Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 22 Dec 1904, p. 4

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•^i^^iiiu«».i U|. wmu* J1 ijyi.# .114) mil. ^n1^*" •*. wwm^m^HM™^--H _ . , . - _ • ; - > • . - - - • . A.yer's You can hardly find a home without its Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Parents know what it does for children: breaks Cherry Pectoral up a cold in a single night, wards off bronchitis, prevents pneumonia. Physicians ad­ vise parents to keep it on hand. " The best couph medicine money ts Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. For the coughs or . • . *% - .il.:. ' IJ ...ikt. k/t IkAttAf " children nothing could JACOB rwsibty be Iwitter. IHULL, Saratoga, Ind. .. s(v.,?i.on. for ,T. C. ATKR CO., Lowell, Mass. Throat, Lungs MRS. CHADWICK now, realises that she has made a mistake somewhere. YC3, IIHO CBSCM HR.*"5. £!?53 -- New Jersey and had herself incorpor­ ated. I PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT has given the railroads of the country to understand that the Inter-State Commerce commis­ sion is not to be used for ornamental purposes. ~" •• THE latest census shows that there are only foriy-nine boys to every fifty- one girls in Massachnsetts. Reed Smoot can make use of this in his defense be­ fore the Senate. Ayer's Pills greatly aid the Cherry Pectoral breaking up a cold. {He Nclieory Hdiadg^ler PUBLt'SHRU EVERY THURSDAY BY THE McHEKftr PUINMMR COMPANY. WHEN Pete Hepburn got through with the civil service rules in the House the other day they were in flaming and lurid colors. Pete is something when he breaksjoose. fierce A- F. K. GRAMSKB. .pwb W. A. CRISTY, J. R. L'EKRT, Sec. Treaa.. Pf O. 8CH&KI>IER, Editor. M2':. Office Ih Bank Building. Telephone, No. 872. TERMS Of SUBSCRIPTION: $1-50 Three months. 40cts. One year--..... . Six months. 75 cts Thursday, December 23, 1904. THE French premier, Combes, is hav­ ing another "close shave." He will be having one a day before long. A GOOD deal of sorrow is arising from the fact that every man in the different legislatures cannot be speaker. IT wag a great oversight on- the part of Mrs. Chadwick not to lay by4" enough for bail when she was "operating." KING PETER of Servia has dropped down ffom royal to plain life. He should go one step further and try the "simple life" OR, PARKHURST is busy preaching, to the Mormons. The doctor must be too timid to "speak out" to his own flock at home. THE Philadelphia Record wants to if"""*' know "who is the man in the Chadwick case." He's ashamed to tell his name. Hush! IF1 Czar Nick doesn't look out he will have a bigger scrap with a mob at St. Petersburg than Kuropatkin is having at Mukden. MRS. CHADWICK worked those Ohio banks as if they were wax. Yet some of us have wives who couldn't stand off the bread man. < ' " IT is not difficult to understand Mrs. Chadwick's desire to get back to Ohio. She has a warm spot in her heart for those Ohio bankers. THE comptroller of the currency says there is a great demand for $5-notes. Yes, we can use a few, though we much prefer the, twenties. WALL STREET is getting hungry" for more "lambs." By the time the next administration is over they will all be starved in Wall Street. PROPHET DOWIE still insists that he is different from other men We hard­ ly think he is as proud of the difference as "the other men" are. MRS. FLORENCE MAYBRICK made good her promise not to go on the stage, but just as we expected, she is working the magazine** on full time. IT has been found necessary to sus­ pend the Colorado election reeount; the courts are only half through with it and the jails are full to overflowing. • ST. LOUIS council is considering a bill for keeping auspicious characters away from that city. They evidently believe in protecting "home industries.' OUR sailors stationed at Cuba have complained to the naval authorities at Washington because they have to do landsman work. They love to fight, but working is ungentlemanly. HARD working patriots from several parts of the country are urging Congress to prune the appropriation bill. It must te remembered, though, that there are several varieties of prunes. THE Washington Times is printing: articles showing that man is nothing but particles of electricity held togeth er by natural law. Some people seem Ito be all electricity and no law. IN Boston's recent municipal election the most exciting qnestipn was, wheth­ er a man could be elected alderman while in jail. Some towns do it a little differently. They first elect the alder­ man and then send him to jail. AFTER the 4th of next March, Sen­ ator Allison will have served for a longer continuous time than any man now in the senate. The senior senator from Iowa will, by 1908, be too big for anything short of the White House. PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT is busy look­ ing for a new Commissioner of Pensions. It is understood that no application will be considered for the position until the applicant signs a pledge not to write any poetry during-feis term of office. MM GUILTY OF GROSS NEGLIGENCE DID NOT HEED "WARNINGS This Is the verdict that should be rm- dered in so many cases of death from kid­ ney diseases. A slight disorder, which could have been easily cured, is neglected and terminates In Bright'* Disease or Diabetes. Most of these victims could have been saved by taking FOLEY'S KISHKY Cram, as it positively will cure any case of kid­ ney or bladder , disease if taken la time, but it cannot make new kidneys for you. Bo don't risk life and health by delay but take FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE at once. Diseased kidneys Injure'all of the or- fans as they then fall to eliminate poisons from the blood which accounts for the many different symptoms of this tt FOLEY'S KIDNKT CUKE makes the kid­ neys right and the attendant Ills qoleklj disappear. Watch your kidneys, as yon may bo drifting toward's Bright's Disease; and, remember, that .the work of destruction goes on constantly, and If you have rea­ sons to believe your kidneys or bladder are affected, you should take FOLEY'S IIDJTKT CURB at once and remove all p, legibility of fatal results. SSTMOUB WEBB, of Molra, N.Y., writes! ; "I had been troubled with my kidneys for twenty five years and had tried sever­ al physicians but received no relief until 1 bought a bottle of FOLEY'S EIDHBY CUBE. After using two bottles I was •jboolateiy cured. I < arueftly reooaunaod Shesw's CuJts.1* Revolution Imminent. A sure sign of approaching revolt and serious trouble in your system is nerv­ ousness, sleeplessness or stomach upsets Electric Bitters will quickly dismem­ ber the troublesome causes. It never fails to tone the stomach, regulate the Kidneys and Bowels, stimulate the Liv­ er and clarify the blood. Rnn down sys­ tems benefit particularly and all the usual attending aches vanish under its search ing and thorough effectiveness. Elec­ tric Bitters is only 50c and that is re turned if it don't give perfect satisfac­ tion. Guaranteed by Julia A. Story aud N. H. Petesch, McHenry, and G. W. 'Besley, West McHenry, druggists. The Chicago Show. The full list of judges is Sharp But- terfield, Thomas F. Riggs, T. E. Orr, D. J. Lambert, S. B. Johnston, Frank Heck, E. W. Rankin, Henry Trafford, Samuel Cushman, Chas. McClave, Geo. H. Brugott, Ross C. H. Fallock, U. J. Shanklin, Dr. O. P. Bennett, . Oscar Herbster, W. C. Ellison, E. J. W. Dietz, for poultry; James Glascow, H D. Korkorer, Robert Joos, C. E. Twota bly, L. A. Jansen, H. Tieman and R. F. Witnier for pigeons. Competent judge* for doers and cats will be announced in dog and cat premium list. The entry fee for poultry, hares ai$ cats will be #1 per specimen. Pigeons, fifty*, cento per specimen. The usual liberal prize? will be given. A large list of special? is provided. For this and other infor­ mation see premium list. Coops, feed and care are furnished free. The speci mens are cooped separately. In the poultry department all the exhibits of each exhibitor will be in adjoining coop? in each variety. President Eddy is sn perintendent of poultry and K J. Muir is superintendent of pigeons. Although the Chicago Coliseum, the largest audi­ torium in America, will be the exhibi­ tion ball, from present indications it will not accommodate all the exhibits offered. The management has there­ fore decided to reserve the right to re­ fuse entries and return entry fees when those received equal the capacity of the hall. Many of the best inenbator, brooder and poultry supply concerns will have exhibits. The premium list con­ tains all necessary information for ex­ hibitors. They caii be obtained of the" secretary, Fred L. Kimuiey, room 500, 325 Dearborn street, Chicago. A Gertain Cure for Croup. Wheno a child shows -symptoms of croup there is no time to experiment with new remedies, no matter how high­ ly they may be recommended. There is one preparation that can always be de­ pended on. It has been in use for many years and has never been known to fail, viz: Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Give it and a quick cure is sure to follow Mr. M. F. Compton of Market, Texas, sajsofit, "I have used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in severJTcases of croup with my children, and can truthfully say it always gives prompt relief." For sale by all druggists. Your drug wants are Best supplied at Petesch's, An Ktr.ergMiiuy Medicine. For pprains,- bruises, burns, scales and similar injuries, there is nothing so good as Chamberlain's Pain Balm. It soothes the wound and not only giVes instant relief from pain, but causes the parts to heal in about one-third the time required by the usual treatment. As it, is an antiseptic all danger from blood poisoning is avoided. Sold by all drug gists. (Inaint Story of Victor Husro. In the diary of fifir Momsluai t Grant" */uu iuc iv'uuniug ia COlvi 1 u ing Victor Hugo: An ardent admirer once said to Hugo: "The nation has never treated you quite properly; no street has been called after you; there, ought to be a Rue Victor Hugo." "That will come, my children; that will .come." said the master. Then another disciple took up the running and said: "A street! That indeed would be noth­ ing; a whole quarter of-the city should be calk*! after you." "That will come, my children: that will come," said the master. Thereupon a third disciple joined in: "Paris should cease to IK? Paris, ri'nd be renamed City of Victor Hugo." "That will come, my children; that will come," said Hugo serenely. U M 1 1 I Y ^SPhiB Bank receives deposits, buyp an<l DCUf *• itlVlftU limf * mestic Exchange, and does a Reflected Light. A dead white surface has decided ad­ vantages for reflecting .light over a looking glas6 or a bright surface. Good white blotting paper reflects back 82 per cent of the light cast upon It. Many persons are under the Impression that a looking glass must be a better re­ flector than paper or whitewashed sur­ face because with looking glass* a strong shadow can be cast, while from a dead surface qo heavy shadow is ob­ tained. The reason is not so much that the reflected light isr less from the dead surface, but that the reflection is con­ centrated in the case of the looking glass. With paper or whitewash it pro­ ceeds from a vast number of potnta>- New York News:".' . . - -'V:. • •/ Curious Advertisement*. Some of the Japanese tradesmen In the smaller towns of Nippon have a curious wray of advertising their busi­ ness. On their right forearms they tattoo figures--the shoemaker a shoe, the*%woodcutter an ax, the butcher a cleaver. Underneath these emblems are such inscriptions as "I do my wo"rk modestly and cheaply,'7'and "I am as good at my trade as most- of my fel­ lows." When they are looking for work they bare their arms and walk about the streets. tfllfRAl BANKIIK BUSHES! We endeavor to do all busi­ ness entrusted to our care in a wanner and Upon terms entire­ ly satisfactory to our custom­ ers and respectfully solicit the public patronage. Honey to Loan on real estate and other first class se­ curity. Spec­ ial attention ,, ,1iiftWrtrilr North-Western. as® WEEK DAY tBA!NS. NORTHBOUND &.nd * DAVI IKi. WELLS, M. I>. pHYHlClAN,SI'UURON AND V»OULIH§ ~ OFLLEO am) ri'sidftnce corner^ Elm MM (ireen streets. Mi-lkuir. Arrive XT. „ , McHenry .Via l>es Plalnes 10.10 a m 3.25 p m Via Des Plalnes...,...AfiOn m 5,01 pm Viu Des Plalnes. ... ,^M0 p m ..11J4 am pm SONtJAY TRAINS. 9.10am..... ..ViaI)es Plaiues.., 2.02pm ...-.ViaElgin - WEEK DAY TRAINS. Mrffe^y. bouthbou!®. chfi£. 7.241 a m.......... .Via ElRtn.. IO.IO A m 8.211 ni Via Den Plaineg .a,5;"> a m P m Via ElKin 7.00 pm SCKEAY TRAINS. 7.26 a mi... Via Elgin .10.25 a m 5.0C p SB;;....'...Via Des Plaines....... 7.00 p tn Promptly obtained, or pee RETURNED. SO YTMV KXPERIENCK. Our CHARGES ARE THE LOWEST. Ss r.d niutlel, photo or skcu h for expert search and free report on patentability. IMFRINOEMENT nuita conducts! beforo ail courta. Patents obtained through us, AO VER­ TICES and SOLD, free, TRADE-MARKS, PEN­ SIONS and CQFYRICHTS quickly obtained. Opposite u. 8. Patent Office, WASHINGTON, O. C. given to collections. INSURANCE. in First Class Companies, at the Low est rates. Yours Respectfully x / . PERRY & OWEN, Notary Public. 1 Banker# The Ruby «• a Fruit. The people of Burma believe that the ruby is a kind of fruit which will ripen if you give it time. They say that most rubies do not ripen simply because they are not allowed to do so. If you want to "ripen" the ruby In your ring, according to the Burmese idea, you must take your ring nnd^' lay it in the sun for one month with­ out disturbing It at all, and at the end ot that time It will be "ripe" and good to eat. ' Two Pairs. Mrs. Egerton Blunt--But why did y^u leave your last place? Applicant-- I couldn't stand the way the mistress and master used to quarrel, mum. Mrs. E. B. (shockpd)--Dear me. Did they quarrel very much then! Applicant- Yes, mum. When it wasn't me, an* *im it VHfp me an'.4er." His Wanderings. Stranger--What wonderful tales old Blinks relates! He must have been a great traveler in his day. Native--He was never outside the county in his life, but, you see, his mind haa wan­ dered for years. Vanity, Not Love. Eleanor--She Is very fond of him, isn't she? Gladys--Well, I don't think she's as fond of him as she is fond of having people remark that he is fond of her. Useless. Noggs--And a cure for insomnia Is-- Physician (facetiously)--An old fashioned remedy is ta count 500. Noggs--Very good, but our baby can't count--Home Notes. It is considered that Japanese men are among the best needleworkero in the world, their only equals being tbo women of Russia. Stop in and look oyer the toilet caaes at Julia A. Story's. They are the finest ever shown. s T E E I M D E The Plaitidealer will be sent to any addressou trial three months for twen­ ty-five cents, and will be discontinued at the expiration of time unless other wise ordered. Try it. Perfumes, the beet maket known to the trade, at Beeley's. , experienced farmer has learned that some grains require far differ­ ent soil than others; some crops need differ­ ent handling than others. He knows that a great deal depends upon right planting at the right time, and that the soil must be kept enriched. No use of complaining in summer about a mis­ take made in the spring. Decide before the seed is planted. best time to reme­ dy wasting conditions in the human body is be­ fore the evil is too deep rooted. At the first evi­ dence of loss of flesh Scott's Emulsion should be taken imme­ diately. There is noth­ i n g t h a t w i l l r e p a i r wasted tissue more quickly or replace lost flesh more abundantly than Scott's Emulsion. It nourishes and builds up the body when ordi­ nary foods absolutely fail. We tvttt send you * dimple free. Be sure that thU picture in the form 61 a label is on the wrapper of every bottle of Emulsion you buy. SCOTT B O W N E CHEMISTS 409 Pearl Street N E W Y O R K Spc. and $i; all druggists PHOTOGRAPHER WEST McHENRY, ILL. near tin; staiulpipe. Enlargements from any picture in Watercolwr and Crayon. The best and most appropriate Christmas Gifts. Just received--a splendid assort* nii-nt of the latest styles Of picture frames. Also photo Jewelry for Brooches, Cuff Buttons, Scikrf Pins, Watch Charms, etc. Just the thing for presents. t'ntil Christmas we Rive away with every dozen of photos a Medallion timed in the natural colors. Without question, this is the most superb orna­ ment for parlor table or mantel piece ever designed. -OPEN ON SUNDAYS-- HOLLISTER'S 3ocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Busy Medioiae for Busy People. BriDgs Golden Health and Renewed Vigor. for Constipation, Indigestion, LI Troubles, Pimplea, Eczema, Impur Kilni ciflc for Constipation, Indigestion, Live • .y ~- - - - -- (i. Ba<l Breath, Slug-pish Bowels, Headacli Haekache. It's Rocky Mountain Tea In tat torm, 85 cents a box. Genuine made b} J.ISTER Dnuo COMPANY, Madison, Wis. DEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE METHODIST E-BISCOPAL CUITRCH. SERVICES--Preaching 10:30 a. m. and every other Sabbath evening at 7s45, beginning Oc­ tober 30. Sunday school at Jl:4i5. Epworth f.eaguc preceding preaching service at 7 p. m. When there is no preaching, at 7:30. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 7:30. REV. J. M. CORMACK, Pastor.' R. H. OWEN Pianos for sale and rent. Tuning and repair ing at reasonable prices. - pirst class Work only. McHENRY.. ILLINOIS PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Cleanses aud beautifies the h&lr. Promotes ft luxuriant growth. Never Fails to Restore Gray Hair to its Youthful Color. Cures scalp diseases & hair falling, 50c, and *i ,00 at Druggists Want Column. All advertisements inserted under thia head at the following:rates: Five lines or less, 26 cents for first insertion: 15 eents for each subsequent insertion. More than five lines, 5 cents a line for first insertion, and 3 cents a line for additional insertions. TTOUSE FOR RENT--My house In McHenry. -L-L east side, is for rent. Possession given at any time. F. K. GRANGER. 19-tf pOR SALE-Chester L Inquire of 2fi-2t* white boar for sale. J. E. HARRISON, Greenwood, 111. "CfVOR SALE CHEAl'-A six-hole steel range. ^ with hot water tank. Burns either wood or coal. Inquire at this office. 25 tf "C^ARM FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN--Stock farm, consisting of 190 acres of 'and, 3 miles south of Volo. Inquire of or write 22 6t* JOHN ROSING, Volo, 111. SALE OR RENT--60-acre farm % mile southwest of Ilitr Ilollow schoolhouse, m miles southwest of Ingleslde Station. Good house, barn and well, fine orchard. 23tf . GKO. SIMKS, Hebron, 111. "CVJR RENT--On shares or cash, one of the -1- best fitted farms In the country. 2H miles from Geneva Borden Condensing factory. I will furnish cows and fjtve time if desired. 24-6t* P. II. MOORK, Lake Geneva. Wis. VOPNG MEN AND WOMEN WANTED-- * to learn telegraphy. Railroads need op­ erators badly. Total cost six months' course at our school, including tuition (telegraphy und typewriting), board and furnished room, This can be reduced. Catalogue free. Write today. DODGE'S INSTITUTE, 25-7t Monroe St,., Valparaiso,In d. XpOR SALE--Three or four thousand feet of A two-inch flooring. Suitable for b^rn buildingfi. Inquire of T. J. WALSH, McHenry WOUND--On road in front of Riverside--a *- package of merchandise. Owner can have same by calling on Mrs. Woodbnrn just north of Riverside, proving property aud pay­ ing for this ad. •\X7ANTED-- Ladies and gentlemen to solicit ** and' ciiTlect, Good salaries, permanent fiojiitions for reliable men and women. Call at 'ark hotel. W. M Henry, between ii and ft this iifternoon. MANAGER ("HAHI.KS LINDEKJ.. * PROBATE NEWS { HWIWMHMWIMWtWt-- MARRIAGE LICENSES. Philip Schafer, 39, Johnshurgh Katherine Schoemaker, 42.. Johnsbnrgh Glen Ward, 24 Harvard Emma Nieman, 30..' Harvard Harold A Colby, 24 Spring Grove Edna E. Pierce, 26. Spring Orove Report From tlie Reform School. J. ft. ftluck, Superintendent, Prunty- town, W. Va., writes: "A^fer trying all other cough medicines we have decided to nse Foley's Honey and Tar exclusive­ ly iu the West Virginia Reform school. I find it the most efficient and absolute­ ly harmlrss." Sold -by ft. W. Besley, West McHenry, III. ' All the old reliable patent medicines at G. W. Be»ley's. 1 Cough*, Colds and Constipation., Few people realize when taking ooogll medicines other than Foley's Honey and Tar, that they contain opiates that are constipating, besides being nnsafe, par- ticnlnrly for children. Foley's Honey and Tar contains no opiates, is safe and sure and will not constipate. Sold by ft. W. Besley, West McHenry, 111. -- - . , *£» Don't forget tbe"wantad"colonwK Did you say Piano? Why, of course, w* handle them, Not only that, but we handle the best known makes and give with each and every one of them a guarantee of which ^roi^| \ If you are contemplating putting a Piano into your home don't forget us. • We can atfd will give you figures which defy air competition for high- class Instruments. Remember "The Housekeeper" offer still stands good. Call at our store and we will tell you all about it. N. A. Huemann . . . T O T H E I suggest that my stock is as complete as any in the county and at prices that can not be beat. For instance a Fine serpentine front A well supported cot. Bed stead, at».. .... A full" leather Couch < at. ̂ A fine set Oak Dining Chairs, at A fine single fibre W. W. Spring, at Undertaking Department as complete as ever before. Will give more prices later. Call and see goods and get prices before buying. Very Respectfully, moo N. J. JUSTEN S:! P H I L I P J A E G E R GENERAL COflMISSION MERCHANT • SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE SALE-JOI? Dressed Beef, Hutton, Hogs, Veal, Poultry, Hides, Etc., Butter and Eggs This is the oldest house on the street. Tags and price lists furnished on application. COLD STORAGE FREE CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. Stall i A 3, Fulton St. Wholesale Market. ::9 limiiMiiiiiMiiiimimii Jos. H. Huemann Johnsburgh, Illinois. sells Corn Shelters and Tread Powers, Duplex Grinding Mills, Rock Island Plows, Wagons, Carriages, Buggies, Wind Mills, Well Supplies, Harness Oil, Paint Oil and Machine Oil a Specialty. iissim»BMssssmat»t| Franklin lightning Rod Works! j I am agent for the above. We j put the Rods on your Build- * ings and should they be struck | by lightning we pay damages 4 if no more than $500. Call and j get fall particulars. 3 Ceoertf Blacksmittiing ] Prices alwavs Reasonable J Harper Rjye "On Every Tongue. Delightfully rich In flavor; charmingly smooth to the taste; univers­ ally cherished by connoisseurs. SOLD BY LEADING DEALERS. % 441 -»• VARIETY STORE J \ . V - 4 t»yoii^will find Xmas China* Alsp^ranite and ^ Tinware. Notions of ajl sorts. i • . .* f KEOERS St FEOEHI* PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. McHenii, 111. Off}ce at Residence, corner Courta#! Mm streets. Telephoned. : • - P. G. BOSS. l>. D. Office over Petesch's^ Drug Stc^e. ALL WORK PERTAINING TO MODKRN oiace Telephone 2H; Residence 208. " Nitrous Oxid Gas for Extracting. Hours 8:00 a. m. to 5:^0 p. m. S0WDAT "WORK BY APPOINTMENT ONLT DR. R. G. CHAMBERLIN . DKNTI8T. . " Office and Residence over Besley's Drag ; Jw» Hours: ti:oo to 5:30 WH8T MCJH KNHY. ILLIL '; ARTHUR BREMKEN, M. tK IPHYSICIAIS AND SURGEON ' (Oeutscher A nt.) Spring Clroviv, G e o . f t / l a y e r s General Teaming Of ail kinds. Excavating and Grading. ricllENRY - - - - - ILLINOIS. Telephone No. 993. SIMON STOFFEL * Insiirauc;e14fe.fe?it for all classes of property in the best Companies. West McHenry, Illinois McHENRY COUNTY ABST ' COMPANY. ^ OFFICE With American Bank Woodstock. 111. Abstracts #i*feie and con­ veyancing. Money toioan oil real estate In sums of $500 to £10,$®, time and payments suit borrower. " " -- F*ANK BUHR PRACTICAL PAINTER AND PAPER HANGER t CARRIAGE PAINTING, 55.00 and UPWAPD House :HKI Sign i' and all-1 nterior ! oratiug. Residence north tuwniin«one bl<»ok west of river. Telephone No.2M. MCHENRY, - - - ILLINCIIS LAMBERT Q. SENG B U F F E T PARCELS CHECKED FREE 92 Fifth Ave.. C h i c a g O, Illinois. (HARLES 4 fREIT Wholesale and retail dealer la I am in fh» Market For Beef Veal /lutton Hogs and Poultry dive me a call tod Smoked Meats, Sausage McHenry - Illinois IDeats! FRESH. SALT & SMOKED MEATS Vegetables and Fruit Season. It Is my Intention to,give all customers the best service pos­ sible. I pay spot cash f>r hides, poultry and stock of all kinds, thus paying the lowest prices, -and will sell on the same basis. We also buy liogs for Kerlter 'Packing Co. of Elgin, paying -highest market prices. Drop us a card when ready to sell. A. & MATTHEWS, ! WEST M'HENRY, ILL. liMMiiimummmn i K I L L THE C O U C H AND fif E THE L U N G S ?TH Dr. King's Mm Discovery forC SUMPTION Price OUGHSand B0c«i$i.00 OLDS Free Trial. Surest and Quickest Cure for all THROAT and LTJNG TROUB­ LES, or MONEY BACK. tst

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