Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 8 Dec 1904, p. 5

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ALL DRY GOODS, SHOES AND NOTIONS 110 per tent, discount 00 ill standing accounts paid this month J ' OSilUN BROS., TlcHENRY, ILL- $ t General Hardware,- -Dry Goods,- Shoe< -Notions. T^N WORK OF ALL KINDS AT CLOSE PRJCES building seasbnis here^ sand so ftt^e wfe with " everything neccessary in building a house. Let us * :ji|gufe with you when y&u gejt residy to build, it » Will certainly pay you to do so. We carry a com- ; plete stock of Lumbei, Sash, Doors, Blindis, Build­ ing Paper, Cement, Lame, Brick, Etc. • V •'*' ""V* .. . ** •••'< - .. FEED DEPARTMENT! Our Feed Department is also complete in every detail, having been in the business so long as to know the exact Wants of the people. White Swan • Flour is the kind we handle and the name speaks for itself. WILBUR LUriBER CO. McHENRY, ILLINOIS. | i l i u m -- -- -- -- -- -- t -- t m -- i m i i i ; Fall Goods Arriving We are receiving large shipments of Fall and Winter Goods every week, and have marked them at prices that will move them. Men's All Wool Business Suit .......$ 9.50 Men's All Wool Worsted, in popular browns.. 1.50 Men's Fancy Black Worsteds............... 9-00 Men's extra heavy Blue Serge. 13*00 Also cheaper suits from................ .$4.00 up. Men's Fancy Cravenette Coat, guaranteed not . to wet through 12.00 American Lady Corsets, any size..... .5oc and i»oo Ladies' Opera Shawls 1.50 SCHOOL SUPPLIES OF ALL KINDS, spring Grove, in. Frank Schumacher. Watch Us! It is to your benefit to watch this space from week to week. Keep your eye on us for Christmas Of- ferings^ext week. : : : : : WEST SIDE HARDWARE. At Your |p the instant control of your busmen H you Install • Chicago Telephone IT REACHES EVEHY WHERE omrts m day wDI pay it CHICAGO TELEPHONE COMPANY N E I G H B O R I N G N E W S Chronicled by ovir Able Corps of Correspondents JOHNgBCBCB. Mrs. Jacob Jnsten is on th® Rick list. Mrs. Peter Nieaen was a McHenry caller Monday. ••• Geo. Nell was a Cbicaga passenger Wednesdaj* morning. " A baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. John Buchner Sunday last. Miss M. M. Adams was a business vis­ itor in Chicago Wednesday. John Karls attended to bnsihese in tJie windv city Wednesday. . ' Martin Fr and and family visited his brother, John J , and family. Mrs. Martin May visited her daugh­ ter, Mrs. Tony May, Tuesday. Miss Tillie Frennd was a Chicago vis:, itor a few days the past week. " Wm. Althoff and wife are visiting Wisconsin relatives this week. Mr. and Mrs, tVter Eritz and son, Willie, visited Will Britz Sunday. Jacob Roihermel left Tuesday even­ ing for a visit with Iowa relatives,' Lizzie May and Delia Niesen visited at Joe Rotherinel'a in McHenry last week. Jacob, Martin and Peter Frennd at- ten led the funeral of their brother, Stephen. Eva and Maggie Hnemann and Rosa and Barbara Althoff visited Lena Het- terman Sunday. • ^ Mrs. Mat Schaefer is Visiting her. daughter, Mrs. Jacob Weingarten, who is mourning the loss of one of a pair of twins born, recently. Lost--A black shepherd pnp, with a white ring around neck. Ahyoue finding the dog or knowing of its where­ abouts will kin<]ly leave word at the Plaindealer office. ~ ' "" Coughn, Colds ault ConstlpHtion. Few people realize when taking cough medicines other tban Foley's Houey and Tar, that they contain opiates that are constipating, besides being nnsafe, par­ ticularly for children. Foley's Honey and Tar contains no opiates, is safe' and sure and will not constipate. Sold by G. W. Besley. West McHenry, 111 RIDUEFUXLL. , The Plaindealer will be sent to any address on trial three months for twen ty-tive cents, and will be discontinued at the expiration of time, unless other­ wise ordered. Try it. Mrs. Fred Hartman is visiting in Chi­ cago. ' Fred Read is very sick with grippe and liver trouble. Mrs. Lynch returned Monday from a week's visit in the city. Misses Lolo Lynch and Mabel Skin­ ner were Woodstock callers one day last week. Mrs. R. L. Dufield was in Elgin last Wednesday to attend the wedding of her neice, Miss Grace Hunt. The night telegraph < Aire and pump; station was burned last Monday night, but as there was no wind blowing there was no other damage done. The fire originated from an overheated stove­ pipe; *•- The Ladies' AM Society will give a New England snpper in the church par­ lors oh Friday evening, from 6 to 7 o'clock. An old fashioned supper of chicken pie, brown bread, pumpkin pie, cheese, pickles, cake and coffee will be served for 25 cents. The proceeds will be used to -f>ay for a window in the church. Boy's Life Smed from Mrmltrniiniiii Croup C. W. Lynch, a prominent citizen of Winchester, Ind., writes: "My little boy had a severe attack of membranous croup and only got relief after taking Foley's Honey and Tar. He got relief after one dose, and I feel that it saved the life of my boy." Refuse substitutes. Sold by G. W. Besley, West McHenry, ill. SPRING GROVE. [People of Spring Grove and vicinity desiring to subscribe for The Plaindeal­ er may leave their order and money with Raymond Moss, our correspond ent. 1 he subscription price is $1.50 a year or 75 cents for six months. ED. ] Mrs. Frank Schumacher is very ill. Ray Moss entertained a number of his friends last Thursday. The postofijoe is to be tnoved into Frank Schumacher's store. Mrs. Jennie Moss spent several days with Chicago relatives recently. Mre. Cora Richardson and daughter, Ella, visited with Chicago relatives Sat- mday and Sunday. i Raymond Moss and Earl Weatlake have each begun work in business col­ leges in the city, beginning their work Monday. The Chicago,Tribune of last Snnday contaiued £ half page write-up of the '•"Capture of the Scrn of Mars"--E. V Orvis. The writer is well known around fiere'and his many friends extend con gratnlations. A. N e i sb. has disposed of his bank and fixtures to Anton Schaefer, Joseph Mer editb and John Gerbracht, who will be associated with others in a general tanking business. It has* been placed in Mr. Schaefer's fnrniture store. The Spring Grove, camp of M. W. A. elected the following officers for the en­ suing year: Venerable consul, W. C. Moss; worthy advisor, Otto Hasse; clerk, Frank Orvis^ banker, Herbert Peacock; escort's, Frank Colby, W. P. Bowers; sentinel, A. J. Steyens; man­ ager, W. E Colby; physicians, Dr. Fos­ ter and Dr. F. C. Darby. A Costly Mistake. Blunders are sometimes very expen* sive. Occasionally life itself is the price of a mistake, but you'll never be wrong if you take Dr. King's New Life Pills for Dyspepsia, Dizziness, Headache, Liver or Bowel trouble. They are gen tie yet thorough. 25c at Julia A. Story's and N. H. Petesch's, McHenry, and JG. W. Besley\ West McHenry, drugstores. BAltKKVlLLE. J. F. Powers was seen oh our streets Sunday. C. W. Colby was a Chicago visitor on Tuesday. Miss Mary Gibbs was a Chicago visit or the first of the week. Misses Nell it and Anna Frisby called on Miss Mary Gibbs .Sunday. Thos. Ames of Terra Cotta was a business caller here Saturday. Miss Gienys Jacobs of Terra Cotta spent Sunday at M. D. Henise's. Ray Merchant spent Wednesday even ing with relatives at Greenwood. Miss Rose Parsley and M. Coghlan were r. cent callers in this vicinity. Fr <1 and Aithur Wilmington of Nop, da called at J, Fleming's Thursday even ing. Miss Mary Fleming spent a couple of days last week with Mrs. I. N. Mer chant. Mrs. Henry Wilmington spent part of, last week with her mother, who is very sick. ' . • „ Maurice Jenson and. Miss Isa Hat thews called on friends near Barton's Bridge Stlftday. Elij th Coates and sister, Rose, of Ringwood sp̂ nt a couple of days last week with I. N. Merchant. Berine and Ralph Wingate, Eliza and Leon Baird and Harry Matthews spent Sunday afternoon with Ada and Floyd Merchant. ....... Miss Irma McCannon returned to her home in Greenwood Wednesday even ing, after spending ^ 'ew days with her sifter, Mrs I N Merchant. Job work of all k^ftds this office neatly done at The Difference in.Cost between a good and a poor baking powder would not amount for a family's supply to one dollar a year. The poor powder would cause doctprs' bills many times this*; Dr. PRICE'S cream Baking Powder is the most economical in the end, be­ cause it goes further ift leavening and insures perfect, wholesome food. When ordering of the grocer always call for Dr. Price's Gream Baking Pow­ der by name for good health and good food. It makes the finest cake, pud- dings, flapjacks, biscuits and bread. NMC «AKING Powoan Co.. NOTE.--There are many imitation baking powders which are sold from five cents to twenty-five cents a jxmnd. They should !>e carefully avoided as they are made from alum and are unheal thfuL H Bridle Crip can't be made in this Store. In fact, ' kind are impossiole. Every article in Harness and Horse 'trips" of any this stock of Goods is of the quality that precludes the possibility of mak- Mi^^r ing an unsatisfactory purchase. Prices are adjusted with the utmost care. No one can complain that we do not give excellent value. GUS. CARLSON, 3 McHENRY iiBiiiiMiiwitiMMiiiitiwtttitttmTmmttmrr, S&nta Glaus OUR. Best Ads are net PRINTED has arrived at our store again and is now un­ packing his large display of Christmas Gifts. He has left more Gifts here this year, for the little ones as well as the older people, th^n eiter before, iti fad£v he has made our store his •a Ttiey are Worn! Headquarters. G. W. Sdved by Neuropathy. The Best Physicians Had (liven Him Up But Neuorpathy Cured Him. Mr. Henry A. Ghroce, one of the pio­ neer residents of Elgin, 111., was saved from a terrible and lingering death, from dropsy and heart disease by means of the wonderful discovery of Neuro­ pathy, which teaches that derangements of the brain centers are the principal causes of many diseases. He says: "It *8 about five years since I tooh Dr. Miles' Neuropathic Treatment for drop­ sy and heart disease. My conditiou was extremely critical. I experienced great difficulty in breathing and could not lie down without smothering. Mj limos and body were badly swollen and I became very weak. I had been undei treatment by the best physicians of El gin, and was growing worse every day. L'hey could do nothing to relieve me, and, in fact, gave me up to die. "As soon as I consulted Dr. Miles be 'showed me that my doctors had faileu to understand my case and said he could treiiTh^e. It was wonderful how soon relief came. It was almost instantan­ eous. I was soon a well man. The cure was truiy wonderful, considering my age, which was 70 at that time. I am now seventy-six-years old, and able to enjoy tife." Mr. Groce is only one of the many hundreds of remarkable cures effected by Dr. Miles' dii«oovery regarding the ' Brain Centers." The Doctor's reputa­ tion as a specialist is national. His Heart and Dropsy Cure is a marvel. Every person afflicted with disease of the heart, stomach, kidneys, nerves or dropsy, which often implicate each case, should send the Doctor a description of his case, and-he will send you one thous­ and testimonials, his book and $2.60 treatment free. Address Frunklin .vliles, M. D. LL. R, Dept. N, Grand Sanitarium, Elkhart, Ind. 24 KMKKALI) PARK. Mrs. Gibbet of Barreville visited at R. J. Sutton's Monday. Miss Mamie Knox visited her friend nt Algonquin last Saturday. Miss Ada i 'arey of Spring Grove S|tent Sunday with the Misses Knox. Mrs. Geo. Frisby of McHenry visited Miss Margaret Aylward Sunday after­ noon. Miases Kathryn Walsh and Mary Gibbs went to Chicago Tuesday for a few days. Mrs. R. J. Sutton and son, Joseph, called on McHenry relatives Sunday afternoon. Floyd and Robert Thompson of Bar- resile spent Wednesday evening with their mother. Mrs. Felzer and son, Ed., of Indian­ apolis, Ind., spent a few days last week with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Yutes and daughter, Miss Margaret, of Mattoon, 111., visited relatives here a few days last week. R. J. Sutton and son, William, visit ed Chicago relatives a few days last week and attended the Fat Stock show. Messrs. J B. Frisby, H. Felmeten ind W. Bolger visited the Fat Stock show in Chicago a few days the past week. Mrs J. B. Frisby and daughter, Mies Nellie, went to Chicago Tuesday, where thev will visit relatives the remainder of the \T8«k. Mr. and Mrs. McMahon of N. Dakota, who have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Relihan the past week, called on old friends in |his vicinity Friday. The basket social held at Mifs KnoxV school last Friday evening was a pne- cess, socially and financially. About fourteen dollars was made on backets, which was good, as owing to the storm night, the crowd was not larRe. The program, as anticipated, was very g «»d. The solo by little Dorothy Kuox, al*. t inse t>y a number of the pupils. wer» exceptionally fine, as were also the reci tations by all'he pupils. A Frightened Horse, Running like mad down the street, dumping the occupants, or a bundr d other accidents, are every day oc­ currences It behooves everybody to have a*reliable Salve handy and then is none as good as Bncklen's Arnica SaU <• Burns, Cuts, Sores, Eczema and Piles disappear quickly under its soothing effect. 25c at Julia A. Story and N H | Petesch's, McHenry, and G. W. Besley's' West McHenry drug stores Don't forget the "want ad"oolnuinl UOLCOUBVILLE. Earl Peck went to Harvard to "Work, Monday. Mrs. G. Johnson spent Thursday with Mrs A P. Peck. _ Joe Zenk of Mareng<fipent Sunday at George Weidner s, Mrs. A. P. Peck spent the first of the week at Madison, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. John Zenk and son called at Wm. Zenk's Monday. Mr. and Mrs. P. Flanders visited at T. L. Flanders' Thursday, Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Peck spent Wed­ nesday at Mrs. B. F. Peck's. Earl Peck went to Eilgih Wednesday to attend Miss Hunt's wedding. Miss Etta Powers attended the teach­ ers' meeting at Nunda Saturday. David Powers attended the Fat Stock show in Chicago one day last week. Mr. and Mrs, H. Magi>on of Terra Cotta spent Suudaj at P. F. Hunt's. Mr. and Mrs P. K. Clark of Cleve tand O., visited at F. Powers'last week, Mr. and Mrs. Henry McMillan and little daughter spent Sunday afternoon with the former 's parents at Terra Cotta. Edd Johnson from near Wanconda called out relatives here one day last week. Dr. H. H. Bay and Miss Eva Ballon of Nunda were visitors in this vicinity Sunday. Mrs. P. F. Hunt and Mri Wm. Gil­ bert attended the society at Mrs. Ab­ bott's Thursday. Miss Etta Powers and brother, David, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Powers at Emerald Park. Mrs Win. Welch of Griswold L%ke visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Powers, the first part of the week. RING WOOD. Chas. E. H. Tuttle was an Elgin vis­ itor Monday. Mrs. W. A. Dodge was a McHenry oaller Tuesday. Miss Agnes Dodge was a visitor in the McHenry high school Tuesday. . The W. C. T. U. will meet with Mrs Laura aterman Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Abbott and daughter, Maud, of Ostend were callers here last Satnrday. Mrs. Cora Bassett and mother of Ostend were shoppers here one day last week. J. H. Watson and daughter, Erma, are visiting relatives in Whitewater and Milwaukee, Wis. The Bilver medal contest that was to have been held in the McHenry M. E. church has been postponed nntil after the holidays. The M. E. Sunday school is preparing a very appropriate Christmas program which will be held in connection with the Christmas tree on Christmas eve, December 24, 1904. We have undoubtedly reached the cli­ max in ease and style in garmentsre> Coats, body and over, are comfortably roomy, and trousers decidly easy at the hips and through the legs, fitting close oyer the shoe at the instep. Though the shoulders are broad and full the natural width of th» shoulders has supplanted the bulging fullness of artificial padding, and the unnatur&t ^ Hercules proportions are reduced to give a graceful contour and manly digulty. ( ollars and lapels are broad- S er and shorter, so as to be in keeping with the increased <width and length of the garment. The notch points of la- "jt pels are rounded, even to bluntness, a * welcome change from the pointed cor­ ners which always have a tendency to curl outward after a few weeks' wear_ Even the lapels on some of the double breasted sacks 1 have seen have the "step" corners quite blunt, a Style I admire more than the wide, sharp- pointed re vera now rather common. We do as we Promise and Promise only What we Do. | John D. Lodtz. ?C' Ww 'I . - 1 Mr OROffRS BUCKWHEAT fLOUR If yoa want good, pure Buckwheat, the old-fash­ ioned N. Y. State kind, in bulk, we have it at per poun&^ai..... THE BIST MEDICINE fo" WOMEN If joa are nervous and tired out continually you could have no clearer warning of the approach of Berious female trouble. Do not wait until you suffer un ­ bearable pain before you seek treat­ ment. You need Wine of Cardui now just as much as if the trouble were more developed and the tor­ turing pains of disordered men­ struation, bearing down pains, leucorrhoea, backache and head­ ache were driving you to the un­ failing relief that V\ine of Oardui has brought hundreds of thousands of women and will bring you. Wine of Cardui will drive out all trace of weakness and banish nervous spells, headache and back­ ache an d p from quickl rous trout check. Secure a tl .00 bottle of Wine of Cardui today. If your dealer does not keep it, send the money to the Ladies* Advisory Dept., The Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tenn., and the medicine will be sent you. VERMONT flaple Syrup! Absolute Purity G U A R A N T E E D ! 1 pint glass jars ao 1 quart glass jars*. .35 i gallon in tins..»..... .60 1 gallon in tins........$1.00 PURE Sugtî Syrup 1 gallon tins. . . . . . . , , . . , . a 8 1 quart tins...... .10 1 quart glass jars.... 10 COFFEES Fancy Riov 15 Our celebrated San toe and PeaberTy mixed, our o w n b l e n d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J O Fancy Mocha & Java... .35 Coffee Samples TEOURt The celebrated Corona flour --most wholesome flour in town, per sack $1.45 V * J WINE sf 1 CARDUI FARCY (ROCKS Teieptwne £?| BO YEAR* EXPERIENCE PATENTS OrSMMW COPVMOMTS AC. Anroue «en.1tng a sketch and doAflrtottm W QUICKLY our OIHIIKMI (NtWMtiMrM iirrention is probaW* paienU&Hk CW>W>W tkmsstHctiT >>i0d«iin«i. IWMK«rMaMi •ent OKti. Puteuus tam iprriul rtvfWf, «n f i r i i r M i M j r t M l i •: NANA T W MIIWM bout, ciiarww, ta tlM Scientific itaerkm. A handaomelr Illustrated WMKLT- IJIIIII <*r- culatton of any soifiitiQc ioanuu. Tvw. I year: four months, |L Soil brtll inn SCO."--- Bwiwch . SK ¥ Wul> m .-it- ^ . M. ' M

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