Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 2 Mar 1905, p. 3

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-- / -- 4 Rever Without Pe-ru-na ft the. Home For Catarrhal Diseases. Wftona'MES, - J.CHVl®lDj m kTanbot?iS|| Minn. MR and MRS. ^MATKM. Independence. TIo., RMnerkabld CufW Effected - - By Pe-rsi-M. Under date of January 10, 1897, Dr. Hartman received the following letter: "My wife has been a sufferer from a complication of diseases for the past twenty-five years. Her ease has baffled the skill of some of the most noted phy­ sicians. One of her worst troubles was chronic constipation of several years' standing. She was also passing through that most critical period in the life of a woman--change of life. "In June, 1895,1 wrote to you about her case. You advised a course of Peruna and Manalin, which we at once commenced, and have to say it com­ pletely cured her. "About the same time I wrote you about my own case of catarrh, which had been of twenty-five years' standing. At times I was alnpost past going. / commenced to use Peruna according to your instructions mad continued its OW tor about a year, and ii ham com» ptttely cured me."--JohnO. Atkinson. In a letter dated January 1,1900, Mr. Atkinson says, after five years' experi­ ence with Peruna, «•/ will ever continue to speak a good word for Peruna. I am still cured oi catarrh."--John O. Atkinson, Inde­ pendence, Mo., Box 272. Mrs. Alia Schwandt, Sanborn, Minn., writes: • I have been troubled with rheuma­ tism and catarrh for twenty-five years. Could not sleep day or night. After having used Peruna / can aieep and nothing bothers me now. If I ever am affected with any kind of sickness, Peruna will be the medicine I shall use. My son was cured of catarrh of the larynx by Peruna."--Mrs. Alia Schwandt. When old age comes, catarrhal dis­ eases come also. Systemic catarrh is almost universal in old people. Address Dr. S. 15. Hartman, President of the Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio, who will be pleased to give you the benefit of his medical advice gratia Conviction Mows Trial "When buying loose coffee or anything your grocer happens to have in his bin,4iow do you know what you are getting ? Some queer stories about coffee that is sold in bulk, could be told, if the people who handle it (grocers), cared to speak out. Could any amount of mere talk have persuaded millions of housekeepers to use Lion Coffee, the leader of all package coffees for over a quarter of a century, if they had not found it superior to all other brands in Purity, Strength, Flavor and Uniformity? This popular success of LION COFFEE era be due only to Inherent merit. There Is no stronger proof of merit than con­ tinued and Increasing popularity. If tbe verdict of MILLIONS OF HOUSEKEEPERS does not convince yon of the merits of LION COFFEE, It costs yon bat a trifle to bay a package. It Is tbe easiest way to convince yourself, and to make you a PERMANENT PURCHASER* LION COFFEE is Bold only in 1 lb. sealed packages, and reaches yoa as pore ana clean as when it leiftour factory. Lion-head on every package. Save these Lidn-heads for valuable premiums. SOLD BY GROCERS EVERYWHERE WOOLSON SPICE CO., Toledo, Ohio. WHAT IS YOUR FARM WORTH? Could you sell out for from $75 to $150 per acre? If you can, did it ever occur to you that your farm will buy another of from ten to thirty times its size? Or it will buy you a good sized one in a new country and permit you to put into bank enough money to keep you the balance of your life. This is a proposition that is.worth thinking over; it has has been tried by many farmers of the Mississippi valley; it has raised many a mortgage; it has started many a young man out in life as the owner of a fine farm. And it will do so again. This is a live question. Think it over. CHEAP LAND THE HONIESEEKER'S DELIGHT is the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, tributary to the Duluth, South Shore & Atlantic Railway, where there are for sale thousands of acres of as fine agricultural and stock raising land as man ever set eyes on. The soil is productive; the climate is favorable; the land is well watered; there are ready home markets for all farm and dairy produce and transportation facilities are ample. There are vast tracts of wild grass T«.nH for stock men. For full particulars write to E. W. MscPHERRAN, Land Commissioner, 0. S. S. i A. Ry., MARQUETTE, MICH. W . L . D O U G L A S *3°°&>3.S£SHOES UNION MADE. FOR MEN. W. L. Boiiflai 98,50 nhnei are the M'llori In the world because of their excellent *ty le, ea»y fitting uiui »ui»e« rior weurlneaiialUlei. They J«i*i &«mmI «« those (hat w»»t from S5.nO to Hl.OO. 'Jrlie ooly difference is the price. W. I(, llouglaa $;f.f»0 HIIOCR co«t more to hold ihi le shniM.- hetler, wear loiiK^r. unri arc ofgreuier vuliiethaii mi v other &K.,»0 shoe on I he market to-titty. %V. JL. Uoutfiiis gaur. itoU'eib lh««ir value l>y viaruping hi* iiaiiic ttntl price on th** bottom oreueh »hoe. Look for it. Take no •ulmiitiite, W. L», Vioutfla* $3.50 «*hoe« areaold through his own retail stores in the |»rinclpitl cities, nnd !>v fthoedcuiersevery wh*re. .\o mut­ ter where you live, \V.L.. l§okj£lus shoes are wtlhiu yourreach. BETTER THAN OTHER MAKES AT AS V PRICE. "For the tas t three years I hare worn W. L tS .V) shoe <in t f oun t i t no t ont'J as yood, hut better than any shoe that / rrer ha t. r-v ir Hets of prire." t has. L. Farrelt. Asst. Cashier The Capital Sational Bank, Indianapolis, [ltd. ns wear "W L. Douglas $2.50 and $2.00 shoes because they fit etter, hold their shape, and wear longer than oth9r makes. W.LDOUGLAS $4.00 SHOES CANNOT BE EQUALLED AT ANY PRICE. «*« Corona Cot/xtin m Hu $3.Mt short. Corona toll is considered to be the Jinest patent leather produced. r AST COLOR KTELETS W1 LL \OT WE A R RRA8AT v^Vr^iSi°Ilfla9^ ha2*tlle ,Rr/?eat Bho« nmil order busings in the world. ^ a y mail. 25c. extra prepays delivery, if voti desire f u r t h e r i n f o r m a t i o n , wr/ fy - y r J l tus t ra tea Cata logue u f ' Spm:g S ty les . W.L.DOUGLAS, BROCKTON, MASSACHUSETTS W.,1,. Douglas makes -anti sells more Men7s SO "shoes than -any at her manufacturer in the world. $ip,ood'.^s>.« mmm mi tu> inn ii'iia & QUIETS BHHLS Purchases Property of Inde­ pendent Companies i|i the _ Kansas Field. GETS ALL BOOKS AND RECORDS Enters Upon the Fight for* Its Cor­ porate Existence by Securing Pos­ session of Evidence Upon Which Charges Are Based. Topeka, Kan., dispatch: The Stand­ ard Oil company has begun what Is believed to be a movement to buy up every independent property in the Kansas field and at the same time ac­ quire possession of any damaging evi­ dence that might' 6e used against it in the coming investigation. Mayor E. N. Bowen of Independ­ ence, headquarters for the oil trust in Kansas, said that the Standard had acquired ownership of the Consol­ idated Oil and Gas company and the interstate Oil and Gas company of In­ dependence. He said it is reported the Standard has bought from L N. Knapp, th® biggest producer in ,tbe state, every bit of his oil, gas and tank line property, together with all of his books and records. Fight for Corporate Life. [ This is taken to nhean that the Standard has bid defiance to the gov­ ernment and the state, and that from now on it will be open war--a fight for life for the Standard. The Interstate and the Consolidated companies are the heaviest producers of oil in the Independence field, and, according to Mayor Bowen, their con­ trol passed into the hands of the Standard last Wednesday. Knapp was owner of the tank line which was driven out of business when the Standard's pipe line was completed last August. It was upon the figures shown in his books that the oil pro­ ducers based their charges of con­ spiracy between the railroads and'the Standard. With these books in Stand­ ard hands the charges would fail, so far as ' that particular case is con­ cerned. Probe Michigan Salt Concern. Having succeeded in their attempt tc^ establish a state oil refinery and precipitate a struggle with the Stan­ dard Oil Company, the "trust busters" in the Kansas legislature have turned their attention to the so-calfed "salt trust." These belligerents introduced into the house a resolution providing for the appointment of a commission to investigate the Michigan salt cor­ poration which, it is alleged, controls the Kansas output. It is charged that the concern has advanced the' price of salt throughout the West. File More Charges. The Independent oil men made an­ other move in their fight, which in volves the Missouri, Kansas and Texas railroad. W. E. Connelly Chanute, for the advisory board of the Kansas Oil Producers' Associa tion, wired Congressman Campbell at Washington charges against this rail road ideptioal with those filed against the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Collusion between the railroad com pany and Standard Oil in the matter of rates is alleged. The Kansas senate passed a bill providing that a state railroad board shall make changes in freight rates upon due complaint. COULDN'T LIFT TEN POUNDS. *•**.? ci _ ^ : "v - y j • •- • - -- and Health to the Sufferer, ^a- JUng Him Feel Twenty-five Years Younger. ̂ ̂ "*Vv 11 * *, Corton, farmer and lumber­ man, of Deppe, N. C., says: "I 's o ff e r e d for years with my back. It was so bed that I could not walk a n y d i s t a n c e nor even ride in easy buggy. I do not believe I c o u I d h a v e r a i s e d t e n p o u n d s o f weight from the ground, the pain was so severe. This was my condition when I began using Doan's Kidney Pills. They quickly relieved me and now I am never troubled as I was. My back is strong and I can walk or ride a lon£ .distance and feel just as strong as I did twenty-five years ago. t think so much of Doan's Kidney Pills that I have given a supply of the remedy to some of my neighbors and they have also found good results. If fou cin sift anything from this ram­ bling note that will be of any service 'o you, or to anyone suffering from kidney trthible, you are at liberty to. io so." . A TRIAL FREE--Address Foster- Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. For sale by all dealers. Price, 50 cents. , t. B- OOBTO* AVOID USE OF KNIFE. Japanese Surgeons Amputate Only in Severe Cases^ During the present war the Japan1 ese have followed the new rule gen­ erally of not amputating shattered limbs on the fields of battle, but of putting a plaster of paris dressing on them. So far, out of 600 wounded Russians, only one arm has been am­ putated, and in that case the arm had to be' removed in consequence of trouble supervening. In all cases the bones have healed well. It is clear that the gunshot wounds from the modern infantry rifle are less danger­ ous to life than they were in former days. Wounds received in ethe lungs or stomach heal often without any surgical treatment or operation. All pieces of shot or garments taken from wounded men are sept to Tokio, where they are being preserved, as are also all other "preparations" re­ sulting from the surgical treatment of the wounded. Billion Dollar Gmi. When the John A. Salzer JSeod Co., of La Crosse^ Wis., introduced this remark­ able grass "three yeara ago, little did they dream it -\vguld be the most talked of grass in America, the biggest, aartft, hay pro­ ducer on earth, but thig'Cas come to pass. LL CHEROKEE SHOOTS A MARSHAL Bad Indian Kills Deputy Who Is- In Sfearch of Thieves. Siloam Springs, Ark., dispatch John Henry Vier^ United States dep uty marshal of Indian Territory, has been shot and kNled in the territory sixteen miles west of here by Charley Wickley, a Cherokee Indian. Vier, with a posse, was hunting hog thieves and stopped at the home of an Indian named Hogshooter. Wickley was in au adjoining room. Vier stepped to the door to investigate when a shot was fired, the bullet causing instant death. Wickley escaped: He is want ed for the shooting of a deputy mar­ shal over a year ago. FORMING A COMBINE IN SHOES East Manufacturers Hold Meeting In to Organize Big Alliance. NeV York dispatch: Nearly every shoe-manufacturing center of the east and middle west was represented at a meeting held in this city for the purpose- of organizing the National Association of Boot and Shoe Manu facturerw of the United States. The opinion was expressed that former ob­ stacles to an alliance would be over­ come und that a permanent organiza­ tion would be formed and maintained. Various committees, including com mittees on constitution and rules, were appointed. Former Senator Is Dead. St. Johnsbury, Vt., special: Jona­ than Ross, former chief justice of the state supreme court ana former Unit­ ed States senator, died of injuries re­ ceived when his sleigh was struck by a train and Mrs.. Ross was killed. JNMTED-TIMVEUNC SALESMEN tn this county. Our uien are making from 976 to $ISO a month Belling our household and stock remedlea, flavoring extracts. iplce» and toilet articles direct to coniumerii. Eixlunlve territory. Goods are furnished «n credit NO CASH OUTLAY. Pleaaam. proflt- - able, life-long position. No experience nneuarr; we teach you. Wrtf" " Incorporated, THIS. D. CONFER MfDICAL COMPANY* Dept. C, OftANaEVlLLK. ILL. 1te for Information. Don't del*/. M1HCKT ZAirwO US. Help Wanted -- Female. Brljrht, enereetfc women can easily make from $5 to »15 per week, during epar- moments, selling onr high clans preparations to members of their sex. We •tart you In a respectable, profitable business, no capital or experience required. Write at once for tuli particulars to The um Medical Co., Xrie, Pa. GOLDFIELD 2 for 1 StocK In two great Goldfieid companies at price cit one. Special limited offer. Struck rich ore. Whole •tory free. LAOS ford F. Butler, Seeretarjr, •tory AO4 ough Syrup. 1 tLIEFIIll. Tastes Good. Di | ja time. 8old by druggists. Mack Block, Denver, Coin* POTATOES $1 gete book showing a crop of 3,OOU bu. per acre can be grown. Addreasf.SPILA.QOXt B. K| 471 Washington Boulevard, Chicago, 111. • half hill sent free os request. Kentucky Woman Has ^Quadruplets. Greenup, Ky., dispatch: , Qr: R. W. Jones reports Mrs. Camden Oney has given birth to four children, a boy and three girls at Nonchalanta. All are alive and doing well. Bcville Becomes a Brewer. Milwaukee, Wis., special: The Mil­ waukee Ball club has madje a deal with Detroit for Catcher Monte Be- ville, who was with Kansas City in 1902, but was sold to New York the following year. Pbeto of lo in Malady In Indian School. Ashland, Wis., dispatch: Diphtheria has broken out In Odanah reservation school and over 100 students have been locked u® to jurevdet spread of the disease. • ' • ' I - * ; " . Agricultural Editors wrote about it, Agr. College Professors lectured about it, Agr. Institute Orators talked about it, while in the farm home by the quiet fire­ side, in the corner grocery, in the village post-office, at the creamery, at the depot, in fact wherever farmers gathered, Salter's Billion Dollar Grass, that marvelous grass, good for 5 to 14 tons hay per acre ana lots of pasture besides, is always a- theme worthy of the farmer's voice. Then comes Bromus Inerinis, than which there is no better grass or better perma­ nent hay producer on earth. Grows wher­ ever soil is found. Then the farmer talks about Salzer's Teosinte, which produces 100 stocks from one kernel of seed, 11 ft. high, in 100 days, rich in nutrition and greedily eaten by cattle, hogs, etc., and is good for 80 tons of green food per acre. Victoria Rape, the luxuriant food for hogs and sheep, which can be grown at 25c a ton, and Speltz at 20c a bu., both great food for sheep, hogs and cattle, also come in for their share in the discussion. JUST SEND 10c IN STAMPS and this notice to John A. Salzer Seed Co,, La Crosse, Wis., for their big catalog and many farm seed samples. [W. N. L.J Every housekeeper tfftould know that if they will bw» IVfl water Starch for laundry use they will save not only time, because it never sticks to the iron, but because each package contains 16 oz.--one full pound--while all other Cold Water Starches are put up In %-pound pack­ ages, and the price is the same, l'J cents. Then again because Defiance Starch is free from all injurious chem­ icals. If your grocer tries to aell you a 12-oz. package i* is because he a stock on hand which he wishes to dispose of before he puts in Defiance. He knows that Defiance Starch has printed on every package In large let­ ters and figures "16 ozs." Demand De­ fiance and save much time and money and the annoyance of the iron stick­ ing. Defiance never sticks. A book that gives its readers some hours of oblivion to all else outside of its problems deserves even reckless praise, and such is the latest storysof Mrs. Rohlfs or, as she is known to the public, Anna Katharine Green. From its title to the end, The Millionaire Baby spells success--a success so gieat in truth, that the reader almost demands another chapter--in spite of the little bit of suggestion thrown In to wind up the story, which ought to satisfy all save the inordinate- glutton. It is a story that is sure to find ready commendation and many readers. (The Bobbs-Merrill Company, - Indian­ apolis.) ^ In a small volume recently from the pen of President Eliot of Harvard University, entitled "More Money for the Public Schools," he sums up in a large „way the results of public educa- tion;--its benefits and shortcomings. He suggests definite plans for produc­ ing better results, explains explicitly the best methods for improvement in our schools and urges a greatly in­ creased expenditure of funds for their maintenance. (Doubleday, Page & Co.) ' mmnn ww - Ff O M XJfi n/l c/l <ry.| "Attended with tainted, offensive, or foul breath, bitter taste, especially in the morning, furred tongue, sick or bilious headaches, poor or irregular appetite, sour stomach, "water brash," constipa­ tion with strong tendency to " the blues." or despondency, are all relieved and rad­ ically cured by the faithful use of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. No man can be stronger than his stomach; when it gets out of order he becomes bil­ ious, dyspeptic, hypochondriacal, peevish and "out of sorts": he feels languid, tired and " all fagged out." Nothing will more speedily or perma­ nently invigorate and tone "into action, liver and bowels than Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. It is compounded from the active medicinal principles ex­ tracted from native medicinal plants, without the use of alcohol, not a arop or of gratitude. I was, for several years, trouble#" v with severe stomach, trouble, sick hea<|* ache and nervousness. Could rot anj*»'-»' thing without experiencing the most a^onisr- i; lng pain. Had little appetite and was fra*. ; fluently nauseated. 5Iy ~>u*k headache* wer# ; most violent and I could not rest night oif^v day. I became emaciated and thorough!#..-." despondent, and no medicine that 1 coulB take seamed to help me at all. It was mf father who suggested that I try your medir > cine and I am irratffnl to say that I had been •£ taking "Golden Medical Discovery" le than five months when 1 was entirely cure. and can now eat anything without distress. Miss ROSE STANLEY. North Ariuigtou. Ntw jersajb. Astor Avenue. , • ff Cures When Everything Else Falls. DR. R V. PIERCE, Buffalo. X. Y : Dear Sii--I am happy to say that I har> found Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discover* i to be a most efficacious remedy for stomacn • - • which enters into its composition. The 1 trouble. For many years I could f<-;ircel]r benefit felt from its use is not, therefore, j *'at anything without being dreadfully di* due to alcoholic exhiliration, and eonse- i Jwi T fiLn"00, ia wa? ?Dt tc. *om,t tht nnnntlv of short duration hut w pnrhir- ! ' 1.used various medicines without goo« quenuy oi snort aurauon, out is, enaur- , etrect. Later I bought a bottle of Dr. Pierce* J5i.a permanent. j Golden Medical Discovery and it proved so The great majority of diseases have j satisfactory that I bought several more bo&-' their inception in a bad stomach, indl- ! ties of the medk-ine and used it until I w gestion, biliousness and impure blood, entirely well. That was about four months^- i You may count on me for a st&unch friend to • -• 'Golden Medical Discovery," also to Jovnt ' " Sanitarium, which I know to be-one Of thS j b e s t i n t h e c o u n t r y . ' • . " 'X • ASA M. Wn.LIAMS, • 306 Riley Street Buffalo, N. T. J*- % ; Dr. Pierce's lOOO^page illustrated boofe. , ^'L; "The Common Sense Medical -Adviser!*--.t- rj. is sent free in paper' covers, on receipt of,- 21 one-cent stamps to pay cost of mailing 1 • • oii/y.. For 31 stamps the cloth-bounS. - .. , . , . .volume will be sent. Address Dr. R. V; : y are caused and aggravated by | Pieree Buffalo, K. Y. - U? e Disorders.- It makes the appe-I . •> • . . - -.mong these diseases are deadly con­ sumption, nerve-racking, brain-wrecking nervous prostration and exhaustion, body-tortwring rheumatism, insanity- breeding neuralgia, emaciating malaria and all manner of di»iiguriug blood and skin diseases. Dr. Pierce's Golden Med­ ical Discovery is a cure for all these dis­ eases, if taken in .anything like reasona­ ble time. It is not a cure-all. but cures the diseases mentioned for the reason that they are ,he same . .... appe- ; tlte keen, the digestion j>erfect. the liver I When the "Goldefi^; active, the bUnxt puiv and builds firm i 1/1* rlwrtC 8. Medical DiscoW - flesh and healthy nerve tiber. Don't be ; ery " is not <)nit4| .; >aler into | laxative enough, as in obstinate consiipa-^'k ."•just-as | tion. the little, pleasant, sugar -coated^/* . . a greater I "-Pellets'" should be taken to aid th# profit. There's nothing "just as good" ! •" Discovery." One or two for a laxative^ ? as "Golden Medical Discovery." with its two to four for a cathartic. They aion* record of cures extending over a third of a century. A Qreat 5ufferer Cared. DR. R. V. PIERCE. Buffalo. N. Y.:' Deny Sir -My health is better now than it have been known to cure many bad cases of stomach trouble, dyspepsia and indl- , gestion. They acfr on the liver and regulate the bowels. Put up in ?!aai 4 vials, corked, therefore, always freslfc, J has been before fotriany years, ar.d I owe to IV'KII6" PipiJCfltlf Pplj A Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery a debt, l IVrCaOiKlL i (rl(v lOe /. : More Flexible and Lasting, won't shake out or blow out; by using Defiance Starch you obtain better re­ sults than possible with any other brand and one-third more for money. Before acquiring a son-In-law jthe girl's father should be sure of his ability to support the young man In the style to which he has been ac­ customed.--Chicago News. . WHERE IS FARMING MOST PROFITABLE, where are the conditions most Favorable ror the Gen­ eral Farmer, the Stock Halter. Fruit or Truck Grower, where are the urea test Advantages for the Home- seeker I Government statlntics prove It Is In the South, In the Southern Knllwav territory. We will tell yau about It. Write for Free Publications. M. V. Richards, Land aud ludubtrl&l Agent, Washington, L>. C. GET THE NEW BREAD MIXER And Do Away Whit Drudgery. It saves time, muscle and temper. Thoroughly mixes and kneads the bread in three minutes. IF YOU WANT to.m&ce the best bread you ever saw in the quickest time and add to the comfort and joy of living Send for the UP-TO-DATE BREAD KNEADER that makes both WORK and BREAD LIGHT. 4-LOAF SIZE REDUCED TO $2.25 8 " " « •• 2. SO Order by mall. Send P. O. or Express money order. C. E. ATWATER A CO., 9U7 Winchester Ave., Chicago, III. True politeness Is perfect ease and freedom; it simply consists in treat­ ing others -as you love to be treated yourself.--Chesterfield. GOOD SEEDS CHEAP BEST Ever Grown. Wanted--Representative In every community. Money-making home bus­ iness. Any one can do it. Find-out what ft is. Send address. M, A.; Donohue & Co., Chicago. Cheaper automobiles are promised. They are too cheap nOw, but not near­ ly so cheap as human life. N one better and none so low in price, leper pkt. and up, postpaid. Finest trnted catalogue ever printed sent FREE. Engrav­ ings of every variety. A great lot of extrr pktrs.of seeds, new •sorts, presented free with every Piso's Cure for Consumption is an Infallible medicine for coughs and colds.--N. W. SAMUai* Ocean Grove, N. J., Feb. 17, 1800. ' ' To a good man nothing Is , evil, neither when living nor when dead.-- Socrates. Superior quality and extra quantity must win. This is why Defiance Starck la taking tbe place of all others. Leaves High 8tation to Help Poor. Monsignore the Count Vay De Vaya, a Hungarian priest of noble birth, has come to the United States to look after the spiritual needs of his immi­ grant countuymen. Reared amid the luxurious surroundings of the Aus­ trian court and destined by his father, the lord chamberlain, for a diplomat­ ic career, the count put aside secular ambition and determined to devote himself to work among the poor. Though only in his thirty-sixth year, he has lived in almost every country in Asia and Africa and has visited Australia and ail the greater islands of the Pacific, studying the needs of missionary work. A laugh is worth a hundred groans | in any market.--Lamb. i CITC permanently cured. No fits or nerronmes* after • l l w f i r s t dy's use of Dr. Kline's Great Nerve Kestop. •r. Send for rK1'MiS.OO trial bottle and treatise. (Mb K. U. KLINE, Ltd., U31 Arch Street, Philadelphia, L'a . Many of life's so-called luxuries are but base imitations. order. Some sorts onions only 50o per lb. Other seed equally low. 40 ; years a seed grower and dealer and all customers satisfied. No old J seed. Send yours and neighbor's names for big illustrated free catalogue. • , R . H . S H U M W t f , R o c k f o r d . i l l s . 10,000Plants for I6e. More jranlen* and farms are planted to - kSalz* r's Seeds than any other In ^America. There Is reason for this. We own over 6,000 acres for the pro- \ dm*ti>m of our warranted wedfc 3III order to induce you to try them, we » niake you the following uupre- Jcedente'd otter: For IB Gmntm Postpaid klOOOKftrl?. Stedlym »n<UHCl>N|W| ItOOO Flat Juicy Tumlf* ftOOO RluMfclu* tVlery, tooo Utah butty Lel'OMi 1000 Bpltadid tJsiiouft, 1000 Kar« Luscious Kadlihes. 1000 tiioriousl/ BrUllattt Above seven packages contain fltifl* cfent seeii jfrow 10.000 plants, fur- iiishiniar bushels of brilliant flowers and h»ts and lots of oh vice vegetable*, together with our trreat cataioi?, telling all about Flowers, Ropes, Small Fruits, etc., all for 16c in stamps and this notice* Big 140-page catalog alone, 4c. JOHN A. SALZER 8EED 00, w.N.u. La Crosse, Wis REAL EST A TR. rnp CSI F MO acre (arm. 440 cultivated. goo4 • UI1 s.,|i tvvo story modern S-ro>.m home, outbuildings, barns, orchards, llvliift water. c!o»e (• school and church,healthy location. Price »25 per acre. Tonm iDNuit. R/E. Taylor. Piedmont. Wayne Co.. Two Louisiana Plantailou tn. Cola oii.i ^ acii'!«. both tracts adjolnbuf . I Ur wale tn one body. Hardwood timber. PrlM 113 per acre or tl MOO for both. This value In timber alone: HISO the land 1B of e«iual value. The soil, half eiiff. other half sandv. suitable for fruit. hay, rtock. and would make two flue farms If well Im­ proved. Healthy location, good water, near Alec* andrla. La., on Bavou-Houeff. Favorable term*. Address, W. J. MORRIS. Woodworth, Ul» Only One Farm to Selt 11"? a°K-S well Improved I lllnoia farm at a low price. Not RIM, no £:it>d, no alkali, no hard pan. I seil to uettM estate. Write for description, prices r.nd Scrma. W. F. PORTER, - Alexis. IMinote. Come to California at Our Expenst. We will help you to make It your home. A ilttle work will pay for all. No experience neces^#!*.. Opportunity <f a llfe-i!me. SECRETARY, 302 t-nnkershlm, Los Angeles, California* o n c r o p navmartte MtJLHAiL, Sioux'City, kl FARMS For Sale . 1. •ULH.LL, IM.S City. Im. FARM FOR SALE location. 2-story house, bank barn and out-luu'.dlnga, on New Carlisle aud St. Paris Pike: «S5 per acret terms liberal. I. IK. Smith. New Carlisle, 0., Routt S. TWENTY BUSHELS OF WHEAT TO THE ACRE Is the record on tho Free Home- steail Lands of W estern Canada tor 1904. The 150,tX10 farmers from the United States, wfco durlnt; the past seven years have gone to Caned* participate In this prosperity. The United StsteB will soon become an Importer of wheat, tiet a free homestead or purchase a farm bi Western Canada, and become one of those who wlU help produce it. Apply for information to Superintendent of Krailon. Ottawa. Canada, or to authorized Cinadlan Oovernment Agent--C. J. Brouprhton, Room 00 Qulncy Bldg., Chicago. III.; W. H. Rogers, third Q^feOC, Traction Terminal Bldg . Indianapolis, Ind.; T. O. . Currle. Room 12. B. Callahan Block. Milwaukee, Wtk Please say where you saw this advertisement. SOUTHERN CONDITIONS Mtt POSSIBILITIES. S3 Mrn. Wlnalow's Soothlnip Sj-rnp. For children teething, softens the gums, reduces by flammation, allays pain, cures wind collu. sac a bottle. Defer Bacon. FOR 10c not charities itill death.-- "I Went Home to Dl<> from Grarrl Trouble. Doctors failed. l>r. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy cured me." Mrs. C. W. Brown,, Petersburg, K. Y. Every buzz has a "b" in it. you cim pot n correct map of Texas und u largo list of lands for sale in Texas, Arkansas, Indian Territory and New Mexico, Riving description, price and terms. Some special bargains for 30 days. Write at once to WILL L. SARGENT. "The Land Man." Land and Immigration Agent, Texas Midland and Frisco Systems. Rooms t and 2 Scott Brann Bldg., Terrell. Tout. CUTICURA GROWS HAIR. 8calp Cleared of Dandruff and Hair Restored by One Box of Cuticur* and One Cake of Cuticura Soap. I. W. Taft of Independence, Va., writing under date of Sept. 15, 1904, says: "I have had falling hair and dandruff for twelve years and could get nothing to help me. Finally I bought one box of Cuticura Ointment and one cake of Cuticura Soap, and they cleared my scalp of the dandruff and stopped the hair falling. Now my hair is growing as well as ever. I am highly pleased with Cuticura Soap as a toilet soap. (Signed) A. W. Taft, Independence, Va." Father Gapon Remembers Advice. Father Gapon, the Russian priest who is such a prominent figure just now, Is said to be guided in great measure by this epigrammatic advice given him long ago by his father: Be a priest, but do not forget to be man. Love the oppressed and re­ member that the only religion worth living and dying for is justice.'V "Civics," What Every Citizen Should Know, by George Lewis, contains con­ cise and complete information on such topics as the Monroe Doctrine, Behr- ing Sea Controversy, Extradition Trea­ ties, and fully explains the meaning of Habeas Corpus, Civil Service, Austra­ lian Ballot, and hundreds of other equally Interesting subjects. (Penn Pub. Co.. Philadelphia.) Insist on Getting It. Sonie grocers say they don't keep Defiance Starch because they have a stock in hand of 12 oz. brands, whicb they know cannot be sold to a custo­ mer who has once used the 16 os. pk*. Defiance Starch for same money. An "ugly wife" who won her suit i for divorce is now a charming widow. WBFFLLONBRITIIIIHFTIUITILUUMUIIIIHIIMUIWIIMLIIIIIILHIIIIHWAA AVfegetahie Preparationfor As- ula sof IM.W JS.'('HII.I)KI.N Promotes Digestion.Checrruh ness and Rest.Contains neither Ouium.Mofpluiie ltor Mineral. ISOT HARC OTIC* n̂ â ouĵ sMutuamut SeJ>" jfbc Stnna * SteMU sJa~ itecftwrf *• Sead. - w rmmm Aperfecl Remedy forConslipa- Bon, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Feverish* ness and Loss of Sleep. Facsimile Signature of dLMtfUcXiK NEW YORK. Al b »i i * t n 1 ] \ s t > 1 U EXACT COPY Q0 WOAUKH. GASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought In no part of the United States has there such wonderful Commercial. Industrial Agricultural development as along ihe lines the Illinois Central and the Yazoo & Mississippi Valley Kailroads in the States of Tennessee, Mississippi aud Louisiana, within the past MB years. Cities and towns have doubled their population. Splendid business blocks have been erected. Farm lands have more than doubled in value. Hundreds of industries have been established and as a result there is Mflt unprecedented demand for Day Laborers, Skilled Worfcmen, and \ • Especially Farm Tenants. Parties with small capital, seeking an oppoffe tunity to purchase a farm home; farmers who would prefer to rent for a couple of years before purchasing; and day laborers in fields or fao tories should address a postal can! to Mr. J. P. Merry, Assistant General Passenger A?enV Dubuque. Iowa, who will promptly mail printed matter concerning the territory above de» Scribed, and give specific replies to all inquirl4a» LEARN THE MILLINERY TRADE * fciiii earu from $IO fro S50 a week at your » hotflft while learning.. Fit fuii par:leul»r» write &; criQft lo NATIONAL MILLINERY SCHOOL, 17* Washington Street, Dept. I, ctiioactk In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTOMA Low Rates Again daily via Southern Pacific, to California $33 from CHICAGO $30 from ST. LOUIS $30 from NEW ORLEANS Similar rates from other points. Tickets sold daily from March I to May 15,1905 Ask nearest agent for full information regarding choice of route, stop-overa, etc. . : via Southern Paeitlc. or write w. a. NBIMYER, a**. Act. 193 Clark St., CMcsce * t Southern Pacific THE ROAD TO CALIFORNIA W. N. U., CHICAGO, No. 9, 1906. When Answering .Advertisement Kindly MenHsn This Paper. On Deformities and Paralysis «tll be mt fr«« pMtpald opon r«qan<t. Thu book is f * baodnt handsomely lilustraled iaruugtiiiui auU u-..» < t »u es.p«i+fuc« i>f o*»r thirty tbe trenmeut of rrook«l Feel. Spuml Uefuruillioi. lufaatile I'I Rip llUtue, Ueruriued Llmlw and Joints. K'f. It i». • uf thoreuKly equipped Sanlt*rlaiti In tbl* countrj e\«. ut!*e:y ».,»the t-- ... ... ,, of these coodlUona and how th.y may cured withv^ut «^r«le«l operauooa, plaa,MT ' • ; if rmnM • • sua. m paiii or other MTera treatment. Swd tor thU 1 subject will b« tent with th* hook. TNI . may i* . .. tf dlraetlr latereatod. meattoa character of tbe affliction and special l^miitr* bearia« «aa the MOLAIMT ORTHOPEDIC SANITARIUM, 3104 l»tNK STRKI'.r« , ST. LOUlS, MO.

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