- * ' • • ' - - _ : K ' V ' V . t * ,t - ," ' ' " / ' - ... , m^V * < -> «*, • # * •»$- •'^ • :'< :K'--} WE ARE M (OS!i I I V j OSMUN BROS., Overcoats, Felt Boots and Overs, only a few left for selection. Also all lines of Dry Goods wh^ch must be closed out at once.: : : : : : : • :• : : : : : : TlcHENRY. * Mt>iiN(»n>Mnmii>mmnMimnMniiimnm § Jos. H. Huemann | Johnsburgh, Illinois. J sells Corn Shellers and Tread. Powers, Duplex Grinding Mills; Bock Island Plows, Wagons, - Carriages, Baggies, Wind Mills, - Well Supplies, Harness Oil, " Paint Oil and *• . Machine Oil a Specialty. Friflklin LiptninS Rod Works! I am agent, for t-lio above. We put the llods on your Build ings and shouM tliey .be' struck by lightning we pay damages : if no more than $500. Ca,H *Qd get full particulars. <icneril Blacksmituin^ Prices always Reasonable ieeiw»eee»«i«eee«-»ee* •inwnimiwmmtmHMHUiKummmMKmmKmnmnMmmmmnmnn NEIGHBORING NEWS AS CHRONICLED BY OUR A BEE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS Rve uOn EverylTonglle.*, The aristocrat among whiskies of the old school: The sine qua non of the 20th century connoisseurs side-board. SOLD BY LEADING DEALERS. % 44***4 *** *************** ****** **************%***¥* ; HAPPY NEW YEAR! ^ At the Variety Store you will find all kinds of Nations, 4) j Fancy China, Granite and Tinware. ^ ^ Plain White China Dinner Plates, pei dozen,... 9 5c f (Cups and Sauters, per dozen ............... - 95c ^ Cups only, per dozen 55c ! Always Nice line if (INDIES and STATIONERY! California Limited ; ' y • • employes dre courteous Way. Your three days' trip is made ^thoroughly enjoyable Ladies and children traveling alone are assured every attention. Chicago and Kansas City to Los Angeles and 'Frisco. Ask J. M McCcnnell, of A. T. & & 109 Adams Street, Chicago. J N . H . P E T E S C H DRUGGIST. Patient Medicines. Toilet Articles. Is Your Time Money If so you ought to appreciate anything that will help you save it. The best way to save time is to have a Chicago Telephone Cost but Bfi cents a day KHERAIDPARK. Frank Martin of Wauconda called on friends here Monday evening. Mrs. John Gibbs of Barreville spent Friday with Mrs. John B. Frisby. Bernard J. Frisby visited Chicago, relatives a few days recently. Walter J. Walsh called on McHenry frienfls Thursday evening. Mrs. R. J. Sutton and son, Macj vis? ited at W. Bolger's Sunday afternoon. Miss Lizzie Sutton of Elgin . visited at Ed. Knox's Monday. Phil Sutton has beeu quite sick with the grippe the past few weeks. C. Bremer of Chicago called at the Park one day last week, looking over his property here. | Mrs. I. Merchant and son, Floyd, of Barreville visited at R. Jv Sutton's Thni^day afternoon. Miss Macie Dake of Chicago was the guest of Misss Anna Frisby a few days *he first of the week. Miss Alice Sutton returned to Elgin Tuesday, after enjoying a week's vaca tion at her home here. Misses Mauie and Lola Aylward of Elgin spent New Year's day and Mon day at their home here. Mike Frisby, who recently returned4 froin_ South Dakota, spent a couple of days at R. J. Sutton's and J. B. Frisby'6. Miss. May me Knox and friend, Miss Rose Geppard, of Chicago spent a day recently with Miss Margaret Ayljvard. Miss Mary Knox was unable to begin school work here Monday, being sicu with the grippe. " Her place was filled by her sister, Miss Alice Knox. Messrs. Steve Dake and Ed. Keneally of Chicago spent Sunday and Monday at J. B. Frisby s and attended the ban quet and dance at the Central opera house Monday evening.. A Life at Stake. If you but knew the splendid merit of Foley's Honey and Tar you would never be without it. A dose or two will pre vent ah attack of pneumonia or lagrippe. It may save your life. G. W. Besley, West McHenry, III. JORNSBUROH. Mrs. Jacob Meyers will move to Mc Henry. Martin Smith is visiting Aurora friends. Henry Dove of Volo was a caller here Tuesday. Mr. Turner of Rockford, 111., was a caller here Tuesday. Miss Clara Lay visited Emma Bngner at Ringwood Thursday. The concert at St. John's Catholic church was well attended. Mrs. Jos H. Huemann visited h«$r sister, Mrs. Ge©> Nell, Tuesday. Jos. Kat tuer of Spring Grove was a caller at Mrs. Thelen'p last week. Mrs. John Pitzen of Volo visited her sister, Mrs. Wm. Oeffling, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Matthieu, the jugglers, are visiting the latters parents, Mr. and- Mrs. Theo. Meyers. Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Groh of Chi cago are visiting the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jake Stock. Mrs. Henry Dugner and daughter, Clara, of Chicago visited friends here. The former returned home Monday. Misses Eva and Maggie Huemann and Georgie and .lohnie Nell visited their aunt, Mrs. Peter Britz, Friday afternoon. Geo. M. Nell returned to college at Quincy Wednesday morning after his Christinas vacation. He was accom panied by his father as far as Chicago. Pneumonia and Ladrippe. Coughs cured quickly by Foley's Hon* ey and Tar. Refuse substitutes, G. W. Besley, West McHenry, 111. ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. Estate of Margaret Sinies. Deceased. The undersigned having been unpointed Administrator of the Kstate of Margaret hues, deceased, late of the County of Mc Henry and State of Illinois, hereby gives notice that he will appear before the County 'ourt of McHenry County, at the Court louse in AVoodstocl;. at the March Term, on lie first Monday in March next, at which ime all persons having claims against said state are notified ami requested to attend for the purpose of having the same adjusted All persons indebted to said estate are re quested to make irimiediate payment to the undersigned. GHICAGO TELEPHONE COMPANY RINGWOOD. James Green was at Woodstock last Saturday. A. L. Francisco was a McHenry call er Tnesday. Ray Dodge has been having a tussel with la gripp. .Geo. Bacon enjoyed a few days' vaca tion last week. School commenced *Monday after week's vacation. Miss Agnes Stevens called on friends New Year's day.. Miss Barbara Ebert spent New-Year's with friends at Antioch. Mrs. Eleanor Cristy of Woodstock was a recent visitor at Lonnie Bishop's, Mrs. A. C. Matthews of McHenry visited at Bert McCannon's Tuesday. Joe. McCannon and Sadie Marble spent Sunday evening with friendshere. Miss Mamie Dagan' of' McHenry spent New Year's day with Lizzie Pint. Glyn Francisco and Clarence Tattle were McHenry callers Saturday; after noon. " ; ; H. L> Stephenson and fjamily ate New Year's dinner with friends-at Wood stock. ; . Mrs; Will Bacon and daughter of Iowa are the guests of Chas. Bacon and family. Miss Agnes Carey returned to her school duties at Elgin after a week's vacation. Miss Pearl Clax{.on of McHenry spent the latter part of last week visiting friends here.. Frank Fay and chiliren spent New Year's day with Wm. Bonslett apd family at McHenry. Miss Emma Matthews of McHenry is spending a few days with her sister, Mrs. Edith McCannon. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Bacon spent New Year's with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bacon at Lake Geneva. Mrs. James Kemerling of Harvard spent the latter part of the week with her mother and brother. Mrs. J. E. Cristy of Waupaca, Wis., returned»to her home after a two weeks' visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs*. I. Harsh. Dated this 3rd day of January. A. D. 1905. FI.AVEL K. GRANGER, Administrator. 2H 3t. Chicago & North-W.estern. Effective Dec. 4. 1004. WEEK DAT TRAINS. NORTHBOUND Arrive McHenry ..Via Des Plaines v.. 10.10 a in Via, Des I'laines 4.50 pmi i Plaines ..0.40pm f Leave Chicago 9.00 a rn. 3.25 p m. 5.01pm Via L TRAINS. 9.10a m Via Di\s Plaines .1U±am 2.02 p m -- Viu Elgin 4:.V> p rn WEEK DAY TRAINS. SOUTHBOUND. Leave McHenry. 7.20 a m. .\ ia Elgin. ,g.2!ia no... Via Des Plain -&2t> p m. 7 86am... 5.0C p m... ...Via Elgin.. SUNDAY TRAINS. ...Via Elgin Via Des Plaines Arrive Chicago. 10.10 a m ,«.5n a m ... 7.00 p m .10.25 a ni .. 7.00 p m HOLLISTERS ^oeky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Busy Mediaine for Busy People. brings GolJ.-n Health and Renewed Vigor. ' -lecirtc fur Constipation, Indigestion, T.ivf» ..'iiJacy Troubles. Pimples. Eozenvt, Impui • I, Bud Breath, Slusrarish llowels, Headat i' '•ackaohe. It's Rocky Mountain Tea in i.i • >nn. 35 cults a b.ir. Genuine made bj . .iSTEH Pnro OOMPAN V, Madison, Wi% NEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE 1 >i H A. .u METHODIST EPISCOPAL CIITRCH. •SEKVICKS ••Preiwhing 10:1(0 a. m. and every liter Sabbath evening at 7:4"), beginning Oc • :J0. Sumhiy SCIHKII at 11:45. Epworth preceding preaching service at 7 p. in. Fheu there Is no preaching, at 7:H0. Prayer lug Wednesday evening at 7:;». Bsv. J. M. COHMATK, Pastor. lite McHenry Pfioto^rdpher HAKES PHOTOS PERMANENT ARTISTIC FAULTLESS at popular prices. Always some attraction given away with every dozen. In order to more fully in troduce my work in this commun ity I have decided to make'the reg ular cabinet size photo at .S--.OO per dozvn, for a short time only. Waukegan St, , near theStandpipe ^ WEST M< HENRY, ILL. Important Decision Lower Insurance Rates to b« Given to Persons who do nQt Drink Alcohollo Liquors p. H. OWEN PlflUMWtJTlW sale and rent. Tuning and repair ing at reasonable prices. First class Work only. McHENRY. ILLINOIS An ad in The Plaindealer omn win bring reaultf, 'want" col- Bj a recent decision of one of the larf- est insurance companies of the United States, lower rates are to be given those persons who do not'indulge In the use of any intoxicating liquors. This is just, for statistics from all sources show that the use of alcohollo drinks always p red Is poses to kidney troubles, and Bright*! Disease, Diabetes and all other fatal kid ney diseases are far more frequent among drinkers of beer and alcoholic beverages than among those who do not Indulge in them. In a recent address before the Senate of the United States, Hon. J. H. Galllnger, Senator from New Hampshire, gave the results of most thorough investigations made to ascertain the effects of beer drink ing upon the health and life of individ uals. He showed conclusively that almost all cases of Bright's Disease were caused by beer drinking and that other fatal kid ney troubles had the same origin as a rule. As probably a large majority of men drink beer it becomes a matter of great concern to knOw the best way of overcom ing its effects upon the kidneys. There is nothing that will so quickly make the kid neys right in these cases as FOLEY'S KID- KEY CUBE. If taken early it will cure every fofm of kidney trouble and even in hope less cases it will give relief. It is an hon est preparation and can be relied upon to do all tkat is claimed for ik HOIXOMBVILLK. Wm. Zenk drove to Elgin Tuesday. G. Weidner has been sick for the past few days. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gilbert visited in Chicago last week. Mark Hoffman of Spring Grove was a visitor here Tuesday. Miney Peck of Wauconda spent last week with relatives here. Miss Iva Hoffman called on Mfs. P. F. Hunt Friday afternoon. Johnnie Gibbs was a caller in this vicinity one day last week, Mr. Conley of Huntley spent the first of the week at George Weidner's. Ed. Johnson and daughter, Minnie, spent one day last week at F. Davoll's. Earl Peck started for MinneapoliH Monday eveninjg where he has employ ment. Misses Maybelle and Grace Doherty called on Mrs. Henry McMillan Wed nesday. Mr, and Mrs. R. Laughlin, Mr. and Mrs. Jno.-Laughlin, Mr. and Mrs. W. Laughlin visited a,\ Wm. Doherty's Monday. ~ A basket social will be held at the Holcombville school house on Wednes day evening Jan. 11. Ladies are re quested to bring baskets as usual. Misses Maggie, Anna and Hannah Weidner and Iva Hoffman, Messrs. Frank Zenk, Conley, Frank McMillan and Earl and Miney Peck spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mc Millan. Ft rat Peraon Cremated In America. The first white poison lawfully cre mated within the present limits of the United States, according to wishes and desires expressed by himself, was Colo nel Henry Laurens, one of the Revo lutionary patriots. He was born In Charleston, S. C., In tbe year 1724, and died on his plantation near that place on Dec. 8, 171)2.' His will, wfileh he had requested them to open and read the next day after his death, was sup plemented with the following: "I sol emnly enjoin it upoii my son, as an in dispensable duty, that, as soon as he conveniently can after my decease, he cause my body to be wrapped in twelve yards of towcloth and burned until it be entirely consumed." The request was carried out to the letter and°was the beginning of cremation in America. fincllih Cliaracterlatlca. The Englishman is less social than men of any other nationality; I mean he is less conscious of the ties which bind humanity together, his moral for mation owes little to his relations with other men, he scarcely troubles him self about what they think, and if he ever considers the matter at all it makes no difference in his sentiments and actions. In short, the Englishman Is to a certain extent a recluse; he is more aloof from the world in which he lives and the neighbors whom he el bows than the men of any other nationality. -- Boutmy's "The English People." _L_ Span la h Ettqvette. There Is a curious story of how the Duke d'Aosta, when king of Spain, told a muleteer to whom he was talk ing to cover himself, the sun being hot, forgetting that bf so doing lie made him a grandee. Marshal Prim, to prevent this catastrophe, knocked the man's hat out of his hand, and ac- cording to some the muleteer had something to do with the assassination , tfcat followed a few days afterward, i The Exception. "I am getting"up a subscription list <for the relief of the poor. Can't you put your family down, sir?" "Madam, since you. ask a personal question, I don't mind telling you that I can put fem all down, except niy wife's mother."--New Orleans Times- Democrat ; ^ ' S o m e H A R N E S S is hard on a Jlorse and pocket. Doesn't fit animals of normal shape and it is of such poor quality that it wears out before giving an adequate return for its cost. Our Harness is of the other sort. Lasts longer than the horse will. Made of the best leather and trimmings and made to fit. Strain is equally divided and every part equal to the strain. Costs no more than , f s. i G u s . C a r l s o n . - H a r n e s s . FREE $2.50 TREATMENT. Describe Your Symptoms to Dr. Franklin Miles, the Celebrated Heart Specialist, and He Will Send You a Complete Special Treatment for your Case, Absolutely Free, To the people who suffer from weak heart, short bi-eath, pale lipis, cold feet and bauds, poor circulation, diz7,iuess, fainting spells, palpitation, weak, sink ing or smothering spells, pain in side, shoulder or left arm, irregular pulse, sitting up to breathe, swollen ankles or dropsy, etc: A word with yon. I am a practicing, graduated physician, with over a quar ter of a century's experience in treating human ills. I have discovered a scientific method of treating the human heart, when sick, by means of tonic tabloids, a cura- tive elixir, eliminating pills and a com pound strengthening hyoscyamic plas ter, in which the ingredients are BO var ied in strength and composition as to give every one of my patients the bene fit of a treatment so carefully adapted to their case as to make a cure practi cally certain. To prove to you the positive value ^>f my new system of treatment for a class of diseases hithereto deemed incurable, 1 will gladly send you free a complete set of these special remedies adapted to your own particular case-, together with valuable advice as to diet, exercise, etc , upon request. All I ask of you is to write me a com plete history of your case, with symp toms, your age, height, sex and weight, mentioning this paper, when I will at once prepare and send to you this Com plete fc>pedal"$2.50 Treatment together with my new Book on Heart Diseases, absolutely free. Address: Franklin Miles, M. D., LL. B., Dept. W, 421 to 431 Main St., The Grand Block, Ellfhart, Ind. 27 VOLO. Glenn Richardson of Elgin visited rel atives here New Year's day. Alfred Nickols and wife visited rela tives here during the holidays. Miss Helen Raymond spent part of the week with friends in McHenry. Willitftii Sexton returned to Elgin Monday after a few days stay with his parents. The infant (child of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Weingart was buried here last Monday. George Dryer attended the wedding of Henry Daylin of Fox Lake, in Chica go Monday. W. M. Huson left for Des Moines, la., last FHday, to be gone for a few weeks on business. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ranght returned from their visit* in Waukegan and Highwood last Friday. Mrs. -Henry Theile returned to her home in Goshen. Ind., after a week's visit with her parents. Miss Rose Huson has returned from Eigin," where she has been employed -in the D. C. Cook Publishing Co. during the holiday season. Constipation and piles are twins. They kill people inch by inch, sap life away every day. Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea will positively cure you, No cure no pay. 35 cents. Tea Or Tab lets. G. W. Besley. Want Column. All ATFCVI'IIISEMENTTF fol lowing rate#; Fiv nserted und^r this h«*ad at the line* or" 35 cent* for firat or each subsequent insertioir. "More'than tive lines. f> cent* a line for first insertion, and 3cpiiUa Uju* for addittonal insertions. TJOI'SE t'OR RENT--My houise in McHenry. "east side, Is foi" rent. Possession given at any. time. F. K. GRANGER. 19-tf | OUR. Best Ads are not PRINTED fi I Ttiey ire Worn! 1 POR SALE OH HKNT- -1- southwest of Hig miles southwest of Ir •60-acre farraH mile southwest of Hig Hollow school house, IV* Inglesicfe Station. Good house, barn aud well, fine orchard. 2Htf GEO. SIMES, liebron, lib "CMJR RENT-On shares or cash, one of the 1 best fitted farms in the country, 2H' miles from tieiu-va Borden Coudeusiug factory. 1 will furnish cows and give time if desired. 2*-6t* P. II. MOOKK, Lake Geneva, Wis. VOUNG MEK AND WOMEN WANTED-- -1- to learn telegraphy. Railroads need op erators badly. Total cost six months op- course at our school,, including tuition (telegraphy* ypewritiug), board and furnished jst». This can be reduced. and tj »ewriting), board and furnished room his can be reduced. Catalogue tree. Write today. DODGE'S INSTITUTE, . 35-7t Monroe St., Valparaiso.Ind. tj^OIl SALE--An eighty-acre farm situated ^ on 1/ake Defiance. Good lake frontage Kor further information Inquire at Bank of McHenry. 28* XpOR 8A LE--Good cook stove. Inquire at r this office. * This Bank receives deposits, buys and sells Foreign and Do mestic Exchange, and does a GENERAL BARKING BUSINESS. We endeavor to do all busi ness entrusted to our care in a manner and upon terms entire ly satisfactory to our custom ers and respectfully solicit the public patronage Honey to Loan on real estate and other first class se curity. Spec ial attention We have undoubtedly reached the cli max In ease and style In,; garmenture Coats, body and over, are comfortably roomy, and trousers decidly easy at the hips and through the legs, fitting close over the shoe at the Instep. Though the shoulders are broad and full the natural width of the shoulders has supplanted the bulging fullness of artificial padding, and the unnatural Hercules proportions are reduced to give a graceful contour and manly dignity. Collars and lapels are broad er and shorter, so as to be A keepLug with the increased width and length of the garment. The notch points of la pels are rounded, even to bluntness, a welcome change from the pointed cor ners which always have a tendency to curl outward after a few weeks' wear Eveii the lapels on some of the doable breasted sacks I have seen have the "step" corners quite bftint, a style I admire more than the wide, sharp- pointed revers BOW rather common. i .Nti We do as we Promise and | Promise only What we Do. 1 -- | John D. Lodtz. given to collections INSURANCE in First Class Companies, at the Low est rates. Yours Respectfully PERRY & OWEN, Notary Public. Bankers iiimmimiiBHimiiil Pianos! TAKE W I N E o ' CARDUI AT HOME Are you a sufferer? Has your doctor been unsuc cessful? Wouldn't you prefer to treat yourself--ATHOME? Nearly "1,500,000 women have bought Wine of Cardui from their druggists and have cured themselves- at home, of such troubles as periodical, bearing down and ovarian pains, leucor- rhcea, barrenness, nervousness, dizziness, nausea and despond ency, caused by .female weakness. These are not easy cases. Wine of Cardui cures when the doctor can't. Wine of Cardui does not irri tate the organs. There is no pain in the treatment. It is a sootning tonic of healing herbs, free from strong and drastic drugs. It iB successful because it cures in a natural way. Wine of Cardui can be bought from your druggist at $1.00 a bottle and you can begin this treatment today. Will you try it ? Did yon say Piano? Why, of course, we handle them. Not only that, but wehandle the best known makes and give with each and every one of them a guarantee of which we feel proud. If you are contemplating putting a Piano in to your home don't forget us. We can and will give you figures which defy all competition for high-class Instruments. Remem ber "The Housekeeper" offer still stands good. Call at our store and we will tell you all about it. West ftcHenry, In cases requiring special directions, address. Advisory Medicine es requiring special airecuun», , giving symptoms, The Ladies' y Dept., The Chattanooga e Co.,r Chatt»noo*a, Term. P A T E N T S .. omptly obtained, or FEE RETURNED. CO VKARS" EXPERIENCE. Our CHARGES AM TMC LOWEST. Send model, photo or t-ki-u ii for „nit fret ivjMirt on INFRINGEMENT suits conducted before courts. Pat<mt* obuuntMi through us, *UVtR- TiSED and SOLD, toe. TRADE-MARKS, MEW- SIONS and COPYRIGHTS quickly obtjiined. Opposite U. 8. Patent Office, WASHINGTON, D. C. D S W I F T & < ° PARKERS HAIR BALSAM Cleanses and beam;?:.- t hair. Promote* a luxuriant Never Fails to Restore Gray Hair to its Youthful Color. Cures scalp disease* 4c K::r fulling, Jtt^antltlAHat l^nj^rista Bras. (o. ; FANCY GROCERS | N e w Y e a . r | Candies. i Try our broken mixed candy., i Finest in town. We guarantee 1 It to be pure. Pure sugar broken mix.. 15c 2 lbs. for 25c Peanut squares, 2 lbs. ...25c ^ Peanut taffy, 2 lbs 25c A mixture of 50 different kinds of chocolates, 2fi>,.25c FANCY Chocolates <SL Bonbons £ lb. box chocolates... ...25c 1 lb. box chocolates .... .50c 2 lb. box chocolates.. .$1.00 £ lb. box bonbons....... 25c 1 lb. box bonbons ,,. t. . ,50c 2 lb. box bonbons.... .$1.00 3 lb. box bonbons.. ...$1.25 Cake trimming, lb ...... 25c Fresh Cracker Jack, 7 box es for 25c CHOCOLAtES * Molasses chips, sour or ange, walnut squares* ma ple squares, maple creams, pecan creams, . raspberry- creams, nougats, lemon creams, strawberry creams, almond top pineapple creams, triple vanilla choc olates, coffee creams, Sara toga chocolates, banana chocolates, peach chocolates creetm wafers, almonteen chocolates. -- -- The above chocolates in i lb. or 1 lb. boxes, assorted or plain, per lb 35c These are absolutely high J grade chocolates. j A good mixed candy.... 10c j ft Bras, (o." una CROWS Teleptone m SO YEARS* EXPERIENCE A Word of Warni»»r. Wife--I must run across the street fond bid Mrs. Neighbor poodby. I'll be back In a seconds _ Husban<\---Well, you'll have to hurry. The train leavea In three hours. - The-W*r U Happ«n*4L " She--Archibald was always trying to avoid the girls. Where did he meet the one he afterward married? He- He didn't meet bar. She overtook him. --Smart Set _ . T ^ _ v""-'. . 1 PATENTS m DESIGNS COWRMONTSAC. - sketch at id i Anrone sending a sketch at id deeettotien war qolcklv asefruon our opmiou fr«e WMCIMT 4 Invention t» yr<'t>at>lv c.u«'ntaW% CoMMUUcfei tiontstrictlyivtiUdentia!. HANDBOOK an sent Oldest v tor sottirinajMterita. I'atenta tascis through Muua ATv. r*c«t' $ptcial notice, without clisr^e, luthe Scientific JlmericaiL, A handsomely i!hi<tnaed wevkly. culalion ot any ex leaclltc Journal. Ml Broadway, .i "1y.: