Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 17 Nov 1904, p. 8

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.«Srt5V" cent -oil- I MEN'S SUITS............ MEN'S OVERCOATS.... BOYS' SUITS... ....... BOYS' OVERCOATS.... $5.00 to $15.00 v .$6.00 to $14.00 $1.00 to $8.00 ... .$2.00 to $7.00 FUR COATS! AT MANUFACTURING: PRICES BROWN RUSSIAN CALF COAT Jv. .*.$19.00 NATURAL RUSSIAN DOG COAT... . $14.00 JOS. W. FREUND 's! Yon may need a few good things for a good THANKSGIVING DINNER. Here are choice cleaned Currants and Raisins for the Plnm Padding.. ;. Three one-pound packages for.. ,. .TWENTY-FIVE CENTS New fresh Citron, per pound FIFTEEN CENTS New fresh Apricots, per pound .TEN CENTS New fresh Figs...... . r: .. TEN CENTS Best Cape Cod Cranberries .... NINE CENTS Armour's California Ham NINE AND ONE HALF CENTS Armour's narrow strip Lean Bacon.,. FOURTEEN CENTS New arrival Heinz sweet and mixed Pickles, Salads, Jams, Mustard Dressing, Tomato Catsups, Etc ..... ~rr. r .... i Fancy Maple Syrup, per quart 35c Fancy Table Syrap, 1 gal. pail, light or dark colored a8c We offer you a very select linfc of Gloves. Mittens, Shoes, Tennis Flan­ nels, Cotton Blankets from,; s-;...... . 48c to Horse Blankets from ...... 1.35 to 6.50 Golf Gloves in all the new shades 35c to 50 c Ladies' Combination Suits Ribr>ed and fleeced at per suit ...NINETEEN CENTS Sheep skin-lined and Waterproof Coats at 3.25 to 5.50 The Underwear section in Wool and Cotton is very complete. House­ keepers necessities in Tin and Granite ware in abundance and awaits your coming ; W. C. EVANSON. A A A A A A A A »•» A A A A a. j*. •V ^1' V V 'I1 lV ̂ ̂ '+1 lV lV I!v '+1 l|l 1^1 Designs in Weathered Oak I This Furniture belongs distinctly to the mod­ ern school, though there are touches here and there hinting of earlier designs. It is a com­ posite style, as if artists, craftsmen, students ; and designers joined heads and hands in de­ veloping a furniture of the period. Every piece is ruggedly beautiful and suggestive of originality in design and great strength in con­ struction, and the prices on all furnitttro sold here are very moderate. iMTAKING * EMBALMING f jacob Justen AjA A A AA.A.A. AA. AA A A A A A A « mw 'y 'y EXCHANGE GLEANINGS. HAPPENINGS IN M'HENRY AND .ADJACENT COUNTIES. A Mtacellaueoa* AwortMut of Wewa Item* In CoadeniMMl Form For Conven­ ience! of Mimy People. The Lake County Independent will have a new home. An npposum was captured neap Dele- van lake recently.. NjMtda will probably have a poultry show the coming winter. An addition to the Star Manufactur­ ing plant at Algonquin has recently been built. The annual meeting of the Fox River Valley Medical association met at Au­ rora Tuesday. During a recent session of revival meetings held at Keokak, la., by W. A. Son lay, he received a purse of $1,300. Foley's Honey and Tar always stops the cough and heals the lungs. Refuse substitutes. Sold by G. W. Besley, W. McHenry, 111, The Harvard Mutual Building, Loan an^, Savings association, organized nearly sixteen years, will quit business on account of the very low rate of in­ terest. There is no cough medicine so popular as Foley's Honey and Tar. It contains no opiates or poisons anc\never fails to cure. Sold by G. W. Besley, W. Mc­ Henry, 111. The Plaindealer will be sent to any address on trial three months for twen­ ty-five cents, and will be discontinued at the expiration of time unless other­ wise ordered. Try it. The Elgin academy football team de­ feated the Woodstock high school team in a hotly contested game at the latter's grounds last Saturday. The score Btood ") to 0 in favor of Elgin. Beware of the apparently harmless match with a black spot near the busi­ ness end. It is explosive, and your friends will have a laugh at your ex­ pense if you light np with it Tain't no um* to nit down and whine, When no H»lt get tangled on your line; Bait your hook «th a bumble-bee And ke«|> oil taking Rocky Mountain fen. (i. W. Besley. There i* a pniwIblHty that all of the tremendoua Michigan *rntt crop will pass through Waukegan on its way to all corners of the United States after the present government harbor is fully completed. It is reported that a young man in a near-by village wrapped in the great­ est excitement, flew to the telegraph office and wired his wife's parents a happening as follows: "Twins, today; more tomorrow." ' 'I was troubled with constipation and stomach troubles, lost flesh, my com­ plexion was ruined; Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea brought back my health and complexion. "--Mary Allen, St. Lou­ is. 85 cents. G. W. Besley. Harvard Herald: Otis Manlejr has a coon he takes great pride in exhibiting. It is in the show window of the 8 Man- ley Bros * store, where it attracts no end of attention. Otis has tamed the coon until t has become quite a pet. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy This is the most successful medicine in the world for bowel complaints, and is the only reme­ dy that will cure chronic diarrhoea. Eyerv bottle warranted. For sale by all druggists. •There is a movement on in Elgin to do away with Sunday funerals. The funer­ al directors and every driver in that city have decided to take no part in funerals held on Sunday, and it is under­ stood that the clergymen there are also in sympathy with the movement. H. W. Smith entertained a party of seven Borden employee from Chicago on Friday of last week. The visitors were shown through the plant and were also driven to Hebron. The party is the first installment of fifty-six of Borden's city milk handlers who v ill visit the factory during the next Um weeks.--Genoa Junction Times. The building committee of the Volo M. E. church, of which Clark Huson is chairman and Ray Paddock treasurer, are having the work rushed righ* along. It will be ready for the plasterers this week. The citizens seem muoh interest­ ed and many of them have paid their entire subscription when only half is due. The church when completed will be a gem of beauty. The first payment of $320 was made to the carpenters last week. Crystal Lake house .iam de­ stroyed by fire Sunday afternoon. Foley's Honey and Tar for coughs and colds; reliable, tried and tested, safe and sure. Sold by G. W. Besley, W. McHenry, III. Seven hundred applications for posi­ tions in the factory of the Elgin Nation­ al Watch company are on file with W. H. Clondman, assistant superintendent of the company. W. A. Herren of Finch, Ark., writes, "I wish to report that Foley 's Kidney Cure has cured a terrible case of kidney and bladder trouble that two doctors had given up." Sold by G. W. Besley, West McHenry, 111. Marengo $ews: The body of William Heiderman, who disappeared from Gar­ den Prairie nearly two monthn ago, was fonnd Tuesday by Ed Hovey and A.Schumann. While th^y were hunt­ ing near Gates White's farm they found the body floating in a pond of water and readily recognized who it was by tbe clothing. Coroner Wernham was at once summoned, but owing to the late hour an inquest was not held until Wed- nesday morning. Woodstock Sentinel: While plowing on his farm about three miles northeast qf Harvard, Wednesday, Nov. .2, Ed­ ward O'Neil dropped dead. He was discovered by his wife, who went to call him to dinner alout 12:15 o'clock: The neighbors were notified and Coroner Maxon summoned. The verdict ot' the coroner'8 jury was that his death w&s dne to heart disease. Mr. O'Neil was a strong, robnst man and had never been «ick a day In his life. He is survived by a wife and four children. A merchant in a neighboring town states that his advertising last year cost him 54 cents for every $100 worth, of goods sold. He nsed half a page for his business announcement eack week and says thit as long as people read news­ papers he will advertise. There's a man possessed of a good head. Just as soon as merchants begin to look upon adver­ tising as a branch of business which re­ quires as much care as any part of it, then will advertising pay. Honesty, force, originality aad persistency in ad­ vertising make it a paying investment. Antioch News: On Monday of this week work was commenced on the branch line of the Wisconsin Central railroad. The branch leaves the main road at the Hancock farm and will fol­ low the state line westward, entering Wisconsin at the Longman farm, and on to Wilmot, touching the gravel pit near that place. The right of way for this route has recently been purchased by the Wisconsin Central company. It is thought that this branch will event­ ually be continued to Lake Geneva and Portage and on, thus making a shorter route to St. Paul. Dayton, Ohio, Mr*. Mary Simpson-- "Everything disagreed with me and baby until I used Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. Now baby sleeps and grows like a weed." 8ft cents. Tea or tablet form. G. W. Bet>ley. Harvard Independent: Tbe football team defeated the Alden team 104 to 0 in the game a week ago last Saturday. Last Saturday the Hebron team went to Delavan and there was something doing from the start of the first half until the last half was over. The.war between tbe Japs and Russians was a joke compared with this game, and when the carnage was over the score was 6 to 5 in favor of Hebron. Those Hebron boys are a pretty husky proposition aud when the Delavans bumped up against them they found it was no Alden joke, but the real thing in the football line. , Woodstock Sentinel:1 Albert Griebel, of Griebel Bros., recently started what will undoubtedly prove to be quite an industry for Woodstock. He has rent­ ed the Austin warehouse near the depot and has installed therein machinery for aiitonwibiles und bicycles. He has sev­ eral molds for this work ranging in sizes from H to inches and is now pre-^ pared to properlv vulcanize your auto­ mobile tires* and the cost for same will be much jess than to send them to Chi­ cago and you will be able to get your tires much quicker. Mr. Griebel has also put in a machine for putting on rubber buggy tires and has installed the termite process for mending broken castings, which is something new. Disastrous Wrecks. Carelessness is responsible for many a railway wreck and the same causes are making human wrecks of sufferers from Throat and Lung troubles. But since the advent of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, even the worst cases can be cured, and hopeless resignation is no longer neces­ sary. Mrs. Lois Cragg of Dorchester, Mass., is one of many whose life was saved by Dr. King's New Discovery. This great remedy is guaranteed for all Throat and Lung diseases by Julia A. Story and N. H. Petesch, McHenry, G. W. Besley, West 'McHenry, druggists. Price 50c and $1.00. Trial bottles free; The Plaindealer will be sent to any address on trial three months for twen­ ty-five cents, and will be discontinued at the expiration of time unless other­ wise ordered. Try it. An ad in The Plaindealer "want" eol- nmn will bring results. I .. ,. ' ... *1" v ' ... v ~ * -sA •' TT"5f f.. ... , 4̂ !-, v.'jr/. - <.--*• I*" •I -1 * 4 - Shoes We have the style as well as x. - at lowest prices, Tr^ our special Ladies' and MenV#..n.>. ,$19Qf i>. 4-if i A,:...;' - ;. 1 1 mt'M' " 1 ; r a y - J I'1.!;# , ' we have a complete line, in all the new ! -r 1 , ^ . * *. -* shade s a n d g r a d e s . N f e w r e a d y v ,made Skirts and Waists. ^ ^ „ J,' | f Itt Groceries our prices are always the lowest f. i BOHUM, WEST HchtllBY, III. I I FOR. YOUR. | I THANKSGIVING DINNER! f •* P _ Late Red Cranberries, per quart. ...... 9 CENTS I ^ California Seedless Raisins, new crop, per pound 6 CENTS it rt Fancy Seeded Raisins, new crop, per pound package 9 CENTS » J Fancy Celery, per stalk ......... ....5 CENTS 1 g Faney Imported Almeria Grapes, per pound. 15 CENTS S .p New Navel Oranges, per dozen.. ... 30 CENTS i: ^ New Seedless Lemons, per dozen 20 CENTS ^ | NEW DATES! NEW FIGS! | $j New Crop Evaporated Apricots, per pound 13 CENTS ^ S New Crop Prunes. 8 pounds for ..... .......... .25 CENTS ?! | John Stoffel, West McHenry | N. H. PETESCH - DRUWJIST. Patent Medicines. Toilet Articles. MEN'S in medium and Heavy weights, $10.00 and up. Our line of Sweaters,. Underwear," Gloyes, Mittens and Caps is complete in all the popular grades. Ladies Dress Skirts in black, brown, gray, ,navy and Novelties, all hand tailored and new styles. Ladies fine silk Shirt Waists in black, navy and brown, nicely trimmed from .... 3.75 to 5>00 each Dress Goods, Suitings, .Flannels, Flannelettes, etc:, n all grades and colors. Dress silks, 36-inches wide, from . .1.00 up. ! The Celebrated P. N. Corsets. 75c to $1.50 Try our 50c tea. None better. Seal of Minnesota * and Mystic Flour, only .$1.60 per sack. n. J. WALSH, Phone 363. - • West McHenry, 111. BINKS (After the CI\ib)-GM» It I only had en* of "them •lay here till morning. BINKS IS RIGHT I There's nothing better as an outdoor comforter than a good, well built " Inter­ national" Overcoat. Get your orders in before the snow falls. All the latest styles and samples galore to choose from. We have placed on sale a full line of this Underwear and are •X.STM.EY selling thenj at prices that are ^jfRS-MEKS* * right. Remember every ...... •M WOOL srng COUTH BENDJMO. ment is gllaraBteed a,, therefore will assure you more wear and keep you warmer than any other Underwear sold. We have them in mens only at.... • 98c. $1.25. $1.49 LADIES' UNDERWEAR! We have a large arid complete line of Ladies' fleeced and wool Underwear at prices that will surprise the buyer. Ladies' fine fleeced Underwear in ecru and grey color, at per garment • • • • • • • • • 2 5 c e n t s Extra heavy-fine soft fleeced ribbed Underwear/ full cut, cream and white color, per gar­ ment, only.!.,. .^9 cent$ MORE WOOL, MOKE BREADTH fy0PfQ*",EHT "WESTERW UAr~C A.t.STALEY MrkflLj I A.I L..,8 SOUTH BEND,IHD. # Men's Cwwas and Fvir COATS Remember we gnarantee to save yon 25 per cent, on a dollar on any of these Garments An inspection of same will prove to yon what we say. Men's extra heavy Dock and "twilled Canvas Coats, heavy blanket-lined with oordnroy col­ lar. We have a large assortment of these in sizes from 36 to 46 at.. $1.49, $1.9$, $2.2S, and a reversible oordnroy and duck with 4 flap pockets on each side at..... $4.49 Men's Fnr Coats made of shaggy black Brazil Bear, a fnr that will out-wear any cheap coat made, high 10-inch collar, a coat lined throughout with heavy twilled lining at. $13.71 Extra fln« smooth Russian Calf Fnr Coat. This coat is by far the must serviceable made, stands more rongh weather and lasts longer than any other coat you can buy for more money. Special price for this coat.. $19.49 All coats made with a storm wrist band and we give yon a year'b guarantee with every coat BLOCK & BETHKE Cash Department Store, McHenry, Illinois, Telephone 314. Bed Blankets at .. . . . , 6 9 c , $ 1 . 2 9 a n d $ 1 . 6 9 Bed Quilts at . . . .95o, $1.29 and $1.69 % • Ladies* Golf Gloves and Mittens...... 25c, 49c, 980 Men'8 all wool Overshirts ats ......... 98C and $1.25 Infants Iderdowa Cloaks at... . . . . . . . . . . 6 9 c a n d 9 8 c Fur Boas at.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • • • 6 9 c a n d 9 8 c Ladies' felt leather foxed Shoes at#. 98c, $1.29, $1.49 Gold Medal Flour, per sack... . . . . . . . $ 1 . 6 0 Oil Sardines per bqx...........: &q Soda Crackers, per pound.... . .... ...... .£>C Ginger Snaps, per pound. 5c Lenox Soap, 7. bars for....... ....,............. 25c Give us a trial on Groceriess, we can save you money

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