Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 2 Feb 1905, p. 4

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Doctors first prescribed Ayer's Cherry Pectoral over 60 years ago. They use it today more than ever. They Cherry Pectoral rely upon it for colds, coughs, bronchitis, consumption. They will tell you how it heals inflamed lungs. •' I had a very bad coufth for-thret year*. Then I tried Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. My snr* lungs were soon healed and my cough dropped W«T." "MRS. PBAKL HYDK, Outfirte centre. ia. ?*(*.. We.. ?! W. J.r. »T*ROf>.. PRESIDENT JOHN MITCHELL, of the United Mine -Workers bas been de­ nounced as a traitor. It ia some eooso­ lution to Johnny to know thrift George Washington was also branded as one. Total days' attendance. Per cent attendance-- . Total Enrollment Average Attendance.. . Cases tardiness Visitors ...«.......... for Old Coughs One Ayer's PHI at bedtime insures ft natural action next morning* The Mclienry Pldioteier PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BY Tilt MtHERRY PLAWDtALER COMPANY. F. K. GKANOKR. W. A. CRISTY, J. B. PERRY, Pres. N®uc. Treas. F. G. SCHREINJER, Editor. Office In Bank Building. Telephone, No. 878. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: Three months. 40cts. One year. Six months, 75cts. Thursday, February a, 1905. THE Caar now appreciates the fact that bis people are such bad marksmen. IT is evidently necessary to make use pf bombs in blowing the shackles off of Bt&sian liberty. - e* THOSE Wall Street brokers who tried to talk back at Tom Lawson are very sgrry they did, now. IT is understood that Rojestvensky much prefers to encounter English fish­ ermen to a St. Peterpbnrg mob. MISSISSIPPI can afford to get rid of her blood honnds now; she has a gover­ nor who can catch a negro with one band. • IF Japan is tnable to whip Russia einglehanded it appeals, from recent oc­ currences, that the Russians will help a little. A LITERARY writer asserts that there are one thousand minor poets in Rome. We now know what made "Rome howl." . WHEN a senator is pointed out on the streets jof Washington the question is immediately asked, "What is the charge?" THE integrity of China seems to be assured, but what seems to bother Rus­ sia most is the insecurity of her own Integrity. , DOUBTLESS Pennsylvania enjoys reading about the coal strike in Ger­ many these cold days more than she did her own. SINCE Uncle Sam has warned Eu­ ropean powers so emphatically about in­ fringing on the Monroe doctrine, they are now giving us their bad bills to'col­ lect from delinquent South Americans. THE sign "The Lord hates a liar" has been removed from the walls of the pension office at Washington, but Com­ missioner Ware wants? it understood that the Lord hasn't changed his opin- ion TSE Russians captured by the Jap­ anese in many instances have expressed a desire to remain in Japan rather than return to Rnssia. This is a pretty sub­ stantial hint as to how much they love the'home country. A DETROIT official has requested that his salary be reduced, as he thinks the services required are not commensurate with it There are millions who think they don't receive etiough, but this fel­ low is in a class by himself. COL WATTERSON ought at least to come home and bow politely to the New York Smart Set which he has roasted so many times; a male member of that crowd recently shot a woman merely because his wife was jealous of her. SENATOR BURROWS, the chairman of the Smoot inquiry, has endeavored to ascertain if Smoot would support the laws of the United States after taking the oath. It is suggested that he send for half a dozen of his wives and ask them if he is to be depended upon. A SEAT in the United State Senate seems to be about the best political prize of any except the presidency. There are five ex-cabinet members who are now in that body, Knox, of Pennsyl­ vania; Alger, of Michigan; Proctor, of Vermont; Elkins, of We9t Virginia; and Teller, of Colorado; and we understand there are still others who wish to get there. 0. •-S- I et 1 ^ c ' 0. •-S- I et 1 1. t C as es T ar dl ne s Seniors :... ...85f ti - 1 Juniors ... ...90 7^9 4 1 Freshmen....... i..87| 7i 8 Eighth Grade.. .. 83 m 5 Seventh Grade... ...85 m 1 Sixth Gratie ...83 Mi 0 Fifth Grade ...88 86 7 Fourth Gralde.;, ...88 88 0 Third Grade .. .78 42 r Second Grade.... ...75 65* 8 First Grade..;., .. .88 m 12 I4 A REPORT of the recent attack on the life of the Czar states that it was mere­ ly the gunner's oversight. He did aim about two feet too high. A WESTERN postmaster has been "honored" with 87 indictments--a few more and he will be a formidable candi­ date for the U. S. Senate. S" I f : A NORTH DAKOTA girl dislocated her shoulder by bugging a girl friend. From the violence of the hug she mnst have mistaken her for someone else. Gov. PENNYPACKER might do us a great favor by editing a model paper, but the real difficulty would be in finding someone to foot the losses and subscribe for it. ANDREW CARNEGIE is noted for the fact that all his partners became mil­ lionaires. The Wall Streeters are not­ ed for transforming millionaires into paupers. if %'• rT W.: I.- h & it*-- r Sb' SP;- ' • If *• |rr I- Danger to Children Kidney and Bladder Troubles often Blight their Uvss. HOW TO CURITBED WETTING There are thousands of children whe •oarcely know what it Is to awaken In the morning without a sense of mortification. These children are not responsible for the diseases of the bladder or kidneys make their lives miserable. It is a moral crime to scold or whip a child who has last control over the muscles of (he legs and cannot walk properly and It Is cruelty to punish a child wl* has lost control over th« hla,dd«r. Train the child to empty the bladder Just before going to bed and in two hours afterward take the child out of bed to again empty the bladder. This is easier than changing bed clothes every day, and encourages the little one. Give frequent baths, and allow plenty of outdoor ezer> else. Avoid scolding, and prohibit tea, coffee and highly seasoned food. Give FOLKT'B KIDNEY CUBE; allow only a light supper and up fluids within two hours of bedtime. J. W. SHOUT, of McEeesport, Pan sayst "FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURB cured my little ' boy of urinary trouble; I tried several physicians with no success. FOLEY'S KIDNEY CUBE was recommended, and before one bottle was used he was cured and now he can sleep all night without any trouble." FOLEY'S KIDH8Y CUBS will prevent "" fatal kidney and bladder troubles and will always cure them if taken early, (a even the worn omm II will gfg% gmi Grave Trouble Foreseen. It needs but little foresight to tell that when your stomach and lfver are badly affected, grave trouble is ahead, unless you take the proper medicine for your disease, as Mrs. John A. Young of Clay. N. Y., did. She says: "I had neu­ ralgia of the liver and stomach, nfy heart was weakened and I could not eat. I was very bad for a long time, but in Electric Bitters I found just, what I needed, for they quickly relieved and cured me." Best medicine for weak women. Sold under guarantee by N. B. Petesch and Jullia A. Story, McHen- ry, and G. W. Besley, West McHenry, druggists. 50 cents a bottle. JTOHNSBURGH. Jacob Miller was a McHenry visitor Monday. John Pitmen pf Volo was a visitor here Thursday last. M iss Martha Mertes visited Miss Lizzie Miller Sunday. 'Miss Gertrude Williams of Spring Grove visited here Sunday. " *• ' Miss Emma and John May of Spripg Grove visited here Sunday. The auction sale of Mike Hoff's last Tuesday wai well attended. Mrs. Jacob Justen visited at 'Spring* Grove a few days this week. A. J. Raymond and Jack Walsh of Mc­ Henry were callers here Tuesday. Misses Delia Niesen and Lizzie May visited at Jos. H. Huemann's Sunday. Miss Martha Niesen visited Miss Rena Niesen at McHenry a few days this week Alias Lizzie May visited her. sister, Mrs. Frank Freund, a few days last week. Mrs. John Young of McHenry^yisited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nick Hay, Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Weingarten of Volo were callers at Mat-Steffes' Thurs­ day last. Miss Emma Mollidor of Vqjo was a visitor aVtfife home of Mr and Mrs. Fred Diethorn Sunday. < . ' Messrs. and Mesdames John S. Freund Joe Freund, Jos. H. Huemann visited at Geo. Nell's Sunday.' Messrs, and Mesdames John Frett, John Blake, John Klein and son, Nick, visited at Mr. and Mrs. Martin Freund's Sunday. - 1 0 1 3 5 , •' RANK". : ' ' - Classes. , r- ;" \""x SENIORS. Y James Sayler.;..,... 89f Willie"Thomas... ................. ...88| Harriet Lamphere.............,.... 86J JUNIORS. Clayton Ross....... ... ............... 95$ Irene McOmber................ .95 13 20 Paul Doherty.......... v'. .92 11-16 FRESHMEN. Myrtle Wattles. ...............941 Anna Carey................... ."98 19-20 Lillian Wheeler.. .... ..... .98 7-20 High school pupils in order of rank: 1 Clayton Ross r18 Eva Wheeler 2 Irene McOmber 14 Emery Wheeler Willie Thomas 3 Myrtle Wattles 15 Maggie Ward 4 Anna Carey 16 Harriet Lamphere 5 Lillian Wheeler 17 Earl McAndrews 6 Clara Stoffel 18 Nettie Whiting 7 John Larsen 19 Louise Evanson 8 Paul Doherty 20 May me Granger 9 Pearl Sayler 21 Zue Gallaher 10 James Sayler c Edwin Evanson John Sutton 22 Alford Ponse. 11 Florence Carey 23 Florence Granger 12 Mary Knox 24 Nellie Newman 25 Clarence Whiting EIGHTH GRADE. Ray Page 95 4-5 Win. Gallaher !95 3-5' Gertrude Neiss. 94 4 5 Pupils of 8th grade in order of rank: 1 Ray Page 10 Howard Wattles 2 Wm. Gallaher 11 Alice Smith 3 Gertrude Neiss 12 Maude Granger 4 Wm. Ensign 13, Winnie Wheeler 5 Gilbert McOmber 14 Floyd Thompson Leonard Phillips 6 Pearl Claxton 15 Mamie Heimer 7 Alice Olson 16 Robert Aylward 8 Lucile Byrd 17 L»e Hnson 9 Walter Freund 18 Fvanklin Ensign 19 Adah Kane Seventh Grade.. Joseph Cormack .... 90 8-7 John Long... .....891-7 Julia Stoffel .87 6-7 Sixth Grade. Marguerite Granger 90$ Joseph W rede 88J Josephine Engeln 85 5-6 Fifth Grade. Hester Beebe ...TT. 90, Elsa Block. ... .89$ E rail Olson.. ....... e 89 FourtbGrade. Helen Benson. 92 Cecilia Aylward • • 89$ Esther Stoffel, Eddie Niehels, Ernst Grot.. 88 Third Grade! « Frances Kimball, Lucile Wentworth.90 "CVJR SALE OR RENT--60-srre farm % m 11 •** southwest of Big Hollow sohonlhouse, ll4 -miles southwest of Ingleside Station. Good house, barn nnd well, fine orchard." ZMt UKO. SIMES, Hebron, 111. ... : . •, TTOU8E TO BENT--With new barn and land ** to suit renter; 1H miles south of McHen ry on Terra Cotta road. Eo K NOX, 30-4t* West, McHenry. XIV)R SALE--At half price--( olumbia unipti- •*- ophone with about SO records; lartre horn with niekle-plated adjustable horn support. Inquire of W. T). WENTWORTH at hlmon-^j Stoffei's office. West McHenry. This cold wii?t^ ^eatfei* makes us4 ,.':oisler- to- -keepr from ^fireezin g. We "are dealers in Coal and can supply you with 3o-tfj3 or any amount. We also handle Lime, "C^ORSALE--An etghty-iicre farm situated on l.ake Defiauee. Good lake frontage. For further information Inquire at Bank of McHenry. 31-iit* WI1 sell cheap or exchange for Rood work horse. 31-tf C. L. PiKit. McHenry, 111. "CV)R SALE--Three-year-old colt. " cliRan or «xehan0e for (rood wo "E*OR SALE-^Good 8 room house with six lots." Cheap. Call on WM. SIOFFEL. 32 4T JjV) RESALE Two colts, three and four years Inquire of JOHN HUFF, ^ Johnsliurgh. Til. SECOND ANNUAL MEETING Federation Of the McHenry County Woodstock. Sylvia Hille, Oorabelle McOmber. Edyth Petesch Second Grade.' Germer Petesch k. Francis Bonselett Mary Bonslett................ First Grade. Alta Went worth... Lucy Benson, Edward Bonslet£; Clara Frisby. I. ̂ ifT. Bnll of Hnn^, SENIORS. \ Mayme Granger Harriet Jaujes Sayler 89 . .88 ..95 ..93 ^.90 ..96 .95* . 95 The second annual meeting "of the McHenry County Federation will be held at Woodstock, Thursday and Fri­ day next, Feb. 9 and 10. The follow­ ing programs have been prepared and ill be given in connection- with the McHenry County Teachers' meeting; THURSDAY, FEB. 9, 1:30 P. M. Opera House. Invocation ...Rev. V. S. Phillips Chorus Woodstock School The Object of the Federation. .....-- ..... Rev. G. T. Nesmith Vocal Solo G. B. Phillips Is Local Option a Success in McHenry Coun­ ty? * .Mrs?. E. Hunt Instrumental Solo Dwitrht Hoy eachlng Temperance In the Public School Miss Eninui S. Norton Vocal Solo Miss Agnes Quinlan The County Fair ...., Wm. Desmond (a) The Educational Side... C. W. Hart (b) The financial and Industrial Side.. . ...-. Fremont Hoy Vocal Solo Mrs. Walter Wheeler Business Session THURSDAY, FEB. 9, 8 P^M. Opera House. Music.... ... Orchestra ocal Solo.. Miss Adele Medlar Lecture--The Value of an Ideal -- Hon.-William Jennings Bryan Song ... Male Quartette M tlslc.. . . ;. Orchestra > FRIDAY, FEB. 10, 1:30 P. M. Opera House. Vocal Solo Miss Eva Thompson The Influence of the Bural Press . ... . .../ ;W. W. Wheeler C^A. Lemniers Vocal 80I0 H. M. Turiler Beautifying the Home Mrs. W. E. King Vocal Solo H W i Ison The Re-populatlon of the Rural Community, (a) Tne Part of the School.. Hon. Alfred Bayliss, State Supt. Schools (b) The Part of the Farmer .; Supt. C. W. Farr (C) The Part of the Hotne Prof. J. ArKeith Song Ladies (Quartette The Aim and Object of Domestic Science.... "... ..Mrs. Nettie C..Harrison What Lessons Can the (Jhnrch Learn from the Business World? Rev. T. G. Cocks, Supt. E. C Fisher Our Public Schools from the Standpoint of the Business Man w. E. Wire Vocal Solo.... G. B. Phillips FRIDAY, FEB. 10, 8 P/*M. . Opera House. Music . . -- -....Orchestra The Dignity of Labor, or Booker T. Wash­ ington's Work at Tuskegee,. ........Supt. C. XV. Farr (Illustrated by Stereoptieon) Vocal Solo R. R. Raymoth Teaching Agriculture In the Public Schools Hon. F. L. Hatch Vocal Solo H. M. Turner The Rural Lecture Course.' Is It Possible? •}....Rev. C. H. Bente Vocal Solo -- ..J. H. Wilson The Benefits to be'Derived from a County , Bar Association..!.. ..1....Attorneys I). T. Smiley, A. J. Mullen. J. J. Whiteside and B. F. Manlev; Some Ways in Which Physicians Can Pro­ tect and Improve the Pubic Health -- Dr.fJ. A. Darmer Paul Doherty Mary Knox (Clayton Rc<ss Maggie Ward Lamphere Wm. Thomas JUNIORS. Edwin Evanson Irene McOmber Pearl Sayler Emery Wheeler FRESHMEN. Florence Carey Louise Evanson Earl McAndrews Clara Stoffel Myrtle Wattles Lilli&n Wheeler John Satton Anna Carey Florence Granger Alf6rd Pouse Nettie Whiting t Eva Wheeler John Larsen E. C. FISHER, Snpt. Grade VIII. Wm. Gallaher Gilbert McOmber Lucile Byrd Walter Freund Alice Smith It makes ho difference how many medicines have failed to cure you, if yon are troubled with headache, con­ stipation, kidney or liver troubles, Hoi- lister's Rocky Mountain Tea will make you well. G. W. Besley. EX-OFFICiO ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Estate of Adam Musjrrove, deceased. The underpinned, having been appointed e.\-offlcio administrator of the estate Of Ad­ am Y.usfcrove, deceased, late of the County of McHenry and State of Illinois, hereby gives notice that he will appear before the County Court of McHenry County,at the Court House in Woodstock, at the April term, on the first Monday in April, next, at which time all per­ sons having claims against the said estate are notified and requested to attend for t at? purpose of having the same adjusted. All person* indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment to the under­ signed. Dated this 27th day of January, A. D. WM. H. HARR4SON, ex-offlclo administrator. 32-3t Beautiful eyes and handsome faces are eloqnent commendations. Bright eyes are windows to a woman's heart Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea, makes bright eyes. 35 cents, tfea"or"Tablets. G. W. Besley. Married Angela. A domestic wife is merely a woman. When we marry for love we dou't mar­ ry a woman. We marry an angel, a celestial, ethereal being with wings and1 a halo. As you value your happl ness never remove the wings and halo. --Arthur Law. Ray Page Gertrude Neiss Leonard Phillips Pearl Claxton Howard Wattles Maude Granger - " AGNES A. PERRY* Teacher. Grade VII. Ella Beebe Joseph Cormack ' Ada Carey Fanny Granger Thoams Knox John Long Julia Stoffel' Lulu Simpson Bertha Wolfe Robert Thompson Grade VI. Lola Boyle Elfreida Berner Mary Freund Marguerite Granger Hugh Gallaher Robert Larsen Allen Osmnn George Sehreiner Charlie Stoffel Joseph Wrede MRS. MARY COBB, Teacher. Grade V Hester Beebe Elsa Block Emil Olson LeRoy Bohlander Ruby Claxton Degan Dora Hudson • Anna Knox Mattie Laures Jesse Simpson Agnes Teach Evelyn Sayler Grade IV. Helen Benson Ocilia Aylward Ernst Grot Blanche Loo mis Eddie Nickels Esther Stoffel Florence Sayler * Miss LILLIAN SANBORN Teacher. Grade III. dances Kimball Sylvia Hille Lucile Wentworth Corabelle M'Omber Edyth Petesch Grade II. Francis Bonslett Mary JVmslett Gertner Petesch Mary Laures Lilah Peterson John Adams Miss EOLIA BOYER, Teavher. Grade I. Her View. She--There is no excuse for a man dancing badly. He--But if he cannot dance otherwise? She--Oh, that mere­ ly would Be an excuse for not dancing at alL--New York Press. " * Alta Wentworth E1 ward Bonslett Lillie Geske Jennie Owen Francis Ebv Johnnie Hille Lucy Benson Clara Frisby 'Katie Th rlwell Emma Ibwh Ro^al Garrison Rena Adams any kind Cement, Fence Wire* Tile, Building' Paper, Lumber, Sash, Blinds, Doors, Etc. Don't forget that we always carry a complete line of Feed. Give us your order and get the best goods to be had. ~ DAVID G. WELLS. M. D. PHYSICIAN, SURGEON AND OCULIST *- Office and residence comer Klin aM Green streets, McHenry. FEGERS& FEGERS DHlrSICIANS AND SURGEON8. McHenry. ~ 111. Office at Residence, cornerCourt and Elm stroeta Telephone 388. BVC. RONS, D. i>. 8. Office over Petesch's Drag Store. AI4# WORK PERTAINING TO MODERN DENTISTRY -Office Telephone 254; Residence 30$' •- Nitrous Oxid Gas for Extracting^" Ho>urs8:00 a. m. to 5:00 p. m. '}> " SUNDAY- WORK BY APPOINTMENT Oai> Wilbur Lumber Co., | West McHenry, Illinois. "" PHILIP JAEGER | GENERAL COHMISSION MERCHANT SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE SALE OF Dressed Beef, ftutton, Hogs, Veal, Poultry, Hides, Etc., Butter and Eggs This is the oldest house on the street. Tags and price lists furnished on application. COLD STORAGE FREE CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. Stall 1 & 3, Pulton St. Wholesale Market. THE WEST SIDE it DR. R. G. CHAMBERLIN . DENTIST. <Wfi« and Residence over Besley'* Pi wf Jjifie Hours: 8:00 to 5:30. West MoHBNRT. Itt. AfeTHUR BREMKEN, M. D. PHYSIQAN AMD SURGEON - (DeutaCber Arxt.)' "• " • ' '• • ' Spring Grove, • Illinois. General Teaming of all kinds. Excavating and Grading. flchENRY - - - - - ILLINOIS. Telephone No. 993, SIMON STOFFEL Insurance Agent for all classes of property in the best Companies. West McHenry, Illinois IS TO AT THE GE THE Try my Coffes and Teas. Terms Cash. Positively no Accounts. PLACE GOODS PRICES. • ' X John Stoffel. There's a pretty girl in an Alpine hat, A sweeter girl with a sailor brim, * But the handsomest girl you,'11 ever see Is the sensible girl who uses Rocky Mountain Tea. G. W. Besley. An ad in The Plaindealer "want' uran will bring results. - eol- Miss KATE HOWE. Teacher. It will pay you to keep Chamber­ lain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy in your home. It only costs a quarter. Sold by all druggists. For Thin Babies Fat is of great account to a baby * that is* why babies'are fat. If your baby is scrawny, Scott's EmUlsioti is what he wants. The head thy baby stores as fat what it does not need immediately for bone and muscle. Fat babies are happy ; they do Naot cry ; they are rich; their fat is 1 a i d Up for time of need. They are happy because they are comfortable. The fat sur­ rounds their little nerves and cushions them. When t h e y a r e s c r a w n y t h o s e nerves are hurt at^ every ungentle touch. They delight in Scott's Emul­ sion. It is as sweet as wholesome to them. Send for frma sample. Be sure that this pictun in the form of a label Is on the wrapper of'every bottle of. Emulsion you buy. Scott (Sir Bowne Chemists 469*413 Ptart Street Almtv York r -SOo. and $1.00 AD I iH • m m it* m m i* i* * * m- m, m + 1* Harper Rye, "On Every Tongue." ' The Early Settler that has made Kentucky whiskey - " excellence the world over. ' SOLDVBY LEADING-DEALERS. %• . * m * % • „ «r «r* m w fan\ous for f . * | HAVE ! i f * * t TOD SEEN THE LATEST? we have it in beautiful ROOKWOOD AND-PEARL CHINA. V A R I E t Y s t o r e ;. Jos. H. Huemann Johnsburgh, Illinois. sells Corn Shellers and Tread Powers, Duplex Grinding Mills, Rock Island Plows, Wagons, Carriages* Buggies, W ind Mills, Well Supplies, Harness. Oil, Paint Oil and * Machine Oil #i Specialty. lanumfiHW i t rnnklin ipnini Rod Works! I am agent for the above. We put the Rods on your Build- . 1ni?s and should they be struck ' by ligiitnlnjt w6 pay damages; If no more than ^500. Call and get full particulars. * General JUKbmitblnl Prices alwavs Reasonable McHENRY COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY. OFFICE with American National Bank Woodstock. 111. Abstracts of title and con­ veyancing. Money to loan on real estate In sums of 1500 to $10,000, time and payment U suit oorrower. ^ FRANK BUHR PRACTICAL PAINTER AND PAPER HANGER CARRIAGE PAINTING, $500 and UPWARD House and Sign Painting and all Interior Dec­ orating. Residence north town line one block west of river- Telephone t(o.&4. McHENliy. - - - lUUNOlS R. H. OWEN Pianos for sale and rent. Tuning and repair • ing at reasonable prices. First claw WSrk only.. McUENKY. ILLINOIS METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. SEKVICES--1'i-eachlng 10:30 a. m. and every other Sabbath evening at 7:4O, beginning Oc - tober •!<!. Sunday school at 11:45. Epworth League preceding preacldng service at 7 p. m. VVhen there is no preaching, at 7:80. Prayer meet >.ig Wednesday evening at 7:30. REV. J. M. CORMACK, Pastor. UNIVERSALIST CHURCH. Regular services Sunday at 10:30 a. m. and" 7 p.m." Suttday school at 11:45 a. m. Every­ body cordially Invited.1 RKV. A. ROBERTS. Pastor. LAMBERT Q. SEiNG BUFFET PARCELS CHECKED FREE 92 Fifth Av*., Chicago* Illinois. Tel. Main 1714, K I L L T H E COUCH AND CSJRE THE LUNCS "Dr. Kings law Discovery Cr 0NSUMPTI0N- Pries OUGHS and 80c & $1.00 OLDS Free Trial. Surest and Quickest Cur© for all Ti- EOA'i1 and LUNG TBOUB- or MONET BACK. LES, •at DRUGS PATENT MEDICINES N. H. PETESCH TOILET ARTICLES PERFUMES PATENTS Promptly obtained, or FEE RETURNED. 20 YKAIIS-EXrCRISWCt. OurCHAMOBSaM THE LOWEST. Setul model, piiuto or afcMdi for i xiM-rt seiirch tind I'roe reiK>rt on gwtantanittr. INFRINGEMENT î ults eoadueted befo« •»! courts. Patents obtained through u*. AOVW- TISEDan-1 SOLD. frtH> rWAPC-MARKS. SIONS iuid COPYRIGHTS qulokly «*«"»•«. Opposite U. H. Patent OfRoet WA8HIHOTOW, P. O. Chicago & North-Western. If so you ought to appreciate anything that will help you save it. The best way to save time it to have a Is Your Tims Chicago Telephone Money -- _ e«st bat OM oaots a Say CHICAGO TELEPHONE COMPANY Leave Chicago, ' a ni".... :i:S> p m..... s .ot p r o . . . H.IO a to .*. 2.0X' pin... Leave McHenry, T.'.'ii am... s.w am... ru'tipm... .'_ti am. •.oc p m- Effective Dec. 4, 1904. WEEK DAT TRAINS, NORTHBOUND ,. ..Via Pes I'laines ..... ...'.Via IKss I'laines.,... Via Des Plalnes.,... SUNDAY TRAINS. . ..Via Des Plalues.... ... ....Via Elgin WKEK DAY TRAINS. SOUTHBOUND. .Via F.lgtn Vta Des I'laines ........Via F.lgln SUNDAY TRAINS. ..'......Via Elgin '....IMSam Via Des I'laines , 7.00 p on Arrive McHenry ..10.10 a m . • .4.50 p m ..•.40 p m ..11.14 a m 4. t|.5ft p m Arrive Ghicaffo. ..lO.lO am .•.55 am ...V.OOPM • IULLIO I izky Mountain Tea Nuggetf A Busy Medi iao for Bu«y People. ""•ingo Golden fL Jth and Renewed Vigac. xv.lflc for Constipation, Indigentioo,Uwa 1 luey Trc: , Pimples, Eczem-i, Impurt* . Bad l>i\, . luggish Bowels, Headach • iuekache. It's Rocky Mountain Tea lu tut; •>-m, 8f> c-futs a box. Oenuirxe nta4@ by '•fsa Daco COMPANY, Madison, Wis. UuEM NUaGETS FOR SALLOW _i > *' s :

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