Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 8 Dec 1904, p. 8

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^v^rr- *«gw ?3.V'fy <> ^ ? r |4 . <LW f̂ ô 'CV. r y.y«?*y'.y'̂ * • "--ftjlYc, ±'^=kMf4=*=. % ? ' . ; ' '̂o\V.' - ;:* • Jti ,t fyy V': I- s 5pK ' \ I SIS r- •r:>r ':. - v • ' -- . . _ - * ROYAL BLUE RUBBERS For Every DEFECTIVE BOOT or SHOE WARRANTED NOT TO BREAI^ OR CRACK . TRY THEM Jos. W. EXCHANGE GLEANINGS. HAPPENINGS IN M'HENRY ADJACENT COUNTIES. AND 'I/. : £« f.. . V tz--; When you begin your HOLIDAY SHOPPING you are respectfully invited to examine the most complete assort­ ment of fancy things to be found in this town. We offer special bargains in fine Linen and Cotton Handkerchiefs for ladies and gents, Silk Handkerchiefs and Mufflers, fine Shoes and Slippers, fancy China and Japanese Dish­ es, Books for Children, Dolls, Albums and a reasonable assortment of Toys and useful articles for the little folks. A few Grocery Hints may be a saving to your pocket book: 10 pounds best Rolled Oats. .;29 tents Choice new Raisins, per pound. . .6£ cents Choice new Currants, per pound. 7£ cents Choice new Citron....V-.-?-.-;......... .11 cents 10c Crackers in bulk or boxes, 8c 2 pks or lbs. ..15 cents Armour's Bacon, -per pounds... ............... .14 cents Armour's Picnic Hams, per poind..............94 cents 7 Bars Maple City Soap for................... 25 cents 22 pounds whole Rice. ...- .$1.00 3-pound Can very best Tomatoes.. 10 cents 3 pounds Japan Tea ............. $1.00 1 gallon Can Syrup................. . . .27 cents We must have cash trade. Prices will bring it w. c. EVANSON Do You Know <0 I? w i « Tjhat Christmas is but a trifle over two weeks away? We know it and realize the fact that it will soon be here, consequently are filling our store with the finest line of Christmas Gifts we have ever been able to show. We have the kind of Gifts that bring so much joy to the little ones on this day. We also have a large, carefully selected stock of Gifts so much desired by the old£r folks. We always take pride in showing our goods» whether you buy or not. Our prices, as you know, are right. Jacob Justen. >»€•'I' €><$' $ •!• iii !|i ii> ,|, ,|, ,3, ,|,< A WiM •ence of Busy People. The Lake View basket ball cently defeated the Harvard tbe fcnne of 76 to 63. Foley's Honey and Tar positively cures all throat and long diseases ' Refuse substitutes. G. W. Besley, West Mc­ Henry. While crossing the railway crossing at Harvard recently, Geo. Talmage was struck by a special train and instantly killed. Don't be imposed upon by taking sub­ stitutes offered for Foley's Honey and Tar. * Sold by G. W. Besley, West Mc­ Henry. Walworth is to have its streets illum­ inated by fifteen arc lamps. The light­ ing system is to be in operation by Christmas. Rev. Pan! Doederlein, for twenty years stationed at Marengo, lias been called to Dundee to become assistant pastor of the Lutheran church there. The hunters say that this is going to be.a mild winter. The muskrats have never built such low huts as they have this winter, and their ftir is unusually thin, two Signs never known to fail. When yon feel like sighing--sing, Sighing will never pleasure bring; Learn to laugh, yon can langh and laugh right By taking Roc Mountain Tea at night. Q. W. Besley. T$ie mayor of Kenosha. Wis., who is proprietor of a barber shop in that city was recently arrested, charged with vi­ olating the state law in regard to the is­ suance of licences to barbers. It is al­ leged he failed to take the examination Harvard Herald: The Modern Wood­ men have just paid the death claim in the Ellsworth murder case at Wood­ stock. Ben Ellsworth was a member of the Woodmen, in which he carried life insurance for $1,000, and when he was murdered at Woodstock in February. 1902, tbe order held up tbe claim for in­ vestigation, but now pays the sam^. Doubtless it will go to the son, who is a life prisoner at Joliet. A lady living in the country says that a short time ago she was awakened about three o'clock in the morning by a furious ring of the telephone bell. Feel­ ing from the wildness of the ring that somebody was bleeding to death or that somebody's house was on fire, she scamp­ ered down stairs, and nervously seized the receiver, only to hear a shrill so­ prano voice shriek: "Gtotvonr washin' done yet? Had mine oat half an honr ago." A newspaper man is an enemy to bulletin board advertising on general principles, bat there are occasions when a bulletin board may bring better re suits than a paper. Tbe editor of an exchange remarks that he observed one in front of a store in his city not long ago, which read: 'jBe 4 U Buy Pants Come in and See Oars." He went in and there was not a confounded man clerk in the store so he bought a fan and walked out. ; Nunda Herald: Dr. F E Russell of Chicago, a graduate with the class of '97 of the Northwestern Denial school, has located in Nunda for the practice of his profession, He has fitted np dental parlors over the store of Ben Throop, and may be found there dnring regular office hours. He has been located at May wood, but believes there is a better opening here, and expects after the close of the school year to move his fam­ ily here. Dr. Russell is a brother in­ law of Dr. F- C. Ross, the McHenry dentist. Walworth Correspondent to Harvard Herald issue of Dec 1: The village board at its last meeting passed an ordinance for the protection of Walworth mer­ chants A license fee of $30 a day must be paid by "one-day-only" merchants. The city dads believe the business of Walworth belongs to its business men, and with that end in view a tariff that protects has been enacted. To avoid payment of the license fee by a person who desires to do business in Walworth he must become a bona fide resident of the village by giving a bond in the sum of $500 that he will remain in business not less than six months. We di>ubt if there is a village or city in Wisconsin that has a more drastic ordinance in support of home merchants. 3M Wk ftttsb elfect lifflftfntr the time to seven hoars in which the rural mail carriers can make their de­ liveries on circuits of twenty-five miles. Heretofore the time has been eight hoars. Except * hen the roads are in bad condition it is tnought that the sev­ en hoar limit is sufficient to enable them to complete the circuit provided have good horses. If the animals in use cannot make the time it will be necessary to purchase faster steeds. In case of bad reads, such as experienced in winter, the excuse will be sufficient to allow more time. The order will in no way affect the pay of tbe carriers, nor does it affect the Nunda carriers, who ma^e the trip in lees times even in the winter months. Grip Quickly Knocked Oat. "Some weeks ago during xhe severe winter weather br th my wife and my­ self contracted severe coldsjvhich speed­ ily developed into the wore} kind of la grippe with all its miserable symptoms," says Mr. J. S. Egleston of Maple Land­ ing, Iowa. "Knees and joints aching, muscles sore, head stopped op, eyes and nose rnnning, with alternate spells of chills and fever. We began using Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, aiding the same with a dose of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets, and by its liberal nse soon completely knocked oat the grip." It is » good plan to take a dose of the tablets when yon have a cold. They promote a healthy action of the bowels, liver and kidneys which is al. ways beneficial when the system is con­ gested by a cold or attack of the grip. For Bale by all druggists. The Plaindealer will be sent to any address on trial three months for twen­ ty-five cents, and will be discontinued at the expiration of time unless other­ wise ordered. Try it. . A Certain Cure for Croap. When a child shows symptoms of croap there is no time to. exjjeriment with new remedies, no iq»tf$r-fctfw high­ ly they may be recommended. There is one preparation that can always be de­ pended on. It has been in use for many years and has never been known to fail, viz: Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Give it and a quick cure is sure to follow. Mr. M. F. Compton of Market, Texas, saysofit, "I have used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in severe cases of croup with my children, and can truthfully say it ail ways gives prompt relief." For sale by all druggists. The Plaindealer will be sent to. any address on trial three months for twen­ ty-five cents, and will be discontinued at the expirationpf time unless other­ wise ordered. try it. YMt lSftv. Jrl. B. Htok/s The Rev. Irl. R. Hicks Almanac for 190S is now ready, being the finest edi­ tion ever issued. This splendid and cost­ ly book of 200 pages is a complete study of astronomy and storm and weather for 1905. It is too well known to need com­ ment. See it and you will so decide. The price, postpaid to any address, is 80c per copy. The Rev. Irl. R. Hicks' scientific, religious and family journal, Word and Worksjpow abreast with the best magazines, is 75c a year. Both Word and Works aud the Almanac $1.00 per ye&r. No better investment possible for any person or family. Try it and see. Send to WORD & WORKS PUB. CO., 2301 Locust St. 23-3t. St. "Louis, Mo. Holiday Goods Fight Will be Bitter. Thpse who will, persist in closing their ears against the continued recommenda­ tion of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, will have a long an,d bit­ ter fight with their troubles, if not end­ ed earlier by fatal termination. Read what T. R. Beall of Beall, Miss., has to say: "Last fall my wife had every symp­ tom of Consumption. She took Dr. King's New Discovery after everything else had failed. Improvement vcame at ouce and four bottles entirely cured her." Guaranteed by Julia A. Story and N. H. Petesch, McHenry, and G. W. Bes^ ley, West McHenry, Druggists. Price 50c and $100. , Trial bottles free. The Plaindealer will be sent to any address on trial three mont hs for twen­ ty-five cents, and will be discontinued at the expiration of time unless other wise ordered. Try it. Revolution Imminent. A sure sign of approaching revolt and serionaJtrouble in your s> stem" is nerv­ ousness, sleeplessness or stomach upsets. Electric Bitters will quickly dismem­ ber the troublesome causes. It never fails to tone the stomach, regulate the Kidneys and Bowels, stimulate the Liv­ er and clarify the blood. Run down sys­ tems benefit particularly and all the usual attending aches vanish under its searoh- ing and ̂ thorough effectiveness Elec­ tric Bitters is only 50c and that is r&- tnrndft if it don't give perfect satisfac­ tion. \ioa ran teed by Julia A. Story and N. H. I^psch, McHenry, and G. W. Besley, West ^fcHenry, druggists. An ad in The Plaindealer "want".col­ umn will bring results. £ your Christmas Gifts early e wmie the assortment in complete. •> op We have a very fine line of the: following: Fanc^ Boxes, Toys, Dolls, Games, 'Mite.'- Qnfy two weeks more to do your Christmas shopping. Come early and avoid „ ? the rush* <$£ & % Jl. Boblander. £ 3ust OJbat Vou Olant | in the Grocery Line at prices that are right, If not ji satisfied your money back. WHITE PEARL FLOUR % is right, none better, sales increasing. Your cash | back if not O. K. Corn Meal» Graham, Buckwheat. >J BARGAINS IN TOBACCO. & f t ' • ' ' # n ft'. ft 3obn Stoffel, « Ulest lUcBcnry. If yon haven't time to prepare Hollis- ter's Rocky Mountain Tea, it is now made in tablet form also. Get a pack­ age already to use. Makes you well; keeps you well. 85 cents. G. W. Bes­ ley. N. H. PETESCH DRUGGIST. Patent Medicine*. Toilet Articles. l|l 1$) 1$ l|» l|l »|i l|l l|l tfr «$» <$» $ ̂ ij* t|> i%i t|l l|l 1$» t|l l$> l|l >|i l|l l|i t|» |{| l|l < m m- i'i HOW TALL ARE YOU? If you don't know, come in to see us and we'll put you under the INTERNATIONAL" HEIGHT-MEASURING DEVICE and tell you to the fraction of an inch. Incidentally we'll show you the "INTERNATIONAL" line of samples comprising over six hundred of the nobbiest and newest pattern! for Men's wear. The International Tailoring Co. OF NEW YORK AND CHICAGO Is the largest and most reliable tailoring concern in the world. The clothes made by them fit perfectly and cost little. > Let us •end In a trial order for you and we know you'll always wear "INTERNATIONAL" garments thereafter. WE ARE GETTING READY FOR s and will make SPECIAL PRICES on many lines of Winter Goods to close them out quickly. Our stock of Underwer, Caps, Gloves, Mittens, - Sweaters, Cardigan Jackets, Duck and Sheep-lined Coats, Warm Shoes, Over Shoes, Felt Boots, Etc., is very complete and our prices are as low as the lowest. Groceries, Teas, Coffees, Flour, Buckwheat, Graham, Corn Meal and Rye Flour, only best grades handled. Goods delivered promptly. Telephone No. 36 ̂. M. J. WALSH. I|I i|I .|i I|I tiiI|I $ I|I 1I1 I|I $ $ I|I 1I1 I|I $ I|I I$I'I' 'I"!» in men's felt boots overs Ladies Wrappers# Special We have placed on sale several dozen Ladies' Flannelette Wrappers at a price that'will move them quickly.^-Our regular price on these wrappers is 98c, $1.29, but to move tlaem quickly have marked them 79c and 98c MEN'S WOOL OVEkSHIRTS, SPECIAL! Jlade of all wool Hannel, extra heavy, extra full cut #teeve and body, color blue, grey and mixed at 49C, 98c. $1.39 and 1.49* r-Made Suits, all shades and styles, at.... .. -"aH* v " . 1 ' $5.98, $8.49, $9.48 and $10;49 What bettor could you buy for an Xmas Gift than a Pur Scarf? See ours at. ..(»9c,98ci •MMftflS,- $3.98, $4.98; t6.29upto$20.(X), v - ' waterproof Craveuette Coat at $H.95 Men's best Felt Boots, with a keavy Dupk Rolled Edge Rubber, we have them at. ..$2.29 and $2.49 Men's heavy Rolled Edge Arctics ati $1.49 and jl.69 Men's Storm Alaskas at.. -98c and $1.25 Men's Stt>rjn Rubbers at ^ Ladies' Buckle Arctics at^? Ladies' Storm Alaskas at Misses' and Child's Storm Alaskas at...... ...... Ladies' Storm Rubbers at. ... Child's Storm Rubbers at Ladies' Warm Pelt Shoes, Leather Foxed att^ . Ladies Fancy Warm Juliet Slippers at 75c . .- 98c . . . . .85c 69c and 75c . . . . . 5 9 c .'. v®9c, 35c. 45c . -98c, $1.29 and $1.49 ....: --. 98c and $1.25 All kinds of Rubbers; Boots for Men, Boys, Youths, Women, Misses and Children. Block & Bethke Cash Department Store, McHenry, Illinois, 'Phone 541 LADIES' CAPES! We have special values in Ladies' Black Wei ton cloth Capes, handsomely trimmed with straps of same material braid and bead trimmings ~ at. •J3.29,4.!l, 8.2» LADIES FLANNEL GOWNS! We have a large and complete assortment of these goods and at prices that are surprising, fancy and plain colors, t r i m m e d w i t h e m b r o i d J A s A O s f O A j i f t | A O ery and untrimmed. .. /Otj F IIC/J FLANNEL WAISTS! Ladies Flittmnel Waists, color browti and blue at.. . .98c fllTTENS! Children's Wool Mittens Boys' Wool Mittens - - Ladies' Wool Mittens - - A large assortment erf Ladies and - \ 15c and 10c -- 25c and 10c 69c, 49, 25c Golf Gloves at 49c, 25c +*< •+>• • -.. • ?• •iSSi i..,r

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