Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 27 Oct 1904, p. 4

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flSSf ,.'" kfj'i '•Z-sm-'t „ -- •• warn Want Column. This, Bank receives deposits, buys and sells Foreign and Do­ mestic Exchange, and does a - Professional, Society V a. nd Businesss Cards All Advet ti^ineutH tnnorted muter thi I'olloMiiK.ra tW. homl Ht the K*vi» lliiew or Ie*8, 585 cents for Hnt iiineitir»nr 15 1**11^ for carh *ul»enuriit iiuHMiton Mow thHD five linen, 5 vents a line f<*f rirnt int^rtioii ftml 3 font* * line for additional uij^ertiou?*. DAVID G. WELLS, M. D. OENERAL BANKING msBsum Take cold easily? Throat ttftder? Lungs weak? Any relatives have consumption? Then a cough rheans a great Cherry Pectoral d e a l t o y o u . F o l l o w y o u r d o c t o r ' s a d v i c e < a n d t a k e Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. It heals, strengthens, prevents, •• For *A years I have rtepeiKlfd on A yer • CherrT Ve'ctoral for coughs au<l colrti. I know it greatly »trt>i)<?then* we»k limgj. MRS. P. A. ROBINSON, Saline. Mich. ?5c..We ,?1 00. f o r ,KC. ATEROO.. LOWELL, MHM. Weak Lungs 1mhm« Av<&r's Pilis iiictostse the activity o/ thf liver, and thus aid recovery. the McHenry WMuM PUBLL^HELI KVKKV Till KB DAY BV THE NcBENRY PUWDfAlfR COWAN*. P. K.(lRAW5ERi: W.A- OR18TT, j. B. t'RRBT, Pres. ; * ; Sec. • . Treas. K. G. SCHRKINF.R. Editor. Office in Banli Building. Telephone, No. 272. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: Oneyear.. -- ,.:.^..flJW Si* months. 75cts. Three months. °40cts. Thursday, October 27, 1904. ft'tV. REPUBLICAN TICKET. . For President-- THEODORE ROOSEVELT FotVICc President - CHARLES W. FAIRBANKS Governor-- _ CHARLES S. DENEEN. Lieutenant Governor-- LAWRENCE Y. SHERMAN. Secretary of State- JAMES A. ROSE. Auditor of Public Accounts-- JAMES A. M'CULLOCQH. State Treasurer-- LEH SMAI.I>. Attorney General-- WILLIAM H. STEAD. University Trustees;-. CHARLES DAVIDSON, # <* W. L. ABBOTT. MARY E. BCSEY. Congressman, 11th District- How ARD M. SNAPP. Member State Board of Equalization-- GEO. W. F.I.DREDGK. - State Senator ALBERTN. TIFFANY. Representatives, Mh District-- EDWARD I). SHURTLERT\ 1% Votes, FHANK R. CoviV, 1H Votes. Circuit Clerk-- THEODORE HAMER. State's Attorney - LORENZO D. LOWELL, JR. Coroner-- JOSEPH S. MAXON. Surveyor-- OHARI.ES 11. TRYON. Republican Rally. I &k-' IN addition to being the literary hnfe of the rrJ--~r, hss 'Irsgged the baseball honors into the same hubdom. DAUGHTERS OF THE AMERICAN REV- OI.TTION seem to think it. necessary to show therr claim to a distinguished an­ cestry by having revolutions of their own.' ' A YOUNG lady in Delaware turned down a man *nauied Smile and accepted Mr. (Jay. Seeing a a*ad# tar­ get Gay. THE new postmaster general is named Wynne- but not the kind of "wind" that the Democrats are giving us in this campaign. DEMOCRATS are growling at Bryan because he . has prophesied Roosevelt's election. A thing is not' 'prophesy" that everybody knows. A MASSACHUSETTS man has. aban­ doned the ministry for the stage. This tb better than turning the pnlpit into a stage, as some have done. A PHILADELPHIA pastor declined to marry the girl to whom he was en­ gaged. Perhaps he found out that shi could not write his sermons. DEMOCRATS are finding great fault with the xfray in which Chairman Cor is managing the campaign. " That is what he was put there for. HON. EUGENE V. DEBS claims thai he Will receive l.OOO.OiHI votes, but does not offer any explanations for such ac­ tions on the part of so many American voters. THERE may be many who believe that Indiana is a doubtfnl state, but the elect of Bryan's speeches seems to have been to put it safely in the Republican column. SEVERAL western girls are getting husbands on account of the sweet sound of their voices over the telephone wires We will now expect a boom in the tele phone business. A LARGE American steamship was, unable to carry its immense cargo last week. During that "four years mon of Grover" ships were rotting for want of something to do. DAVE HILL and Hank Davis went through Maryland and West Virginia like a vaudeville circus. They will find when the vote is counted that they were taken as a huge joke. , • IT certainly must take a lot of. cheek for a poor man like Bill Bryan to go around the country growling about han times when he still has that $450 heifei and refuses to sell her. HON. DAVID BENNETT HILL expres sed a feeling of fatigue during his tiam- paign with candidate Davis. Of coarsi it must be fatigueing to keep np with s young man like Mr. Davis. Sfe: A Republican rally wijl be held at Stoffel's hall Thursday evening next, November 8, under the auspices of the . Republican Club of McHenry. The : principal speaker for the eyening will be Hon. J. W. Blake, "The Pennsylvania Blacksmith, " who comes highly recom­ mended by the State Central committee. Mr. Blake is an eloquent and forceful speaker and his talk on the issues of the day will be interesting to all; no matter to which party you may .belong, and we urge all voters to turn out and ve Mr. Blake a rousing reception. Ladies are especially urged to be pres­ ent. Besides Mr. Blake there will be other speakers in attendance. Meeting called at 8:00 p. in. ACCORDING to the reports of experts Russia might lo*e her Baltic and t be h of a loser at that. 'A NEW JERSEY man claims to have been unable to sleep for twenty years. He should try a job On the police force. IT is said that Judge Parker is very particular in seeing that his cattle get their salt regularly. When he goes on that trip up Salt river on Nov. 9 he cat lay in supplies for the years to come. , AT a large ratification meeting held by the Democrats in Washington, D. C., the pictures of Parker and Davis ap­ peared right over the word "Exit." WT can't.think of anything more appvopn- at . . THE Democratic National committee is soliciting contributions and offers a "prompt and personal acknowledge ment" toall contributors. This is worse than throwing money away; better gir? it to the poor. THE reason^ why the Democratic party cannot make their "organ" play is be­ cause it is not capable of making a har monious sound when its keys range from Free Silver to Gold Standard and from Free 'i rade to Protectiop. SHYLOCH SECRETARY HAY S speech at the Bos ton peace conference has attracted wide attention and elicited much praise. Mr. Bay told them a great truth when he asserted that President Roosevelt wa* as great a promoter of Peace as ever oc­ cupied the White House. ~~ ~ HON. TOM TAGGART is winning Parker's election the same old way that the Democrats have been winning for the past twelve years. He has figured out a big plurality for Parker- Before this,time next month Hon. Tommy will find out that either he or the figures has lied. , - IT is reported that a preacher in llli nois favors tiirting in church, and saye there is "nothing harmful in younp | people getting acqnainted/ behind hymn j books." "Amid lovemaking there is ] chance for religious feeling to steal in.' We are of the opinion that the "vhanee' would be very small. Shylock was the man who wanted „a pound of human f l e s h . T h e r e a r e r a a n y Shylocks now, the convales­ cent, the consumptive, the sickly child, the pale young woman, all want human flesh and they can get it--take $cott's Emulsion. r * Scott's Emulsion Is flesh and blood, bone and muscle. It feeds the nerves, strengthens the digestive organs and they feed the whole body. For nearly thirty years Scott's Emulsion Has been the MR. BRYAN is frisking around th* country as if he were the most import ant factor before the people, and seems to have forgotten that be is supposed to be dead jMilitically. Perhaps he is in sisting on the same rights as a drown­ ing man, who must sin* thr^e times be­ fore he is ."drowned" good. Ooai^irariM, HlUh&t Paalia, formerly a power In Turkey as leader of a reform party, brought about the deposition of Sultan Abdul AZIE. Prince Murad then was proclaimed sultau. Five days later the ex-sultan committed siuclde, a fact which wag proved by nineteen doctors. Ten days after this tragedy Sultan Murad becaine Insane and was deposed and Abdul Hamid ascended the throne. - Midhat waR banished, but was received with so much favor in Europe that the sultan became nervous and recalled him and appointed, him governor of Syria. Here he did much good, but found himself called upon to resign in 1880. He next became governor gen­ eral of Smyrna, .but shortly afterward he was arrested with Mehemet Kusbdi rasha and others on a charge of being concerned in the murder of Abdul Aziz. The trial dragged on for months, and Midhat, with others, was condemned to death, but on the intervention of the English government his sentence was changed to imprisonment for life. Mid­ hat was sent to Taif, in Arabia, where many attempts were made to poison him, which were frustrated by his serv­ ant. One nighL however, he was dragged from his room by some of the sultan's officials and strangled. , Bow Screatr-'Ui Ky., Got it* Name. Back in Clinton county is a village called Seventy-six. In the midst of the village is a waterfall, which greeted the eye of the first frontiersman who went to that part of the state when it was still a part of Virginia. He measured the depth of the fall and foiiiMfit to be seventy-six feet. The accuracy of t-lie measurement has nevel* been called into question, and the inhabitants of the town to this day have their mails addressed to "Seventy-six, Ky." The fall is of little ̂ volume during the sum­ mer months, but is of great beauty at all times. In the winter it is a roaring cataract, and Indian creek frequently goes upon a rampage. The section was favorite hunting ground of the In­ dians in the early days, and the creek derived its name from the number of spearheads and spikes which are found in the fields around.--Louisville Cou­ rier-Journal. 1 Stratear of the CnckMl, The Indian fruit cuckoo, which, like all members of the cuckoo family, lays its eggs in the nests of other birds and thus avoids the trouble of hatching them, is said to exhibit most interest­ ing strategy in' dealing with crows, which are its enemies. Whereas the hen, an inconspicuous speckled gray bird, conceals herself In the foliage, the cock, remarkable for his brilliant black plumage and crimson eyes, places himself on a perch near a crows' nest and makes a great noise. The crows Immediately rush out to attack him, and he takes to flight with them in pur­ suit. The hen meanwhile slips into the nest and deposits an egg. Sometimes the crows get back before the egg is laid, and then the intruding hen cuckoo a trouncing:.--Youth's Companion. Orlcia of the Pletwre Postal Cards. The originator of pictorial post cards was a Frenchman, M. Besnardeau of Sllle-le-Guillaume, in the department of La Sarthe. To this gentleman oc­ curred the happy thought at the time of the war with Germany that, as there were 40,000 conscripts, most of them somewhat illiterate, in the camp of Conlie, be might as well sell them cards instead of paper and envelopes. He did so, illustrating his cards with pic­ tures of cannons and shells, quickly cleared out his stock and responded to the continuing demand by issuing a second series, with spaces on which soldiers were invited to write the names of any battles in which they might have taken part--Westminster Gazetfat The Looyar* and the Kid. To illustrate how perfectly he had the animal under control Professor Bach of Berlin once put a live kid in the cage with a leopard. Then the professor fixed his glittering eye on the savage beast and willed that he should remain quiescent. There was something wrong with the thought tramrferenee, for the leopard immedi­ ately changed his spots, and so did the kid. A bleat, a growl and a crunch, and the illustration was ruined. Mlik and Brlftltt's Disease. A physician suffering with Brlght's disease and weighing 155 pounds began to restrict himself exclusively to a milk diet, taking one quart at each meal, or three quarts dally. Soon no traces of his former ailment was perceptible. He gained thirty pounds in flesh, and this notwithstanding constant attention to professional duties both day and night. --Chicago News. Job work of all kinds neatly done at this oft oe. IpOH S AI E; 1 en tine Poland China Pigs about eitfht weeiih old inquire of or an­ il ress J. H. PARKS. Terra Cottar 111. 17-tf HOI SE I'OH UKNT--My house in McHenry. east, side, is for rent. Pdwsesston given ut auy time. F. K. GHANUKH. i7-2t EV>H SALE--Kit*'hen Stove, practically new, -1- used only two months. »S noles, wnler res­ ervoir. Cost ;52f> new. Will niiike liii;"induce­ ments if taken at onre. .I.J. HIM,*, 18-itt West./.McHenry. 111. WANTED Men and women in this eounty and in the adjoining territories, to rep­ resent. and advertise an old established house tf soiid tiiiuiiciul st anding. Sitlitry to men. SJ1 weekly, to women Sl',2 to Sis weekiv with Ex Denser advunccd each Monday by check di­ rect from headquarters. Ilorse and buggy furnished when necessary; position perma­ nent. Address Blew Krus. Co., Dept. A- Motion JBldg.. Chicago, IIK 1 :)-«(* UMMM tHtMM •••••• PR OB A TE NE WS I i «»•»«»«« WMMMWMMM .... MMHH ».»«»*«. •••••**- REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS , Robert. Wegg. per admr, to John Mord- *. horst, 1 ac HI ileltfswM .sec M' Rich- . moiid.. . .. ::v.. . ; . . .V: . $JH7S.OO WHIielm Hamann $ Fredrick Schulz & w to Cli.< t-les ' erenrl en. 1(50 aer^s in sees 22 & 'Si, Nunda. being Mill pi'op- erty in. Bam-vllle'V.', 1.00 MARRI AGE LICENSES; Arthur H Khott. .:. "Marengo Mollie Bishop. ~(i. ' • - • • ' • .M-iirei(g() •Tohja C. Flotow, 31; .C. ... .<Drystal L ike Emma G. Orton, W . .Crystal Lake Varies B. Young. 27. ....... .Chicago nez A. Stevenson, 20.. . ... Woodstock 'arl W. Hoyl. 22. .Madison, Wis. iernice Percival, 22 Chicago )ouiinik Dworak, 60.. ..Hainmond. Iud, ilrs.. K Nutnann. 41.... .Hammond, Ind. MONOPOLY ON HUNTING. lotel Men. at McHenry Form a Combine - Aetion May Ire Taken. The following is clipped from an El- in paper: Elgin sports who have in >rmer years enjoyed the shooting round McHenry and the marshes near "ox Lake will be disappointed hereafter \-hen they go ont for a couple of days' tin, unless they patronize one of the 'umerons hotels in that vicinity, Ho- el men have decided that in order to oom business it would be necessary to et ft monopoly on something, so they ave leased all the marshes and hunting rounds near them, and have posted -totices prohibiting hunting thereon. Of >urse this does not apply to guests at le hotels, who can fthoot, all they watit > withouf fear of molestation. But len who own cottages along the river ad their gueKts have been denied the rivilege. ~This will cut off a lot of (>ort of Elgin men, many of whom ither own cottages or rent them for a me during the open season, but will ow be forced to patronize the hotels. portsuien will probably take some ac- ion in the matter, although what they do to.prevent the hotel men from !! „ ' oying up the shobtiiJg: privileges is a | 7^47 pin'...', nestion. ^PHOTOGRAPHER^ WEST McHKNHY, ILL. \ .near the sUuuliupu. a makes everything known in the l business from a tiny 16cket to a y lifH size crayon. None but first- f class work allowed to leave studio | Portrait# and Out-door Work, Q Copying, Enlarging and Fraai- A • Ing. Developing and Finishing " fur Amatuers. Photo Buttons & 6 Jewelry of Every Description. V Some attractive novelty presented a with every dozen photos. Visitors ^ welcome. ILL INOIS CENTRAL 'UNUSUALLY LOW RATES OCT, TO THE SOUTH SOUTHEAST, % || AND NOV. AND On liie above dates the Illinois Central 'Will - well Round-Trip Tickets from all points in the North'and Northwest to New Orleans, La. Hammond, La. - Jackson, $iss. Winona, Miss. Jackson, Tertn. Holly Springs, Miss and other uoints 011 the Illinois Central In the ' states of Louisiana, Mississippi. Tennes­ see and Kentucky, and to Ureenville, iliss. Natchez, Miss. Vicksburg, niss. Yazoo City , Miss. Helena, Ark. Clarksdale, Miss. and other points on the Yazoo & Mississippi Valley Railroad in the states of Louisiana and Mississippi: also to all points in Alabama, Mississippi, North ̂ Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia and Florida, except Key West. Fla. RETURN LIMIT TWENTY-ONE DAYS EIGHTY PER CENT OF THE ONE-WAY RATE from starting point to destination. Tickets and full information of agents of the Illinois Central and connecting lines. A. H. HANSON, G. P. A.. Chicago; Nov 15 Chicago. & North-Western. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHl'RVH. SERVICES Preaching 10::«I a. ~rn. and every tiler Sabbath evening at 7:4">. beginning Oe >ber Sunday school at 11:45. Epworth eague preceding preaching service at T p. rn. 'hen there is no preaching, at 7:30. Prayer eeting Wednesday evening at 7:30, Effective Sept. 18. 1904. WEEK DAY TRAItiS. . Chfjagl NORTHBOUND McHenry 8.45 a m Via l)es Plaines ...10.10 a m 12.30 p m .....Via Elgin 2.45 p m 3.45 p ra Via I)es Plaines .4.45 p m 5.01 p m Via Des Plaines B.40 p m SUNDAY TRA INS. 9.10 am..... ..Via Dies Plaines 11.14 a m 2.02 pm....... ....Via Elgin. 4.53 pm WKKK DAY TRAINS. Leave aonTHHorvn Arrive McHenry. SOUTHBOUND. Chicago. 7.3(1 am .Via Elgin. 10.10 a m 8.38 a m Via Des Plaines..... .9.35'a m 5.24 p m Via Elgin.. ... ....7.00 p ni <>.17 p m. Via Des Plaices... 7.55 p ni : SUNDAY TlfAlNS. ..Via Elsrin. .Via Elgin R. H. OWEN Pianos for •sale and rent. Tuning and repair ing at reasonable prices. First fclass Work only. McHENRY. ILLINOIS Christmas China Arriving every week. More Granites and Nickel ware, all kinds of Glass ware. When shopping, call at the VARIETY STORE -^p-gpeat giver of human flesh. We will send you a couple of ounces free. SCOTT * BOWNB. Chamieta* -*I5 Pearl Street, Now York. i.aad|u»i aUdniMtahk r -- : - A JudUtloim Inq.iiiry. A well-known travelling man who visits the drug trade says he has often heard druggists inquire of customers ^'ho asked for a cough medicine, wheth­ er it was wanted for a child or an adult, and if for a cljild theyalmo t invariably retjommend < 'iiauiberlain s Congh Rem­ edy. The reason for this is that they know that there is no. danger from it and that it always cures. There is not he least danger in giving it and for coughs, colds and croup it is unsur- Eur sale by all druggists. HOLLISTCR'# Jocky Mountain Tea Nuggets ' . A Busy Medioiao for Busy Peopla. Jrfags Golden Health and Reuewed Vigor. L'r Const!nation. Indigestion, Live .I'ltify Troiableti, riinpiefl. Eczema, Iinpur . Bad Breath, Sluttish Bowels, Headuci. •nckache. It'a Muiintain lea In la, »rm. 85 CPnts a box. Genuine made bi - . .:STBR Dai O COMPANY, Wttdisou, Wis J-BtN NU66ET8 FOB 8ALL0W PEOPLE DO YOU GET UP WITH A LAME BACK? Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable. Almost everybody who reads the news­ papers is sure to know of the wonderful cures made by Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney, liver and bladder remedy. TC It is the great medi- 1 "**6 cal triumph of the nine- Hp,! teenth century; ais- '""l covered after years of juyu scientific research by Dr. Kilmer, the emi­ nent kidney and blad­ der specialist, and is wonderfully successful in promptly curing laine back, kidney, bladder, uric acid trou­ bles and Brlght's Disease, which is the worst form of kidney trouble. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Ropt. Is not rec­ ommended for everything but If you have kid­ ney, liver or bladder trouble it will be found just the remedy you need. It has been tested In so many ways, in hospital work* in private practice, among the helpless tpo poor to pur­ chase relief and has proved so successful in every case that a special arrangement has be u .made by which all readers of this paper who have not already tried It, may have a sample bottle sent free by mail, also a book telling more about Swamp-Root and how to find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. When writing mention reading this generous offjr In this paper and send your address to Dr. Kilmer Sc Co.,Bing­ ham ton, N. Y. The regular fifty cent and Bene of Swamp-Hoot, dohar sizes are sold by all good druggists. Photography for the AMATEUR at Half its Former Cost American JR. C A M E R A $1.60 With Double Plate Holder The famous Poco, BucK-Eye and American Cameras. G e n u i n e l y g o o d i n every detail. Film or Plates as you choose. Absolutely new models. Our facilities enable us to furnish cameras of the highest grade at prices * which cannot be met. Send for illustrated c a t a l o g u e / t e l l i n g a l l about our 27 styles and sizes. Free, 4 x 5 P O C O AMERICAN CAMERA MFG. CO. 946 St. Paul St., Rochester, N. Y. - We endeavor to do all busi­ ness entrusted to our care itt a manner and upon terms entire­ ly satisfactory to our custom­ ers and respectfully solicit the public patronage Honey to Loaii on real estate and o ther first class se­ curity. Spec­ ial attention given to collections..................,., INSURANCE in First Class Companies,, at the Low est fates. Yours Respectfully ', PERRY & OWEN, Notary Public. Ban kert PHYSICIAN, SUKGEON AND OCULl»|^ Office aind residence corner Elm mnt' - Green-streets, MeKetirjfj . FEGEKSA FEGERS pHYSICtASS Atf D SURGEONS. _ 111. Office at Residence, corner CourtMl* Elm streets. Telephone 333. F. e. ROSS. D. JJ. S. - Office over Petesch's Drug Store. AM, WORK PERTAINING TO MODERN DENTISTRY Office Telephone 284; Residence 202. Nitrous Ox id Gas for Extracting. 'Hours 7:30 a. m. to 5:30 p. ni. . - ' SUNDAY WORK IT APPOINTMENT ONLY DR. BUG. CHAM BERLIN DENTIST. ' Office and Residence over Bcsley's Dr«g Store. Hours: 8:oo to 5:30. WHWT MoHkNiUV. Tl.r , ARTHUR BREMKEN, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON (Deutocher Arxky' Spring (ircve, •». .••'.Uli nofs* I FRESH, SALT & SMOKED MEATS Vegetables and Fruit In Season. it. is my inter;(ion to give all customers the best service pos­ sible. 1 pay spot cash far hides, poultry and stock of all kinds,' thus paying the lowest prices, and will sell 011 t he same biisis. We also buy Hogs for Kerber Packing Co. of Elgin,» paying highest market prices. Drop us a card when ready to sell. A. C, MATTHEWS, WEST M "HENRY, ILL. ILLINOIS CENTRAL R. 1 BEST OF TRAIN SERVICE. -- with Dining, Buiret-Library, Sleeping and Reclining Chair CrtCSOn through trains direct to the WORLD'S FAIR fast, daily, vestibule trains between Chicago & St. Louis leaving Chicago morning, nooip, evening and shortly before midnight. Ample through and local service to St. Louis on its numerous lines and branches in Illinois and Wisconsin. Tickets account of the Fair at greatly REDUCED RATES On certain days in June Coach Excursions to St. Louis at rates less than one fare for the round trip. Tickets and particulars as to specific rates, limits and train time of your home ticket agent." • Dec. 1. A. H. HANSON, G. P. A., Chicago. K I L L t h e i O O U C H A N D C U R E T H E L U N G S with Or, king's ^ fto Olsoovery '0NSUMPTI0N 0IJGHS and ^OLDS Price 50c &$ 1.00 Free Trial. Surest and Quickest Cure for all THROAT and LUNG TROXJB- LES. or riGT:IEY TACK. G A ^ O . ' r0:: • \ • "• :' '• General Teaming of all kinds;. Excavating and Grading. flcHENRY - - - - - ILLINOIS. Telephone, Main 1714. LAHBERT Q. SENG BUFFET Headquarters for McHenry and McHenry county visitors. Prank Keppleir, John Scharres, 92 Hfth Ave.. Chicago. Attendants Telephone No. 393. SIMON STOFFEL Insurance Agent for all classes of property in the best Companies. West McHenry, IllinoU McHENEY COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY. OFFICE with American National Bank Woodstock, 111. Abstracts of title sAd con­ veyancing. Money to loan «ja real estate ii^ sums' of $500 to 910,000, time a'nd payment t< suit oorrower. • FRANK BUHR PRACTICAL PAINTER AND PAPER HANGER Graining, Calcim;nin«r and all Interior Decuiating. Telephone No. 254. MCHENRY, - - - ILLINOIS , (tlARLES 0. FRETT Wholesale and retail dealer in I am itt the Market For Beef Veal rtutton Hogs and Poultry Oive me a call ind SffloRed Meats, Sausage McHenry - Illinois franklin Lightning Rod Works! I Jos. H. Huemann Jotjpsburgh, Illinois. :»* sells Corn Bhellers and Trend Powers, Duplex Grinding Mills, „ . Rock Island PIQWS, Wagons, Carriages, Buggies, Wind Mills, Well Snppliea, Harneg^--Oil, - Paint Oil arid Machine Oil a Specialty. i am agent for the above. We put the Rods on your Build­ ings and should they lie struck by lightning we pay damages if no more than $500. Call and get full particulars. , General Bltcksinitiiin! Prices iiwdvs RedsoritMe «-«- tt* HMr ^ Harper * * * ifc -lit * ^ Crystal drops from golden grain; F>ure and mellow, rich and fragrant; jjj the ideal stimulant for universal use. 5 ' . .SOLD BY LEADING DEALEEtS ^ 5 See Harper Whiakey Exhibit In Agricultural Building, World's Fair, St. LoaU "<On Every Tongue." I P H I L I P J A E G E R | GENERAL COHMISSION MERCHANT SL'TX-'LAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE SALE OF 11 Dressed Beef, riutton, Hogs, Veal, Poultry, j |v Hides, Etc., Butter and Eggs • ? This is the oldest house on the street. Tags and price lists famished on I appUcatifltt' COLD STORAOE FREE 5 ' : I i* Stall i & 3. Fulton St. */: Wholesale Market* *" CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. at This Office V

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