Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 2 Mar 1905, p. 7

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GO to HEADQUARTERS for foil STOVES, BUILDERS* HARDWARE, PAINTS, / i OILS, BRUSHES, ETC. A NEW AND UP-TO- J 5 DATE STOCK OF PAINTERS' SUPPLIES COH- } i INQ FOR SPRING TRADE. 4 J OSMUN BROS., - flcHENRY. {:• THE WEST SIDf ft % •iit 9 IS 1 TO 1 AT PLACE GOODS I •»: :St s)» t John Sto f fe l . 1 Positively no Accounts; ^ villi U tV yVi* ̂ ! VARIETY Store!: ! •5C UP •5C up | Plain and fancy China from ^ Tin and Granite ̂ from.....,; /ALSO GLASSWARE. Big Bargains on our ..........5c and 10C Tables School Stationery and a nice line of Candies always on hand. Harper "On Every Tongue." "And thar stood Old Kaintuck" and "thar stood Old Harper* the front ranks every where you find them. SOLD BY LEADING DEALERS. * m *» K2to^ m * m m m m m * 4>oth in m m m m m Is exclusively for first-class travel All the Way Ask Santa Fe agent at 109 Adams St., Chicago, for lim­ ited l'amplilet. The California Limited is the only train for Southern Cali­ fornia via any line of which the above is true.* The trip is sure to be pleasant socially, because one meets a refined, widely-traveled class. Harvey serves the meals. m fiffa it. w You've no idea the amount of work it'll save you. Try it. OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS RIDUEFIELU. O. Garrison was in Chicago Tuesday. C. M. Keeler was in N unda Tuesday. Ed. Swanson was in Chicago Satur­ day. Mrs. Shelt was <in Woodstock' Tues­ day. *• ; Mrs. S. Wakefield was in Nunda Tues­ day. 1 Miss Esther Zenk was in Nunda Wed­ nesday. Genevieve Goddard was in Wood stock Saturday. N. J. Garrison was in Chicago on business Monday. Mrs. W. Dike visited ielatives at Rockford recently. Ray Still of Uelolt visited his parents and sisters Sunday. Dora Hndson of McHenry visited rel­ atives here Saturday. Earle Ornisby of Chicago visited over Sunday with his parents. Mrs. W. H Monroe visited her daugh­ ter at Woodstock Wednesday. Miss Edith Hobart visited her parents at Richmond Saturday and Sunday. Miss'Bessie Reed of 'Elgin spent Sat­ urday and Sunday with her" parents here. 7 Mrs.%Geo. Doolittle visited relatives in Chicago from Saturday until Wed­ nesday. Mrs. E. W. Merchant and two chil­ dren of Richmond are visiting at J. B. Lynch's. 1 Bead The Plaindealer RING WOOD.v <3. E. H. Tuttle was in Coral last Fri­ day. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Spaulding were McHenry visitors Monday. Ray Merchant of Barreville was at Bert McCannon's last Thursday. * Miss Lora Dodge attended the Hard Time party in McHenry last Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Merritt Cruikshank of Solon spent Sunday at William Mc­ Cannon's. Mrs. Grace McCannon and Mrs. Myr­ tle Shales were shopping in McHenry last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Thompson of Greenwood visited with Mrs. Libbie Simpson la9t Thursday. Mr. and; Mrs. Joe Still of" Ridgefield spent last week with Ringwood relatives before starting for their new home in California. The W. C. T. U. will meet with Mrs. Alice Peet on Saturday afternoon of this week, March Subject: ' Sab­ bath Observance " RingwoodCamp M. W. A. will bold an open meeting Saturday evening, March 11. George W. Reiley, director of Illinois, will address the meeting. Dr. Rutledge, head physician, and Frank W. Joslyn of Elgin are expected to be present. An invitsti >n is extendi ed to neighboring camps. 431 K» eor-r dially invited to attend. Eight round-the-world missionaries have been sent from the National W. C. T. U. VOLO. John McCurke is on the sick list. John Gift spent Wednesday in Elgin.. W. G. Rosing was a Chicago visitor Friday. J. Kirwan spent last Wednesday in Chicago. - "Peter Stadtfeld has gone to Indiana on a visit. * Ed Snyder of Fox Lake, was a Volo caller recently. Totn Dillon is moving onto his father's farm east of town. Miss Hellen Raymond was a Grays- lake caller Saturday. Homer Cooke of Wauconda was a Volo caller last Friday. Agnes and Lucy Dnnnill were Mc­ Henry callers Thursday. Willie Frost attended ftie dance at McHenry Friday evening. ! • : E. Richardson of Round Lake called on V0I6 friends last week. E. Sayles, a traveling salesman r from Antioch, was in town last week. ' » Miss Anna Miller spent last' week with George Ben well and family; Lon Anderson and wife of Wauconda were in town ou business last week. Mrs. Charley Raught of Wankegan spent Sunday and Monday with Raught Bros. Mr. and Mrs. Murray of McHenry cal­ led at A. J. Raymond's Sunday after­ noon. Carl Dorfler of Ivanhoe,-visited his sister, Mrs. George Rosing, a few days last week. Nettie Rnssell'is spending a few days •with her cousin, Miss Sarah Fox, of Gray slake. W." Decker ajod Miss Mamie Decker spent Sunday with their sister, Mrs. Chas, Parker. G. B. Rosing and W. D. Moore took in the sale at Frank Galiger's Saturday at Monaville. G. H. Gurler of DeKulb was here Tuesday looking after the interests of his creamery. Thomas Wright is moving onto the WiBf Brooks farm from the Henry Williams place. Messrs. Willie Frost, Frank Vogtand Frank Nicholls were McHenry callers Sunday afternoon. Frank Wilson and Miss Emma Vas&y were married in Chicago on February 15. Congratulations. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Sable entertained Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Winkle and friends from McHenry Thursday. Misses Hazel Osttun and Lulu Simp­ son and Allan Osmun of McHenty were Volo callers Saturday. Mrs. A. J. Raymond spent Thursday and Friday with her daughter, Mrs. L. • V. Lusk, of Fremont Center. Volo people were somewhat excited by a runaway which occurred Sunday afternoon. No serious damage was done, , Mr. and Mrs. B.. Cossman and daugh­ ter of Round Lake and Mrs. Amos Compton and daughter, Ruth, of Elgin spent Sunday at J. Kirwan's. A Chicago Alderman Owes HI* Election to Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. . I can heartily and conscientiously recommend Chamberlain's Cough Reme­ dy for affections of the throat and lungs." says Hon. John Shenick, 220 So. Peoria St., Chicago. "Two years ago during a politicol campaign, I caught cold after being overheated, which ir­ ritated my throat and I was finally compelled to stop, as I could not speak aloud. In my extremity a friend ad­ vised me to use Cham berlaid e "Cough Remedy. I took two doses that after­ noon and could not believe my senses when I found the next morning the inflammation had largely subsided. I took several doses that day, kept right on talking through the campaign, and I thank this medicine that I won my seat in the Council." ThiB remedy is for sale by all druggists. JOHXSBCRGH. Mrs. Henry Elapperich is on the sick list. " '« . Miss M. M. Adams Chicagoed Thurs­ day Math. Jungen has sold his team for *4(M). • • M rs. Palmes was a McHenry visitor Tuesday. - John Karls was a Chicago passenger Wednesday. Miss Margaret Erigels was a visitor here Friday. Miss Clara Lay was the guest of Mrs. Kleitr Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Klein spent Sunday at John Klein's. John J. Schaefer m a McHenry caller Wednesday.' Miss Annie Blake is visiting her sis­ ter, Mrs. Mike Huff. ^ Mrs Geo.. Nell visited her sister, lire. Peter Brit.z. Tuesday. Mrs. John Thelen spent Tuesday with Mrs Jacob Hueniann. Miss Emma Freand visited her cousin, Rena Michels, Sunday. <•' Miss Katie Schmitt visited at Mrs. John S. Freund's Tuesday. Mrs. John King entertained Mrs. Peter Huff one day last week. Miss Maggie King was the gnest of Miss Hellen Michels this week. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Weber were the guests of Mr. Williams Sunday. John Miller and family of McHenry Visited at. John King's Saturday. Miss Lizzie Schmitt spent Thursday with her friend. Miss Lizzie Meyers. Miss Rosa Lay entertained Misses Hellen and Josephine Klein one day last week. Nick Klein came out froip Chicago Saturday, after a week's visit with rela­ tives. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Klapperich re­ turned to their home in Iowa Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs, Nick Schaefer visited Joe May and family at Ringwood° Thursday. Math. J. May and family of Spring Grove spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. John May: Mrs. Henry Klapperich ventured ont as far as McHenry Tuesday, but on ac­ count of the bad roads she had the mis­ fortune to be tipped over. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Frennd entertained the following people Sunday evening: Mr. and Mrs. Peter Weber; Eva Miller Maggie Smith, Hellen Michels, Hellen Adams, Mary Miller, Gertrude Wil­ liam, Katie Lay, Lizzie Lay, Liszie Ad­ ams. Emma Smith; Messrs. Jacob Miller, Frank Miller, Walter and Martin Weber, Ben Freund, Joe Lay, Jack Steffes, John and Peter Lay, Theodore Olseii, Fred Smith, John Nelson, Bill Dunn. The evening was spent in dancing and play­ ing games. At ten o'clock they all par­ took of the delicacies which were pre­ pared by. Mrs. Freund. Mr. Olsen fur­ nished the music with his accordion, by which all were highly pleased. The young people departed for their homes at 11:30. Some HARNESS is hard on a Horse ind pocket. Doesn't fit animals of normal shape and it is of such poor quality that it wears out before giving an adequate return for its cost. Our Harness is of the other sort. Lasts longer than the horse will. Made of the best leather and trimmings and made to fit. Strain is equally divided and every part equal to the strain. Costs no more than 4'cheap" Gus. Carlson. - i w. C. T. u. PRESS DEPARTMENT J ! • • • Strkies Hidden Rocks. When your ship of health strikes the hidden rocks of Consumption, Pneu­ monia, etc , you are lost, if you don't get help from Dr. King's New Dis­ covery for Consumption. J. W. Mc- Kinnon, #f Talladega Springs, Ala., writes: "I had been very ill^with Pneu­ monia, under the care of two doctors, but was getting no better when I began to take Dr. King's New Discovery. The first dose gave relief, and time bot­ tle cured me." Sure cure for sore throat, bronchitis, coughs and colds. Guaranteed at N. H. Petesch's and Julia A. Story's, McHenry, and G. W. Besley's, West McHenry, drug stores, price 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle free. DR. PRICE'S CREAM BAKING POWDER makes home baking easy. Nothing can be substituted for it in making, quickly and perfectly* delicate hot biscuit, hot-breads, muffins, cake and f^try.^ • ; . .. BAKINQ POWOKH CO. CHICAOflk ; , : • . . . » : • ; • ' ' [The Plaindealer does not hold itself respon­ sible for the opinions expressed in this col­ umn.--ED.1 Love is not always logical, but it is always lovely. , , - Be ye doers of the Word and not hear­ ers only.---James 1: 22. We may know Christ'S . help if we give up our hindrances. Wayside opportunities stand thiok on each side of life's pathway. Before men we stand as opaque bee­ hives. They can see the thoughts that go iu and out, of us, but what work they do inside of man we cannot tell. Be­ fore God we arelikeglass beehives. All that our thoughts are doing within us he sees perfectly and understands.--? Beecher. The work of the National W. C. T. U. for peace and arbitration, for the chil­ dren in the Sunday schools, fjoyal Temp­ erance Legions and kindergartens? its efforts to influence college students and to train and organize young women for a philanthropic life; its evangelistic work for non-chnrcngoers, railroad em­ ployes, soldiers, lumbermen, miners (especially for the drinking men of all classes), has proved its comprehensive­ ness and the tirelessness of its energy. Its efforts to reach the pauper and the prisoner, to establish reformatories and homes for the wretched victims of ine­ briety and thefr suffering children, and its temperance flower mission, must ap­ peal to every heart. Through Miss Willard the National was instrumental in organizing the World's W. C T. U. which now includes r,8' different countries and 500.000 members. Hon. James A. Norton, con­ gressman from Ohio, has unequivocally announced himself an advocate of wom­ an suffrage. He says: "Theintelligence of woman, her progress as a nj,ember of society, the part she plays in earning her own living, and frequently contrib­ uting to the support of an invalid fath­ er, are only a few ot the reasons why she should have jnst one more privilege accorded to her--that of helping to make the laws she lives under, of helping to elect the officers and to be one of the of­ ficers to execute those laws. The wom­ an who is responsible for my existence as a man, who nursed me in my infancy, who moulded my youthful mind and character, who gave me the rudiments of education, who is good enough to be my lifelong companion and otherself, whose influence in the home and in so­ ciety makes me what Tam--I think she is good enough to go with me to the election booth, and I know she can be trusted to vote right." .EMERALD PARK. - Chas. Berkircher spent Friday in Chi­ cago. Miss Margaret Ward visited Miss Lucy Sutton Sunday. Mrs. Purvey of Nunda spent a few days recently at P. Suttons. Mr. and Mrs. Jno. R. Smith enter­ tained company from Volo Sun<}av. Mrs. Jno. Gibbs spent Friday visitiny Mesdames J. B. Frisby and R. J. Sut­ ton. Miss Alice Smith visited at C. W. Colby's at Barreville over Saturday and Sunday. Elmer Francisco and Miss Edith Whiting called on friends here Sunday afternoon; Mrs. Wm. VanNatta returned to her home here Sunday, after two weeks visit in Chicago. . Mrs. Geo. Pront and son, George, oi Chicago visited a few days here this week with Geo. Walmsley, Sr. J. B. Frisby and family have moved, during the past week to. McHenry, where they will make their fntnre home. Mr. and Mrs. P. Sutton, who have lived here for the past few years, moved their household goods to McHenry this week, where they have purchased a home. BAKBEVILLG. ThosT Thompson was in Chicago on business Thursday; Ed Sutton of Emerald Park was a caller here Monday. Henry Simon began work for Gene Cox Wednesday morning. Miss Lora Dodge spent the last of the week at I. N. Merchant's. Ray Merchant spent a few days last week with Ringwood friends. Chas. Gibbs of Chicago called on his parents here Friday afternoon. Elijah Coates of Ringwood has been •pending the past two weeks at I. N. Merchant's. Miss Ina McCannon of Greenwood is spending a few weeks with her sister, Mrs. I. N, Merchant. Thos. Thompson and Thos. Ames at­ tended a sale on the Ed Thompson gplace in Ostend Monday. Thos. Thompson speat Saturday Mid Sunday at the home of his sister, Mrs. J. N. Carr, at Greenwood. Mrs. I. N. Merchaut and sons,- Floyd and Robert, and daughter, Ada, were Ringwood visitors Satnrday. Will Stewart of Chicago and Mrs. John Marshall of Nunda were callers at Tima- Thtmiflf"""1 Wednesday., TERRIBLE DROPSY CURED BY THE WELL-KNOWN SCIENTIST AND PHYSICIAN, DR. FRANKLIN ; MILES. A $2,50 NEW TREATMENT FREE * Dropsy is a terrible disease. The suf­ fering in the last stages is frightful. Yet at first no disease is apparently more harmless, a little swelling of the eiyelids, feet or abdomen, but finally the unfortunate sufferer slowly drowns in the water of his own blood. Dr. Miles has made dropsy of the heart, liver and kidneys and complica­ tions a specialty for 25 years. To in­ troduce his mai-velous new Treatments he will send $2.50 worth free as a trial. Three treatments in one. The Grand Dropsy Treatment re­ lieves short breath, smothering and distress the first day, removes most of the swelling in three to six days and all of it within tw^ weeks in most cases. A permanent cure resnlts in from one to two months. Mr. R. Trimmer, Green Springs, Pa., writes: "The Dropsy Treatment restored Mrs. T. after jnany physicians pronounced her case hope­ less.*' Daniel W. Gardner. Huntington,Ind., says: "Two. months of Grand Dropsy Teatment saved my wife from the grave." John Fuller, Ithaca, Mich., writes: "Your Treatment worked a miracle! . It saved my life." A. P. Colburn, Blessing,-la., writes: "Grand Dropsy Treatment restored Mrs. Colburn after lier leg burst from dropsy." Hundreds of incurable cases enred at home after failure of from &>to 20 phy­ sicians. Patients in every state, 1,000 testimonials sent npon request. Though ,your case has been pro­ nounced hopeless, do not hesitate to write us at once describing your symp­ toms. We will send you our opinion, book, chirt, and trial treatment free. Those who fail to try this marvelous cure will make a serious mistake. Ad­ dress, Dr. Miles, Dept. D., 421 to 481 Main St., Elkhart, Ind. "86 HOLCOMBVILLR, Fred Davoll was a Chicago visitor Friday. Miss Etta Powers was a Nunda caller Saturday. Wm. Powers was a Woodstock visitor Saturday. Miss Anna Weidner spent Friday eve­ ning at Wm. Zenks. The infant child of Jay Doherty is very sick at this writing. W. Phillips of Marengo is assisting George Weidner to move. Mrs. P. F. Hunt called on Mrs. Will Gilbert Tuesday afternoon. Ray McMillan and Earl Jacobs Were callers in this vicinity Snnday. Mr. and Miss Olson and Mr. McKeoan spent Sunday at Wm. Powers'. Mr. and Mrs. J. Phalen and son, Tho­ mas, called at Thos. Powers' Thursday. Mr. and Mrs, Ben Peck and Miss Mabelle Smith were McHenry callers Monday. Mrs. F. Davoll and children and Mrs. G. Johnson spent Wednesday with Mrs. A. P. Peck. Mrs. Watson returned to her home at Nnnda Tuesday after a two weeks' visit with Mrs. P. F. Hunt. G. Weidner and family have moved to Marengo and will be missed by all as kind and good neighbors. Mr. and Mrs. Henry McMillan and children and Mrs. B. F. Peck called on Mrs. A. P. Peck Snnday. Did yon say Piano? Why, of course, we handle them. Not only that, bnt we handle the best known makes and give with each and every one of them a guarantee of which we feel prond. If yon are contemplating putting a Piano in­ to your home don't forget us. We can and will give yon fignres which defy all competition for high-class Instruments. Remem­ ber "The Housekeeper" offer still stands good. Call at our store and we will t*jll you all about it. L«ckv« your orders htn for Piano Tuning. Work done by Wm. Ar- ney of Shuli Piano Co., Chicago. West rlcnenry, TAKE WINE" CARDUI AT HOME * tfW Arc you a sufferer? Has -your doctor been CCttful? Wouldn't you prefer to yourself--AT HOME? Nearly 1,500,000 women have bought Wine of , Cardui from their druggists and have cured themselves at home, of such troubles as periodical, bearing down and ovarian pains, leucor- rhoea, barrenness, nervousness, dizziness, nausea and despond­ ency, caused by female weakness. These are not easy cases. Wine of Cardui cures when the doctor can't. . „ Wine of Cardui does not irri­ tate the organs. There is no pain in the treatment. It is a soothing tonic of healing herbs, free from Strong and drastic drugs, it is successful because it cures in a natural way. _ Wine of Cardui can be bought from your druggist at $1.00 a bottle and you can begin this treatment toaay. ill you try it? In cases requiring special dlrrccumUj address. gtYlinf Tha Ladies Adrlsory Dept., The Ch*uauoo*fc Medicine Co., Ch*U»noog», Ijeuilu Itie McHenry Plwtojriptef F1AKES PHOTOS ERMANENT ARTISTIC . FAVLTLESS at popular prices. Alwaya eone attraction given away with every dozen. In order to more fully in­ troduce my work in this commun­ ity I have decided to make the reg­ ular cabinet size photo at S2.00 per dozen, for a short time only. Waukegan St., near theStandpipe WEST McHENRY, ILL. Chicago & North-Westero. Effective Dec. 4, 180*. WEEK DAT TRAINS. NORTHBOUND Leave Chicago. 9.00 a m....Via Des Plaines 3.25 p m.. 5.01 p m.... 0.10 am.... 2.02 p m Leave McHenry. 7.26 am 8.29am.... 5.a6pm.... Via Des Plaines -- Via Des Plaines SUNDAY TRAINS. . ..Via Des Plaines ^ Via Elgin WEEK DAY TRAINS. SOUTHBOUND. Arrive McHenry ..10.10 a m ...iiOpffl ..6.40p m ..11.14 am .. 4Jfipm Arrive Chicago. Via Elgin 10.10 a m .".Via Des Plaines 9.55 a m Via Elgin SUNDAY TRAINS 7.86 am Via Elgin ..7.00 pi lOJBam Iglt 5.00 p m Via Des Plaines 7.00 p m 60 YEARS"; EXPERIENCE PATENTS I RADK IflAVml DESIGNS COPYRIGHT# ic. Anyone sending a sketch and description My quickly Ks.-errmti our opiiiton free whether an Invention ts piYibnbljr patentable Communta* tlonsrtrictiy eoiitMential. HANDBOOK on Patents sent free. OKlesE fur securtnajwtenta. Patents taken through Munn & Co. raoatn tpieial notice, without charge, In the Scientific American^ A handsomely iihistrated weekly, largest cir­ culation of en? tf. ienildf laurnaL Terms, •> • year; four months, $L Sold by all newsdealers. Want Column. All advertisement* Inserted under this head at the following rates Five lines or leas, 25 cent* for fir»t insertion: 15 cents for each subsequent insertion- More than Ave lines, 5 cents a line for tlrst insertion, and 3 cent* a line for additional insertions. HOUSE FOR RENT-My house in McHenry. east side, is for reut. Possession given at any time. F. K. GRANGER. LS-TF XjVJR SALE--Six well bred Durham balls; or will let res£>ousibte parties have uso ol same for one year or more. Inuuire of 33-fit* C. L. 1'AiiE. West McHenry, III. HOUSE TO RENT--With new l>arn and land to suit renter: 1H miles south of MoHigi" rv on Terra Ootta road. 35-2t Ei> K sox. West Mo Henry. "rrvoK SA1JS--lflO acres in Sonth Dakota. F Would like In exchauge #1000 or $1500 cot­ tage within 50 or 100 miles north or west or fhieago. What have yoii> Also stock of store goods in thriving town 30 miles north­ west of Chicago: poatottice goes with it. No agents. H.^NBISON, Lake Villa. UL, K. D. Nol Card of Tbauks. The Willing Workers society of the Univerbalist church, wish, thru these oolnmn?, to express their sincere thanks to those making donations, to the helpem at the fair, aud people who took part in the enterfcsiumeut and all those who heipr ed in any way to make the fair a SOCOMM. TH^ WILLING WORKERS. We always increase our own ness when we iooson the Borrows others.

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