Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 Oct 1904, p. 5

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NEW AND OLD.: A large, variety for selection. High Quality, l^w Price. Cole's Hot Blast fuel, increase heat. Call arid see? them. OSflUN BROS., flcHENRY, ILL*. General Hardware,- -Dry Goods,- Shoe* -Notions. TIN WOR.K OF ALL KINDS AT CLOSE PRICES Tt- v AT THE.. * ' --flu • T' ;v. You will find all kinds of notions;; also fancy and plain China, Glassware, Jardimers, all kinds of Queens ware. Jeily Glasses only 25 cents per dozen. Granite, sail> Tinware. Prices lowest here for good goods, " v U; I PHILIP J^EGERl S GENERAL COrtMISSION MERCHANT ;;s SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE S^LE^OJP Poultry. -s~-i -W'-F* %-i L ?i fcS^rcssed Beef, riutton, Hogs, | Hides, Etc., Butter and Eggs j« .iJX-W.V- .. . ,'JL'l i* THfs te the oldestlioa&e on the street Tags and j& application. , ' ^v, .^...-v *,•*. 15 $ - COLD STORAGE FREE • F ^ Wholesale^ Market. st CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. | :•% l-f-J , £ w^. m -* w • -•« Mm m V; yi •fc' f £. *X vy ^ i\ * m^4 • si <& 'i-i ft The full flavor, the delicious qual* ity, the absolute purity of our Groceries distinguish them frbna all others. A trial will convince #N •' 1 «(& $ you that we are right.----$ M STOFFEl !£\ Sir & 9 • MHnniimiiiiiMiimiimwiinMUiiimimn ! Fall Goods Arriving J % 'We are receiving large shipments " of Fall and * Winter Goods every week, atid have marked them at prices that will move thei O 1 Men's All Wool Business Suit .$ 9. Men's All Wool Worsted, in popular browns. . I. M e i i ' s F a n c y B l a c k W o r s t e d s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Men's extra heavy Blue Serge. 13 Also cheaper suits from....... --. $4.00 Men's Fancy Cravenette Coat, guaranteed not to wet through.... .. 12 American Lady Corsets, any size..... . 5^ and 1 L a d i e s ' O p e r a S h a w l s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 SCHOOL SUPPLIES OFj\LL KINDS. ; Spring Grove, HI. Ffflllk Schum3Chcr. N E I G H B O R I N G N E W S Chronicled by o\ir Able Corps of Coiresponderits / RINGWOOD. inery L. Kimball will preach iff the M. !E. church next Sabbath. r . , , Euiory Carr of Moreland, III., called on friends the first of the week. Geo. SiWens and^son, Harold, Of El* gin spent stmnay witliSN. D. Stevens. Frank Fay( If Ridgeffield v|sited his mottifei^ Mrs. Annie Spauldinjf, Sunday. Harry Peet \^|^_ f4niily of Sonth Greenwood visitea^f L. R. Peet's Sun­ day. Mr. and Mrs. Thosf Wkleh of Grays- passenjper y lake spent Stm Ed. Whiting, „ Miss Eruia Md is the guest of h Cannon, this Messrs) Elmer Tnttle art teii^cTtij W oodpZ\i?%\ ond a; Mi ville, week Ir. and Mrs. JOHNSBl'ilGH. Chris Blake was a Chicago last week. Miss Tillie Frennd was a Spring Grove caller Wednesday. Miss Maggie Adams was a Chicago visitor Wednesday.. Mr. and Mrs. Martin W. Frennd vis­ ited in Yolo Sunday. Miss Emma May of Spring Grovewa^ a Sunday caller here. Mrs. Joe Heinier and 30ft, Charles, were callers here Sunday. : r„ John P. Lay was in Chicago on bnsi- inon of\ Greenwood brother. Bert Mc* ipcisco and Claren epublica^rally at evening Kt-mmerling of Gran lent the latter part of the r. and Mrs. Martin Spanld- .X ' u ?;S» V friends u s* Tin TNI ing. Mrs. H rfttlje Bnckland started Tues­ day morning for Mprphyatsorough, 111., ^pphere she will attend the W. C. T. U. state convention, and Wilt return via St, Jjouis, where she wis spend several d»ygat the If air. | A Judicious Inquiry. A well-known travelling .man who ii&s the o^g trade says he has oftep heard druggists inquire of customers who asked for a cough medicine, wheth­ er it was wanted for a child or an adult, and if for a.child they almo t invarutblv recommend Chamberlain'» Cfm^pRem- edy. The reason for this is that they know that there is no danger from it and that it always cures. There is not the least danger in giving it and for .coughs, colds and croup it is unsur- pasaed^-7 For sale by all druggists. BAKKEVILLE. Clark Jacobs of Nunda was a caller here Tuesday. F. Davoll of Holcombville was a caller here Tuesday. . , Ray Merchants, spent Sunday with at Ringwooik Geo. Johnson of Crystal Lake was a caller here Sunday /vening. Mr. and Mrs. uhas. Knaack spent Siittday .with friends at Crystal Lake. ~~ ThoaL and daughter, Clara, were Nmida callus Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Wtatr^anNatta'of Lake Zurich called on friends heije Saturday. Miss Edna Hunter of McHeury spirit •hureday evenings with Miss Clara ompson. Miss Effercme Johnson of Crystal Lake is spending this week with Miss Clara Thompson. John Hunter and Carle Ross of Mc- Henry were pleasant callers in this vi­ cinity Monday evening. Misses Clara Thompson and Effercine Johnson spent Tuesday with Mrs. Thos. Anderson at Richmond. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Thompson and daughter, Ella, and son, Ray, of green­ wood spent Sunday at Thos. Thomp­ son's. • ' Very Low Kxcurnloh Bate* to American Royal Lire Stock Show at KaiiftHH City, Mo., Via the North-Western Line. . Excur­ sion tickets will lie sold Oct. 15 to 19, in­ clusive, limited by extension to return until Nov. 8, inclusive. Apply to agents Chicago and North- Western R'y. Oct IP VOLO. New cement walks are being built here. Glenn Richardson of Elgin sjtent Sun­ day here. • Mr. T. Moore is quite sick. Dr. Schaf- fer is in attendance. Alfred Nichols and wife returned to Chicago Snnday evening. JtVarren «nd Milton Williams of Seat, tie, Wfegh., visited Here last week. Mrs. James Kirw^n entertained rela­ tives from Woodstock last Saturday. Mrs^dhris Dillon is qrffte sick in Chi- IRQ/ Mr. Dillon went in Monday even- Your drug wants are best satisfied at Petesch's. {uess Thursday of last we«k. Joe Huemann an(I daughter, Eva, were Chicago visitor^ Tnnrsday. Misses Anilie and Josephine Pitzen of Volo were Jopn^burgh callers Snnday. A big^croyfd attended the ball game at Geo. Nell'* Sunday. ^Nick Martin,/who has been Visiting at Nell's, returned to, Chicago Hon­ da; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Meyers of Spring Grove visited th«, former's parents Sun­ day. • • , ' Arthur Freund of Chicago is visiting with his nncle, Fred Huemann, this week. Mrs. Joseph Michels and Mrs. Math Schaefer were Springy Grove visitors Snnday. The home of Jacob Jnsten of Johns- burgh was struck by lightning, but no damage was done. ^ . Miss Lena Michels returned on Tues­ day evening from Chicago, where she had been visiting her cousins. The Foresters of Jolmsbnrgh gave a social at the St. Joseph hall Tuesday evening. All report a good time. The barn of Adam Schillo at Pistakee Bay was struck by lightning Toesday night and burned to the ground with all its contents. Lulu Stanhope, St Louis: "I used to have a horrid complexion. I took Hol- lister's Rocky Mountain Tea and am called the prettiest girl in the city." Tea or tablets, 35 cents. G. W. Besley. From indigestion, aches and pains, Your system will be free, If you'll but take a timely drink Of Rocky Mountoin Tea. G. W. Bedey. SPRING GROVE. [People of Spring Grove and vicinity desiring to subscribe for The Plaindeal- er may leave their order and money with Raymond Moss, our correspond­ ent. The subscription price is $1.50 a year or 75 cents for six months. ED. ] Dr. Lichty was over from Woodstock Monday. * Mr. and Mrs. Mike Rauen welcomed a baby girl Tuesday. Fred Thome and wife of Richmond were in town Sunday. Dr. Wells and family of McHenry ^ere in town Sunday. Mr. aud Mrs. Andrew Neish were Fox Lake visitors Monday. Dr. Bremken has sold his automobile to a Woodstock gentleman. Miss Maggie Frennd of Johnsburgh is visiting at Michael Ranen's. Herman Siedschlag returned from Des Plaines Tuesday evening. Ed. Co\pman, Neva and Fay French of Wilmot visited here Sunday. Miss Ada Westlake was a Harvard visitor the latter part of last week. Mrs. Wm. Cary and family were en­ tertaining visitors from Chicago last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bradley of Chi­ cago visited with John Waspi and fam­ ily Sunday. The little daughter of Frank Schu­ macher had the misfortune to fall under the wheels of a buggy last Sunday morning.but escaped serious injury. The C. E. society elected the follow ing officers Sunday evening: President, Theodore Spoonholtz; vice president, Edward Hopper; secretary, Helen Moss treasurer, Grace Hopper; organist, Ina James. The Plaindealer will be sent to any address on trial three months for twen­ ty-five cents, and will be discontinued at the expiration of time unless other­ wise ordered. Try it. If it's a Stove you are after, let's trade. i I have the stoves* large and small, -for any arid kinds of fuel, for heating or cooking purposes, and I am positive I can please .you in quality, finish and price. If you haven't the money per­ haps your looks will get the stove for you. Remember, I .am selling Hardware, Paints and Oils, Sporting Goods, Cutlery, etc., and am anx­ ious to supply you with * your requirements in tihese lines. Our stock is clean and up-to-date, ; «ur jarices are right and the latch String is out. PR; with the utmost care GUS. Jf Bridle Crip can't be made in this Store. In fact, "trips" of any &rad are tmpossiole. ©very article m this stock of Harness and Horse Goodg is of the quality that precludes the possibility of mak- • ing an unsatisfactory purchase. Prices are adjusted No one can complain that we do i\ot give excellent value. 3 McHENR.Y Respectfully yours, . • 1 T 1 V & » * . J M : 4 - WEk SIDE HARDWARES'- - DRUOOIST. , Patent Medicines, Toilet Articles. CREAM BAKING mm Creaiest Aid to Cookery ' With least labor and trouble it makw hot-breads, biscuit and cake of finest flavor, light, sweet, appetizing and Assuredly digestible and wholesome* RIIHiKFIKLU. The Plaindealer will be sent to any address on trial three months" for twen­ ty-five cents, and will be discontinued at the expiration of time, unless other­ wise ordered. Try it. Mrs. Pose was in Woodstock Monday. Wm. Eichkoff was in Nnnda Thurs- day. ^ !•. . '--v A. Skinner wa8 in Wood8t<K;k S^ day. •'••••' ;.V, W. H. Mnnioe WM itf Piindee Tues­ day. : : ' ^ ̂ ' ' ; Miss Sadie. Ormsby w&e in the city Friday. J. Bartz and son were in Chicago Monday. • Miss Sullivan was in Hartland. one day recently. J. H. Parks of Nnnda was in this vi­ cinity Thursday. Mr. Jesse and son were in Chicago the first of the week; - F, E. Fay and two daughters were in Nunda Thursday. I. E. Mason- went to Chicago Monday with a car of cattle. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Dnfield were in Woodstock Saturday Mrs. L. A. Walkup and sons were shopping in Chicago- Friday. Mrs' A. S. Wakefield is visiting ber daughter, Mrs ..Ten fcs, in Elgin. Elston Hunt of Elgin visited at R. "!*.• Dufield's Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. French of McHenry'"itr visiting her daughter, Mrs. Stephenson. Mrs. A. Anners and Miss Mabel Skin­ ner were Nnnda visitors Monday. The Royal Neighbors will give q, pumpkin pie social on Oetoberi4. Full notice later. . * Mrs. Jordy of Fort Madison, Iowa, visited her daugeter, Mrs. F. P. Smith, Saturday, Sunday and Monday. Mrs. J. B, Lynch ani daughter, Lolo, visited their daughter and sister, Airs. C. E. Conerty, in Chicago Monday. Mrs. E- Stephenson visited her sister, Mrs. Hudson, at McHenry Friday and also attended the funeral of Mrs. Fay. Mr. Jayne has moved his family here from Algonquin and he will fill the place in the blacksmith shop recently vacated by Chas. Burgstrand of Nunda. Mrs. R. L. Dufield and son, Roy, Miss Agnes Dnfield and Mrs. J. Still and daughter, Luln, attended the funeral services of Mrs. Fay at McHenry Friday. The Ladies'Aid society met with Miss Lizzie last Thursday, from two to six o'clock, with an attendance of thirty- five. The proceeds for the tea amount­ ed to $3.20. How to Cure Corns anil Bunions. First soak the corn or bunion in warm water to soften it; then pare it down as closely as possible without drawing blood and apply Chamberlain's Pain Balm twice daily, rubbing vigorously for five minutes at each application. A corn plaster should be worn a few ddps to protect it from the shoe. As a gen eral liniment for sprains, bruises, lame­ ness and rheumatism, Pain Batm is un- equaled. For sale by all druggists. & 5 $£ 3$ C; I !•! 6 § S-i After months' of careful preparation, we place be­ fore the public what we be lieve to be an unsurpassed selection of new Fall and Winter styles in Men's and LadieSr* SUITS & OVERCOATS We invite an early inspec­ tion of these goods while the assortment is entirely complete. The lavish ex­ hibits in our windows will give an adequate idea of the variety and individual character of the styles. Gleaning, Scouring and Re­ pairing for ladies and gen­ tlemen. to Southwest $ u § $ a if: it 5 | „ i John D. Lodtz. i V: FANCY GROCERS •SOLOH [People of Solon and vicipifcy desiring to subscribe fo»r The Plaindealer may leave their order with Miss Allie Turn­ er. The subscription price is $1.50 a year or 75 cents for six months. Ed.l Geo. Vogel had a sale at Rockefeller Monday. Wm. Hodge was over from Antioch this week; Wm. Foley and family were in our village Sunday. ,s •- jjSeat Sfe can Pork and Beans. BAKIMQ POWOBH CON CHIOAOA Herbert Allen of Ringwood called on Mr. Vogel Monday Chas. Skinkle sawed wood for our pot agent two days last week. Fred Thome purchased a car load of cattle in Wisconsin last week. • Lee Turner and Mr. "Dennis are doing carpenter work in Greenwood, v Mrs. R. B. Gardner's residence looks very neat in a new coat of paint. Mrs. Frank W.esterm^n is entertain­ ing company from ChicagOTthitf week. Mrs. Edwin Brown is attending the M. E. conference in Chicago this week. Mr. and Mrs John Coulman of Wash-, ing ton were visitora at Jas. T. ^Hodge's Sunday. •• x Mrs. Carpenter and son have returned from a two" weeks' visit with friends in Michigan. ' ' Ate Lawrence of Ringwood is doing mason work for W. D. Monear on the Crane farm. Those who' go to bear our minister onoe, go again and are well pleased.. It is hoped that he may be returned to us for another year, . Apple* (or gale, Hand picked No. 1 fall and winter varieties at 60 to 75 cents per bushel. Have your order booked now and ge your choice of varieties. Good, sound cider apples 15 cents per bushel, loaded on wagon at.nursery. Orders promptly filled. Call on or address J. V. Buck- land, Nurseryman, Ringwood, HI. 13 4 H(i)i. Frank O. Lmvilrv. The Dorr Republican club of Wood­ stock has secured ilon. Frank O. Low- den to speak in that city next Monday evening, October 10. Colonet Lowden is a Very el<)(Jtie|it speaker aud will dis­ cuss the political.question in every de­ tail. McHenry voters are most "cordial­ ly invited by the Dorr RepublioKn duh to go over and hear bliijir' ' '? In order to reduce our large stock we are offering yon this week the following goods at prices way below the market. Would advise you to come early and take away goods that will save you one- half or more if bought here now. Extra Fancy Table Syrup, in gallon cans, will keep for months; we guarantee it. Lay in a winter supply. Per can 33c Rolled Oats, 5-pound package with premium; fresh, an^ the very best packed. Per package..........19c Best Laundry Starch, pound....... Best Corn Starch, 1 ft package 3c Ex Fey Seeded Raisins, 1 tt» package 6Jc (These are new 4-Crown stock.) New Currants, 19b pkg, best stock.. 6}c Baking Soda or Saleratus, pkg.*.... ic Breakfast Food, regular 15c article, fresh and good, take all you W£nt - 3c Fancy Japan Rice, whole berry.... 5c Good Cracked Rice, per pound*..... S»ic Soaps! Soaps! Fek Naptha, per bar.............. 3ic Kirk's American Family, per bar.. U. S. Mail Soap, per bar.....3c Brag Soap, per bar 3ic Santa Claus Soap, per bar. and California *33 Chicago to California, one way, daily, Sept. 15 to Oct. 15. Good in Tourist sleeps ers, berth rate extra. S£0 Chicago to Oklahoma, Indian Ter. and Texas; round-trip ,' v Oct. 4 and 18, first *iV class, 3 weeks I ' J return limit. 3 Chicago toPeooB , Valley of New Mexico. Same dates as the * Oklahoma ratir ?; WMT further informati<m, Mk i.M.CONNBLL, AgHrt A. T. * S. P. Ry„ CMcag* . Oct. 7, HI* Washing Soda, per pound ic CRACKERS CRACKER5 National Biscuit Co. 's Select Soda Crackers, Butter- Crackers and Ginger Snaps, per pound. 5c CANNED GOODS! Fancy Pumpkin, 8 !bcan, Fancy Corn, Fancy Peas, 16c Fancy Tomatoes, String Beans, | Lima Beans, I (German Sweet Chocolate, cake....» 5c Cocoanut, best shredded, pound.. ... loc Baker's Chocolat , per cake Mc Vanilla or Lemon extract, Price's or Chapman's reg. 25c sixe ...... ioc Royal or Dr. Price's Baking Pow­ der, per can. 19c TEA! TEA! TEA! Take Away All You Want Samples Free Good Japan Tea, per pound.... Good Oolong, per pound.......;.-., lite COFFEE! Extra Fancy Santos coffee, pound. .13^0 A Rich Drink--not fiio Coffee. Quaker Oats, per package. 7ic Grape Nuts, Shredded Wheat Bis­ cuit, Cream of Wheat, Malta Vita, Apitezo, per package too NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS Public notice is hereby given that tfai regular annnal meeting of the Stock* holders of the Illinois Central Railroaft Company will be held at the Company"» office in Chicago, Illinois, on Wedne$>* day, October 19, 1904, at twelve o'clock noon. To permit personal attendance at saift meeting there willl be issued to eack bolder of one or more shares of the cap ̂ ital stock of the Illinois Central Rail­ road company as registered on the book# > A of the company at the close of businesp . , on Tuesday, September 27,1904, WHO IB { - OF FULL AGE, a ticket enabling him, ot. her, to travel free over the Company It . - lines from the station on the Illinois ' = Central Railroad nearest to his or hef registered address to Chicago'ind rc^ turn, such ticket to be good for the jouiy ney to Chicago only during the four dayii immediately preceding and the day oi the meeting, and for the return journey ... from Chicago only on the day of th« meeting, and the four days immediatel following, when properly countersigned and stamped during the business hour* --that is to say between 9.00 a. m. andfe 5 00 p. in. in the office of the Assistant Secretary, Mr. W. G. Bruen, in Chica£ go. Such ticket may be obtained b; any holder of stock, registered as above; v ^ on application, in writing, to the Presi* ' dent of the Company in Chicago. Each . application must state the FULL NAMB and ADDRESS of the Stockholder exactly aa given in his or her Certificate of Stock, together with the NUMBER AND DATB OF SUCH CERTIFICATE. No more one person will be carried free in re­ spect to any one holding of stock as reg*~ istered on the books of the Company. A. G. HACKSTAFF, Secretary. Oct 19 ̂ ; Chicago & North-Western, S.45 a 60 YEARS" EXPERIENCE PATENTS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS AC. Anvonp sending a sketch and description sua? quickly ascertain our (Hmmu-ii free wfiettn-r uu iiivfiitlnn is pr.ihably Oommuimm tlonsstrictly conddeutliil. HANDBOOK <>u I'atruu sent frc v OW1«wt j for 8ec«ri!HLj)»tent*. s< • uuRh Munu ATo. reo«iv« P.neii fwrt'ial i ;1- i ii iioat cbarite, tntne Scientific flmerkan. hatldaomelj" tth: ilation ot any g< year; lour moatn MUNN&Co f Rrtuacb Office^ ( 1 .areeet elr- T«rm«, S3 m news A handsomely ttlustrated weekly. i-ulation of any Boientltlc 1ouru»i. year : f o u r naontns, #1. Sold by all 361 Broadway, 'e»Fsu WMt>iB*r«u. D. VlaElaiii. p m . . Via IVs Plaines. Arrive McHeorjr Kffectl re Sept. 18. 1901. Will OAT TRAIKSL BOKIHBOUND Via IX>s Plaines li.tO a m ..S.4A p m • P 5.01 p m Via Des I'laines ..•.40 p m SOKBAY TRAINS. .. ..Via DesPiaines.... i..,«U4a» Via Elgin 443 pn WHK DAY TRAINS. Leave •r»rTHiKinwi> Arri*e McHenry. •OUTHBOCKD. ©htoago. 7.30a m............ Via Elgin ..10.10 » m 8.3am Vis its ntinw..,,,. JJita v# 5.S4 p m Via Elgin * p ta 6.17 pm .Vln IK>s Plaines.. fciX p m nr*DAY TRAINS. 7.80 am Via Elgin 10.S) a cu 7.47 p m . Ma Elgin p ta 0.10am. 9.08 pm. tecky HOLLiSTCR'S Mountain Tea JL Buir/ Mtdialii* for B wtf BMliC a 9W^ ?i| Sriofa Qoidea Ee&ius aaa Ti|K % >eci(lc for Consthmtion, lndi««rtioa. Lh* r fCUlney Trowblw. Pini|»tM» liMNk iTnpur® i. Bad BrtMitli. SlujigWi Bowetak MfW 1 Hackaiche. It s K 'cky Mooataia T«a in uu> - tonn, 85 wnta A IM>X. --DE i.:.1ST as I>RIO Cuturajtr, Madiaon, Wis. fDEN HUG6ETS RW tALLOW KMI

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