Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 12 Jan 1905, p. 7

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Wf ARE SQLIlia AT COST i Overcoats, Felt Boots and Overs, only \ ... .. ...... W a few left for selection. Also all lines a •'< of Dry Goods which must t>e closed out f at once. I I I ! I I I I I I I I I I dSMUN BROS., - FlcHENRY. | | Jos. H. Huemaim £ Johnsburgh, Illinois. , J sells Corn Shelters and Tread J Powers, Duplex Grinding Mills, ~ Rock Island Plows, Wagons, Carriages, Buggies, Wind Mills, _ . Well Supplies, Harness Oil, * Paint Oil and Machine Oil a Specialty. ' franklin L$htniBg Rod Works! I am agent for the above. We put the .Rods*on your Build­ ings and should they be struck, by lightning we pay damages. - If no more than SVK): Call and get full particulars. (jgneral Blacksmittiint Prkes ilwivs Reisoaifile NEIGHBORING NEIVS AS CHRONICLED B Y OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS MMllllllimniimiimmiHlMIMMMIMMIWMMMHIIIIHMMMI Uariety Store. A lot of Fancy China, just received. Full line of Oueensware; also Granite and Tinware, Notions too numerous to mention* Nice line of Candies and Sta­ tionery. You will always find bargains here". DRUGS PATENT MEDICINES N. H. PETESCH TOILET ARTICLES PERFUMES This Bank receives deposits, buys and sells Foreign and Do­ mestic Exchange, and does a CHARLES G. fill Wholesale and retail dealer ID OENfRAL BANKING BUSINESS. We endeavor to do all busi­ ness entrusted to our care in a manner and upon terms entire­ ly satisfactory to our custom­ ers and respectfully solicit the public patronage... Honey to Loan on real estate a n d o t h e r first class se­ curity. Spec- „ial attention g i v e n t o c o l l e c t i o n s ; . . . INSURANCE in First Class Companies, at the Low est rates. Yours Respectfully • PERRY & OWEN, Notary Public. Bankers Pianos! I am in the Market riutton Poultry Give me a call Smoked Meats, Sausage McHenry - Illinois meats! FRESH, SALT & SMOKED MEATS Did you say Piano? Why, of course, we handle them. Not only that, but we handle the best known makes and give with each and every one of them a guarantee of which we feel proud. If you are contemplating putting a Piano in­ to your home don't forget us. We can and will give you figures which defy all competition for high class Instruments. Remem­ ber "The Housekeeper" offer still stands good. Call at our store and we will tell you all about it. Le&.ve your orders here for Piano Tuning. Work done by Wm. Ar- ney of Shulz Piano Co , Chicago. Vegetables and Fruit in Season. It. is my intention to give all customers t lit' best service pos­ sible. 1 pay spot cash f ir hides, poultry and stock of all kinds^. thus paying the lowest prices, and will sell on the same basis. We also buy Hogs for Kerber Packing Co. of Elgin, paying highest market, prices* Drop us a card when ready 1o sell. C. MATTHEWS, V V K S T M ' H K N R Y , I L L . Chicago & North-Western. West flcHenry, III. Lea ve < hicago. i'.OO am... p ui... ">.oi p m... n.lOa m... 2.02 p m... Effective I>ec. 4, 1VHJ4. WEEK DAY TRAINS. NORTHBOUND - .. ••Via Des l'Jaines Via Des IMaines -- Via Des Plaines SUNDAY TWAINS. . ..Via Des Plaines Via Elgin WEEK DAY TKAINS. * SOUTHBOUND. .Via Elgin .....Via Des Plaines Via Elgiu SUNDAY THAINB. Via Elgin .... Via Des Plaines Arrive McHenry ..10.10 a nt .. :4..">0 p n: . .(i.40 p Di ..11,14 arr> .. 4.55 pm Arrive Chicago. . .10.10 a U' • 9.55 a n ... 7.00 p i) Tiie McHenry Pliotograpiicr HAKES PHOTOS PERMANENT ARTISTIC FAULTLESS atpoptilar prices. Always some attraction given away with every dozen. In order to more fully in­ troduce my work'-in thiscommnn- itfy I shave decided to make tbereg- ulaii cabinet siz«j photo at S--.<K) per dozen, for a *hort time. only. Waukegan St., near the Stan Tpipe WEST McIiENRY, ILL. PROMPTLY OBTAINED, OR FEE RETURNED. 20 YKARS- EXPERIENCE. OAR CHARGES ARE THE LOWEST. SEND MODEL, PHOTO OR SKETCH FOR EXPERT SE;:IVLI AAD l'REE REPORT oil PAU>NT>II>ILIT V INFRINGEMENT SUITS CONDUCTEIL BEFORE NL! COURTS. PATENTS OBTAINED THRNTIPH LIS, ADL'VRT- TISEOAM! SOLD, FREE. TRADE-MARKS, PEN­ SIONS LULD COPYRIGHTS IJUII• J. 'Y OBT-A.IIOD. Opposite U. S. Patent Office, WASHINGTON, D. C. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Sita*iCls -FreacTiiiig J0:M a; m. and everjr Other Sabbath evening at 7:45, "beginning <pber 3Q# Sunday school at 11:45. Epworth league preceding preaching serv ice at 7 p. m. When there is no preaching, at 7:30. Prayed meeting Wednesday evening at 7::i0. ' BKV. J. M. C OHJCACK, Pastor, HOLLiSTERS socky Mountain Tea Nuggets ;/• ,_A Bnaj .Medigiaa fc? Bnt-jr Paop'.e - r"ng$ Golden Health and Renewed Vigor. arv f-.»r Constipation, Indigestion. LItP* 'lJuey Troubhws, T'impH s. E- /eirii Ini];u> Baa Breath, Sluggish Bowels, Hesdoc' •iaefcaehe. It's Kocky Mountain Tea in hi - -rm, 85 conts a box. Genuine made b. :STKR DFTR.I COMPANV, Madison, Wis. -OEM NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE B1KOVOOD. Will McCannon was a, Greenwood caller Sunday, , Miss Edith Tattle visited school at McHenry last week. • Mr. and Mrs. John Watson called On Elgin friends Wednesday. v Mrs. Baldwin of Nunda is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Ed Whiting, Ed Hopper of Spring Grove was a caller here'<>ne day this week. Chas. Bacon spent the first, of the wfeek with relatives at Marengo. Miss Winnie Cruikshank of Green­ wood spent Tuesday with Miss Melissa Bacon. The Ladies' Church Aid society met with Mrs. Nancy Coates Thursday af­ ternoon. Messrs. J. W. Eddie, Fred and Bert Beil were business.calleraat,the county seat Monday. Those that aire numbered among the sick are Thomas Garr, Mrs.; Dates and Miss Edith Tuttle. 1 Mrs. Simpson was called to Elgin Sunday on account of the serious illness of -Mrs. Richard Lavvson. Misses Lora and Elsie Smith visited their aunt, Mrs. South wick, at William's Bay last Saturday and Sunday. Ensign Cook, Captain Smith and Cap­ tain Heller of the Salvation army are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. J. Bennett. Will Allen of Greenwood and Mrs. Thos. Walkington spent Sunday in Chi­ cago with their father, who is very sick at this writing. » Mrs. Hodgeskies of Greenwood and Mrs. C. W. Harrison were the guests of Richard Lawson and family- at Elgin one day last week: Master Edmond and Miss Beatrice Randall returned to their home in El­ gin last Saturday alter a two weeks- visit with tbeir grandmother, Mrs. Mary Dodge. - Chamberlain's Cough Remedy the Best Made. "In my opinion Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is the best made for colds," says Mrs. Cora Walker of Porterville, Cal. There is no doubt about iis being the best. No other1 will cure a cold so quick­ ly. No other is so sure a preventive of pneumonia. No other is so pleasant and safe to take, These are good reasons why it should be preferred to any other. The fact is that few people are satisfied with any-other after having once used this remedy. For sale by all druggists. RI DliKFIELJj. Miss Ada Still is sick with grip. F. W. Hartman was in Woodstock Saturday. Leroy Skinner was in Nunda on bnsi ness Tuesday. A new store is in progress. Mr. An ueis will be proprietor. C. M. Keeler and son, Marion, were in Woodstock Monday. . "Mr. Keese and wife from York State visited his parents here dufing the holi days. The W. C. T; U'. met with Mrs. E Smith and initiated one new member Mrs. C. J. Anners. ' Remember the M.; W. A. public instal lation and oyster supper in the church this Friday evening. Willie McQuaid of Crystal Lake was calling on his friends and schoolmates Tuesday and Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Lynch visited their daughter, Mrs. C. E. Conerty, in Chica tfo Sunday. Chas. Keeler acted as sta tion agent. An ad in The Plaindealer umn will bring results. 'want "col Every Two Minutes Physicians tell us that all the blood in a healthy human body passes through the heart once in every two minutes. If this action be­ comes irregular the whole body suffers. Poor health follows poor blood ; Scott's Emulsion makes the bloocji pure. One reason why SCOTT'S EMULSION is sych a great aid is because it passes so "quickly into the blood. It is partly di­ gested before it enters the stomach ; a double advan­ tage ih this. Less work for the stomach; quicker and ihore direct benefits. To get the greatest amount of good with the least pos­ sible effort is l^ie desire of everyone in poor health. Scott's Emulsion does just that. A change for the better takes place even be­ fore you expect it We will lead jrou • linple free. Be lure that thil picture in the form of a label is on the wrap­ per of every bottle of Emiilsion buy, SCOTT & BoWNE * Chemista 409 Pearl St., If. Y. " jo cent* and $1.00 All drngguM ' 8PRINO GROVE. - {People of Spring Grove and vicinity desiring to subscribe for The f iaindeal- er may leave their order and money with Raymond Moss, our correspond­ ent. The subscription price is ft.50 a year or 75,cents for six months. ED.] Mrs. Silas Pierce is some better. Mrs. Ranen visited the city Monday. Mrs. Frank Schumacher is still very ill. Ada James was a Chicago visitor Sun­ day. Frank Or vis has been on the; sick list lately. Ora Leedom of Chicago spent Sunday evening here. , Ed Turner has been numbered among the sick lately. Mat Raun and Casper Krumpen will each have sales next week. "Mr. and Mrs, Jesse Richardson and daughter, Ella, were Antioch visitors Monday Gus Roepke will movie from Mrs. Jane Lawson's farm to the Archie Wray place this spring. The R. N. of A. and the- Woodmen will hold a special meeting next Tues­ day. All members are urged to atteni che meeting. * Spoiled her Beauty. Harriet Howard, of VV. 84th St., New York, at one time had her beauty spoiled with skiu troubte" She writes: "I had Salt Rheum or Eczema for yea^, but nothing would cure it, until I used Bucklin's Arnica Salve." A quick ano sure healer for cuts, burns aud sores. 25c at Julia A. Story's aud N,. H. Pet1 esch's, McHenry, and G. W. Besley's, West McHenry, drug stores. JOHNSBURGH. Jacob Miller was a Spring Grove call­ er Sunday. Jake Weingarten of Volo wascaller here Tuesday. John Meyers visited his father, Anton Meyers, Tuesday. Miss Mamie Meyers of McHenry visit­ ed J^r cousin, Anna Blake. Mrs. Roy Newell of Chicago is visit­ ing her mother, Mrs. Newell. „ Misses Eva Huemaii'n and Rena Mich els visited Annie Oeffling Friday. t Mrs. Geo. Nell and family ^ visited a% John S. Freund's Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Oeftiing and fami­ ly and Mat Adams visited at John Pit zea's at Volo Saturday. There are a number of bob sleighs and cutters at Jos. H. Huemann's ware house^ sent by mistake. Any one in need of a cutter or bob can get one at a bargain. Call and look them'over. A Life Mt Stake. If you but knew the splendid merit of Foley's Honey and Tar you would never be without it. A dose or two will pre­ vent an attack of pneumonia or lagrippe. It may aave your life. G. W. Besley, West McHenry, 111. ; BAHRKVILLK. Mrs I. N. Merchant has been on the sick list for .the past week.. I. Harsh and a friend of Ringwood spent Saturday atj., N- Merchant's. Rolla Griswold of Palatine spent the first of the week at Thos. Thompson's. Leo Walmsley aud Miss Margaret Aylwftrd spent Sqnday evening with Miss Clara Thompson. F. W. Smith, who has been spending the past week at Thos. Thompson's, re­ turned to his home in Chicago Wednes- day. Constipation and piles are twins. They kill people inch by inch, sap life away* every day. Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea will positively cure you, No cure no pay. 85 cents. Tea or Tab­ lets. G. W. Besley. Smalltle. Cholly--Charming widow, Isn't she? They say she is to marry ugain. Algy --I wouldn't v ant to be a widow's sec­ ond husband, Cliolly--Well, I'd rather be a widow's second husband than her first, donchor know. 'Expensive. "They say her wedding beggared de­ scription." "Oh, more than that!" "Indeed?" . "Yes. It beggared her father." To Be Ironed. . MR Troomer-- >Vliere on earth It my new silk hat? I've looked everywhere for it. His Bride (sweetly)--You said you wanted It Ironed, dear, so I have sent it to the laundry. CasRkt the Idea. Bluster--Do you .mean te say that I am a liar? Blister--I hope that I could not do so ungentlemanly a thing. But I see,you catch my idea. There would npt be so many open mouths if there were not so many open eafs.--Hall. The prevention of consumption is en tirely a question of commencing the proper'treatment in time. Nothing i^ so well adapted to ward off fatal lung troubles as Foley's Hon9y and Tar. G. W. tJesiey, Vv t McHenry. H|a Keolpe. Long Haired Poet (singlngl--1There Is no breeze that can cool the lieat of love. Disappoinjted Benedict--Ever tried the marriage refrigerator. Son?-- New Orleans Picayune. I 'll brave the storms of Chilkoot Pass, I'll crons the plains of frozen glass, I'd leaVP m.v home and cross the sea. Rather than be without Rocky Mount­ ain Tea. G. W Besley. Leave your subscriptions at this office for The Ladies' Home Journal and Sat urday Evening ,Post. For benefit of Willing Workers of Universalist church Wanted--A bright girl, at this office, ) learn the art of typesetting. ,-^Must have good education. For further in- j formation apply at this uiftcti. J Some HARNESS is hard on a Horse and pocket. Doesn't fit animals of n6rmal shape and it is of such poor quality that it wears out before giving an adequate return for its cost. Our Harness is of the other sort. Lasts longer than tt horse will. Made of the best leather and trimmings and made to fit. Strain is equally divided and everv part equal to the straiii. Costs no more tjian 4 'cheap" Qus. Carlson. [Harness. BUS Too Advanced for Him. \ In Chicago there is a principal of one Of the public schools who in his college days was considered something of a "shark" at Latin aud at many other studies besides. What lie did not know about physiology was hardly worth knowing. He was a "grind" and a scholarship man. Ilis little girl, aged six, is now a pupil at the experimental school at the university, where she" learns many things out of the order of public school education. Recently she fell and hurt herself. Her father found her crying. "What's the matter, Noreen?" he asked. "I fell and bumped my patella," she replied. Remember this was in Chica­ go," and not in Boston. Papa was sympathetic. "Poor little girl!" he said, and proceeded with the best intentions -to examine her elbow. Noreen broke away in disgust. "Iluh!" she snorted. "Haven't you never learned anything? I said my patella! That isn't my elbow. My el­ bow is my great sesamoid." Papa, went for a Latin dictionary. The Benefit of Fairy Talea. It is very reasonable to argue that no creation of human fancy could lasf as fairy tales have lasted through no one knows how many hundreds and thou­ sands of years unless it was very good. For that which is not good and not sound must surely die. and only that which is good and sound shall last through the grinding of (lie ages. So I believe that parents should fill .their children's imaginations full of 'fairy tales if they would make those Imaginations strong aud healthy. As for that man or woman who has not these bright and joyous things of fancy flying like golden boea through the dim recesses of his memory, I can only say that I think Ills or her parents must have been neglectful of the earlier training of their child and that I am sorry for that poor soul who has lost so much pleasure out of its life.--lElow- ard Pyle In Book News. Aa It Looked on the Map. Of every hundred tourists who visit the Canary islands quite seventy-five are British. Naturally, therefore, the natives of the Canary islands take a great interest in everything which af­ fects England. It is perhaps a pity - that their general ignorance is not a little less appalling, but their very dis­ regard for accuracy lends a certain "charm" to their, conversation.., A man in a barber's shop pointed to a dilapi­ dated map of the world which was nailed to the wall, and, putting his fore­ finger upon Spain, he exclaimed: "If, war breaks out, Spain must retake Gibraltar. Have no fear. The English ships may come down to us because it is all downhill, but after we have crip­ pled them they will not find it so easy to get back to England, because it is all uphill." . Deccptlona of Wild Birds. Falcons--hawks, the largest species- can compress their features aud look very slim if they think it necessary to do so. As to the owls, they can hump up into any position they think most suitable. It is useless to look for these self preserving traits in any of the fam­ ily kept in zoological collections, for the birds are so accustomed to see large numbers of people passing and repassing or standing in front of them that they treat the whole matter with perfect indifference. They know that at a certain time their food will be brought to them aud that they are oth­ erwise perfectly safe. Then the rap- tores in a wild state have a bloom on their plumage like the bloom on a bunch of grapes, which is not often seen when in captivity. FREE $2.50 TREATMENT. Describe Your Symptoms t«fc Dr. Franklin Miles, the Celebrated Heart Specialist, and He Will Send You a Complete Special Treatment for your Casie, Absolutely Free, To the people who suffer from weak heart, short breath, pale lips, cold feet and hands, poor circulation, dizziness, fainting spells, palpitation, weak, sink­ ing or smothering spells, pain in side, shoulder or left arm, irregular pulse, sitting np to breathe, sw'ollen ankles Or dropsy, etc: A word with you. I am a practicing, graduated physician, with over a quar­ ter of a century's experience in treating human ills. I have discovered a scientific method of treating the human heart, when sick, by means of tonic tabloids, a cura­ tive elixir, eliminating pills and a com­ pound strengthening hyoscyamic plas­ ter, in which the ingredients are so var­ ied in strength and composition as to give every one of my patients the bene fit of a treatment so carefally adapted to their case as to make a cure practi­ cally certain. To prove' to yon the positive value of my new system of treatment for a class of diseases hithereto deemed incurable, 1 will gladly send you free a complete set of these special remedies adapted to your own particular case, together with valuable advice as to diet, exercise, etc., upon request. All I ask of yon is to write me a com­ plete history of your case, with symp toms, your age, height, sex and weight, mentioning this paper, when I will at once prepare and send to yon this Com­ plete ^Special $2.50 Treatment together with my uew Book on Heart -Diseases, absolutely free. Address: Franklin Miles, M, D., LL. B.(( Dept. W, 421 to 481 Main St., The Grand Block, Elkhart, Ind. •V U ' . M i Si, Watch tKis space next week. 1 1 :*• I % | $ it: $ $ i John D. Lodtz. THE TAILOR. 27 PROBA TE NE IVS I #EAI, KSTATK TRANSFKRS. Joseph M Scliaefer & w to Mary Freund wH11 w '4 sec 14. except &<'. mid se ui'Hi and, 10 acres In nwXueJ* sec 15, McHenry ..| 100 Stephen J Freund A w to Joseph Schae- fer, same 1.00 Eliza H Walker, per exr. to John May. I'VJswUmv1!. soc 13. McHenry 1100 00 Martha I'oterson to John M Peterson, 2 acres in nwMseM & neVtsw}* sec 29, (ireenwood ... John M Peterson-to Georjre L Murphy, same .. 8100 MARIUAGE LICENSES. AJvinJohn, 24... ...Marengo Sophia Moelmbrink, 21........ Marengo William Hayen, 28..Rankin, Oklahoma Clara Ragert, 20 :;... Woodstock Claude L. Madison, 23 , Alden Irene M. Bungard, 18 Alden tiiram Horace Bay, 81 Nunda l£va G. Ballon, 80 Nunda i£lmer E. Carlson, 28 Union Cora A. Eberwem. 15 Unions Charles A. Moore, 25 ....Harvard Frances Luella St. Clair, 21.. < .Harvard Pneumonia and LaGrippe. Coughs cured quickly by Foley's Hon- ay and Tar. Refuse substitutes. G. W. Besley, West McHenry, 111. Medicine1 This great stock medicine is a money saver for stock raisers. It is a medicine, not a cheap food or condition powder. Though put up in coarser form than Thedford's Black-Draught, repawned for tk> cure of the digestion troubles of persons, it has the same qualities of invigorating digestion, stirring up the torpid liver and loosening the constipated bowels for all stock and poultry. It is carefully pre­ pared and its action is so healthful that stock grow and thrive with an occasional dose in their food. It cures hog cholera and makes hogs grow fat. It cures chicken cholera and roup and makes hens lay. It CUJ ea constipation, distemper and colds in horses, murrain in cattle, and makes a draught animal do more work for the food consul:., d. It gives animals and fowls of all kinds new life. Every farmer and raiser should oertainly give it a trial. It costs 25c. a can and saves ten times its price in profit. J/WFSBUBU, K*A., March ISO*. I have been using your Black-Draught Stock and Poultry Medicine on my stock for Borne time. I have used all kiuds of stock food but I have found tv^t jours ia the beat for my purpose. J. S. HAS SON. ANNOUNCEMENTS ILLINOIS CENTRAL R. R. Tim Illinois Central maintains Double Daily Service, and operates the best trains, vvith Dlniiip Cars. BnfFet-Library Cars, Chair 'ars and Sleeping Cars, from Chicago, St. I .on is. Cii.cinnati and Louisville south to \'ew Orleans. The best mad for reaching • lie Winter-Tourist'resorts of the South, in- cludiMjt-1'-'"' Naw Orleans VicRs&ur§ fldvdM, cubd Colon, Panama Culfport, Miss. Hammond, La. Mai-di (iras ijit New Orleans March 7. Gulf- port is a-Mexican Gulf Coast resort having i lie new,\flne "Great Southern" Hotel. Steam­ ships leave New Orleans every Saturday afternoon for Havana; every Wednesday morning for Coloii, Panama. Regular ocean steamship sailings from New Orleans for Mexico, Central America, Panama. West Indies and Kurope. Send or call for descrip­ tive matter in regard to the above. Hot Springs, Ark., Florida Daily Sleeping Car without change Chicago to Hot Springs, with connections .it Memphis from Cincinnati and Louisville. Through "Dixie Flyer" Sleeping Car Line -t. Louis .to Jacksonville via Nashville, Chat­ tanooga and Atlanta.™ Mexico, California Tour pf all J '(•<>. via I i nn..]?. C ntral R.R., under escort wf Ueau Can.i.:., ;., General MRn- iger the American Tourist Association 1,'iiincy Kuilditig, 113 Adams St., Chicagf>. lea ves Chicago January 81. Select clientele, l imited. All exclusive privileges. Indepen­ dent,- travel. Special Pullman Vestibule Train, Drawing-Rooms, Compartments. Li­ ma ry and Music Room, with the largest Din- nig Car in the world, and the lanious Open- l'op Observation Car. Chilllitli, Special Bag^ .'age Car. Tickets* include all expenses everywhere. ir~: ^Special Toursof Mexico and California vhi i lie I llinois Cent rat and New Orleans under t lie auspice* of Raymond & Whitcomb, will leave Chicago Friday. Jan. 20 aud Feb. 10, foi Mexico and California, and Friday March for California; tliir. to Include a stop­ over at New Orleans for the Mardi Gras Rut ire trips made in special private vestibule •rains Of finest Pullmans, with dining cai service. Fascinating trips, complete in every ' iVnnois Central Weekly Excursions to Cali­ fornia. Excursion cars through to Los Ange- lev and San Francisco as follows: \ ia Nev>" Oi tea Vis aifdttie Southern boutc every Fri dav from Chicago; every Tuesday from On-1 ciiinati. Via Omaha and the Scenic Route every Wednesday from Chicago. Ful1 particulars concerning all of theabovi «-an l>e had of the agents of the Illinois Cen­ tral. or bv addressing the nearest of the un­ dersigned representatives of the "Central." A. H, HANSON. G. P. A..Chicago, Hi. J. F. MERRY, A. G. P. A., Dubuque, low*. April! Gilbert Bros. (o. nig tmKHis New Yeair Candies. iTry our broken mixed candy. Finest in town. We guarantee it to be pure. J Pure sugar broken mix.. 15c I 2 lbs. for .25c | Peanut squares, 2 lbs. ...25c J Peanut taffy, 2 lbs...... 25c [ A mixture of 50 different | kinds of chocolates, 29>..25c FANCY Chocolates (&I Bonbons £ lb. box chocolates 25c 1 lb. box chocolates..... 50c. 2 lb. box chocolates .. .$1.00 £ lb. box bonbons 25c 1 lb. box bonbons .-50c 2 lb. box bonbons $1.00 3 lb. box bonbons.. 1. .$1.25 Cake trimming, lb.. 25c I Fresh Cracker Jack, 7 box­ es for.. 25c CHOCOLATES Molasses chips, sour or­ ange, walnut squares, ma­ ple squares, maple creams, pecan creams, raspberry creams, nougats, lemon creams, strawberry creams, almond top pineapple crea,ms, triple vanilla choc­ olates, coffee creams, Sara­ toga chocolates, banana chocolates, peach chocolates cream wafers, almonteen chocolates. The above chocolates in i lb. or 1 lb. boxes, assorted or plain, per lb 35c These are absolutely high grade chocolates. A good mixed candy.:.. 10c fAHOf MRS Telephone m SO YEARS* EXPERIENCE TRAD- MARK* DCS13NS COPYRIGHTS AC. Anyone sending a sketch Hint m au4V quleklr ascertain our opinion trve whet: *r 4S Invention is probably patentHM*?. Conuuu. !>• " tlotia strictly confidential. HAN0800X eu l'aUtt.10 fr««i- OUIest njietK y r sivuriei^jlurtmit*.. PaU'iu» iaSeii throinja Muiiii Jt to. rwosl< tptciili ft '(hf. wthout cfasrvt'. in tin* Scknlific ifmtricaM. A h«ndaom«iy iau*?r<a#4 w, culation of «.> ' < rear; four muiiuu, tL fkMU

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