Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 Feb 1905, p. 10

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1' Vour 9 Bars Soap j iWhite Queen } 25c 7 Bars Kirk's Zoo Toilet Soap..... 25C 1 Barrel Minn. Patent Flour. * ..... $6.00 5A Horse Blankets, 161b, pair. $3.50 Ca£e Buffalo Far Rohev large size.:... £ JOS. W. FRJEUND MENTION PAPER FOR PRICES. Just the same old resolve to try my best to please my patrons and realize that I must try con­ tinually and in a good many dif­ ferent ways. I aim to keep k good assortment of General Hard­ ware, Stoves, Cutlery, Sporting Good's,' Paints, Oi's, Etc., and to sell hen at a reasonable profit, the s<ia,2 price to all. Watch this spact £r m week to week during the yi BT and see what we have to offer. Respectfully Yours, F. L. McOmber, WEST SIDE HARDWARE. Sanson's Not much use in telling you of our Febru­ ary bargains--weather is against your com^ ing, perhaps. A few 10c or 25c items in Granite ware may interest you, however. They are here if you need them, and all en­ tirely new. Prices would not induce you to Felt Boots and Rubbers now, would they? But if so, come in--they are for sale cheap. There are many other things in our store of interest to the money savers. Plen­ ty for liberal spenders, also. Beloit Over­ alls are said to be good wearers. We have them. 01. £. Cvanson. • . , '1 '< •< • • J?. * ' • ' 1 r A.yers Feed your hair; nourish it; give it something to live on. Then it will stop falling, and will grow long and heavy. Ayer's Hair Vigor is the only Hair Vigor hair food you can buy. For 60 years it has been doing just what we claim it will do* It will not disappoint you. " My hair used to 1>« very short. Bat after using Ayer's Huir Vipir « short time It began to prow, and now it is fourteen inches long. This seems a splendid result to me after being almost without any hair." MRS. J . 11. FIFBK, Colorado Spring*, Colo. for Short Hair HON. THOH. PLATT of New York is to stand snit for breach of promise. The New York Senator does not man­ age his matrimonial affairs with as much smoothness as he does his politics. CONGRKSS has been assured that everybody in Oklahoma and Indian Ter­ ritory is not a candidate fcr the U. S. senate. They want to stay at home and enjoy prosperity and statehood citizenship. The McHenry Plaintoler PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BY : THE MctlfNRT PLAIItDEAIIR COMPANY. F. K. GBANGBB. W. A. ORISTT, J. B. PERRY, Pres. Sec. Treas. F. 6. SCHRRINER, Editor. Office in Bank Building.', Telephone, No. 272. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: Oneyear Six months. 75 cts. «.50 Three months. 40 cts. Thursday, February 16, 1905. IT appears that the only way to brine; Arizona and New .Wexico to the*'altar" is to drag them there. IF Gen. Miles keeps np his long-wind­ ed talks he will have to charter a maga­ zine as Tom Lawson did. STATE legislatures are noticing the scarcity of 11,000 bills this year, while last year they were so plentiful. CONGRESSMAN LITTLEFIELD, of Maine was making a speech which amnsed Hon. J. Adam Bede of Minn, very much and it was brought to rather an abrupt ending by Mr. Bede taking hold of his collar to make him sit down. Mr. Littlefield was unable to speak with Buch a "Bede" hanging aroand his neck. QUARTER OF A CENTURY. Item* Clipped from The Plaiixlealer of •~~T vi' S>brusry i8,,1 f)80. ANOTHER Assistant Secretary of the Treasury has been installed. His spe­ cialty in finance has not been stated yet. THE Standard Oil Co. is reducing the price of oil probably to convince Mr. Roosevelt that it is a dear good trust. THE Missouri legislature is very tin- kind ' in keeping Mr. Neidringhaus floundering between "hope and de­ spair. " DOWIE has gone way down south; he finds that miracles in healirig are per­ formed more easily in "milder" climates. THAT old rumor about the Czar taking the muzzle of the press, turned out as we expected, he merely changed the muzzle, that's all. A KALAMAZOO statistician has just figured it out that 20 per cent of the telephone girls with soft, sweet voices marry every year. INDIANAPOLIS physicians are still urging their people to "boil the water." Would not merely "melting it" suffice this kind of weather. A COLORADO ujan in his endeavor to atop a fight killed 'one of the fighters. He believes in having peace even if he does have to fight for it. THE editor of the New York World, Mr. Pulitzer, is said to be looking for an ideal editor. We could name one but our modesty forbids. KANSAS and Missouri farmers have been buying automobiles quite freely of late. They evidently attend to their farming instead of politics. MR. BLUEBEARD HOCH has not seen Home of his wives for so long a time that he had to be introduced over again when he met them in Chicago. ' 'I' 'I' 'I' iti $ ill •!» $ •!• urniture! I At otir store can be found, at all times, A the most complete line of Furniture to ^ be found in the county. Besides the large and complete line we constantly & have on hand, we are always prepared ^ to get, on very ^hort notice, any ar- 2 tide wanted which we do not carry in & stock. Our prices are always in the ^ reach of everyofle to which we contrib­ ute our success. All calls ii the Under­ taking line are promptly attended to. THOSE Iowans who burnt Pete Sep burn in efiigy must have been his real friends after all. Pete is now offered fat sums to write magazine articles. A PENNSYLVANIA Judge has fined a man for trapping "suckers." It is thought that a decision like this in New York wcrald entirely depopulate Wall street. Qtifffcfe'a iimnber of the yotitigSf^ iMSr- tion of onr population are wrestling with the measles about these days. Col. O. Lippencott informs ns that he intends building a new steamer early in the spring to run between his hotel at Fox lake and McHenry. H. T. Dolbeer has left at onr sanctum a couple of very fine looking potatoes, which he brought from New York. They are called some kind of seedlings, and if they are as good as they look, must be something very nice. The dancing community should not forget the Washington Birthday party by the "Ivy Social Club" at Grand hall on Friday evening of this week, the 20th. The Germania band of Chicago, five pieces, will furnish the music and all who attend are sure to have a good time. . The weather at this writing, Tuesday, is warm and spring like, and has more the appearance of April than Febrnary. The ice business has come to a decided stand, with little prospect of it being renewed again this season. It has, in­ deed, been a remarkable winter* if it could be called winter at all- Some miserable cuss, with neither the fear of God or man before his eyes, stole something over a hundred pounds of fresh beef from the residence of E. Owen on Thursday night last. That we have such miserable devils in our midst is a lamentable fact, and some means should be adopted to clean them out. It is but a short time since F. A. Hebard had his smoke house robbed of several hams, and we hear of several other parties who have also been visited. An effort should be made to gobble some of these miscreants and give them such a lesson as they will not soon for­ get 1 Woodstock After Electric. A committee consisting of Speaker Shnrtleff, L. T. Hoy and a number of other prominent citizens from Marengo, visited Chicago last Saturday in the in­ terests of the new Electric line, which will form the link uniting Elgin and Belvidere, and thereby extending a through electrio service from Chicago to Wisconsin. One survey nnder con­ sideration is that from Woodstock through Algonquin, thence to Carpen- tersville, and thence to Elgin Over the present line. Connection would be made with Harvard and the lake line. The other survey is that of a southern route from Belvidere to Genoa, thence connecting with Sycamore, DeKalb and Aurora, and by a direct line from Genoa through Hampshire to Elgin. conference was held with the pro­ moters of the line, and the merits of the two surveys discussed. Men are now inspecting these surveys. The Arnold electric company will have charge of the electrical work, and an option has been secured on the Belvi­ dere line, and if present plans mature it will become a part of the new system. Meat Cutter*' Strange Language. Our reporter, says an exchange, was in the butcher shop the other day and was somewhat startled by the boss ad­ dressing the delivery boy in these words; 'Now, boy, look lively. Break the bones in Mr. Anthony's chops, and put Mr. Green's ribs in your basket; and, by Jove, here's Mrs. R-- -'s liver that she left on the counter yesterday; and take Joe Large's feet out of the pickle and deliver right off." "All right, sir, ' replied the boy, "just as soon as I saw Miss J 's leg off." REPRESENTATIVE BARTHOLDT wants to stop the eastern war. He might practice a little by trying his hand on the warring senatorial aspirants in his own state. IT was a little mean in Congress to throw Oklahoma and Indian Territory on the "water wagon" regardless of whether they like that kind of travel­ ing or not. MR. ROOSEVELT has succeeded in landing the four postoffice grafters in the penitentiary. He hopes they will soon substitute the "simple" life for the "grafting" life. * AN Ohio astronomer tells us that these cold waves are due to the fact that the sun has a subway 80,000 miles long. We hope it will be stopped up before next winter. McHENRY, ILLINOIS. JACOB JUSffi W.C. T. U. PRESS DEPARTMENT [The Plalndealer does not hold Itself respon­ sible for the opinions expressed In this col- wan.--En.L Lovest thou me, fead my lambs; lovest thou me, /eed lay sheep. «fob*» 21-ie. ,T - :;Ty 4, -:W; It is of no use running; to set ou* betimes is the main point. Self- reliance, self-restraint, self discipline, these constitute an educated wi^L The Woman's Christian Temperance Union is an organization of Christian Women banded together for the pro­ tection of the home, the abolition of the liquor traffic and the triumph of Christ's Golden Rule in custom and in law. ... w " The W*. C. T. t£ originated the idea of scientific temparance instruction in the public schools and has secured mandatory laws in every state in the Union save. one, and a federal law governing the District of Columbia, th& territories and all Indian and military schools. Under these Jaws, 16,000,000 children in the public school received instruction as to the nature and effect of alcohol and other narcotics on the human system. The wrong way to work: Suppose some cold morning yon Should go into a neighbor's bouse and find him busy at work on his windows, scratching away, and should ask him what be was doing, and he should reply: "Why ,1 am trying to remove the frost; but as fast as I get it off one square it comes on another." Would you not say, "Why, man, let your windows alone and kindle a fire, and the frost will come off"? And have you not seen people try to break off their bad habits one after another without avail? Well, they are like the man who tried to scratch the frost from his windows. Let the fire of God, kindled at the altar of prayer, burn in your heart, and the b§d habits will soon melt away. " Saturday evening, Feb. 18, 1905. The Nye Entertainers at Central opreahonse. Prices, 10, 20 and 30c. Seats now on sale. S E E D T I M E experienced farmer has learned that some grains require far differ­ ent soil than others; some crops need differ­ ent handling than others- He knows that a great deal depends upon right planting at the right time, and that the soil must be kept enriched. No use of complaining in summer about a mis­ take made in the spring. Decide before the seed is planted. best time to reme­ dy wasting conditions in the human body is be­ fore the evil is too deep- rooted. At the first evi­ dence of loss of flesh Scott's Emulsion should be taken imme­ diately. There is noth­ i n g t h a t w i l l r e p a i r wasted tissue more quickly or replace lost flesh more abundantly than Scott's Emulsion. It nourishes and builds up the body when ordi­ nary foods absolutely fail. Wei&itt send you * sample free. Be sure that this •icture in the form OF a label is on the Wrapper of every bottle of Emulsion jfou buy. SCOTTC& B O W N E CHEMISTS 409 Pearl Street N E W Y O R K 50c. and $1; all druggidta THE legislature of Nebraska has de­ termined to stop foot-ball in that state This is very inopportune, as its univer­ sity team was getting ready to lick one of the big eastern cracks. • • POSTMASTER GENERAL WYNNE has just issued a fraud order against a western concern that guaranteed a cure for broken hearts. We didn't think Mr. Wynne was BO unsentimental. THE trnsts are now realizing the truth of what Mr. Cortelyou said v hen he asserted that Mr. Roosevelt would be inaugurated on the 4th of March without any "»trings tied to him." FRESH QROCERIESH! Fancy ring-cut evaporated ap­ p l e s , p e r p o u n d . . . 9c Extra large prunes, per pound.. 9c Fancy new stock Apricots.. ,.. .14c Maple Flake Breakfast Food, 2 packages for .25c 10 lb sack Corn Meal 22c 51b. sack Graham Flour........ 19c Fancy blue-seal Codfish, pet pound brick.. 10c Baker's Chocolate, per cake.... 18c Extra fancy, sifted early June P e a s , p e r c a n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 c Blossom Brand early June Peas per can 12 l-2c Best quality Maple Sugar, per p £ > u n d b r i c k . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 5 c Bell Starch: per package 5c Buster Corn Starch, per packag^ 5c Large Sour pickles, per dozen. .10c Franklin's self-rising Pancake Flour, per package.. .10c SPEC­ IAL it suit $ & n ;*• & i I :.*• J 9 $ All Winter Goods must be closed out to make rootn for Spring and Summer Goods which a^e arriving «very day. The following Goods will be sold lit cost and below: ;/ • Men'i Ladi< Children's Underwear, §tockings, Flannelette, On Groceries dur Pricei are always the lowest. Sleeps Eye Flour and get the BEST, Gilbert Bros. Co. To Grocery Buyers we are offering this week some remarkable Bargains in Fresh Groceries. We quote below as follows: Five pound pack­ age best rolled oats wi th premiums . . . . Fresh rolled Oats in bulk, any quanity, per pound Fresh Biscuit, age UNEEDA per pack- K mimmrn * 3-lb Baked Beatrs . v...;...,.. 6 cans for 25c 5( 2-lb Corn can Fancy 5C 2-lb can Fancy June Peas 5 ̂ 1 gallon can fancy 0C/ Table Syrup. Any 15c package of P f Breakfast I\>od, || Malta Vi ta , e t c . . . . Fresh CRACKER JACK, per pkg . . . ic 10 lbs. whole Japan OCT/ Rice. £» JL Celebrated Co­ rona Flour best flour in Town.. v NOTICE! V This firm, in keeping with all first rate stores of its kind, having refrained from giving premiums for the, object of selling an inferior class of goods, will from time to time as the occasion warrants, give a suitable and useful article to ladies visiting our store on Saturdays. We do this to further acquaint our store to those who are still seemingly satisfied to make their eatable purchases by, old methods, the Country General Stores where quality and freshness are never taken into consideration. Realising that there are some who still buy their table foods the same as our forefathers were forced to do, aware of the fact that good wholesome food stuff such as sold by all high-class grocers, can be had for less money than they are paying for the goods usually sold by small country general stores, we will on Saturday next present to a l l l ad ies y i s i t ing our new Modern Grocery her selection of a line of imported China ware. GILBERT BROS.CO. McHENRY, ILLINOIS. - TELEPHONE 271. Lace Curtain Sale All broken lines of Lace Curtains to be sold at greatly reduced prices. All Lace Curtains sold at $1.29. $1.69, $1.98, choice 98c, $1.25, $1.49 NIGHT GOWNS! Ladies' Flannel Gowns, formerly sold at 49c, 98c, $1.29, placed on sale now for, 40c ft, tOO TP" LADIES' SKIRT BARGAINS! Ladies' Skirts, made of all-wool Cheviot, handsomely trimmed with silk dj Braid and Buttons. This Skirt would be cheap at $5.00, our price Ji • V See our Ladies' all-wool Walking Skirts, o f f a s h i o n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . • • • • trimmed and finished in height $1.98 60-inch FUR BOA, only... 50c Block & Bethke Cash Department Store, McHenry .Illinois. Phone 541. •iv 'M

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