Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 9 Mar 1905, p. 10

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. - tmrsed! > Sii Baltimore which contained over hundred love letters. This was a of "burning affection.' UK » BjF^e nt 'tkXsS-> $5KK> and Upwards. Why can we sell - CLOTHING cheaper than mail order houses? BECAUSE we do not spend % MILLION DOLLARS every year for advertising in magazines and Farm Papers. FIFTEEN' PER CENT of all sales is spent in advertising by the WAIL ORDER HOUSES. . FR.EUND. & * imf" i ?•'•'* MEN'S $ 8 $17.50 SUITS! § If you want to pay $17.50 for a suit, don't spend your H «j money until you have seen ours. The Coats are single |j breasted and are made in the same style as Suits costing double the price. Cheviots, Serges, Silk-mixed and Flan- *? ^ nel Suitings in the newest patterns. We are proud to offer j| such Suits at $17.50 and we know you'll be proud to wear :£: i| one. If you will look at them you'll agree with us in think- || ing that they are the best Suits to be had for the money. % H No man's money is better than yours, and no man's clothing ^ is better than ours. Remember these are no ready-made or £ |j made-to-measure Garments, but made to fit; strictly hand- j| made at our own shop and a guarantee goes with each and |j every garment. Our guarantee is this: Perfect fit, best of j| workmanship, good material and garment to be just exactly H as,we represent it to you. Remember also that we keep ^ pants shaped and pressed for one yeaf FREE OF CHARGE. H Spring and Easter Samples for ladies and gents just arrived. Cleaning, s« ouring and repairing for ladies and gentlemen. JOHN D. LODTZ This space belongs to F.LMcOBter" the West Side Hard­ ware Dealer. Watch for Spring Announce­ ment. - - - . $'T' 'T' 'T' 'T"T' 'I' 'I' •!' t' iM' $ <t» $ $ M Mi i i I Furniture! 1 At our store can be found, at all times, the most complete line of Furniture to be found in the county. Besides the large and complete line we constantly have on hand, we are always prepared to get, on very short notice, any ar­ ticle wanted which We do not carry in stock. Our prices are always in the reach of everyone to which we contrib­ ute our success. All calls in the Under­ taking line are promptly attended to. « McHENRY, • ILLINOIS. We know what all good doc­ tors think of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Ask your own doc­ tor and find out. He will tell Cherry Pectoral you how it quiets the tickling throat, heals the inflamed lungs, and control* the hardest of coughs. !• Ayer's Cherry Pectoral 1s well known In dor family. We think it is the be»t medicine In the world for coughs and colds." KATIE PETERSON, Petaiuma, Cal. f,oweU, Mass. | for Hard Coughs One of Ayer's Pills at bedtime will hasten recovery. Gently laxative. rhe McHenry Plaiiidei PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BY THE MCHENRY PL Alii DEALER COMPANY. F. K. CHANGER. W. A. CiRlBTY, J, B. PKRBYl Pres. Sec. Treas. F. G. SCHREINKH, Editor. « Office in Bank Building. Telephone, No. 272. TERM8 OP SUBSCRIPTION: Oueyear fl.50 Six months, 75cts.- Three months. Wets. Thursday, March 9, 1905* REPUBLICAN CAUCUS. The Republican voters of the town­ ship of McBenry are requested to meet at the village hall in McHenry, ott Sat­ urday, March 18, at 2 o'clock p. m. to place in nomination candidates for the various town offices to be elected at the annual town election, to be held on Tuesday, April 4, 1905, atid to transact any business that may be deemed best. 3y order of the Town Committee. FOR COLLECTOR. I hereby announce myself a candidate for collector for the-town of McHenry and will appreciate the support of the voters of the town. FRANK KIMBALL. FOR COLLECTOR. I hereby announce myself as a candi­ date for collector for the town of Mc­ Benry, subject to the decision of the Republican caucus, and will be thank' ful for the support of my friends. Jos. ROTHERMEL, Son of Ex-Collector Peter Rothermel. FOR COLLKCTOR. I hereby announce myself a candidate for collector for the town of McHenry, subject to the decision of the Repub lican caucus. Having ..already served several terms in this capacity I wish to announce that this will be the last at­ tempt au a candidate and if elected this year will -withdraw my name at end of term. I hereby solicit the support of my friends. PETER NIKS EN. 87-tf ROOSEVELT'S INAUGURATION. The inauguration of President Roose­ velt has gone into history as a memor­ able one. The early reports in the in­ auguration week from the railroads throughout the country indicating an un­ usually large number of passengers en- route to the inauguration led Washing tonians to expect an unusually large crowd, but even then all expectations were surpassed. A notable feature of this vast throng was the unusually large attendance from the sunny south. This element, which a year or two ago regarded Mr. Roosevelt as an enemy, having at last succeeded in understand­ ing his thoughts, sentiments and feel­ ing towards them, now regard him as a most enthusiastic friend, and their eagerness to show their reciprocal feel­ ings was demonstrated in many ways, and no opportunity was lost to assure him of the enthusiastic welcome which he shall receive in his visit through the southf.immideiately after his infengura tion. President Roosevelt's usual good fort­ une followed him in having favorable weather, and altogether the great throngs that crowded the Capital City went back with the greatest satisfaction with their trip. The usual festivities incident to inaugurations were not only present, but on a more elaborate scale than ever, notwithstanding the fact that Mr. Roosevelt is a plain, democratic sort of a man who believes in plain mannera and especially the "Simple Life," great er effort w#s put forth this time than ever before by the committee in charge of the ceremonies to exceed all former occasions of this sort and they succeed­ ed admirably. THE London Lancet is now attacking the beef trust on sanitary grounds It really does seem unhealthy to belong to a trust at the present time. A KALAMAZOO physician has discov- ered a man entirely without brains The only advise we can give is to chloro­ form him or irive him a federal position. THE California Senate has expelled those four members who accepted bribes of $350 each. They should have known better than to accept less than a thou­ sand. MR. ROOSEVELT will not get that $25,000 dollars raise in his salary as Congress was too busy looking after its "private affairs" to bother with the President. ( IT was very considerate of the weath­ er man to get his snow-storm and bad weather in during the first part of inau­ guration week and to leave the best for inauguration day. ALTHOUGH the Senate a^qfrttted •Fudge Swayne in the impeachment trial it is understood that they let him off easy with the understanding that he will not'ever do it again. • THERE is ample justification for the recent effort that was made to raise the President of America's salary, as he has been called upon to act as policeman for the whole western hemisphere. THE Souix Indians were much disap pointed because they were not allowed to march in the inaugural procession. They thought our Inauguration was go­ ing to be a circus or wild west show. Sioux CITY,' Iowa, has a wonderful prodigy in a young girl. She can read one's thmicrhts nnd foil +V«n nmnilnt nt uion^v in a purse without looking at it and make a great heavy table dance a jig. Would it not lie a good idea to «end her dj»wn into Kansas where they are trying to make the "Standard Oil" danctj. A,, jig. Every little you know, x If takeni this month, keeps you Well all summer. It makes tiie little ones eat, sleep and grow. A spring tonic for the whole family. Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. 35 cents, Tea or Tab l e t s . G . W . B e s l e y . - : , Don't forget the "want *dMoofttttinf IT would be inexcusable extrava­ gance for the government to publish a history of the Revolution; "The Daugh­ ters of the Revolution" have alrerdy at­ tended to this matter in elaborate form. SENATOR MCCUMBER of South Da­ kota wants wtftat and cotton statistics collected once a month. Why not once a day, so the "lambs" could have a dope sheet every morning before going to slaughter? THE Cincinnati Enquirer wants to know what the Wisconsin legislature meant tfy passing a bill prohibiting the sale of giant firecrackers and then send­ ing its "biggest explosive" to the Unit­ ed States Senate. SEVERAL over sensitive persons throughout the country have been get­ ting nervous for fear Santo Domingo would want to seek protection, under Uncle S^m's sheltering winja; and thus become a part of this nation, but Secre­ tary Hay has assured them that we would not have the island as a gift. We hope their hearts will be "easy now." Etfery Two Minutes Physicians tell us that all the b 1 o od in a healthy human body passes through the heart once in every two minutes. If this action be­ comes irregular the whole body suffers. Poor health follows poor blood ; Scott's Emulsion makes the blood pure. One reason why SCOTT'S EMULSION is such a great aid is because it passes so quickly into the blood. It is partly di­ gested before it enters the stomach ; a double advan­ tage in this. Less work for the stomach; quicker and more direct benefits. To get the greatest amount of good with the least pos­ sible effort is the desire of everyone in poor health. Scott's Emulsion does just that. A change for the better takes place even be­ fore, you expect it. We will tend you a •ample free. Be sure that thit picture in the form of a label is on the wrap­ per of every bottle of Emulsion you buy. SCOTT & BOWNE Chemiitt 409 Pearl St., N. Y. jo cent* and (l. oo All draggilU STIt_L_ O ft All Winter Goods must be closed out to make room £• • for Spring and Summer Goods which are arriving If every day. Tfre following1 (roods will tie sold at & cost and below: 9 . - , • - . | M e n ' 3 L / n < i e r w ^ a i r f I Ladies' Underwear,^ I Children^ Underwear, 1 3tool<ir?Ss» Flanirielette, Et<3&; ri Groceries our Prices re always the lowest. }!Sleep^ l^ye Flour arid get th£ BBSI3P. . m-. 'It1 Do roil Think 11? That all Robbers are Plumb­ ers or all Plumbers Robbers. We (an show you different We have several hundred cus­ tomers in this vicinity who have hAd work done and pur­ chased goods from us, all being well pleased with the wd!y we do business. Our hobby has been to please our customers. One satisfied cus­ tomer is worth more to u*than twenty-five dollars in adver­ tisings We attend to all small jobs promptly and 5'ou can't scare us with a big one either. We meet Chicago prices on all material and don't charge any more for labor than any other mechanic. Our" prices on Pumps, Pipes, Fittings will surprise you. Our INFOR­ MATION BUREAjU is free , and we cairgive you Pointers on how to use WATER„HEAT and LIGHT. Herbes, - Plumbing Telephone 881. - McHenry, 111. Having decided to quit the Implement Business I hereby offer for sate my en- tire stock of Farm Imple­ ments at cost for Cash, con­ sisting of the following line of goods: The Janes ville Reliance Gang and Sulky Plows, Budlong Disk Har­ rows, Grand Detour and Janesville Walking Plows; Spike- Tooth Harrows, Prairie City Seeders, Shoe and Hoe Drills 6 blade Cul­ tivators, 5-tooth Lever liu&gies and Surries we have a few of them left Walking Cultivators, I'-row Cultivators. in both Rubber and Steel Tires that will be closed out with the rest. One Phaeton and Trap which have both been used, but are in Excellent Condition. Also a few second-hand light Wagons and Bobs. This sale is bonafide and the goods will be sold as above stated. Sale now on and will .continue until closed out. , _ , ' w w. . _ T. J. WALSH. FANCr GROCERS A few remarkable bar­ gains in good Groceries: Fresh Rolled Oats4 0 e p e r p o t i n d . . . . . . . . * » v Breakfast Foods, 15ct!/ pkg, Malta Vita, J5tc. Jv 2ft>. can new. Corn, C/ f i n e s t p e r e a n . . i 2 lt>. can new Peas, C / f i n e s t , p e r c a n . . . . . . ^ Snyder'« Tomatp IA/ Catsup, per pt bot. I"v 31ft. can Baked Beans C/ in tomato sauce, prcan Good Japan Tea, Ifl/ all you want; per It)' Gal. Table Syrup, 1 g-al. pails, per pail^Jl" Corona Flour, ̂ | ̂ g per sack..... Victor Flour, per Sack Victor Flour, £ J rnrnim--m--mmmmmtmm--mmmm--mmmB TRY OUR SMOKED HERRING & WHITE FISH,NOTHING LIKE THEfl IN TOWN. COMPANY. Underwear IT would take a prophet or the son of a prophet to tell who is who in Colo rado. - KANSAS iB going after the oil refiner* in a most vigorous manner and is not | using "crude" methods either.. SANTO DOMINGO came knocking: at j our door almost too late, as we already have an abundant supply of "dark meat." IT is very regretable that New Jm»y is so bashful while several other stilted are going after the trusts with hamui >r and tongs. , GENERAL. GKIPKNBKKO says he lost his health in Manchuria. He will be fortunate if he does not loose his head in St. Petersburg. A CRANK has sent a bomb to Senator Penrose of Pennsylvania. This fellow evidently mrotoob his man, as Penrose never did any harm. JOHN W. GATES of Chicago has abandoned his big deal in wheat. John evidently thinks it a shame to make New Arrivals in CHILD'S SHOES! Infants' Kid Lace Shoes , 49c Child's Kid Lace Shoes, 5 1-2 to 8 .. .59c Infant's Kid Lace Shoes, 3 to 8.69c Child's Kid Lace Shoes, I 1-2 to 2. .87c Child's Kid Lace Shoes, fancy top in red and black, l5 1-2 t o 8 . . . . . . . . . . . 0 9 c Child's Kid Lace and Button S h o e s , p a t e n t t i p , s i z e s 8 1 - 2 t o 1 1 . * 1 . 1 0 Misses' Dong. Lace Shoes, pat. tip, extension sole, sizes 1 1 1 - 2 t o 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 1 . 1 0 Cfiild's Dong. Lace Shoes, pat. ' tip, ex. soles, sizes 8 1-2 to 11. 98c Misses' Kid Lace pat. tip Shoes matt, top medium wt. sole. .$1.69 Woman's kid lace pat. tip Shoes matt, top, low heel, 21-2 to 5.$1.98 Gowns! Gowns! Gowns! Ladies' Night Gowns,, made of good quality Muslin, full cat embroidered C o l l a r a n d C u f f s , a t . • . • • • • . • • Ladies' Night Gowns made of fine quality Muslin, full cut, tucked y°ke^fc««l with lace insertion, lace trimmed collar & cuffs, spcl. price for garment.. See our lace-trimmed Ladies' Gowns at 49c tvrvd 69c Corset CoveM-^A Inap Ladies' Corset Covers, lace and tucked yoke and front at. *48e Ladies' Corset Cover, made of good quality Muslin, trimmed with torchon inser­ tion and lace to match, special value only fc.................. . 39c Men's fast black half Hose, at.... .....v.......10c Misses' fine ribbed Hose, absolutely fast black.... 10c SILK VEILING, at per yard.....,5c. Block & Bethke Cash Department Store, McHenry .Illinois. - - * 'Phone 514 A • -iQ

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