Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 8 Dec 1904, p. 4

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- p v» • * 7. r ;!rC"' ' • - • ---V*.-..^' ' • ----. '«& 4 T- »•/ **"»' e*- - • V * *• - _ ' ' ' "~ui • mmmmmmLmfmrnmmmm v^TwiO' For hard colds, bronchitis, asthma, and coughs of all kinds, you cannot take any­ thing better than Ayer's Cherry Pectortd Cherry Pectoral. Ask yout own doctor if this is not so. He uses it. He understands why it soothes and heals. *• I had » terrible con*,-' for weeks. Then I took Aver's Cherrv ivctoral and only one bottle completely cured me "* «. M i:s .1. B. I>anFOUTH. St. Joseph. Mich. »C..50C..J*1.<»3. J. C, AVER CO.. Lowell, MKS. AH for €011 if lis, Colds You will hasten recovery by tak­ ing ono of Ayer's Pills at bedtime. He McHenry Pkiodedler PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BY THE McHfNRY PUINDEAlfR COMPANY. P.'R.-GRANGER. W. A. CRISTY, J. B. PERRY, -. ,-jPiws. . • • Sec-, :xre»*- . F. G. SCBRKINER, Eaiforr^ ' ... Office in Bank Building. Telephone, No. 872. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: Three months. 40 cts. One year.. ......... Six months, 75 cts. Thursday, December 8, 1904. A Thonund Dollarg Worth of Good. A. H. Thames, a well known coal op erator of Buffalo, O., writes: "I have been afflicted with kidney and bladder trouble for years.passing gravel or stones with excruciating pain. I got no relief from medicines until I began takiug Foley's Kidney cure, then the resnlt was -surprising. A few doses started the brieK dus»t like fine stones and now I have n^ pain across my kidneys and I feel like a new man. It has done me $1000 worth of good." Sold by G. W. Besley, West McHenry, III. JUDGE PARKER gave thanks that the gold standard is irrevocably fixed. ft? W believed that Mr. Bryan bad the happiest thanksgiving in the last eight years. . A SOUTHERN woman contends that the only ideal lover is the one who is not in love. ADMIRAL TOGO is so tued of waiting for the Baltic fleet that he has offered to meet it half way. SOME of the funny papers are trying to go through the fun again that they . had in the campaign. IT wasn't so much that the Turke> Trust needed the money as it was that they had us by the goozler. A WESTERN editor narrowly a whipping by running away. JDlOti a stand-pat editor then. ' escape* He wa> . < A CHICAGO man gave his girl A hour-e and lot in order to win her. He was looking for something "dear." A WESTERN paper wants to know, "What iB home?" It's a place where some of us have our socks darned. IT is now claimed that the Tennessee hen that laid the egg that was dated and initialed had swallowed a fountain pen "CROOKED" wajs are so popular in New York that car conductors are issu ing expired transfers to their passeng IF that fellow who robbed a circus of $80,000 should fall into the hands of a few small boy- he wouldn't rob another one. ACCORDING to the census' reports, cookBare better paid than school teach­ ers. A man's stomach holds more than his head. THE football teams have piled up such a big surplus in their treasuries that it is feared they will go into the hands ol the trusts. WITH Mexico and China both trying (0 adopt the gold standard there is bnt little left for which the populists could give thanks. - w • : YOUNG Mr Rockefeller is having dif­ ficulty in explaining to his Bible class how his papa's money ii not the "root of all evil." „ As a result of Roosevelt carrying a 'big stick" every' nation on the globe CHANGE OF LIFE Between the Ages of Forty and Fifty a Critical Time of Life for both MEN AND WOMEN KMney Diseases Cause Many Deaths During this Perilous Period that haw not a treaty at the present time] ^fitti ns is anxious to have one. * NAN PATTERSON, the murderer-act­ ress, seems to be depending more on her winsome looks and jury winks than she is on the defense of her lawyers^ : v IT is thonght that St Louis will fail to realize the magnitude of her world's achievement until the exact number of millions of the deficit is footed up. THOSE who miss the St. Louis exposi­ tion can have consolation and their money's worth by taking in the Port land, Oregon, exhibition next year. A CHICAGO murderer was canght whify fleeing, by reason of the bright red necktie which he wore. If he cheats the gallows, he will know better than to wear a red nectrlie again. HARRY PAYNE WHITNEY has hu^gl a jockey to ride his horses at $80,000 per An esteemed . contemporary observes that a whole corps of college professors could be hired for that amount. " GROVER CLEVELAND should be ashamed of himself in keeping us in such suspense--nearly a month has passed since it happened, bnt not a word has been heard from him as to how it was done. , v, - PROBA TE NEWS REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Armlsta Foreman et al to Chas. Cham­ pion, pt It 6, Co. Clerk's plat, sec. 8, Mc­ Henry. (R»). ., tf.60 Same to Calvin T. Hood, pt same lot... 1 00 Ernest F. IJerrman et al to George H. Becker, pt Coon Island, sec 17, McHenry, (R ») ' 1M MARRIAGE LICENSES. Robert M. Finlay, 29 Harvard Teresa M. Hayes, 36 Harvard Ed Piska, 21 Marengo Hattie Shamberg, 30 Marengo \. I Anderson, 23 Fon du Lac, Wis. Teresa Trammer, 24. .Fon du Lac, Wis. Ai 1 hur Ruppert, 21.. Woodstock Esther Herlugson, 21. . Woodstock Franir B Choate, 45. . . ." ' o^d^tock Margaret E Dorsey, 40. .... Woodstock lenry F.hlert, 97 Crystal uabe Lillian Schroeder. 20..... .orjstal Lake r rank Scherffins, 91. .... .Oconomowoc Anna Freese, 28 ...Harvard Frank Hawthorn^, 30, v!Hebrou Floy Reynolds, 25 . T_ .y Hebron Lyman Pervorse, 23./ --Belvidere Susa Robb, 19.... .,... Marengo Ernest Fredricks. 31..s.... .Sharon, Wis. Frieda Klaman, 20... Harvard Henry Antholtz, 21.. Wheaton Matilda Feltz, 24 .West McHenr\ It la not generally known that the bodlea of men as well as women usually undergo great changes between the ages of forty and fifty. With some the period com- mencea earlier and with others It la ex­ tended later. With all it la marked by tha overloading of the blood with lmpuritlea arising from the marked changes that ara taking place. The kidneys that filter tha blood often become weak during this period, and the polsona they ahould have eliminated are carried everywhere with the blood, causing a train of aymptoma that indicate certain death unleaa their cause is removed. Here are Bome of the Indications that the kidneys are overburdened and break­ ing down: flashes of heat over the face or body, backache, headache, tired feelings, Indigestion, nervousness, heaviness and pains in the feet and legB, swelling of tha feet and ankles, chilly sensations, loss of | weight, irregular flow of urine, which j may be cloudy or give a sediment on | •Sanding, hot and dry skin, coated tongue, I When any of the above symptoms are noticed, then loo)t out for the kidneys. 1 We know of nothing so certain to act aa (be right thing luw the right place aa ROAA^JEV>9»* CUKE. It is composed of tto wife lwpwn agents recommended by the highest authorities on kidney troubles. It la an honest preparation and that le thoroughly reliable In all caaea w Tuesday, Dec. 27 Wed nesday, Dec28 Thursday, Dec. 29 Opening of Central Opera House will take place QO above dates. With con nnuous vaudeville, exactly the same talent as is now showing in the leading Chicago theaters, on December 27 and 28. High class drama on December 29. The management will guarantee to the people of cHenry and surrounding country the best amusements ever un­ dertaken in this vicinity. Strictly mod­ ern in every detail. Watch for bills. EXECUTORY NOTICE OF FILING FINAL HETTEMENT STATE OF ILLINOIS » McHenry County )_ss Estate of Gottlieb Boley. deceased. To all whom it may concern: You are here­ by notified that 011 Monday, the 2nd day of January,.1905. L, as the executrix of the last Will aud I'estament of sairl decea^-d. will pre­ sent to the County Court of McHenry'* oumy, ,it the Court House in \Voodstt>ck, Illinois, 11 y lirial report of my acts and doings as such ex­ ecutrix. and ask the court to he discharged from any and all further duties and responsi­ bilities connected with said Estate and my idministration thereof, at which time you may he present and resist such application, if you choose so to do. _ Dated at McHenry, III., thls iVth day of November, A. f>. 1004. JOSEPHINE HOI.KY, t Executrix Prisons In Japan. Prisons in Japan resemble large coun­ try houses with many outbuildings and do not, either In the solidity or details of their construction, wear a peniten­ tiary aspect. The prisoners, get food In proportion to their conduct and in­ dustry. Those who do not behave will get a cake of rice, which must last them seven days. For the deserving it is the ration for but four days, and they , get with it also a little horse meat- and potato or pea sauce. The labor is compulsory, but not severe, and the prisoner gets part of his earn­ ings. though it amounts to little. The discipline is military, and serving a term in prison do^s not impose an In­ delible stigma. Systematic efforts are made to improve the prisoners. All the youths under nineteen years pass two hours each day in school. Even when their term of sentence is over they can­ not be released till a surety is found for their subsequent good behavior. Till this is provided they must remain in prison aud may do so for indefinite periods. The Christmas American Boy. The American Boy for Christmas will delight the boy^ heart from its front cover design, representing a young hunt ­ er, his dog, gun and sjame, clear through to the last page. It contains 79 illustra­ tions to illustrate 91* different stories, leading articles and items of interest. As especially appropriate to the Christ mas season are: "Father Lanuite's Prize," by Lillian V. Lambert; "Ker­ sey," by Evelyn M. Wood* Lovejoy; "Uncle Saui'sSanta Clans "and "Distiib- atiiigjChristniae Presents in the Navy." Other stories and leading articles are "The Pathway to Success," beiug an in­ terview with ex-Senator T. W. Palmer of Detroit; "A Message to American Boys," by Governor Montague of Vir­ ginia; the first two chapters of Kirk Munroe's new story, "For the Mikado;" ".Tames McGregor Billings' Moose Hupt," by Garwood"; "True Heroism-- A Talk With Boys," by the late G. A. Henty; "Basket Ball," by Geo T. 'Hep- born, Secretary Amatuer Athletic Bas- 'ket Ball Committee: "Uncle Sam's New Pupils," describing how Uncle Sam is teaching young Filipinos in this country ; "Skating," by George D. Phillips, win­ ner of twenty-two American champion- Hhips for speed and figure skating; "An Elephant Huut That Failed;" "The Champion of the Lake," by William Heyliger; number two of the "Among the Birds" series; "General Nathanial Greene," a biogfaphy by Marianne G. Spratley; "The Pranks of Jimmy Lane," a humorous story bv Jonas Jutton; "A FeJine Fury," an animal story by Clar­ ence Hawkes; "Prisoners of the Tide," a sea story; further chapters of "My Four Years at West Point," by a gradu­ ate; "Playing Push Ball," by W. Frank McClure; installment number five of "Clever Work with a Pocket Knife," by John L. Doughney, and in addition smaller articles too numerous to men­ tion. Ad the regular departments, viz: Stamps, Coins and Curios, Amateur Journalism, Money Making, Puzzles, The Order of the American Boy, and Boys' Books Reviewed, are included. $1.00 a year. The Sprague Publishing Co. Detroit, Mich. -- : &!*• ' 1 ' --1 A Timely Topic. At this season of coughs and colds it is well to know that Foley's Honey and Tar is the greatest throat and lung rem­ edy. It cures quickly and prevents ser- jpus results from a cold. Sold by G. W. Besley, West McHenry, 111. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE OF "FILING FINAL SET^EMENT. , STATE OF ILLINOIS,T: McHenry County. Estate of Elisha Hu ulibard, Deceased. To all whom it may concern: Yoil are hereby notified that on Monday, the 12th day of December, HIM, 1, as the administrator with will annexed of said Estate, will present, to the County Court, of McHenry County, at the Court Mouse in Woodstock, Illinois, my Hnal i-ep< rt of my acts and doings as sucn Administrator, and ask the Court to he dis­ charged from any and all further duties arxl responsibilities connected with said Est ale and my administration thereof, at. which time aiid place you ma v be present and resist such application, if yon choose so to do. Dated at Woodstock this 21st day of Novem her, A. D. 11KI4. HUSKY C/. Mead. Si at Administrator with Will annexed. Removes the microbes which impover­ ish the blood and circulation. Stops all trouble that interferes with nutrition. That's what Hollister's Rocky Moan rain Tea will du. 35 cents. Tea or tablet form. G. W. Besley. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE OF FILING FINAL SETTLEMENT. STATE OK ILLINOIS, 1 _ McHenry County. | • * Estate of Anna Simon, Deeeaseld. ' - . To all whom it may concern: You are here­ by not ified t hat on Monday, the 2nd day of •tamiary. lito"), 1, as t he Administrator ex of­ ficio of sai 1 Estate, will present to the Coun­ ty Court of McHenry County, at the Court House in Woodstock. Illinois, my final report of my acts and doings as such Administrator, and ask the Court to be dischai'Red from any and all turther duties and responsibilities connected with said Estate and my adminis­ tration thereof, at whi<*h time and place you may be present and resist such application. If you choose so to do. Dated at McHenry, Illinois, this 25th day of November, A. D. 1904. JOHN HCKMAKN, 23-iit Administrator ex officio. Merry Divorce. Recently a worthy coupte of Zyrich, who had been married for several years, decided to get a divorce, and no sooner had the court annulled their marriage than they proceeded to show their friends liow rejoiced they were at the news. The two principals went arm in arm to a leading hotel! where they ordered a supper for several guests, aud a few hours later a merry party assembled there and did not break up until after midnight. Those present say that the gentleman who had just been freed from his wife and who, by the way, paid for the sup­ per was wonderfully gallant to her during the entire evening, paying' her more attention than any other woman, and that she, too, seemed just as hap­ py aa though she had just been mar- BANK This Bank receives deposits, bays and sells Foreign and Do­ mestic Exchange, and does a & North-Wester^. iB ttMRAL BANKING BUSINESS. We endeavor to do all busi­ ness entrusted to onr care in a manner and upon terms entire­ ly satisfactory to our custom­ ers aud respectfully solicit the public patronage Effective Dec. • 4. 1004. ';S WEEK DAT TRAINS. NORTHBOUND M^°RY . ..Via Des Plaii es 10.10 a m Via Des Phillies.,,,4.30 p m ' 8.40 pm Leave Chicago. H.ooa m..1. Wipm... „ 3.0! pla....... Via Des Plaines.,... Honey to Loan 'ft on real estate and other first class se­ curity. Spec­ ial v attention given to collections....... INSURANCE in First Class Companies, at the Low est rates. Yours Respectfully PERRY & OWEN, Notary Public., Banker# SUNDAY TRAINS. , 9.10azn ..Via Des Plaines.......?jj. 14 am 2L02pm ....Via Elgin 4.5Apm WEEK DAY TRAINS. McHenry. * 7.26 a m.....Via Elgin. 10.10a m 8.2»am'.,......,y|H Des Plaines..... .i.ftaam 5.20 p m Vi a Elgin . .j.oo p m SfritDAY TRA1N8. . - " "" am....Via Elirin.....:^;4||.a5am PAT E N TS Promptly obtained, or rCC RETURNED, ae VICARS' MnnlNM. OurOtMROCS Ml TMa LOWEST. Send model, photo or dutch for expert search and tree report on patentability. HmuWeBMENT Buite conducted before sU courts. Patents obtained through us, ADVER­ TISED and SOU), free. TRADE-MARKS, WW •Kriia unit COPYRIOHTS quickly obtelnco. Opposite U> S. Patent Ofnoet WASHINGTON, D. C. PHOTOGRAPHER WEST McHENRY, ILL. H.var the si undpipe. Enlargements from any picture in Watercolor and Crayon. The best Mid most appropriate Christmas Gifts. Just received a. splendid assort­ ment of the latest styles of picture . frames. Also photo Jewelry for Brooches, Cuff Buttons, Scarf Pins, Watch Charms, etc. Just the thing for presents. Tntil Christmas, we give'away with every dozen of photos a Medallion Itinted in the natural colors. Without question, this is the most superb orna­ ment for parlor table or mantel piece ever designed. -or i * t ^ --Oi'EN ON SUNDAYS- ^ HOLLISTER'S locky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Busy Medioiae for Busy People. 3rtnga Golden Health and Renewed Vigor. i-->eciflc for Constipation, Indigestion, LIVP Kidney Troubles, Pimples, Eczema, Impir !, Bad Breath, Slupirisli lioivels, Headac ' :ackache. It's Rocky Mountain Tea in (a -orm, 85 cents a box. Ceniiine made I ISTER DRLO COMPANY, Madison, Wis. 0EN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. 8KHVICFS--Prenchirif? 10:30 a. ni. and every other Sabbath evening at 7:45, beginning Oc tober 30. Sunday school at, 11:45.' Epworth I.eague preceding preaching service at 7 p. m When there is no pi=eaclilng, at i:30. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 7::J0. REV. J. M. COKMACK, Pastor. For TKin Babies Fat is of great account to a baby; that is wljy babies are fat. If your baby is scrawny, Scott's Emulsion is what he wants. The healthy baby stores as fat what it does not ne$d immediately for bone and muscle. Fat babies are happy ; they do not cry ; they are rich ; their fat is laid up for time of need. They are happy because they are comfortable, The fat sur­ rounds their little nerves and cushions them. When t h e y ; a r e s c r a w n y t h o s e nerves are hurt at every ungentle touch. TJJiey delight in Scott's Emul­ sion. It is as sweet as wholesome to them. Send for frm« tamplm. > Be sure that this picture In the form of a label is on tha wrapper of every bottle of Emulsion you buy. Scott Sf Boivne Chemists 409'4IS Pmart Strmmt York ' Me. sod $1 00 Ail PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Cleanups ;u»i beautifies the hair. PremoteB a luxuriant {growth. Never Fails to Restore Gray Hair to its Youthful Color. Curi;s scalp diseases & hair tailing. OUC, aiid $1.IXI at Druggists Want Column. All &dvertlst!uic,Ht.*4nHerteil undor thtH head at th< following rates: Five liiioH or lewa, 25 cents for first insertion; 15 c*nt«' for wmiIi sub.Cquent Insertion More than five lines, 5 cents a line for first insertion and '.i ociitK a line for additional insertions. XpOR SALE CHEAP--Two large heating stoves, heavy cast iron;'one is for wood, coal or chunks. Inquire at this office. 21-ti' HOUSE FOR RENT--My house In McHenry. east side. Is for rent. Possession given at any time. F. K. UHANOER. "p^OR SALE--3100 acre pieces of fine, level. dark soil. Eastern Kansas prairie wheat and,-at §2.50 per acre. Title perfect. Qne- tifth down, balance on time. ' SlMOV STOFFKTj, WestMcHeury.IU. XPABM FOR SALE AT, A BARGAIN--Stock farm, consisting of 100 acres of 'and, 3 miles south of Volo. Inquire of or, write 2S TTT* JOHN ROSING, Volo* 111. "I7H)R SALE OR RENT--60-acre farm V* mile E southwest of Hig Hollow schfM>1 house, 1% miles southwest of Ingleside Station. Good house, bt^rn and well, fine orchard. ' 2:itf GKO. SIMES, Hebron, III. FA1^, ¥ ni rtARGATN EXTHAORDINARY- ill sell atonct^ilie tinet; H. Parks'farm of 110 acres, at 5<i7.">(). well w^rt b STn.tXl. Good buildings, wt;lls. fences, orchard. All fine, vel. rich, black prairie soil, no waste land, ne roads 2 miles to creamery. Mordent or town. Title perfect. 92.000 to $1,000 down, balance on time to suit at low interest. Call on SIMON STorKEi.. T^OR SALE--Nine head of heifers, hanging from one to two years old. Inquire of JOHN S. PETBWSKN On John P. Smith farm near Lake Defiance VX7ANTEI) Mi;;N AND WOMEN'in this "* county and adjoining territories,to rep- 'esent and advertise an old established house >f solid financial standing. Salary to men. $21 weekly, to women. $12 tu Sis weekly with Expenses* advanced each Monday by check, lirect. from headquarters.. Horse and buggy furnished when necessary: position perma­ nent.. Address III.KW linos. & Co., Dept. B. Vlonon Blilg.. Chicago, 111. 19-6t AilvertUtiil Letters.' L«itera remaining unca led for at tbe McHtnry and West McHenry ppatoflBces for the month ending November 80: M HENRY. ' Mrs Scolt Hodgkins, Miss Cora Wal- ice, Miss Bessie Cedergren, W. F. Ra­ th or n, John T. Haupi is, Henry Sheldon. R WAITE, P. M. WEST M'HKNKY. George Anderaon, Charles Bnckholtz, Harry Hesae, Philadelphia View Co., I R. Thurlwell, Esq , Fred Wier, L >Velch, Clayton Wilson, ,lohn White. H. C. MEAD, P. M. When cabling for above letters, please * iy advertised. , 10 cts. a copy. $1.00 a year 'S is • 'the cleanest, most stimulating, meatiest general magazine for the family," says one of the million who read it every month. It is without question : -Best «-*--»» «« Great features are promised for next year--six or more wholesome interesting short stories in every number, continued stories, beautiful pictures in colors, and articles- by such famous writers as Ida M. Tar-, bell, Lincoln Steffens, Ray Stannard Baker, John La Farge, William Allen White and Charles Wagner. Get all of it right into your home by taking advant­ age of this SPECIAL OFFER Send $1 00 before Janoafy 81, 1905, for a subscription for the year 1905 and we will send yon free the November and Dectmber nnmbers of 1904 - fonrt^en mnnths for $1 00 or the price of twelve. Address Mc CLURE S. 48 59 East 28d Street, New York .City. Write for agents' terms. TO THE. *• I «• > t * • t t t t i: t > > t I suggest that my stock is as complete as any in the county and at prices that can not, be beat. For instance * Fine serpentine front Dresser*, at. A well supportad cot Bed stead, at A full leather Conch at...... • fine set Oak Dining 0 airs, at............ k fine single fibre W. V. Spring, at.-..-- Undertaking Department as • mj lete as ever before. Will ive more prices later. Call nd see goods and get prices iefore buying. Very Respectfully, N. J. JUSTEN P H I L I P J A E G E R GENERAL COflWISSION MERCHANT SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE SALE OP Dressed Beef, flutton, Hogs, Veal, Poultry, Hides, Etc., Butter and Eggs This is the oldest house on the street. Tags and price lists furnished on application. "COLD STORAGE FREE CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. Stall • & 3, Pulton St, Wholesale Market. {Jos. H. Huemann iJohnsburgh, Illinois. sells Corn Shellers and Tread Powers, Duplex Grinding Mills, Rock Island Plows, Wagons, Carriages, Buggies, Wind MilU, ^ Well Supplies, Harness Oil, Paint Oil and ^Machine Oil a Specialty. FriDkiin Rod Works! I am agent for the above. We put the Rods on your Build­ ings and should they be struck, by ligtitning we pay damages " if no more than $500. Call and get full particulars. Geoeril BUcksoiitbiflg Prices ilwiys Rusoiubie EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. v Estate of John Ralston. Deceased. The tliHlersigueil, having been appointed xecutrix of the last. Will and Testament of "lin Ralston. «U'C»»ased. late of t lie < ounty of (•Henry and State of Illinois, hereby gives notice that she will appear be.fore the County <»urt of McHenry -County, -t the Court Y ouse in W oodstock. at the February Term, --•n the first Monday in February iiext, at vfilch time all persons baving claims against i •aid estate are notified and requested to at-< tend Cor the purpose of liaving t.i>e same ad- : (listed. All persons indebted to said estate! re i equested to make immediate payment to ! 'ie uixlersicned. j Dated this 17th day of November. A I> ! CKUBTK RALSTON, Executrix < 22-at _.- . Mr. and Mrs. Carl E. Mead of Wood I stock are the happy parents of a 7±- p ond baby girl. The yonng lady ar- j r ved Mdndnv.: ^ i "On Every Tongue. Handed down from aire to son; famous for three generations as Kentucky's best; famous now as the best in tfef world. SOLD BY LEADING DKALERa \ See Harper WhTskey Exhibit In Agricultural Building, World's Fair, St. Louis 1*44*44-94M-44^*44444444444444444444444^* •444 The Plaindealer will be Sent to new Mibacribers from now to January 1, im, for $1.60. ( "THE VARIETY STORE | ; f $ * $ k t most niak^ room for a new line of goods. In order to do so. will ae 1 h1 plain dishes and Qneensware at actual wholesale ices. Below nna » few aauiplea ot our line; ^ Large, handled coffee cups and aaticera. were f 1 lO.doprB, Jj^w., 75C Tea cups ard s»u« » is, w ere $1.00 per dozen, now , ..#*» •. Ten inch 'plates, were $1 10 per dozen, now...... •». » »> »'. • • • •«• Eitrht inch plates, were per dozen, no#..-....... a Gallon pitchers, were 40. now . .... ... 30C Sixteen inch flatters, were 50, now. •.. 40c BliiiIIi'n'"li"i'",° at ac tual cost. All Notion* a»_ »iK>nt half price NO TROUBLE TO SHOW aOODf, - ^ h.... 6oc Professional, Society V1 A.nd Bvisinesss Cards DAY 11) U. WELLS, A1. U. PHYSICIAN, SURGEON kNl) *- Office and residence corner. Qreeusfcristjte, McHenry. „ • . : -- >ctrnnT Elm u( ' . -tv • ^^4i . ; FEGERS & FEGER8 . . pHYSlClANS AND SURGEONS; McHenry. - 111. Office at Residence,corner ^}ourtMid Elm streets. Telephoned • F1. C. ROS65. 1>. I). S. •• OfRce over Petesch's Drug Store. ' i - ALL WORK PEKTAIXING TO StODKKK DKNT18i|ff Office Telephone pi; Rosidence 202. ; s Nitrous Oxid Gas for Extracting. , Huurs 8:00 a. m. to 5:lKj p. m. - 80NDAY WORK BY APPOISTMEKT Oljif I>R, M. G. CHAMBEKLlif , ' • " DENTIS T, 1 Office and Residence over Bcsley's Drug SfMP#. Hours: 8:oo to 5:30. -Wjtenij Moialamty. ARtHUR BRBMKEN, Mf PHYSICIAN AND SURQEON " (Deutscher Arzt.) . ' ;*i' "Y : Spring Orove, Illinois: ' -jy? General Teaming of all kinds. Excavating and Grading. ncHENRY - - - - - ILLINOIS. Telephone, Main 17N. 1 LAHBERT Q. SENQ BUFFET Headquarters for McHenry and McHenry county visitors. _Fr«nk Keppler, John Scharres, 92 Hftli Ave., Chicago. Attendants Telephone No. 393, SIMON STGFFEL Insurance Agent t'orall classes of ' property in the best Companies. West McHenry, Illinois MCHENRY COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY. OEFICE with American "National Bank VVood-~toek, 111. Abstracts of title and con­ veyancing. Money to loan on real estate in sums of $.">00 to $10,000, time, and payment tr suit norrower. FRANK BUHR PRACTICAL PAINTER AND PAPER HANGER CARRIAGE PAINTING.55.00 m UPWARD House and Sign Painting and al l Interior Dec­ orating, Residence north town iineone block west of river. Telephone No. Zo4 MCHENRY, - - - ILLINOIS (HARLES 6. FRETT Wholesale and retail dealer In- I am In the Market For Beef Veal riutton Hogs and Poultry Olve me a call Smokel Meats, Stfusafe McHenry - Illinois rneats! i FRESH, SALT & SMOKED MEATS Vegetables and Fruit in Season. It. Is my lntertion to give all customers the best service pos­ sible. I pay spot cash f >r hides, poultry and stock of all kinds, thus paying the lowest prices, and will sell on the same basis. We also buy Hogs for Kerber Packing Co. of Eljnn, paying highest market prices.' Drop us a card when ready to sell. A. C. MATTHEWS, WEST M'HENIf , ILL. K I L L THE C O U C H AND CURE THE LUNGS ",THDr.lClRg's New Db^ery (J"" 'ONSUMPiiUf HUGHS and ^OLDS Price 50c & $1.00 Free Trial. Surest and Quickest Cure for all THROAT and LUNG TROUB­ LES, or MONEY BACK. R. H. OWEN - Pianos for sale and rent. Tuning and repair _ _Ing at reasonable prices. " • , First class Work only. atcHEMwr. .. .. l*» •M" - &. .iwiiL -44-

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