Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 Oct 1904, p. 4

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To be sure, you are growing old. But why let everybody* see it, in your gray hair? Keep your hair dark and rich and postpone age. If you wiii Hair Vigor only use Ayer's Hair Vigor, your gray hair will soon have all the deep, rich color of youth. Sold for 60 years. '• I am now over #0 years old. and I hare a thick, (tlos*y head nf Inner ll»ir w'ftch is a wonder to evorv one who sees it. And nol a gray fl.M a bottle. AH <lrucgsta^ lof J. C. AVER C O . , J.nwell. Mnss. White Hair Tiie McHcnry Plaintaler PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BY HE MCHENRY PUIIIDEALEK COMPANY: %mv: F. K. OaAN' Pres. F. G. 8CHBEIXEB, Editor \V. A. i Sec. A. CKISTY, J.B. l'EHKY, in Bank Building. Telephone, No. ®8. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: Otie year... Vtx months, 75 fiao •V- Thursday, October 6, 1904. - REPUBLICAN TICKET. President-- V;3 THEODORE ROOSEVELT \j!j»Vlce President--- \ CHARLES W- FAIRBANKS Governor-- •-- OHAHLKS 8. DEKKKS. lieutenant Governor-- LAWRENCE Y. SHKBMAIT. Secretary of State-- JAMES A. ROSE. Auditor of Public Accounts-- JAMBS A. M'COLIOUGH. Stote Treasurer-- LEM SHALL. Attorney General-- WILLIAM H. STEAD. University Trustees-- CHARLES DAVIDSOH, \V. L. ABBOTT, MAKV E. Husky. fff;- u llfch District-- HOWARD M. SNAPP. ' Member State Board of Equalization-- GEO. VV. ELDBEDGB. State Senator ALBERT N. TIFFAMT. : S&Bpresentatives. 8th District-- EDWARD D. SHI'RTI.EFP. 1H Votes, FBANK R. COVEY, 1H Votes. /Circuit Clerk-- THEODOBE HAMEB. Bute's Attorney-- t LOBENZO D. LOWELL, JB. Coroner-- JOSEPHS. MAXOK. | .: Surveyor-- CHAHLKS H. TBYON. INDIANA doesn't feel complimented by Tom Taggart's scheme to buy the presidential electoral vote ae soon as <be finds the price fixed by local Demo­ crats. • THE expenditures of the*Nation have been managed in a spirit of economy as far removed from waste as from nig­ gardliness; and in the future every ef­ fort will be continued to secure an economy as strict as is consistent with efficiency.--Roosevelt's Letter of Accept­ ance. " THE valne ol' farm crops and animals tt 1901 showed an increase of more than (200,000,000, as compared with their value in the last low tariff year of 1896. tfhis was not because Republican policy produces crops and animals, but because it increases the demand for them and •Ifchances their value. has come, but it has come more swiftly than most of us expected. The revela­ tion is simply this--that the idea of the euuntry that the Democrats had nom­ inated a fine old judge whose character led up to the standard of what a judge should be is' shivered into splinters. Two years ago the world knew nothing of Judge Alton B. Parker of New York, and little of Henry Gassaway Davis of West Virginia, two men picked up, for A purpose, by the men who contri^fed the Democratic national convention. Howsclear to everybody now must be the situation! Instead of this stately judge who sent the stately telegram to St. Louis, appears, and for all perma­ nency, merely a decent creature of the famous New York politician, ©avid Bennett Hill. f It is all queer. It appears so unsub­ stantial and indifferent that Hill could have nominated one of his creations for the presidency. As the days pass in this autumn of 1904 the eyes of the American people are opening to the political situation. There is no anguish following the open­ ing. £t is practically all over, s%ve the exhibition of ascertain exuberance next November. . ' It is impossible that such a people as are the voters of the United States could vote generally to place the gdverninent in the hands of Tammany and a weak bnt crafty Democratic leader, whose aims and objects seemed ever to be for himself alone, one who has never heard or thought of the expression: "The greatest good for the greatest number," and who, above all, seems incompetent for the best management of the United States. PROBATE NEWS REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. . Henry Kennebeck & w to Gottlieb C Boley et al, Its 8 & 9. Kennebeck's subdiv in sec :U>, Mr Henry... § 50000 Thos J Walsh & w to George R and Jay N Gilbert pt Its 2 & 3, blk 24, Mc- ' Henry 1500 00 Reuben R Turner & w to Jane Halde- man. Its 19, 20. 21. 22. 23, 24.»V»>, 27, 28, 29. 30, 31, 32, Turner's 1st ad, Solon..... 350 00 MARRIAGE LJCENSES. Nicholas Groh, 30. Chicago Mary S. Stock, 28. .... McHenry Fred'k Wm. O'Connor.JW.. .Woodstock Cora^iae Anderson, 20....Woodstock Frank L. Hill, 21,. ...,.•»'••• • .. .Union Ann C. Buchte, '28. ... ...Union George Bryant, 32...^Crystal Lake Ella C. Baldwin, 20. Crystal Lake Albert B. Brass, 26... ........ Woodstock Edith May Joslya, 31..*..-... Marengo P e t e r H u f f , 2 7 ; * » • % ? • R i u g w o o d Lena Blake, 21 . .... ....» .johnsburgh Wm. Conway, 34.............Marengo Lydia Goodsell.,34.,. .Marengo Chas. E. Biobb. Marengo Grace Esther Brainard, 24 Harvard Buys Paper Route. John S toff el has sold his paper route to Gilbert McOmber, the latter taking possession last Saturday. Gil­ bert has been one of Mr. Stoffel's most faithful newsboys . for the past three years and understands the business in every detail. He will continue to serve his patrons in the most accomodating manner, and will endeavor to give the reading public the best of service. He desires your valuable patronage and will strive to prove himself worthy. Dated. McHenry. 111.. September 30, 11104. \ BoaltfOfDirector J EVEBETT HUNTER ( HISTORY abundantly shows that the greatest industrial development, of the country has occurred daring the period When the protective tariff has been maintained, and that during this time labor has received its highest awards and capital has been most profitably en­ gaged.--Fairbanks' Letter of Accept­ ance. 8%' THE fives of 1904 include the two is­ sues of the second Cleveland adminis­ tration, $50,000,000 each. These bonds were issued partly to cover growing deficit under Democratic rule and part­ ly to protect the gold reserve, which was Shrinking rapidly because of business apprehension due to the Democratic agitation for free silver. WE are not unmindful of the immeas­ urable contribution which our foreign- born poplnation has made to the up­ building of the Rt-pubHc. Its -vork and Influence have been felt throughout the country, a»d much of all that is great an l splenrlirt about ns is the fruit of its genius and iudustry, -Hena tor Fair­ banks in the senate. January 11, 1898. THE prime reason why 'the expenses Of the government, haye increased of late years is to be found in the fact that the people, after mature thought, have deemed it wise to have certain new forms of work for the public under­ taken by the public. This necessitates such expentitures, for instance, as those for rural free delivery, or for the in­ spection of meats under the department Of agriculture, or for irrigation. --Roose- fttlt's Letter of Acceptance. OP course, if our opponents are not tin cere in their proposal to abolish 'the |ystein of a protective tariff, there i% no Use in arguing the matter at all. save by pointing out again that if on one great issue they do not mean what they My. it is hardly safe to trust them on any other issue. But if tjiqy are sincere in this matter, then their advent to pow- • ,#r would mean domestic misfortune and paisery as widespread and far reaching that which w« aaw ten yanra ngn _ Soosevelt's Letter of Acceptanoe., THOROUGHLY JKX POJSKD. Judge Parker, of Esopus, will fcpend ^art of his time in New York City run- ttiag bSm owft campaign. The revelation LEGAL NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that at the annual meeting of the stockholders of the E. Hunter Boat Mauufacturinir Company, a corporation, held on September 2t>. 1904,' at Chicago. Illinois, the name of the said corporation was changed to Hunter-Weckler Boat Co., and the princi­ pal place of business thereof was changed from Chicngo, to the town of McHenry. Mc­ Henry county, in said States that a certificate of said changes has been duly filed in the of­ fice of the secretary of stat e of Illinois, and in the Recorder's office of Cook county. Illinois. ept, ADAM J. WECKLEB • EVEBETT HUNTEB ( 15-3t f ADAM F. WECKLEB $2.50 SENT FfiEE. The We M. O., LL. B., Will. There never was a better oppoi-tnnity for persons suffering from diseases of the heart, nerves, liver, stomach and kidneys to test, free, a remarkably sue cessful Treatment for. their disorders Dr. Miles is known to be a leading spe­ cialist in these diseased t^d his liberal offer is certainly worthjr oKserious con aideration by the afflicted"reader. This opportunity may never occurr.again. His system of Personal Treatment is thoroughly scientific and immensely su- perior to the other methods. It in­ cludes jseveral new remedies carefully selected to suit each individual case and is the final result of twenty-five years of very extensive research and great suc­ cess in treating these diseases. Each treatment consists of a eurative elixir, tonic tablets, eliminating pills and usually a'plaster. Extensive a a- tistics cleariy demonstrate that Dr. Miles' Personal Treatment is at least three times as successful as the usual treatment of physicians or general rem­ edies sold at the stores. Col. E. B.-Spilenrnii of the9th United States Regulars, located at Sail Diego, Cat. says, "Dr. Miles' Special Treatment, has worked wonders in my son's case when all else failed. I had medical ny soi employed the best medical talent and had spent, S2.0MI In doing so. 1 believe he is a won­ derful specialist. J consider it my duty to recommend him." "For vears I had severe trouble with my stomach, head, neuralgia, sinking spells and dropsy. Your treatment entirely-cured me." Mr. Julius, of 350 Michigan Ave,, Chicago, testifies that Dr. Miles cured him after ten able physicians had failed. Mrs. R. Trimmer of Greenspring, Pa., was cured after many physicians bad pronounced her case "hopeless." As all afflicted readers may have his Book and $2.50 worth of treatment es­ pecially adapted to their case free, we would advise them to send for it before it is too late. Address Dr. Franklin Miles, Dept. G., 421 to 481 Main St., Elkhart, Ind. * CtfiiteHtauts for free Piano Waut«d. The McHenry County Republican at Woodstock wants lady contestants in every town in McHenry county for a free Reed & Sons piano and several >ther valuable prizes to be given away in a voting contest. Write C. A. Lem- mers, Woodstock, 111., or rail at The Republican office on- Saturday, Oct. 8, tor instructions. ' Saves Two From Death. "Our little daughter had an almost fa­ tal Attack of whooping coQgh and bron­ chitis," writes Mrs. W. K. Haviland, of Armonk, N. Y., "but, when all other remedies failed, we saved her life with Dr. King's New Discovery. Our niece, who had Consumption in an advanced •ttage, also used this wonderful medi­ cine, and today she is perfectly well." Desperate throat and lung diseases yield to Dr. King, 8 New Discovery as to no other medicine on earth. Infallible for Coughs and Colds. 50c and $1.00 bot­ tles guaranteed by Julia A. Story and N. H. Petesch., McHenry; G. W. Besley, West McHenry. Trial bottles free. COLONIST LOW 1 ONE-WAY SECOND CLAS8 RATER EMERALD PARK. Chas. W. Gibbs of Chicago called on friends here Sunday. Miss Mamie Knox visited Mi»« Mar- are t Ay 1 ward Fridiiy last. Miss Anna Frisby went to Chicago Friday for a week's visit with friends. Miss Nellie Frisby returned the last >f the week from a trip through the East. Messrs. W. K. Burns and D. W. Hill and friend were at their cottages over Sunday. Miss Nellie Frisby and H. Bacon spent Sunday with John Walsh and family at Fox'Lake. r4 Messrs. H. E. Cristy of Yellville, Ark , and Elmer Francisco and Scott Harrison were callersfhere Friday., Mr. and Mrs. Cw Bremer and Mrs. J. A. Stark spent a day-' recently "at" "Geo. Schade's atGriswold Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Geo# Waluwley enter­ tained a number of their frieuds from Bound Lake Suriday afternoon. Mrs. J. A. Stark of Chicago visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. .Bremer, a fe\v days last « eek id Oak Villa cottage Miss Irene Frisby returned Sunday from a two weeks' visit with her siste.' at Fox Lake. She was accompanied by Mr. Walch. Miss Clara Thompson and friend. Miss Effercine Joh tson, and Bruce Starritt called on friends here Sunday evening. Mrs. R. J. Suttoii and Mrs. Ed KuoV left Mouday for a tew weeks' visit with the former's lister, Mrs. L. R. Gravely and other relatives and friends ill Kel lerton, la., and Nebraska. The following from this vicinity wit .nessed the ball game at Johnsburgh lajd Sunday: John Gibbs, Martin Knox. Robt. and Mac Sutton, Walter Walsh. Thr»s,"Bolster, Leo Walinsley, and 'Phil, Richard and John Aylward. r ui - Poets appearing in the October pincott's are the lamented Ethna Car- bery, Mary Fiiidlater, Paul Lawrence Dunbar, J. J. Frank, Dixie Wolco't, Elsa Barker, Ellen Grey Barbour, Ches­ ter Firkins, Agness Lee, Frank Roe Batchelder and n»ni«l Kgllgy, --^ The Plaindealer will be sent to any address on trial three Months for twen­ ty five cents, and will be discontinued at the expiration of time ui^iew other­ wise ordered. Try it. j To California, Oregon, Washington, Ne­ vada, Idaho, Montana, Utah, Col. orado and Wyoming,' 4 * Via the North-Western Line, will be in effect from all stations daily until Octo ber 16, inclusive. Stop-overs and inter­ esting side trips. Fast trains through to the coast daily, with tourist Bleeping cars and free reclining chair cars. Per­ sonally conducted excursions. For tick­ ets and full information apply to agents Chicago & North-Western R'y. Oct. 16 Some Seasonable Advlo*. It may be a piece of superfluous ad­ vice to urge people at this season of the year to lay in a supply of Chamber­ lain's Cough Remedy. It is almost sure to be needed before the winter is over, and much more prompt and satisfactory results are obtained when taken as soon as the cold is contracted and before it has become settled in the system, which can only be done by keeping the reme­ dy at hand. This medicine is so widely known and so altogether good that no one should hesitate about buying it in preference to any other. It is for sale by all druggists. BILIOUSNESS CONSTIPATION C U R E D B Y THEDFORDS fSlACK-ORAIJCHT Because the liver ia neglected people suffer Lth constipation, biliousness, headaches and fevers. Colds attack 1 the lungs and contagious diseases take hold of the system. It is safe to Bay that if the liver were always kept in proper working order, illness would oe almost unknown. Thedford's Black-Draught is so successful in curing such sickness because it is without a rival as a liver regulator. This great family medicine is not a strong and drastic drug, but a mild and healthful laxative that cures con­ stipation and may be taken by a mere child without possible harm. The healthful action on the liver cures biliousness. It has an in­ vigorating effect on the kidneys. Because the liver and kidneys do not work regularly, the poisonous acids almig with the waste from the bowels get back into the blood and virulent contagidn results. Timelv treatment with Thed- ford s Black-Draught removes the dangers which lurk in constipation, liver and kidney troubles, and will positively forestall the inroads of liiight's disease, for which dis eaee in advanced stages there is no cure. Ask your dealer for a r» package of Thedford's Black­ ly Draught. COLONIST LOW ONE-WAY SECOND CLASS RATES To California, Oregon, Washington, Nevada, Idaho, Jrtonijtua, Utah, North-Western Line, will be in effect from all stations daily until' Octo­ ber 15, inclusive. Stop-oven and inter­ esting side trips. Two solid fast trains through to the Pacific Coa»t daily "The Overland Limited" less than three days en route. Another fast daily train with drawing room and tourist sleeping cars and free reclining chair cars daily Personally conducted excursions. For tickets and full information apply to agents Chicago & North Western R'y. .. Oct. 15 Half Rates to State Fair at Springfield, III Via the North-Western Liner Exciir- sibn tickets will be sold for one fare for the round trip, Sept. 28 to Oct. 7, inclus­ ive. Apply to agents Chicago & North- Western R'y. Oct. 7 ILLINOIS CENTRAL JJNtJSUALLY LOW RATES TO THE SOUTH ^ND SOUTHEAST, OCT^MI *ND HOV. - 15. Oil the above dates the Illinois Central "will ind-Trip Tickets from all points he North and Northwest to N.'W Qrleans, La. Hammond, La. Jackson, Miss. Winona, Miss. Jackson, Tenn. Holly Springs, Miss r points on the Illinois Central in the or Louisiana, Mississippi. Teni see and Kentucky, ana to (ireenville, iliss. Vicksburg, Hiss. Helena, Ark. and other points on the Yazoo & Mississippi Valley Railroad in the spates of Louisiana und Mississippi; also to ap points In Alabama, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Oeorgia and Florida, except Key West. Fla. RETURN LIMIT TWENTY-ONE DAYS EIGHTY PER GENT OF THE ONE-WAY RATE, t from starting point to destination. Tickets and full information of mgeuts of the Illinois Central and connecting lines. A. H. HANSON, G. P. A., Chicago. Nov 15 Natchez, Miss. Yazoo City, Miss. Miss. Want Column. ?nt* (nxtii-teri under t,hit« head at ti» following rwtew: Kivt llm-K or lews, 85 cent* lor fli >! Insert toil; 16 cent* for e»<h More than five lines. and 3 cents a line for This Bank receives deposits, buys and sells Foreign and Do- T7»OE SALE OR RENT - Afour-roor -P JOHN HEOMER, McHenry, 111. \XTANTED--Men to learn barber%ptide. Di- ** plona, tools, position and I Ward Riven Years saved by our method of free work am expert instructions. Write today. Koler-Bai ber College, Chicago III. ITVOR RENT--Tht; Michael Cleary farm, of L 123 acres, situated % of a mile south of S. Reynolds' mill. For further particulars apply to or address MRS. MICHAEL CLEABY, 15-8ts West McHenry, I1U ^ TDEAIv K pieces of I ESTATE--1 have spvera if property for sale in of McHenry and-on the river, ir vJ de«ir; I desirable the village uding resi­ dence property and choice lots. Jf you con­ template making a purchase give me a call, it, may be to your advantage. 3-tf McHenry. Ulng h fine barn, pig sty, chicken house, etc. Call «n„ \. J. Justen, McHenry, or Nick L; Freund on t.h« prvuilses. - - 9-tf ritoi-ies. WANTED--Men and women In this county ** and in the adjoining t< resent and advertise an old of solid financial standing. Salary \ weekly, to women #12 to S'lK weekly with r>.\ - penses advanced each Monday by check di­ rect from headquarters. Horse and buggy -1-- - -- position perma- &.-Co.^Dept. A, fttrnis when necessary; Blew Bros. nent. Address Blew Brot Motion Bids,. Chicago, 111. JR. IJv OWEN V sale and rfent. Tuning arid ing at reasonable prici^t. First class Work only. McIIENRY. ILL1NOIS ^ PHOTOGRAPHERS WEST MoHENRY, ILX. / , near the stand pipe. makes everything Itnown in the busiiiess from a tiny locket to a life-size crayon. None but first- class work allowed to leave studio Portraits and Out-door Work, . C^ing, Enlarging and Fraia- ; Hlg. Developing and Finishing^ for Amatuers. Photo Buttons St Jewelry of Every Description. Some attractive novelty presented with every dozen photos. Victors welcome. building season is here and so are'wo with everything neccessary in building a house. Xjet us figure with you when you get ready to build, it will certainly pay you to do so. We carry a com­ plete stock of Lumbei, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Build­ ing Paper, Cement, Lime, Brick, Etc. FEED DEPARTMENT! Our Feed Department is also complete In every detail, having been in the business so long as to know the exact wants of the people,' White Swan Flour is the kind we handle and the name speaks lor itself. WILBUR LUr iBER CO. McHENRY, ILLINOIS. »MWWMWMWWWW MWM' WM' Photography for the AMATEUR at Half its Former Cost C A M E R A With Double Plate Holder The famous Poco, Buck-Eye and American Cameras. G e n u i n e l y g o o d i n every detail. Film or ^ ̂ as you choose. $1« O0 Absolutely new models. Our facilities enable U3 to furnish cameras of the highest grade at prices which cannot be met. Send for illustrated c a t a l o g u e t e l l i n g a l l about bur 27 styles and sizes. Free. $4.80 4x5POCO AMERICAN CAMERA MFG.t'CO. 946 St. Paul St.. Rochester, N. Y. 0EIIERAI BANKM6 BUSINESS. We endeavor to do all busi-' ness entrusted to our care in a manner and upon terms entire* ly satisfactory to our custom­ ers and respectfully solicit the public patronage.. floney to Loan EiYi on real estate n d o t h e r first class se­ curity. Spec: ial attention to collections., INSURANCE In First Class Companies, at the Low- grates. Yours Respectfully ,; PERR^gw;EN, ARTHUR BRBMKEN, M. FRESH, SAIT & SMOKED HEATS Vegetable^ and Fruit "in Season. It is Piny Intention to give all customers the best service pos­ sible. I pay spot cash f:»r hides, poultry and stock of all kinds, thus paying the lowest prices, and will sell on the same basis. 'We also buy Hogs for Kerber 'Packing Co. of Elgin, payfng . highest market prices. Drop us % card when ready to sell. ^ C. MATTHEWS, V \ WEST M'HENRY, ILL. ILLINOIS CENTRAL R. R. bEST OF TRAIN SERVICE. with Dining, Buffet-Library, Sleeping and Reclining Chair Cars on through trains airect: to the WORLD'S FyUR fast, daily, vestibule trains between Chicago & St. Louis leaving Chicago morning, noon, evening and shortly. before midnight. Ample through and local service to St. Louis on its numerous lines and brandies in Illinois and Wisconsin. ..Tickets account of the Fair at greatly c REDUCED RATES On certain days in June Coach Excursions to St. at rates less than one.fare for the round trip. Tickets and particulars as to specific rates, limits and train time of your home ticket agent. Dec. 1. A. H. HANSON, G. P. A.. Cliicano.^ f K.iLl.TH« COUCH m O U R S T H E L U N G S WITH ig's Or lew Oisoi¥ery OR C 'ONSUiVIPTEON 0UGHS and J0LDS Price 50c &$ 1.00 Fiee Trial. Surest and Quickest Cure for all TiiBOAT and LUNG TK.OUB- >, or MONEY BACK. Professional, Society V a.nd B\isinesss Cards DAVID G. WELLS, M. D. PHYSICIAN,-SURGEON AND OCULIfcST - Office and residence cottier Elin am Gretm streets. McHenry. : -mm. FftGERS& FEGER8 pHYSrCTANS AND STTRGEONS. «cHenry, n, lr'- GtHce at Residence, corner Dourtand Elm streets. Telephone :J33. , M F. C. ROSS. D. JX Office over Petesch's Drug Store. AXjJJ WOBK PERTAJNING T</M<)DKBN . : Office Telephone. 284; Residence 208. -Nitrous Oxid Gas for Extracting; Hpurs 7:30 a. m. to 5:30 p. in. By AfPQi>- OtWe and Residence over Besjey's Drug Hours: »:oo to 5:30. Spring tirove, Ueneral Teaming of all kinds. Excavating and Grading. flcHENRy Telephone, Main 1714. LAHBERT Q. BUFFET Headqu&rtera- for McHenry county visitors. ' * : Frank Kcpplcr, John 3vbarren,. 98 fifth Ave.. Chicago. Attendants - - .ILLINOIS. Telephone No. 393'/ . ? SIMON STOFFEL Insurance Agent for all classes of property in the best Companies. West Mcffenty, Illinois McHENEY COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY. OFFICE with American National Bank Woodstock, 111. Abstracts of title and con­ veyancing. Money to loan on real estate in sums of $500 to 810,000, time and payment t( suit oorrower. FRANK BUHR PRACTICAL PAINTER AND PAPER HANGER ^ f Graining, Calcimining and all Interior Decorating. • Telephone No. 254. : v MCHENRY, - - * - ILLINOIS CKARLES k FREII Wbolesale and retail dealeria K am in the Market riutton Poultry Give SiDS&ed Meats; idus^e McHenry - Illinois' Jos. H. Huemann Johnsburgh, Illinois. sells Corn Shellers and Tread Powers, Duplex Grinding Mills, RiK-k Island Plows, Wagons, Carriages, Buggies, Wind Mills, Well Supplier Harness Oil, - J&int Oil and ; Machine Oil a Specialty. franklin Liptning Rod Works! * • I am agent for the above. WS» put the Rods on yonr.Huild- ings and should they be struck by lightning we pay damages if n6 more than 1500. Call and get full particulars. General Blicksmitiitag Prices alwavs ReaMle »»»»««lit * i * * 4> * * js **Aad thar stood Old Kaintuck" and "thar stood Old Harper" both in % the front ranks every where you find them., S SOLD BY LEADING DEALERS 1 ^ .. *. * See Harper Wklskty Exhibit In Agricultural Building, World's It Uail Hevrper A •i%t)n. Every Tongue.' * i * m <0 m * I m 3 S-34 4*4 9*4 9)4 9ii 44*444444444444444 ̂ If so you ought to appreciate anything jjj^ that will help you save it. Your The best way to save time Is to hav«||. ; Time ' i Cost bat 6# cents a day CHICAGO TELEPHONE COMPANY •wh * * * ' ?< ^ .v '<x r^- 4 '-If-S ...--'A"

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