Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 9 Feb 1905, p. 8

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' i ' '" *"WjB'* t'T#tI is •?v •: , %*.> j ^ ? V / v 4 - ; - - Save ll|^ '•'•.* .j;*•>;• ;. _ ." r.v:i-i_" j 5 Bars Lenox ) | 4White Queen j JT Bars Kirk's Zoo Toilet Soap. . .-25 G .1 Barrel Minn. Patent Flour........ $6.00 ;;5A Horse Blankets, pair.- • • •••$3.50 Cape Buffalo Fur Robe, large si;;e.. . . .8.00 JOS. W. FR.EUND -* - ^ MENTION PAPER FOR PRICES. £}]y" ' ;:€%': Just the same old resolve to try my best to please my patrons and realize that I must try con­ tinually and in a good many dif­ ferent ways. I aim to keep a good assortment of General Hard­ ware, Stoves, Cutlery, Sporting Goods, Paints, Oi's, Etc., and to selL them at a reasonable profit, the same price to all. Watch this space from week to week during the year and see what we have to Respectfully Yours, Pi L. McOmber, WEST SIDE HARDWARE. -'*L: •I V'-* EVANS ON'S THE FEBRUARY CLEARING SALE is being prosecuted with the utmost vigor. No "letting up" during this month. No use in telling you about prices--if you are interested in savings, drop in. A few Furs and Ladies' Capes left--forgot to mention this last week. Guess we told you about the new things, in Elite Petticoats of late arrivals. Pillsbury's Best Flour 1.50 if you call for it--more if delivered. W. C. EVANSON. FOR FREE PUBLIC LIBRARIES. An Act to Promote the Kataltltahmeat Such fu Illinois, of Furniture! 1 ¥r-< * * ^ V I, At our store can be found, at a)l times, the most complete line of Furniture to be found in the county. Besides the large and complete line we constantly have on hand, we are always prepared to get, ^on very short notice, any ar­ ticle wanted which we do not carry in - ; stock- ^ur prices are- always in the reach of everyone to which we contrib­ ute our success! All calls in the Under­ taking 4ine are promptly attended to. ^•4- • •hi MCHENRY, ILLINOIS. JACOB JOT. An act to create the Illinoi^ Library Extension Board to promote the .estab- lishinent and efficiency of free public libraries and to provide for the estab lishment, care and maintainance of free traveling libraries. Beit enacted by the people of the state of Illinois represented in the gen­ eral assembly: SECTION 1. There is hereby breated the Illinois Library Extention Board, to be composed of seven members, of which the President of the University of Illinois and Superintendent of Pnblic Instruction shall be members ex-officio. Five other members, at least two of whom shall be-woni n, shall be appoint­ ed by the Governor by and with the ad- yice and consent of the senate. The members first appointed by the Gover­ nor shall serve for the term of one (1), two (2), three (3), four (4) and five (5) years, respectively, from the first day of July, 1905, and thereafter all appoint­ ments shall. be for the term of five years, except appointments to fill va­ cancies. All vacancies shall be filled by appointment for the unexpired term SEC. 2. The officers of the board shall be a President, Vice-President and Secretary, of Whom the President and Vice-President only shall be members of thef Board. SEC. 3. The officers shall be elected at the annnal meeting of the Board held in Jnly of each year, and shall serve for a period of one year,. "SEC. 4. It shall be the doty of the Board, as opportunity may offer, • to give advice and counsel to all free li­ braries,, and-to all persons and commun­ ities which may propose to establish them, as t<f the best means of establish ing and administering such libraries, selecting and cataloging books, and other details of library management; and said Board may, in the discharge of this duty issue circulars, leaflets or small pamphlets containing such sug­ gestions and information as will, in its discretion, encourage and aid in the es­ tablishment and conduct of such libra­ ries. „ SEC. 5. It shall also be the duty of the Boaid to establish a system of free traveling libraries and make such rules and regulations and impose such con­ ditions for the circulation of said libra­ ries as may be necessary to guard against the loss, destruction or injury thereof and secure the prompt surren­ der and return of the same in accordance with such rules and regulations or upon the r rder of the Board. SEC. 6. The free traveling libraries provided for in this act shall consist of a variety of well selected books, not ex­ ceeding fifty volumes, for each library, and shall be loaned to such villages, towns or rural communities in the state, or to such clubs, literary societies, social or other organizations for circu lation among the people thereof, as shall apply to trie Board thereof, and shall comply with the rules and regula­ tions of the Board governing the circu­ lation of such libraiies. SEC. 7. The board is hereby author­ ed to purchase the necessary books and supplies for said traveling libraries, not in excess of the appropriation there­ for, the same to be the property of the State of of Illinois. The Board is also authorized to estab­ lish in its discretion a library fund for voluntary contributions or donations for the benefit of said libraries, upon Buch terms and conditions and to be ex­ pended (or the income therefrom) in such a manner as will best increase interest in ' and promote the efficiency of said libraries; and it is also author­ ized to receive gifts or bequests of books suitable for said libraries. SEC. 8. Said Board shall fix a reason­ able compensation for the .services of the Secretary, not exceeding fifteen hundred dollars ($1,500) per annum, which shall not be increased during the term for which said Secretary shall be elected, and no other officer or member of said Board shall receive any compen sation for services as such officer or member. SEC. 9. The traveling expenses of members in attending meetings of the Board, or in establishing libraries in this State, and the expenses of any per­ son sent by said Board to aid in organ­ izing and improving libraries already established, the salary of the Secretary and all other necessary incidental ex­ penses connected with the i<ork of the Board, including necessary clerical help, shall be paid as hereinafter provided. All bills incurred pursuant to this act shall be certified by the President and Secretary of the Board to the Auditor of Public Accounts in this State, who is hereby authorized tp draw his warrant on the State Treasu er therefor, to be paid out of the appropriation made for that purpose. All printing and postage necessary to carry out the purposes of this act shall be provided by the State out of funds not herein appropriated. SEC. 10. It shall be the duty of said Board, on or before the first day of Jan­ uary of each year through its President and Secretary to submit a report of its acts and doings to the Governor of the State, showing its receipts and expendi­ tures, books and supplies purchased, number of traveling libraries formed and circulation of same, free public libraries aided or established and includ­ ing a summary of the annual reports of aU free public: libraries in the State, which report of snch free public libra­ ries shall be furnished to said Board, on request by the Librarians of such librar ies, and such report of said Bonrd shall be published as one of the Public Docn- ment Series. ; > SEC. 11. Said Board shall have Sower to make, from time to time, such y-laws, mles and regulations for its own government and for the conduct of the work contemplated by this Act as it may deem expedient, not incon thereof. It shall haye power to employ such clerical help as may be necessary for the proper conduct of the work. . The office of said board shall be at Springfield, in rooms to be provided for that purpose in the State Gapitti Bnild- ing. SEC. 18. There is hereby appropriated the snm of five thousand dollars ($5,000) per annum, to carry into effect the pro­ visions of this act. r Any unexpended portion of the an­ nual appropriation hereby made shall be added to the appropriation • for the ensuing year. Startling; but True. ; People the world over were horrified on learning of the burning of a Chicago theater in which nearly six hundred people lost their lives, yet more than five times this number or over 3 000 people died from pneumonia in Chicago during the same year, with scarcely a passing notice. Every one of these cases of pneumonia resulted from a cold and cottfd have been prevented by the timely use of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. A great many who had every reason to fear pneumonia have warded it off by the prompt use of this remedy. The following is an instance of this Sort : "Too mtich cannot be said in favor of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, and es­ pecially for colds and influenza I know that it cured my daughter, Laura, of a severe cold, and I believe saved her life when she was threatened with pneu­ monia." W. D. Wilcox, Logan, New York. Sold by all druggists. . - Very l^ow Rates to the Marril Qm •' apd Winter Reno its, Via the North-Western Line. On ac­ count of the Mardi Gras, excursion tickets will "be sold to New Orleans. March 1 to 5, inclusive, also to New Orleans on March 6, for trains arriving at New Orleans by noon of March 7, with favorable return limits. Excur­ sion tickets are also on sale daily, at reduced rates, to the principal winter resorts in the United States and Mexico. For full information apply to agents Chicago & North-Western R'y.v 33-4t Agonizing Burns are instantly relieved, and. perfectly healed by Bucklen's Arnica Salve. C. Rivenbark, Jr., of Norfolk, Va., writes: "I burned my knee so badly that it blist­ ered all over. Bucklen's Arnica Salve stopped the pain and healed it without a scar." "Also heals all wounds and sores. 25 cents at N. H. Petesch's and Julia A. Story's, McHenry, and G. W. »ley's, West McHenry, druggists. W. C. T. U. PRESS DEPARTMENT^ [The Plaindaaier does not hold itself respon­ sible for the opinions expressed in this coi- Uuiii.-- Eu.] £f at first you don't succeed, try, try .again. .* *v National Motto: "God, home and native land." * lii-S * If God be for us who can be against ns? Rom, 8:81. Keep clean, fet ho seeming obstacle persuade you that your path must di­ verge, even for a few steps into.the mire. There is a clean way < to every­ thing worth having. Keep faith, above and beyond all else keep faith, faith in the Fatherhood of God, in the loving, tender presence of Christ, in the over-ruling of the Al­ mighty, and the final triumph o"f right. - Two hundred and fifty thousands chil­ dren are tangbt scientific reasons for temperance in the Loyal Temperance Legions and all these children are pledged to total abstinence, and trained as temperance workers. ' / Keep going, there are more cowardly words than,"give up." Keep your heAd, train your thoughts not to fly into a panic and scatter helplessly in the hour of peril and difficulty, but to be firm, collected, alert, ready, to wo?k a way through. The National W. G. 0 itetiow the largest single society in the world com­ posed exclusively of women and con­ ducted entirely by them, and is the most nearly perfect in its organization. Its active and honorary membership numbers fully 300,000 with a following of at least half a million. - The educational value of the W, C. T. U. to its own members, through lit­ erature, courses of study and practical work is immense. Before any other society had taken up mothers' meetings, the W. C. T. U. bad organized 37 states and territories, and 2,000 meetings were held kl Illiuois in one year. Poisons in Food. Perhaps you don't realize that many pain poisons originate in your food, btit some day you may feel a twinge of dys­ pepsia that will convince yon. Dr. King's New Life Pills are guaranteed to cure all sickness due to poisons of undi­ gested food--or money back. 25c at N. H. Petesch's and Julia' A. Story's, Mc­ Henry, and G. W. Besley's, West Mc­ Henry, drug stores. Try them. Read The Plaindealer "want" ads. Fraud Exposed. A few counterfeiters have lately been making and trying to sell imitations of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump­ tion, Coughs and Colds, and other med­ icines, thereby detr^odiug the public. This is to warn you to beware of such people, who seek to profit, through steal­ ing the reputation of remedies -which have been successfully curing disease for over 85 years. A sure protection to you is our name on the wrapper. J>»ok for it on all Dr. King's or Bucklen's remedies, as alt others are mere imita­ tions. H. E. BUCKLEN & CO., Chi cago, 111., and Windsor, Canada. Very Low Baten to Inauguration dent Roosevelt at WaKliiiitjfton, D. C., Via the North-Western Line. Excur­ sion tickets will be sold ou Feb. 28 and March 1 and 2, limited bv extension to return until March 18, inclnsiviT A ;• ply to agents Chicago & North JSVeste. ii R y. ,33 4t The Plaindealer and Chicago D«ily Chronicle both for one year for $3 50 A Thousand Dollar* Thrown Away. Mr. W, W. Baker, of Plainview, Neb., writes: "My wife had lung trouble for'v „ over fifteen years. We tried a number ... of doctors and spent over a thousand do!-. * lars withnnf. jany roliflf SKo vatkM «nr' low and I lost all hope, when a friend suggested,trying Foley's Honey and®* Tar, which I did; and thanks to this r great remedy, it saved her life. She i^2.? strong and enjoys better health than shftlv- . has ever known in ten years. We shalfft never be -without Foley's Honey amt - Tar and would ask those afflicted to tryf^i? it." Sold by G. W. Besley, West, Mo \ Henry. ... , • ~--!--: " . -y . .-v.' The Plaindealer will be sent to any ; address on trial three mont hs for twen­ ty-five cents, and will be discontinued at the expiration of time unless other' wise ordered. Try it. >• Foley's Honey and Tar cures the oought 1 Caused -py attack of la grippe. It heals t the lungs* Sold by WV Besley, McHenry. i i i § •*# =sr- STILL. COf iTlNUES i. - All Winter Goods must be closed out to make room for Spiring and SUmmer Goods which are arriving every day. The following.Goods will be sold at cost and below: Men's Underwear, Ladies' Under wear, Children's Underwear, iStockings, Flannelette, Etc. On Groceries our Prices are always thie lowest. Buy Sleepy Eye Flour and BEST. F. A. Bohlatlder 1 1 ik X 'M I I FOR CASH; WE HAVE CUT OFF ALL PROFITS AND WILL CLOSE OUT OUR SlCCk OF WINTER GOODS AT COST DURING THE NEXT TWENTY DAYS. SALE CLONES FEBRUARY FIFTEENTH. 750 Men's wool Underwear, gray ojLtan, $1.00 quality, now.. / ...... Men's wool Underwear, blue fancy, $1.50 quality, now Men's Cot fleeced Underwear, tan and gray, 50c quality", now. 37^0 Men'« Natural Gray Underwear, 50c quality ' now. ~ ........ .-37^0 Ladies' Cot Union Suits, gray, 50c quality.37^C Men's fine Kersey Caps, blue and black, $1.00 qnality, now ..75c Men's fine Kersey Caps, blue and black, 50c quality, now . ,.87ic Aden's Felt Boots with Snag Proof Overs, $2 85 quality, now,.... .$3.35 Men's black Socks with Snag Proof Overs, $8.00 quality, now... .$2 45 Men's Sheep-lined Covert Coats, $4.50 quality, now .$8.00 Ladies' heavy lieeced-lined Wrappers, $1.85 and $1.50 qnality.... .$1.00 Ladies' wool Underwear, tan or gray, $1.00 quality, now..................-... - 75C Ladies' Cot Jersey Underwear, tan, _50c quality, now.. ............37j^C Ladies' Cot Jersey Underwear* , tan, 35c quality, now ........................ 250 Ladies' Cot Jersey Underwear; tam, 3Sc quality, now........ -19c Children's wool and Cotton Underwear at cost . f ' ' ' Ladies' heavy fleeced lined Wrappers, $1.25 qnality, now .75c Ladies' heavy Percale Wrappers, $1 00 and $1.25quality, now......75c Ladies' warui lined Shoes, $1.40 and $1.50 quality, now .$1,00 Ladies' warm-lined Slippers, $1 35 and $1.50 quality, now....... .$1 00 Ladies' warm-lined Slippers, $1.00 quality, now . 75c We will give 20 per cent discount on other Shoes during this sale. TWENTY PER CENT DISCOUNT on Shawls, Skirts, Silk Waists, Fascinators, Wool and fleece-lined Hosiery, Silks, Velvets, Dress Goods, Flannelettes, Corsets, Sweaters, Gloves and Mittens. This is a big saving to you but we purpose to turn our stock into cash while the goods are in season. Yotirs truly, Groceries, Flour, Etc., at lowest prices. Call early while the assortment is c o m p l e t e . - - -- . . . . n. J. WALSH. SPECIAL NID-WIHItR BAMS Arm & Hammer Soda ; .To Dunham 's shredded Cocoannt, per pkg 0c, or 8 for... 250 None Such Head Rice, ner pound.;.... .7c Rolled Oats, per pound.............. 4o Highland Brand Pickles, per bottle. .10c Diamond Link selected stock Onions, per bottle l5c Selected Stuffed Olives. 10c Red Dragon Tea, per pot»d.~. 48c Extra Sun-dried uncolored Japan Tea per pound 89c Fancy Santos Coffee, per pound 15c Extra fancy triple blend Coffee, per pound,....... • .20c Other Coffees-at ..20c, 80c, 85c. Dry Onions, per pound..-s .... ,8c Nfevy Beans, per pound ,4io. Soda Crackers, per pound... ...w....fie Qood Ginger Snaps, per pound.......5c Don't forget Gold Medri flour! All Men's heavy 98c Mittens, 75e: All Men's heavy 49c Mittens, at. -88c All Men's 45c fleeced Underwear..!.... 85c All Men's 98c, $1.25 and$1.49 all wool Under­ wear. at ... v.. 75c, $1.00, $1.15 All Men's and Boys' Caps that sold at 49c, 69c and 98c, now 88c, 50c, 75c. LADIES' AND HISSES' FLANNEL Niatt^OOWNS^p r Ladies' Flannel Night Gowne with fancy Collar and Cuffs, full cut, at ....' -c- • • • • -v. Children's Flannel Gowns, sizes 10 to 14, a big value, on sale at. • •«• • • •. -49c £7 _ | _ \I/n • Ladies' Waists, made of fancy Yestings. These Waists atd* _ . _ W ctlSld reg. price sell at$8. We have them in sises, 82, 34, "36, at-H** •t'" Best Standard American Calico, per yard .5c and 5±c S I Men's fine Vici Kid Shoes, medium weight sole, at. Men's Pat. Colt, lace Shoe9, exten sole, military heel, dull kid top. Boy's seamless Granite Shoes, something that will wear, at. ..;.. Ladies ' Pa tent Vfcmp. f ine Kid Top, mi l i ta ry heel , lace Shoes , at . . . § S<je onr Ladies' Button Shoes in latest^apes and styles at. .... .. $2.69 ,.$2.98, $8 29 . $1.29, $1.49 ..$1.98 .12.29 RUBBER BOOTS! Ball Band Rubber Boote, at..*3 50, *3 7i Snag Proofs, at.................... .$3.75 Boys' Rubber Boots, at .... $1.19, $1.49 Phone 541. Cash Department Store, McHenry ,Illinois. - - -

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