Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 12 Jan 1905, p. 10

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m Special Prices This Week to close out these Lines. Gallon Can Fancy Syrup .. Lenox„Soap,9 bars for ........ White Laundry Soap, 8 bars for.. Extra fine Uncolored Japan Tea.. .,20c . .25c .. 25c ..25c ISVetinore's Plug Tobacco, per lb.. 35c Standard Navy Plug Tobacco, per lb...... ..... .35c Men's Felt Boot, with Snag Proof roll edge, one 7 buckle Overs.........;... .$1.80 Snag Proof, roll edge, one buckle overs.... ... .$1.40 Brazil Bear Fur Coats.. .^............ ...... . .$9.00 Brown Wambretta For Cotfts.... ......... .$12.00 Hungarian Lamb Fur Goat witli Mitik foliar " , a n d C u f f s . . . . . . v > . . . . . , ; / : $ 2 1 . 0 0 • MENTION PAPER FOR PRICES. IJANUAHY 1*6 SAID We will close out our line of Gold -and 0 Silver Brand Fancy Dress Shirts for the tp next two weeks at 75c and 50c each, for- V mer price $1.50 and $1.00. This is a rare ^ chance to secure the season's best goods A. at half price. # Plenty of Winter Goods to Supply Your Wants At Correct Prices f . • Take home a pound of our 50c Japan Tea 3% Its the BEST on the market. Other kinds ^ V nt 25c, 35c and 40c. Our CoUee at 25c iias unequal for the price. Other qualities ^ at 15c to 40c. Our Groceries are of the > best quality. Canned Goods, Syrups, Pickles in Bottles and Bulk. Yours truly * * Phone 363. Goods M I W / A l CH f delivered promptly. rYL-*0 I !• V A A A A >i*i A A A A A A A A A »Ti »•« «•« A A A A qpTT W f ilrTFX' *X lp "X XTTTT TTiiIr Just the same old resolve to try my best 1 please my patrons and realize ; liat I must try con­ tinually and in'a good many dif­ ferent ways I aim to keep a good assortment of General Hard­ ware, Stoves, Cutlery, Sporting Goods, Pa -its,3Oi's, Etc., and to sell them at a reasonable profit, the same price to all. Watch this space from week to week during the year and see what we have to offer. Respectfully Yours, F. L. McOmber, WEST 51DU HARDWARE. G R O C E R I E S At Lowest Prices For Cash, Quality Considered Fancy Table Syrup, light body, per gallon pail....... Fancy Table Syrup, light body, per half-gallon pail... ... None Such Seeded Raisins, per pound package Blossom cleaned Currants, per pom package. .. California Layer Raisins, per povn. i . . California Seedless Raisins, per pn . I,., f Strictly pure N. Y. Buckwheat F). ; . per 101b. sack Try my Coffees at 15e, jgQc, 25c > ample* free.' Cor,, Meal, Graham- TernTsSh.- JoHfl Stoffpl Positively no Accounts. u V,,,I 29c 17c 10c 10c 15c ...6c 40c DoA't trj^ cheap cough medi­ cines. uet the best, Ayer's C h e r r y P e c t o r a l , w h a t a record it has, sixty years of Cherry Pectoral cures! Ask your doctor if he doesn't use it for coughs, c o l d s , b r o n c h i t i s , a n d a l l throat and lung troubles. " I have found that Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Is the best medicine I c»n prescribe for bron­ chitis, influenza, coughs, and hard colds." M. LOOSMAN, M.D., Ithaca. N. T. 2SP SOc., £11.00. All druggis ts . for Bronchitis cd by Togo and Nogi would make a lively presidential campaign, J .?••••. THIS is open season lor the ladies to "stt" for their pictures and their hus­ bands to "stand" for them. Correct any tendency to ccnstipa* tiers with sma'l doses of Ayer's Pills. Tbe Nciienry Pidindeler FlIBIiTSjiET> EVERY THTKSDAY BY me Mchenry plaindealer company P. K. (GRANGER. AV. A. CRISTY, J. B. PERKY, Pres. Sec. Treas. F. G. SCHREINBR, Editor. Office lu Bank Building. Telephone, No. 272. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: Oneyear,: 1. ..$1.50 SI* months. 75ets. Three months. 40ct.s. Thursday, January 12, 1905. & % 1 it: S § i : fr h * I . SHIKTI.KFF IVIA IMS N1»K AKKit. Harvard Herald: Edward D. Shurt­ leff was elected at Springfield speaker of the forty-fourth general assembly. He was the unanimous choiee of the 91 Republican members and *vas elected over Thomas Tibbett of Olney, the Democratic, candidate for speaker. This is a great honor for Mr. Shurt leff and also for McHenry county, which never before had a speaker of the house. For ten days before the Republican house caucus it was evident that the speakership race lay between Mr.Shurt- leff and Mr, Trautman, the latter of St Clair county. Trautman appeared to have the best of it until the outgoing and incoming governors, Yates and Deneen, united with Attorney General Hamlin, who was for Shurtleff from the start. This proved invincible. They came out for Shurtleff and other candidates withdrew in his favor, thus ending the contest. It was a happy and fortunate outcome--one the people of McHenry county are elated over, as they have reason to be, for the incum­ bent of the speaker's office is a citizen of whom we all have occasion to be prowd. . J E. D, Shurtleff was born at Genoa, DeKalb county, in 1863, being in hi* 42nd year. He is a graduate of Ober- lin (Ohio) college, after which he read law and was admitted to practice in 1884. Five years of his life were spent in South Dakota, where he practiced his profession at Watertown. Return­ ing to Marengo in 1892 he took charge of his father's business lumber and coal--in which he was engaged until about .five years ago, when he re-entered the law and since has followed the name. He was first elected to the legis­ lature in 1900, defeating Michael Zim- pieman for the nomination. He was renominated in 1902 and 1904, each time by acclamation. Though but two terms in the legislature, he took lead­ ing rank in the first term and two years ago was a prominent candidate for speaker, which honor he won this time by acclamation. Well-equipped by legislative experi­ ence and ability to make a good presid­ ing offic er and backed by the adminis­ tration of Governor Deneen, Mr. Shurt­ leff enters upon his duties under cir­ cumstances that are especially auspic- OUB. JAPAN is said to be more than pleased with the way she began the new year. "KING Cotton" and Port Arthur catne very near falling into each otherls arms CHICAGO is pleadihg with Carter Har­ rison to step aside and let her phoose a mayor hevself, just wonst. IF Japan were a repblie, a ticket head- | COL. BKYAN has just been on a week's hunting trip. Col. Bryan is determined , to have a little presidential sport. THE astronomers #re sitting up late these nights watching for the reappear ance of an old "comet"--D. B. Hill. SENATOK PLAIT of New York wants it distinctly understood that he does not intend to follow D. B Hill into retire­ ment. ' THE automobile is getting a big "head" as a prize v inner. Every time there is an elopement' the auto carries off the prize. « FROM the scattering reports coming from the various state legislatures, it is evident that the freak legislator is get­ ting ready for a very busy season. MKS. CHAD WICK says it will take months for her to-tell her ' 'whole story." She has not, Hfated which magazine is going to get the job of publishing it.. "FROM private sources it was learned that hotel rates were so high in Port Arthur that Gen. Stoessel was compel­ led to move into cheaper apartments. RUSSELL SAGE gave his newspaper carrier five cents for hie calendar ami told him to keep the change. Russell will die of enlargement of the heart if he is not careful. CONGRESS and the Territories are having another lively bout. The for. mer wants to drive them into statehood on an omnibus, while they insist on rid ing in in separate automobiles. DR. CHADWICK says he merely came home because his money ran short What a dawning he must have had to f ind Cass ie id le and ou t of bus iness and so many banks overflowing, too. THE girls of Washington; D. C., made excellent use of their leap year oppor­ tunities. The record shows that an un­ usually large number of them took unto themselves husbands for better or worse. THE latest market reports on senator taHrrftnence is $2,000 per "pnll." .At that price it would be cheaper to m ke a living by honest, hard work th n by holding a government job in Washing­ ton, GOV. PENNPPACKER of Penmylvin- ia is again turning his thirteen-inol guns on the editors and virtually praise a state for acquitting a man who killed an editor without cause. "Johnny," get your gun." A CHICAGO professor is telling l r - studen'ts that cheap hats are great l v diminishing the beauty of American women. We would like to know how much "divvy" the milliners are giving him for this kinl of talk. IN some of those Denver precinrte having about two hundred voters, there appeared a difference of several thonn and between the official count and the re-count. It, surely does make a deal of difference who does the counting. THE good people of Philadelphia have suddenly become aware of the fact that their policemen are entirely too popu­ lar with the criminal classes of that city. Philla cops will have tor be more particular about the company they keep. WE are receiving reports of several thrifty young men giving engagement rings to their best girls as Christmas presents. Well, some of them will feel rather sheepish when they get a shake, and find that the girl merely considered the ring a Christmas present. A PITTSBURG man was very much wrought up because the preacher was smiling and happy while performing the marriage ceremony, while he hijn- self was nervous and as white as a sheet. That was plain enough--it was all profit and no risk to the parson. Women as Well as Men Are Made Miserable by Kidney Trouble. '?«7 »* PHILIP JAEGER GENERAL COH/wfesiON MERCHANT SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE SALE OP Dressed Beef, Hutton, Hogs, Veal, Poultry, Hides, Etp., Butter and Eggs ThfamUbe oldest house on the pi r... t. Tags and price Usts furnished on I' application. K $014) STORAGE FREE I Wholesale Market. st CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. | 3fi M Kidney trouble preys upon the mind, dis­ courages and lessens ambition; beauty, vigor and cheerfulness soon disappear when the kid­ neys are out of order or diseased. Kidney trouble has become so prevalent that It is not uncommon for a child to be born p afflicted with weak kid­ neys. If the child urin­ ates too often, if the urine scalds the flesh or if, when the. child reaches an age when it should be. able to control 'the passage, it is yet afflicted with bed-wetting, depend upon it. the cause of the difficulty is kidney trouble, and the first step should be towards the treatment of these important organs. This unpleasant trouble is due to a diseased condition of the most people suppose. Women as well as men are made mis­ erable with kidney and bladder trouble, and both need the same great remedy. The mild and the immediate effect of Swamp-Root is soon {realized. ' It is sold by druggists, in fifty- cent .and one 'dollar sizes. You may have sample bottle by mail free, also pamphlet tell- Home of swauipRoot. ing all about it, including .many of the thousands of testimonial letters received L HERE ARE A FEW INDUCEHENTS AS TO PRICES, WHILE THEY LAST: Men's 50c fleeced Underwear .38 Men's 1.00 all Wool Underwear .80 Ladies' fleeced 25c and 35c quality .20 Ladies' fleeced 50c quality .38 Ladies' Wool, 1.00 quality, .80 Children's Uncierwear reduced in. same proportion. • Men's Felt Boots with @nag Proof, : roll edge overs > 7 1,-89 to % 60 Bdys- Combination FfeltOvers ^ " 1.38 to 1.9.-) One lot Boys' Overcoats, choice 1.50 Men's wool outside Sbirts, 1.25 to 1.50 quality, choice , •v .95 Men's Sweaters, several dozen just in, at an average reduction of 20 per cent. Men's 50c Caps • > . 38 Men's odds and ends of Plow Shoes .98 Men's 2^:00 Shoes for 1,50 Men's Rockford Shoes, seamless, extia wearers, 2.50 shoe 2.00 Ladies' warm-lined Shoes 1.15 Ladies'Warm-lined Oxfords, 85, 1.10 300 pairs Ladies' Calf, Vici Kid, Pat­ ent leather and plain tips, all at cost- Overshoes for Men, Ladies, Misses; Boys and Children at wholesale price. Dress Goods, such as the well-known Jamestown goods, all 50c quality .38 75c and 85c Skirting, all wool, 54 inch­ es wide .60 Best staple Ginghams .00 Best blue Prints .05 Best Shirting Prints ,04f Best Outing Flannels .08f Best Flannelettes .08£ Fancy Plaid Outing Flannel, suitable for children's school dresses .10 One lot Men's and Boys' Shirts .25 Ex. heavy ladies' fleeced 25c Hose .15 Black Cat Hose, ladies' 25c quality .19 Ladies' 3.00 Wool Shirt Waists, fancy" trimmed, choice 2.00 Oiie lot child's Sweaters, choice .39 20 doz, Ladies black Elite Petticoats, just in and bought at a discount, also on the bargain counter. We sell the Beloit Rosenbladt Over­ alls and Jackets, providing you want good stuff; if you want a 49-center W*? have that Also, , • >A few Horse Blankets ' Blenistorn kind fit j ?^»S5 Linen and cotton Crashes at ,04£ Fleisher's best Knitting Yarn, per largfeskei ri . ^, v .v23 One lot Window Shades .23 to .35 The Grocery section is quite complete but seemingly a little overstocked. Doubtless you need these items and we want to make it easy for you. For in­ stance: Pillsbiiry's Best Flour, if you call for it . .. _ 1.50 If delivered within corporation 1.65 Johnston's lib. pkg. Crackers !07£ Sawyer's Lilley or Saratoga Flakes, the 15c boxes for JQ Jumbo or Sheridan 51b^package Oats premium with each package .22 3 packages Breakfast Food .25 Pancake Flour, all kinds " .07 Very choice head Rice : .04 10 pounds best Rolled Oats .29 Blossom or Carnation brand fine fancy Salmon, can . - •.14£ 6 cans for .85 Gallon can fine Table Syrup •28 6 bars American Family Soap .25 7 bars Old Country Soap .25 10 bats Armour's Key Soap .25 3 lib. packages Raisins - . 25 3 11b. packages Currants .25 W. C. EVANSON -WEST McHENRY, ILLINOIS. A Grim Tragedy. is daily enacted, in thousands cf homes, as Death claims, in each one, another victim of Consumption or Pneumonia. But when Coughs and Colds are proper­ ly treated, the tragedy is averted. F. G. Huntley of Oaklandon, Ind . writes: "My wife had the consumption, and thren doctors gavp her up. Finally she took Dr. King's New Discovery for Con­ sumption, Conghs and Colds, which cured her, and to-day she is well and strong." It kills the germs of all dis­ eases. One doee relieves. Guaranteed at 50c and $1 00 by Julia A. Story and N. H. Petesch, McHenry, and G. W. Besley4 West McHenry, druggists. .Trial bottlee free. CURRENT report has it that a large number of saloon keepers resolved to lead a better life during the coming year. Some of them specified that they would encourage a greater use of water among their patrons, by adding more water to the whiskey they serve. AN Iowa judge refused to grant a di­ vorce to a man on the grounds of drunk­ enness, and added that "a woman has as much right to get drunk occasionally as any man." How rapidly the women are acquiring all the rights, privileges and immunities we men have been en joying for the last several thousand years. - A SPRING(III.) man had a pugilistic qnarrel with his wife because his white vest was too dirty to wear and not quite soiled enough for the wash. He should hole! a tworyear-old youngster in his arms and„let l)im eat a couple of pounds of candy, after which it will be an emineutly proper job for the laundry. 1 1 Sickening Shivering Pits of Ague and Malaria, can be relieved and cured with Electric Bitters. This is a pure, tonic medicine: of especial benefit in malaria, for it exerts a true, curative influence on the disease, driv­ ing it entirely out of the Bystem. It is to be preferred tohQiiinine, having none of this drug's bad after effects. E. S. Munday of Henrietta, Tex., writes: "My •brother was very low with malarial fe­ ver and jaundice. £ill he took Electric Bitters,, which.saved hislife.^' At Julia A. Story's and N. H. Petesch's, McHen- ! ry, and G W. Besley's, West McHenry, I drug stores: price r>0c, guaranteed. • atop it. A negtected cough or cold may lead to serioup bronchial or lung troubles. Don't take chanct s when Foley 's Honey and Tar affords perfect security from As a special New Year offer we will send The Plaindealer and Chicago daily Chronicle to new subscribers as well as old ones paying in advance, both papers for the minimum price of $3.50. Call at once as the offer is limited. from sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer ; & Co.. Binghamton, -N. Y.t le sure and 1 8er,OU8 effect8 of a cold< mention this paper. I Bead Tha PlaiodiAlwr "want*' ads. DANGER COMING Men* that Point to Bright"* Mse or other fatal Form* of Kldnay Troubi*. There are thousands of parsons who are unconsciously In danger of the fata that has lately befallen so many of our most prominent men and women who have died from kidney trouble. These diseases are alarmingly on the increase, and they come on so insidiously that few realize their condition till life is actually in danger. In the early stages of kidney disease there may be headache, backache, an- natural appetite, bad taste in the month, dry or furred tongue, thirst, dry skin or Strong perspiration, sediment In the urine, or unnatural feelings in various parts of the body. Don't expect all these signs to show themselves. As soon as yoa notice any of them, commence at onoa the use of FOLEY'S KIDNET CURB. THOMAS MAPLE, Blrbeck, III, writes 1 MI had a very bad case of kidney trouble and my back pained me so I oould not straighten up. The doctor's treatment did me no good. I saw FOLST'S KIDNBT CURB advertised and took one bottle which cured me and I have not been affected since. I gladly recommend thlf remedy." ° It is a simple thing to m»^ joxu kid­ neys right when they are not badly affect­ ed; but it is not so easy after destruction has set in. FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURB will cure every form of kidney and bladder trouble if taken early and 1* will give re* ilef even in the most hopeless cases. It is an honest preparatiou *"•* will do all ttut is claimed for tt» ill % •r & :V; ifi t :>i 5 :V i k n [| (taut Sil« All Odds and Ends and Broken Lines must be. closed out. Ladies' Flannelette Wrappers, the $1.50 kind for. $(.25 Ladies' Flannelette Wrappers, the $1.35 kind for.. $1.10 BIG DRIVE IN BLACK CAT STOCKINGS !(jadies' Fleeced Stockings, 25c value for 15c Ladies' Cashmere Stockings, 40c value for 25c Ladies' Cashmere Stockings. 50c value for 35c Childrens' and Misses Cashmere Stockings, 80c value for 20c GROCERY BARGAINS 35 lbs Fine California Prunes for $1.00 6 Packages Uneda Biscuit for. :....... 35c 10 Bars White Cloud Soap for 35c 7 Bars Toilet Soap for. 35c Buy Sleepy Eye Flour and Get the Best T. Jl. Boblander. Cclepbonc, no. 291. W: $ ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Estate of'Margaret Simes. Dci'oascd. The undersigned having been appoint*"*? Administrator of I lie Estate of Margaret Sintes, deceased, late of the County of Mc­ Henry and State of Illinois, hereby giv<-s notice that lu- will appear before the "County Court of McHenry County, sit the Court House in Woodstock, at the March Term, on the finst, Monday in March next, nt which time atrpersons having claims against said estate are notilied and requested" to attend for the purpose of having the same adjusted. All persons indebted to said estate are re­ quested to make immediate payment 'to the undersigned. * Dated this 3rd day of January. A. D. 1905. TLAVEI, K. GRANGER , Administrator. _ _ _ as 3t. Cured His Mother of Rheumatism. "My mother has been a sufferer for "many years from rheumatism, ' says W. H. Howard of Husband, Penn. "At times she was unable to movjs at all, while at all times walking was painful. 1 presented her with a bottle of Cham­ berlain's Pain Balui, and after » few applications she decided it was the most wonderful pain reliever she had ever tried, in fact, she is nexer without it now and is at all times able to walk An occasional application of Pain Balm keeps away the pain that she was form erly troubled with." For sale ,by all druggists. . The Plaindealer will be sent to ahy address on trial three'months for twen­ ty-five cents, and wjlt be discontinued at the expiration of time unless other wise ordered. Try it. • • Want Column. All advertisement* Inserted under this head at the following ratea: Five lines or lenx. Vi cents for flrat insertion: 16 <'tilth for eaeh Mubce<iiunt iiiNerlion. More than live lines, S cents a line for flrkt lnn«rUoa, and 3 cents a line for additional insertions. TJOL'SE FOB ITENT--My house In McHenry, xx east side, is for rent. Possession given at any time. F. K. GHANGKR. "• " l»-tf TPOK SALE OK ItEXT--00-acre farm % mile -1- southwest of llig Hollow schoolhouse, 1*4 miies southwest of iugloside Station. Good house, barn and well, fine orchard. 23tf Gro. S*MKS, Hebron, III. TpOU RENT--On shares or cash, one of the A best fitted farms in the country, 2H miles from Geneva Borden Condensing factory. I will furnish trows and give time if desired. 2t-tit* l\ H. MOOKE, Lake Geneva. Wis. yorNU' MEN AND WOMEN WANTED-- to learn telearaphy,, Hailroads need op­ erators badly. Total cost six months' course at our school. Including tuition (telegraphy andjiypewriting), board and furnisheu room, This can be reduced. Catalogue free. Write toda?. DODUK'S IMSTITUI'IS 25-~t Monroe St., Valparaiso7lnd^_ The barbarity of the frontier rings through the story in .Lippincott's Maga­ zine callgd "Regressive Vengeance," by Rex E. Beach. The combination of a lover by proxy, a rare lady who did "living pictures," and the partner wait­ ing for a wife in the far. north west If strong enoqgh to make racy rt

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