crackers and Ginger Snaps, per pound. 5c CANNED GOODS!. /f 5c 5C Best 8tt> can Pork and Beans, Fancy Pumpkin, 3 fbcan, Fancy Com, Fancy Peas, Fancy Tomatoes, String Beans, Lima Beans, German Sweet Chocolate, cake. Cocoauut, best shredded, pound 10c Baker's Chocolat , per cake.......' 14c Vanilla or Lemon extract, Price's or Chapman's reg. 25c size ...... roc Royal or Dr. Price's Baking Pon der, per can *9c TEA! TEA! TEA! Take Away All You Want Samples Free Good Japan Tea, per pound:... Good Oolong, per pound ... COFFEE! Southwest and "v- California 33chicago to California, one way, daily, Sept. 15 to Oct. 15. Good in Tourist sleep ers, berth rate extra. Chicago to Oklahoma, Indian Ter. and Texas; round-trip Oct. 4 and 18, first ' class, 3 weeks • return limit. Chicago to Pectw: Valley of New Mexico. Same dates as the Oklahoma rate. For further information, aak J. M. CONNELL, Agwt A.T. * 8. P. Ry„ CMcsff P i)et. 7. *04. f-i V life ifce Extra Fancy Santos coffee, pound, njo A Rich Drink--not Rio Coffee. Quaker Oats, per package 7ic Grape Nuts, Shredded Wheat Bis cuit, Cream of Wheat, Malta Vita, Apitezo, per package *oc BO YEARS' EXPERIENCE PATENTS DESIGNS COPYRIGHT* AC. Anyone sending a skef eh and description may1 quickly useertain our opinion Jr.'i- whuthcj am \ inTentlon is probably patentable Comuiuiilca-' ttons strictly conUdential. HANDBOOK oil Pateuui . sent free, OKlest aireiier fw aecontiBjMU«nu. Hatents taken tlir«u»rh Munn 4 Co. tpttial ni'ttce, without charge. IatlM Scientific Hmcrkan. A handsomely illustrated weekly. I.arcMt elr. .. i-ulation of aiiv scinntitio journal. Terms, S3 * uir months, $L Sola by all nenadMJWM SSfBro^y, NOT York MiilllCtOO. D. C. year: t NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS^ Public notice is hereby given that th« regular annual meeting of the Stocky holders of the Illinois Central Railroad Company will be held at the Company's office in Chicago, Illinois, on Wednes-. day, October 19, 1004; at twelve o'clock noon. To permit personal attendance at said meeting there willl be issued to each holder of one or more shares of the cap ital stock of the Illinois Central Rail-> road company as registered on the books of the company at the dlose of business on Tuesday, September 21, 1904, WHO IS OF FULT AGE, TICKET enabling him, or her, to travel free over the Company's; lines from the station on the Illinois: Uentral Railroad nearest to his or her registered address to Chicago and re turn, such ticket to be good for the jour ney to Chicago only during the four days immediately preceding and the day of the meeting, and for the return journey from Chicago only on the day of the meeting, and the four days immediately following, when properly countersigned and stamped during the business hours; that is to say between 9.00 a. m. and, 5 00 p. m.--in the office of the Assistant Secretary, Mr. W. G. Bruen, in Chica go. Such ticket may be obtained by any holder of stock, registered as above, on application, in writing, to the Presi dent of the Company in Chicago. Each; application must state the FULL NAME and ADDRESS of the Stockholder exactly as given in his or her Certificate of Stock,' together with the NUMBER AND DATE OF SUCH CERTIFICATE. No more than y one person will be carried free in re- J spect to any one holding of stock as reg- , istered on the books of the Company. M A. G. HACKSTAFF, Secretary. Oct 19. > >^1 Chicago & North-Wester*; Leave Chicago. 8.4A a m. . 12.30 p m. Effective Sept. 18. 1904. WXKK DAT TRAINS. HOBTHBOUHD Vi» Pes Plalttes Via Eltfiu- 3.45 p m Via I>es Plaines. Arrive • MeHeary ..wlo a m ...8.43 p m .. .4.45 p tu ..f.40 p m 5.01pm Via lies Plaines. SCKDAY TRAINS. •.10am Vl» Plaines.. 1.....XI.U a m S.M p m .. Via Elgin iS ; m Villi DAT TRAINS. ' Leave Arrive McHenry. SOUTHBOUND. Otiicago. 7.30a m ...Via Elgin,... 10a in S.3Sa m--.....Via l>es Plaines,,*..,, .•iaa m 5.24 p m-- Via Elgin-- ,7.0# p u 4.17 p m--....... Vl;i Iks mluesL.tt. iS3 p m SIW>AY TRAINS. r 7.30am ...„3l» Klein 10.90am 7.47 p m :... .Via Elgin 10 15 p at i HOt l ISTCB'S locky Mountain Tea Nuggtts A Buj Medi«a« for Ba»y Peopl*. BrisfffQolisz Hsalth tzi . oK -leciflc for Constiivjitiou, Itf 1 i>r»<t-ou, \ 'i Kidney Troubles. Pimples, tScceniH. ' a, BAUI Breath, Slu»rs;sti Bo»els, He»*m^tie " : 'lackache. It's Boot v MouutHiu 1 ea m t«u- - tiirm, 85 cents a box. Ueuutu* "LUST** PRIM COHPANV, MADIJK>U. " ' DEM NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEIPil yc:-