Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 27 Oct 1904, p. 5

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NCW AND OLD. iriety for selection. Hight^uality, Cole's Hot Blast Stoves, save fuel, increase beat. Call and see them. , OSHUN BROS., flcHENRY, ILL. General Hardware,- Dry Goods, Shoes -Notions. TIN WORK OF ALL KINDS AT CLOSE PRICES 4 The building season is here and so are we witlj everything neccessary in building a house. Let us figure with you when you get ready to build, it. will certainly pay you, t6 do We carry a com-^ plete stock'pf Lurabet, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Build ing Paper, Cement, Lime, Brick, Etc, F^jED DEPAR1MENT1 Our Feed Department is also complete in every detail, having been ir* the business so long as to know the exact vp%ts of the people. White Swan Flour is the kind we handle and the name speaks for itself. WILBUR LUHBER CO. McHENRY, ILLINOIS, L Fall Goods Arriving We are receiving large shipments of Fall and Winter Goods "Werys w^ek, and have marked them at prices that will move thom. Men's All Wool Business Suit....... $ 9*5° Men's All Wool Worsted, in popular browns.. 1.50 Men's Fancy Black Worsteds............... 9.00 Men's extra heavy Blue Serge.............. 13.00 Also cheaper suits from. .$4.90 up. Men's Fancy Cravenette Coat, guaranteed not „ to wet through. V. 12.00 American Lady Corsets, any size... .50c and l.OO Ladies' Opera Shawls. • 1.50 SCHOOL SUPPLIES OF ALL KINDS. \ spring Grove, in. Frfl.nk Schuniflchcr• i .OUR. . . Annual Corn Contest OPENS OCTOBER 22. Three Valuable Prizes! Pick out the twelve best ears of corn you can find on your farm of this year's growth, tie them up in one bundle with the husks on and deliver to me on or before December 1. The awards are to be made the 15th, according to the card adopt­ ed by the Illinois College of Agriculture. FIRST PRIZE--Ttaree-Piece Plated Tea Set. SECOND PRIZE--A No. 10 Enterprise Meat Cutter.. THIRD PRIZE--Set Rogers Bros. Triple Plated Tea Spoons. Conditions of Contest same as heretofore. Respectfully yours, \ F. L. McOmber, WEST SIDE HARDWARE. 1 Best for Business 6ic a day Best for Residence lie « day It's the perfect service that reaches everywhere -- that's w h y i t ' s t h e g r e a t e s t s e r v i c e -- t h e b e s t f o r y o u * I f CHICAGO TELEPHONE COMPANY' N E I G H B O R I N G N E W S H Chronicled by o\ir Able Corps of Correspondents - <v>-bimovood. George Bacon is home on a week's va­ cation. Fay Small of Spring GHrovtf Snadayed at home. ; Mis. J. Watson called in McHenry Saturday. Warren Foss was a Chicago paeaengfcr last Thursday. Lewis McCannon was a caller "here one day last week. Wm. Johonnott was a caller at Solon last Friday evening Mr. and Mrs JJ. W. Allen called in Spring Grove Tuesday. Misses Tena and Lizzie Pint went to Chicago Saturday to visit friends. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Harrison of McHen­ ry-visited Wm. Harrison's Tuesday. Mrs! Roberts of Hebron is spending the week with Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Carr. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bradey and Mrs. Holmes were recent visitors in Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Bert McCannon visited I. N. Merchant and family at Barreville Sunday. •• Mrs. Howard Waterman and sons, Edwin and Merton, were McHenry call­ ers Saturday. ' A Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Qftrr and eon of Menden, Michigan, are spending the week with relatives here. " Mr. and Mrs. R. McClain and daugh­ ter of Woodstock spent Saturday and Sunday with relatives here. Mrs. Clias. Bacon spent, the latter part of the week with her daughter. VIrs. Ray Barthalt, at Keystone. Mrs. Bernard Tonyan and daughter. Rose, and Mrs. John J. Freund have !>een visiting friends in Chicago the past week. The W. C. T. U. will meet witfc Mrs. Florence Smith on Saturday afternoon.* October 29, at 2:30 6'clock. Leader, Mrs Christiua Smith. Subject:^-"Pk-t ures and How to Utilize Them." Moth­ er meeting. All mothers are invited to ;(tfeud.. J A RED s. TUTTI.E. Jared S Tuttle was born in Cato, Madison Co., N. Y., August 14, 1848, died in Ring wood, III.. Oct. t6, 1904, :iged 56 years, 2 mos. 2 days. He came with Iris parents to Illinois in 1855 and, when S years rifa was taken with a se­ vere sickness, resulting in paralysis and epilepsy. Mr. Tuttle was a great suf­ ferer all his life until death set him free. He gave evidence of a faith in God and a bope of Heaven. The remains were taken to Coral for interment Wednes­ day morning., Oct. 19. From indigestion, aches and pains, Your system will be free. If you'll but take a timely drink Of Rocky Mduntoin Tea. G. W. Beeley. VOlLO- ; "• . At present writing Mn. Chris Dillop is slowly improving. . ' G. Huson returned to his home in Danville Wednesday. Amos Compton of Elgin is visiting his parents here this week. Miss Jessie Trafford of Bristol, Wis., is visiting at the home of Raught Bros. P. Stadtfeld is having a new wagon shop built just west of his blacksmith, shop. * Miss Nina Colby and pupils are plan­ ning to give a basket social in the near future. Miss Frances Rosing is visiting her sister, Mrs. H. Theile, at Goshen, Ind., this week. Services will be held at the home of John Walton next Sunday afternoon at 2 o:clock. Everybody welcome. This is auction season and don't for­ get that we print auction bills. EMERALDPARKv Miss Mame Ay 1 ward of Elgin visited at her home here over Sunday. Mrs. Fred McOmber and little dfcugh ter spent Sunday at P. Walsh s. Mise Clara Thompson spent Wednes­ day last with Miss Margaret Aylwar! Miss Mary Gibbe of Barreville spent Sunday afternoon with Miss Apna Fr\- by. Misses Mae and Nellie Noonan of Ring wood were callers here Sunday aft­ ernoon. ' Mrs. Nellie Bigge of Chicago and Miss Celia Frisby were callers in this vicinity Saturday. Messrs, R. J. Sutton and Ed. Knox left Monday morning for •- visit to the St. Louis exposltibnl : Mrs. J. B. Frisby spent a few days re­ cently with her daughter, Mrs. Chas. Givens, iii McHenry. • * Miss Clara Thompson and. Bruce Star- ritt of Barreville yisited the Visses Ayl- ward Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Walsh and. chil­ dren and Miss Ellen Doherty called at R. J.Sutton's Sunday afternoon. Miss' Vera Walsh of Fox Lake is spending several weeks with her grand­ parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Frisby. Misses Eleanor and Margaret Kelly and friend. Miss Mary Qninn, of Chica­ go were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Sutton and family Saturday and Sunday. Aboiit tJhi?ty~of Miss May me Knox's friends gathered at her home on Mon­ day evening and took her by surprise. She soon recovered from the shock, how­ ever, and entertained her friends royal­ ly. The evening was pleasantly spent in playing games and singing, after which delicious refreshments were served. Broke Into His House. S. LeQuinn of Cavendish, Vt., was robbed of his customary health by in vasion of Chronic Constipation. When Dr. King's New Life Pills brokelnlo his house his trouble was arrested and now he's entirely cured. They're guaran­ teed to cure. 25c at Julia A. Story's, N H. Petesch's, McHenry; G. W. Besley's, West McHenry, drug stores. - H Bridle Crip can't be made in this Store. In fact, ' kind are impossiole. Every , article in H a r n e s s a n d H o r s e 'trips" of any this stock of Goods is of the quality that precludes the possibility of mak­ ing an unsatisfactory purchase. Prices ar6 adjusted with the utmost care. No one can complain that we do not give excellent value. GUS. CARLSON. S McHENRY :!1 JOHNSBUBOH. Geo. Rosing of Volo was a caller here Tuesday. Airs. Joe Heimer was ft Johnsburgh caller Sunday. - Miss Rosa Justen of McHenry was in town Wednesday. Miss M. M. Adams was a Chicago passenger Wednesday. Miss Anna Adams visited at the home of Miss Eva Huemann Sunday. Mus. Frank Schumacher of Spring Grove was a visitor here Wednesday. Mr."and Mrs, John Bowers of Spring Grove were visitors here Wednesday. Jos. Masquelet and Steve Demskey of Chicago were here a few days this week. Miss Dora Rothermel of Kenosha, Wis., came-fcotne on a visit Saturday, unexpected by her parents. Mrs. Joe Michels and children, Mrs. Joe Rothermel and children and Miss Dora Rothermel were Spring Grove call­ ers Sunday. •' ' + • A Love Letter. Would not interest you if your're look­ ing for a guaranteed Salve for Sores, Burns or Piles. Otto Dodd of Pouder, Mo. writes: "I suffered with an ugly sore for a year, but a box of Bucklen's ArflicaThalve cured me. It's the best Salve on earth. A25c at Julia A. Story's, N. H. Petesch's, McHenry; G. W. Bes­ ley's, West McHenry, drug stores. Pure N. Y. Buckwheat Flour at Gil bert Bros.' 0 DR. PRICE'S CREAM BAKING POWDER makes home baking easy. Nothing can be substituted for it In making, quickly and perfectly, delicate hot biscuit, hot-breads, mufiins, cake and pastry. phice Baking Ppwder pa. Chicago. 1 * KfDttEFIELl*. The Plaindealer will be sent to any address on trial three months for twen­ ty-five c 'uts, and will be discontinued at the expiration of time, unless other­ wise ordered. Try it. . A F. Davis was in Chicago Friday. " Mrp. A. Pose was in Wootl^fock: Fri- . day, . - ^ Mrs. W, R. .Shelt was in N unda Mon» day. •' .. . W. Gallagher was iff" Chicago Tn«s- day. " < Miss EJith Hobart was ic Woodstock Tuesday. * Mrs. A: S. Wakefield was in Nunda Saturday. Mrs. D. L, Gibson was in Woodstock Wednesday. M is. L. A. Walknp was in Wotidstock We<lnesday. Mrs. 1). B.Truax yisited in Chicago over Sunday. Geo. Wood and family and Mrs. James of Nuuda were calling on friends here Sunday. C..M. Keeler made a business trip to Chicago Friday.. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Dufield were in Nunda Monday. Rev. W. R. Shelt -was lh Nunda on business Thursday. Mrs. A. Ann£rs and Mrs. E. Smith were in Woodstock Saturday. F. W. Hartman and W. S. Jaynes were in Nunda one day recently. Mrs. J. B. Lynch visited her danghter in Chicago Thursday and Friday. Mrs , A Cadwallader returned Thurs­ day from a visit with friends in Chicago. Mrs. E. Smith and Miss Mabel Skin ner were in Nunda on business Tuesday Miss Anna Morse of Oak Park spent Saturday and Sunday with her brother. Rev. W. R. Shelt was called to Car- pentersville Sunday to fill a vacancy in the Presbyterian church. Miss Mary Henry, who has been vis­ iting with Mrs. E. Smith the past two weeks, went to Woodstock Saturday. Mrs W. H. Munroe visited her daugh­ ters, Mrs. F. R. Jackmau and Mrs. I. Jayne, at Woodstock Thursday and Fri­ day. Those from here who attended the C. E. convention at Woodstock Friday and Saturday were Rev. W. R. Shelt, Leroy Skinner, Mrs. R. L. Dufield and Miss Bessie Still. "INCURABLE" HEART DIS­ EASE SOON CURED! § H By The Ureal Specialist in Treating Chronic Disease, Franklin niles, , rfc D., LL. B, ( Will Send $2.50 Worth of His Person­ al Treatment Free as a Trial. Could Mot be Bettor. The uniform success of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoeq^leinedy has won for it a wide reputation and many people throughout the country will agree with Mr. Chas. Mattison, of Milford, Va., who says: "It works like magic and is the best preparation I know of. It couldn't beany better." He had a serious attack of dysentery and was adyise;l to try a bottle of this remedy, which he did, with the result that im­ mediate relief was obtained. For sale by all druggists. BARRKVILI*K. Wedding bells are soon to ring in this neighborhood. Mrs Lembke is entertaining her daughter frota Itasca. Mrs. LSigge and Mrs. Walsh were vis- itorsHttl. Fleming's Sunday. Robt. Sutton of Emerald Park was a caller here Frhjay afternoon. Frank Wattles of W. McHenry was a business caller here Monday afternoon. Wm. Reddersdorf of Nunda was a caller at Henry Wilmington's Saturday. Miss Glenys Jacobs of Terra Cotta is spending the week with Mrs. M. D. Henise. / Mr. aq<4 Mrs. T- L. Flanders and children were Sunday visitors at C. W. Colby's. • • James McCannon and sister, Irma, of Greenwood spent Sunday at I. N. Mer­ chant's. Mr. and Mrs. Bert McCannon of Ring- wood were Sunday visitors at I. N. Mer­ chant's. Fred Colby and son, Claude, of Nun­ da were hunting in this vicinity the first Sf the week. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Amos Keeler of Janes- ville, .Wis., were Sunday visitors at Wm. Van Natta's. . Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Burnett and daughter, Gertrude, were Sunday visit­ ors at Wm. Van Natta's. M. A Sutton and sisters and cousins from the city were seen driving on our streets Sunday afternoon. Miss Clara Thompson spent Wednes­ day of last week With Miss Margaret Aylward at Emerald Park. Mrs. H. Wilmington and little son and Miss Florence Alcott spent Thurs­ day with relatives in Nund*. - Mrs. H. D. Hull and Mrs. A..A*Sev eras of Nuuda speut an afternoon one day last week at J. Fleming's. * ~ How to Cure Corn* and Bunion*. Ffrst soak the corn or bunion in warm water to soften it; then pare it down as closely as possible without drawing blood and apply Chamberlain's Pain Balm twie© daily, rubbing vigorously for five minutes at each application. A corn piaster shoiild be worn a few days to protect it from the shoe. As a gen « #iral liniment for sprains, bruises, lame-1 jnees and rheumatism. Pain Balm is un- equaled, For sale by all druggists. To demonstrate the nnnsnal curative powers of his new and complete special treatments by mail for heart, lungs, liv­ er, stomach, kidney or nervous diseases, short breath, pain in the side, oppres­ sion in the chest, irregular pulse, palpi­ tation, smothering spells, puffing of the ankles, or dropsy, Dr. Miles will send $3.50 worth free as a trial,, to all who meution this paper. His treatments are the result of twenty-five years of careful study, ex­ tensive research and remarkable expe­ rience in treating the various ailments of the heart, stomach and nerves, which so often complicate each case So aston­ ishing are the results of his complete special treatments that he does not hesitate to offer all persons a trial free. Nothing could be more liberal. Few physicians have suoh confidence in their remedies. There is no reason why all afflicted persons should not avail them­ selves of this exceedingly liberal offer, as they may never have another such opportunity. No death comes as sud­ denly as that from heart disease. Mrs. A. Kronck of Huntington, Ind., was cured after thirty physicians failed; Mrs. Flora Greator of Bristolville, O.. after twenty- two: Jas. K. Waite. the noted actor, after a s'*ore had pronounced him incurable; Mrs. Frank Smith of Chicago after Ave leadlna physicians had given her up; Mr. Julius lvel- ste'r of Chicago, after ten; Mrs. R. Parker, after sixteen failed. A thousand references to and testi monials from Bishops," Clergymen, Bankers, Farmers and their wiyes will be sent free upon request Send a careful description of your case at once for Book, valuable advice and Treatment Free. Address, Franklin Miles, M. D. LL. B., Dept. H, 421 to 431 Main St., Elkhart, Ind. 18 HOLCOMBVILL8. Mr. and Mrs. W. Zenk yisited at Geo. Zenk's Sunday. W. Zenk and Eddie Carrol were Elgin callers Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gilbert spent Bun- day at Ringwood. Will Zanders of Elgin spent Saturday and Sunday at P. F. Hunt's. E. Gilbert of Chicago spent Saturday and Sunday at Wm, Gilbert's. Mr. and Mrs. J. Powers of Emerald Park called on relatives here Sunday. Mrs. W. Welch and daughter, Mil­ dred, visited at Thos. Powers' Monday. Frank and Ray McMillan spent Sun­ day with Mr. and Mrs. Henry McMillan. Ben and Pearlie Peck and Dave How- son are hunting at the river this week. Mr. and Mrs. H. O'Donnell and little daughter were Sunday visitors near Ringwood. Mrs, Knox and Miss Bridget Doherty of McHenry called on relatives here Wednesday. Misses Irene Bay and Pearl Whiston called on Mrs. Henry McMillan Tues day afternoon. Henry, George and Irene Bay of Chi cago and Miss Marie Ballou of Nunda were Sunday callers at George Whis­ ton's. • ' • • /J"1""" "" Pure N. Y. Buckwheat Flour at Gil­ bert Bros.' After. months of careful preparation, we place be­ fore the public what we be­ lieve to be an unsurpassed selection of new Fall and Wjnter styles in Men's' ^nd Ladies' SUITS & OVERCOATS We invite^an early inspec­ tion of these goods while 5 the assortment is entirely |j complete. The lavish ex­ hibits in our windows will give an adequate idea of the variety and individual character of the styles. | Cleaning, Scouring and Re- j pairing for ladies and gen- j 6 tlemen. I X ' ! | John D. Lodtz. ] •3k v&m lUO FANCY mm ill We Lead Good Food Stuff. P U R E New York State B u c k w h e a t F l o u r New Goods and Freshly Ground. Per pound... .3$c An ounce of gold for every ounce of adulteration found in this Buckwheat. A trial will convince yon of its absolute purity. P U R E riaple Syrup! Gallon Cans $i.oo £ Gallon Cans.* 60 Quart Cans 35 Pint Cans as Wine of C&rdui Cured Her. 213 South Prior Street,, v Atlanta, 6a., March 21,1906. I suffered for four months with extreme nervousness and lassitude.. I had a Binking feeling in my stomach which no medicine seemed to relieve, and losing my appetite I became weak and lost my vital­ ity. In three weeks I lost fourteen pounds of flesh and felt that I must find speedy relief to regain my health. Having Beard Wine of Cardui praised by several of my tri&nds, I sent for a bottle and' certainly very pleased with the results. Within three days my appetite returned and my Btomach troubled me no more. I could I digest my food without difficulty and the nervousness gradually diminished. Nature performed her functions without difficulty and I am once more a happy and well woman. OfelVE JOSEPH, Xnm. Atlanta md*r Xlabt Clafc, Secure a Dollar Bottle of I Wine of Cardui Today. Gallon can Cane Syrup 23 i CORONA FLOUR! Most wholesome flour in town. Per bag. $*-45 Call and get all you wantl j Pried Frviits NEW GOODS Just coming in from California Fancy Prunes, extra large.... 7lc New Apricots.... 1904 crop seeded raisins, lb bx 10c New Figs... ..|.^...i»4c New California Almond# aoc finer urns Telephone £?l BO YEARS* EXPERIENCE PATENTS BRADS IflAfiyt* • DESIGNS COPVRKWTt AC. AN TO ue »*n<iiiic • ikatcti and dwatpttn mm# quickly ascertain oar opinion ttm vhMiMr act invention ta probably t ions »trtctiy coaBd«nt sent froo. OJd<«t inner for I Patent* taken tnroujrti Munn a noMtt, without char*®, la tb« Scientific American. A handaoiMly tSSustrtttad cuiation of an; foarnai SoMbraUn 1 oWe. 436 T St, Wa»biu*j^u. IX

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