Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Oct 1904, p. 8

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':Z-FR?4 "• ' • • ROYAL BLUE $3.SO SHOE J SELZ P E R F E C T O $3.0% SHOE HAVE NO EQUAL AT THE PRICE J. V^FREUND WEST *M'HENRY, ILL. We have told you in a ptevione messsge that our store is for sale or rent from November 1st, and that we desire to reduce stock to a certain amount by that time as we have a prospective bnyer for the whole. If yon trade in the interest of economy, here is where yon are recommended. Here are a few pointers for yonr careful comparison. For instance, a stock of Shoes and Rubbers representing about a thousand pairs and of the newest and best styles, should appeal to your interest as well as the facts that the profits have been taken off. Here are Douglas Shoes, you know how good they are, and you can buy the $3.00 shoe for S--.(>."> and the $3.50 shoe for Si.});"; for 81.95 you ean buy as fine and stylish Shoes as anybody in the land i®sed and so they run down to Sl-.IO for a respectable dressy Shoe. All kinds Child's, Miss and everything in the Shoft Stock sold on same basis. Rubbers, Felt Boots in abundance, but the best way for you is to drop in and look them over. Early in July we placed an order with the Rockford Shoe Co., who, make the seamless Shoes for men They .have just come in. We did not want them, but could not gel out of it. They are with- ; oat question the best Shoe for the money made in this country. They have a dog on the bottom and are called the ROCKFORD DOG ON SFOES, so you may know them by this trade marK. Prices are $1.75 to $2.25.' We have a lot of fancy Umbrellas, all new stuff, prices usually $1 .25 to $1 .75, your choice 95c. All of the 50c Dress Goods 39c. All the 60c such as new shades tobacco brown. navy, black and white Brillian- tines 4o<v FlanneTettes 8|c. Two pairs fancy 25c Hose for 25c, color is pink, blue, cardinal. Boys' blue Serge Suits, 4 to 8 years old, the $5.00 kind for $2 25 and $2.50. Ladies' and gents' Rubber Coats and Mackin­ toshes, Underwear. Blankets and a thousand other things await your coming. ALL IS CASH. You can save on Groceries, too: T : : : : : W. C. EVANSON. J Distributed throughout our stock there are at all times pieces of Furniture marked at less than the usual prices. These are articles bought at special 'discounts, on which we are willing to make special concessions. One can, therefore, often f ind here just the arti- iclewanted at a very-low figure. ' '! UNDERTAKING^ EMBALMING • s I -- : £§ Jacob Justenj 1>'I ' '1 ' • ! ' ' I ' ' I ' 'I' • ! ' «t» f t 'I ' i j i «t» •!' '3> '3) 'I' >I< il» EXCHANGE CLEANINGS. HAPPENINGS IN M'HENRY ADJACENT COUNTIES. AND A MlitrellniteouH AiiHortment of Netti Item* In €ond«imeil Form For Comvnn- ient-e of liuMy Tenple Try the "Want ad' colnmn, -- Pnre N. Y. Buckwheat FIot»*t Gil­ bert Bros.' Lake Geneva will have another Mid- Summer fair next summer. A Sharon, Wis., cider mill tnade, 2,800 gallons of cider in one day recently. Bargains in stove*1 and furnishings. Also repairs Osmun Bros. 15 C. P. Barnes of Woodstock and Adolph Fischer of Elgin spoke at a Republican rally at Algonquin last Friday night. Having installed the direct pressure system, as is being used in all cities, the Harvard standpipe is to be taken down. <. w < • A Michig'ah editor has had a ^treat nf bail lnck He Was .-just about to step into his new $10,000 automobile the other night when three bed slats gave way and he awoke. The Plaindealer will be sent to any address on trial three months for twen­ ty-five cents, and will be discontinued at th£ expiration of time nnlessT other­ wise ordfey.1. Try it. 1 " < ftf-he. News entered upon vol- ilme X/W 'a®t week. The News is ranked i*j»V>ne of the best county week­ lies and isAfrom appearances of the pa per, enjoying a deserving patronage. LiilitrStanhope, St. Louis: "I used to have a horrid complexiou. I took Hoi- lister's Rocky Mountain Tea Jind am called the prettiest girl in the city." Tea or tablets, 35 cents. G. W. Besley. Herman Melahn of Gary had the mis­ fortune, last week, to get his left hand, drawn into a pulley on his gasoline en­ gine, while trying to adjust a refractory belt, severely lacerating the tendons of his fingers. Judge Merritt L. Joslyn died at his home in Woodstock last Thursday after­ noon. Judge Joslyn was for many years one of the foremost lawyers and practitioners in northern Illinois and has held many responsible positions dur­ ing his long career. t A girl in one of the schools in Phila­ delphia wrote the following essay on boys: Boys are men that have not got as big as their papas, and girls are wom­ en that will be ladies by and by. When God looked at Adam He said to Himself: "Well, I think I can do better if I try again," and He made Eve. Boys are a trouble. " The Bow in an Dairy company con­ tracted for milk at its factory in Nunda Wednesday, Oct. 12, paying an average of $1.3T|' for the ensuing six months. This is the same price as the Borden bottling factories pay. Prices by months are as follows; November, $1.40; December, $1.45; Jaunary, $1.45, February, $1.40: March, $1.30; April. $1.26. Over 37,000 pounds of milk were contracted for at the Nunda plant, 105 dairies being represented. Woodstock Sentinel: You may not fa%ye been aware of it, but we "have lawyers in Woodstock whose practice is not confined to the McHenry county bar. Attorney D. T. Smiley is one of them. Last Monday and Tuesday he conducted a suit, involving several thou­ sand dollars, in the circuit court in ses sion at Bethany, Mo., and of course won out, as.usual. His clients, E. G. Howe aii'I Geo. H. Harrison, accompanied hiin. They left Woodstock Saturday an<l returned Wednesday. After a successful 1904 season, "Pen- ner" Abbott of Gary has again signed as manager of the Topekn, Kan., base ball team. Th? team is a member of the W extern league and under Mr. Ab­ bott's careful supervision htfe arrived at a commanding position in the league. Financially, during the first season, Mr. Abbot has brought the team from a condition of nearly $1,000 indebtedness to $1,500 in the bank. He has signed, with a few exceptions, all of his players for 1905 and considers bis men fast bunch. A big gray horse owned by J. B. Conn, t»jriant on the J. E. Robinsou fftrm in Dunham, was stolen some time Tuesday night or Wednesday morning, says the Harvard Independent. Mr. Conn was not aware of his loss until early Wed­ nesday a. m., when he commenced to do chores. He came to Harvard 8t once to report his loss and engaged Detective Edw.' Pangborn to assist him. They found that it would be an easy matter to track the horee in the mud, r. 13. tcIiluJ-* ofLogue& Saundera' drivers, by ten o'clock they had reached McHenry, tel ephoning back from there that they were on the trail of the thief, who bad crossed the McHenry bridge at-6 o'clock that morning. Nothing farther has been heard from Messrs. Conn and Pangborn, but as the thief has several hours' start of thein and is heading for Chicago, it is doubtful if they "will be able to head him off. The wen lost all track of the tftief a short distance north of Waoconda, and they gave up the chase and returned home last night. It is probable that on reaching that point the .horse, which had been worked all the day before, became so tired out that the man slipped into the woods some­ where with the intention of remaining there until it became dark last night, before covering the remaining distance between there and Chicago. City Mar shal Bnrke left here on the 1:45 yester­ day afternoon for Chicago, to notify the authorities and have them on the look out for the capture of the man on his arrival in the city. Mr. -Conn valued his mare at $175. The thief also took a good road wagon; harness, ~ blankets, etc;,' froin Mr. Conn's place. Conld Not be Hetter. , The ur.!fo;;a saccesa of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy has won for it a wide reputation and many people throughout the country will agree with Mr. Chas. Mattison, of Milford, Va., who says: "It works like magic and is the best preparation I know of. It couldn't beany better." He bad a serious attack of dysentery and was adyised to try a bottle of this remedy, whicfi he did, with the result that im­ mediate relief was obtained. For sale by all drtfggists. ^ The Plaindealer will -be sent to any address on trial three months for twen- fy-five cents, and will be discontinued at the expiration of time unless other­ wise ordered. Try it. . Confessions of a Rev. Jno. S. Cox, of Priest. Wake, Ark. ( writes, "For 12 years I suffered from Yellow Jaundice. I consulted a number of physicians and tried all sorts of med­ icines but got no relief. Then I began the use of Electric Bitters and feel that r am now cured of a disease that had me "m its jgrasp for 12 years." If you want a reliable medicine for Liver and Kidney trouble, stomach disorder or general debility get Electric Bitters. It's guaranteed by Julia A. Story, N. H. Petesch, McHenry ; G. W. Besley, West McHenry. Only 50c. An ad in The Plaindealer "want' umn will bring results, col- Saves Two From Death. "Our little daughter had an almost fa­ tal attack of whooping cough and bron­ chitis," writes Mrs. W. K. Haviland, of Armonk, N. Y., "but, when all other remedies failed, we saved her life jpith Dr. King's New Discovery. Our niece, vi?ho had Consumption in an advanced stage, also used this wonderful medi­ cine, and today she is perfectly wdtl." Desperate throat and lung diseases yield to Dr. King.s New Discovery as to no other medicine on earth. Infallible for Coughs and Colds. 50c and §1.00 bot­ tles guaranteed by Jnlia A. Story and N. H. Petesch, McHenry; G. W. Besley, West McHenry. Trial bottles free. Some Seasonable Advf««; It may be a piece of" superfluous ad­ vice to ufe:e people at thiis season of the year to lay in a supply of Chamber­ lain's Cough Remedy. It is almost sure to be needed before the winter is over, and much more prompt and satisfactory results are obtained when taken as soon as the oold is contracted and before it has become settled in the system, which can only be done by keeping the reme­ dy at hand. This medicine is si)- widely known and so altogether good that no one should hesitate about buying it in preference to any other. It is for sale by all druggists. . -- ' • ',>/ " v ] . The Plaindealer will be - sent to ' any address on trial three months tor twen­ ty-five cents, and will be discontinued at the expiration of time unless other­ wise ordered. Try it. . A Love Letter. Would not interest yon if yonr're look­ ing for a guarinteed Salve for Sores, Burns or Piles. Otto Dodd of Ponder, Mo. writes: "I suffered with an ugly, sore for a year, but a box of Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured me. It's the best Salve on earth. 25c at Julia A. Story's, N. H. Petesch's, McHenry; G. W: -Bes­ ley 's, West McHenry, drug stores. LEGAL NOTICE. Notice Is hereby Kiven that at tbe annual meeting of the stockholders of the E. Hunter Boat Maiiufat'turiutr Company, a corporat ion, held on September 26. t'.HH, at. Chicago, Illinois, the name of the said corporation was changed to Hunter-Weeklor Boat Co,, and tin; princi­ pal place of business thereof was changed from Chicago, to the town of McHenry, Mc­ Henry county, in said State; that a certificate of said changes has been duly filed in the of­ fice of the secretary of state of Illinois, and in the Recorder's office of Cook county. Illinois. Dated, McHenry, 111., Sept«mber Ho, 1904. t ADAM J. Wecklkr Board ofDirector-! Evebett Hunter « ' 15-3t F A ham F. Weijkleb From indigestion, aches and pains, Your system will be free, If you'll but take a timely drink Of Rocky Mountain Tea.. G. W. Besley. Shoes we have the quality at lowest prices* Hi Ladies* and Men's our special we have a complete line, in all the new shades and grades. I$ew line of readv^ ' V - : Y - ' "'•? ' •' , , ' ••*.. ;J4.;\ : • • • " s made Skirts afid Waists* in Groceries our prices are always thc iowe t̂ F. A. BOHLANDfR, VEST HcHW, III, 1 --BUY-- WHITE PEARL FLOURS Because. IT IS THE BEST! Try a sack and if yon don't find it so, return it and your money will be cheerfully refunded. Also Groceries that are right at prices that are right J01 SIOffEL -I $ & is: I •i West Mtilenry. I % N, H. DRUOOIST. Patent Medicines. Toilet Articles. GET IN LINE with the other good dressers of this Gty who have their clothes made to order-- get clothes that arc built to their own form aad at less cost than the beat ready- mades. WE TAKE THE MEASURES-- Hw International Tailoring Co., New York & Chicago <mjaake the garments. riT XJV© SA.TISTA. C T I O F F G X / J K ' R A . J V T E . E ' D . & make it necessary for you to dress warmer* Our ^ line of Underwear is complete. Men's heavy fleeced Underwear . -SOc & Men's heavy all wool Undwr in gray and tan.. $1.00 ^ Men's heavy blue ail wool ribbed, extra fine. .$1.50 d* Ladies' heavv fleeced Underwear from.. . . -25c up ̂ Children's Underwear in all sizes, popular prices. X Men's Du^k and Cottonade Coats in Rubber and Sheep Lining, all grades up to.... ....$0.00 Men's Flannel Shirts, all wool, from... $1.00 up 2 Men's, Ladies' and Misses' Mackintoshes, Gloves, Mittens, Caps and Sweaters. In Shoes we always have the latest styles and buy tbe best on the mar­ ket, it doesn't pay to buy [cheap Shoes. Our Dry Goods Department is loaded with new goods for fall and winter. Dress Goods, Waistings, Silks, Vel­ vets, Trimmings and Novelties. A complete line of Groceries Flour, Etc. Goods delivered promptly. n. J. WALSH, Phone 363. West McHenry, p LADIES' BLACK SATEEN Petticoats In these goods we defy competition, as these goods are bought direct from the manufact­ urer. We save you from/~25 to 30 per cent. 011 every garment. We await your inspec­ tion. Ladies' black sateen'Petticoat, full 15 inch flounce with I io inch sweep, a big value jSjs the,price, only.. _ 98 cents. ARRIVALS!! Infants Filer<own Cloaks with large cape collar,, handsomely trimmed ̂ ith silk braid and edged with Angora Fur, color blue, pink, white, and mixed colors of pink and white, blue and white at. 98c, $1.29. 1.4^, 1.98 Compare these values with what you see elsewhere then come and see our line and we are sure yoti will need no convm&fng. ISxtra sizes in .Ladies ready-to-wear Skirts, carried right in stock in black and grey, neatly trimmed with straps of same material, at.. . ...... .... J .... ;........ ,. . $3.49 . . . ;.$5-29» 6.98. 8.29, 8.75, 10.49, 11.95. Ladies Jackt ts andi Cravenette Coats, at.... adies' Petticoat made of heavy sateen, with a brilliant luster giving it the appearance of silk, extra deep flounce with very full sweep a l s o t h r e e r u f l i e f l o u n c e , a t . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.29 and $1.39 MEN'S AND BOYS' MITTENS AND GLOVES! A large assortment to pick from. Special all call skin Mittens and Gloves at, O t h e r s a t . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49c . . . . . . . . 98c, 69c, 49c, 25c, IOC BLOCK & BETHKE CASH DEPARTMENT STORE, McHENRY, ILLINOIS. PHONE, 314 Children's ready-to-wear Dresses! Why buy gooes and try to make your girl a Dress when you can buy one ready made for less than coat of material. The Dresses5 are all lined with good quality eambric and are trimmed and made up in the height of fashion. We have them in red, blue and mixed goods in sizes from 2 to 14 years and prices are . . . . . m . .« . . . . 35C, 39C, 49C. 7sc. 98c,, Imq $1.98, $3.69. $2.98 and $3.98 ... fs. . f T™*" "f ' . -A

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